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[2/9] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-672. Add python module pygresql back into hawq workspace
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d28b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# $Id:,v 1.27 2008/11/21 17:08:17 cito Exp $
+"""Setup script for PyGreSQL version 4.0
+Authors and history:
+* PyGreSQL written 1997 by D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>
+* based on code written 1995 by Pascal Andre <>
+* setup script created 2000/04 Mark Alexander <>
+* tweaked 2000/05 Jeremy Hylton <>
+* win32 support 2001/01 by Gerhard Haering <>
+* tweaked 2006/02 and 2008/11 by Christoph Zwerschke <>
+Prerequisites to be installed:
+* Python including devel package (header files and distutils)
+* PostgreSQL libs and devel packages (header files of client and server)
+* PostgreSQL pg_config tool (usually included in the devel package)
+  (the Windows installer has it as part of the database server feature)
+Tested with Python 2.5.2 and PostGreSQL 8.3.5. Older version should work
+as well, but you will need at least Python 2.3 and PostgreSQL 7.4.
+Use as follows:
+python build   # to build the module
+python install # to install it
+You should use MinGW ( for building on Win32:
+python build -c mingw32 install # use MinGW
+Note that Python newer than version 2.3 is using msvcr71 instead of msvcrt
+as its common runtime library. So, if you are using MinGW to build PyGreSQL,
+you should edit the file "%MinGWpath%/lib/gcc/%MinGWversion%/specs"
+and change the entry that reads -lmsvcrt to -lmsvcr71.
+See for more information on
+using distutils to install Python programs.
+version = "4.0"
+import sys
+if not (2, 2) < sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0):
+    raise Exception("PyGreSQL %s requires a Python 2 version"
+        " newer than 2.2." % version)
+import os
+from distutils.core import setup
+from distutils.extension import Extension
+def pg_config(s):
+    """Retrieve information about installed version of PostgreSQL."""
+    if os.path.exists("../../../../src/bin/pg_config/pg_config"):
+        f = os.popen("../../../../src/bin/pg_config/pg_config --%s" % s)
+    else:
+        """If a VPATH build, it might not be there.  Look other places"""
+        """It should be the one in the path, because the makefile includes """
+        f = os.popen("pg_config --%s" % s)
+    d = f.readline().strip()
+    if f.close() is not None:
+        raise Exception("pg_config tool is not available.")
+    if not d:
+        raise Exception("Could not get %s information." % s)
+    return d
+def mk_include():
+    """Create a temporary local include directory.
+    The directory will contain a copy of the PostgreSQL server header files,
+    where all features which are not necessary for PyGreSQL are disabled.
+    """
+    os.mkdir('include')
+    for f in os.listdir(pg_include_dir_server):
+        if not f.endswith('.h'):
+            continue
+        d = open(os.path.join(pg_include_dir_server, f)).read()
+        if f == 'pg_config.h':
+            d += '\n'.join(('',
+                '#undef ENABLE_NLS',
+                '#undef USE_REPL_SNPRINTF',
+                '#undef USE_SSL',
+                '#undef USE_ZLIB',
+                '#undef HAVE_STDINT_H',
+                '#undef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H',
+                '#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H',
+                '#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1',
+                '#define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T 1',
+                ''))
+        open(os.path.join('include', f), 'w').write(d)
+def rm_include():
+    """Remove the temporary local include directory."""
+    if os.path.exists('include'):
+        for f in os.listdir('include'):
+            os.remove(os.path.join('include', f))
+        os.rmdir('include')
+pg_include_dir = pg_config('includedir')
+pg_include_dir_server = pg_config('includedir-server')
+include_dirs = ['include', pg_include_dir,  pg_include_dir_server]
+pg_libdir = pg_config('libdir')
+library_dirs = [pg_libdir]
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+    include_dirs.append(os.path.join(pg_include_dir_server, 'port/win32'))
+    name="PyGreSQL",
+    version=version,
+    description="Python PostgreSQL Interfaces",
+    long_description = ("PyGreSQL is an open-source Python module"
+        " that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database."
+        " It embeds the PostgreSQL query library to allow easy use"
+        " of the powerful PostgreSQL features from a Python script."),
+    keywords="postgresql database api dbapi",
+    author="D'Arcy J. M. Cain",
+    author_email="",
+    url="",
+    download_url = "",
+    platforms = ["any"],
+    license="Python",
+    py_modules=['pg', 'pgdb'],
+    ext_modules=[Extension(
+        '_pg', ['pgmodule.c'],
+        include_dirs = include_dirs,
+        library_dirs = library_dirs,
+        libraries = libraries,
+        extra_compile_args = ['-O2']
+    )],
+    classifiers=[
+        "Development Status :: 6 - Mature",
+        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+        "License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License",
+        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+        "Programming Language :: C",
+        "Programming Language :: Python",
+        "Topic :: Database",
+        "Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends",
+        "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules"
+    ]
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41a5bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# - demo of advanced features of PostGres. Some may not be ANSI.
+# inspired from the Postgres tutorial 
+# adapted to Python 1995 by Pascal Andre
+print """
+This module is designed for being imported from python prompt
+In order to run the samples included here, first create a connection
+using :                        cnx = advanced.DB(...)
+The "..." should be replaced with whatever arguments you need to open an
+existing database.  Usually all you need is the name of the database and,
+in fact, if it is the same as your login name, you can leave it empty.
+then start the demo with:      advanced.demo(cnx)
+from pg import DB
+import sys
+# waits for a key
+def wait_key():
+	print "Press <enter>"
+# inheritance features
+def inherit_demo(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Inheritance:"
+	print "--   a table can inherit from zero or more tables. A query"
+	print "--   can reference either all rows of a table or all rows "
+	print "--   of a table plus all of its descendants."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- For example, the capitals table inherits from cities table."
+	print "-- (It inherits  all data fields from cities.)"
+	print
+	print "CREATE TABLE cities ("
+	print "    name         text,"
+	print "    population   float8,"
+	print "    altitude     int"
+	print ")"
+	print
+	print "CREATE TABLE capitals ("
+	print "    state        varchar(2)"
+	print ") INHERITS (cities)"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE TABLE cities (
+        name        text,
+        population  float8,
+        altitude    int)""")
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE TABLE capitals (
+        state       varchar(2)) INHERITS (cities)""")
+	wait_key()
+	print
+	print "-- now, let's populate the tables"
+	print
+	print "INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('San Francisco', 7.24E+5, 63)"
+	print "INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Las Vegas', 2.583E+5, 2174)"
+	print "INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Mariposa', 1200, 1953)"
+	print
+	print "INSERT INTO capitals VALUES ('Sacramento', 3.694E+5, 30, 'CA')"
+	print "INSERT INTO capitals VALUES ('Madison', 1.913E+5, 845, 'WI')"
+	print
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('San Francisco', 7.24E+5, 63)")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Las Vegas', 2.583E+5, 2174)")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Mariposa', 1200, 1953)")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO capitals VALUES ('Sacramento',3.694E+5,30,'CA')")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO capitals VALUES ('Madison', 1.913E+5, 845, 'WI')")
+	print
+	print "SELECT * FROM cities"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * FROM cities")
+	print "SELECT * FROM capitals"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * FROM capitals")
+	print
+	print "-- like before, a regular query references rows of the base"
+	print "-- table only"
+	print
+	print "SELECT name, altitude"
+	print "FROM cities"
+	print "WHERE altitude > 500;"
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT name, altitude
+        FROM cities
+        WHERE altitude > 500""")
+	print
+	print "-- on the other hand, you can find all cities, including "
+	print "-- capitals, that are located at an altitude of 500 'ft "
+	print "-- or higher by:"
+	print
+	print "SELECT, c.altitude"
+	print "FROM cities* c"
+	print "WHERE c.altitude > 500"
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT, c.altitude
+        FROM cities* c
+        WHERE c.altitude > 500""")
+# arrays attributes 
+def array_demo(pgcnx):
+	print "----------------------"
+	print "-- Arrays:"
+	print "--      attributes can be arrays of base types or user-defined "
+	print "--      types"
+	print "----------------------"
+	print
+	print "CREATE TABLE sal_emp ("
+	print "    name            text,"
+	print "    pay_by_quarter  int4[],"
+	print "    pay_by_extra_quarter  int8[],"
+	print "    schedule        text[][]"
+	print ")"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE TABLE sal_emp (
+        name              text,
+        pay_by_quarter    int4[],
+        pay_by_extra_quarter    int8[],
+        schedule          text[][])""")
+	wait_key()
+	print
+	print "-- insert instances with array attributes.  "
+	print "   Note the use of braces"
+	print
+	print "INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ("
+	print "    'Bill',"
+	print "    '{10000,10000,10000,10000}',"
+	print "    '{9223372036854775800,9223372036854775800,9223372036854775800}',"
+	print "    '{{\"meeting\", \"lunch\"}, {}}')"
+	print
+	print "INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ("
+	print "    'Carol',"
+	print "    '{20000,25000,25000,25000}',"
+	print "    '{9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807}',"
+	print "    '{{\"talk\", \"consult\"}, {\"meeting\"}}')"
+	print
+	pgcnx.query("""INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES (
+        'Bill', '{10000,10000,10000,10000}',
+	'{9223372036854775800,9223372036854775800,9223372036854775800}',
+        '{{\"meeting\", \"lunch\"}, {}}')""")
+	pgcnx.query("""INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES (
+        'Carol', '{20000,25000,25000,25000}',
+	'{9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807}',
+        '{{\"talk\", \"consult\"}, {\"meeting\"}}')""")
+	wait_key()
+	print
+	print "----------------------"
+	print "-- queries on array attributes"
+	print "----------------------"
+	print
+	print "SELECT name FROM sal_emp WHERE"
+	print "  sal_emp.pay_by_quarter[1] <> sal_emp.pay_by_quarter[2]"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT name FROM sal_emp WHERE
+        sal_emp.pay_by_quarter[1] <> sal_emp.pay_by_quarter[2]""")
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT name FROM sal_emp WHERE
+        sal_emp.pay_by_extra_quarter[1] <> sal_emp.pay_by_extra_quarter[2]""")
+	print
+	print "-- retrieve third quarter pay of all employees"
+	print 
+	print "SELECT sal_emp.pay_by_quarter[3] FROM sal_emp"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT sal_emp.pay_by_quarter[3] FROM sal_emp")
+	print
+	print "-- retrieve third quarter extra pay of all employees"
+	print 
+	print "SELECT sal_emp.pay_by_extra_quarter[3] FROM sal_emp"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT sal_emp.pay_by_extra_quarter[3] FROM sal_emp")
+	print 
+	print "-- retrieve first two quarters of extra quarter pay of all employees"
+	print 
+	print "SELECT sal_emp.pay_by_extra_quarter[1:2] FROM sal_emp"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT sal_emp.pay_by_extra_quarter[1:2] FROM sal_emp")
+	print
+	print "-- select subarrays"
+	print 
+	print "SELECT sal_emp.schedule[1:2][1:1] FROM sal_emp WHERE"
+	print " = 'Bill'"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT sal_emp.schedule[1:2][1:1] FROM sal_emp WHERE " \
+        " = 'Bill'")
+# base cleanup
+def demo_cleanup(pgcnx):
+	print "-- clean up (you must remove the children first)"
+	print "DROP TABLE sal_emp"
+	print "DROP TABLE capitals"
+	print "DROP TABLE cities;"
+	pgcnx.query("DROP TABLE sal_emp")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP TABLE capitals")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP TABLE cities")
+# main demo function
+def demo(pgcnx):
+	inherit_demo(pgcnx)
+	array_demo(pgcnx)
+	demo_cleanup(pgcnx)
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..98a7f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# - basic SQL commands tutorial
+# inspired from the Postgres95 tutorial 
+# adapted to Python 1995 by Pascal ANDRE
+print """
+This module is designed for being imported from python prompt
+In order to run the samples included here, first create a connection
+using :                        cnx = basics.DB(...)
+The "..." should be replaced with whatever arguments you need to open an
+existing database.  Usually all you need is the name of the database and,
+in fact, if it is the same as your login name, you can leave it empty.
+then start the demo with:      basics.demo(cnx)
+from pg import DB
+import sys
+# waits for a key
+def wait_key():
+	print "Press <enter>"
+# table creation commands
+def create_table(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Creating a table:"
+	print "--  a CREATE TABLE is used to create base tables. POSTGRES"
+	print "--  SQL has its own set of built-in types. (Note that"
+	print "--  keywords are case-insensitive but identifiers are "
+	print "--  case-sensitive.)"
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "Sending query :"
+	print "CREATE TABLE weather ("
+        print "    city            varchar(80),"
+        print "    temp_lo         int,"
+        print "    temp_hi         int,"
+        print "    prcp            float8,"
+        print "    date            date"
+        print ")"
+        pgcnx.query("""CREATE TABLE weather (city varchar(80), temp_lo int,
+            temp_hi int, prcp float8, date date)""")
+	print
+	print "Sending query :"
+	print "CREATE TABLE cities ("
+	print "    name        varchar(80),"
+	print "    location    point"
+	print ")"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE TABLE cities (
+        name     varchar(80),
+        location point)""")
+# data insertion commands
+def insert_data(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Inserting data:"
+	print "--  an INSERT statement is used to insert a new row into"
+	print "--  a table. There are several ways you can specify what"
+	print "--  columns the data should go to."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- 1. the simplest case is when the list of value correspond to"
+	print "--    the order of the columns specified in CREATE TABLE."
+	print
+	print "Sending query :"
+	print "INSERT INTO weather "
+	print "   VALUES ('San Francisco', 46, 50, 0.25, '11/27/1994')"
+	pgcnx.query("""INSERT INTO weather
+        VALUES ('San Francisco', 46, 50, 0.25, '11/27/1994')""")
+	print
+	print "Sending query :"
+	print "INSERT INTO cities "
+	print "   VALUES ('San Francisco', '(-194.0, 53.0)')"
+	pgcnx.query("""INSERT INTO cities
+        VALUES ('San Francisco', '(-194.0, 53.0)')""")
+	print
+	wait_key()
+	print "-- 2. you can also specify what column the values correspond "
+	print "     to. (The columns can be specified in any order. You may "
+	print "     also omit any number of columns. eg. unknown precipitation"
+	print "     below)"
+	print "Sending query :"
+	print "INSERT INTO weather (city, temp_lo, temp_hi, prcp, date)"
+	print "   VALUES ('San Francisco', 43, 57, 0.0, '11/29/1994')"
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO weather (date, city, temp_hi, temp_lo)" \
+        "VALUES ('11/29/1994', 'Hayward', 54, 37)")
+# direct selection commands
+def select_data1(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Retrieving data:"
+	print "--  a SELECT statement is used for retrieving data. The "
+	print "--  basic syntax is:"
+	print "--      SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE predicates"
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- a simple one would be the query:"
+	print "SELECT * FROM weather"
+	print 
+	print "The result is :"
+	q = pgcnx.query("SELECT * FROM weather")
+	print q
+	print
+	print "-- you may also specify expressions in the target list (the "
+	print "-- 'AS column' specifies the column name of the result. It is "
+	print "-- optional.)"
+	print "The query :"
+	print "   SELECT city, (temp_hi+temp_lo)/2 AS temp_avg, date "
+	print "   FROM weather"
+	print "Gives :"
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT city, (temp_hi+temp_lo)/2
+        AS temp_avg, date FROM weather""")
+	print
+	print "-- if you want to retrieve rows that satisfy certain condition"
+	print "-- (ie. a restriction), specify the condition in WHERE. The "
+	print "-- following retrieves the weather of San Francisco on rainy "
+	print "-- days."
+	print "SELECT *"
+	print "FROM weather"
+	print "WHERE city = 'San Francisco' "
+	print "  and prcp > 0.0"
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT * FROM weather WHERE city = 'San Francisco'
+        AND prcp > 0.0""")
+	print
+	print "-- here is a more complicated one. Duplicates are removed when "
+	print "-- DISTINCT is specified. ORDER BY specifies the column to sort"
+	print "-- on. (Just to make sure the following won't confuse you, "
+	print "-- DISTINCT and ORDER BY can be used separately.)"
+	print "SELECT DISTINCT city"
+	print "FROM weather"
+	print "ORDER BY city;"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT DISTINCT city FROM weather ORDER BY city")
+# selection to a temporary table
+def select_data2(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Retrieving data into other classes:"
+	print "--  a SELECT ... INTO statement can be used to retrieve "
+	print "--  data into another class."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print 
+	print "The query :"
+	print "SELECT * INTO TABLE temptab "
+	print "FROM weather"
+	print "WHERE city = 'San Francisco' "
+	print "  and prcp > 0.0"
+	pgcnx.query("""SELECT * INTO TABLE temptab FROM weather
+        WHERE city = 'San Francisco' and prcp > 0.0""")
+	print "Fills the table temptab, that can be listed with :"
+	print "SELECT * from temptab"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * from temptab")
+# aggregate creation commands
+def create_aggregate(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Aggregates"
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "Let's consider the query :"
+	print "SELECT max(temp_lo)"
+	print "FROM weather;"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT max(temp_lo) FROM weather")
+	print 
+	print "-- Aggregate with GROUP BY"
+	print "SELECT city, max(temp_lo)"
+	print "FROM weather "
+	print "GROUP BY city;"
+	print pgcnx.query( """SELECT city, max(temp_lo)
+        FROM weather GROUP BY city""")
+# table join commands
+def join_table(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Joining tables:"
+	print "--  queries can access multiple tables at once or access"
+	print "--  the same table in such a way that multiple instances"
+	print "--  of the table are being processed at the same time."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- suppose we want to find all the records that are in the "
+	print "-- temperature range of other records. W1 and W2 are aliases "
+	print "--for weather."
+	print
+	print "SELECT, W1.temp_lo, W1.temp_hi, "
+	print ", W2.temp_lo, W2.temp_hi"
+	print "FROM weather W1, weather W2"
+	print "WHERE W1.temp_lo < W2.temp_lo "
+	print "  and W1.temp_hi > W2.temp_hi"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT, W1.temp_lo, W1.temp_hi,
+, W2.temp_lo, W2.temp_hi FROM weather W1, weather W2
+        WHERE W1.temp_lo < W2.temp_lo and W1.temp_hi > W2.temp_hi""")
+	print
+	print "-- let's join two tables. The following joins the weather table"
+	print "-- and the cities table."
+	print
+	print "SELECT city, location, prcp, date"
+	print "FROM weather, cities"
+	print "WHERE name = city"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT city, location, prcp, date FROM weather, cities
+        WHERE name = city""")
+	print
+	print "-- since the column names are all different, we don't have to "
+	print "-- specify the table name. If you want to be clear, you can do "
+	print "-- the following. They give identical results, of course."
+	print
+	print "SELECT, c.location, w.prcp,"
+	print "FROM weather w, cities c"
+	print "WHERE =;"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT, c.location, w.prcp,
+        FROM weather w, cities c WHERE =""")
+# data updating commands
+def update_data(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Updating data:"
+	print "--  an UPDATE statement is used for updating data. "
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print 
+	print "-- suppose you discover the temperature readings are all off by"
+	print "-- 2 degrees as of Nov 28, you may update the data as follow:"
+	print
+	print "UPDATE weather"
+	print "  SET temp_hi = temp_hi - 2,  temp_lo = temp_lo - 2"
+	print "  WHERE date > '11/28/1994'"
+	print
+	pgcnx.query("""UPDATE weather
+        SET temp_hi = temp_hi - 2,  temp_lo = temp_lo - 2
+        WHERE date > '11/28/1994'""")
+	print
+	print "SELECT * from weather"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * from weather")
+# data deletion commands
+def delete_data(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Deleting data:"
+	print "--  a DELETE statement is used for deleting rows from a "
+	print "--  table."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- suppose you are no longer interested in the weather of "
+	print "-- Hayward, you can do the following to delete those rows from"
+	print "-- the table"
+	print
+	print "DELETE FROM weather WHERE city = 'Hayward'"
+	pgcnx.query("DELETE FROM weather WHERE city = 'Hayward'")
+	print
+	print "SELECT * from weather"
+	print
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * from weather")
+	print
+	print "-- you can also delete all the rows in a table by doing the "
+	print "-- following. (This is different from DROP TABLE which removes "
+	print "-- the table in addition to the removing the rows.)"
+	print
+	print "DELETE FROM weather"
+	pgcnx.query("DELETE FROM weather")
+	print
+	print "SELECT * from weather"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * from weather")
+# table removal commands
+def remove_table(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Removing the tables:"
+	print "--  DROP TABLE is used to remove tables. After you have"
+	print "--  done this, you can no longer use those tables."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "DROP TABLE weather, cities, temptab"
+	pgcnx.query("DROP TABLE weather, cities, temptab")
+# main demo function
+def demo(pgcnx):
+	create_table(pgcnx)
+	wait_key()
+	insert_data(pgcnx)
+	wait_key()
+	select_data1(pgcnx)
+	select_data2(pgcnx)
+	create_aggregate(pgcnx)
+	join_table(pgcnx)
+	update_data(pgcnx)
+	delete_data(pgcnx)
+	remove_table(pgcnx)
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af2b412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# - demonstrate the use of SQL functions
+# inspired from the PostgreSQL tutorial 
+# adapted to Python 1995 by Pascal ANDRE
+print """
+This module is designed for being imported from python prompt
+In order to run the samples included here, first create a connection
+using :                        cnx = func.DB(...)
+The "..." should be replaced with whatever arguments you need to open an
+existing database.  Usually all you need is the name of the database and,
+in fact, if it is the same as your login name, you can leave it empty.
+then start the demo with:      func.demo(cnx)
+from pg import DB
+import sys
+# waits for a key
+def wait_key():
+	print "Press <enter>"
+# basic functions declaration
+def base_func(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Creating SQL Functions on Base Types"
+	print "--  a CREATE FUNCTION statement lets you create a new "
+	print "--  function that can be used in expressions (in SELECT, "
+	print "--  INSERT, etc.). We will start with functions that "
+	print "--  return values of base types."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "--"
+	print "-- let's create a simple SQL function that takes no arguments"
+	print "-- and returns 1"
+	print
+	print "CREATE FUNCTION one() RETURNS int4"
+	print "   AS 'SELECT 1 as ONE' LANGUAGE 'sql'"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE FUNCTION one() RETURNS int4
+        AS 'SELECT 1 as ONE' LANGUAGE 'sql'""")
+	wait_key()
+	print
+	print "--"
+	print "-- functions can be used in any expressions (eg. in the target"
+	print "-- list or qualifications)"
+	print
+	print "SELECT one() AS answer"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT one() AS answer")
+	print
+	print "--"
+	print "-- here's how you create a function that takes arguments. The"
+	print "-- following function returns the sum of its two arguments:"
+	print
+	print "CREATE FUNCTION add_em(int4, int4) RETURNS int4"
+	print "   AS 'SELECT $1 + $2' LANGUAGE 'sql'"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE FUNCTION add_em(int4, int4) RETURNS int4
+        AS 'SELECT $1 + $2' LANGUAGE 'sql'""")
+	print
+	print "SELECT add_em(1, 2) AS answer"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT add_em(1, 2) AS answer")
+# functions on composite types
+def comp_func(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Creating SQL Functions on Composite Types"
+	print "--  it is also possible to create functions that return"
+	print "--  values of composite types."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- before we create more sophisticated functions, let's "
+	print "-- populate an EMP table"
+	print
+	print "CREATE TABLE EMP ("
+	print "    name    text,"
+	print "    salary  int4,"
+	print "    age     int4,"
+	print "    dept    varchar(16)"
+	print ")"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE TABLE EMP (
+        name        text,
+        salary      int4,
+        age         int4,
+        dept        varchar(16))""")
+	print
+	print "INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Sam', 1200, 16, 'toy')"
+	print "INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Claire', 5000, 32, 'shoe')"
+	print "INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Andy', -1000, 2, 'candy')"
+	print "INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Bill', 4200, 36, 'shoe')"
+	print "INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Ginger', 4800, 30, 'candy')"
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Sam', 1200, 16, 'toy')")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Claire', 5000, 32, 'shoe')")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Andy', -1000, 2, 'candy')")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Bill', 4200, 36, 'shoe')")
+	pgcnx.query("INSERT INTO EMP VALUES ('Ginger', 4800, 30, 'candy')")
+	wait_key()
+	print
+	print "-- the argument of a function can also be a tuple. For "
+	print "-- instance, double_salary takes a tuple of the EMP table"
+	print
+	print "CREATE FUNCTION double_salary(EMP) RETURNS int4"
+	print "   AS 'SELECT $1.salary * 2 AS salary' LANGUAGE 'sql'"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE FUNCTION double_salary(EMP) RETURNS int4
+        AS 'SELECT $1.salary * 2 AS salary' LANGUAGE 'sql'""")
+	print
+	print "SELECT name, double_salary(EMP) AS dream"
+	print "FROM EMP"
+	print "WHERE EMP.dept = 'toy'"
+	print pgcnx.query("""SELECT name, double_salary(EMP) AS dream
+        FROM EMP WHERE EMP.dept = 'toy'""")
+	print
+	print "-- the return value of a function can also be a tuple. However,"
+	print "-- make sure that the expressions in the target list is in the "
+	print "-- same order as the columns of EMP."
+	print
+	print "   AS 'SELECT \'None\'::text AS name,"
+	print "              1000 AS salary,"
+	print "              25 AS age,"
+	print "              \'none\'::varchar(16) AS dept'"
+	print "   LANGUAGE 'sql'"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE FUNCTION new_emp() RETURNS EMP
+        AS 'SELECT \\\'None\\\'::text AS name,
+            1000 AS salary,
+            25 AS age,
+            \\\'none\\\'::varchar(16) AS dept'
+        LANGUAGE 'sql'""")
+	wait_key()
+	print
+	print "-- you can then project a column out of resulting the tuple by"
+	print "-- using the \"function notation\" for projection columns. "
+	print "-- (ie. bar(foo) is equivalent to Note that we don't"
+	print "-- support new_emp().name at this moment."
+	print
+	print "SELECT name(new_emp()) AS nobody"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT name(new_emp()) AS nobody")
+	print
+	print "-- let's try one more function that returns tuples"
+	print "CREATE FUNCTION high_pay() RETURNS setof EMP"
+	print "   AS 'SELECT * FROM EMP where salary > 1500'"
+	print "   LANGUAGE 'sql'"
+	pgcnx.query("""CREATE FUNCTION high_pay() RETURNS setof EMP
+        AS 'SELECT * FROM EMP where salary > 1500'
+        LANGUAGE 'sql'""")
+	print
+	print "SELECT name(high_pay()) AS overpaid"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT name(high_pay()) AS overpaid")
+# function with multiple SQL commands
+def mult_func(pgcnx):
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print "-- Creating SQL Functions with multiple SQL statements"
+	print "--  you can also create functions that do more than just a"
+	print "--  SELECT."
+	print "-----------------------------"
+	print
+	print "-- you may have noticed that Andy has a negative salary. We'll"
+	print "-- create a function that removes employees with negative "
+	print "-- salaries."
+	print
+	print "SELECT * FROM EMP"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * FROM EMP")
+	print
+	print "CREATE FUNCTION clean_EMP () RETURNS int4"
+	print "   AS 'DELETE FROM EMP WHERE EMP.salary <= 0"
+	print "       SELECT 1 AS ignore_this'"
+	print "   LANGUAGE 'sql'"
+	pgcnx.query("CREATE FUNCTION clean_EMP () RETURNS int4 AS 'DELETE FROM EMP WHERE EMP.salary <= 0; SELECT 1 AS ignore_this' LANGUAGE 'sql'")
+	print
+	print "SELECT clean_EMP()"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT clean_EMP()")
+	print
+	print "SELECT * FROM EMP"
+	print pgcnx.query("SELECT * FROM EMP")
+# base cleanup
+def demo_cleanup(pgcnx):
+	print "-- remove functions that were created in this file"
+	print
+	print "DROP FUNCTION clean_EMP()"
+	print "DROP FUNCTION high_pay()"
+	print "DROP FUNCTION new_emp()"
+	print "DROP FUNCTION add_em(int4, int4)"
+	print "DROP FUNCTION one()"
+	print
+	pgcnx.query("DROP FUNCTION clean_EMP()")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP FUNCTION high_pay()")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP FUNCTION new_emp()")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP FUNCTION add_em(int4, int4)")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP FUNCTION one()")
+	pgcnx.query("DROP TABLE EMP CASCADE")
+# main demo function
+def demo(pgcnx):
+	base_func(pgcnx)
+	comp_func(pgcnx)
+	mult_func(pgcnx)
+	demo_cleanup(pgcnx)
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ab1d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/tutorial/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# - parses some system catalogs
+# inspired from the PostgreSQL tutorial 
+# adapted to Python 1995 by Pascal ANDRE
+print """
+This module is designed for being imported from python prompt
+In order to run the samples included here, first create a connection
+using :                        cnx = syscat.DB(...)
+The "..." should be replaced with whatever arguments you need to open an 
+existing database.  Usually all you need is the name of the database and,
+in fact, if it is the same as your login name, you can leave it empty.
+then start the demo with:      syscat.demo(cnx)
+Some results may be empty, depending on your base status."
+from pg import DB
+import sys
+# waits for a key
+def wait_key():
+	print "Press <enter>"
+# lists all simple indices
+def list_simple_ind(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT bc.relname AS class_name,
+			ic.relname AS index_name, a.attname
+		FROM pg_class bc, pg_class ic, pg_index i, pg_attribute a
+		WHERE i.indrelid = bc.oid AND i.indexrelid = bc.oid
+				AND i.indkey[0] = a.attnum AND a.attrelid = bc.oid
+				AND i.indproc = '0'::oid AND a.attisdropped = 'f'
+		ORDER BY class_name, index_name, attname""")
+	return result
+# list all user defined attributes and their type in user-defined classes
+def list_all_attr(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT c.relname, a.attname, t.typname
+		FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t
+		WHERE c.relkind = 'r' and c.relname !~ '^pg_'
+			AND c.relname !~ '^Inv' and a.attnum > 0
+			AND a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid
+                        AND a.attisdropped = 'f'
+			ORDER BY relname, attname""")
+	return result
+# list all user defined base type
+def list_user_base_type(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT u.usename, t.typname
+			FROM pg_type t, pg_user u
+			WHERE u.usesysid = int2in(int4out(t.typowner))
+				AND t.typrelid = '0'::oid and t.typelem = '0'::oid 
+				AND u.usename <> 'postgres' order by usename, typname""")
+	return result 
+# list all right-unary operators
+def list_right_unary_operator(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT o.oprname AS right_unary,
+			lt.typname AS operand, result.typname AS return_type
+		FROM pg_operator o, pg_type lt, pg_type result
+		WHERE o.oprkind='r' and o.oprleft = lt.oid
+			AND o.oprresult = result.oid
+		ORDER BY operand""")
+	return result
+# list all left-unary operators
+def list_left_unary_operator(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT o.oprname AS left_unary,
+			rt.typname AS operand, result.typname AS return_type
+		FROM pg_operator o, pg_type rt, pg_type result
+		WHERE o.oprkind='l' AND o.oprright = rt.oid
+			AND o.oprresult = result.oid
+		ORDER BY operand""")
+	return result
+# list all binary operators
+def list_binary_operator(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT o.oprname AS binary_op,
+			rt.typname AS right_opr, lt.typname AS left_opr,
+			result.typname AS return_type
+		FROM pg_operator o, pg_type rt, pg_type lt, pg_type result
+		WHERE o.oprkind = 'b' AND o.oprright = rt.oid
+			AND o.oprleft = lt.oid AND o.oprresult = result.oid""")
+	return result
+# returns the name, args and return type from all function of lang l
+def list_lang_func(pgcnx, l):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT p.proname, p.pronargs, t.typname
+		FROM pg_proc p, pg_language l, pg_type t
+		WHERE p.prolang = l.oid AND p.prorettype = t.oid
+			AND l.lanname = '%s'
+		ORDER BY proname""" % l)
+	return result
+# lists all the aggregate functions and the type to which they can be applied
+def list_agg_func(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT p.proname, t.typname
+		FROM pg_aggregate a, pg_proc p, pg_type t
+		WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid
+			and p.proargtypes[0] = t.oid
+		ORDER BY proname, typname""")
+	return result
+# lists all the operator classes that can be used with each access method as
+# well as the operators that can be used with the respective operator classes
+def list_op_class(pgcnx):
+	result = pgcnx.query("""SELECT am.amname, opc.opcname, opr.oprname
+		FROM pg_am am, pg_amop amop, pg_opclass opc, pg_operator opr
+		WHERE amop.amopid = am.oid and amop.amopclaid = opc.oid
+			AND amop.amopopr = opr.oid order by amname, opcname, oprname""")
+	return result
+# demo function - runs all examples
+def demo(pgcnx):
+	import sys, os
+	save_stdout = sys.stdout
+	sys.stdout = os.popen("more", "w")
+	print "Listing simple indices ..."
+	print list_simple_ind(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing all attributes ..."
+	print list_all_attr(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing all user-defined base types ..."
+	print list_user_base_type(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing all left-unary operators defined ..."
+	print list_left_unary_operator(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing all right-unary operators defined ..."
+	print list_right_unary_operator(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing all binary operators ..."
+	print list_binary_operator(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing C external function linked ..."
+	print list_lang_func(pgcnx, 'C')
+	print "Listing C internal functions ..."
+	print list_lang_func(pgcnx, 'internal')
+	print "Listing SQL functions defined ..."
+	print list_lang_func(pgcnx, 'sql')
+	print "Listing 'aggregate functions' ..."
+	print list_agg_func(pgcnx)
+	print "Listing 'operator classes' ..."
+	print list_op_class(pgcnx)
+	del sys.stdout
+	sys.stdout = save_stdout