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[GitHub] dewrich closed pull request #1659: TO -- tool to compare API output from 2 Traffic Ops

dewrich closed pull request #1659: TO -- tool to compare API output from 2 Traffic Ops

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

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+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
+# Traffic Ops Compare
+Use this tool to compare API output between two instances of Traffic Ops API.
+It logs in to each instance and then processes all given endpoints.  Any that get
+different results are reported and written to files in the output directory
+(default ./results).
+## Requirements
+Two Traffic Ops instances with login credentials (possibly different).  The following
+environment variables must be set:
+- `TO_URL`   -- the *reference* Traffic Ops (e.g. production version)
+- `TO_USER`  -- the username for `TO_URL`
+- `TO_PASSWORD`  -- the password for `TO_URL`
+- `TEST_URL` -- the *test* Traffic Ops (e.g. development version)
+These are optional:
+- `TEST_USER`  -- the username for `TO_URL` (default -- same as `TO_USER`)
+- `TEST_PASSWORD`  -- the password for `TO_URL` (default -- same as `TO_PASSWORD`)
+## Usage
+   go run compare.go [-results <dir>] [-route <API route] [-file <file of routes>] [-snapshot]
+- `-results <dir>` -- directory to write difference results
+- `-route <route>` -- a specific route to compare
+- `-file <file>`   -- file containing routes to check (-route takes precedence)
+- `-snapshot`      -- compare snapshot for each CDN
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/compare.go b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/compare.go
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+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/compare.go
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+package main
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"crypto/tls"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"flag"
+	"fmt"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"net/http"
+	"net/http/cookiejar"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"unicode"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// Environment variables used:
+//   TO_URL      -- URL for reference Traffic Ops
+//   TEST_URL    -- URL for test Traffic Ops
+//   TO_USER     -- Username for both instances
+//   TO_PASSWORD -- Password for both instances
+type Creds struct {
+	// common user/password
+	User     string `json:"u" required:"true"`
+	Password string `json:"p" required:"true"`
+type Connect struct {
+	// URL of reference traffic_ops
+	URL         string       `required:"true"`
+	Client      *http.Client `ignore:"true"`
+	ResultsPath string       `ignore:"true"`
+	creds       Creds        `ignore:"true"`
+func (to *Connect) login(creds Creds) error {
+	body, err := json.Marshal(creds)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	tr := &http.Transport{
+		TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
+	}
+	to.Client = &http.Client{Transport: tr}
+	url := to.URL + `/api/1.3/user/login`
+	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(body))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	// Create cookiejar so created cookie will be reused
+	jar, err := cookiejar.New(&cookiejar.Options{PublicSuffixList: publicsuffix.List})
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	to.Client.Jar = jar
+	resp, err := to.Client.Do(req)
+	defer func() {
+		if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
+			resp.Body.Close()
+		}
+	}()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	log.Printf("Logged in to %s: %s", to.URL, string(data))
+	return nil
+func testRoute(tos []*Connect, route string) {
+	// keeps result along with instance -- no guarantee on order collected
+	type result struct {
+		TO  *Connect
+		Res string
+	}
+	var res []result
+	ch := make(chan result, len(tos))
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	var m sync.Mutex
+	for _, to := range tos {
+		wg.Add(1)
+		go func(to *Connect) {
+			s, err := to.get(route)
+			if err != nil {
+				s = err.Error()
+			}
+			ch <- result{to, s}
+			wg.Done()
+		}(to)
+		wg.Add(1)
+		go func() {
+			m.Lock()
+			defer m.Unlock()
+			res = append(res, <-ch)
+			wg.Done()
+		}()
+	}
+	wg.Wait()
+	close(ch)
+	if res[0].Res == res[1].Res {
+		log.Printf("Identical results (%d bytes) from %s", len(res[0].Res), route)
+	} else {
+		log.Print("Diffs from ", route, " written to")
+		for _, r := range res {
+			p, err := r.TO.writeResults(route, r.Res)
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Fatal("Error writing results for ", route)
+			}
+			log.Print("  ", p)
+		}
+	}
+func (to *Connect) writeResults(route string, res string) (string, error) {
+	var dst bytes.Buffer
+	json.Indent(&dst, []byte(res), "", "  ")
+	m := func(r rune) rune {
+		if unicode.IsPunct(r) && r != '.' || unicode.IsSymbol(r) {
+			return '-'
+		}
+		return r
+	}
+	err := os.MkdirAll(to.ResultsPath, 0755)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	p := to.ResultsPath + "/" + strings.Map(m, route)
+	err = ioutil.WriteFile(p, dst.Bytes(), 0644)
+	return p, err
+func (to *Connect) get(route string) (string, error) {
+	url := to.URL + `/` + route
+	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	resp, err := to.Client.Do(req)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	defer resp.Body.Close()
+	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+	return string(data), err
+func (to *Connect) getCDNNames() ([]string, error) {
+	res, err := to.get(`api/1.3/cdns`)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	fmt.Println(res)
+	var cdnResp tc.CDNsResponse
+	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &cdnResp)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	var cdnNames []string
+	for _, c := range cdnResp.Response {
+		cdnNames = append(cdnNames, c.Name)
+	}
+	return cdnNames, nil
+func main() {
+	var routesFile string
+	var route string
+	var resultsPath string
+	var doSnapshot bool
+	flag.StringVar(&routesFile, "file", "./testroutes.txt", "File listing routes to test (ignored if -route is used)")
+	flag.StringVar(&route, "route", "", "Single route to test")
+	flag.StringVar(&resultsPath, "results", "results", "Directory to write results")
+	flag.BoolVar(&doSnapshot, "snapshot", false, "Do snapshot comparison for each CDN")
+	flag.Parse()
+	// refTO, testTO are connections to the two Traffic Ops instances
+	var refTO = &Connect{ResultsPath: resultsPath + `/ref`}
+	var testTO = &Connect{ResultsPath: resultsPath + `/test`}
+	err := envconfig.Process("TO", &refTO.creds)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err.Error())
+	}
+	err = envconfig.Process("TEST", &testTO.creds)
+	if err != nil {
+		// if not provided, re-use the same credentials
+		testTO.creds = refTO.creds
+	}
+	err = envconfig.Process("TO", refTO)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err.Error())
+	}
+	err = envconfig.Process("TEST", testTO)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err.Error())
+	}
+	tos := []*Connect{refTO, testTO}
+	// Login to the 2 Traffic Ops instances concurrently
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	wg.Add(len(tos))
+	for _, t := range tos {
+		go func(to *Connect) {
+			log.Print("Login to ", to.URL)
+			err := to.login(to.creds)
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Fatal(err)
+			}
+			wg.Done()
+		}(t)
+	}
+	wg.Wait()
+	var testRoutes []string
+	if route != "" {
+		// -route (specify single route) takes precedence
+		testRoutes = append(testRoutes, route)
+	} else if routesFile != "" {
+		// -file (specify  route) takes precedence
+		file, err := os.Open(routesFile)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		defer file.Close()
+		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
+		for scanner.Scan() {
+			testRoutes = append(testRoutes, scanner.Text())
+		}
+		if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
+			log.Fatal(err)
+		}
+	}
+	wg.Add(len(testRoutes))
+	for _, route := range testRoutes {
+		go func(r string) {
+			testRoute(tos, r)
+			wg.Done()
+		}(route)
+	}
+	wg.Wait()
+	if doSnapshot {
+		cdnNames, err := refTO.getCDNNames()
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err)
+		}
+		log.Printf("CDNNames are %+v", cdnNames)
+		wg.Add(len(cdnNames))
+		for _, cdnName := range cdnNames {
+			log.Print("CDN ", cdnName)
+			go func(c string) {
+				testRoute(tos, `api/1.3/cdns/`+c+`/snapshot/new`)
+				wg.Done()
+			}(cdnName)
+		}
+		wg.Wait()
+	}
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/testroutes.txt b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/testroutes.txt
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+Copyright (c) 2013 Kelsey Hightower
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
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+Kelsey Hightower
+Travis Parker
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+# envconfig
+[![Build Status](](
+import ""
+## Documentation
+See [godoc](
+## Usage
+Set some environment variables:
+export MYAPP_DEBUG=false
+export MYAPP_PORT=8080
+export MYAPP_USER=Kelsey
+export MYAPP_RATE="0.5"
+export MYAPP_TIMEOUT="3m"
+export MYAPP_USERS="rob,ken,robert"
+export MYAPP_COLORCODES="red:1,green:2,blue:3"
+Write some code:
+package main
+import (
+    "fmt"
+    "log"
+    "time"
+    ""
+type Specification struct {
+    Debug       bool
+    Port        int
+    User        string
+    Users       []string
+    Rate        float32
+    Timeout     time.Duration
+    ColorCodes  map[string]int
+func main() {
+    var s Specification
+    err := envconfig.Process("myapp", &s)
+    if err != nil {
+        log.Fatal(err.Error())
+    }
+    format := "Debug: %v\nPort: %d\nUser: %s\nRate: %f\nTimeout: %s\n"
+    _, err = fmt.Printf(format, s.Debug, s.Port, s.User, s.Rate, s.Timeout)
+    if err != nil {
+        log.Fatal(err.Error())
+    }
+    fmt.Println("Users:")
+    for _, u := range s.Users {
+        fmt.Printf("  %s\n", u)
+    }
+    fmt.Println("Color codes:")
+    for k, v := range s.ColorCodes {
+        fmt.Printf("  %s: %d\n", k, v)
+    }
+Debug: false
+Port: 8080
+User: Kelsey
+Rate: 0.500000
+Timeout: 3m0s
+  rob
+  ken
+  robert
+Color codes:
+  red: 1
+  green: 2
+  blue: 3
+## Struct Tag Support
+Envconfig supports the use of struct tags to specify alternate, default, and required
+environment variables.
+For example, consider the following struct:
+type Specification struct {
+    ManualOverride1 string `envconfig:"manual_override_1"`
+    DefaultVar      string `default:"foobar"`
+    RequiredVar     string `required:"true"`
+    IgnoredVar      string `ignored:"true"`
+    AutoSplitVar    string `split_words:"true"`
+Envconfig has automatic support for CamelCased struct elements when the
+`split_words:"true"` tag is supplied. Without this tag, `AutoSplitVar` above
+would look for an environment variable called `MYAPP_AUTOSPLITVAR`. With the
+setting applied it will look for `MYAPP_AUTO_SPLIT_VAR`. Note that numbers
+will get globbed into the previous word. If the setting does not do the
+right thing, you may use a manual override.
+Envconfig will process value for `ManualOverride1` by populating it with the
+value for `MYAPP_MANUAL_OVERRIDE_1`. Without this struct tag, it would have
+instead looked up `MYAPP_MANUALOVERRIDE1`. With the `split_words:"true"` tag
+it would have looked up `MYAPP_MANUAL_OVERRIDE1`.
+export MYAPP_MANUAL_OVERRIDE_1="this will be the value"
+# export MYAPP_MANUALOVERRIDE1="and this will not"
+If envconfig can't find an environment variable value for `MYAPP_DEFAULTVAR`,
+it will populate it with "foobar" as a default value.
+If envconfig can't find an environment variable value for `MYAPP_REQUIREDVAR`,
+it will return an error when asked to process the struct.
+If envconfig can't find an environment variable in the form `PREFIX_MYVAR`, and there
+is a struct tag defined, it will try to populate your variable with an environment
+variable that directly matches the envconfig tag in your struct definition:
+export MYAPP_DEBUG=true
+type Specification struct {
+    ServiceHost string `envconfig:"SERVICE_HOST"`
+    Debug       bool
+Envconfig won't process a field with the "ignored" tag set to "true", even if a corresponding
+environment variable is set.
+## Supported Struct Field Types
+envconfig supports supports these struct field types:
+  * string
+  * int8, int16, int32, int64
+  * bool
+  * float32, float64
+  * slices of any supported type
+  * maps (keys and values of any supported type)
+  * [encoding.TextUnmarshaler](
+Embedded structs using these fields are also supported.
+## Custom Decoders
+Any field whose type (or pointer-to-type) implements `envconfig.Decoder` can
+control its own deserialization:
+export DNS_SERVER=
+type IPDecoder net.IP
+func (ipd *IPDecoder) Decode(value string) error {
+    *ipd = IPDecoder(net.ParseIP(value))
+    return nil
+type DNSConfig struct {
+    Address IPDecoder `envconfig:"DNS_SERVER"`
+Also, envconfig will use a `Set(string) error` method like from the
+[flag.Value]( interface if implemented.
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
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index 0000000000..f28561cd1c
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+// Copyright (c) 2013 Kelsey Hightower. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT License that can be found in
+// the LICENSE file.
+// Package envconfig implements decoding of environment variables based on a user
+// defined specification. A typical use is using environment variables for
+// configuration settings.
+package envconfig
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// +build appengine
+package envconfig
+import "os"
+var lookupEnv = os.LookupEnv
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// +build !appengine
+package envconfig
+import "syscall"
+var lookupEnv = syscall.Getenv
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10f2de8d73
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@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 Kelsey Hightower. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT License that can be found in
+// the LICENSE file.
+package envconfig
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+// ErrInvalidSpecification indicates that a specification is of the wrong type.
+var ErrInvalidSpecification = errors.New("specification must be a struct pointer")
+// A ParseError occurs when an environment variable cannot be converted to
+// the type required by a struct field during assignment.
+type ParseError struct {
+	KeyName   string
+	FieldName string
+	TypeName  string
+	Value     string
+	Err       error
+// Decoder has the same semantics as Setter, but takes higher precedence.
+// It is provided for historical compatibility.
+type Decoder interface {
+	Decode(value string) error
+// Setter is implemented by types can self-deserialize values.
+// Any type that implements flag.Value also implements Setter.
+type Setter interface {
+	Set(value string) error
+func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("envconfig.Process: assigning %[1]s to %[2]s: converting '%[3]s' to type %[4]s. details: %[5]s", e.KeyName, e.FieldName, e.Value, e.TypeName, e.Err)
+// varInfo maintains information about the configuration variable
+type varInfo struct {
+	Name  string
+	Alt   string
+	Key   string
+	Field reflect.Value
+	Tags  reflect.StructTag
+// GatherInfo gathers information about the specified struct
+func gatherInfo(prefix string, spec interface{}) ([]varInfo, error) {
+	expr := regexp.MustCompile("([^A-Z]+|[A-Z][^A-Z]+|[A-Z]+)")
+	s := reflect.ValueOf(spec)
+	if s.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+		return nil, ErrInvalidSpecification
+	}
+	s = s.Elem()
+	if s.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+		return nil, ErrInvalidSpecification
+	}
+	typeOfSpec := s.Type()
+	// over allocate an info array, we will extend if needed later
+	infos := make([]varInfo, 0, s.NumField())
+	for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
+		f := s.Field(i)
+		ftype := typeOfSpec.Field(i)
+		if !f.CanSet() || isTrue(ftype.Tag.Get("ignored")) {
+			continue
+		}
+		for f.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			if f.IsNil() {
+				if f.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+					// nil pointer to a non-struct: leave it alone
+					break
+				}
+				// nil pointer to struct: create a zero instance
+				f.Set(reflect.New(f.Type().Elem()))
+			}
+			f = f.Elem()
+		}
+		// Capture information about the config variable
+		info := varInfo{
+			Name:  ftype.Name,
+			Field: f,
+			Tags:  ftype.Tag,
+			Alt:   strings.ToUpper(ftype.Tag.Get("envconfig")),
+		}
+		// Default to the field name as the env var name (will be upcased)
+		info.Key = info.Name
+		// Best effort to un-pick camel casing as separate words
+		if isTrue(ftype.Tag.Get("split_words")) {
+			words := expr.FindAllStringSubmatch(ftype.Name, -1)
+			if len(words) > 0 {
+				var name []string
+				for _, words := range words {
+					name = append(name, words[0])
+				}
+				info.Key = strings.Join(name, "_")
+			}
+		}
+		if info.Alt != "" {
+			info.Key = info.Alt
+		}
+		if prefix != "" {
+			info.Key = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, info.Key)
+		}
+		info.Key = strings.ToUpper(info.Key)
+		infos = append(infos, info)
+		if f.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+			// honor Decode if present
+			if decoderFrom(f) == nil && setterFrom(f) == nil && textUnmarshaler(f) == nil {
+				innerPrefix := prefix
+				if !ftype.Anonymous {
+					innerPrefix = info.Key
+				}
+				embeddedPtr := f.Addr().Interface()
+				embeddedInfos, err := gatherInfo(innerPrefix, embeddedPtr)
+				if err != nil {
+					return nil, err
+				}
+				infos = append(infos[:len(infos)-1], embeddedInfos...)
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return infos, nil
+// Process populates the specified struct based on environment variables
+func Process(prefix string, spec interface{}) error {
+	infos, err := gatherInfo(prefix, spec)
+	for _, info := range infos {
+		// `os.Getenv` cannot differentiate between an explicitly set empty value
+		// and an unset value. `os.LookupEnv` is preferred to `syscall.Getenv`,
+		// but it is only available in go1.5 or newer. We're using Go build tags
+		// here to use os.LookupEnv for >=go1.5
+		value, ok := lookupEnv(info.Key)
+		if !ok && info.Alt != "" {
+			value, ok = lookupEnv(info.Alt)
+		}
+		def := info.Tags.Get("default")
+		if def != "" && !ok {
+			value = def
+		}
+		req := info.Tags.Get("required")
+		if !ok && def == "" {
+			if isTrue(req) {
+				return fmt.Errorf("required key %s missing value", info.Key)
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		err := processField(value, info.Field)
+		if err != nil {
+			return &ParseError{
+				KeyName:   info.Key,
+				FieldName: info.Name,
+				TypeName:  info.Field.Type().String(),
+				Value:     value,
+				Err:       err,
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return err
+// MustProcess is the same as Process but panics if an error occurs
+func MustProcess(prefix string, spec interface{}) {
+	if err := Process(prefix, spec); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func processField(value string, field reflect.Value) error {
+	typ := field.Type()
+	decoder := decoderFrom(field)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder.Decode(value)
+	}
+	// look for Set method if Decode not defined
+	setter := setterFrom(field)
+	if setter != nil {
+		return setter.Set(value)
+	}
+	if t := textUnmarshaler(field); t != nil {
+		return t.UnmarshalText([]byte(value))
+	}
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		typ = typ.Elem()
+		if field.IsNil() {
+			field.Set(reflect.New(typ))
+		}
+		field = field.Elem()
+	}
+	switch typ.Kind() {
+	case reflect.String:
+		field.SetString(value)
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		var (
+			val int64
+			err error
+		)
+		if field.Kind() == reflect.Int64 && typ.PkgPath() == "time" && typ.Name() == "Duration" {
+			var d time.Duration
+			d, err = time.ParseDuration(value)
+			val = int64(d)
+		} else {
+			val, err = strconv.ParseInt(value, 0, typ.Bits())
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		field.SetInt(val)
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+		val, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 0, typ.Bits())
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		field.SetUint(val)
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		val, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		field.SetBool(val)
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, typ.Bits())
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		field.SetFloat(val)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		vals := strings.Split(value, ",")
+		sl := reflect.MakeSlice(typ, len(vals), len(vals))
+		for i, val := range vals {
+			err := processField(val, sl.Index(i))
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+		field.Set(sl)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		mp := reflect.MakeMap(typ)
+		if len(strings.TrimSpace(value)) != 0 {
+			pairs := strings.Split(value, ",")
+			for _, pair := range pairs {
+				kvpair := strings.Split(pair, ":")
+				if len(kvpair) != 2 {
+					return fmt.Errorf("invalid map item: %q", pair)
+				}
+				k := reflect.New(typ.Key()).Elem()
+				err := processField(kvpair[0], k)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				v := reflect.New(typ.Elem()).Elem()
+				err = processField(kvpair[1], v)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				mp.SetMapIndex(k, v)
+			}
+		}
+		field.Set(mp)
+	}
+	return nil
+func interfaceFrom(field reflect.Value, fn func(interface{}, *bool)) {
+	// it may be impossible for a struct field to fail this check
+	if !field.CanInterface() {
+		return
+	}
+	var ok bool
+	fn(field.Interface(), &ok)
+	if !ok && field.CanAddr() {
+		fn(field.Addr().Interface(), &ok)
+	}
+func decoderFrom(field reflect.Value) (d Decoder) {
+	interfaceFrom(field, func(v interface{}, ok *bool) { d, *ok = v.(Decoder) })
+	return d
+func setterFrom(field reflect.Value) (s Setter) {
+	interfaceFrom(field, func(v interface{}, ok *bool) { s, *ok = v.(Setter) })
+	return s
+func textUnmarshaler(field reflect.Value) (t encoding.TextUnmarshaler) {
+	interfaceFrom(field, func(v interface{}, ok *bool) { t, *ok = v.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler) })
+	return t
+func isTrue(s string) bool {
+	b, _ := strconv.ParseBool(s)
+	return b
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..089f8c8a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016 Kelsey Hightower and others. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT License that can be found in
+// the LICENSE file.
+package envconfig
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"text/tabwriter"
+	"text/template"
+const (
+	// DefaultListFormat constant to use to display usage in a list format
+	DefaultListFormat = `This application is configured via the environment. The following environment
+variables can be used:
+{{range .}}
+{{usage_key .}}
+  [description] {{usage_description .}}
+  [type]        {{usage_type .}}
+  [default]     {{usage_default .}}
+  [required]    {{usage_required .}}{{end}}
+	// DefaultTableFormat constant to use to display usage in a tabular format
+	DefaultTableFormat = `This application is configured via the environment. The following environment
+variables can be used:
+{{range .}}{{usage_key .}}	{{usage_type .}}	{{usage_default .}}	{{usage_required .}}	{{usage_description .}}
+var (
+	decoderType     = reflect.TypeOf((*Decoder)(nil)).Elem()
+	setterType      = reflect.TypeOf((*Setter)(nil)).Elem()
+	unmarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+func implementsInterface(t reflect.Type) bool {
+	return t.Implements(decoderType) ||
+		reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(decoderType) ||
+		t.Implements(setterType) ||
+		reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(setterType) ||
+		t.Implements(unmarshalerType) ||
+		reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(unmarshalerType)
+// toTypeDescription converts Go types into a human readable description
+func toTypeDescription(t reflect.Type) string {
+	switch t.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
+		return fmt.Sprintf("Comma-separated list of %s", toTypeDescription(t.Elem()))
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return fmt.Sprintf(
+			"Comma-separated list of %s:%s pairs",
+			toTypeDescription(t.Key()),
+			toTypeDescription(t.Elem()),
+		)
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		return toTypeDescription(t.Elem())
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		if implementsInterface(t) && t.Name() != "" {
+			return t.Name()
+		}
+		return ""
+	case reflect.String:
+		name := t.Name()
+		if name != "" && name != "string" {
+			return name
+		}
+		return "String"
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		name := t.Name()
+		if name != "" && name != "bool" {
+			return name
+		}
+		return "True or False"
+	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+		name := t.Name()
+		if name != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(name, "int") {
+			return name
+		}
+		return "Integer"
+	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
+		name := t.Name()
+		if name != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(name, "uint") {
+			return name
+		}
+		return "Unsigned Integer"
+	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+		name := t.Name()
+		if name != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(name, "float") {
+			return name
+		}
+		return "Float"
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", t)
+// Usage writes usage information to stderr using the default header and table format
+func Usage(prefix string, spec interface{}) error {
+	// The default is to output the usage information as a table
+	// Create tabwriter instance to support table output
+	tabs := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 1, 0, 4, ' ', 0)
+	err := Usagef(prefix, spec, tabs, DefaultTableFormat)
+	tabs.Flush()
+	return err
+// Usagef writes usage information to the specified io.Writer using the specifed template specification
+func Usagef(prefix string, spec interface{}, out io.Writer, format string) error {
+	// Specify the default usage template functions
+	functions := template.FuncMap{
+		"usage_key":         func(v varInfo) string { return v.Key },
+		"usage_description": func(v varInfo) string { return v.Tags.Get("desc") },
+		"usage_type":        func(v varInfo) string { return toTypeDescription(v.Field.Type()) },
+		"usage_default":     func(v varInfo) string { return v.Tags.Get("default") },
+		"usage_required": func(v varInfo) (string, error) {
+			req := v.Tags.Get("required")
+			if req != "" {
+				reqB, err := strconv.ParseBool(req)
+				if err != nil {
+					return "", err
+				}
+				if reqB {
+					req = "true"
+				}
+			}
+			return req, nil
+		},
+	}
+	tmpl, err := template.New("envconfig").Funcs(functions).Parse(format)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return Usaget(prefix, spec, out, tmpl)
+// Usaget writes usage information to the specified io.Writer using the specified template
+func Usaget(prefix string, spec interface{}, out io.Writer, tmpl *template.Template) error {
+	// gather first
+	infos, err := gatherInfo(prefix, spec)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return tmpl.Execute(out, infos)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a66aea5ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..733099041f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents)
+"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by
+Google as part of the Go project.
+Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive,
+no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section)
+patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import,
+transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this
+implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent
+claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in
+the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this
+implementation of Go.  This grant does not include claims that would be
+infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this
+implementation.  If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or
+order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any
+entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging
+that this implementation of Go or any code incorporated within this
+implementation of Go constitutes direct or contributory patent
+infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any patent
+rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go
+shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f85a3c32b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build ignore
+package main
+// This program generates table.go and table_test.go based on the authoritative
+// public suffix list at
+// The version is derived from
+// and a human-readable form is at
+// To fetch a particular git revision, such as 5c70ccd250, pass
+// -url ""
+// and -version "an explicit version string".
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"flag"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/format"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"net/http"
+	"os"
+	"regexp"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+	""
+const (
+	// These sum of these four values must be no greater than 32.
+	nodesBitsChildren   = 10
+	nodesBitsICANN      = 1
+	nodesBitsTextOffset = 15
+	nodesBitsTextLength = 6
+	// These sum of these four values must be no greater than 32.
+	childrenBitsWildcard = 1
+	childrenBitsNodeType = 2
+	childrenBitsHi       = 14
+	childrenBitsLo       = 14
+var (
+	maxChildren   int
+	maxTextOffset int
+	maxTextLength int
+	maxHi         uint32
+	maxLo         uint32
+func max(a, b int) int {
+	if a < b {
+		return b
+	}
+	return a
+func u32max(a, b uint32) uint32 {
+	if a < b {
+		return b
+	}
+	return a
+const (
+	nodeTypeNormal     = 0
+	nodeTypeException  = 1
+	nodeTypeParentOnly = 2
+	numNodeType        = 3
+func nodeTypeStr(n int) string {
+	switch n {
+	case nodeTypeNormal:
+		return "+"
+	case nodeTypeException:
+		return "!"
+	case nodeTypeParentOnly:
+		return "o"
+	}
+	panic("unreachable")
+const (
+	defaultURL   = ""
+	gitCommitURL = ""
+var (
+	labelEncoding = map[string]uint32{}
+	labelsList    = []string{}
+	labelsMap     = map[string]bool{}
+	rules         = []string{}
+	// validSuffixRE is used to check that the entries in the public suffix
+	// list are in canonical form (after Punycode encoding). Specifically,
+	// capital letters are not allowed.
+	validSuffixRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9_\!\*\-\.]+$`)
+	shaRE  = regexp.MustCompile(`"sha":"([^"]+)"`)
+	dateRE = regexp.MustCompile(`"committer":{[^{]+"date":"([^"]+)"`)
+	comments = flag.Bool("comments", false, "generate table.go comments, for debugging")
+	subset   = flag.Bool("subset", false, "generate only a subset of the full table, for debugging")
+	url      = flag.String("url", defaultURL, "URL of the list. If empty, stdin is read instead")
+	v        = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose output (to stderr)")
+	version  = flag.String("version", "", "the effective_tld_names.dat version")
+func main() {
+	if err := main1(); err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+func main1() error {
+	flag.Parse()
+	if nodesBitsTextLength+nodesBitsTextOffset+nodesBitsICANN+nodesBitsChildren > 32 {
+		return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the nodes table")
+	}
+	if childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsNodeType+childrenBitsWildcard > 32 {
+		return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the children table")
+	}
+	if *version == "" {
+		if *url != defaultURL {
+			return fmt.Errorf("-version was not specified, and the -url is not the default one")
+		}
+		sha, date, err := gitCommit()
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		*version = fmt.Sprintf("'s public_suffix_list.dat, git revision %s (%s)", sha, date)
+	}
+	var r io.Reader = os.Stdin
+	if *url != "" {
+		res, err := http.Get(*url)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+			return fmt.Errorf("bad GET status for %s: %d", *url, res.Status)
+		}
+		r = res.Body
+		defer res.Body.Close()
+	}
+	var root node
+	icann := false
+	br := bufio.NewReader(r)
+	for {
+		s, err := br.ReadString('\n')
+		if err != nil {
+			if err == io.EOF {
+				break
+			}
+			return err
+		}
+		s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
+		if strings.Contains(s, "BEGIN ICANN DOMAINS") {
+			icann = true
+			continue
+		}
+		if strings.Contains(s, "END ICANN DOMAINS") {
+			icann = false
+			continue
+		}
+		if s == "" || strings.HasPrefix(s, "//") {
+			continue
+		}
+		s, err = idna.ToASCII(s)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if !validSuffixRE.MatchString(s) {
+			return fmt.Errorf("bad list data: %q", s)
+		}
+		if *subset {
+			switch {
+			case s == "" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ""):
+			case s == "" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ""):
+			case s == "ao" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ao"):
+			case s == "ar" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".ar"):
+			case s == "arpa" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".arpa"):
+			case s == "cy" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".cy"):
+			case s == "" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ""):
+			case s == "jp":
+			case s == "" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ""):
+			case s == "" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ""):
+			case s == "om" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".om"):
+			case s == "uk" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".uk"):
+			case s == "" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ""):
+			case s == "tw" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".tw"):
+			case s == "zw" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".zw"):
+			case s == "xn--p1ai" || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".xn--p1ai"):
+				// xn--p1ai is Russian-Cyrillic "??".
+			default:
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		rules = append(rules, s)
+		nt, wildcard := nodeTypeNormal, false
+		switch {
+		case strings.HasPrefix(s, "*."):
+			s, nt = s[2:], nodeTypeParentOnly
+			wildcard = true
+		case strings.HasPrefix(s, "!"):
+			s, nt = s[1:], nodeTypeException
+		}
+		labels := strings.Split(s, ".")
+		for n, i := &root, len(labels)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
+			label := labels[i]
+			n = n.child(label)
+			if i == 0 {
+				if nt != nodeTypeParentOnly && n.nodeType == nodeTypeParentOnly {
+					n.nodeType = nt
+				}
+				n.icann = n.icann && icann
+				n.wildcard = n.wildcard || wildcard
+			}
+			labelsMap[label] = true
+		}
+	}
+	labelsList = make([]string, 0, len(labelsMap))
+	for label := range labelsMap {
+		labelsList = append(labelsList, label)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(labelsList)
+	if err := generate(printReal, &root, "table.go"); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := generate(printTest, &root, "table_test.go"); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func generate(p func(io.Writer, *node) error, root *node, filename string) error {
+	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+	if err := p(buf, root); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	b, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes())
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, b, 0644)
+func gitCommit() (sha, date string, retErr error) {
+	res, err := http.Get(gitCommitURL)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", "", err
+	}
+	if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("bad GET status for %s: %d", gitCommitURL, res.Status)
+	}
+	defer res.Body.Close()
+	b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", "", err
+	}
+	if m := shaRE.FindSubmatch(b); m != nil {
+		sha = string(m[1])
+	}
+	if m := dateRE.FindSubmatch(b); m != nil {
+		date = string(m[1])
+	}
+	if sha == "" || date == "" {
+		retErr = fmt.Errorf("could not find commit SHA and date in %s", gitCommitURL)
+	}
+	return sha, date, retErr
+func printTest(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT\n\n")
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "package publicsuffix\n\nvar rules = [...]string{\n")
+	for _, rule := range rules {
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", rule)
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\nvar nodeLabels = [...]string{\n")
+	if err := n.walk(w, printNodeLabel); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
+	return nil
+func printReal(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
+	const header = `// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT
+package publicsuffix
+const version = %q
+const (
+	nodesBitsChildren   = %d
+	nodesBitsICANN      = %d
+	nodesBitsTextOffset = %d
+	nodesBitsTextLength = %d
+	childrenBitsWildcard = %d
+	childrenBitsNodeType = %d
+	childrenBitsHi       = %d
+	childrenBitsLo       = %d
+const (
+	nodeTypeNormal     = %d
+	nodeTypeException  = %d
+	nodeTypeParentOnly = %d
+// numTLD is the number of top level domains.
+const numTLD = %d
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, header, *version,
+		nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsICANN, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength,
+		childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsNodeType, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo,
+		nodeTypeNormal, nodeTypeException, nodeTypeParentOnly, len(n.children))
+	text := combineText(labelsList)
+	if text == "" {
+		return fmt.Errorf("internal error: makeText returned no text")
+	}
+	for _, label := range labelsList {
+		offset, length := strings.Index(text, label), len(label)
+		if offset < 0 {
+			return fmt.Errorf("internal error: could not find %q in text %q", label, text)
+		}
+		maxTextOffset, maxTextLength = max(maxTextOffset, offset), max(maxTextLength, length)
+		if offset >= 1<<nodesBitsTextOffset {
+			return fmt.Errorf("text offset %d is too large, or nodeBitsTextOffset is too small", offset)
+		}
+		if length >= 1<<nodesBitsTextLength {
+			return fmt.Errorf("text length %d is too large, or nodeBitsTextLength is too small", length)
+		}
+		labelEncoding[label] = uint32(offset)<<nodesBitsTextLength | uint32(length)
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Text is the combined text of all labels.\nconst text = ")
+	for len(text) > 0 {
+		n, plus := len(text), ""
+		if n > 64 {
+			n, plus = 64, " +"
+		}
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q%s\n", text[:n], plus)
+		text = text[n:]
+	}
+	if err := n.walk(w, assignIndexes); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, `
+// nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which
+// encodes the node's children, wildcard bit and node type (as an index into
+// the children array), ICANN bit and text.
+// If the table was generated with the -comments flag, there is a //-comment
+// after each node's data. In it is the nodes-array indexes of the children,
+// formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The
+// nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only
+// nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right.
+// An I denotes an ICANN domain.
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+//	[%2d bits] unused
+//	[%2d bits] children index
+//	[%2d bits] ICANN bit
+//	[%2d bits] text index
+//	[%2d bits] text length
+var nodes = [...]uint32{
+		32-nodesBitsChildren-nodesBitsICANN-nodesBitsTextOffset-nodesBitsTextLength,
+		nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsICANN, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength)
+	if err := n.walk(w, printNode); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, `}
+// children is the list of nodes' children, the parent's wildcard bit and the
+// parent's node type. If a node has no children then their children index
+// will be in the range [0, 6), depending on the wildcard bit and node type.
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+//	[%2d bits] unused
+//	[%2d bits] wildcard bit
+//	[%2d bits] node type
+//	[%2d bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children
+//	[%2d bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children
+var children=[...]uint32{
+		32-childrenBitsWildcard-childrenBitsNodeType-childrenBitsHi-childrenBitsLo,
+		childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsNodeType, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo)
+	for i, c := range childrenEncoding {
+		s := "---------------"
+		lo := c & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
+		hi := (c >> childrenBitsLo) & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
+		if lo != hi {
+			s = fmt.Sprintf("n0x%04x-n0x%04x", lo, hi)
+		}
+		nodeType := int(c>>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi)) & (1<<childrenBitsNodeType - 1)
+		wildcard := c>>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsNodeType) != 0
+		if *comments {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // c0x%04x (%s)%s %s\n",
+				c, i, s, wildcardStr(wildcard), nodeTypeStr(nodeType))
+		} else {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%x,\n", c)
+		}
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\n")
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max children %d (capacity %d)\n", maxChildren, 1<<nodesBitsChildren-1)
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max text offset %d (capacity %d)\n", maxTextOffset, 1<<nodesBitsTextOffset-1)
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max text length %d (capacity %d)\n", maxTextLength, 1<<nodesBitsTextLength-1)
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max hi %d (capacity %d)\n", maxHi, 1<<childrenBitsHi-1)
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, "// max lo %d (capacity %d)\n", maxLo, 1<<childrenBitsLo-1)
+	return nil
+type node struct {
+	label    string
+	nodeType int
+	icann    bool
+	wildcard bool
+	// nodesIndex and childrenIndex are the index of this node in the nodes
+	// and the index of its children offset/length in the children arrays.
+	nodesIndex, childrenIndex int
+	// firstChild is the index of this node's first child, or zero if this
+	// node has no children.
+	firstChild int
+	// children are the node's children, in strictly increasing node label order.
+	children []*node
+func (n *node) walk(w io.Writer, f func(w1 io.Writer, n1 *node) error) error {
+	if err := f(w, n); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, c := range n.children {
+		if err := c.walk(w, f); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// child returns the child of n with the given label. The child is created if
+// it did not exist beforehand.
+func (n *node) child(label string) *node {
+	for _, c := range n.children {
+		if c.label == label {
+			return c
+		}
+	}
+	c := &node{
+		label:    label,
+		nodeType: nodeTypeParentOnly,
+		icann:    true,
+	}
+	n.children = append(n.children, c)
+	sort.Sort(byLabel(n.children))
+	return c
+type byLabel []*node
+func (b byLabel) Len() int           { return len(b) }
+func (b byLabel) Swap(i, j int)      { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
+func (b byLabel) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].label < b[j].label }
+var nextNodesIndex int
+// childrenEncoding are the encoded entries in the generated children array.
+// All these pre-defined entries have no children.
+var childrenEncoding = []uint32{
+	0 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // Without wildcard bit, nodeTypeNormal.
+	1 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // Without wildcard bit, nodeTypeException.
+	2 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // Without wildcard bit, nodeTypeParentOnly.
+	4 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // With wildcard bit, nodeTypeNormal.
+	5 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // With wildcard bit, nodeTypeException.
+	6 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // With wildcard bit, nodeTypeParentOnly.
+var firstCallToAssignIndexes = true
+func assignIndexes(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
+	if len(n.children) != 0 {
+		// Assign nodesIndex.
+		n.firstChild = nextNodesIndex
+		for _, c := range n.children {
+			c.nodesIndex = nextNodesIndex
+			nextNodesIndex++
+		}
+		// The root node's children is implicit.
+		if firstCallToAssignIndexes {
+			firstCallToAssignIndexes = false
+			return nil
+		}
+		// Assign childrenIndex.
+		maxChildren = max(maxChildren, len(childrenEncoding))
+		if len(childrenEncoding) >= 1<<nodesBitsChildren {
+			return fmt.Errorf("children table size %d is too large, or nodeBitsChildren is too small", len(childrenEncoding))
+		}
+		n.childrenIndex = len(childrenEncoding)
+		lo := uint32(n.firstChild)
+		hi := lo + uint32(len(n.children))
+		maxLo, maxHi = u32max(maxLo, lo), u32max(maxHi, hi)
+		if lo >= 1<<childrenBitsLo {
+			return fmt.Errorf("children lo %d is too large, or childrenBitsLo is too small", lo)
+		}
+		if hi >= 1<<childrenBitsHi {
+			return fmt.Errorf("children hi %d is too large, or childrenBitsHi is too small", hi)
+		}
+		enc := hi<<childrenBitsLo | lo
+		enc |= uint32(n.nodeType) << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi)
+		if n.wildcard {
+			enc |= 1 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi + childrenBitsNodeType)
+		}
+		childrenEncoding = append(childrenEncoding, enc)
+	} else {
+		n.childrenIndex = n.nodeType
+		if n.wildcard {
+			n.childrenIndex += numNodeType
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func printNode(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
+	for _, c := range n.children {
+		s := "---------------"
+		if len(c.children) != 0 {
+			s = fmt.Sprintf("n0x%04x-n0x%04x", c.firstChild, c.firstChild+len(c.children))
+		}
+		encoding := labelEncoding[c.label]
+		if c.icann {
+			encoding |= 1 << (nodesBitsTextLength + nodesBitsTextOffset)
+		}
+		encoding |= uint32(c.childrenIndex) << (nodesBitsTextLength + nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsICANN)
+		if *comments {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // n0x%04x c0x%04x (%s)%s %s %s %s\n",
+				encoding, c.nodesIndex, c.childrenIndex, s, wildcardStr(c.wildcard),
+				nodeTypeStr(c.nodeType), icannStr(c.icann), c.label,
+			)
+		} else {
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%x,\n", encoding)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func printNodeLabel(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
+	for _, c := range n.children {
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q,\n", c.label)
+	}
+	return nil
+func icannStr(icann bool) string {
+	if icann {
+		return "I"
+	}
+	return " "
+func wildcardStr(wildcard bool) string {
+	if wildcard {
+		return "*"
+	}
+	return " "
+// combineText combines all the strings in labelsList to form one giant string.
+// Overlapping strings will be merged: "arpa" and "parliament" could yield
+// "arparliament".
+func combineText(labelsList []string) string {
+	beforeLength := 0
+	for _, s := range labelsList {
+		beforeLength += len(s)
+	}
+	text := crush(removeSubstrings(labelsList))
+	if *v {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "crushed %d bytes to become %d bytes\n", beforeLength, len(text))
+	}
+	return text
+type byLength []string
+func (s byLength) Len() int           { return len(s) }
+func (s byLength) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
+func (s byLength) Less(i, j int) bool { return len(s[i]) < len(s[j]) }
+// removeSubstrings returns a copy of its input with any strings removed
+// that are substrings of other provided strings.
+func removeSubstrings(input []string) []string {
+	// Make a copy of input.
+	ss := append(make([]string, 0, len(input)), input...)
+	sort.Sort(byLength(ss))
+	for i, shortString := range ss {
+		// For each string, only consider strings higher than it in sort order, i.e.
+		// of equal length or greater.
+		for _, longString := range ss[i+1:] {
+			if strings.Contains(longString, shortString) {
+				ss[i] = ""
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Remove the empty strings.
+	sort.Strings(ss)
+	for len(ss) > 0 && ss[0] == "" {
+		ss = ss[1:]
+	}
+	return ss
+// crush combines a list of strings, taking advantage of overlaps. It returns a
+// single string that contains each input string as a substring.
+func crush(ss []string) string {
+	maxLabelLen := 0
+	for _, s := range ss {
+		if maxLabelLen < len(s) {
+			maxLabelLen = len(s)
+		}
+	}
+	for prefixLen := maxLabelLen; prefixLen > 0; prefixLen-- {
+		prefixes := makePrefixMap(ss, prefixLen)
+		for i, s := range ss {
+			if len(s) <= prefixLen {
+				continue
+			}
+			mergeLabel(ss, i, prefixLen, prefixes)
+		}
+	}
+	return strings.Join(ss, "")
+// mergeLabel merges the label at ss[i] with the first available matching label
+// in prefixMap, where the last "prefixLen" characters in ss[i] match the first
+// "prefixLen" characters in the matching label.
+// It will merge ss[i] repeatedly until no more matches are available.
+// All matching labels merged into ss[i] are replaced by "".
+func mergeLabel(ss []string, i, prefixLen int, prefixes prefixMap) {
+	s := ss[i]
+	suffix := s[len(s)-prefixLen:]
+	for _, j := range prefixes[suffix] {
+		// Empty strings mean "already used." Also avoid merging with self.
+		if ss[j] == "" || i == j {
+			continue
+		}
+		if *v {
+			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%d-length overlap at (%4d,%4d): %q and %q share %q\n",
+				prefixLen, i, j, ss[i], ss[j], suffix)
+		}
+		ss[i] += ss[j][prefixLen:]
+		ss[j] = ""
+		// ss[i] has a new suffix, so merge again if possible.
+		// Note: we only have to merge again at the same prefix length. Shorter
+		// prefix lengths will be handled in the next iteration of crush's for loop.
+		// Can there be matches for longer prefix lengths, introduced by the merge?
+		// I believe that any such matches would by necessity have been eliminated
+		// during substring removal or merged at a higher prefix length. For
+		// instance, in crush("abc", "cde", "bcdef"), combining "abc" and "cde"
+		// would yield "abcde", which could be merged with "bcdef." However, in
+		// practice "cde" would already have been elimintated by removeSubstrings.
+		mergeLabel(ss, i, prefixLen, prefixes)
+		return
+	}
+// prefixMap maps from a prefix to a list of strings containing that prefix. The
+// list of strings is represented as indexes into a slice of strings stored
+// elsewhere.
+type prefixMap map[string][]int
+// makePrefixMap constructs a prefixMap from a slice of strings.
+func makePrefixMap(ss []string, prefixLen int) prefixMap {
+	prefixes := make(prefixMap)
+	for i, s := range ss {
+		// We use < rather than <= because if a label matches on a prefix equal to
+		// its full length, that's actually a substring match handled by
+		// removeSubstrings.
+		if prefixLen < len(s) {
+			prefix := s[:prefixLen]
+			prefixes[prefix] = append(prefixes[prefix], i)
+		}
+	}
+	return prefixes
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bbf3bcd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:generate go run gen.go
+// Package publicsuffix provides a public suffix list based on data from
+// A public suffix is one under which Internet users
+// can directly register names.
+package publicsuffix // import ""
+// TODO: specify case sensitivity and leading/trailing dot behavior for
+// func PublicSuffix and func EffectiveTLDPlusOne.
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http/cookiejar"
+	"strings"
+// List implements the cookiejar.PublicSuffixList interface by calling the
+// PublicSuffix function.
+var List cookiejar.PublicSuffixList = list{}
+type list struct{}
+func (list) PublicSuffix(domain string) string {
+	ps, _ := PublicSuffix(domain)
+	return ps
+func (list) String() string {
+	return version
+// PublicSuffix returns the public suffix of the domain using a copy of the
+// database compiled into the library.
+// icann is whether the public suffix is managed by the Internet Corporation
+// for Assigned Names and Numbers. If not, the public suffix is privately
+// managed. For example, and are ICANN domains,
+// and are private domains.
+// Use cases for distinguishing ICANN domains like from private
+// domains like can be found at
+func PublicSuffix(domain string) (publicSuffix string, icann bool) {
+	lo, hi := uint32(0), uint32(numTLD)
+	s, suffix, wildcard := domain, len(domain), false
+	for {
+		dot := strings.LastIndex(s, ".")
+		if wildcard {
+			suffix = 1 + dot
+		}
+		if lo == hi {
+			break
+		}
+		f := find(s[1+dot:], lo, hi)
+		if f == notFound {
+			break
+		}
+		u := nodes[f] >> (nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsTextLength)
+		icann = u&(1<<nodesBitsICANN-1) != 0
+		u >>= nodesBitsICANN
+		u = children[u&(1<<nodesBitsChildren-1)]
+		lo = u & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
+		u >>= childrenBitsLo
+		hi = u & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
+		u >>= childrenBitsHi
+		switch u & (1<<childrenBitsNodeType - 1) {
+		case nodeTypeNormal:
+			suffix = 1 + dot
+		case nodeTypeException:
+			suffix = 1 + len(s)
+			break loop
+		}
+		u >>= childrenBitsNodeType
+		wildcard = u&(1<<childrenBitsWildcard-1) != 0
+		if dot == -1 {
+			break
+		}
+		s = s[:dot]
+	}
+	if suffix == len(domain) {
+		// If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*".
+		return domain[1+strings.LastIndex(domain, "."):], icann
+	}
+	return domain[suffix:], icann
+const notFound uint32 = 1<<32 - 1
+// find returns the index of the node in the range [lo, hi) whose label equals
+// label, or notFound if there is no such node. The range is assumed to be in
+// strictly increasing node label order.
+func find(label string, lo, hi uint32) uint32 {
+	for lo < hi {
+		mid := lo + (hi-lo)/2
+		s := nodeLabel(mid)
+		if s < label {
+			lo = mid + 1
+		} else if s == label {
+			return mid
+		} else {
+			hi = mid
+		}
+	}
+	return notFound
+// nodeLabel returns the label for the i'th node.
+func nodeLabel(i uint32) string {
+	x := nodes[i]
+	length := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextLength - 1)
+	x >>= nodesBitsTextLength
+	offset := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextOffset - 1)
+	return text[offset : offset+length]
+// EffectiveTLDPlusOne returns the effective top level domain plus one more
+// label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "" is "".
+func EffectiveTLDPlusOne(domain string) (string, error) {
+	suffix, _ := PublicSuffix(domain)
+	if len(domain) <= len(suffix) {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: cannot derive eTLD+1 for domain %q", domain)
+	}
+	i := len(domain) - len(suffix) - 1
+	if domain[i] != '.' {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: invalid public suffix %q for domain %q", suffix, domain)
+	}
+	return domain[1+strings.LastIndex(domain[:i], "."):], nil
diff --git a/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..549511c884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,9419 @@
+// generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT
+package publicsuffix
+const version = "'s public_suffix_list.dat, git revision 38b238d6324042f2c2e6270459d1f4ccfe789fba (2017-08-28T20:09:01Z)"
+const (
+	nodesBitsChildren   = 10
+	nodesBitsICANN      = 1
+	nodesBitsTextOffset = 15
+	nodesBitsTextLength = 6
+	childrenBitsWildcard = 1
+	childrenBitsNodeType = 2
+	childrenBitsHi       = 14
+	childrenBitsLo       = 14
+const (
+	nodeTypeNormal     = 0
+	nodeTypeException  = 1
+	nodeTypeParentOnly = 2
+// numTLD is the number of top level domains.
+const numTLD = 1557
+// Text is the combined text of all labels.
+const text = "bifukagawalterbihorologyukuhashimoichinosekigaharaxastronomy-gat" +
+	"ewaybomloans3-ca-central-1bikedagestangeorgeorgiabilbaogakihokum" +
+	"akogengerdalces3-website-us-west-1billustrationikinuyamashinashi" +
+	"kitchenikkoebenhavnikolaevents3-website-us-west-2bioddabirdartce" +
+	"nterprisesakikugawarszawashingtondclkariyameldalindesnesakurainv" +
+	"estmentsakyotanabellunord-odalivornomutashinainzais-a-candidateb" +
+	"irkenesoddtangenovaraumalopolskanlandrayddnsfreebox-oslocus-3bir" +
+	"thplacebitballooningladefinimakanegasakindlegokasells-for-lessal" +
+	"angenikonantankarlsoyurihonjoyentattoolsztynsettlersalondonetska" +
+	"rmoyusuharabjarkoyusuisserveexchangebjerkreimbalsfjordgcahcesuol" +
+	"ocalhostrodawaraugustowadaegubalsanagochihayaakasakawaharanzanne" +
+	"frankfurtarumizusawabkhaziamallamagazineat-url-o-g-i-naturalhist" +
+	"orymuseumcentereviewskrakowebredirectmeteorappaleobihirosakikami" +
+	"jimabogadocscbgdyniabruzzoologicalvinklein-addrammenuernberggfar" +
+	"merseinebinagisochildrensgardenaturalsciencesnaturelles3-ap-nort" +
+	"heast-2ixboxenapponazure-mobileastcoastaldefenceatonsberg12000em" +
+	"mafanconagawakayamadridvagsoyericssonyoursidealerimo-i-ranaamesj" +
+	"evuemielno-ip6bjugninohekinannestadraydnsaltdalombardiamondsalva" +
+	"dordalibabalatinord-frontierblockbustermezjavald-aostaplesalzbur" +
+	"glassassinationalheritagematsubarakawagoebloombergbauerninomiyak" +
+	"onojosoyrorosamegawabloxcmsamnangerbluedancebmoattachmentsamsclu" +
+	"bindalombardynamisches-dnsamsungleezebmsandvikcoromantovalle-d-a" +
+	"ostathellebmwedeployuufcfanirasakis-a-catererbnpparibaselburgliw" +
+	"icebnrwegroweibolzanorddalomzaporizhzheguris-a-celticsfanishiaza" +
+	"is-a-chefarmsteadrivelandrobaknoluoktachikawalbrzycharternidrudu" +
+	"nsanfranciscofreakunedre-eikerbonnishigoppdalorenskoglobalashovh" +
+	"achinohedmarkarpaczeladzlglobodoes-itvedestrandupontariobookingl" +
+	"ogoweirboomladbrokesangobootsanjournalismailillesandefjordurbana" +
+	"mexnetlifyis-a-conservativefsnillfjordurhamburgloppenzaogashimad" +
+	"achicagoboatsannanishiharaboschaefflerdalotenkawabostikaruizawab" +
+	"ostonakijinsekikogentingmbhartiffanyuzawabotanicalgardenishiizun" +
+	"azukis-a-cpadualstackspace-to-rentalstomakomaibarabotanicgardeni" +
+	"shikatakayamatta-varjjataxihuanishikatsuragit-repostfoldnavybota" +
+	"nybouncemerckmsdnipropetrovskjervoyagebounty-fullensakerryproper" +
+	"tiesannohelplfinancialotteboutiquebecngminakamichiharabozentsuji" +
+	"iebplacedekagaminordkappgafanpachigasakievennodesashibetsukumiya" +
+	"mazonawsaarlandyndns-at-workinggroupalmspringsakerbrandywinevall" +
+	"eybrasiliabresciabrindisibenikebristoloseyouripirangapartmentsan" +
+	"okarumaifarsundyndns-blogdnsantabarbarabritishcolumbialowiezachp" +
+	"omorskienishikawazukamitsuebroadcastlefrakkestadyndns-freeboxost" +
+	"rowwlkpmgmodenakatombetsumitakagiizebroadwaybroke-itgorybrokerbr" +
+	"onnoysundyndns-homednsantacruzsantafedjeffersonishimerabrotherme" +
+	"saverdeatnurembergmxfinitybrowsersafetymarketsanukis-a-cubicle-s" +
+	"lavellinotteroybrumunddalottokonamegatakasugais-a-democratjeldsu" +
+	"ndyndns-ipamperedchefashionishinomiyashironobrunelasticbeanstalk" +
+	"asaokaminoyamaxunusualpersonishinoomotegobrusselsaotomeloyalistj" +
+	"ordalshalsenishinoshimattelefonicarbonia-iglesias-carboniaiglesi" +
+	"ascarboniabruxellesapodlasiellaktyubinskiptveterinairealtorlandy" +
+	"ndns-mailouvrehabmerbryanskleppanamabrynewjerseybuskerudinewport" +
+	"lligatjmaxxxjaworznowtv-infoodnetworkshoppingrimstadyndns-office" +
+	"-on-the-webcambulancebuzenishiokoppegardyndns-picsapporobuzzpana" +
+	"sonicateringebugattipschlesischesardegnamsskoganeis-a-designerim" +
+	"arumorimachidabwfastlylbaltimore-og-romsdalillyokozehimejibigawa" +
+	"ukraanghkeymachinewhampshirebungoonord-aurdalpha-myqnapcloudacce" +
+	"sscambridgestonemurorangeiseiyoichippubetsubetsugaruhrhcloudns3-" +
+	"eu-central-1bzhitomirumalselvendrellowiczest-le-patronishitosash" +
+	"imizunaminamiashigaracompute-1computerhistoryofscience-fictionco" +
+	"msecuritytacticsaseboknowsitallvivano-frankivskasuyanagawacondos" +
+	"hichinohealth-carereformitakeharaconferenceconstructionconsulado" +
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+	"-nqv7fs00emaxn--nry-yla5gxn--ntso0iqx3axn--ntsq17gxn--nttery-bya" +
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+	"narchistoricalsocietyxn--yfro4i67oxn--ygarden-p1axn--ygbi2ammxn-" +
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+// nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which
+// encodes the node's children, wildcard bit and node type (as an index into
+// the children array), ICANN bit and text.
+// If the table was generated with the -comments flag, there is a //-comment
+// after each node's data. In it is the nodes-array indexes of the children,
+// formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The
+// nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only
+// nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right.
+// An I denotes an ICANN domain.
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+//	[ 0 bits] unused
+//	[10 bits] children index
+//	[ 1 bits] ICANN bit
+//	[15 bits] text index
+//	[ 6 bits] text length
+var nodes = [...]uint32{
+	0x31fe83,
+	0x28e944,
+	0x2ed8c6,
+	0x380743,
+	0x380746,
+	0x3a5306,
+	0x3b5e43,
+	0x30a7c4,
+	0x20d0c7,
+	0x2ed508,
+	0x1a07102,
+	0x31f1c7,
+	0x368c09,
+	0x2d68ca,
+	0x2d68cb,
+	0x238503,
+	0x2dec46,
+	0x23d6c5,
+	0x1e07542,
+	0x21cf84,
+	0x266d03,
+	0x346145,
+	0x22035c2,
+	0x20a643,
+	0x271f944,
+	0x342285,
+	0x2a10042,
+	0x38a48e,
+	0x255083,
+	0x3affc6,
+	0x2e00142,
+	0x2d4207,
+	0x240d86,
+	0x3204f02,
+	0x22ee43,
+	0x256204,
+	0x32d106,
+	0x25b788,
+	0x2811c6,
+	0x378fc4,
+	0x3600242,
+	0x33b8c9,
+	0x212107,
+	0x2e6046,
+	0x341809,
+	0x2a0048,
+	0x33a904,
+	0x2a0f46,
+	0x21f886,
+	0x3a02d42,
+	0x3a014f,
+	0x28c84e,
+	0x21bfc4,
+	0x382c85,
+	0x30a6c5,
+	0x2e2109,
+	0x249089,
+	0x33b1c7,
+	0x23f8c6,
+	0x20ae43,
+	0x3e01d42,
+	0x2e3203,
+	0x225d0a,
+	0x20cac3,
+	0x242f85,
+	0x28e142,
+	0x28e149,
+	0x4200bc2,
+	0x209204,
+	0x28ad46,
+	0x2e5c05,
+	0x361644,
+	0x4a1a344,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x218d04,
+	0x4e00702,
+	0x2f8e84,
+	0x52f5f04,
+	0x339bca,
+	0x5600f82,
+	0x28bc47,
+	0x281548,
+	0x6206502,
+	0x31d0c7,
+	0x2c6d44,
+	0x2c6d47,
+	0x393c45,
+	0x35e887,
+	0x33af86,
+	0x271dc4,
+	0x378385,
+	0x28ea47,
+	0x72001c2,
+	0x224143,
+	0x200c42,
+	0x200c43,
+	0x760b5c2,
+	0x20f4c5,
+	0x7a01d02,
+	0x357844,
+	0x27e405,
+	0x21bf07,
+	0x25aece,
+	0x2bf044,
+	0x23df04,
+	0x211c43,
+	0x28a4c9,
+	0x30eacb,
+	0x2ea6c8,
+	0x3415c8,
+	0x306208,
+	0x2b7288,
+	0x33a74a,
+	0x35e787,
+	0x321606,
+	0x7e8f282,
+	0x36a683,
+	0x377683,
+	0x37fd44,
+	0x3b5e83,
+	0x32c343,
+	0x1727e02,
+	0x8203302,
+	0x283f45,
+	0x29e006,
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+	0x388547,
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+	0x389384,
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+	0x9200002,
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+	0x216b4a,
+	0xa201102,
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+	0x201103,
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+	0x21ae04,
+	0x21ae07,
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+	0x21d685,
+	0x21dc46,
+	0x21dfc6,
+	0x21ea43,
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+	0xa60c702,
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+	0x228e06,
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+	0x22da48,
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+	0x26334a,
+	0x22e803,
+	0x317a07,
+	0x30ec85,
+	0x23a384,
+	0x272706,
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+	0x330f44,
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+	0x25a184,
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+	0x36bdc6,
+	0x216983,
+	0x233108,
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+	0x275f83,
+	0x3a6604,
+	0x3aae83,
+	0xd235f42,
+	0xd6df482,
+	0x207143,
+	0x203f86,
+	0x2a1043,
+	0x285184,
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+	0x2165c3,
+	0x35f083,
+	0x21fe02,
+	0xde008c2,
+	0x2c9786,
+	0x23e347,
+	0x2fd645,
+	0x38fd04,
+	0x294d45,
+	0x2f8a47,
+	0x2add85,
+	0x2e4689,
+	0x2e9906,
+	0x2ef808,
+	0x2fd546,
+	0xe20e982,
+	0x2ddb08,
+	0x300d06,
+	0x219205,
+	0x316887,
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+	0x316dc5,
+	0x281384,
+	0x345d88,
+	0xe6127c2,
+	0xea04882,
+	0x33ca06,
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+	0x34d485,
+	0x351546,
+	0x356108,
+	0x371488,
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+	0xf214f44,
+	0x34e247,
+	0xf614602,
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+	0x30af86,
+	0x350007,
+	0x386287,
+	0x11638543,
+	0x2b0307,
+	0x30e7c8,
+	0x3a0849,
+	0x38a647,
+	0x3b9c87,
+	0x238788,
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+	0x23aacc,
+	0x23c08a,
+	0x23c407,
+	0x23d58b,
+	0x23e187,
+	0x23e18e,
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+	0x246d47,
+	0x247407,
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+	0x2495ca,
+	0x24a08b,
+	0x24ac87,
+	0x24b845,
+	0x24bb83,
+	0x24bdc6,
+	0x24bdc7,
+	0x20d283,
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+	0x1a769d02,
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+	0x24e9c5,
+	0x24ef44,
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+	0x2f8f05,
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+	0x2b7184,
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+	0x25a486,
+	0x262586,
+	0x291f83,
+	0x204844,
+	0x3894c3,
+	0x1c204c82,
+	0x210ac4,
+	0x210ac6,
+	0x34e7c5,
+	0x37e946,
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+	0x273544,
+	0x266ac8,
+	0x398785,
+	0x22bc88,
+	0x2b2dc6,
+	0x26d907,
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+	0x393fc3,
+	0x211d08,
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+	0x20c7c6,
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+	0x322a88,
+	0x325448,
+	0x331ac4,
+	0x35f103,
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+	0x1d61a202,
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+	0x251208,
+	0x218405,
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+	0x27e385,
+	0x27e4c4,
+	0x300a06,
+	0x218f84,
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+	0x21be46,
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+	0x23cac9,
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+	0x2bb24b,
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+	0x220bc5,
+	0x2fd845,
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+	0x1600302,
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+	0x213d44,
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+	0x326403,
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+	0x354d44,
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+	0x20df47,
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+	0x2df805,
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+	0x29b188,
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+	0x251844,
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+	0x222349,
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+	0x253149,
+	0x253388,
+	0x253ac4,
+	0x253ac7,
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+	0x254187,
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+	0x16b4a42,
+	0x254b86,
+	0x2550c7,
+	0x255584,
+	0x257687,
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+	0x259983,
+	0x2f6802,
+	0x207d82,
+	0x231683,
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+	0x23168b,
+	0x3416c8,
+	0x263c84,
+	0x25c985,
+	0x25eb47,
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+	0x2c8c0a,
+	0x263bc3,
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+	0x206b04,
+	0x267189,
+	0x26a743,
+	0x26a807,
+	0x373089,
+	0x212508,
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+	0x28d209,
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+	0x21e447,
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+	0x265704,
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+	0x213005,
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+	0x219d06,
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+	0x34d0c5,
+	0x21e5c4,
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+	0x376089,
+	0x253c44,
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+	0x389e08,
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+	0x358e08,
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+	0x2f2845,
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+	0x24c682,
+	0x25200582,
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+	0x23de04,
+	0x23de08,
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+	0x229ec6,
+	0x29c484,
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+	0x2755c3,
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+	0x27a0c442,
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+	0x38c44a,
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+	0x2b5c03,
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+	0x2b5cc3,
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+	0x341d89,
+	0x380907,
+	0x348ac7,
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+	0x2122c6,
+	0x312247,
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+	0x263a46,
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+	0x34fe05,
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+	0x2011c5,
+	0x3802c6,
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+	0x222545,
+	0x22b605,
+	0x34ff04,
+	0x222283,
+	0x22228c,
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+	0x211a83,
+	0x211a84,
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+	0x34c984,
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+	0x22a9c7,
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+	0x29ff09,
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+	0x395349,
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+	0x20dc44,
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+	0x270d02,
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+	0x272dc9,
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+	0x335d04,
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+	0x20f646,
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+	0x2d3f46,
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+	0x2d8405,
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+	0x2d8e03,
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+	0x34e5ca,
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+	0x48608e83,
+	0x2d8047,
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+	0x2309c3,
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+	0x3863ca,
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+	0x2fc746,
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+	0x315a06,
+	0x231485,
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+	0x35d703,
+	0x53e02c82,
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+	0x231e86,
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+	0x26c28b,
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+	0x341305,
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+	0x55601a03,
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+	0x222583,
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+	0x57a0cb42,
+	0x34bd44,
+	0x22c24c,
+	0x232f09,
+	0x2445c7,
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+	0x252c84,
+	0x25e6c8,
+	0x265d45,
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+	0x2e520b,
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+	0x2e9006,
+	0x232b84,
+	0x2e9246,
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+	0x231a43,
+	0x231a44,
+	0x2ea484,
+	0x2eab87,
+	0x2ec3c5,
+	0x592ec502,
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+	0x2efa08,
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+	0x228182,
+	0x59e99842,
+	0x350e83,
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+	0x2f3e45,
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+	0x2f4dc4,
+	0x2f4dcb,
+	0x2f5204,
+	0x2f5c0b,
+	0x2f6005,
+	0x221e8a,
+	0x2f7608,
+	0x2f780a,
+	0x2f7fc3,
+	0x2f7fca,
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+	0x5b2f9f02,
+	0x2f9f03,
+	0x5b71c482,
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+	0x2fac84,
+	0x2227c6,
+	0x32d385,
+	0x2fd4c3,
+	0x320446,
+	0x317345,
+	0x262a84,
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+	0x2cdc4a,
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+	0x39fd8b,
+	0x230305,
+	0x2f41c5,
+	0x2f41c6,
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+	0x21f784,
+	0x21f787,
+	0x355746,
+	0x344b06,
+	0x29810a,
+	0x250d44,
+	0x250d4a,
+	0x5c20c386,
+	0x20c387,
+	0x25ca07,
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+	0x27b0c9,
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+	0x208cc5,
+	0x214e48,
+	0x215647,
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+	0x2159cf,
+	0x29b086,
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+	0x22f484,
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+	0x22a004,
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+	0x21d70a,
+	0x2e7d07,
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+	0x253e04,
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+	0x26fd85,
+	0x270b03,
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+	0x3a04c4,
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+	0x276bc4,
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+	0x231948,
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+	0x60602504,
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+	0x208483,
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+	0x23fd87,
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+	0x355685,
+	0x395546,
+	0x398bc6,
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+	0x25d845,
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+	0x2205c4,
+	0x203082,
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+	0x382c04,
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+	0x2b380a,
+	0x22e603,
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+	0x22e60a,
+	0x2b4247,
+	0x309306,
+	0x266c44,
+	0x220cc2,
+	0x228cc2,
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+	0x23ddc3,
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+	0x383306,
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+	0x29f80d,
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+	0x359f05,
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+	0x3963c5,
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+	0x78603642,
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+	0x78e0c402,
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+	0x30bc43,
+	0x30c146,
+	0x30cd84,
+	0x29d386,
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+	0x30d10a,
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+	0x311446,
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+	0x2de847,
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+	0x245347,
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+	0x3abdce,
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+	0x2172c5,
+	0x21b0c4,
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+	0x224e03,
+	0x2d4c47,
+	0x224e04,
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+	0x231845,
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+	0x38344b,
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+	0x3bfd8a,
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+	0x31b30b,
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+	0x3237cb,
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+	0x33a4cb,
+	0x33b749,
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+	0x33ec8d,
+	0x33f2cb,
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+	0x347dca,
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+	0x35c50a,
+	0x35cb49,
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+	0x35e18b,
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+	0x377252,
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+	0x37b5ce,
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+	0x37c54e,
+	0x37c9cc,
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+	0x37ead0,
+	0x37f30c,
+	0x37f60c,
+	0x37facb,
+	0x38044e,
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+	0x3816cb,
+	0x382fcc,
+	0x38b38a,
+	0x38b74c,
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+	0x38bd49,
+	0x38d7cb,
+	0x38da88,
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+	0x38df4f,
+	0x38f88b,
+	0x7a39028a,
+	0x391e4c,
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+	0x398d4b,
+	0x39b1cb,
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+	0x3b8fd4,
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+	0x3b9a4a,
+	0x3ba38a,
+	0x3ba60b,
+	0x3badd0,
+	0x3bb1d1,
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+	0x3bd54d,
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+	0x3443c5,
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+	0x201a03,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x207102,
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+	0x20f882,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
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+	0x266e4d,
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+	0x218c87,
+	0x318fcd,
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+	0x23bbca,
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+	0x2bb248,
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+	0x292347,
+	0x35180a,
+	0x38690e,
+	0x2247c5,
+	0x29224b,
+	0x32f709,
+	0x25bd09,
+	0x21b7c7,
+	0x2936ca,
+	0x348c07,
+	0x307d49,
+	0x20b808,
+	0x33420b,
+	0x2e4505,
+	0x3ab60a,
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+	0x331d0a,
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+	0x38668b,
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+	0x2b2d07,
+	0x2f2bc6,
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+	0x376d87,
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+	0x231845,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x231e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x201742,
+	0x23c2c2,
+	0x202542,
+	0x200542,
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+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x2dcd86,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20bdc3,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x345b44,
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+	0x2112c3,
+	0x2b1684,
+	0x208543,
+	0x21b843,
+	0x323043,
+	0x36dc7,
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+	0xf183,
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+	0x207102,
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+	0x145c49,
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+	0x23a844,
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+	0x208e83,
+	0x301dc3,
+	0x2014c2,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x222dc2,
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+	0x204242,
+	0x205983,
+	0x26e543,
+	0x200202,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x239283,
+	0x301dc3,
+	0x2014c2,
+	0x2fabc3,
+	0x204242,
+	0x205983,
+	0x26e543,
+	0x200202,
+	0x2fabc3,
+	0x204242,
+	0x205983,
+	0x26e543,
+	0x200202,
+	0x238543,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20cb02,
+	0x221483,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x355685,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x207102,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x1480cc8,
+	0x323043,
+	0x20fec1,
+	0x201641,
+	0x203c01,
+	0x201301,
+	0x267401,
+	0x2ae601,
+	0x211341,
+	0x28a0c1,
+	0x24dfc1,
+	0x2fbf81,
+	0x200141,
+	0x200001,
+	0x131645,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x2008c1,
+	0x201781,
+	0x200301,
+	0x200081,
+	0x200181,
+	0x200401,
+	0x200041,
+	0x2086c1,
+	0x200101,
+	0x200281,
+	0x200801,
+	0x200981,
+	0x200441,
+	0x204101,
+	0x2227c1,
+	0x200341,
+	0x200741,
+	0x2002c1,
+	0x2000c1,
+	0x203441,
+	0x200201,
+	0x200c81,
+	0x2005c1,
+	0x204541,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x200442,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x8cbc7,
+	0x24386,
+	0x44f4a,
+	0x906c8,
+	0x5c288,
+	0x5c6c7,
+	0xffc6,
+	0xe1d45,
+	0x11205,
+	0x86286,
+	0x12cf06,
+	0x286644,
+	0x31cf87,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x2ba8c3,
+	0x242043,
+	0x2cc103,
+	0x202d42,
+	0x33eb43,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x20fc03,
+	0x200001,
+	0x2ed0c5,
+	0x203c43,
+	0x226544,
+	0x332083,
+	0x322103,
+	0x222903,
+	0x383283,
+	0xaa38543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x24ac83,
+	0x207583,
+	0x2228c3,
+	0x23aa83,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x23c803,
+	0x202103,
+	0x2aab03,
+	0x322083,
+	0x2bdec3,
+	0x20df43,
+	0x255684,
+	0x257307,
+	0x2f6802,
+	0x25c003,
+	0x263783,
+	0x27e983,
+	0x20fe03,
+	0x20dec3,
+	0xaf23043,
+	0x209ac3,
+	0x204c03,
+	0x231603,
+	0x34bc85,
+	0x209c83,
+	0x304d43,
+	0xb207a83,
+	0x374803,
+	0x213643,
+	0x229443,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x22c2c2,
+	0x20c0c3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1600e03,
+	0x22b1c3,
+	0x2014c3,
+	0x21a743,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x36ea03,
+	0x223583,
+	0x221483,
+	0x233503,
+	0x30bcc3,
+	0x2fad83,
+	0x317345,
+	0x20c843,
+	0x2df706,
+	0x2fadc3,
+	0x349703,
+	0x2205c4,
+	0x20c9c3,
+	0x386603,
+	0x2f1a03,
+	0x20bdc3,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x22fac3,
+	0x30e403,
+	0x30fac4,
+	0x383884,
+	0x21a5c3,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x200242,
+	0x202d42,
+	0x20cac2,
+	0x201d02,
+	0x201442,
+	0x23de42,
+	0x201842,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x201fc2,
+	0x2281c2,
+	0x214642,
+	0x2745c2,
+	0x20cb42,
+	0x2e6dc2,
+	0x21cc82,
+	0x225b82,
+	0x204102,
+	0x2204c2,
+	0x205842,
+	0x200482,
+	0x221dc2,
+	0x2044c2,
+	0x20d2c2,
+	0x200a02,
+	0x21f542,
+	0x204782,
+	0x7102,
+	0x242,
+	0x2d42,
+	0xcac2,
+	0x1d02,
+	0x1442,
+	0x3de42,
+	0x1842,
+	0x7b02,
+	0x1fc2,
+	0x281c2,
+	0x14642,
+	0x745c2,
+	0xcb42,
+	0xe6dc2,
+	0x1cc82,
+	0x25b82,
+	0x4102,
+	0x204c2,
+	0x5842,
+	0x482,
+	0x21dc2,
+	0x44c2,
+	0xd2c2,
+	0xa02,
+	0x1f542,
+	0x4782,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2442,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x201a03,
+	0xc638543,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x219302,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x4542,
+	0x201c02,
+	0x1442b45,
+	0x232282,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xf882,
+	0x209d82,
+	0x209b02,
+	0x20ddc2,
+	0x2190c2,
+	0x206802,
+	0x11205,
+	0x201282,
+	0x2014c2,
+	0x202c82,
+	0x200dc2,
+	0x21cc82,
+	0x3951c2,
+	0x206742,
+	0x260a42,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x1501cd,
+	0xe1dc9,
+	0x5900b,
+	0xe5848,
+	0x56809,
+	0x106046,
+	0x323043,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x145944,
+	0xf183,
+	0x145c05,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x5d3c6,
+	0x145c49,
+	0x126447,
+	0x207102,
+	0x286644,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x201742,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x255783,
+	0x253442,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200442,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x3a03c6,
+	0x323d8f,
+	0x7156c3,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0xe03,
+	0x152e1cb,
+	0xe2648,
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+	0x14f5907,
+	0x8dbcb,
+	0x149785,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x207102,
+	0x200b42,
+	0x2092c2,
+	0xfe38543,
+	0x248582,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x209c42,
+	0x20d382,
+	0x323043,
+	0x210642,
+	0x259c42,
+	0x2aeb02,
+	0x2006c2,
+	0x295e02,
+	0x203102,
+	0x200782,
+	0x2351c2,
+	0x2335c2,
+	0x252e42,
+	0x2b5102,
+	0x2d2942,
+	0x327982,
+	0x2111c2,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x200802,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x24d382,
+	0x289e82,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2485c2,
+	0x20d2c2,
+	0x221382,
+	0x200742,
+	0x204d02,
+	0x2e6282,
+	0x22be42,
+	0x231802,
+	0x2312c2,
+	0x3195ca,
+	0x35c50a,
+	0x39090a,
+	0x3c1382,
+	0x208a82,
+	0x212a42,
+	0x10223fc9,
+	0x1072c38a,
+	0x1438547,
+	0x10a02482,
+	0x1416dc3,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x12c38a,
+	0x252044,
+	0x11238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x253384,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe3bc5,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20c843,
+	0x202443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x140ff44,
+	0x1441c5,
+	0x12620a,
+	0x11ec42,
+	0x1affc6,
+	0x35ad1,
+	0x11a23fc9,
+	0x144248,
+	0x10b388,
+	0x8cf47,
+	0xbc2,
+	0x13164b,
+	0x1b320a,
+	0x71ca,
+	0x26547,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x114008,
+	0x14507,
+	0x17c2198b,
+	0x23087,
+	0xc702,
+	0x5b907,
+	0x1920a,
+	0x8cc4f,
+	0x4f70f,
+	0x22902,
+	0xf882,
+	0xaaa48,
+	0xe228a,
+	0x6a08,
+	0x64b88,
+	0xdfbc8,
+	0x4c82,
+	0x42bcf,
+	0xa670b,
+	0xf8d08,
+	0x3e607,
+	0x185b8a,
+	0x3af8b,
+	0x57f89,
+	0x185a87,
+	0x6908,
+	0x1089cc,
+	0x81a87,
+	0x1a800a,
+	0xdd088,
+	0x1aafce,
+	0x2438e,
+	0x2638b,
+	0x27bcb,
+	0x2920b,
+	0x2c049,
+	0x2ff8b,
+	0x31ccd,
+	0x329cb,
+	0x62b4d,
+	0x62ecd,
+	0xfa44a,
+	0x1836cb,
+	0x3b64b,
+	0x47085,
+	0x1802cc10,
+	0x12d40f,
+	0x12db4f,
+	0x37a4d,
+	0xbf490,
+	0xc182,
+	0x18623a08,
+	0x8ca48,
+	0x18af52c5,
+	0x52a0b,
+	0x11f3d0,
+	0x5ad08,
+	0x6b0a,
+	0x27d89,
+	0x6b307,
+	0x6b647,
+	0x6b807,
+	0x6bb87,
+	0x6ca87,
+	0x6d487,
+	0x6ddc7,
+	0x6e187,
+	0x6f187,
+	0x6f487,
+	0x70147,
+	0x70307,
+	0x704c7,
+	0x70687,
+	0x70987,
+	0x70e47,
+	0x71707,
+	0x72007,
+	0x72c87,
+	0x731c7,
+	0x73387,
+	0x73707,
+	0x74487,
+	0x74687,
+	0x750c7,
+	0x75287,
+	0x75447,
+	0x75dc7,
+	0x76087,
+	0x77a47,
+	0x78187,
+	0x78447,
+	0x78bc7,
+	0x78d87,
+	0x79187,
+	0x79687,
+	0x79907,
+	0x79d07,
+	0x79ec7,
+	0x7a087,
+	0x7ae07,
+	0x7c447,
+	0x7c987,
+	0x7cc87,
+	0x7ce47,
+	0x7d1c7,
+	0x7d787,
+	0x13c42,
+	0x64c8a,
+	0xe90c7,
+	0x287c5,
+	0x806d1,
+	0x157c6,
+	0x11318a,
+	0xaa8ca,
+	0x5d3c6,
+	0xb880b,
+	0x17202,
+	0x3a1d1,
+	0x1bbc89,
+	0x9c0c9,
+	0x351c2,
+	0xa808a,
+	0xac7c9,
+	0xacf0f,
+	0xada4e,
+	0xae208,
+	0x206c2,
+	0xb649,
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+	0xe8b4c,
+	0xf328f,
+	0x1a5b4e,
+	0x1684c,
+	0x18009,
+	0x1c291,
+	0x1f108,
+	0x2ac92,
+	0x2bb4d,
+	0x33c4d,
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+	0x41cd5,
+	0x164ec9,
+	0xfcf8a,
+	0x40809,
+	0x4d650,
+	0x4e70b,
+	0x5898f,
+	0x6390b,
+	0x7298c,
+	0x77650,
+	0x8430a,
+	0x853cd,
+	0x894ce,
+	0x8ef4a,
+	0xede0c,
+	0x176a54,
+	0x1bb911,
+	0x95a8b,
+	0x97fcf,
+	0xa290d,
+	0xa76ce,
+	0xb2bcc,
+	0xb330c,
+	0x160b0b,
+	0x160e0e,
+	0xd6750,
+	0x11868b,
+	0x1876cd,
+	0x1bce4f,
+	0xba0cc,
+	0xbb0ce,
+	0xbc011,
+	0xc7c4c,
+	0xc9307,
+	0xc9c0d,
+	0x130d4c,
+	0x1605d0,
+	0x174c0d,
+	0xd1b47,
+	0xd7c10,
+	0xdd6c8,
+	0xf178b,
+	0x134c4f,
+	0x3ef48,
+	0x11338d,
+	0x15c750,
+	0x172e49,
+	0x18e086c6,
+	0xb8243,
+	0xbc445,
+	0x9a02,
+	0x143889,
+	0x5e04a,
+	0x10fb06,
+	0x2594a,
+	0x1900c949,
+	0x1c003,
+	0xdebd1,
+	0xdf009,
+	0xe0407,
+	0x35c4b,
+	0xe67d0,
+	0xe6c8c,
+	0xe8e48,
+	0xe9805,
+	0xb988,
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+	0x1c0c7,
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+	0x982,
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+	0x12e7c9,
+	0x79545,
+	0x402ca,
+	0x9260f,
+	0x4b8cb,
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+	0x94e45,
+	0xec1c8,
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+	0x196f3d05,
+	0x190ecc,
+	0x129ac3,
+	0x1951c2,
+	0xfb30a,
+	0x14fb70c,
+	0x14f508,
+	0x62d08,
+	0x36d47,
+	0xb282,
+	0x4242,
+	0x47590,
+	0xa02,
+	0x3904f,
+	0x86286,
+	0x7c0e,
+	0xebbcb,
+	0x8f148,
+	0xda049,
+	0x18f052,
+	0x95cd,
+	0x586c8,
+	0x58ec9,
+	0x5d50d,
+	0x5e4c9,
+	0x5e88b,
+	0x60648,
+	0x65808,
+	0x65b88,
+	0x65e49,
+	0x6604a,
+	0x6a98c,
+	0xeb04a,
+	0x10bd07,
+	0x1f54d,
+	0xfde8b,
+	0x12004c,
+	0x404c8,
+	0x4f049,
+	0x1b01d0,
+	0xc2,
+	0x2d3cd,
+	0x2642,
+	0x2cc2,
+	0x10bc4a,
+	0x11308a,
+	0x11438b,
+	0x3b80c,
+	0x113b0a,
+	0x113d8e,
+	0xf2cd,
+	0x11d708,
+	0x4542,
+	0x11f46c0e,
+	0x1260ee4e,
+	0x12f43f8a,
+	0x1373a14e,
+	0x13f9d38e,
+	0x1460138c,
+	0x1438547,
+	0x1438549,
+	0x1416dc3,
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+	0x15f3b509,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x146b51,
+	0xed91,
+	0x143ecd,
+	0x13a091,
+	0x19d2d1,
+	0x12cf,
+	0x36f4f,
+	0x1076cc,
+	0x13b44c,
+	0x18954d,
+	0x1b5295,
+	0x10ed8c,
+	0xea88c,
+	0x122ed0,
+	0x158fcc,
+	0x16d9cc,
+	0x191819,
+	0x1a83d9,
+	0x1aa459,
+	0x1b3e94,
+	0x1b8ad4,
+	0x1c0d14,
+	0x2394,
+	0x3754,
+	0x1670ee49,
+	0x16dc0fc9,
+	0x176ea949,
+	0x1221f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x12a1f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x238a,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x1321f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x238a,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x13a1f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x1421f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x14a1f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x238a,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x1521f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x238a,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x15a1f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x1621f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x238a,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x16a1f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x1721f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x17a1f309,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x238a,
+	0x12c2,
+	0x35ac5,
+	0x1b3204,
+	0x146c0e,
+	0xee4e,
+	0x143f8a,
+	0x13a14e,
+	0x19d38e,
+	0x138c,
+	0x3700c,
+	0x107789,
+	0x13b509,
+	0x10ee49,
+	0x1c0fc9,
+	0xea949,
+	0x122f8d,
+	0x2649,
+	0x3a09,
+	0x5bf04,
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+	0x126144,
+	0x15f784,
+	0x8de84,
+	0x4b744,
+	0x6e44,
+	0x67344,
+	0x8cf44,
+	0x157e2c3,
+	0xc182,
+	0xf2c3,
+	0x4c82,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x201742,
+	0x207602,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x200442,
+	0x204242,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231603,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x160c3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x31604,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x1b638543,
+	0x2bf347,
+	0x323043,
+	0x211a83,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x243d0a,
+	0x3a03c5,
+	0x221483,
+	0x205082,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xf882,
+	0x127482,
+	0x1bf51b0b,
+	0x5ba45,
+	0x35dc5,
+	0x114b46,
+	0x145944,
+	0xf183,
+	0x145c05,
+	0x131645,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x23087,
+	0x38543,
+	0x1c644d87,
+	0x1432c6,
+	0x1c93b345,
+	0x143387,
+	0x1b4d0a,
+	0x1b4bc8,
+	0x11887,
+	0x6df88,
+	0x99707,
+	0x152cf,
+	0x435c7,
+	0x150d86,
+	0x11f3d0,
+	0x12a58f,
+	0x20a89,
+	0x10fb84,
+	0x1cd4344e,
+	0xb098c,
+	0x5810a,
+	0xa7987,
+	0x3520a,
+	0xbb49,
+	0xb514c,
+	0x4304a,
+	0x5ec8a,
+	0x145c49,
+	0x10fb06,
+	0xa7a4a,
+	0xe8a,
+	0xa4e49,
+	0xde488,
+	0xde786,
+	0xe284d,
+	0xbc8c5,
+	0x126447,
+	0x1019c9,
+	0xf72c7,
+	0xb5ed4,
+	0x103acb,
+	0xf8b4a,
+	0xab10d,
+	0xd3c3,
+	0xd3c3,
+	0x24386,
+	0xd3c3,
+	0x19c783,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xf882,
+	0x53384,
+	0x5f843,
+	0x155685,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x29c283,
+	0x202443,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x286644,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x206683,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x207603,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x229443,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221483,
+	0x36a883,
+	0x1ea38543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x250ac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x212143,
+	0x229443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x204103,
+	0x35f584,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x1f238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2ae2c3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20e943,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x1fa38543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x1438547,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x131645,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0xb610b,
+	0xdf404,
+	0xbc8c5,
+	0x1480cc8,
+	0xae90d,
+	0x20e6c505,
+	0x7bd44,
+	0x10c3,
+	0x172d45,
+	0x33b145,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xd3c2,
+	0x2bc3,
+	0xf9306,
+	0x31f948,
+	0x3347c7,
+	0x286644,
+	0x39c286,
+	0x3b5146,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x2ddac3,
+	0x342a49,
+	0x26d615,
+	0x6d61f,
+	0x238543,
+	0x3b3a52,
+	0xf6306,
+	0x114dc5,
+	0x6b0a,
+	0x27d89,
+	0x3b380f,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x3490c5,
+	0x304b10,
+	0x34e347,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x293408,
+	0x12ce46,
+	0x29630a,
+	0x230f04,
+	0x2f3743,
+	0x3a03c6,
+	0x205082,
+	0x22facb,
+	0xe03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2f9a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x6ed43,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x211a83,
+	0x228243,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207102,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x35dc5,
+	0x286644,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x20f644,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x204c03,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x210543,
+	0x707c3,
+	0x11a83,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x3195ca,
+	0x335289,
+	0x35438b,
+	0x35490a,
+	0x35c50a,
+	0x369bcb,
+	0x38274a,
+	0x38b38a,
+	0x39090a,
+	0x390b8b,
+	0x3ad209,
+	0x3af10a,
+	0x3af7cb,
+	0x3b978b,
+	0x3bfb4a,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x35dcb,
+	0x651c8,
+	0x1174c9,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x26b304,
+	0x20b342,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x346145,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x286644,
+	0x238543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x253384,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x231604,
+	0x229443,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x22d585,
+	0x206683,
+	0x221483,
+	0x20ec43,
+	0x231944,
+	0x20fe84,
+	0x2cc105,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x30dc84,
+	0x36bdc6,
+	0x281384,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x381107,
+	0x254d87,
+	0x251844,
+	0x260105,
+	0x374e05,
+	0x2b13c5,
+	0x231604,
+	0x2cf6c8,
+	0x23eb46,
+	0x3bffc8,
+	0x257cc5,
+	0x2e4505,
+	0x263544,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2f4544,
+	0x368dc6,
+	0x3a04c3,
+	0x231944,
+	0x280bc5,
+	0x2e4ac4,
+	0x34da44,
+	0x205082,
+	0x2669c6,
+	0x3a2906,
+	0x30a185,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x2760f882,
+	0x223b84,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x200e82,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200442,
+	0x215443,
+	0x202443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x323043,
+	0x207102,
+	0x2820f882,
+	0x323043,
+	0x270443,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x32e5c4,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x28a0f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x482,
+	0x208882,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x211a83,
+	0x2ef783,
+	0x207102,
+	0x131645,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x253384,
+	0x2020c3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x204c03,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x21eb43,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2252c3,
+	0x122213,
+	0x124cd4,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x139986,
+	0x5e24b,
+	0x24386,
+	0x5c0c7,
+	0x120589,
+	0xe838a,
+	0x9058d,
+	0x14fecc,
+	0x3954a,
+	0x11205,
+	0x1b4d48,
+	0x86286,
+	0x31586,
+	0x12cf06,
+	0x20c182,
+	0x10b14c,
+	0x1b33c7,
+	0x2a691,
+	0x238543,
+	0x6df05,
+	0x7588,
+	0x18ec4,
+	0x29cbe1c6,
+	0x806c6,
+	0xb9a06,
+	0x960ca,
+	0xb4003,
+	0x2a24c984,
+	0xe8345,
+	0x18e43,
+	0x2a63dc47,
+	0xe3bc5,
+	0xb88cc,
+	0xf7a88,
+	0xbd248,
+	0xa6589,
+	0x14dc08,
+	0x1425886,
+	0x2ab71549,
+	0x14978a,
+	0x16308,
+	0x114b48,
+	0x8cf44,
+	0xb5ac5,
+	0x2ae42bc3,
+	0x2b332106,
+	0x2b6f4dc4,
+	0x2bb39d87,
+	0x114b44,
+	0x114b44,
+	0x114b44,
+	0x114b44,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x323043,
+	0x205e82,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x215443,
+	0x373ccf,
+	0x37408e,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x4db87,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20d4c3,
+	0x20d4c7,
+	0x200142,
+	0x2ce609,
+	0x200242,
+	0x24788b,
+	0x2c110a,
+	0x2c67c9,
+	0x201242,
+	0x2100c6,
+	0x26cd95,
+	0x2479d5,
+	0x275793,
+	0x247f53,
+	0x201d42,
+	0x212c45,
+	0x31d44c,
+	0x27c6cb,
+	0x29c705,
+	0x20cac2,
+	0x28e142,
+	0x384c06,
+	0x200bc2,
+	0x3acc46,
+	0x2dd20d,
+	0x26540c,
+	0x22cc84,
+	0x200f82,
+	0x203402,
+	0x22b048,
+	0x201d02,
+	0x20a746,
+	0x28bf04,
+	0x26cf55,
+	0x275913,
+	0x216d03,
+	0x33844a,
+	0x205407,
+	0x3145c9,
+	0x38d4c7,
+	0x20d342,
+	0x200002,
+	0x3ba886,
+	0x212702,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x216b42,
+	0x201102,
+	0x27f847,
+	0x217387,
+	0x222d85,
+	0x20c702,
+	0x225287,
+	0x225448,
+	0x2024c2,
+	0x2430c2,
+	0x237302,
+	0x201382,
+	0x242688,
+	0x20a043,
+	0x25fa08,
+	0x2e9b0d,
+	0x2322c3,
+	0x32ec08,
+	0x245f4f,
+	0x24630e,
+	0x339a4a,
+	0x22e811,
+	0x22ec90,
+	0x2c34cd,
+	0x2c380c,
+	0x36a707,
+	0x3385c7,
+	0x39c349,
+	0x20d302,
+	0x201442,
+	0x25db0c,
+	0x25de0b,
+	0x2008c2,
+	0x360cc6,
+	0x20e982,
+	0x204882,
+	0x222902,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x3b69c4,
+	0x244387,
+	0x229682,
+	0x24a347,
+	0x24b547,
+	0x20d282,
+	0x20c8c2,
+	0x24da45,
+	0x21a442,
+	0x2f290e,
+	0x2ab3cd,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x28d58e,
+	0x2c5c0d,
+	0x25ac43,
+	0x201482,
+	0x2891c4,
+	0x216582,
+	0x20fac2,
+	0x364145,
+	0x373587,
+	0x393202,
+	0x207602,
+	0x252f87,
+	0x255ac8,
+	0x2f6802,
+	0x294ec6,
+	0x25d98c,
+	0x25dccb,
+	0x206b02,
+	0x26764f,
+	0x267a10,
+	0x267e0f,
+	0x2681d5,
+	0x268714,
+	0x268c0e,
+	0x268f8e,
+	0x26930f,
+	0x2696ce,
+	0x269a54,
+	0x269f53,
+	0x26a40d,
+	0x27d949,
+	0x291ac3,
+	0x201802,
+	0x2b7505,
+	0x206346,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x3a4ec7,
+	0x323043,
+	0x217202,
+	0x37e548,
+	0x22ea51,
+	0x22ee90,
+	0x2007c2,
+	0x290e07,
+	0x204182,
+	0x332b07,
+	0x209a02,
+	0x342089,
+	0x384bc7,
+	0x27ac08,
+	0x2be006,
+	0x2ef683,
+	0x339205,
+	0x2022c2,
+	0x207a82,
+	0x3bac85,
+	0x391345,
+	0x204bc2,
+	0x231043,
+	0x2e4b47,
+	0x205747,
+	0x200502,
+	0x25f1c4,
+	0x211b83,
+	0x211b89,
+	0x215148,
+	0x200282,
+	0x202942,
+	0x242387,
+	0x263285,
+	0x2ad208,
+	0x215c87,
+	0x21a243,
+	0x294c86,
+	0x2c334d,
+	0x2c36cc,
+	0x2c8346,
+	0x209b02,
+	0x20c202,
+	0x204a82,
+	0x245dcf,
+	0x2461ce,
+	0x374e87,
+	0x20b302,
+	0x2c72c5,
+	0x2c72c6,
+	0x214702,
+	0x200802,
+	0x228246,
+	0x2b57c3,
+	0x332a46,
+	0x2d0285,
+	0x2d028d,
+	0x2d0855,
+	0x2d108c,
+	0x2d1e4d,
+	0x2d2212,
+	0x214642,
+	0x2745c2,
+	0x202ec2,
+	0x249386,
+	0x302486,
+	0x200982,
+	0x2063c6,
+	0x202c82,
+	0x39b505,
+	0x200542,
+	0x2ab4c9,
+	0x2e324c,
+	0x2e358b,
+	0x200442,
+	0x257708,
+	0x2052c2,
+	0x20cb42,
+	0x278ec6,
+	0x21f285,
+	0x36c107,
+	0x24bc85,
+	0x28ea05,
+	0x235d82,
+	0x219a42,
+	0x21cc82,
+	0x2f3587,
+	0x2613cd,
+	0x26174c,
+	0x317947,
+	0x2235c2,
+	0x225b82,
+	0x23f688,
+	0x343a08,
+	0x34c008,
+	0x313344,
+	0x361087,
+	0x2efc43,
+	0x299842,
+	0x206682,
+	0x2f2149,
+	0x3ab3c7,
+	0x204102,
+	0x2792c5,
+	0x22fa42,
+	0x236902,
+	0x35dc83,
+	0x35dc86,
+	0x2f9a02,
+	0x2fab42,
+	0x200c02,
+	0x281e06,
+	0x345607,
+	0x221282,
+	0x206b42,
+	0x25f84f,
+	0x28d3cd,
+	0x3029ce,
+	0x2c5a8c,
+	0x201a42,
+	0x204142,
+	0x2bde45,
+	0x317e46,
+	0x209002,
+	0x205842,
+	0x200482,
+	0x215c04,
+	0x2e9984,
+	0x2b8706,
+	0x204242,
+	0x37d6c7,
+	0x233803,
+	0x233808,
+	0x33cb48,
+	0x240687,
+	0x249286,
+	0x202502,
+	0x242603,
+	0x351107,
+	0x26ffc6,
+	0x2e2d05,
+	0x3136c8,
+	0x206182,
+	0x337547,
+	0x21f542,
+	0x332182,
+	0x207f02,
+	0x2e95c9,
+	0x23b442,
+	0x2018c2,
+	0x248383,
+	0x377787,
+	0x2002c2,
+	0x2e33cc,
+	0x2e36cb,
+	0x2c83c6,
+	0x218d85,
+	0x22a202,
+	0x204782,
+	0x2c1486,
+	0x237e83,
+	0x378407,
+	0x243cc2,
+	0x200d42,
+	0x26cc15,
+	0x247b95,
+	0x275653,
+	0x2480d3,
+	0x2955c7,
+	0x2c0ec8,
+	0x379d90,
+	0x3c020f,
+	0x2c0ed3,
+	0x2c6592,
+	0x2ce1d0,
+	0x2db58f,
+	0x2dc512,
+	0x2dffd1,
+	0x2e0cd3,
+	0x2e9392,
+	0x2ea0cf,
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+	0x2f9a92,
+	0x2faed1,
+	0x303e4f,
+	0x347a4e,
+	0x3559d1,
+	0x2fee10,
+	0x32f912,
+	0x36fd51,
+	0x3af4c6,
+	0x30dd47,
+	0x382ac7,
+	0x203702,
+	0x286d05,
+	0x304887,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x218f42,
+	0x230d85,
+	0x226c43,
+	0x244c06,
+	0x26158d,
+	0x2618cc,
+	0x206442,
+	0x31d2cb,
+	0x27c58a,
+	0x212b0a,
+	0x2c04c9,
+	0x2f0c0b,
+	0x215dcd,
+	0x304f8c,
+	0x2f574a,
+	0x277bcc,
+	0x27d34b,
+	0x29c54c,
+	0x2b4c0b,
+	0x2e31c3,
+	0x36f946,
+	0x3061c2,
+	0x2fd502,
+	0x256d03,
+	0x203642,
+	0x203643,
+	0x260b86,
+	0x268387,
+	0x2c48c6,
+	0x2e2448,
+	0x343708,
+	0x2cc7c6,
+	0x20c402,
+	0x309b4d,
+	0x309e8c,
+	0x2dea07,
+	0x30db47,
+	0x2302c2,
+	0x221682,
+	0x260982,
+	0x255e82,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x208e83,
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+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x215443,
+	0x207102,
+	0x207542,
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+	0x16fb88,
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+	0x20f882,
+	0x201742,
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+	0x207b02,
+	0x217202,
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+	0x3279cd,
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+	0x289ecb,
+	0x2ae3cb,
+	0x2e62cb,
+	0x31804b,
+	0x31830b,
+	0x318949,
+	0x31984b,
+	0x319b0b,
+	0x31a08b,
+	0x31b08a,
+	0x31b5ca,
+	0x31bbcc,
+	0x31e00b,
+	0x31ea4a,
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+	0x33d1ce,
+	0x33d54a,
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+	0x33fd4b,
+	0x340b0b,
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+	0x36184a,
+	0x36250b,
+	0x3627ca,
+	0x362a4a,
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+	0x38424b,
+	0x38c6cb,
+	0x38e64e,
+	0x38e9cb,
+	0x39464b,
+	0x395b0b,
+	0x39900a,
+	0x399289,
+	0x3994ca,
+	0x39a94a,
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+	0x274805,
+	0x28f584,
+	0x3a4dc8,
+	0x312ec5,
+	0x299a84,
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+	0x2a550a,
+	0x3813ca,
+	0x308f07,
+	0x202c47,
+	0x303647,
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+	0x204906,
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+	0x208185,
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+	0x232646,
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+	0x232dc3,
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+	0x285f07,
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+	0x284e04,
+	0x220808,
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+	0x257988,
+	0x28b2c9,
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+	0x376004,
+	0x35d785,
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+	0x365bc6,
+	0x297685,
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+	0x280ec8,
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+	0x25cb8b,
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+	0x2a224d,
+	0x208605,
+	0x2af306,
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+	0x35d949,
+	0x27a787,
+	0x36d148,
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+	0x341046,
+	0x270f85,
+	0x2a7f06,
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+	0x2d3b09,
+	0x333f06,
+	0x3529c7,
+	0x248c85,
+	0x201d83,
+	0x25cd05,
+	0x2a2507,
+	0x338d06,
+	0x208509,
+	0x320c86,
+	0x289306,
+	0x219fc9,
+	0x288ac9,
+	0x2a8747,
+	0x20cd08,
+	0x280509,
+	0x286988,
+	0x38b5c6,
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+	0x289386,
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+	0x239fca,
+	0x253b46,
+	0x27a645,
+	0x20a506,
+	0x236b47,
+	0x31e787,
+	0x24fc45,
+	0x271145,
+	0x2e79c6,
+	0x2fbfc6,
+	0x2be306,
+	0x2bb884,
+	0x287e09,
+	0x290bc6,
+	0x2d430a,
+	0x222b88,
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+	0x2b0fc8,
+	0x2b43c7,
+	0x295946,
+	0x329608,
+	0x30a447,
+	0x287088,
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+	0x289b88,
+	0x29cd06,
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+	0x388bc6,
+	0x383d4a,
+	0x345506,
+	0x2de249,
+	0x36b086,
+	0x2b6c0a,
+	0x2e2dc9,
+	0x2fe406,
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+	0x2b75cd,
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+	0x32df46,
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+	0x3410c5,
+	0x204dc6,
+	0x2d4fc9,
+	0x3879c7,
+	0x2826c6,
+	0x2bd406,
+	0x28f609,
+	0x33f784,
+	0x3a1184,
+	0x39c0c8,
+	0x260f46,
+	0x279388,
+	0x30fec8,
+	0x378187,
+	0x3beb49,
+	0x2be507,
+	0x2b678a,
+	0x2fc88f,
+	0x25100a,
+	0x2bdc45,
+	0x281105,
+	0x220085,
+	0x28be47,
+	0x236703,
+	0x20cf08,
+	0x201e46,
+	0x201f49,
+	0x2e4806,
+	0x3a3607,
+	0x2a12c9,
+	0x36d048,
+	0x2d76c7,
+	0x315603,
+	0x34b9c5,
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+	0x2bb6cb,
+	0x385e44,
+	0x30ad44,
+	0x27f006,
+	0x315e87,
+	0x392a4a,
+	0x251a87,
+	0x36a947,
+	0x2852c5,
+	0x2016c5,
+	0x253689,
+	0x388bc6,
+	0x25190d,
+	0x334145,
+	0x2a10c3,
+	0x200dc3,
+	0x39cf05,
+	0x3534c5,
+	0x257988,
+	0x283007,
+	0x3a0f06,
+	0x2a6086,
+	0x232545,
+	0x23cd87,
+	0x377c87,
+	0x23ea07,
+	0x2d9a4a,
+	0x26c888,
+	0x2bb884,
+	0x256007,
+	0x284707,
+	0x352846,
+	0x26f5c7,
+	0x2ece48,
+	0x2e8548,
+	0x276346,
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+	0x2d1704,
+	0x22b9c6,
+	0x239b86,
+	0x333b86,
+	0x2d0006,
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+	0x2c7146,
+	0x29f406,
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+	0x213ec6,
+	0x223f06,
+	0x3a0e08,
+	0x3bcc88,
+	0x2da288,
+	0x274a08,
+	0x357546,
+	0x217e05,
+	0x2dd4c6,
+	0x2b3205,
+	0x397f07,
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+	0x2058c5,
+	0x34cc44,
+	0x214005,
+	0x22dc83,
+	0x33d807,
+	0x374a48,
+	0x2bfac6,
+	0x2b0c4d,
+	0x2810c6,
+	0x29e985,
+	0x227603,
+	0x2c2a89,
+	0x33f906,
+	0x29dd86,
+	0x2a8004,
+	0x250f87,
+	0x334546,
+	0x387c85,
+	0x20b2c3,
+	0x209484,
+	0x2848c6,
+	0x204a04,
+	0x239c88,
+	0x2005c9,
+	0x325f49,
+	0x2a7e0a,
+	0x2a918d,
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+	0x2bf046,
+	0x205ec4,
+	0x2f6e09,
+	0x28e688,
+	0x28fb86,
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+	0x26f5c7,
+	0x2b9786,
+	0x22c986,
+	0x36aac6,
+	0x3b0d0a,
+	0x227248,
+	0x364dc5,
+	0x26fa09,
+	0x28758a,
+	0x2f1e88,
+	0x2a40c8,
+	0x29dd08,
+	0x2ad74c,
+	0x318585,
+	0x2a6308,
+	0x2e7546,
+	0x36d2c6,
+	0x3a34c7,
+	0x251985,
+	0x289245,
+	0x325e09,
+	0x219847,
+	0x201f05,
+	0x22d887,
+	0x200dc3,
+	0x2cd145,
+	0x214308,
+	0x25d087,
+	0x2a3f89,
+	0x2dac05,
+	0x395a04,
+	0x2a8e48,
+	0x2dddc7,
+	0x2d7888,
+	0x2508c8,
+	0x2d6645,
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+	0x2a6186,
+	0x277449,
+	0x2b26c7,
+	0x2b3ac6,
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+	0x20e743,
+	0x274084,
+	0x2d1805,
+	0x23cec4,
+	0x393244,
+	0x288547,
+	0x25b347,
+	0x234284,
+	0x2a3dd0,
+	0x234e47,
+	0x2016c5,
+	0x37178c,
+	0x250684,
+	0x2a9e48,
+	0x257d49,
+	0x36e646,
+	0x34dd48,
+	0x223384,
+	0x37d0c8,
+	0x23a5c6,
+	0x238048,
+	0x2a4cc6,
+	0x2cc8cb,
+	0x201d85,
+	0x2d1688,
+	0x200a04,
+	0x200a0a,
+	0x2a3f89,
+	0x357f06,
+	0x220148,
+	0x263805,
+	0x2b9044,
+	0x2a9d46,
+	0x23e8c8,
+	0x287a88,
+	0x329e86,
+	0x358b04,
+	0x23f9c6,
+	0x2be587,
+	0x27ff87,
+	0x26f5cf,
+	0x204187,
+	0x2fe4c7,
+	0x23d2c5,
+	0x35fcc5,
+	0x2a8409,
+	0x2ed806,
+	0x286045,
+	0x288dc7,
+	0x2c6188,
+	0x29f505,
+	0x2a27c6,
+	0x2229c8,
+	0x28ab8a,
+	0x39c888,
+	0x292f47,
+	0x2fccc6,
+	0x26f9c6,
+	0x20ca43,
+	0x2052c3,
+	0x287749,
+	0x280389,
+	0x2a6b86,
+	0x2dac05,
+	0x304588,
+	0x220148,
+	0x365d48,
+	0x36ab4b,
+	0x2b0e87,
+	0x315849,
+	0x26f848,
+	0x356284,
+	0x3886c8,
+	0x295089,
+	0x2b3dc5,
+	0x28bd47,
+	0x274105,
+	0x287988,
+	0x297bcb,
+	0x29d510,
+	0x2aec45,
+	0x21e20c,
+	0x3a10c5,
+	0x285343,
+	0x296706,
+	0x2c5a04,
+	0x28fa06,
+	0x2a4707,
+	0x222a44,
+	0x24c3c8,
+	0x20cdcd,
+	0x330a05,
+	0x20ac04,
+	0x241b84,
+	0x27bd89,
+	0x292bc8,
+	0x320b07,
+	0x23a648,
+	0x287ec8,
+	0x2829c5,
+	0x28c647,
+	0x282947,
+	0x342807,
+	0x271149,
+	0x223c49,
+	0x36c986,
+	0x2c3a06,
+	0x26f806,
+	0x33e9c5,
+	0x3b4944,
+	0x200006,
+	0x200386,
+	0x282a08,
+	0x23680b,
+	0x284cc7,
+	0x205ec4,
+	0x334486,
+	0x2ed187,
+	0x388f45,
+	0x210bc5,
+	0x21b484,
+	0x223bc6,
+	0x200088,
+	0x2f6e09,
+	0x259706,
+	0x28df88,
+	0x387d46,
+	0x355088,
+	0x2d6c8c,
+	0x282886,
+	0x29e64d,
+	0x29eacb,
+	0x352a85,
+	0x377dc7,
+	0x334006,
+	0x31e648,
+	0x36ca09,
+	0x276608,
+	0x2016c5,
+	0x2076c7,
+	0x286a88,
+	0x332489,
+	0x2a0986,
+	0x25960a,
+	0x31e3c8,
+	0x27644b,
+	0x2d964c,
+	0x37d1c8,
+	0x283e46,
+	0x28c048,
+	0x28a807,
+	0x2e4909,
+	0x2976cd,
+	0x2a26c6,
+	0x365308,
+	0x3bcb49,
+	0x2c4a48,
+	0x289c88,
+	0x2c798c,
+	0x2c8e87,
+	0x2c96c7,
+	0x270f85,
+	0x31a807,
+	0x2c6048,
+	0x2a9dc6,
+	0x26020c,
+	0x2f60c8,
+	0x2d5708,
+	0x262246,
+	0x236407,
+	0x36cb84,
+	0x274a08,
+	0x28d88c,
+	0x22834c,
+	0x2bdcc5,
+	0x2b85c7,
+	0x358a86,
+	0x236386,
+	0x35db08,
+	0x202b84,
+	0x23264b,
+	0x37d80b,
+	0x2fccc6,
+	0x20cc47,
+	0x339305,
+	0x278585,
+	0x232786,
+	0x2637c5,
+	0x385e05,
+	0x2e40c7,
+	0x27f609,
+	0x2fc184,
+	0x2feac5,
+	0x2ead45,
+	0x2b5448,
+	0x235685,
+	0x2c0b89,
+	0x2b16c7,
+	0x2b16cb,
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+	0x3a0b49,
+	0x331b48,
+	0x272885,
+	0x342908,
+	0x223c88,
+	0x249b07,
+	0x383b47,
+	0x2885c9,
+	0x237f87,
+	0x27de09,
+	0x29b88c,
+	0x2a6b88,
+	0x331009,
+	0x360987,
+	0x287f89,
+	0x25b487,
+	0x2d9748,
+	0x3bed05,
+	0x22b946,
+	0x2c8888,
+	0x30cf08,
+	0x287449,
+	0x385e47,
+	0x278645,
+	0x21f949,
+	0x345306,
+	0x2440c4,
+	0x2440c6,
+	0x35d048,
+	0x254547,
+	0x236a08,
+	0x375049,
+	0x3b1a07,
+	0x2a56c6,
+	0x377e84,
+	0x205949,
+	0x28c4c8,
+	0x262107,
+	0x2b56c6,
+	0x236746,
+	0x2bf144,
+	0x241986,
+	0x202003,
+	0x34f109,
+	0x201d46,
+	0x3752c5,
+	0x2a6086,
+	0x2d79c5,
+	0x286f08,
+	0x37cf07,
+	0x261e06,
+	0x234d06,
+	0x3059c8,
+	0x2a8587,
+	0x2a2705,
+	0x2a3bc8,
+	0x3bb748,
+	0x31e3c8,
+	0x3a0f85,
+	0x22b9c6,
+	0x325d09,
+	0x2772c4,
+	0x351d8b,
+	0x22c68b,
+	0x364cc9,
+	0x200dc3,
+	0x25efc5,
+	0x21d306,
+	0x3ba188,
+	0x2fc804,
+	0x2bfac6,
+	0x2d9b89,
+	0x2bc9c5,
+	0x2e4006,
+	0x2dddc6,
+	0x220144,
+	0x2af4ca,
+	0x375208,
+	0x30cf06,
+	0x2cf245,
+	0x3b8247,
+	0x23d187,
+	0x281904,
+	0x22c8c7,
+	0x2b6784,
+	0x333b06,
+	0x20cf43,
+	0x271145,
+	0x334f05,
+	0x3beec8,
+	0x2561c5,
+	0x2825c9,
+	0x274847,
+	0x27484b,
+	0x2aa04c,
+	0x2aa64a,
+	0x33f5c7,
+	0x202e83,
+	0x202e88,
+	0x3a1145,
+	0x29f585,
+	0x2140c4,
+	0x2d9646,
+	0x257d46,
+	0x2419c7,
+	0x34d58b,
+	0x233ac4,
+	0x2e7644,
+	0x2cbd04,
+	0x2d3706,
+	0x222a44,
+	0x22b7c8,
+	0x34b885,
+	0x24fac5,
+	0x365c87,
+	0x377ec9,
+	0x3534c5,
+	0x38dcca,
+	0x248b89,
+	0x2911ca,
+	0x3b0e49,
+	0x310444,
+	0x2bd4c5,
+	0x2b9888,
+	0x2f150b,
+	0x35d785,
+	0x33be86,
+	0x236304,
+	0x282b06,
+	0x3b1889,
+	0x2ed287,
+	0x320e48,
+	0x2a9506,
+	0x2be507,
+	0x287a88,
+	0x3870c6,
+	0x39b804,
+	0x3743c7,
+	0x376945,
+	0x389b87,
+	0x200104,
+	0x333f86,
+	0x2d5f48,
+	0x29ec88,
+	0x2e7007,
+	0x27f988,
+	0x29cdc5,
+	0x213e44,
+	0x3812c8,
+	0x27fa84,
+	0x220005,
+	0x2ffbc4,
+	0x30a547,
+	0x290c87,
+	0x2880c8,
+	0x2d7a06,
+	0x256145,
+	0x2823c8,
+	0x39ca88,
+	0x2a7d49,
+	0x22c986,
+	0x23a048,
+	0x20088a,
+	0x388fc8,
+	0x2ec085,
+	0x349286,
+	0x248a48,
+	0x20778a,
+	0x226047,
+	0x28ee45,
+	0x29ad48,
+	0x2c2404,
+	0x272486,
+	0x2c9a48,
+	0x213ec6,
+	0x20b308,
+	0x296e87,
+	0x211486,
+	0x2bccc4,
+	0x364707,
+	0x2b8e84,
+	0x3b1847,
+	0x2a064d,
+	0x288805,
+	0x2d4dcb,
+	0x2285c6,
+	0x257808,
+	0x24c384,
+	0x357746,
+	0x2848c6,
+	0x28c387,
+	0x29e30d,
+	0x24e587,
+	0x2b93c8,
+	0x278705,
+	0x276e08,
+	0x2ccb86,
+	0x29ce48,
+	0x22ab46,
+	0x25a707,
+	0x39ae89,
+	0x36ebc7,
+	0x28fe48,
+	0x27af45,
+	0x222e08,
+	0x219405,
+	0x3ab545,
+	0x3b10c5,
+	0x23ef43,
+	0x289144,
+	0x26fa05,
+	0x241489,
+	0x3043c6,
+	0x2ecf48,
+	0x383905,
+	0x2bb507,
+	0x2ad54a,
+	0x2e3f49,
+	0x2d348a,
+	0x2da308,
+	0x22d6cc,
+	0x288e4d,
+	0x301bc3,
+	0x20b208,
+	0x209445,
+	0x28a946,
+	0x36cec6,
+	0x2ebb05,
+	0x2237c9,
+	0x20e1c5,
+	0x2823c8,
+	0x25fe06,
+	0x35e006,
+	0x2a8d09,
+	0x39ed87,
+	0x297e86,
+	0x2ad4c8,
+	0x333a88,
+	0x2e4f47,
+	0x2381ce,
+	0x2ccdc5,
+	0x332385,
+	0x213dc8,
+	0x20a247,
+	0x200842,
+	0x2c7504,
+	0x28f90a,
+	0x2621c8,
+	0x389206,
+	0x2a1408,
+	0x2a6186,
+	0x3337c8,
+	0x2b3ac8,
+	0x3ab504,
+	0x2bba45,
+	0x681384,
+	0x681384,
+	0x681384,
+	0x201e03,
+	0x2365c6,
+	0x282886,
+	0x2a508c,
+	0x200943,
+	0x223286,
+	0x20cf04,
+	0x33f888,
+	0x2d99c5,
+	0x28fa06,
+	0x2c31c8,
+	0x2db2c6,
+	0x261d86,
+	0x357d08,
+	0x2d1887,
+	0x237d49,
+	0x2fa8ca,
+	0x20a944,
+	0x27df05,
+	0x29a385,
+	0x2f6c06,
+	0x20ac06,
+	0x2a5ac6,
+	0x2ff206,
+	0x237e84,
+	0x237e8b,
+	0x23c584,
+	0x2a5245,
+	0x2b2ac5,
+	0x378246,
+	0x2090c8,
+	0x288d07,
+	0x320c04,
+	0x232fc3,
+	0x2c1f05,
+	0x311847,
+	0x288c0b,
+	0x3bedc7,
+	0x2c30c8,
+	0x2e7287,
+	0x23d406,
+	0x27a4c8,
+	0x2b004b,
+	0x345746,
+	0x21d449,
+	0x2b01c5,
+	0x315603,
+	0x2e4006,
+	0x296d88,
+	0x21f083,
+	0x271e03,
+	0x287a86,
+	0x2a6186,
+	0x36958a,
+	0x283e85,
+	0x28470b,
+	0x2a5fcb,
+	0x210a83,
+	0x20b943,
+	0x2b6704,
+	0x2af6c7,
+	0x296e04,
+	0x277344,
+	0x2e73c4,
+	0x223e88,
+	0x2cf188,
+	0x205249,
+	0x39e3c8,
+	0x28b487,
+	0x2381c6,
+	0x2ecb8f,
+	0x2ccf06,
+	0x2d9944,
+	0x2cefca,
+	0x311747,
+	0x208206,
+	0x297509,
+	0x2051c5,
+	0x3bf005,
+	0x205306,
+	0x222f43,
+	0x2c2449,
+	0x2273c6,
+	0x202d09,
+	0x392a46,
+	0x271145,
+	0x2be0c5,
+	0x204183,
+	0x2af808,
+	0x213887,
+	0x201e44,
+	0x33f708,
+	0x2ffe04,
+	0x2f0486,
+	0x296706,
+	0x248fc6,
+	0x2d1549,
+	0x29f505,
+	0x388bc6,
+	0x2666c9,
+	0x2cb906,
+	0x223f06,
+	0x397346,
+	0x21ce85,
+	0x2ffbc6,
+	0x25a704,
+	0x3bed05,
+	0x2c8884,
+	0x2b9f86,
+	0x334104,
+	0x2136c3,
+	0x28e745,
+	0x23dac8,
+	0x262987,
+	0x2c1ac9,
+	0x28ed48,
+	0x29fb51,
+	0x2dde4a,
+	0x2fcc07,
+	0x25a986,
+	0x20cf04,
+	0x2c8988,
+	0x233fc8,
+	0x29fd0a,
+	0x2c094d,
+	0x2a7f06,
+	0x357e06,
+	0x3647c6,
+	0x24fac7,
+	0x2b9485,
+	0x210187,
+	0x20cdc5,
+	0x2b1804,
+	0x2ae086,
+	0x241807,
+	0x2c214d,
+	0x248987,
+	0x3a4cc8,
+	0x2826c9,
+	0x349186,
+	0x2a0905,
+	0x22dcc4,
+	0x35d146,
+	0x281806,
+	0x262346,
+	0x2a1c88,
+	0x21cd43,
+	0x20aa83,
+	0x338e45,
+	0x207b06,
+	0x2b3a85,
+	0x2a9708,
+	0x2a48ca,
+	0x3a2dc4,
+	0x33f888,
+	0x29dd08,
+	0x378087,
+	0x3839c9,
+	0x2c2dc8,
+	0x2a6d07,
+	0x2957c6,
+	0x213eca,
+	0x35d1c8,
+	0x2f8589,
+	0x292c88,
+	0x229b89,
+	0x2e8747,
+	0x33bdc5,
+	0x36ad46,
+	0x2a9c48,
+	0x287c08,
+	0x29de88,
+	0x2fcdc8,
+	0x2a5245,
+	0x218944,
+	0x213588,
+	0x24b384,
+	0x3b0c44,
+	0x271145,
+	0x299ac7,
+	0x377c89,
+	0x28c187,
+	0x2008c5,
+	0x27f206,
+	0x363686,
+	0x200b84,
+	0x2a9046,
+	0x255f84,
+	0x276d06,
+	0x377a46,
+	0x21eec6,
+	0x2016c5,
+	0x2a95c7,
+	0x202e83,
+	0x21dd89,
+	0x3057c8,
+	0x2f6d04,
+	0x2f6d0d,
+	0x29ed88,
+	0x2d7248,
+	0x2f8506,
+	0x39af89,
+	0x2e3f49,
+	0x3b1585,
+	0x2a49ca,
+	0x2edbca,
+	0x2a5ccc,
+	0x2a5e46,
+	0x27fe06,
+	0x2cd086,
+	0x2c84c9,
+	0x28ab86,
+	0x2101c6,
+	0x20e286,
+	0x274a08,
+	0x27f986,
+	0x2d92cb,
+	0x299c45,
+	0x24fac5,
+	0x280085,
+	0x39be46,
+	0x213e83,
+	0x248f46,
+	0x248907,
+	0x2c8845,
+	0x24d545,
+	0x3410c5,
+	0x313846,
+	0x204dc4,
+	0x385806,
+	0x284049,
+	0x39bccc,
+	0x2b1548,
+	0x23e844,
+	0x2ff8c6,
+	0x2286c6,
+	0x296d88,
+	0x220148,
+	0x39bbc9,
+	0x3b8247,
+	0x260c89,
+	0x255806,
+	0x237404,
+	0x214944,
+	0x20a584,
+	0x287a88,
+	0x377aca,
+	0x353446,
+	0x35fb87,
+	0x37e787,
+	0x3a0c45,
+	0x29a344,
+	0x295046,
+	0x2b94c6,
+	0x202bc3,
+	0x305607,
+	0x2507c8,
+	0x3b16ca,
+	0x2d4708,
+	0x28a688,
+	0x334145,
+	0x352b85,
+	0x284dc5,
+	0x3a1006,
+	0x2393c6,
+	0x25b285,
+	0x34f349,
+	0x29a14c,
+	0x284e87,
+	0x29fd88,
+	0x24ee05,
+	0x681384,
+	0x240ac4,
+	0x25d1c4,
+	0x217946,
+	0x2a728e,
+	0x3bf087,
+	0x24fcc5,
+	0x27724c,
+	0x2ffcc7,
+	0x241787,
+	0x274e89,
+	0x2208c9,
+	0x28ee45,
+	0x3057c8,
+	0x325d09,
+	0x31e285,
+	0x2c8788,
+	0x227546,
+	0x381546,
+	0x2e2dc4,
+	0x25ff08,
+	0x248743,
+	0x235e44,
+	0x2c1f85,
+	0x204dc7,
+	0x21b4c5,
+	0x200749,
+	0x27e64d,
+	0x2935c6,
+	0x229b04,
+	0x2958c8,
+	0x27f44a,
+	0x21da87,
+	0x243905,
+	0x235e83,
+	0x2a618e,
+	0x2af90c,
+	0x2f1f87,
+	0x2a7447,
+	0x200143,
+	0x28abc5,
+	0x25d1c5,
+	0x2a17c8,
+	0x29db49,
+	0x23e746,
+	0x296e04,
+	0x2fcb46,
+	0x3650cb,
+	0x2e3ccc,
+	0x376447,
+	0x2d9585,
+	0x3bb648,
+	0x2e4d05,
+	0x2cefc7,
+	0x2ddc87,
+	0x248745,
+	0x213e83,
+	0x3b36c4,
+	0x21b705,
+	0x2fc085,
+	0x2fc086,
+	0x2821c8,
+	0x241807,
+	0x36d1c6,
+	0x25b686,
+	0x3b1006,
+	0x2f88c9,
+	0x28c747,
+	0x262606,
+	0x2e3e46,
+	0x27e106,
+	0x2af405,
+	0x21e8c6,
+	0x390e05,
+	0x235708,
+	0x2990cb,
+	0x294b86,
+	0x37e7c4,
+	0x2c8109,
+	0x274844,
+	0x2274c8,
+	0x2441c7,
+	0x289b84,
+	0x2c2688,
+	0x2c94c4,
+	0x2af444,
+	0x39ac45,
+	0x330a46,
+	0x223dc7,
+	0x20b3c3,
+	0x2a5785,
+	0x32a504,
+	0x3323c6,
+	0x3b1608,
+	0x39c785,
+	0x298d89,
+	0x21fb45,
+	0x223288,
+	0x22cfc7,
+	0x398048,
+	0x2c1907,
+	0x2fe589,
+	0x271846,
+	0x360486,
+	0x20e284,
+	0x295705,
+	0x3093cc,
+	0x280087,
+	0x280fc7,
+	0x37e648,
+	0x2935c6,
+	0x2794c4,
+	0x34bc04,
+	0x288449,
+	0x2cd186,
+	0x253707,
+	0x2cff84,
+	0x24ab06,
+	0x35f245,
+	0x2d7547,
+	0x2d9246,
+	0x2594c9,
+	0x2eda07,
+	0x26f5c7,
+	0x2a8b86,
+	0x24aa45,
+	0x285988,
+	0x227248,
+	0x2f6a46,
+	0x39c7c5,
+	0x344806,
+	0x202c03,
+	0x2a1649,
+	0x2a584e,
+	0x2c1608,
+	0x2fff08,
+	0x2f684b,
+	0x298fc6,
+	0x20a884,
+	0x261d84,
+	0x2a594a,
+	0x21e107,
+	0x2626c5,
+	0x21d449,
+	0x2c7205,
+	0x3b0c87,
+	0x250584,
+	0x27b907,
+	0x30fdc8,
+	0x2d0f06,
+	0x365489,
+	0x2c2eca,
+	0x21e086,
+	0x29e8c6,
+	0x2b2a45,
+	0x38ef85,
+	0x325647,
+	0x24ec48,
+	0x35f188,
+	0x3ab506,
+	0x2be145,
+	0x20a98e,
+	0x2bb884,
+	0x2a1745,
+	0x27eb89,
+	0x2ed608,
+	0x292e86,
+	0x2a36cc,
+	0x2a44d0,
+	0x2a6ecf,
+	0x2a8308,
+	0x33f5c7,
+	0x2016c5,
+	0x26fa05,
+	0x389089,
+	0x29af49,
+	0x23fac6,
+	0x35d807,
+	0x2b8545,
+	0x2b43c9,
+	0x3528c6,
+	0x28a9cd,
+	0x288789,
+	0x277344,
+	0x2c1388,
+	0x213649,
+	0x353606,
+	0x27f305,
+	0x360486,
+	0x320d09,
+	0x281688,
+	0x217e05,
+	0x200984,
+	0x2a388b,
+	0x3534c5,
+	0x2a39c6,
+	0x289186,
+	0x26e646,
+	0x27c18b,
+	0x298e89,
+	0x25b5c5,
+	0x397e07,
+	0x2dddc6,
+	0x34dec6,
+	0x25cf48,
+	0x330b49,
+	0x3a4a8c,
+	0x311648,
+	0x23c586,
+	0x329e83,
+	0x28bf46,
+	0x27bfc5,
+	0x284a48,
+	0x2bdb46,
+	0x2d7788,
+	0x251b05,
+	0x283245,
+	0x27a8c8,
+	0x333947,
+	0x36ce07,
+	0x2419c7,
+	0x34dd48,
+	0x39ad08,
+	0x31a706,
+	0x2b9dc7,
+	0x273f47,
+	0x27be8a,
+	0x20d703,
+	0x39be46,
+	0x23e985,
+	0x28f904,
+	0x2826c9,
+	0x2fe504,
+	0x262a04,
+	0x2a4d44,
+	0x2a744b,
+	0x2137c7,
+	0x20abc5,
+	0x29cac8,
+	0x27f206,
+	0x27f208,
+	0x283dc6,
+	0x293345,
+	0x293e85,
+	0x295f46,
+	0x296b48,
+	0x297448,
+	0x282886,
+	0x29c90f,
+	0x2a1110,
+	0x208605,
+	0x202e83,
+	0x2374c5,
+	0x315788,
+	0x29ae49,
+	0x31e3c8,
+	0x2f8748,
+	0x2bec08,
+	0x213887,
+	0x27eec9,
+	0x2d7988,
+	0x2730c4,
+	0x2a4bc8,
+	0x2b5509,
+	0x2babc7,
+	0x2a2644,
+	0x28c248,
+	0x2a938a,
+	0x3085c6,
+	0x2a7f06,
+	0x22c849,
+	0x2a4707,
+	0x2d4588,
+	0x2fdbc8,
+	0x2cfe08,
+	0x3690c5,
+	0x38ff05,
+	0x24fac5,
+	0x25d185,
+	0x38cb87,
+	0x213e85,
+	0x2c8845,
+	0x20ae06,
+	0x31e307,
+	0x2f1447,
+	0x2a9686,
+	0x2da845,
+	0x2a39c6,
+	0x202f45,
+	0x2b83c8,
+	0x2f1e04,
+	0x2cb986,
+	0x348084,
+	0x2b9048,
+	0x2cba8a,
+	0x28300c,
+	0x34d785,
+	0x24fb86,
+	0x3a4c46,
+	0x234b86,
+	0x23c604,
+	0x35f505,
+	0x283c07,
+	0x2a4789,
+	0x2d3c07,
+	0x681384,
+	0x681384,
+	0x320a85,
+	0x38d584,
+	0x2a308a,
+	0x27f086,
+	0x27a704,
+	0x208185,
+	0x3875c5,
+	0x2b93c4,
+	0x288dc7,
+	0x21fac7,
+	0x2d3708,
+	0x342348,
+	0x217e09,
+	0x2a5308,
+	0x2a324b,
+	0x251044,
+	0x375f45,
+	0x2860c5,
+	0x241949,
+	0x330b49,
+	0x2c8008,
+	0x243f48,
+	0x2df044,
+	0x228705,
+	0x202d43,
+	0x2f6bc5,
+	0x388c46,
+	0x29d98c,
+	0x2189c6,
+	0x37cfc6,
+	0x293105,
+	0x3138c8,
+	0x2c1786,
+	0x25ab06,
+	0x2a7f06,
+	0x22e2cc,
+	0x262504,
+	0x3b114a,
+	0x293048,
+	0x29d7c7,
+	0x32a406,
+	0x23e807,
+	0x2f2ec5,
+	0x2b56c6,
+	0x35c286,
+	0x367cc7,
+	0x262a44,
+	0x30a645,
+	0x27eb84,
+	0x2b1887,
+	0x27edc8,
+	0x27fc8a,
+	0x286907,
+	0x375387,
+	0x33f547,
+	0x2e4e49,
+	0x29d98a,
+	0x2373c3,
+	0x262945,
+	0x20b343,
+	0x2e7409,
+	0x254ec8,
+	0x23d2c7,
+	0x31e4c9,
+	0x227346,
+	0x2042c8,
+	0x33d785,
+	0x39cb8a,
+	0x2dbc89,
+	0x276209,
+	0x3a34c7,
+	0x2340c9,
+	0x21edc8,
+	0x367e86,
+	0x24fd48,
+	0x21ce87,
+	0x237f87,
+	0x248b87,
+	0x2d5dc8,
+	0x2ff746,
+	0x2a9145,
+	0x283c07,
+	0x29e3c8,
+	0x348004,
+	0x2d41c4,
+	0x297d87,
+	0x2b3e47,
+	0x325b8a,
+	0x367e06,
+	0x35854a,
+	0x2c7447,
+	0x2bb647,
+	0x358004,
+	0x27dec4,
+	0x2d7446,
+	0x281b84,
+	0x281b8c,
+	0x203185,
+	0x21ff89,
+	0x265684,
+	0x2b9485,
+	0x27f3c8,
+	0x22d245,
+	0x204dc6,
+	0x225f44,
+	0x28f30a,
+	0x2b25c6,
+	0x2a424a,
+	0x2b7887,
+	0x236b45,
+	0x222f45,
+	0x3a0c8a,
+	0x296cc5,
+	0x2a7e06,
+	0x24b384,
+	0x2b6886,
+	0x325705,
+	0x2bdc06,
+	0x2e700c,
+	0x2d388a,
+	0x2957c4,
+	0x2381c6,
+	0x2a4707,
+	0x2d91c4,
+	0x274a08,
+	0x39e246,
+	0x20a809,
+	0x2baec9,
+	0x2a6c89,
+	0x351f46,
+	0x21cf86,
+	0x24fe87,
+	0x34f288,
+	0x21cd89,
+	0x2137c7,
+	0x29cc46,
+	0x2be587,
+	0x364685,
+	0x2bb884,
+	0x24fa47,
+	0x274105,
+	0x28f845,
+	0x36c347,
+	0x248608,
+	0x3bb5c6,
+	0x29f24d,
+	0x2a19cf,
+	0x2a5fcd,
+	0x200904,
+	0x23dbc6,
+	0x2dc1c8,
+	0x20e245,
+	0x27c048,
+	0x2499ca,
+	0x277344,
+	0x365646,
+	0x33ae07,
+	0x233ac7,
+	0x2d1949,
+	0x24fd05,
+	0x2b93c4,
+	0x2bb98a,
+	0x2c2989,
+	0x2341c7,
+	0x272306,
+	0x353606,
+	0x228646,
+	0x374486,
+	0x2db94f,
+	0x2dc089,
+	0x27f986,
+	0x233ec6,
+	0x320289,
+	0x2b9ec7,
+	0x229403,
+	0x22e446,
+	0x2052c3,
+	0x2eb9c8,
+	0x2be3c7,
+	0x2a8509,
+	0x296588,
+	0x36cf48,
+	0x385f86,
+	0x218909,
+	0x398845,
+	0x2b9f84,
+	0x29a687,
+	0x2c8545,
+	0x200904,
+	0x20ac88,
+	0x202044,
+	0x2b9c07,
+	0x3749c6,
+	0x2e7a85,
+	0x292c88,
+	0x3534cb,
+	0x3778c7,
+	0x3a0f06,
+	0x2ccf84,
+	0x348186,
+	0x271145,
+	0x274105,
+	0x285709,
+	0x2889c9,
+	0x237fc4,
+	0x238005,
+	0x238205,
+	0x39ca06,
+	0x3058c8,
+	0x2c6b86,
+	0x25060b,
+	0x36e4ca,
+	0x2b8f85,
+	0x293f06,
+	0x3a2ac5,
+	0x2e9dc5,
+	0x2ad387,
+	0x39c0c8,
+	0x260c84,
+	0x26be86,
+	0x2974c6,
+	0x21ef87,
+	0x3155c4,
+	0x2848c6,
+	0x2427c5,
+	0x2427c9,
+	0x21b584,
+	0x29a4c9,
+	0x282886,
+	0x2c8f48,
+	0x238205,
+	0x37e885,
+	0x2bdc06,
+	0x3a4989,
+	0x2208c9,
+	0x37d046,
+	0x2ed708,
+	0x277348,
+	0x3a2a84,
+	0x2bbcc4,
+	0x2bbcc8,
+	0x32e048,
+	0x260d89,
+	0x388bc6,
+	0x2a7f06,
+	0x3294cd,
+	0x2bfac6,
+	0x2d6b49,
+	0x2dd5c5,
+	0x205306,
+	0x2102c8,
+	0x326885,
+	0x273f84,
+	0x271145,
+	0x2882c8,
+	0x2a2e49,
+	0x27ec44,
+	0x333f86,
+	0x22d10a,
+	0x2f1e88,
+	0x325d09,
+	0x261f0a,
+	0x31e446,
+	0x2a1b88,
+	0x2ced85,
+	0x2c5ec8,
+	0x2c1a05,
+	0x227209,
+	0x37ac49,
+	0x203282,
+	0x2b01c5,
+	0x2782c6,
+	0x2827c7,
+	0x34e085,
+	0x30ce06,
+	0x326948,
+	0x2935c6,
+	0x2b9749,
+	0x2810c6,
+	0x25cdc8,
+	0x2b0805,
+	0x264906,
+	0x25a808,
+	0x287a88,
+	0x2e8648,
+	0x353788,
+	0x21e8c4,
+	0x281943,
+	0x2b9984,
+	0x286b06,
+	0x3646c4,
+	0x2ffe47,
+	0x25aa09,
+	0x2cbd05,
+	0x2fdbc6,
+	0x22e446,
+	0x28200b,
+	0x2b8ec6,
+	0x2cf8c6,
+	0x2d13c8,
+	0x24d486,
+	0x236943,
+	0x2164c3,
+	0x2bb884,
+	0x239f45,
+	0x387b87,
+	0x27edc8,
+	0x27edcf,
+	0x283b0b,
+	0x3056c8,
+	0x334006,
+	0x3059ce,
+	0x251143,
+	0x387b04,
+	0x2b8e45,
+	0x2b9246,
+	0x29514b,
+	0x299b86,
+	0x222a49,
+	0x2e7a85,
+	0x3999c8,
+	0x216688,
+	0x22078c,
+	0x2a7486,
+	0x2f6c06,
+	0x2dac05,
+	0x28fc08,
+	0x25a805,
+	0x356288,
+	0x2a3a4a,
+	0x2a6409,
+	0x681384,
+	0x3b60f882,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x213083,
+	0x286644,
+	0x238543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x323043,
+	0x34e347,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x293408,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x29630b,
+	0x2f3743,
+	0x3a03c6,
+	0x205082,
+	0x22facb,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x220b83,
+	0x201503,
+	0x207102,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x32d1c5,
+	0x274188,
+	0x2f9f88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x20a605,
+	0x3785c7,
+	0x201842,
+	0x24c5c7,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x2f6607,
+	0x2cc409,
+	0x2ce948,
+	0x2cfc89,
+	0x24b2c2,
+	0x2707c7,
+	0x37cdc4,
+	0x378687,
+	0x36e3c7,
+	0x264d42,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x214642,
+	0x204d42,
+	0x200442,
+	0x21cc82,
+	0x206b42,
+	0x20d2c2,
+	0x2aff05,
+	0x240a05,
+	0xf882,
+	0x3cac3,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x170c3,
+	0x8c1,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221f43,
+	0x3e4f5906,
+	0x42bc3,
+	0x873c5,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x84c2,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xe03,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x4ec04,
+	0xe5105,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39cdc4,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x38acc3,
+	0x2b13c5,
+	0x255783,
+	0x211a83,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x21b543,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x215443,
+	0x20e383,
+	0x202443,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x323043,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x2bcc43,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23a844,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x205e82,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x205e82,
+	0x229443,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2ef783,
+	0x215443,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x3a03c5,
+	0xa4f06,
+	0x286644,
+	0x205082,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x25088,
+	0x134943,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x42899306,
+	0x6a04,
+	0xb610b,
+	0x44e86,
+	0x8cbc7,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x51648,
+	0x323043,
+	0x8b205,
+	0x1493c4,
+	0x227583,
+	0x556c7,
+	0xe06c4,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3284,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2f4544,
+	0xb5ec8,
+	0x12cf06,
+	0x16308,
+	0x1252c5,
+	0x9fc9,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2f3743,
+	0x205082,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231603,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x3a03c6,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x18a783,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x8cbc7,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x323043,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x45238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200442,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x31f1c7,
+	0x342b8b,
+	0x22fc83,
+	0x244708,
+	0x34f007,
+	0x348746,
+	0x382d45,
+	0x232309,
+	0x28c848,
+	0x346789,
+	0x346790,
+	0x36f64b,
+	0x2e2109,
+	0x205dc3,
+	0x20af09,
+	0x23bd86,
+	0x23bd8c,
+	0x32d288,
+	0x3bc208,
+	0x244a49,
+	0x29854e,
+	0x2cc1cb,
+	0x2e5c0c,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x26ad0c,
+	0x203ec9,
+	0x30ae47,
+	0x23ca0c,
+	0x2b478a,
+	0x252044,
+	0x2768cd,
+	0x26abc8,
+	0x21308d,
+	0x26fec6,
+	0x28664b,
+	0x200cc9,
+	0x2cf787,
+	0x332c86,
+	0x3372c9,
+	0x34834a,
+	0x319108,
+	0x2f3204,
+	0x2fe987,
+	0x363787,
+	0x2d0184,
+	0x38d204,
+	0x2345c9,
+	0x28a4c9,
+	0x2b7288,
+	0x216d05,
+	0x339645,
+	0x213c86,
+	0x276789,
+	0x249c4d,
+	0x33bf88,
+	0x213b87,
+	0x382dc8,
+	0x2fa686,
+	0x39b444,
+	0x2501c5,
+	0x201c46,
+	0x202884,
+	0x203dc7,
+	0x206f4a,
+	0x219784,
+	0x21dfc6,
+	0x21ea49,
+	0x21ea4f,
+	0x21fc8d,
+	0x220f06,
+	0x224c90,
+	0x225086,
+	0x2257c7,
+	0x2269c7,
+	0x2269cf,
+	0x2276c9,
+	0x22cb06,
+	0x22da47,
+	0x22da48,
+	0x22f289,
+	0x358088,
+	0x2eb507,
+	0x212843,
+	0x394f46,
+	0x3c0b48,
+	0x29880a,
+	0x236089,
+	0x205d83,
+	0x3784c6,
+	0x26bcca,
+	0x28eb87,
+	0x30ac8a,
+	0x25a18e,
+	0x227806,
+	0x2b03c7,
+	0x217bc6,
+	0x203f86,
+	0x38fd0b,
+	0x31708a,
+	0x32138d,
+	0x21d047,
+	0x20e408,
+	0x20e409,
+	0x20e40f,
+	0x2c1c4c,
+	0x2b4089,
+	0x2d890e,
+	0x34e44a,
+	0x28b906,
+	0x314a86,
+	0x319d8c,
+	0x31be8c,
+	0x327508,
+	0x36eac7,
+	0x274d85,
+	0x3485c4,
+	0x20f88e,
+	0x299684,
+	0x388947,
+	0x39140a,
+	0x38a814,
+	0x39390f,
+	0x226b88,
+	0x394e08,
+	0x35eccd,
+	0x35ecce,
+	0x3a0849,
+	0x238788,
+	0x23878f,
+	0x23c70c,
+	0x23c70f,
+	0x23d907,
+	0x240c0a,
+	0x2459cb,
+	0x243788,
+	0x245c87,
+	0x3ac74d,
+	0x322b46,
+	0x276a86,
+	0x248dc9,
+	0x364b08,
+	0x24cf48,
+	0x24cf4e,
+	0x2f4087,
+	0x24e145,
+	0x24e9c5,
+	0x204b44,
+	0x348a06,
+	0x2b7188,
+	0x20db03,
+	0x2f948e,
+	0x3acb08,
+	0x2b588b,
+	0x378bc7,
+	0x3ab345,
+	0x233d86,
+	0x2b1f87,
+	0x32f2c8,
+	0x325449,
+	0x322dc5,
+	0x28e788,
+	0x21c946,
+	0x3afeca,
+	0x20f789,
+	0x23cac9,
+	0x23cacb,
+	0x346448,
+	0x2d0049,
+	0x216dc6,
+	0x23768a,
+	0x293c0a,
+	0x240e0c,
+	0x28e4c7,
+	0x2ce74a,
+	0x36b38b,
+	0x36b399,
+	0x312408,
+	0x3a0445,
+	0x2cdd46,
+	0x25c489,
+	0x3449c6,
+	0x2df8ca,
+	0x28ca46,
+	0x20df44,
+	0x2cdecd,
+	0x20df47,
+	0x218209,
+	0x250ac5,
+	0x250c08,
+	0x251409,
+	0x251844,
+	0x251f47,
+	0x251f48,
+	0x2526c7,
+	0x26e2c8,
+	0x255cc7,
+	0x25b845,
+	0x25f3cc,
+	0x25fc09,
+	0x2c8c0a,
+	0x39ec09,
+	0x20b009,
+	0x37ee4c,
+	0x264f0b,
+	0x2662c8,
+	0x267448,
+	0x26a804,
+	0x289848,
+	0x28d209,
+	0x2b4847,
+	0x20e646,
+	0x200f47,
+	0x2c4289,
+	0x32264b,
+	0x325147,
+	0x201a87,
+	0x2b79c7,
+	0x213004,
+	0x213005,
+	0x2a7c05,
+	0x34b1cb,
+	0x3a9384,
+	0x350448,
+	0x26e94a,
+	0x21ca07,
+	0x300687,
+	0x294712,
+	0x276c06,
+	0x23a1c6,
+	0x33888e,
+	0x27ab46,
+	0x29abc8,
+	0x29b38f,
+	0x213448,
+	0x302848,
+	0x3bd10a,
+	0x3bd111,
+	0x2a990e,
+	0x25654a,
+	0x25654c,
+	0x20bf07,
+	0x238990,
+	0x200408,
+	0x2a9b05,
+	0x2b238a,
+	0x2028cc,
+	0x29cf8d,
+	0x302346,
+	0x302347,
+	0x30234c,
+	0x30c80c,
+	0x335d4c,
+	0x2edfcb,
+	0x28e0c4,
+	0x22c9c4,
+	0x354609,
+	0x39e807,
+	0x229989,
+	0x293a49,
+	0x3b6587,
+	0x2b4606,
+	0x2b4609,
+	0x2b4a03,
+	0x21b7ca,
+	0x31fd07,
+	0x34304b,
+	0x32120a,
+	0x2f6744,
+	0x35f646,
+	0x286b89,
+	0x281a04,
+	0x20324a,
+	0x3a1205,
+	0x2c4d45,
+	0x2c4d4d,
+	0x2c508e,
+	0x2b9ac5,
+	0x32ab86,
+	0x39ffc7,
+	0x25f64a,
+	0x3a8286,
+	0x2eefc4,
+	0x2f9847,
+	0x3bc50b,
+	0x2fa747,
+	0x30b444,
+	0x256fc6,
+	0x256fcd,
+	0x2c3f4c,
+	0x208d46,
+	0x33c18a,
+	0x230206,
+	0x22ddc8,
+	0x285107,
+	0x34c98a,
+	0x3840c6,
+	0x210443,
+	0x210446,
+	0x3c09c8,
+	0x2a344a,
+	0x2801c7,
+	0x2801c8,
+	0x289e04,
+	0x256ac7,
+	0x283288,
+	0x345388,
+	0x284508,
+	0x35874a,
+	0x2e4505,
+	0x2e9a07,
+	0x256393,
+	0x343d86,
+	0x2e0908,
+	0x229f89,
+	0x24c488,
+	0x38600b,
+	0x2d3d48,
+	0x2bc644,
+	0x27a9c6,
+	0x317ec6,
+	0x330889,
+	0x3bc3c7,
+	0x25f4c8,
+	0x2931c6,
+	0x36c244,
+	0x30aa05,
+	0x2d4008,
+	0x2cd88a,
+	0x2cdb48,
+	0x2d4b06,
+	0x2a1d8a,
+	0x2fc208,
+	0x2d8fc8,
+	0x2d9ec8,
+	0x2da506,
+	0x2dc3c6,
+	0x20c0cc,
+	0x2dc990,
+	0x285505,
+	0x213248,
+	0x30d410,
+	0x213250,
+	0x34660e,
+	0x20bd4e,
+	0x20bd54,
+	0x20e78f,
+	0x20eb46,
+	0x3072d1,
+	0x332e13,
+	0x333288,
+	0x31d245,
+	0x2a0bc8,
+	0x395705,
+	0x23540c,
+	0x2309c9,
+	0x2994c9,
+	0x230e47,
+	0x263549,
+	0x261047,
+	0x2ffa46,
+	0x24ffc7,
+	0x20ef05,
+	0x217103,
+	0x20dcc9,
+	0x22a249,
+	0x38a783,
+	0x3b35c4,
+	0x358c8d,
+	0x3b83cf,
+	0x36c285,
+	0x331786,
+	0x21ac47,
+	0x32d007,
+	0x290806,
+	0x29080b,
+	0x2aa805,
+	0x263c06,
+	0x300b87,
+	0x257449,
+	0x345a06,
+	0x20cb45,
+	0x2248cb,
+	0x230786,
+	0x38ad45,
+	0x273988,
+	0x2a6988,
+	0x2ba50c,
+	0x2ba510,
+	0x2b64c9,
+	0x2c5607,
+	0x2e520b,
+	0x30be86,
+	0x2eb3ca,
+	0x2ec90b,
+	0x2ee70a,
+	0x2ee986,
+	0x2ef645,
+	0x31fa46,
+	0x37d408,
+	0x230f0a,
+	0x35e95c,
+	0x2f380c,
+	0x2f3b08,
+	0x3a03c5,
+	0x35cec7,
+	0x25b0c6,
+	0x27f7c5,
+	0x2227c6,
+	0x2909c8,
+	0x2c2c07,
+	0x298448,
+	0x2b04ca,
+	0x33764c,
+	0x3378c9,
+	0x39b5c7,
+	0x215c04,
+	0x24ea86,
+	0x2d518a,
+	0x293b45,
+	0x211ecc,
+	0x212e48,
+	0x389c88,
+	0x21904c,
+	0x2266cc,
+	0x229549,
+	0x229787,
+	0x23ff4c,
+	0x2454c4,
+	0x24718a,
+	0x23354c,
+	0x279a4b,
+	0x24bfcb,
+	0x3821c6,
+	0x2f7447,
+	0x20e947,
+	0x238bcf,
+	0x303191,
+	0x2e16d2,
+	0x314ecd,
+	0x314ece,
+	0x31520e,
+	0x20e948,
+	0x20e952,
+	0x253e08,
+	0x34ec47,
+	0x25430a,
+	0x208b08,
+	0x27ab05,
+	0x38c9ca,
+	0x2255c7,
+	0x2e6f44,
+	0x227103,
+	0x297185,
+	0x3bd387,
+	0x2fb547,
+	0x29d18e,
+	0x308c8d,
+	0x30d7c9,
+	0x21f545,
+	0x31c443,
+	0x326446,
+	0x264085,
+	0x27dc48,
+	0x2c0649,
+	0x2a0105,
+	0x3ac94f,
+	0x2b6207,
+	0x382bc5,
+	0x37958a,
+	0x358946,
+	0x2522c9,
+	0x37db4c,
+	0x2fec09,
+	0x2094c6,
+	0x26e74c,
+	0x329f86,
+	0x3017c8,
+	0x301c86,
+	0x312586,
+	0x2082c4,
+	0x266643,
+	0x2b380a,
+	0x32e411,
+	0x30650a,
+	0x265345,
+	0x271ac7,
+	0x25c7c7,
+	0x283384,
+	0x28338b,
+	0x2cfb08,
+	0x2c1486,
+	0x37e6c5,
+	0x3b01c4,
+	0x280ac9,
+	0x320804,
+	0x24cd87,
+	0x359f05,
+	0x359f07,
+	0x338ac5,
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+	0x34eb08,
+	0x35f2ca,
+	0x20b3c3,
+	0x32d20a,
+	0x281ec6,
+	0x3ac6cf,
+	0x2f4009,
+	0x2f9410,
+	0x2ebe48,
+	0x2d5809,
+	0x29f087,
+	0x256f4f,
+	0x31e884,
+	0x2de9c4,
+	0x224f06,
+	0x317b06,
+	0x2e2aca,
+	0x381c46,
+	0x2ff587,
+	0x30c148,
+	0x30c347,
+	0x30cbc7,
+	0x30f08a,
+	0x310b4b,
+	0x3b1b45,
+	0x2e1308,
+	0x204443,
+	0x2045cc,
+	0x38000f,
+	0x274b8d,
+	0x2aefc7,
+	0x30d909,
+	0x2e8207,
+	0x24f2c8,
+	0x38aa0c,
+	0x2bc548,
+	0x231848,
+	0x321d0e,
+	0x336054,
+	0x336564,
+	0x354e4a,
+	0x37018b,
+	0x261104,
+	0x261109,
+	0x3656c8,
+	0x24ef85,
+	0x20d60a,
+	0x3acd47,
+	0x31f944,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x20c0c6,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221483,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x20c0c6,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207102,
+	0x242043,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x201382,
+	0x235f42,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x206902,
+	0x200942,
+	0x231604,
+	0x20f644,
+	0x22a482,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x200442,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221483,
+	0x3821c6,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x202642,
+	0x20c4c2,
+	0x47a13443,
+	0x47e0bf03,
+	0x5d306,
+	0x5d306,
+	0x286644,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x14b700a,
+	0x12ea0c,
+	0xf4cc,
+	0x871cd,
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+	0x26547,
+	0x1b1c6,
+	0x21088,
+	0x23087,
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+	0x48adf485,
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+	0x3e34b,
+	0x35dcb,
+	0x42e48,
+	0x172f4a,
+	0x9288e,
+	0x144c28b,
+	0x6a04,
+	0x63d46,
+	0x7588,
+	0xf8d08,
+	0x3e607,
+	0x1a787,
+	0x57f89,
+	0x81a87,
+	0xdd088,
+	0x12f5c9,
+	0x49804,
+	0x49f45,
+	0x12bfce,
+	0xb084d,
+	0x8ca48,
+	0x48e34406,
+	0x49834408,
+	0x7b548,
+	0x11f3d0,
+	0x5998c,
+	0x6b9c7,
+	0x6c647,
+	0x71387,
+	0x77fc7,
+	0x13c42,
+	0x144ec7,
+	0x11724c,
+	0x43b87,
+	0xac206,
+	0xac7c9,
+	0xae208,
+	0x206c2,
+	0x942,
+	0xbee8b,
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+	0x18009,
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+	0x3ef48,
+	0xb8042,
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+	0xcc60a,
+	0xd2689,
+	0xdfdc9,
+	0xe0b08,
+	0xe1b87,
+	0xe4489,
+	0xe61c5,
+	0xe67d0,
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+	0x11205,
+	0x31e8d,
+	0x235c6,
+	0xefd07,
+	0xf4558,
+	0x14f508,
+	0xc74a,
+	0xb282,
+	0x5524d,
+	0xa02,
+	0x86286,
+	0x95408,
+	0x8f148,
+	0x16fa49,
+	0x586c8,
+	0x6420e,
+	0x126447,
+	0x1051cd,
+	0xfb445,
+	0x144c48,
+	0x19fc08,
+	0x106046,
+	0xc2,
+	0x12cf06,
+	0x4542,
+	0x341,
+	0x65a07,
+	0xf6fc3,
+	0x492f4dc4,
+	0x4969c243,
+	0x141,
+	0x19d06,
+	0x141,
+	0x1,
+	0x19d06,
+	0xf6fc3,
+	0x1402285,
+	0x252044,
+	0x238543,
+	0x253384,
+	0x231604,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x229e45,
+	0x221f43,
+	0x20c843,
+	0x355685,
+	0x202443,
+	0x4aa38543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x200041,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x20f644,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x215443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x200942,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x202443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x37fd82,
+	0x18c1c7,
+	0xf882,
+	0x10a985,
+	0x1480cc8,
+	0x10c50e,
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+	0x31fec8,
+	0x2bdd86,
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+	0x2bd707,
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+	0x21870a,
+	0x26b448,
+	0x200242,
+	0x31fb49,
+	0x3b1b87,
+	0x21ec06,
+	0x34e849,
+	0x2e9b44,
+	0x348646,
+	0x2ca584,
+	0x27f584,
+	0x25f009,
+	0x32d906,
+	0x240ac5,
+	0x297a85,
+	0x3b9d87,
+	0x2c76c7,
+	0x2979c4,
+	0x2bd946,
+	0x307b85,
+	0x30a3c5,
+	0x3a2a05,
+	0x339407,
+	0x378a05,
+	0x31ddc9,
+	0x234fc5,
+	0x32f404,
+	0x3a81c7,
+	0x341b0e,
+	0x306bc9,
+	0x338749,
+	0x388d86,
+	0x24a608,
+	0x36ae4b,
+	0x2b698c,
+	0x33ea46,
+	0x2e5ac7,
+	0x212245,
+	0x38d20a,
+	0x2b7389,
+	0x209b49,
+	0x259f06,
+	0x300945,
+	0x2edac5,
+	0x3570c9,
+	0x3a2b8b,
+	0x27e286,
+	0x3471c6,
+	0x20de04,
+	0x2943c6,
+	0x24e1c8,
+	0x3c0846,
+	0x215006,
+	0x205fc8,
+	0x2092c7,
+	0x209909,
+	0x211385,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x21a704,
+	0x2394c4,
+	0x201105,
+	0x3a6649,
+	0x228f87,
+	0x228f8b,
+	0x22b3ca,
+	0x230905,
+	0x4c612842,
+	0x342f07,
+	0x4ca30c08,
+	0x3578c7,
+	0x2c3d45,
+	0x209dca,
+	0xf882,
+	0x2be6cb,
+	0x255e0a,
+	0x22a146,
+	0x216383,
+	0x2a038d,
+	0x3572cc,
+	0x357a4d,
+	0x250545,
+	0x334fc5,
+	0x20db47,
+	0x36c689,
+	0x218606,
+	0x381ac5,
+	0x2d2b88,
+	0x2942c3,
+	0x2fa288,
+	0x2942c8,
+	0x2cb287,
+	0x314808,
+	0x3b49c9,
+	0x374847,
+	0x342707,
+	0x202108,
+	0x2d1c84,
+	0x2d1c87,
+	0x26fdc8,
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+	0x3b874f,
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+	0x2eb686,
+	0x2298c5,
+	0x22a8c3,
+	0x381947,
+	0x37cc43,
+	0x252886,
+	0x254006,
+	0x254706,
+	0x298b85,
+	0x26e2c3,
+	0x397cc8,
+	0x37f889,
+	0x3920cb,
+	0x254888,
+	0x255985,
+	0x2584c5,
+	0x4cef6802,
+	0x250089,
+	0x34eec7,
+	0x263c85,
+	0x25ef07,
+	0x260506,
+	0x374345,
+	0x263ecb,
+	0x2662c4,
+	0x26b005,
+	0x26b147,
+	0x27db86,
+	0x27e045,
+	0x289a47,
+	0x28a187,
+	0x2d5104,
+	0x291b8a,
+	0x292048,
+	0x2cee09,
+	0x2a0f05,
+	0x3bf1c6,
+	0x24e38a,
+	0x2be906,
+	0x26f2c7,
+	0x2ceacd,
+	0x2aa349,
+	0x396fc5,
+	0x339f07,
+	0x333448,
+	0x25a5c8,
+	0x332847,
+	0x358246,
+	0x21cb87,
+	0x253c43,
+	0x34b1c4,
+	0x371cc5,
+	0x39d947,
+	0x3a2409,
+	0x231b08,
+	0x34cbc5,
+	0x23bac4,
+	0x254a45,
+	0x256c4d,
+	0x2006c2,
+	0x230386,
+	0x2861c6,
+	0x2e654a,
+	0x3904c6,
+	0x39ab85,
+	0x342445,
+	0x342447,
+	0x3afd0c,
+	0x27b3ca,
+	0x294086,
+	0x28ad05,
+	0x294206,
+	0x294547,
+	0x296886,
+	0x298a8c,
+	0x34e989,
+	0x4d21a187,
+	0x29b745,
+	0x29b746,
+	0x29bcc8,
+	0x246f85,
+	0x2ab085,
+	0x2ab808,
+	0x2aba0a,
+	0x4d6335c2,
+	0x4da14d02,
+	0x2e76c5,
+	0x2eb603,
+	0x243408,
+	0x252403,
+	0x2abc84,
+	0x25240b,
+	0x36b208,
+	0x2daa48,
+	0x4df3b049,
+	0x2afc09,
+	0x2b0746,
+	0x2b1c08,
+	0x2b1e09,
+	0x2b2886,
+	0x2b2a05,
+	0x3944c6,
+	0x2b2f49,
+	0x389347,
+	0x2647c6,
+	0x2de087,
+	0x218487,
+	0x2dd9c4,
+	0x4e34f809,
+	0x2d32c8,
+	0x3ac448,
+	0x3932c7,
+	0x2cd346,
+	0x36c489,
+	0x2ca847,
+	0x32598a,
+	0x358388,
+	0x208387,
+	0x208f86,
+	0x271d8a,
+	0x26fbc8,
+	0x2ed485,
+	0x230685,
+	0x2ef1c7,
+	0x311cc9,
+	0x30150b,
+	0x31a308,
+	0x235049,
+	0x254c87,
+	0x2bd04c,
+	0x2bfccc,
+	0x2bffca,
+	0x2c024c,
+	0x2ca108,
+	0x2ca308,
+	0x2ca504,
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+	0x3ba98c,
+	0x23f586,
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+	0x387486,
+	0x396ec7,
+	0x306dc8,
+	0x3445cb,
+	0x28e307,
+	0x250289,
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+	0x253507,
+	0x2771c4,
+	0x271c07,
+	0x2fda46,
+	0x21d8c6,
+	0x33c345,
+	0x297248,
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+	0x27b28b,
+	0x21bac9,
+	0x36c886,
+	0x204bc9,
+	0x339586,
+	0x25f1c8,
+	0x211b83,
+	0x300ac5,
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+	0x2fba44,
+	0x27d046,
+	0x2fd385,
+	0x299906,
+	0x310ec7,
+	0x33a986,
+	0x3b134b,
+	0x237587,
+	0x241646,
+	0x354786,
+	0x3b9e46,
+	0x297989,
+	0x25384a,
+	0x2bbb85,
+	0x2202cd,
+	0x2abb06,
+	0x204a86,
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+	0x22dd45,
+	0x2e6ac7,
+	0x300087,
+	0x2e7dce,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x2cd309,
+	0x210c89,
+	0x38d607,
+	0x364207,
+	0x2a5bc5,
+	0x2b57c5,
+	0x4e63470f,
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+	0x4ea4ea42,
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+	0x20c0c6,
+	0x210e4e,
+	0x2fa0ca,
+	0x273b06,
+	0x23398a,
+	0x211689,
+	0x32b385,
+	0x3a4808,
+	0x3bca06,
+	0x306748,
+	0x33aac8,
+	0x2194cb,
+	0x2bd805,
+	0x378a88,
+	0x20610c,
+	0x2c3c07,
+	0x254246,
+	0x2fd1c8,
+	0x3488c8,
+	0x4ee06802,
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+	0x2123c9,
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+	0x2174c7,
+	0x223408,
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+	0x38ffcb,
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+	0x338f0d,
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+	0x22b1c8,
+	0x4f6014c2,
+	0x203cc4,
+	0x4fa19302,
+	0x2fe206,
+	0x4fe004c2,
+	0x261b8a,
+	0x2199c6,
+	0x232808,
+	0x2c6f48,
+	0x2b6f06,
+	0x22fe46,
+	0x2f9186,
+	0x2b5a45,
+	0x2443c4,
+	0x50206d04,
+	0x214106,
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+	0x50620c47,
+	0x2d644b,
+	0x341ec9,
+	0x33500a,
+	0x2106c4,
+	0x342588,
+	0x26458d,
+	0x2f2489,
+	0x2f26c8,
+	0x2f2d49,
+	0x2f4544,
+	0x245884,
+	0x285cc5,
+	0x320fcb,
+	0x36b186,
+	0x34b905,
+	0x2279c9,
+	0x2bda08,
+	0x210dc4,
+	0x38d389,
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+	0x2c7708,
+	0x342dc7,
+	0x338b48,
+	0x286d86,
+	0x233207,
+	0x29a989,
+	0x224a49,
+	0x38adc5,
+	0x34dfc5,
+	0x50a08402,
+	0x32f1c4,
+	0x2fdd45,
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+	0x33bd05,
+	0x387e47,
+	0x214205,
+	0x27dbc4,
+	0x388e46,
+	0x381b47,
+	0x23d046,
+	0x2c41c5,
+	0x207f48,
+	0x2bdf85,
+	0x211a07,
+	0x214689,
+	0x21bc0a,
+	0x2fc487,
+	0x2fc48c,
+	0x240a86,
+	0x37e349,
+	0x246a45,
+	0x246ec8,
+	0x207c03,
+	0x216d85,
+	0x2fd705,
+	0x282d47,
+	0x50e06ac2,
+	0x22f647,
+	0x2e56c6,
+	0x373b46,
+	0x30bfc6,
+	0x348806,
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+	0x2a0d05,
+	0x2eb747,
+	0x2eb74d,
+	0x227103,
+	0x227105,
+	0x379347,
+	0x22f988,
+	0x378f05,
+	0x2216c8,
+	0x37ccc6,
+	0x335b87,
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+	0x2bd886,
+	0x39ce45,
+	0x21c70a,
+	0x2f1346,
+	0x383f47,
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+	0x2f5047,
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+	0x32d70b,
+	0x2fd8c9,
+	0x24214a,
+	0x38ae48,
+	0x30e048,
+	0x380a8c,
+	0x3964c7,
+	0x3054c8,
+	0x307f48,
+	0x3084c5,
+	0x311a8a,
+	0x31c449,
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+	0x201886,
+	0x216044,
+	0x216049,
+	0x27d549,
+	0x27e9c7,
+	0x2b4e07,
+	0x2938c9,
+	0x22df48,
+	0x22df4f,
+	0x2e3a06,
+	0x2df14b,
+	0x34b445,
+	0x34b447,
+	0x368849,
+	0x21aa46,
+	0x38d307,
+	0x2e1a45,
+	0x23ae84,
+	0x284fc6,
+	0x2262c4,
+	0x2db107,
+	0x2d6f08,
+	0x51700848,
+	0x301245,
+	0x301387,
+	0x260a09,
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+	0x24b348,
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+	0x23c208,
+	0x332d44,
+	0x22be49,
+	0x351a45,
+	0x51e05082,
+	0x2e3a45,
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+	0x20fc48,
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+	0x3322c5,
+	0x2d8e46,
+	0x27cb06,
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+	0x337d48,
+	0x33bcc6,
+	0x34bb06,
+	0x38c289,
+	0x373a86,
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+	0x208a46,
+	0x29e108,
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+	0x322c46,
+	0x221b8a,
+	0x23b30a,
+	0x2498c5,
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+	0x379487,
+	0x266cc5,
+	0x24e304,
+	0x24e305,
+	0x2105c6,
+	0x278fc7,
+	0x215dc5,
+	0x23b484,
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+	0x322d05,
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+	0x3b6dc5,
+	0x21c645,
+	0x258f84,
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+	0x263146,
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+	0x30874d,
+	0x3090cc,
+	0x3096c9,
+	0x309909,
+	0x52f67742,
+	0x3b6343,
+	0x215ac3,
+	0x2fdb05,
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+	0x32f046,
+	0x30e2c5,
+	0x311084,
+	0x31108b,
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+	0x38724b,
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+	0x39f2cd,
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+	0x39f989,
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+	0x3a1bcd,
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+	0x3a72cf,
+	0x3a768f,
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+	0x3a914c,
+	0x537a948e,
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+	0x3aedcd,
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+	0x3b258c,
+	0x3b2890,
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+	0x3b7211,
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+	0x3b79cd,
+	0x3bc7cb,
+	0x3bd88f,
+	0x3be394,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x204d43,
+	0x210642,
+	0x204d43,
+	0x210642,
+	0x2009c2,
+	0x394505,
+	0x3b6f0c,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x2009c2,
+	0x210642,
+	0x29c345,
+	0x21bc05,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x201102,
+	0x29c345,
+	0x326b49,
+	0x3592cc,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x394505,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x201102,
+	0x326b49,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x210642,
+	0x21bc05,
+	0x210642,
+	0x21bc05,
+	0x3592cc,
+	0x3b6f0c,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
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+	0x208e83,
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+	0xe008,
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+	0xe03,
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+	0x23f044,
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+	0x39e544,
+	0x23a1c6,
+	0x216f83,
+	0x304704,
+	0x2d7b05,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x243d0a,
+	0x3821c6,
+	0x38558c,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x229443,
+	0x20c0c6,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
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+	0x35c2,
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+	0x26547,
+	0xba9c8,
+	0x14b0e,
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+	0xb610b,
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+	0x57f89,
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+	0x81a87,
+	0x7e4c7,
+	0x3e546,
+	0xdd088,
+	0x56824386,
+	0xb084d,
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+	0x56c0c182,
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+	0x4f450,
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+	0x64a88,
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+	0x76f09,
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+	0x351c2,
+	0xa808a,
+	0x293c7,
+	0x43b87,
+	0xac7c9,
+	0xae208,
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+	0xd538e,
+	0x5c4e,
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+	0xa88cb,
+	0xc8b48,
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+	0xdbe88,
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+	0x195d8b,
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+	0xe118a,
+	0xe1d45,
+	0xe67d0,
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+	0xefd07,
+	0xeffc7,
+	0x8d047,
+	0xfe04a,
+	0xba84a,
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+	0x99d0d,
+	0x8f148,
+	0x586c8,
+	0x58ec9,
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+	0x19e604,
+	0x105e09,
+	0x106046,
+	0x16546,
+	0x2642,
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+	0xc68b,
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+	0x4542,
+	0xd1305,
+	0x2e604,
+	0x8c1,
+	0x52d03,
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+	0x9c243,
+	0x7b02,
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+	0x242,
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+	0xf82,
+	0x6502,
+	0x3302,
+	0xd342,
+	0x1382,
+	0xdf482,
+	0x8c2,
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+	0x4c82,
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+	0x6b82,
+	0x1842,
+	0x7602,
+	0x6b02,
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+	0x36d02,
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+	0xc442,
+	0x1c82,
+	0x942,
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+	0x4182,
+	0x2542,
+	0xb8042,
+	0x9a02,
+	0x282,
+	0x2942,
+	0xd842,
+	0xc202,
+	0x4a82,
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+	0x745c2,
+	0xe82,
+	0x8e83,
+	0x1942,
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+	0x982,
+	0x5b82,
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+	0x7082,
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+	0x482,
+	0xb282,
+	0xa02,
+	0x2502,
+	0x6742,
+	0xd42,
+	0xc2,
+	0x2642,
+	0x35dc5,
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+	0x20d0c3,
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+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x2046c3,
+	0x229443,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x29c283,
+	0x10c3,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x200041,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x21b543,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x146f44,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x26eac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x207b03,
+	0x289303,
+	0x219983,
+	0x241503,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x202443,
+	0x333cc4,
+	0x251183,
+	0x3ec3,
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+	0x3be84a,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x2e774b,
+	0x28b689,
+	0x345285,
+	0x2da5c7,
+	0xf882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x21a447,
+	0x2379c5,
+	0x2ca689,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2bd606,
+	0x2c9883,
+	0xe5743,
+	0x110646,
+	0xd386,
+	0x16f07,
+	0x21af86,
+	0x222985,
+	0x3a3147,
+	0x2de5c7,
+	0x59b23043,
+	0x33dc07,
+	0x374703,
+	0x3b5045,
+	0x231604,
+	0x231308,
+	0x366fcc,
+	0x2b4fc5,
+	0x2aa4c6,
+	0x21a307,
+	0x39b687,
+	0x23dfc7,
+	0x23f108,
+	0x30f50f,
+	0x2e3b05,
+	0x24ad87,
+	0x33acc7,
+	0x2abdca,
+	0x2d29c9,
+	0x39e6c5,
+	0x31078a,
+	0xc546,
+	0x2c9905,
+	0x3703c4,
+	0x2c6e86,
+	0x300e07,
+	0x2d2847,
+	0x306908,
+	0x217645,
+	0x2378c6,
+	0x214f85,
+	0x2e8105,
+	0x21ba04,
+	0x2b6e07,
+	0x20658a,
+	0x34d908,
+	0x367f06,
+	0x29443,
+	0x2e4505,
+	0x26bf86,
+	0x3babc6,
+	0x211106,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x3984c7,
+	0x33ac45,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x2e144d,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x306a08,
+	0x3b3644,
+	0x310945,
+	0x2abcc6,
+	0x23f386,
+	0x208947,
+	0x2aed47,
+	0x26f045,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20a147,
+	0x277089,
+	0x36bbc9,
+	0x227f4a,
+	0x235d82,
+	0x3b5004,
+	0x2eb2c4,
+	0x344487,
+	0x22f508,
+	0x2f0889,
+	0x226fc9,
+	0x2f1ac7,
+	0x28bb46,
+	0xf3006,
+	0x2f4544,
+	0x2f4b4a,
+	0x2f8248,
+	0x2f9049,
+	0x2c4bc6,
+	0x2b9545,
+	0x34d7c8,
+	0x2cdc4a,
+	0x20ec43,
+	0x333e46,
+	0x2f1bc7,
+	0x225f45,
+	0x3b3505,
+	0x3a04c3,
+	0x231944,
+	0x230645,
+	0x28a287,
+	0x307b05,
+	0x2ef086,
+	0x103d45,
+	0x273bc3,
+	0x273bc9,
+	0x26c04c,
+	0x2a2b4c,
+	0x2d8648,
+	0x284187,
+	0x301e08,
+	0x30214a,
+	0x302fcb,
+	0x28b7c8,
+	0x23ec48,
+	0x23f486,
+	0x345045,
+	0x34624a,
+	0x228cc5,
+	0x205082,
+	0x2cbd87,
+	0x29f806,
+	0x368d45,
+	0x304209,
+	0x281405,
+	0x3716c5,
+	0x218ac9,
+	0x388a46,
+	0x204448,
+	0x332643,
+	0x217186,
+	0x27cf86,
+	0x311f05,
+	0x311f09,
+	0x2f0fc9,
+	0x27a3c7,
+	0x114204,
+	0x314207,
+	0x226ec9,
+	0x23f805,
+	0x444c8,
+	0x39c485,
+	0x341a05,
+	0x3911c9,
+	0x20cac2,
+	0x2628c4,
+	0x200882,
+	0x204182,
+	0x30e985,
+	0x312108,
+	0x2bc805,
+	0x2cb603,
+	0x2cb605,
+	0x2da983,
+	0x2162c2,
+	0x383c84,
+	0x2fc183,
+	0x20cb42,
+	0x341504,
+	0x2ec043,
+	0x206682,
+	0x28cfc3,
+	0x295384,
+	0x2eae03,
+	0x2f6584,
+	0x204242,
+	0x221383,
+	0x219c43,
+	0x206182,
+	0x332182,
+	0x2f0e09,
+	0x204382,
+	0x290d84,
+	0x201f82,
+	0x34d644,
+	0x28bb04,
+	0x2c0d84,
+	0x202642,
+	0x23e882,
+	0x229703,
+	0x302d83,
+	0x24a9c4,
+	0x28a404,
+	0x2f1d44,
+	0x2f8404,
+	0x315743,
+	0x224183,
+	0x20c4c4,
+	0x315584,
+	0x315d86,
+	0x232ec2,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x201843,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x2f10c4,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221483,
+	0x2f5204,
+	0x31fe83,
+	0x2c37c3,
+	0x359e44,
+	0x39c286,
+	0x211c43,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x21f243,
+	0x202103,
+	0x2b8d83,
+	0x263a43,
+	0x229443,
+	0x3321c5,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x216403,
+	0x239043,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x2464c4,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x25b0c4,
+	0x2c6c85,
+	0x36dc7,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x201742,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x204d42,
+	0xe03,
+	0x200442,
+	0x238543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x215443,
+	0x286644,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x10c3,
+	0x13e8c4,
+	0x252044,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x253384,
+	0x231604,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x2014c2,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20c843,
+	0x31944,
+	0x355685,
+	0x205082,
+	0x3156c3,
+	0x145c49,
+	0xdfb46,
+	0x19c588,
+	0x207102,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x200942,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207102,
+	0x1bea07,
+	0x1370c9,
+	0x3dc3,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xd303,
+	0x5db4c807,
+	0x38543,
+	0x1788,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x186c46,
+	0x255783,
+	0xe8888,
+	0xc9148,
+	0x3fbc6,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0xd30c8,
+	0x187ec3,
+	0xe8a85,
+	0x3ccc7,
+	0x8e83,
+	0x63c3,
+	0x1a03,
+	0xcb02,
+	0x17044a,
+	0x10ea43,
+	0x313e44,
+	0x10f30b,
+	0x10f8c8,
+	0x95e02,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x229443,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x236903,
+	0x215443,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x10c3,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x229443,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x200141,
+	0x207102,
+	0x200001,
+	0x327e02,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x224c85,
+	0x2008c1,
+	0x38543,
+	0x201781,
+	0x200301,
+	0x200081,
+	0x2ac602,
+	0x37cc44,
+	0x394483,
+	0x200181,
+	0x200401,
+	0x200041,
+	0x200101,
+	0x2ea547,
+	0x2ec54f,
+	0x2fbc06,
+	0x200281,
+	0x33e906,
+	0x200801,
+	0x200981,
+	0x306f8e,
+	0x200441,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x204101,
+	0x258885,
+	0x20cb02,
+	0x3a03c5,
+	0x200341,
+	0x200741,
+	0x2002c1,
+	0x205082,
+	0x2000c1,
+	0x200201,
+	0x200c81,
+	0x2005c1,
+	0x204541,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221f43,
+	0x238543,
+	0x323043,
+	0x95d48,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x31483,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x14eec08,
+	0x16308,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0xe03,
+	0x8e444,
+	0x4ec04,
+	0x14eec0a,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x203ec3,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2de944,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x22d585,
+	0x35f2c4,
+	0x238543,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x1f40a,
+	0xf1844,
+	0x118b06,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23adc9,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x375449,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2f4348,
+	0x22dc07,
+	0x355685,
+	0xb4c8,
+	0x1bea07,
+	0x2f78a,
+	0x178ccb,
+	0x13c507,
+	0x4a4c8,
+	0x14f64a,
+	0x19dc8,
+	0x1370c9,
+	0x30507,
+	0x742c7,
+	0x19bf08,
+	0x1788,
+	0x4b04f,
+	0x1c045,
+	0x1a87,
+	0x186c46,
+	0x41287,
+	0x4a786,
+	0xe8888,
+	0x96fc6,
+	0x188847,
+	0x178809,
+	0x1bf307,
+	0xd81c9,
+	0xbcbc9,
+	0xc6a06,
+	0xc9148,
+	0xc7845,
+	0x57b0a,
+	0xd30c8,
+	0x187ec3,
+	0xdad48,
+	0x3ccc7,
+	0x131f45,
+	0x787d0,
+	0x63c3,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x125807,
+	0x1cc85,
+	0xf02c8,
+	0xe385,
+	0x10ea43,
+	0x16d5c8,
+	0x12906,
+	0x198909,
+	0xb2007,
+	0x145f0b,
+	0x180884,
+	0x104f04,
+	0x10f30b,
+	0x10f8c8,
+	0x110547,
+	0x131645,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20c743,
+	0x323043,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x15d4cb,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x200942,
+	0x20b302,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200442,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x323043,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x21eb43,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x313e44,
+	0x202443,
+	0x323043,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x3ad3c7,
+	0x238543,
+	0x282c07,
+	0x2d7f86,
+	0x20e583,
+	0x207603,
+	0x323043,
+	0x204c03,
+	0x231604,
+	0x2d5204,
+	0x30e706,
+	0x20bd43,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x22d585,
+	0x321704,
+	0x350503,
+	0x39b4c3,
+	0x2cbd87,
+	0x342d45,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x99807,
+	0x203402,
+	0x28f283,
+	0x205403,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x65e38543,
+	0x206902,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x2020c3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x2e3b03,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x6620ea42,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x206683,
+	0x22e603,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x202443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x323043,
+	0x10c3,
+	0x31f944,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x240244,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x3a2e44,
+	0x20f644,
+	0x20c0c6,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221483,
+	0x29f806,
+	0x4504b,
+	0x24386,
+	0x3204a,
+	0x112d0a,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x214f44,
+	0x67638543,
+	0x39c744,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x259004,
+	0x323043,
+	0x210543,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x1a3443,
+	0x201a03,
+	0xbac3,
+	0x3381cb,
+	0x3af10a,
+	0x3bf84c,
+	0xe4288,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x2b13c5,
+	0x231604,
+	0x204a82,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x20f644,
+	0x204d42,
+	0x200442,
+	0x20d2c2,
+	0x21a902,
+	0x19c783,
+	0x35f42,
+	0x2b3509,
+	0x2f7148,
+	0x351689,
+	0x2410c9,
+	0x350f0a,
+	0x26080a,
+	0x2127c2,
+	0x222902,
+	0xf882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x229682,
+	0x24af46,
+	0x369d02,
+	0x206a42,
+	0x37904e,
+	0x2213ce,
+	0x284b47,
+	0x208e07,
+	0x2ec8c2,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x200042,
+	0x200942,
+	0x31603,
+	0x23980f,
+	0x20b542,
+	0x2dd887,
+	0x2b4a87,
+	0x2b7e87,
+	0x31a4cc,
+	0x2c448c,
+	0x223984,
+	0x285b0a,
+	0x221302,
+	0x209a02,
+	0x2c0884,
+	0x21f502,
+	0x2ca102,
+	0x2c46c4,
+	0x21a602,
+	0x200282,
+	0x11a83,
+	0x297047,
+	0x2beb05,
+	0x20d842,
+	0x239784,
+	0x382842,
+	0x2e3008,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x203488,
+	0x203cc2,
+	0x223b45,
+	0x38dbc6,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207082,
+	0x2f0ac7,
+	0xcb02,
+	0x2797c5,
+	0x358b85,
+	0x209642,
+	0x20fd02,
+	0x2cf9ca,
+	0x26eeca,
+	0x21b9c2,
+	0x2a4dc4,
+	0x2002c2,
+	0x3b4ec8,
+	0x20d582,
+	0x315b08,
+	0x30ab47,
+	0x30ba09,
+	0x203442,
+	0x310e45,
+	0x3044c5,
+	0x21770b,
+	0x2d054c,
+	0x237348,
+	0x321b08,
+	0x232ec2,
+	0x208a02,
+	0x207102,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x207b02,
+	0x204d42,
+	0xe03,
+	0x200442,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20d2c2,
+	0x207102,
+	0x68a0f882,
+	0x68f23043,
+	0x211a83,
+	0x204a82,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x391783,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x2ef783,
+	0x37f186,
+	0x1615443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x11205,
+	0xae90d,
+	0xacc8a,
+	0x6e487,
+	0x69601e02,
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+	0x69e00bc2,
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+	0x6b20c8c2,
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+	0x2213c3,
+	0x18ec4,
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+	0x6be1d882,
+	0x6c200182,
+	0x53c47,
+	0x6c60a442,
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+	0x6ce01bc2,
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+	0x6d601c82,
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+	0xc2845,
+	0x23ef43,
+	0x281a04,
+	0x6de1f502,
+	0x6e205242,
+	0x6e603582,
+	0x17d50b,
+	0x6ea01fc2,
+	0x6f253442,
+	0x6f604a82,
+	0x6fa0b302,
+	0x6fe14702,
+	0x70200802,
+	0x70614642,
+	0x70a745c2,
+	0x70e0ea42,
+	0x71204802,
+	0x71604d42,
+	0x71a03382,
+	0x71e08682,
+	0x7224d382,
+	0x1a3284,
+	0x35efc3,
+	0x72604f82,
+	0x72a10902,
+	0x72e11542,
+	0x73201f02,
+	0x73600442,
+	0x73a0cb42,
+	0x15d647,
+	0x73e04102,
+	0x74204142,
+	0x7460d2c2,
+	0x74a21382,
+	0x1ad70c,
+	0x74e2a202,
+	0x75245542,
+	0x75605942,
+	0x75a06442,
+	0x75e0c402,
+	0x76260982,
+	0x76600202,
+	0x76a16fc2,
+	0x76e7d302,
+	0x772610c2,
+	0x235f42,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x212143,
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+	0x2f7046,
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+	0x235f42,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x212143,
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+	0x3797c3,
+	0x212143,
+	0x244949,
+	0x235f42,
+	0x26c783,
+	0x2bcec3,
+	0x20fbc5,
+	0x2020c3,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x212143,
+	0x20c0c3,
+	0x248d43,
+	0x242989,
+	0x235f42,
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+	0x235f42,
+	0x235f42,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x212143,
+	0x77a38543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x20a6c3,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0xe03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x252044,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x345903,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x253384,
+	0x21b583,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x20c843,
+	0x355685,
+	0x248d43,
+	0x202443,
+	0xe03,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x3797c3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x23a1c6,
+	0x231604,
+	0x255783,
+	0x21bf84,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x221483,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x1442047,
+	0x238543,
+	0x24386,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0xe5586,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x31dc48,
+	0x321949,
+	0x330189,
+	0x33bb08,
+	0x38fb48,
+	0x38fb49,
+	0x24558d,
+	0x24dd8f,
+	0x2f53d0,
+	0x35648d,
+	0x37210c,
+	0x39064b,
+	0xba9c8,
+	0xac605,
+	0x207102,
+	0x342b85,
+	0x200243,
+	0x7ae0f882,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x2d8c47,
+	0x263a43,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x21b543,
+	0x217e03,
+	0x200e03,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x3821c6,
+	0x205082,
+	0x202443,
+	0x16fb88,
+	0x207102,
+	0x39c783,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x238543,
+	0x23cac3,
+	0x323043,
+	0x231604,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x208e83,
+	0x201a03,
+	0x215443,
+	0x106904,
+	0x15217c6,
+	0x207102,
+	0x20f882,
+	0x323043,
+	0x28cac3,
+	0x201a03,
+// children is the list of nodes' children, the parent's wildcard bit and the
+// parent's node type. If a node has no children then their children index
+// will be in the range [0, 6), depending on the wildcard bit and node type.
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+//	[ 1 bits] unused
+//	[ 1 bits] wildcard bit
+//	[ 2 bits] node type
+//	[14 bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children
+//	[14 bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children
+var children = [...]uint32{
+	0x0,
+	0x10000000,
+	0x20000000,
+	0x40000000,
+	0x50000000,
+	0x60000000,
+	0x186c615,
+	0x187061b,
+	0x189461c,
+	0x19f0625,
+	0x1a0467c,
+	0x1a18681,
+	0x1a2c686,
+	0x1a4c68b,
+	0x1a50693,
+	0x1a68694,
+	0x1a9069a,
+	0x1a946a4,
+	0x1aac6a5,
+	0x1ab06ab,
+	0x1ab46ac,
+	0x1af06ad,
+	0x1af46bc,
+	0x21afc6bd,
+	0x1b446bf,
+	0x1b486d1,
+	0x1b686d2,
+	0x1b7c6da,
+	0x1b806df,
+	0x1bb06e0,
+	0x1bcc6ec,
+	0x1bf46f3,
+	0x1c006fd,
+	0x1c04700,
+	0x1c9c701,
+	0x1cb0727,
+	0x1cc472c,
+	0x1cf4731,
+	0x1d0473d,
+	0x1d18741,
+	0x1d3c746,
+	0x1e7474f,
+	0x1e7879d,
+	0x1ee479e,
+	0x1f507b9,
+	0x1f687d4,
+	0x1f7c7da,
+	0x1f847df,
+	0x1f987e1,
+	0x1f9c7e6,
+	0x1fb87e7,
+	0x20047ee,
+	0x2020801,
+	0x2024808,
+	0x2028809,
+	0x204480a,
+	0x2080811,
+	0x62084820,
+	0x209c821,
+	0x20b4827,
+	0x20b882d,
+	0x20c882e,
+	0x2178832,
+	0x217c85e,
+	0x2218c85f,
+	0x22190863,
+	0x22194864,
+	0x21cc865,
+	0x21d0873,
+	0x2658874,
+	0x226f8996,
+	0x226fc9be,
+	0x227009bf,
+	0x2270c9c0,
+	0x227109c3,
+	0x2271c9c4,
+	0x227209c7,
+	0x227249c8,
+	0x227289c9,
+	0x2272c9ca,
+	0x227309cb,
+	0x2273c9cc,
+	0x227409cf,
+	0x2274c9d0,
+	0x227509d3,
+	0x227549d4,
+	0x227589d5,
+	0x227649d6,
+	0x227689d9,
+	0x2276c9da,
+	0x227709db,
+	0x27749dc,
+	0x227789dd,
+	0x227849de,
+	0x227889e1,
+	0x27909e2,
+	0x27cc9e4,
+	0x227ec9f3,
+	0x227f09fb,
+	0x227f49fc,
+	0x27f89fd,
+	0x227fc9fe,
+	0x28009ff,
+	0x281ca00,
+	0x2834a07,
+	0x2838a0d,
+	0x2848a0e,
+	0x2854a12,
+	0x2888a15,
+	0x288ca22,
+	0x28a0a23,
+	0x228a8a28,
+	0x2968a2a,
+	0x2296ca5a,
+	0x2974a5b,
+	0x2978a5d,
+	0x2990a5e,
+	0x29a4a64,
+	0x29cca69,
+	0x29eca73,
+	0x2a1ca7b,
+	0x2a44a87,
+	0x2a48a91,
+	0x2a6ca92,
+	0x2a70a9b,
+	0x2a84a9c,
+	0x2a88aa1,
+	0x2a8caa2,
+	0x2aacaa3,
+	0x2ac8aab,
+	0x2accab2,
+	0x22ad0ab3,
+	0x2ad4ab4,
+	0x2ad8ab5,
+	0x2ae8ab6,
+	0x2aecaba,
+	0x2b64abb,
+	0x2b68ad9,
+	0x2b84ada,
+	0x2b94ae1,
+	0x2ba8ae5,
+	0x2bc0aea,
+	0x2bd8af0,
+	0x2bf0af6,
+	0x2bf4afc,
+	0x2c0cafd,
+	0x2c28b03,
+	0x2c48b0a,
+	0x2c60b12,
+	0x2cc0b18,
+	0x2cdcb30,
+	0x2ce4b37,
+	0x2ce8b39,
+	0x2cfcb3a,
+	0x2d40b3f,
+	0x2dc0b50,
+	0x2decb70,
+	0x2df0b7b,
+	0x2df8b7c,
+	0x2e18b7e,
+	0x2e1cb86,
+	0x2e40b87,
+	0x2e48b90,
+	0x2e84b92,
+	0x2ec8ba1,
+	0x2eccbb2,
+	0x2f34bb3,
+	0x2f38bcd,
+	0x22f3cbce,
+	0x22f40bcf,
+	0x22f50bd0,
+	0x22f54bd4,
+	0x22f58bd5,
+	0x22f5cbd6,
+	0x22f60bd7,
+	0x2f78bd8,
+	0x2f9cbde,
+	0x2fbcbe7,
+	0x3580bef,
+	0x358cd60,
+	0x35acd63,
+	0x3768d6b,
+	0x3838dda,
+	0x38a8e0e,
+	0x3900e2a,
+	0x39e8e40,
+	0x3a40e7a,
+	0x3a7ce90,
+	0x3b78e9f,
+	0x3c44ede,
+	0x3cdcf11,
+	0x3d6cf37,
+	0x3dd0f5b,
+	0x4008f74,
+	0x40c1002,
+	0x418d030,
+	0x41d9063,
+	0x4261076,
+	0x429d098,
+	0x42ed0a7,
+	0x43650bb,
+	0x643690d9,
+	0x6436d0da,
+	0x643710db,
+	0x43ed0dc,
+	0x44490fb,
+	0x44c5112,
+	0x453d131,
+	0x45bd14f,
+	0x462916f,
+	0x475518a,
+	0x47ad1d5,
+	0x647b11eb,
+	0x48491ec,
+	0x48d1212,
+	0x491d234,
+	0x4985247,
+	0x4a2d261,
+	0x4af528b,
+	0x4b5d2bd,
+	0x4c712d7,
+	0x64c7531c,
+	0x64c7931d,
+	0x4cd531e,
+	0x4d31335,
+	0x4dc134c,
+	0x4e3d370,
+	0x4e8138f,
+	0x4f653a0,
+	0x4f993d9,
+	0x4ff93e6,
+	0x506d3fe,
+	0x50f541b,
+	0x513543d,
+	0x51a544d,
+	0x651a9469,
+	0x651ad46a,
+	0x251b146b,
+	0x51c946c,
+	0x51e5472,
+	0x5229479,
+	0x523948a,
+	0x525148e,
+	0x52c9494,
+	0x52d14b2,
+	0x52e54b4,
+	0x53014b9,
+	0x532d4c0,
+	0x53314cb,
+	0x53394cc,
+	0x534d4ce,
+	0x53694d3,
+	0x53754da,
+	0x537d4dd,
+	0x53b94df,
+	0x53cd4ee,
+	0x53d54f3,
+	0x53e14f5,
+	0x53e94f8,
+	0x540d4fa,
+	0x5431503,
+	0x544950c,
+	0x544d512,
+	0x5455513,
+	0x5459515,
+	0x54c1516,
+	0x54c5530,
+	0x54e9531,
+	0x550d53a,
+	0x5529543,
+	0x553954a,
+	0x554d54e,
+	0x5551553,
+	0x5559554,
+	0x556d556,
+	0x557d55b,
+	0x558155f,
+	0x559d560,
+	0x5e2d567,
+	0x5e6578b,
+	0x5e91799,
+	0x5ead7a4,
+	0x5ecd7ab,
+	0x5eed7b3,
+	0x5f317bb,
+	0x5f397cc,
+	0x25f3d7ce,
+	0x25f417cf,
+	0x5f497d0,
+	0x60c17d2,
+	0x260c5830,
+	0x260d5831,
+	0x260dd835,
+	0x260e9837,
+	0x60ed83a,
+	0x60f183b,
+	0x611983c,
+	0x6141846,
+	0x6145850,
+	0x617d851,
+	0x619985f,
+	0x6cf1866,
+	0x6cf5b3c,
+	0x6cf9b3d,
+	0x26cfdb3e,
+	0x6d01b3f,
+	0x26d05b40,
+	0x6d09b41,
+	0x26d15b42,
+	0x6d19b45,
+	0x6d1db46,
+	0x26d21b47,
+	0x6d25b48,
+	0x26d2db49,
+	0x6d31b4b,
+	0x6d35b4c,
+	0x26d45b4d,
+	0x6d49b51,
+	0x6d4db52,
+	0x6d51b53,
+	0x6d55b54,
+	0x26d59b55,
+	0x6d5db56,
+	0x6d61b57,
+	0x6d65b58,
+	0x6d69b59,
+	0x26d71b5a,
+	0x6d75b5c,
+	0x6d79b5d,
+	0x6d7db5e,
+	0x26d81b5f,
+	0x6d85b60,
+	0x26d8db61,
+	0x26d91b63,
+	0x6dadb64,
+	0x6dbdb6b,
+	0x6e01b6f,
+	0x6e05b80,
+	0x6e29b81,
+	0x6e2db8a,
+	0x6e31b8b,
+	0x6fbdb8c,
+	0x26fc1bef,
+	0x26fc9bf0,
+	0x26fcdbf2,
+	0x26fd1bf3,
+	0x6fd9bf4,
+	0x70b5bf6,
+	0x270b9c2d,
+	0x70bdc2e,
+	0x70e9c2f,
+	0x70edc3a,
+	0x7111c3b,
+	0x711dc44,
+	0x713dc47,
+	0x7141c4f,
+	0x7179c50,
+	0x7411c5e,
+	0x74cdd04,
+	0x74e1d33,
+	0x7515d38,
+	0x7545d45,
+	0x7561d51,
+	0x7589d58,
+	0x75a9d62,
+	0x75c5d6a,
+	0x75edd71,
+	0x75fdd7b,
+	0x7601d7f,
+	0x7605d80,
+	0x7639d81,
+	0x7645d8e,
+	0x7665d91,
+	0x76ddd99,
+	0x276e1db7,
+	0x7705db8,
+	0x7725dc1,
+	0x7739dc9,
+	0x774ddce,
+	0x7751dd3,
+	0x7771dd4,
+	0x7815ddc,
+	0x7831e05,
+	0x7855e0c,
+	0x785de15,
+	0x7869e17,
+	0x7871e1a,
+	0x7885e1c,
+	0x78a5e21,
+	0x78b1e29,
+	0x78bde2c,
+	0x78ede2f,
+	0x79c1e3b,
+	0x79c5e70,
+	0x79d9e71,
+	0x79e1e76,
+	0x79f9e78,
+	0x79fde7e,
+	0x7a09e7f,
+	0x7a0de82,
+	0x7a29e83,
+	0x7a65e8a,
+	0x7a69e99,
+	0x7a89e9a,
+	0x7ad9ea2,
+	0x7af5eb6,
+	0x7b49ebd,
+	0x7b4ded2,
+	0x7b51ed3,
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+++ b/traffic_ops/testing/compare/vendor/vendor.json
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+	"comment": "",
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+	"package": [
+		{
+			"checksumSHA1": "Jrjxy16tD9mUgr/jbhXwbHVeSa0=",
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+			"revision": "462fda1f11d8cad3660e52737b8beefd27acfb3f",
+			"revisionTime": "2017-09-18T16:15:10Z"
+		},
+		{
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+			"revision": "894f8ed5849b15b810ae41e9590a0d05395bba27",
+			"revisionTime": "2017-11-28T02:01:48Z"
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+	"rootPath": ""


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