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[WIKI-UPDATE] LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments LenyaSprintZurich20040514 LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004VoteLocation RT LeftMenuFooter ATestPage SandBox Mon May 10 15:00:10 2004

Page: , version: 16 on Sun May 10 12:28:08 2004 by

- [Home|LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004] | [User-Comments|LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments] | [Voting|LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004VoteLocation]
?       ^^^^ --- ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^

+ [Home|] | [User-Comments|LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments] | [Voting|LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004VoteLocation]
?       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^^^

- Yo tampoco sé de ninguna compañia que de soporte en España
?              ^                  ^                          ^

+ Yo tampoco sй de ninguna compaсia que de soporte en Espaсa
?              ^^^                  ^^^                          ^^^

- respecto a una reunión en España, estoy dispuesto a asistir. En realidad me gustaría a asistir a la reunión que tendrá lugar en breve ( en Zurich?)
?                      ^          ^                                                    ^                       ^            ^

+ respecto a una reuniуn en Espaсa, estoy dispuesto a asistir. En realidad me gustarнa a asistir a la reuniуn que tendrб lugar en breve ( en Zurich?)
?                      ^^^          ^^^                                                    ^^^                       ^^^            ^^^

- En fín , me ofrezco para organizar un encuentro en España. Donde? .. Madrid está en el centro, sevilla is siempre una buena elección. otros sitios...Cuando? Pues quizás lo antes posible.
?      ^                                                   ^                        ^                                                   ^                                    ^

+ En fнn , me ofrezco para organizar un encuentro en Espaсa. Donde? .. Madrid estб en el centro, sevilla is siempre una buena elecciуn. otros sitios...Cuando? Pues quizбs lo antes posible.
?      ^^^                                                   ^^^                        ^^^                                                   ^^^                                    ^^^

- [thorsten|Scherler]
+ [thorsten|]
- Concerning the kind of event ...mmm... Maybe it's better (at the moment)  a first exchange of ideas and expertise (I feel badly .. in my case get ideas and expertise).\\
+ Concerning the kind of event ...mmm... Maybe it's better (at the moment)[RX|]  a first exchange of ideas and expertise (I feel badly .. in my case get ideas and expertise).\\
?                                                                         ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

- It´s important to decide the date because I've to book the room in my University.\\
?    ^

+ Itґs important to decide the date because I've to book the room in my University.\\
?   ++ ^

Page: , version: 13 on Sun May 10 12:30:38 2004 by

+ * MarcKüster

Page: , version: 15 on Sun May 10 12:29:50 2004 by

Page: , version: 16 on Sun May 10 12:23:51 2004 by

- One of the often heard complaints on the Cocoon developers list is the difficulty of keeping up with [RT] threads using the email medium. So here we are with a placeholder page for upcoming Random Thoughts. RTs are basically long and thought-provocing mails with new project propositions, that are discussed and scrutinized at length.
?                                                                                                        ^

+ One of the often heard complaints on the Cocoon developers list is the difficulty of keeping up with [RX|] threads using the email medium. So here we are with a placeholder page for upcoming Random Thoughts. RTs are basically long and thought-provocing mails with new project propositions, that are discussed and scrutinized at length.
?                                                                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

- * __[Flow and Web Services]__: ways of connecting to web services from flow.
+ * __[Flow and Web Services|]__: ways of connecting to web services from flow.
?                           +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Page: , version: 43 on Sun May 10 12:20:52 2004 by

+ [Cialis|]\\
+ [Cocoon|]\\

Page: , version: 11 on Sun May 10 12:33:51 2004 by

- test 
+ test   
?      ++

- *** the first section of the first part of the forst topic 
?                                                           -

+ *** the first section of the first part of the forst topic

Page: , version: 395 on Sun May 10 12:04:42 2004 by AntonioGallardo

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