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svn commit: r1536854 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion: libsvn_repos/dump.c tests/cmdline/

Author: stefan2
Date: Tue Oct 29 19:03:51 2013
New Revision: 1536854

As it turns out, 'svnadmin verify' did not cover the changed paths lists
but that list effectively defines the contents of the dump file.  IOW,
those dump files may not load due to invalid paths even though verification
does not show a problem.

This patch extends the dump code in verification mode such that it will
verify all paths that it encounters.  Corrupted repositories may still
be dumped as the check is only applied in verification mode.

We still don't check whether a revision's change list actually represents
the changes made in that revision.

Provide a comprehensive test and update other tests affected by the change.

* subversion/libsvn_repos/dump.c
   path_tracker_t): new path tracker data structure
   tracker__add_entry): new path tracker internal utilities
   tracker_path_delete): path tracker API
  (edit_baton): use that new data structure
  (fetch_kind_func): need to forward-declare that function now
   node_must_not_exist): new verification utilities using the path tracker
  (dump_node): verify that all paths are valid depending on the current
               action and only if the path tracker is available
  (get_dump_editor): make the path tracker available in "verify" mode only

* subversion/tests/cmdline/
  (set_changed_path_list): new utility function
  (verify_keep_going): update expected output
  (verify_invalid_path_changes): new test code
  (test_list): register new test


Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_repos/dump.c
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_repos/dump.c (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_repos/dump.c Tue Oct 29 19:03:51 2013
@@ -45,6 +45,269 @@
+/* To be able to check whether a path exists in the current revision
+   (as changes come in), we need to track the relevant tree changes.
+   In particular, we remember deletions, additions and copies including
+   their copy-from info.  Since the dump performs a pre-order tree walk,
+   we only need to store the data for the stack of parent folders.
+   The problem that we are trying to solve is that the dump receives
+   transforming operations whose validity depends on previous operations
+   in the same revision but cannot be checked against the final state
+   as stored in the repository as that is the state *after* we applied
+   the respective tree changes.
+   Note that the tracker functions don't perform any sanity or validity
+   checks.  Those higher-level tests have to be done in the calling code.
+   However, there is no way to corrupt the data structure using the
+   provided functions.
+ */
+/* Single entry in the path tracker.  Not all levels along the path
+   hierarchy do need to have an instance of this struct but only those
+   that got changed by a tree modification.
+   Please note that the path info in this struct is stored in re-usable
+   stringbuf objects such that we don't need to allocate more memory than
+   the longest path we encounter.
+ */
+typedef struct path_tracker_entry_t
+  /* path in the current tree */
+  svn_stringbuf_t *path;
+  /* copy-from path (must be empty if COPYFROM_REV is SVN_INVALID_REVNUM) */
+  svn_stringbuf_t *copyfrom_path;
+  /* copy-from revision (SVN_INVALID_REVNUM for additions / replacements
+     that don't copy history, i.e. with no sub-tree) */
+  svn_revnum_t copyfrom_rev;
+  /* if FALSE, PATH has been deleted */
+  svn_boolean_t exists;
+} path_tracker_entry_t;
+/* Tracks all tree modifications above the current path.
+ */
+typedef struct path_tracker_t
+  /* Container for all relevant tree changes in depth order.
+     May contain more entries than DEPTH to allow for reusing memory.
+     Only entries 0 .. DEPTH-1 are valid.
+   */
+  apr_array_header_t *stack;
+  /* Number of relevant entries in STACK.  May be 0 */
+  int depth;
+  /* Revision that we current track.  If DEPTH is 0, paths are exist in
+     REVISION exactly when they exist in REVISION-1.  This applies only
+     to the current state of our tree walk.
+   */
+  svn_revnum_t revision;
+  /* Allocate container entries here. */
+  apr_pool_t *pool;
+} path_tracker_t;
+/* Return a new path tracker object for REVISION, allocated in POOL.
+ */
+static path_tracker_t *
+tracker_create(svn_revnum_t revision,
+               apr_pool_t *pool)
+  path_tracker_t *result = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*result));
+  result->stack = apr_array_make(pool, 16, sizeof(path_tracker_entry_t));
+  result->revision = revision;
+  result->pool = pool;
+  return result;
+/* Remove all entries from TRACKER that are not relevant to PATH anymore.
+ * If ALLOW_EXACT_MATCH is FALSE, keep only entries that pertain to
+ * parent folders but not to PATH itself.
+ *
+ * This internal function implicitly updates the tracker state during the
+ * tree by removing "past" entries.  Other functions will add entries when
+ * we encounter a new tree change.
+ */
+static void
+tracker__trim(path_tracker_t *tracker,
+              const char *path,
+              svn_boolean_t allow_exact_match)
+  /* remove everything that is unrelated to PATH.
+     Note that TRACKER->STACK is depth-ordered,
+     i.e. stack[N] is a (maybe indirect) parent of stack[N+1]
+     for N+1 < DEPTH.
+   */
+  for (; tracker->depth; --tracker->depth)
+    {
+      path_tracker_entry_t *parent = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(tracker->stack,
+                                                    tracker->depth - 1,
+                                                    path_tracker_entry_t);
+      const char *rel_path
+        = svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(parent->path->data, path);
+      /* always keep parents.  Keep exact matches when allowed. */
+      if (rel_path && (allow_exact_match || *rel_path != '\0'))
+        break;
+    }
+/* Using TRACKER, check what path at what revision in the repository must
+   be checked to decide that whether PATH exists.  Return the info in
+   *ORIG_PATH and *ORIG_REV, respectively.
+   If the path is known to not exist, *ORIG_PATH will be NULL and *ORIG_REV
+   has just been added in the revision currently being tracked.
+   Use POOL for allocations.  Note that *ORIG_PATH may be allocated in POOL,
+   a reference to internal data with the same lifetime as TRACKER or just
+   PATH.
+ */
+static void
+tracker_lookup(const char **orig_path,
+               svn_revnum_t *orig_rev,
+               path_tracker_t *tracker,
+               const char *path,
+               apr_pool_t *pool)
+  tracker__trim(tracker, path, TRUE);
+  if (tracker->depth == 0)
+    {
+      /* no tree changes -> paths are the same as in the previous rev. */
+      *orig_path = path;
+      *orig_rev = tracker->revision - 1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      path_tracker_entry_t *parent = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(tracker->stack,
+                                                    tracker->depth - 1,
+                                                    path_tracker_entry_t);
+      if (parent->exists)
+        {
+          const char *rel_path
+            = svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(parent->path->data, path);
+          if (parent->copyfrom_rev != SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
+            {
+              /* parent is a copy with history. Translate path. */
+              *orig_path = svn_dirent_join(parent->copyfrom_path->data,
+                                           rel_path, pool);
+              *orig_rev = parent->copyfrom_rev;
+            }
+          else if (*rel_path == '\0')
+            {
+              /* added in this revision with no history */
+              *orig_path = path;
+              *orig_rev = tracker->revision;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              /* parent got added but not this path */
+              *orig_path = NULL;
+              *orig_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          /* (maybe parent) path has been deleted */
+          *orig_path = NULL;
+          *orig_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
+        }
+    }
+/* Return a reference to the stack entry in TRACKER for PATH.  If no
+   suitable entry exists, add one.  Implicitly updates the tracked tree
+   location.
+   Only the PATH member of the result is being updated.  All other members
+   will have undefined values.
+ */
+static path_tracker_entry_t *
+tracker__add_entry(path_tracker_t *tracker,
+                   const char *path)
+  path_tracker_entry_t *entry;
+  tracker__trim(tracker, path, FALSE);
+  if (tracker->depth == tracker->stack->nelts)
+    {
+      entry = apr_array_push(tracker->stack);
+      entry->path = svn_stringbuf_create_empty(tracker->pool);
+      entry->copyfrom_path = svn_stringbuf_create_empty(tracker->pool);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      entry = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(tracker->stack, tracker->depth,
+                             path_tracker_entry_t);
+    }
+  svn_stringbuf_set(entry->path, path);
+  ++tracker->depth;
+  return entry;
+/* Update the TRACKER with a copy from COPYFROM_PATH@COPYFROM_REV to
+   PATH in the tracked revision.
+ */
+static void
+tracker_path_copy(path_tracker_t *tracker,
+                  const char *path,
+                  const char *copyfrom_path,
+                  svn_revnum_t copyfrom_rev)
+  path_tracker_entry_t *entry = tracker__add_entry(tracker, path);
+  svn_stringbuf_set(entry->copyfrom_path, copyfrom_path);
+  entry->copyfrom_rev = copyfrom_rev;
+  entry->exists = TRUE;
+/* Update the TRACKER with a plain addition of PATH (without history).
+ */
+static void
+tracker_path_add(path_tracker_t *tracker,
+                 const char *path)
+  path_tracker_entry_t *entry = tracker__add_entry(tracker, path);
+  svn_stringbuf_setempty(entry->copyfrom_path);
+  entry->copyfrom_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
+  entry->exists = TRUE;
+/* Update the TRACKER with a replacement of PATH with a plain addition
+   (without history).
+ */
+static void
+tracker_path_replace(path_tracker_t *tracker,
+                     const char *path)
+  /* this will implicitly purge all previous sub-tree info from STACK.
+     Thus, no need to tack the deletion explicitly. */
+  tracker_path_add(tracker, path);
+/* Update the TRACKER with a deletion of PATH.
+ */
+static void
+tracker_path_delete(path_tracker_t *tracker,
+                    const char *path)
+  path_tracker_entry_t *entry = tracker__add_entry(tracker, path);
+  svn_stringbuf_setempty(entry->copyfrom_path);
+  entry->copyfrom_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
+  entry->exists = FALSE;
 /* Compute the delta between OLDROOT/OLDPATH and NEWROOT/NEWPATH and
    store it into a new temporary file *TEMPFILE.  OLDROOT may be NULL,
@@ -138,6 +401,10 @@ struct edit_baton
      respective node has already been verified as readable and being
      of the type stored as value in the cache. */
   svn_cache__t *verified_dirents_cache;
+  /* Structure allows us to verify the paths currently being dumped.
+     If NULL, validity checks are being skipped. */
+  path_tracker_t *path_tracker;
 struct dir_baton
@@ -224,6 +491,95 @@ make_dir_baton(const char *path,
   return new_db;
+static svn_error_t *
+fetch_kind_func(svn_node_kind_t *kind,
+                void *baton,
+                const char *path,
+                svn_revnum_t base_revision,
+                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool);
+/* Return an error when PATH in REVISION does not exist or is of a
+   different kind than EXPECTED_KIND.  If the latter is svn_node_unknown,
+   skip that check.  Use EB for context information.  If REVISION is the
+   current revision, use EB's path tracker to follow renames, deletions,
+   etc.
+   Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
+   No-op if EB's path tracker has not been initialized.
+ */
+static svn_error_t *
+node_must_exist(struct edit_baton *eb,
+                const char *path,
+                svn_revnum_t revision,
+                svn_node_kind_t expected_kind,
+                apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  svn_node_kind_t kind = svn_node_none;
+  /* in case the caller is trying something stupid ... */
+  if (eb->path_tracker == NULL)
+    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+  /* paths pertaining to the revision currently being processed must
+     be translated / checked using our path tracker. */
+  if (revision == eb->path_tracker->revision)
+    tracker_lookup(&path, &revision, eb->path_tracker, path, scratch_pool);
+  /* determine the node type (default: no such node) */
+  if (path)
+    SVN_ERR(fetch_kind_func(&kind, eb, path, revision, scratch_pool));
+  /* check results */
+  if (kind == svn_node_none)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_FOUND, NULL,
+                             _("Path '%s' not found in r%ld."),
+                             path, revision);
+  if (expected_kind != kind && expected_kind != svn_node_unknown)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_NODE_UNEXPECTED_KIND, NULL,
+                             _("Unexpected node kind %d for '%s' at r%ld. "
+                               "Expected kind was %d."),
+                             kind, path, revision, expected_kind);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+/* Return an error when PATH exists in REVISION.  Use EB for context
+   information.  If REVISION is the current revision, use EB's path
+   tracker to follow renames, deletions, etc.
+   Use SCRATCH_POOL for temporary allocations.
+   No-op if EB's path tracker has not been initialized.
+ */
+static svn_error_t *
+node_must_not_exist(struct edit_baton *eb,
+                    const char *path,
+                    svn_revnum_t revision,
+                    apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  svn_node_kind_t kind = svn_node_none;
+  /* in case the caller is trying something stupid ... */
+  if (eb->path_tracker == NULL)
+    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+  /* paths pertaining to the revision currently being processed must
+     be translated / checked using our path tracker. */
+  if (revision == eb->path_tracker->revision)
+    tracker_lookup(&path, &revision, eb->path_tracker, path, scratch_pool);
+  /* determine the node type (default: no such node) */
+  if (path)
+    SVN_ERR(fetch_kind_func(&kind, eb, path, revision, scratch_pool));
+  /* check results */
+  if (kind != svn_node_none)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_FS_ALREADY_EXISTS, NULL,
+                             _("Path '%s' exists in r%ld."),
+                             path, revision);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* This helper is the main "meat" of the editor -- it does all the
    work of writing a node record.
@@ -311,6 +667,11 @@ dump_node(struct edit_baton *eb,
   if (action == svn_node_action_change)
+      if (eb->path_tracker)
+        SVN_ERR_W(node_must_exist(eb, path, eb->current_rev, kind, pool),
+                  apr_psprintf(pool, _("Change invalid path '%s' in r%ld"),
+                               path, eb->current_rev));
                               SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_ACTION ": change\n"));
@@ -329,8 +690,18 @@ dump_node(struct edit_baton *eb,
   else if (action == svn_node_action_replace)
+      if (eb->path_tracker)
+        SVN_ERR_W(node_must_exist(eb, path, eb->current_rev,
+                                  svn_node_unknown, pool),
+                  apr_psprintf(pool,
+                               _("Replacing non-existent path '%s' in r%ld"),
+                               path, eb->current_rev));
       if (! is_copy)
+          if (eb->path_tracker)
+            tracker_path_replace(eb->path_tracker, path);
           /* a simple delete+add, implied by a single 'replace' action. */
@@ -343,6 +714,20 @@ dump_node(struct edit_baton *eb,
+          if (eb->path_tracker)
+            {
+              SVN_ERR_W(node_must_exist(eb, compare_path, compare_rev,
+                                        kind, pool),
+                        apr_psprintf(pool,
+                                     _("Replacing path '%s' in r%ld "
+                                       "with invalid path"),
+                                     path, eb->current_rev));
+              /* we will call dump_node again with an addition further
+                 down the road */
+              tracker_path_delete(eb->path_tracker, path);
+            }
           /* more complex:  delete original, then add-with-history.  */
           /* the path & kind headers have already been printed;  just
@@ -363,6 +748,14 @@ dump_node(struct edit_baton *eb,
   else if (action == svn_node_action_delete)
+      if (eb->path_tracker)
+        {
+          SVN_ERR_W(node_must_exist(eb, path, eb->current_rev, kind, pool),
+                    apr_psprintf(pool, _("Deleting invalid path '%s' in r%ld"),
+                                 path, eb->current_rev));
+          tracker_path_delete(eb->path_tracker, path);
+        }
                               SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_ACTION ": delete\n"));
@@ -373,11 +766,20 @@ dump_node(struct edit_baton *eb,
   else if (action == svn_node_action_add)
+      if (eb->path_tracker)
+        SVN_ERR_W(node_must_not_exist(eb, path, eb->current_rev, pool),
+                  apr_psprintf(pool,
+                               _("Adding already existing path '%s' in r%ld"),
+                               path, eb->current_rev));
                               SVN_REPOS_DUMPFILE_NODE_ACTION ": add\n"));
       if (! is_copy)
+          if (eb->path_tracker)
+            tracker_path_add(eb->path_tracker, path);
           /* Dump all contents for a simple 'add'. */
           if (kind == svn_node_file)
             must_dump_text = TRUE;
@@ -385,6 +787,18 @@ dump_node(struct edit_baton *eb,
+          if (eb->path_tracker)
+            {
+              SVN_ERR_W(node_must_exist(eb, compare_path, compare_rev,
+                                        kind, pool),
+                        apr_psprintf(pool,
+                                     _("Copying from invalid path to "
+                                       "'%s' in r%ld"),
+                                     path, eb->current_rev));
+              tracker_path_copy(eb->path_tracker, path, compare_path,
+                                compare_rev);
+            }
           if (!eb->verify && cmp_rev < eb->oldest_dumped_rev
               && eb->notify_func)
@@ -995,6 +1409,14 @@ get_dump_editor(const svn_delta_editor_t
   eb->found_old_mergeinfo = found_old_mergeinfo;
   eb->verified_dirents_cache = verified_dirents_cache;
+  /* In non-verification mode, we will allow anything to be dumped because
+     it might be an incremental dump with possible manual intervention.
+     Also, this might be the last resort when it comes to data recovery.
+     Else, make sure that all paths exists at their respective revisions.
+  */
+  eb->path_tracker = verify ? tracker_create(to_rev, pool) : NULL;
   /* Set up the editor. */
   dump_editor->open_root = open_root;
   dump_editor->delete_entry = delete_entry;

Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/ (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/ Tue Oct 29 19:03:51 2013
@@ -245,6 +245,27 @@ def load_dumpstream(sbox, dump, *varargs
   return load_and_verify_dumpstream(sbox, None, None, None, False, dump,
+def set_changed_path_list(filename, changes):
+  """ Replace the changed paths list in the file given by FILENAME
+      with the text CHANGES."""
+  # read full file
+  fp = open(filename, 'r+b')
+  contents =
+  # replace the changed paths list
+  length = len(contents)
+  header = contents[contents.rfind('\n', length - 64, length - 1):]
+  body_len = long(header.split(' ')[1])
+  contents = contents[:body_len] + changes + header
+  # set new contents
+  fp.write(contents)
+  fp.truncate()
+  fp.close()
 # Tests
@@ -1873,7 +1894,7 @@ def verify_keep_going(sbox):
                                            ".*Verified revision 0.",
                                            ".*Verified revision 1.",
                                            ".*Error verifying revision 2.",
-                                           ".*Verified revision 3."])
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 3."])
   exp_err = svntest.verify.RegexListOutput(["svnadmin: E160004:.*",
                                            "svnadmin: E165011:.*"], False)
@@ -1904,6 +1925,118 @@ def verify_keep_going(sbox):
                                    None, errput, None, "svnadmin: E165011:.*"):
     raise svntest.Failure
+def verify_invalid_path_changes(sbox):
+  "detect invalid changed path list entries"
+ = False)
+  repo_url = sbox.repo_url
+  B_url = sbox.repo_url + '/B'
+  C_url = sbox.repo_url + '/C'
+  # Create A/B/E/bravo in r2.
+  for r in range(2,20):
+    svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
+                                       'mkdir', '-m', 'log_msg',
+                                       sbox.repo_url + '/B' + str(r))
+  # modify every other revision to make sure that errors are not simply
+  # "carried over" but that all corrupts we get detected independently
+  # add existing node
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '2'),
+                        "_0.0.t1-1 add-dir false false /A\n\n")
+  # add into non-existent parent
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '4'),
+                        "_0.0.t3-2 add-dir false false /C/X\n\n")
+  # del non-existent node
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '6'),
+                        "_0.0.t5-2 del-dir false false /C\n\n")
+  # del existent node of the wrong kind
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '8'),
+                        "_0.0.t7-2 dev-file false false /B3\n\n")
+  # copy from non-existent node
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '10'),
+                        "_0.0.t9-2 add-dir false false /B10\n"
+                        "6 /B8\n")
+  # copy from existing node of the wrong kind
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '12'),
+                        "_0.0.t11-2 add-file false false /B12\n"
+                        "9 /B8\n")
+  # modify non-existent node
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '14'),
+                        "_0.0.t13-2 modify-file false false /A/D/H/foo\n\n")
+  # modify existent node of the wrong kind
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '16'),
+                        "_0.0.t15-2 modify-file false false /B12\n\n")
+  # replace non-existent node
+  set_changed_path_list(fsfs_file(sbox.repo_dir, 'revs', '18'),
+                        "_0.0.t17-2 replace-file false false /A/D/H/foo\n\n")
+  # find corruptions
+  exit_code, output, errput = svntest.main.run_svnadmin("verify",
+                                                        "--keep-going",
+                                                        sbox.repo_dir)
+  exp_out = svntest.verify.RegexListOutput([".*Verifying repository metadata",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 0.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 1.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 2.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 3.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 4.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 5.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 6.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 7.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 8.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 9.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 10.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 11.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 12.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 13.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 14.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 15.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 16.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 17.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 18.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 19."])
+  exp_err = svntest.verify.RegexListOutput(["svnadmin: E160020:.*",
+                                            "svnadmin: E165011:.*"], False)
+  if svntest.verify.verify_outputs("Unexpected error while running 'svnadmin verify'.",
+                                   output, errput, exp_out, exp_err):
+    raise svntest.Failure
+  exit_code, output, errput = svntest.main.run_svnadmin("verify",
+                                                        sbox.repo_dir)
+  exp_out = svntest.verify.RegexListOutput([".*Verifying repository metadata",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 0.",
+                                           ".*Verified revision 1.",
+                                           ".*Error verifying revision 2."])
+  if svntest.verify.verify_outputs("Unexpected error while running 'svnadmin verify'.",
+                                   output, errput, exp_out, exp_err):
+    raise svntest.Failure
+  exit_code, output, errput = svntest.main.run_svnadmin("verify",
+                                                        "--quiet",
+                                                        sbox.repo_dir)
+  if svntest.verify.verify_outputs("Output of 'svnadmin verify' is unexpected.",
+                                   None, errput, None, "svnadmin: E165011:.*"):
+    raise svntest.Failure
 # Run the tests
@@ -1941,6 +2074,7 @@ test_list = [ None,
+              verify_invalid_path_changes,
 if __name__ == '__main__':