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Posted to by "" <> on 2018/06/26 07:43:43 UTC


I`m using the junit test in hive project ,hcatalog streaming mutation,as saind in  

Coordinators will verify a naturally ordered sequence of [lastTransactionId, rowId] and will throw an exception if this sequence is broken
but when I make a bad order in 
mutateCoordinator.update(EUROPE_FRANCE, new MutableRecord(6, "UPDATED: Bonjour streaming 2", new RecordIdentifier( 1L, encodeBucket(0), 1L)));
mutateCoordinator.delete(EUROPE_FRANCE,new MutableRecord(5, "Bonjour streaming 1", new RecordIdentifier(1L,encodeBucket(0), 0L)));
I change the order,but there isn`t any execption be throwed..and in my hive table ,there are duplicated record with id 6,and 5 is not deleted,
I wonder why will happened this,why there isn`t any exception