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Posted to by on 2017/05/18 12:14:01 UTC

[05/17] lucene-solr:master: SOLR-10042: Delete old deprecated Admin UI
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/dashboard.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/dashboard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31070d0..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/dashboard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-var set_healthcheck_status = function( status )
-  var hc_button = $( '.healthcheck-status' )
-  if ( status == 'enable' )
-  {
-    hc_button.parents( 'dd' )
-      .removeClass( 'ico-0' )
-      .addClass( 'ico-1' );
-    hc_button
-      .addClass( 'enabled' )
-      .html( 'disable ping' );
-  } else {
-    hc_button.parents( 'dd' )
-      .removeClass( 'ico-1')
-      .addClass( 'ico-0' );
-    hc_button
-      .removeClass( 'enabled' )
-      .html( 'enable ping' );
-  }
-// #/:core
-  new RegExp( app.core_regex_base + '$' ),
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var core_basepath = this.active_core.attr( 'data-basepath' );
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    content_element
-      .removeClass( 'single' );
-    if( ! 'admin-extra-loaded' ) )
-    {
- 'admin-extra-loaded', new Date() );
-      $.get
-      (
-        core_basepath + '/admin/file/?;charset=utf-8',
-        function( menu_extra )
-        {
-          app.core_menu
-            .prepend( menu_extra );
-        }
-      );
-      $.get
-      (
-        core_basepath + '/admin/file/?;charset=utf-8',
-        function( menu_extra )
-        {
-          app.core_menu
-            .append( menu_extra );
-        }
-      );
-    }
-    $.get
-    (
-      'tpl/dashboard.html',
-      function( template )
-      {
-        content_element
-          .html( template );
-        var dashboard_element = $( '#dashboard' );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : core_basepath + '/admin/luke?wt=json&show=index&numTerms=0',
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : $( '#statistics', dashboard_element ),
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .addClass( 'loader' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Loading ...' );
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .hide();
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .empty()
-                .hide();
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .show();
-              var data = {
-                'index_num-doc' : response['index']['numDocs'],
-                'index_heap-usage-bytes' : response['index']['indexHeapUsageBytes'],
-                'index_max-doc' : response['index']['maxDoc'],
-                'index_deleted-doc' : response['index']['deletedDocs'],
-                'index_version' : response['index']['version'],
-                'index_segmentCount' : response['index']['segmentCount'],
-                'index_last-modified' : response['index']['lastModified']
-              };
-              for( var key in data )
-              {
-                $( '.' + key, this )
-                  .show();
-                $( '.value.' + key, this )
-                  .html( data[key] );
-              }
-              var optimized_element = $( '.value.index_optimized', this );
-              if( !response['index']['hasDeletions'] )
-              {
-                optimized_element
-                  .addClass( 'ico-1' );
-                $( 'span', optimized_element )
-                  .html( 'yes' );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                optimized_element
-                  .addClass( 'ico-0' );
-                $( 'span', optimized_element )
-                  .html( 'no' );
-              }
-              var current_element = $( '.value.index_current', this );
-              if( response['index']['current'] )
-              {
-                current_element
-                  .addClass( 'ico-1' );
-                $( 'span', current_element )
-                  .html( 'yes' );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                current_element
-                  .addClass( 'ico-0' );
-                $( 'span', current_element )
-                  .html( 'no' );
-              }
-              $( 'a', optimized_element )
-                .die( 'click' )
-                .live
-                (
-                  'click',
-                  function( event )
-                  {                        
-                    $.ajax
-                    (
-                      {
-                      url : core_basepath + '/update?optimize=true&waitFlush=true&wt=json',
-                      dataType : 'json',
-                      context : $( this ),
-                      beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                      {
-                        this
-                          .addClass( 'loader' );
-                      },
-                      success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                      {
-                        this.parents( 'dd' )
-                          .removeClass( 'ico-0' )
-                          .addClass( 'ico-1' );
-                      },
-                      error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-                      {
-                        console.warn( 'd0h, optimize broken!' );
-                      },
-                      complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                      {
-                        this
-                          .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                      }
-                      }
-                    );
-                  }
-                );
-              $( '.timeago', this )
-                                 .timeago();
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-            {
-              this
-                .addClass( 'disabled' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Luke is not configured' );
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .removeClass( 'loader' );
-            }
-          }
-        );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : core_basepath + '/replication?command=details&wt=json',
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : $( '#replication', dashboard_element ),
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .addClass( 'loader' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Loading' );
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .hide();
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .empty()
-                .hide();
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .show();
-              $( '.replication', context.active_core )
-                .show();
-              var data = response.details;
-              var is_slave = 'undefined' !== typeof( data.slave );
-              var headline = $( 'h2 span', this );
-              var details_element = $( '#details', this );
-              var current_type_element = $( ( is_slave ? '.slave' : '.masterSearch' ), this );
-              var master_data = is_slave ? data.slave.masterDetails : data;
-              if( is_slave )
-              {
-                this
-                  .addClass( 'slave' );
-                headline
-                  .html( headline.html() + ' (Slave)' );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                this
-                  .addClass( 'master' );
-                headline
-                  .html( headline.html() + ' (Master)' );
-              }
-              // the currently searchable commit regardless of type
-              $( '.version div', current_type_element )
-                .html( data.indexVersion );
-              $( '.generation div', current_type_element )
-                .html( data.generation );
-              $( '.size div', current_type_element )
-                .html( data.indexSize );
-              // what's replicable on the master
-              var master_element = $( '.master', details_element );
-              $( '.version div', master_element )
-                .html( master_data.master.replicableVersion || '-' );
-              $( '.generation div', master_element )
-                .html( master_data.master.replicableGeneration || '-' );
-              $( '.size div', master_element )
-                .html( "-" );
-              if( is_slave )
-              {
-                var master_element = $( '.masterSearch', details_element );
-                $( '.version div', master_element )
-                  .html( data.slave.masterDetails.indexVersion );
-                $( '.generation div', master_element )
-                  .html( data.slave.masterDetails.generation );
-                $( '.size div', master_element )
-                  .html( data.slave.masterDetails.indexSize );
-                // warnings if slave version|gen doesn't match what's replicable
-                if( data.indexVersion !== master_data.master.replicableVersion )
-                {
-                  $( '.version', details_element )
-                    .addClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  $( '.version', details_element )
-                    .removeClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-                if( data.generation !== master_data.master.replicableGeneration )
-                {
-                  $( '.generation', details_element )
-                    .addClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  $( '.generation', details_element )
-                    .removeClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-            {
-              this
-                .addClass( 'disabled' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Replication is not configured' );
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .removeClass( 'loader' );
-            }
-          }
-        );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : core_basepath + '/admin/system?wt=json',
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : $( '#instance', dashboard_element ),
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .addClass( 'loader' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Loading' );
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .hide();
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .empty()
-                .hide();
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .show();
-              $( 'dl', this )
-                .show();
-              var data = {
-                'dir_cwd' :,
-                'dir_instance' :,
-                'dir_data' :,
-                'dir_index' :,
-                'dir_impl' :
-              };
-              for( var key in data )
-              {
-                $( '.' + key, this )
-                  .show();
-                $( '.value.' + key, this )
-                  .html( data[key] );
-              }
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-            {
-              this
-                .addClass( 'disabled' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( '/admin/system Handler is not configured' );
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .removeClass( 'loader' );
-            }
-          }
-        );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : core_basepath + '/admin/file/?file=admin-extra.html',
-            dataType : 'html',
-            context : $( '#admin-extra', dashboard_element ),
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .addClass( 'loader' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Loading' );
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .hide();
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .hide()
-                .empty();
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( response );
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-            {
-              this
-                .addClass( 'disabled' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'We found no "admin-extra.html" file.' );
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .removeClass( 'loader' );
-            }
-          }
-        );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : core_basepath + '/admin/ping?action=status&wt=json',
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : $( '#healthcheck', dashboard_element ),
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .addClass( 'loader' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Loading' );
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .hide();
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .empty()
-                .hide();
-              $( '.content', this )
-                .show();
-              var status_element = $( '.value.status', this );
-              var toggle_button = $( '.healthcheck-status', this );
-              var status = response['status'];
-              $( 'span', status_element ).html( status );
-              var action = ( response['status'] == 'enabled' ) ? 'enable' : 'disable';  
-              set_healthcheck_status(action);
-              if( response['status'] == 'enabled' )
-              {
-                status_element
-                  .addClass( 'ico-1' );
-                toggle_button
-                  .addClass( 'enabled' );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                status_element
-                  .addClass( 'ico-0' );
-              }
-              $( '.healthcheck-status', status_element )
-                .die( 'click' )
-                .live
-                (
-                  'click',
-                  function( event )
-                  {                      
-                    var action = $(this).hasClass( 'enabled' ) ? 'disable' : 'enable';  
-                    $.ajax
-                    (
-                      {
-                        url : core_basepath + '/admin/ping?action=' + action + '&wt=json',
-                        dataType : 'json',
-                        context : $( this ),
-                        beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                        {
-                          this
-                            .addClass( 'loader' );
-                        },
-                        success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                        {
-                          set_healthcheck_status(action);
-                        },
-                        error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-                        {
-                          console.warn( 'd0h, enable broken!' );
-                        },
-                        complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                        {
-                          this
-                            .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                        }
-                      }
-                    );
-                  }
-                );
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-            {
-              this
-                .addClass( 'disabled' );
-              $( '.message', this )
-                .show()
-                .html( 'Ping request handler is not configured with a healthcheck file.' );
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-              $( 'h2', this )
-                .removeClass( 'loader' );
-            }
-          }
-        );
-      }
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/dataimport.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/dataimport.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 20532c6..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/dataimport.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-var dataimport_timeout = 2000;
-var cookie_dataimport_autorefresh = 'dataimport_autorefresh';
-  'dataimport_queryhandler_load',
-  function( event, params )
-  {
-    var core_basepath = params.active_core.attr( 'data-basepath' );
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        url : core_basepath + '/admin/mbeans?cat=QUERY&wt=json',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-        {
-        },
-        success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-        {
-          var handlers = response['solr-mbeans'][1];
-          var dataimport_handlers = [];
-          for( var key in handlers )
-          {
-            if( handlers[key]['class'] !== key &&
-              handlers[key]['class'] === 'org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler' )
-            {
-              dataimport_handlers.push( key );
-            }
-          }
-          params.callback( dataimport_handlers.sort(naturalSort) );
-        },
-        error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-        {
-        },
-        complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-        {
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
-// #/:core/dataimport
-  new RegExp( app.core_regex_base + '\\/(dataimport)$' ),
-  function( context )
-  {
-    sammy.trigger
-    (
-      'dataimport_queryhandler_load',
-      {
-        active_core : this.active_core,
-        callback :  function( dataimport_handlers )
-        {
-          if( 0 === dataimport_handlers.length )
-          {
-            $( '#content' )
-              .html( 'sorry, no dataimport-handler defined!' );
-            return false;
-          }
-          context.redirect( context.path + '/' + dataimport_handlers[0] );
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
-// #/:core/dataimport
-  new RegExp( app.core_regex_base + '\\/(dataimport)\\/' ),
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var core_basepath = this.active_core.attr( 'data-basepath' );
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    var path_parts = this.path.match( /^(.+\/dataimport\/)(.*)$/ );
-    var handler_url = core_basepath + path_parts[2];
-    $( 'li.dataimport', this.active_core )
-      .addClass( 'active' );
-    $.get
-    (
-      'tpl/dataimport.html',
-      function( template )
-      {
-        content_element
-          .html( template );
-        var dataimport_element = $( '#dataimport', content_element );
-        var form_element = $( '#form', dataimport_element );
-        var config_element = $( '#config', dataimport_element );
-        var error_element = $( '#error', dataimport_element );
-        var debug_response_element = $( '#debug_response', dataimport_element );
-        var autorefresh_status = false;
-        var debug_mode = false;
-        // handler
-        sammy.trigger
-        (
-          'dataimport_queryhandler_load',
-          {
-            active_core : context.active_core,
-            callback :  function( dataimport_handlers )
-            {
-              var handlers_element = $( '#navigation ul', form_element );
-              var handlers = [];
-              for( var i = 0; i < dataimport_handlers.length; i++ )
-              {
-                handlers.push
-                (
-                    '<li><a href="' + path_parts[1] + dataimport_handlers[i] + '">' +
-                    dataimport_handlers[i] +
-                    '</a></li>'
-                );
-              }
-              $( handlers_element )
-                .html( handlers.join( "\n") ) ;
-              $( 'a[href="' + context.path + '"]', handlers_element ).closest( 'li' )
-                .addClass( 'current' );
-              $( 'form', form_element )
-                .show();
-            }
-          }
-        );
-        // config
-        function dataimport_fetch_config()
-        {
-          $.ajax
-          (
-            {
-              url : handler_url + '?command=show-config&indent=true',
-              dataType : 'xml',
-              context : $( '#dataimport_config', config_element ),
-              beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-              {
-                error_element
-                  .empty()
-                  .hide();
-              },
-              success : function( config, text_status, xhr )
-              {
-                dataimport_element
-                  .removeClass( 'error' );
-                config_element
-                  .addClass( 'hidden' );
-                var entities = [ '<option value=""></option>' ];
-                $( 'document > entity', config )
-                  .each
-                  (
-                    function( i, element )
-                    {
-                      entities.push( '<option>' + $( element ).attr( 'name' ).esc() + '</option>' );
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( '#entity', form_element )
-                  .html( entities.join( "\n" ) );
-                $( '.editable textarea', this )
-                  .val( xhr.responseText.replace( /\n+$/, '' ) );
-              },
-              error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-              {
-                if( 'parsererror' === error_thrown )
-                {
-                  dataimport_element
-                    .addClass( 'error' );
-                  error_element
-                    .text( 'Dataimport XML-Configuration is not valid' )
-                    .show();
-                  config_element
-                    .removeClass( 'hidden' );
-                }
-              },
-              complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-              {
-                var code = $(
-                  '<pre class="syntax language-xml"><code>' +
-                  xhr.responseText.esc() +
-                  '</code></pre>'
-                );
-                $( '.formatted', this ).html( code );
-                if( 'success' === text_status )
-                {
-                  hljs.highlightBlock( code.get(0) );
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        }
-        dataimport_fetch_config();
-        $( '.block .toggle', dataimport_element )
-          .die( 'click' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( this ).parents( '.block' )
-                .toggleClass( 'hidden' );
-              return false;
-            }
-          )
-        var reload_config_element = $( '.reload_config', config_element );
-        reload_config_element
-          .die( 'click' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $.ajax
-              (
-                {
-                  url : handler_url + '?command=reload-config',
-                  dataType : 'xml',
-                  context: $( this ),
-                  beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                  {
-                    this
-                      .removeClass( 'error' )
-                      .addClass( 'loader' );
-                  },
-                  success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                  {
-                    this
-                      .addClass( 'success' );
-                    window.setTimeout
-                    (
-                      function()
-                      {
-                        reload_config_element
-                          .removeClass( 'success' );
-                      },
-                      5000
-                    );
-                  },
-                  error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                  {
-                    this
-                      .addClass( 'error' );
-                  },
-                  complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                  {
-                    this
-                      .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                    dataimport_fetch_config();
-                  }
-                }
-              );
-              return false;
-            }
-          );
-        var debug_mode_element = $( '.debug_mode', config_element );
-        debug_mode_element
-          .die( 'click' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              var self = $( this );
-              var block = self.closest( '.block' )
-              var debug_checkbox = $( 'input[name="debug"]', form_element );
-              var submit_span = $( 'button[type="submit"] span', form_element );
-              debug_mode = !debug_mode;
-              block.toggleClass( 'debug_mode', debug_mode );
-              if( debug_mode )
-              {
-                block.removeClass( 'hidden' );
-                debug_checkbox
-                  .attr( 'checked', 'checked' )
-                  .trigger( 'change' );
-                submit_span
-                  .data( 'original', submit_span.text() )
-                  .text( 'debugmode' ) );
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                submit_span
-                  .text( 'original' ) )
-                  .removeData( 'original' );
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        // abort
-        var abort_import_element = $( '.abort-import', dataimport_element );
-        abort_import_element
-          .off( 'click' )
-          .on
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              var span_element = $( 'span', this );
-              $.ajax
-              (
-                {
-                  url : handler_url + '?command=abort&wt=json',
-                  dataType : 'json',
-                  type: 'GET',
-                  context: $( this ),
-                  beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                  {
-                    span_element
-                      .addClass( 'loader' );
-                  },
-                  success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                  {
-                    span_element
-                      .data( 'original', span_element.text() )
-                      .text( 'aborting' ) );
-                    this
-                      .removeClass( 'warn' )
-                      .addClass( 'success' );
-                    window.setTimeout
-                    (
-                      function()
-                      {
-                        $( 'span', abort_import_element )
-                          .removeClass( 'loader' )
-                          .text( 'original' ) )
-                          .removeData( 'original' );
-                        abort_import_element
-                          .removeClass( 'success' )
-                          .addClass( 'warn' );
-                      },
-                      dataimport_timeout * 2
-                    );
-                    dataimport_fetch_status();
-                  }
-                }
-              );
-              return false;
-            }
-          );
-        // state
-        var status_button = $( 'form button.refresh-status', form_element );
-        status_button
-          .off( 'click' )
-          .on
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              dataimport_fetch_status();
-              return false;
-            }
-          )
-          .trigger( 'click' );
-        function dataimport_fetch_status( clear_timeout )
-        {
-          if( clear_timeout )
-          {
-            app.clear_timeout();
-          }
-          $.ajax
-          (
-            {
-              url : handler_url + '?command=status&indent=true&wt=json',
-              dataType : 'json',
-              beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-              {
-                $( 'span', status_button )
-                  .addClass( 'loader' );
-              },
-              success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-              {
-                var state_element = $( '#current_state', content_element );
-                var status = response.status;
-                var rollback_time = response.statusMessages.Rolledback || null;
-                var abort_time = response.statusMessages.Aborted || null;
-                var messages = response.statusMessages;
-                var messages_count = 0;
-                for( var key in messages ) { messages_count++; }
-                function dataimport_compute_details( response, details_element, elapsed_seconds )
-                {
-                  details_element
-                    .show();
-                  // --
-                  var document_config = {
-                    'Requests' : 'Total Requests made to DataSource',
-                    'Fetched' : 'Total Rows Fetched',
-                    'Skipped' : 'Total Documents Skipped',
-                    'Processed' : 'Total Documents Processed'
-                  };
-                  var document_details = [];
-                  for( var key in document_config )
-                  {
-                    var value = parseInt( response.statusMessages[document_config[key]], 10 );
-                    var detail = '<abbr title="' + document_config[key].esc() + '">' + key.esc() + '</abbr>: ' +  app.format_number( value ).esc();
-                    if( elapsed_seconds && 'skipped' !== key.toLowerCase() )
-                    {
-                      detail += ' <span>(' + app.format_number( Math.round( value / elapsed_seconds ) ).esc() + '/s)</span>'
-                    }
-                    document_details.push( detail );
-                  };
-                  $( '.docs', details_element )
-                    .html( document_details.join( ', ' ) );
-                  // --
-                  var dates_config = {
-                      'Started' : 'Full Dump Started',
-                      'Aborted' : 'Aborted',
-                      'Rolledback' : 'Rolledback'
-                  };
-                  var dates_details = [];
-                  for( var key in dates_config )
-                  {
-                    var value = response.statusMessages[dates_config[key]];
-                    if( value )
-                    {
-                      var detail = '<abbr title="' + dates_config[key].esc() + '">' + key.esc() + '</abbr>: '
-                                 + '<abbr class="time">' +  value.esc() + '</abbr>';
-                      dates_details.push( detail );                      
-                    }
-                  };
-                  var dates_element = $( '.dates', details_element );
-                  dates_element
-                    .html( dates_details.join( ', ' ) );
-                  $( '.time', dates_element )
-                    .removeData( 'timeago' )
-                    .timeago();
-                };
-                var get_time_taken = function get_default_time_taken()
-                {
-                  var time_taken_text = response.statusMessages['Time taken'];
-                  return app.convert_duration_to_seconds( time_taken_text );
-                };
-                var get_default_info_text = function default_info_text()
-                {
-                  var info_text = response.statusMessages[''] || '';
-                  // format numbers included in status nicely
-                  info_text = info_text.replace
-                  (
-                    /\d{4,}/g,
-                    function( match, position, string )
-                    {
-                      return app.format_number( parseInt( match, 10 ) );
-                    }
-                  );
-                  var time_taken_text = app.convert_seconds_to_readable_time( get_time_taken() );
-                  if( time_taken_text )
-                  {
-                    info_text += ' (Duration: ' + time_taken_text.esc() + ')';
-                  }
-                  return info_text;
-                };
-                var show_info = function show_info( info_text, elapsed_seconds )
-                {
-                  $( '.info strong', state_element )
-                    .text( info_text || get_default_info_text() );
-                  $( '.info .details', state_element )
-                    .hide();
-                };
-                var show_full_info = function show_full_info( info_text, elapsed_seconds )
-                {
-                  show_info( info_text, elapsed_seconds );
-                  dataimport_compute_details
-                  (
-                    response,
-                    $( '.info .details', state_element ),
-                    elapsed_seconds || get_time_taken()
-                  );
-                };
-                state_element
-                  .removeAttr( 'class' );
-                var current_time = new Date();
-                $( '.last_update abbr', state_element )
-                  .text( current_time.toTimeString().split( ' ' ).shift() )
-                  .attr( 'title', current_time.toUTCString() );
-                $( '.info', state_element )
-                  .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                if( 'busy' === status )
-                {
-                  state_element
-                    .addClass( 'indexing' );
-                  if( autorefresh_status )
-                  {
-                    $( '.info', state_element )
-                      .addClass( 'loader' );
-                  }
-                  var time_elapsed_text = response.statusMessages['Time Elapsed'];
-                  var elapsed_seconds = app.convert_duration_to_seconds( time_elapsed_text );
-                  time_elapsed_text = app.convert_seconds_to_readable_time( elapsed_seconds );
-                  var info_text = time_elapsed_text
-                                ? 'Indexing since ' + time_elapsed_text
-                                : 'Indexing ...';
-                  show_full_info( info_text, elapsed_seconds );
-                }
-                else if( rollback_time )
-                {
-                  state_element
-                    .addClass( 'failure' );
-                  show_full_info();
-                }
-                else if( abort_time )
-                {
-                  state_element
-                    .addClass( 'aborted' );
-                  show_full_info( 'Aborting current Import ...' );
-                }
-                else if( 'idle' === status && 0 !== messages_count )
-                {
-                  state_element
-                    .addClass( 'success' );
-                  show_full_info();
-                }
-                else 
-                {
-                  state_element
-                    .addClass( 'idle' );
-                  show_info( 'No information available (idle)' );
-                }
-                // show raw status
-                var code = $(
-                  '<pre class="syntax language-json"><code>' +
-                  app.format_json( xhr.responseText ).esc() +
-                  '</code></pre>'
-                );
-                $( '#raw_output_container', content_element ).html( code );
-                hljs.highlightBlock( code.get(0) );
-                if( !app.timeout && autorefresh_status )
-                {
-                  app.timeout = window.setTimeout
-                  (
-                    function()
-                    {
-                      dataimport_fetch_status( true )
-                    },
-                    dataimport_timeout
-                  );
-                }
-              },
-              error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-              {
-                console.debug( arguments );
-                reload_config_element
-                  .addClass( 'error' );
-              },
-              complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-              {
-                $( 'span', status_button )
-                  .removeClass( 'loader' )
-                  .addClass( 'success' );
-                window.setTimeout
-                (
-                  function()
-                  {
-                    $( 'span', status_button )
-                      .removeClass( 'success' );
-                  },
-                  dataimport_timeout / 2
-                );
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        }
-        // form
-        var form = $( 'form', form_element );
-        form
-          .ajaxForm
-          (
-            {
-              url : handler_url,
-              data : {
-                wt : 'json',
-                indent : 'true'
-              },
-              dataType : 'json',
-              type: 'POST',
-              beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-              {
-                $( 'button[type="submit"] span', form_element )
-                  .addClass( 'loader' );
-                error_element
-                  .empty()
-                  .hide();
-              },
-              beforeSubmit : function( array, form, options )
-              {
-                var entity = $( '#entity', form ).val();
-                if( entity.length )
-                {
-                  array.push( { name : 'entity', value: entity } );
-                }
-                var start = parseInt( $( '#start', form ).val(), 10 );
-                if( start )
-                {
-                  array.push( { name : 'start', value: start } );
-                }
-                var rows = parseInt( $( '#rows', form ).val(), 10 );
-                if( rows )
-                {
-                  array.push( { name : 'rows', value: rows } );
-                }
-                $( 'input:checkbox', form ).not( ':checked' )
-                  .each( function( i, input )
-                  {
-                    array.push( { name:, value: 'false' } );
-                  }
-                );
-                var custom_parameters = $( '#custom_parameters', form ).val();
-                if( custom_parameters.length )
-                {
-                  var params = custom_parameters.split( '&' );
-                  for( var i in params )
-                  {
-                    var tmp = params[i].split( '=' );
-                    array.push( { name : tmp[0], value: tmp[1] } );
-                  }
-                }
-                if( debug_mode )
-                {
-                  array.push( { name: 'dataConfig', value: $( '#dataimport_config .editable textarea' ).val() } );
-                }
-              },
-              success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-              {
-              },
-              error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-              {
-                var response = null;
-                try
-                {
-                  eval( 'response = ' + xhr.responseText + ';' );
-                }
-                catch( e ){}
-                error_element
-                  .text( response.error.msg || 'Unknown Error (Exception w/o Message)' )
-                  .show();
-              },
-              complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-              {
-                $( 'button[type="submit"] span', form_element )
-                  .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                var debug = $( 'input[name="debug"]:checked', form );
-                if( 0 !== debug.size() )
-                {
-                  var code = $(
-                    '<pre class="syntax language-json"><code>' +
-                    app.format_json( xhr.responseText ).esc() +
-                    '</code></pre>'
-                  );
-                  $( '.content', debug_response_element ).html( code );
-                  hljs.highlightBlock( code.get(0) );
-                }
-                dataimport_fetch_status();
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        $( 'input[name="debug"]', form )
-          .off( 'change' )
-          .on
-          (
-            'change',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              debug_response_element.toggle( this.checked );
-            }
-          );
-        $( '#auto-refresh-status a', form_element )
-          .off( 'click' )
-          .on
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $.cookie( cookie_dataimport_autorefresh, $.cookie( cookie_dataimport_autorefresh ) ? null : true );
-              $( this ).trigger( 'state' );
-              dataimport_fetch_status();
-              return false;
-            }
-          )
-          .off( 'state' )
-          .on
-          (
-            'state',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              autorefresh_status = !!$.cookie( cookie_dataimport_autorefresh );
-              $.cookie( cookie_dataimport_autorefresh )
-                ? $( this ).addClass( 'on' )
-                : $( this ).removeClass( 'on' );
-            }
-          )
-          .trigger( 'state' );
-      }
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/documents.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/documents.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 45cfbed..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/documents.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
-//helper for formatting JSON and others
-var content_generator = {
-  _default: function (toEsc) {
-    return toEsc.esc();
-  },
-  json: function (toEsc) {
-    return app.format_json(toEsc);
-  }
-//Utiltity function for turning on/off various elements
-function toggles(documents_form, show_json, show_file, show_doc, doc_text, show_wizard) {
-  var the_document = $('#document', documents_form);
-  if (show_doc) {
-    //console.log("doc: " + doc_text);
-    the_document.val(doc_text);
-  } else {
-    the_document.hide();
-  }
-  var file_upload = $('#file-upload', documents_form);
-  var upload_only = $('#upload-only', documents_form);
-  if (show_file) {
-  } else {
-    file_upload.hide();
-    upload_only.hide();
-  }
-  var wizard = $('#wizard', documents_form);
-  if (show_wizard) {
-  } else {
-    wizard.hide();
-  }
-// #/:core/documents
-//Utiltity function for setting up the wizard fields
-function addWizardFields(active_core, wizard) {
-  var core_basepath = active_core.attr('data-basepath');
-  var select_options = "";
-  //Populate the select options based off the Fields REST API
-  $.getJSON(window.location.protocol + '//' +
-          + core_basepath + "/schema/fields").done(
-      //TODO: handle dynamic fields
-      //TODO: get the unique key, too
-      function (data) {
-        var field_select = $("#wiz-field-select", wizard);
-        field_select.empty();
-        $.each(data.fields,
-            function (i, item) {
-              //console.log("i[" + i + "]=" +;
-              if ( != "_version_"){
-                select_options += '<option name="' + + '">'
-                  + + '</option>';
-              }
-            });
-        //console.log("select_options: " + select_options);
-        //fill in the select options
-        field_select.append(select_options);
-      });
-  var wizard_doc = $("#wizard-doc", wizard);
-  wizard_doc.die('focusin')
-      .live('focusin', function (event) {
-        $("#wizard-doc", wizard).text("");
-      }
-  );
-  //Add the click handler for the "Add Field" target, which
-  //takes the field content and moves it into the document target
-  var add_field = $("#add-field-href", wizard);
-  add_field.die("click")
-      .live("click",
-      function (event) {
-        //take the field and the contents and append it to the document
-        var wiz_select = $("#wiz-field-select", wizard);
-        var selected = $("option:selected", wiz_select);
-        console.log("selected field: " + selected);
-        var wiz_doc = $("#wizard-doc", wizard);
-        var the_document = $("#document");
-        var current_doc = the_document.val();
-        console.log("current_text: " + current_doc + " wiz_doc: " + wiz_doc.val());
-        var index = current_doc.lastIndexOf("}");
-        var new_entry = '"' + selected.val() + '":"' + wiz_doc.val() + '"';
-        if (index >= 0) {
-          current_doc = current_doc.substring(0, index) + ', ' + new_entry + "}";
-        } else {
-          //we don't have a doc at all
-          current_doc = "{" + new_entry + "}";
-        }
-        current_doc = content_generator['json'](current_doc);
-        the_document.val(current_doc);
-        //clear the wiz doc window
-        wiz_doc.val("");
-        return false;
-      }
-  );
-  //console.log("adding " + i + " child: " + child);
-//The main program for adding the docs
-    new RegExp(app.core_regex_base + '\\/(documents)$'),
-    function (context) {
-      var active_core = this.active_core;
-      var core_basepath = active_core.attr('data-basepath');
-      var content_element = $('#content');
-      $.post
-      (
-          'tpl/documents.html',
-          function (template) {
-            content_element
-                .html(template);
-            var documents_element = $('#documents', content_element);
-            var documents_form = $('#form form', documents_element);
-            var url_element = $('#url', documents_element);
-            var result_element = $('#result', documents_element);
-            var response_element = $('#response', documents_element);
-            var doc_type_select = $('#document-type', documents_form);
-            //Since we are showing "example" docs, when the area receives the focus
-            // remove the example content.
-            $('#document', documents_form).die('focusin')
-                .live('focusin',
-                function (event) {
-                  var document_type = $('#document-type', documents_form).val();
-                  if (document_type != "wizard"){
-                    //Don't clear the document when in wizard mode.
-                    var the_document = $('#document', documents_form);
-                    the_document.text("");
-                  }
-                }
-            );
-            /*response_element.html("");*/
-            //Setup the handlers for toggling the various display options for the "Document Type" select
-            doc_type_select
-                .die('change')
-                .live
-            (
-                'change',
-                function (event) {
-                  var document_type = $('#document-type', documents_form).val();
-                  var file_upload = $('#file-upload', documents_form);
-                  //need to clear out any old file upload by forcing a redraw so that
-                  //we don't try to upload an old file
-                  file_upload.html(file_upload.html());
-                  if (document_type == "json") {
-                    toggles(documents_form, true, false, true, '{"id":"","title":""}', false);
-                    $("#attribs").show();
-                  } else if (document_type == "upload") {
-                    toggles(documents_form, false, true, false, "", false);
-                    $("#attribs").show();
-                  } else if (document_type == "csv") {
-                    toggles(documents_form, false, false, true, "id,title\,", false);
-                    $("#attribs").show();
-                  } else if (document_type == "solr") {
-                    toggles(documents_form, false, false, true, '<add>\n' +
-                        '<doc>\n' +
-                        '<field name="id"></field>\n' +
-                        '<field name="title" ></field>\n' +
-                        '</doc>\n' +
-                        '</add>\n', false);
-                    $("#attribs").hide();
-                  } else if (document_type == "wizard") {
-                    var wizard = $('#wizard', documents_form);
-                    addWizardFields(active_core, wizard);
-                    //$("#wizard-doc", wizard).text('Enter your field text here and then click "Add Field" to add the field to the document.');
-                    toggles(documents_form, false, false, true, "", true);
-                    $("#attribs").show();
-                  } else if (document_type == "xml") {
-                    toggles(documents_form, false, false, true, '<doc>\n' +
-                        '<field name="id"></field>' +
-                        '<field name="title"></field>' +
-                        '</doc>', false);
-                    $("#attribs").show();
-                  }
-                  return false;
-                }
-            );
-            doc_type_select.chosen().trigger('change');
-            //Setup the submit option handling.
-            documents_form
-                .die('submit')
-                .live
-            (
-                'submit',
-                function (event) {
-                  var form_values = [];
-                  var handler_path = $('#qt', documents_form).val();
-                  if ('/' !== handler_path[0]) {
-                    form_values.push({ name: 'qt', value: handler_path.esc() });
-                    handler_path = '/update';
-                  }
-                  var document_url = window.location.protocol + '//' +
-                      + core_basepath + handler_path + '?wt=json';
-                  url_element
-                      .attr('href', document_url)
-                      .text(document_url)
-                      .trigger('change');
-                  var the_document = $('#document', documents_form).val();
-                  var commit_within = $('#commitWithin', documents_form).val();
-                  var overwrite = $('#overwrite', documents_form).val();
-                  var the_command = "";
-                  var content_type = "";
-                  var document_type = $('#document-type', documents_form).val();
-                  var doingFileUpload = false;
-                  //Both JSON and Wizard use the same pathway for submission
-                  //New entries primarily need to fill the_command and set the content_type
-                  if (document_type == "json" || document_type == "wizard") {
-                    //create a JSON command
-                    the_command = "{"
-                        + '"add":{ "doc":' + the_document + ","
-                        + '"overwrite":' + overwrite + ","
-                        + '"commitWithin":' + commit_within
-                        + "}}";
-                    content_type = "application/json";
-                  } else if (document_type == "csv") {
-                    the_command = the_document;
-                    document_url += "&commitWithin=" + commit_within + "&overwrite=" + overwrite;
-                    content_type = "application/csv";
-                  } else if (document_type == "xml") {
-                    the_command = '<add commitWithin="' + commit_within
-                        + '" overwrite="' + overwrite + '"'
-                        + ">"
-                        + the_document + "</add>";
-                    content_type = "text/xml";
-                  } else if (document_type == "upload") {
-                    doingFileUpload = true;
-                  } else if (document_type == "solr") {
-                    //guess content_type
-                    the_command = the_document;
-                    if (the_document.indexOf("<") >= 0) {
-                      //XML
-                      content_type = "text/xml";
-                    } else if (the_document.indexOf("{") >= 0) {
-                      //JSON
-                      content_type = "application/json";
-                    } //TODO: do we need to handle others?
-                  } else {
-                    //How to handle other?
-                  }
-                  //Handle the submission of the form in the case where we are not uploading a file
-                  if (doingFileUpload == false) {
-                    $.ajax(
-                        {
-                          url: document_url,
-                          //dataType : 'json',
-                          processData: false,
-                          type: 'POST',
-                          contentType: content_type,
-                          data: the_command,
-                          context: response_element,
-                          beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
-                            console.log("beforeSend: Vals: " + document_url + " content-type: " + document_type + " the cmd: " + the_command);
-                          },
-                          success: function (response, text_status, xhr) {
-                            console.log("success:  " + response + " status: " + text_status + " xhr: " + xhr.responseText);
-                            this.html('<div><span class="description">Status</span>: ' + text_status + '</div>'
-                                + '<div><span class="description">Response:</span>' + '<pre class="syntax language-json"><code>' + content_generator['json'](xhr.responseText) + "</code></pre></div>");
-                  ;
-                          },
-                          error: function (xhr, text_status, error_thrown) {
-                            console.log("error: " + text_status + " thrown: " + error_thrown);
-                            this.html('<div><span class="description">Status</span>: ' + text_status + '</div><div><span class="description">Error:</span> '
-                                + '' + error_thrown
-                                + '</div>'
-                                + '<div><span class="description">Error</span>:' + '<pre class="syntax language-json"><code>'
-                                + content_generator['json'](xhr.responseText) +
-                                '</code></pre></div>');
-                  ;
-                          },
-                          complete: function (xhr, text_status) {
-                            //console.log("complete: " + text_status + " xhr: " + xhr.responseText + " doc type: " + document_type);
-                            //alert(text_status + ": " + xhr.responseText);
-                            /*this
-                             .removeClass( 'loader' );*/
-                          }
-                        }
-                    );
-                  } else {
-                    //upload the file
-                    var the_file = $('#the-file', documents_form);
-                    var erh_params = $('#erh-params', documents_form).val();
-                    if (erh_params != "") {
-                      if (erh_params.substring(0,1) != "&"){
-                        erh_params = "&" + erh_params;
-                      }
-                      document_url = document_url + erh_params;
-                    }
-                    console.log("uploading file to: " + document_url);
-                    the_file.ajaxfileupload({
-                      'action': document_url,
-                      'validate_extensions': false,
-                      'upload_now': true,
-                      'params': {
-                        'extra': 'info'
-                      },
-                      'onComplete': function (response) {
-                        response = response.replace('<pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">', "");
-                        response = response.replace("</pre>", "");
-                        console.log('completed upload: ' + response);
-                        response_element.html('<div><span class="description">Response:</span>' + '<pre class="syntax language-json"><code>' + content_generator['json'](response) + "</code></pre></div>");
-              ;
-                      },
-                      'onStart': function () {
-                        console.log("starting file upload");
-                        //if (weWantedTo) return false; // cancels upload
-                      },
-                      'onCancel': function () {
-                        console.log('no file selected');
-                      }
-                    });
-                  }
-                  return false;
-                }
-            );
-          }
-      )
-    }
- Sample docs:
- <doc boost="2.5">
- <field name="id">05991</field>
- <field name="title" boost="2.0">Bridgewater</field>
- </doc>
- {"id":"foo","title":"blah"}
- */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/files.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/files.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c6b1951..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/files.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-// #/:core/files
-  new RegExp( app.core_regex_base + '\\/(files)$' ),
-  function( context )
-  {
-    core_basepath = this.active_core.attr( 'data-basepath' );
-    current_core = context.params.splat[0];
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    var file_endpoint = core_basepath + '/admin/file';
-    var path = context.path.split( '?' );
-    var selected_file = null;
-    if( path && path[1] )
-    {
-      selected_file = path[1].split( '=' ).pop();
-    }
-    $.get
-    (
-      'tpl/files.html',
-      function( template )
-      {
-        content_element
-          .html( template );
-        var frame_element = $( '#frame', content_element );
-        var tree_callback = function( event, data )
-        {
-          $( 'li[data-file].jstree-closed', event.currentTarget )
-            .filter
-            (
-              function( index, element )
-              {
-                return selected_file && 0 === selected_file.indexOf( $( element ).data( 'file' ) );
-              }
-            )
-            .each
-            (
-              function( index, element )
-              {
-                data.inst.open_node( element );
-              }
-            );
-          if( selected_file )
-          {
-            $( 'li[data-file="' + selected_file.replace( /\/$/, '' ) + '"] > a', event.currentTarget )
-              .addClass( 'active' );
-          }
-        };
-        var load_tree = function()
-        {
-          $( '#tree', frame_element )
-            .empty()
-            .jstree
-            (
-              {
-                plugins : [ 'json_data', 'sort' ],
-                json_data : {
-                  ajax: {
-                    url : file_endpoint + '?wt=json',
-                    data : function( n )
-                    {
-                      if( -1 === n )
-                        return null;
-                      return {
-                        file : n.attr( 'data-file' )
-                      };
-                    },
-                    success : function( response, status, xhr )
-                    {
-                      var files = [];
-                      for( var file in response.files )
-                      {
-                        var is_directory = response.files[file].directory;
-                        var prefix = ? + '/' : ''
-                        var item = {
-                          data: {
-                            title : file,
-                            attr : {
-                              title : file,
-                              href : '#/' + current_core + '/files?file=' + prefix + file
-                            }
-                          },
-                          attr : {
-                            'data-file' : prefix + file
-                          }
-                        };
-                        if( is_directory )
-                        {
-                          item.state = 'closed';
-                 += '/';
-                        }
-                        files.push( item );
-                      }
-                      return files;
-                    }
-                  },
-                  progressive_render : true
-                },
-                core : {
-                  animation : 0
-                }
-              }
-            )
-            .on
-            (
-              'loaded.jstree',
-              tree_callback
-            )
-            .on
-            (
-              'open_node.jstree',
-              tree_callback
-            );
-        };
-        load_tree();
-        if( selected_file )
-        {
-          $( '#new-file-holder input' )
-            .val
-            (
-              '/' !== selected_file.substr( -1 )
-              ? selected_file.replace( /[^\/]+$/, '' )
-              : selected_file
-            );
-        }
-        if( selected_file && '/' !== selected_file.substr( -1 ) )
-        {
-          frame_element
-            .addClass( 'show' );
-          var endpoint = file_endpoint + '?file=' + selected_file;
-          var content_type_map = { xml : 'text/xml', html : 'text/html', js : 'text/javascript', json : 'application/json', 'css' : 'text/css' };
-          if (selected_file == 'managed-schema') {
-            endpoint += '&contentType=' + 'text/xml' + ';charset=utf-8';
-          } else {
-            var file_ext = selected_file.match( /\.(\w+)$/  );
-            endpoint += '&contentType=' + ( content_type_map[ file_ext[1] || '' ] || 'text/plain' ) + ';charset=utf-8';
-          }
-          var public_url = window.location.protocol + '//' + + endpoint;
-          $( '#url', frame_element )
-            .text( public_url )
-            .attr( 'href', public_url );
-          var load_file = function( load_tree )
-          {
-            if( load_tree )
-            {
-              load_tree();
-            }
-            $.ajax
-            (
-              {
-                url : endpoint,
-                context : frame_element,
-                beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                {
-                  var block = $( '.view-file .response', this );
-                  if( ! 'placeholder' ) )
-                  {
-           'placeholder', block.text() );
-                  }
-                  block
-                    .text( 'placeholder' ) );
-                },
-                success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                {
-                  var content_type = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Type' ) || '';
-                  var highlight = null;
-                  if( 0 === content_type.indexOf( 'text/xml' ) ||  0 === xhr.responseText.indexOf( '<?xml' ) ||
-                      0 === content_type.indexOf( 'text/html' ) ||  0 === xhr.responseText.indexOf( '<!--' ) )
-                  {
-                    highlight = 'xml';
-                  }
-                  else if( 0 === content_type.indexOf( 'text/javascript' ) )
-                  {
-                    highlight = 'javascript';
-                  }
-                  else if( 0 === content_type.indexOf( 'text/css' ) )
-                  {
-                    highlight = 'css';
-                  }
-                  else if( 0 === content_type.indexOf( 'application/json' ) )
-                  {
-                    highlight = 'json';
-                  }
-                  var code = $(
-                    '<pre class="syntax' + ( highlight ? ' language-' + highlight : '' )+ '"><code>' +
-                    xhr.responseText.esc() +
-                    '</code></pre>'
-                  );
-                  $( '.view-file .response', this )
-                    .html( code );
-                  if( highlight )
-                  {
-                    hljs.highlightBlock( code.get( 0 ) );
-                  }
-                  $( 'form textarea', this )
-                    .val( xhr.responseText );
-                },
-                error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-                {
-                  $( '.view-file .response', this )
-                    .text( 'No such file exists.' );
-                },
-                complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                {
-                }
-              }
-            );
-          }
-          load_file();
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
-// legacy redirect for 'config' & 'schema' pages
-// #/:core/schema, #/:core/config
-  new RegExp( app.core_regex_base + '\\/(schema|config)$' ),
-  function( context )
-  {
-    context.redirect( '#/' + context.params.splat[0] + '/files?file=' + this.active_core.attr( context.params.splat[1] ) );    
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/index.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d01c4a9..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-var parse_memory_value = function( value )
-  if( value !== Number( value ) )
-  {
-    var units = 'BKMGTPEZY';
-    var match = value.match( /^(\d+([,\.]\d+)?) (\w)\w?$/ );
-    var value = parseFloat( match[1] ) * Math.pow( 1024, units.indexOf( match[3].toUpperCase() ) );
-  }
-  return value;
-var generate_bar = function( bar_container, bar_data, convert_label_values )
-  bar_holder = $( '.bar-holder', bar_container );
-  var bar_level = 1;
-  var max_width = Math.round( $( '.bar-max', bar_holder ).width() );
-  $( '.bar-max.val', bar_holder ).text( bar_data['max'] );
-  bar_level++;
-  $( '', bar_holder ).width( new String( (bar_data['total']/bar_data['max'])*100 ) + '%' );
-  $( '.bar-total.val', bar_holder ).text( bar_data['total'] );
-  if( bar_data['used'] )
-  {
-    bar_level++;
-    $( '', bar_holder ).width( new String( (bar_data['used']/bar_data['total'])*100 ) + '%' );
-    $( '.bar-used.val', bar_holder ).text( bar_data['used'] );
-  }
-  bar_holder
-    .addClass( 'bar-lvl-' + bar_level );
-  var percentage = ( ( ( bar_data['used'] || bar_data['total'] ) / bar_data['max'] ) * 100 ).toFixed(1);
-  var hl = $( '[data-desc="' + bar_container.attr( 'id' ) + '"]' );
-  $( '.bar-desc', hl )
-    .remove();
-  hl
-    .append( ' <small class="bar-desc">' + percentage + '%</small>' );
-  if( !!convert_label_values )
-  {
-    $( '.val', bar_holder )
-      .each
-      (
-        function()
-        {
-          var self = $( this );
-          var unit = null;
-          var byte_value = parseInt( self.html() );
-          self
-            .attr( 'title', 'raw: ' + byte_value + ' B' );
-          byte_value /= 1024;
-          byte_value /= 1024;
-          unit = 'MB';
-          if( 1024 <= byte_value )
-          {
-            byte_value /= 1024;
-            unit = 'GB';
-          }
-          byte_value = byte_value.toFixed( 2 ) + ' ' + unit;
-          self
-            .text( byte_value );
-        }
-      );
-  }
-var system_info = function( element, system_data )
-  // -- usage
-  var load_average = ( system_data['system']['uptime'] || '' ).match( /load averages?: (\d+[.,]\d\d),? (\d+[.,]\d\d),? (\d+[.,]\d\d)/ );
-  if( load_average )
-  {
-    var hl = $( '#system h2', element );
-    $( '.bar-desc', hl )
-      .remove();
-    hl
-      .append( ' <small class="bar-desc">' + load_average.slice( 1 ).join( '  ' ).replace( /,/g, '.' ).esc() + '</small>' );
-  }
-  // -- physical-memory-bar
-  var bar_holder = $( '#physical-memory-bar', element );
-  if( system_data['system']['totalPhysicalMemorySize'] === undefined || system_data['system']['freePhysicalMemorySize'] === undefined )
-  {
-    bar_holder.hide();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    var bar_data = {
-      'max' : parse_memory_value( system_data['system']['totalPhysicalMemorySize'] ),
-      'total' : parse_memory_value( system_data['system']['totalPhysicalMemorySize'] - system_data['system']['freePhysicalMemorySize'] )
-    };
-    generate_bar( bar_holder, bar_data, true );
-  }
-  // -- swap-space-bar
-  var bar_holder = $( '#swap-space-bar', element );
-  if( system_data['system']['totalSwapSpaceSize'] === undefined || system_data['system']['freeSwapSpaceSize'] === undefined )
-  {
-    bar_holder.hide();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    var bar_data = {
-      'max' : parse_memory_value( system_data['system']['totalSwapSpaceSize'] ),
-      'total' : parse_memory_value( system_data['system']['totalSwapSpaceSize'] - system_data['system']['freeSwapSpaceSize'] )
-    };
-    generate_bar( bar_holder, bar_data, true );
-  }
-  // -- file-descriptor-bar
-  var bar_holder = $( '#file-descriptor-bar', element );
-  if( system_data['system']['maxFileDescriptorCount'] === undefined || system_data['system']['openFileDescriptorCount'] === undefined )
-  {
-    bar_holder.hide();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    var bar_data = {
-      'max' : parse_memory_value( system_data['system']['maxFileDescriptorCount'] ),
-      'total' : parse_memory_value( system_data['system']['openFileDescriptorCount'] )
-    };
-    generate_bar( bar_holder, bar_data );
-  }
-  0 === $( '#system div[id$="-bar"]:visible', element ).size()
-    ? $( '#system .no-info', element ).show()
-    : $( '#system .no-info', element ).hide();
-  // -- memory-bar
-  var bar_holder = $( '#jvm-memory-bar', element );
-  if( system_data['jvm']['memory'] === undefined )
-  {
-    bar_holder.hide();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    var jvm_memory = $.extend
-    (
-      {
-        'free' : null,
-        'total' : null,
-        'max' : null,
-        'used' : null,
-        'raw' : {
-          'free' : null,
-          'total' : null,
-          'max' : null,
-          'used' : null,
-          'used%' : null
-        }
-      },
-      system_data['jvm']['memory']
-    );
-    var bar_data = {
-      'max' : parse_memory_value( jvm_memory['raw']['max'] || jvm_memory['max'] ),
-      'total' : parse_memory_value( jvm_memory['raw']['total'] || jvm_memory['total'] ),
-      'used' : parse_memory_value( jvm_memory['raw']['used'] || jvm_memory['used'] )
-    };
-    generate_bar( bar_holder, bar_data, true );
-  }
-// #/
-  /^#\/$/,
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    content_element
-      .html( '<div id="index"></div>' );
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        url : 'tpl/index.html',
-        context : $( '#index', content_element ),
-        beforeSend : function( arr, form, options )
-        {
-        },
-        success : function( template )
-        {
-          var self = this;
-          this
-            .html( template );
-          var data = {
-            'start_time' : app.dashboard_values['jvm']['jmx']['startTime'],
-            'jvm_version' : app.dashboard_values['jvm']['name'] + ' (' + app.dashboard_values['jvm']['version'] + ')',
-            'processors' : app.dashboard_values['jvm']['processors'],
-            'solr_spec_version' : app.dashboard_values['lucene']['solr-spec-version'] || '-',
-            'solr_impl_version' : app.dashboard_values['lucene']['solr-impl-version'] || '-',
-            'lucene_spec_version' : app.dashboard_values['lucene']['lucene-spec-version'] || '-',
-            'lucene_impl_version' : app.dashboard_values['lucene']['lucene-impl-version'] || '-'
-          };
-          for( var key in data )
-          {                                                        
-            var value_element = $( '.' + key + ' dd', this );
-            value_element
-              .text( data[key].esc() );
-            value_element.closest( 'li' )
-              .show();
-          }
-          var commandLineArgs = app.dashboard_values['jvm']['jmx']['commandLineArgs'].sort().reverse();
-          if( 0 !== commandLineArgs.length )
-          {
-            var cmd_arg_element = $( '.command_line_args dt', this );
-            var cmd_arg_key_element = $( '.command_line_args dt', this );
-            var cmd_arg_element = $( '.command_line_args dd', this );
-            for( var key in commandLineArgs )
-            {
-              cmd_arg_element = cmd_arg_element.clone();
-              cmd_arg_element.text( commandLineArgs[key] );
-              cmd_arg_key_element
-                .after( cmd_arg_element );
-            }
-            cmd_arg_key_element.closest( 'li' )
-              .show();
-            $( '.command_line_args dd:last', this )
-              .remove();
-            $( '.command_line_args dd:odd', this )
-              .addClass( 'odd' );
-          }
-          $( '.timeago', this )
-            .timeago();
-          $( '.index-left .block li:visible:odd', this )
-            .addClass( 'odd' );
-          // -- system_info
-          system_info( this, app.dashboard_values );
-          $( '#system a.reload', this )
-            .die( 'click' )
-            .live
-            (
-              'click',
-              function( event )
-              {
-                $.ajax
-                (
-                  {
-                    url : config.solr_path + '/admin/info/system?wt=json',
-                    dataType : 'json',
-                    context : this,
-                    beforeSend : function( arr, form, options )
-                    {
-             this );
-                    },
-                    success : function( response )
-                    {
-                      system_info( self, response );
-                    },
-                    error : function()
-                    {
-                    },
-                    complete : function()
-                    {
-                      loader.hide( this );
-                    }
-                  }
-                );
-                return false;
-              }
-            );
-        },
-        error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-        {
-        },
-        complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-        {
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/java-properties.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/java-properties.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a37ddd9..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/java-properties.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-// #/~java-properties
-  /^#\/(~java-properties)$/,
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    content_element
-      .html( '<div id="java-properties"></div>' );
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        url : app.config.solr_path + '/admin/info/properties?wt=json',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        context : $( '#java-properties', content_element ),
-        beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-        {
-          this
-            .html( '<div class="loader">Loading ...</div>' );
-        },
-        success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-        {
-          var system_properties = response[''];
-          var properties_data = {};
-          var properties_content = [];
-          var properties_order = [];
-          var workaround = xhr.responseText.match( /"(line\.separator)"\s*:\s*"(.+?)"/ );
-          if( workaround && workaround[2] )
-          {
-            system_properties[workaround[1]] = workaround[2];
-          }
-          for( var key in system_properties )
-          {
-            var displayed_key = key.replace( /\./g, '.&#8203;' );
-            var displayed_value = [ system_properties[key] ];
-            var item_class = 'clearfix';
-            if( -1 !== key.indexOf( '.path' ) || -1 !== key.indexOf( '.dirs' ) )
-            {
-              displayed_value = system_properties[key].split( system_properties['path.separator'] );
-              if( 1 < displayed_value.length )
-              {
-                item_class += ' multi';
-              }
-            }
-            var item_content = '<li><dl class="' + item_class + '">' + "\n"
-                             + '<dt>' + displayed_key.esc() + '</dt>' + "\n";
-            for( var i in displayed_value )
-            {
-              item_content += '<dd>' + displayed_value[i].esc() + '</dd>' + "\n";
-            }
-            item_content += '</dl></li>';
-            properties_data[key] = item_content;
-            properties_order.push( key );
-          }
-          properties_order.sort();
-          for( var i in properties_order )
-          {
-            properties_content.push( properties_data[properties_order[i]] );
-          }
-          this
-            .html( '<ul>' + properties_content.join( "\n" ) + '</ul>' );
-          $( 'li:odd', this )
-            .addClass( 'odd' );
-          $( '.multi dd:odd', this )
-            .addClass( 'odd' );
-        },
-        error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-        {
-        },
-        complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-        {
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
\ No newline at end of file