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Posted to by on 2002/03/10 19:03:04 UTC

Bug report for XalanJ2 [2002/03/10]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      EHN=Ehnancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  717|New|Nor|2001-02-26|quiet swallowing of exceptions                    |
|  743|New|Enh|2001-02-27|XPath parser/lexer/opmap too hard to maintain     |
|  773|Ver|Blk|2001-03-01|<!DOCTYPE output missing trailing '>', linefeed   |
|  776|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Need to catch use of | as or operator in boolean e|
|  777|New|Enh|2001-03-01|Request for performance enhancement to contains() |
|  782|New|Nor|2001-03-01|No error raised for use-attribute-sets referring t|
|  784|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Need better catching of invalid characters in elem|
|  785|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Need to enforce match-pattern syntax where used in|
|  788|New|Nor|2001-03-01|If a namespace prefix is referenced but unmapped, |
|  789|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Must raise error when xsl:template has neither nam|
|  790|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Need to catch duplicate-named templates, variables|
|  792|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Must detect grouping-separator being longer than o|
|  793|New|Min|2001-03-01|Where attribute can only take a keyword from a lis|
|  794|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Should raise error when xsl:number tries to genera|
|  795|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Need to raise error when attempting to output out-|
|  796|New|Nor|2001-03-01|In multi-level sort, must raise warning if any lev|
|  797|New|Nor|2001-03-01|Should raise error in xsl:param or xsl:variable if|
|  805|New|Nor|2001-03-01|TransformerConfigurationException.printStackTrace(|
|  806|Ver|Nor|2001-03-01|Templates built from DOMSource don't send errors t|
|  868|Ver|Nor|2001-03-06|Missing Servlet File in Samples                   |
|  890|New|Nor|2001-03-07|transf.getOutputProperty("{bogus-name") returns nu|
|  894|Ver|Nor|2001-03-07|DOCTYPE declaration doesn't have a closing > and s|
|  925|Ass|Enh|2001-03-09|Need Xalan "fragment reexecution" interface       |
|  985|New|Enh|2001-03-15|Need executeNamedTemplate(QName name, Properties p|
| 1062|New|Nor|2001-03-21|factory.newTemplates() returns null after DOMSourc|
| 1083|New|Enh|2001-03-22|OutputStream or Writer inside StreamResult always |
| 1121|New|Cri|2001-03-26|DOCTYPE not written to serialized output for an in|
| 1183|Opn|Enh|2001-04-02|process hangs up by resolving SYSTEM IDENTIFER URL|
| 1205|New|Enh|2001-04-03|TransformerHandler not reusable                   |
| 1251|New|Nor|2001-04-06|TransformerHandler with SAXResult mishandles excep|
| 1266|New|Nor|2001-04-09|Warning Event not being fired from Transformer whe|
| 1300|Ass|Maj|2001-04-10|test coming on on stdout on Transformer.transform(|
| 1311|New|Enh|2001-04-11|Problem with url encoding and script-based functio|
| 1376|Ver|Maj|2001-04-18|match patterns with id() and key() fail           |
| 1379|Ver|Nor|2001-04-18|Xsltc does not support namespace nodes (axis)     |
| 1397|Ver|Min|2001-04-19|apply-imports shouldn't invoke built-ins to proces|
| 1401|Ver|Min|2001-04-19|xsltc's message about missing dtd at runtime is mi|
| 1403|Ver|Maj|2001-04-19|xsltc has problems with output escaping           |
| 1404|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|relative paths in include/imports cause problems  |
| 1406|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|xsltc does not apply omit-xml-declaration="yes"   |
| 1407|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|secount(//city[not(@country=preceding::city/@count|
| 1408|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|variable in imported xsl over-riding same variable|
| 1409|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|xsltc has problem using an attribute set for numbe|
| 1410|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|sort descending w/ nodes along ancestor axis backw|
| 1412|Ver|Nor|2001-04-19|variable fails to capture context node            |
| 1429|Ver|Nor|2001-04-20|<xsl:text> not working with <xsl:output method="xm|
| 1430|Ver|Nor|2001-04-20|output incorrect on MKay's example on using keys p|
| 1439|Ver|Nor|2001-04-20|example on using lang() for localizing dates incor|
| 1441|Ver|Nor|2001-04-20|copy-of @* within a copy template not copying the |
| 1443|Ver|Nor|2001-04-20|soccer team score card example has incorrect ouput|
| 1465|New|Enh|2001-04-23|setDocumentLocator() is never invoked. The first m|
| 1472|Ver|Nor|2001-04-24|ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error on attribute qualified|
| 1473|Ver|Maj|2001-04-24|closing tag doesn't match opening tag             |
| 1487|Ver|Maj|2001-04-24|xsltc doesn't support params/vars defined in other|
| 1488|Ver|Nor|2001-04-24|current()/@attrib expression null in apply-templat|
| 1489|Ver|Min|2001-04-24|can't create element with name derived from AVT w/|
| 1498|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|XSLTMark benchmark test 'xpath' has missing output|
| 1499|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xsltc outputs tags with method=text               |
| 1501|New|Enh|2001-04-25|xsltc should support nonstatic external java funct|
| 1503|Ver|Min|2001-04-25|xsltc doesn't choose last template when priority e|
| 1504|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xsltc ignores doctype-system attribute of xsl:outp|
| 1506|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xsltc ingores exclude-result-prefixes attribute of|
| 1508|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|element instruction creates illegal tag with space|
| 1511|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|predicate fails if union not at end [ (Z or V) and|
| 1512|Ver|Blk|2001-04-25|xsltc doesn't url-encode spaces in href attribute |
| 1513|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xml output with ident="yes" not being indented    |
| 1515|Ver|Enh|2001-04-25|xsltc should support tree variables to do sort and|
| 1516|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xsl:text and disable-output-escaping, output wrong|
| 1517|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xsl:attribute doesn't balk on undeclared namespace|
| 1518|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|xsltc has problem with namespace attributes with A|
| 1520|Opn|Blk|2001-04-25|xsltc has problems escaping special characters    |
| 1521|Ver|Nor|2001-04-25|literal result elements created with element tag o|
| 1525|Ver|Min|2001-04-25|excessive white space nodes copied to html output |
| 1532|Ver|Nor|2001-04-26|XSLTMark test oddtemplate problems with /*[] in st|
| 1534|Ver|Nor|2001-04-26|xsl:param used multiple times is not re-evaluated,|
| 1564|Ass|Nor|2001-04-27|Xalan forces validation when entities are declared|
| 1591|Ver|Nor|2001-05-01|xsltc DOMcache not being updated when document mod|
| 1604|New|Enh|2001-05-02|Scriptable HTML attributes need to be returned une|
| 1647|Ver|Nor|2001-05-08|java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.w3c.dom.Node: met|
| 1677|Ver|Nor|2001-05-09|xsltc gives null ptr exeption on the specs XSLT, X|
| 1747|Ver|Nor|2001-05-14|xsltc's external java function ns url should be xm|
| 1757|Ver|Maj|2001-05-15|Wrong encoding used when adding attributes in XSLT|
| 1758|Ver|Cri|2001-05-15|axes108 select="@*/following::comment()" axis caus|
| 1776|New|Nor|2001-05-16|Informative error message needed for bad match pat|
| 1780|Ver|Nor|2001-05-16|xsltc will compile xml (not xsl) doc without compl|
| 1789|New|Nor|2001-05-16|Error when using a entity containing a <xsl:text> |
| 1800|New|Nor|2001-05-17|setTransformState not called until after startDocu|
| 1831|New|Enh|2001-05-20|namespaces are ignored in SerializerToXML         |
| 1845|Ass|Enh|2001-05-21|Clean up Class.forName and Class.getResourceAsStre|
| 1930|New|Maj|2001-05-29|Problem with extensions using Weblogic 6.X and JBo|
| 1989|Ver|Maj|2001-06-04|runtime error with document function              |
| 2139|New|Min|2001-06-12|Programmer's assertion exposed by bad expr in with|
| 2197|Ver|Maj|2001-06-15|runtime DOMImpl$1 error                           |
| 2223|Ver|Maj|2001-06-18|sort element causes Incompatible argument to funct|
| 2343|Ver|Maj|2001-06-26|typecheck error invoking name(...) with template p|
| 2351|Ver|Nor|2001-06-27|XSLTMark 2_0_0 queens test fails                  |
| 2399|Ver|Cri|2001-06-29|ClassLoaders for WAS Often Fail on compiled classe|
| 2425|New|Nor|2001-07-02|document() method accesses URIResolver multiple ti|
| 2446|Ass|Min|2001-07-04|IE5 requires that the div element is not indented |
| 2465|Ver|Blk|2001-07-05|Atributes do not work in Xalan XSLTC using TrAX wi|
| 2468|Ver|Maj|2001-07-05|Empty xpath when passed as a parameter to a templa|
| 2517|Ver|Nor|2001-07-09|<script> and <style> elements in html output shoul|
| 2535|Ver|Nor|2001-07-10|xsltc fails attribset24, outputting a double ns pr|
| 2536|Ver|Min|2001-07-10|merged attrib sets with redundant attribs last one|
| 2538|Ver|Nor|2001-07-10|xsltc does not merge attrib sets with same name   |
| 2551|Ver|Cri|2001-07-10|xsltc fails tests axes100,101,103-112             |
| 2552|New|Enh|2001-07-10|new -PARAMX needed for xslt.Process.main()        |
| 2553|Ver|Maj|2001-07-10|xsltc fails test axes83 selecting nodes without ch|
| 2572|Ver|Maj|2001-07-11|xsltc is failing axes tests 73,80,81              |
| 2578|Ver|Nor|2001-07-11|xsltc ignores &#xa in literal result element (cond|
| 2581|Ver|Nor|2001-07-11|xsltc fails conf tests conditional13,14, and 15   |
| 2582|Ver|Nor|2001-07-11|xsltc fails conflictres19 on namespace vs non-name|
| 2583|Ver|Min|2001-07-11|Problem with patterns containing PIs with paramete|
| 2591|Ver|Nor|2001-07-12|XSLTC docs not updated to reflect the move to a tr|
| 2593|Ver|Nor|2001-07-12|XSLTC sample code not updated following move to tr|
| 2595|Ver|Nor|2001-07-12|xsltc fails boolean43 not recognizing a result tre|
| 2598|Ver|Nor|2001-07-12|xsltc fails conf tests copy01,02,03,04 on identity|
| 2599|Ver|Cri|2001-07-12|xsltc fails conf test copy13,14 not copying commen|
| 2603|Ver|Maj|2001-07-12|xsltc fails conf test copy18 copy-of with union of|
| 2615|Ver|Maj|2001-07-13|xsltc is failing conf test idkey05 can't compile, |
| 2620|Ver|Nor|2001-07-13|xsltc fails conf test idkey07 not returning empty |
| 2624|Ver|Maj|2001-07-13|xsltc fails conf test idkey18, 31, and 32 with run|
| 2630|Ver|Nor|2001-07-14|StringOutOfBoundsException while using xsltc      |
| 2656|New|Min|2001-07-17|assertion with test "..[parent::RelationshipType]"|
| 2661|Ver|Maj|2001-07-17|template parameters missing illegal character rema|
| 2662|New|Maj|2001-07-17|Exceptions are being swallowed in org.apache.xalan|
| 2664|Ver|Maj|2001-07-17|de.fub.bytecode.generic.ClassGenException: Branch |
| 2695|Ver|Nor|2001-07-19|xsltc fails conf tests impincl06, and impinlc07   |
| 2698|New|Min|2001-07-19|Code cleanup in TreeWalker2Result.startNode()     |
| 2699|Ver|Maj|2001-07-19|Register type-error has variable-declaration locat|
| 2719|Ver|Nor|2001-07-20|xsltc fails conf test impincl08 can't find doc ref|
| 2794|Ver|Min|2001-07-25|xsltc fails conf test lre12, no warning and <>    |
| 2801|Ver|Nor|2001-07-25|xsltc fails conf test lre21 by copying ext namespa|
| 2803|Ver|Nor|2001-07-25|xsltc fails conf test match15                     |
| 2805|Ver|Min|2001-07-25|xsltc fails conf test math94 returning 0 instead o|
| 2807|Ver|Maj|2001-07-25|Exception thrown when no CDATA section present    |
| 2832|Ver|Blk|2001-07-26|xsltc fail mdoc conf tests not finding docs via re|
| 2834|Ver|Min|2001-07-26|xsltc fails conf test modes11 not selecting commen|
| 2836|Opn|Nor|2001-07-26|xsltc fails conf test modes15 with incorrect outpu|
| 2838|Ver|Maj|2001-07-26|xsltc fails conf test namedtemplate10 not doing nu|
| 2839|Ver|Min|2001-07-26|xsltc fails conf test namespace01 with omitted lin|
| 2840|Ver|Maj|2001-07-26|xsltc fails conf test namespace16 not ignoring top|
| 2858|Ver|Nor|2001-07-27|xsltc fails conf test namespace30 with name functi|
| 2859|Ver|Nor|2001-07-27|xsltc fails conf test namespace36 not resetting of|
| 2862|Ver|Blk|2001-07-27|attributes null in for-each on nodes retrieved by |
| 2863|Ver|Nor|2001-07-27|conf tests namespace72,85,91,93, and 94 fail in cr|
| 2868|New|Min|2001-07-27|TracerEvent not fired for xsl:attribute template  |
| 2877|New|Nor|2001-07-29|Xalan still doesn't handle an empty qName paramete|
| 2886|New|Nor|2001-07-30|XSLTC cannot prioritise all types of templates    |
| 2889|Ver|Min|2001-07-30|xsltc fails conf test numberformat37 divide by zer|
| 2890|Ver|Min|2001-07-30|xsltc fails conf test numberformat38 on pattern fo|
| 2900|Ver|Nor|2001-07-30|xsltc fails conf test numbering45 with odd and eve|
| 2901|Ver|Nor|2001-07-30|xsltc fails conf tests numbering39,40             |
| 2921|Ver|Nor|2001-07-31|attribute outside of element with "*|@*" vs "@*|*"|
| 2922|Ver|Blk|2001-07-31|get error null compiling                          |
| 2926|New|Nor|2001-07-31|constructor StreamSource(File f) sets incorrect sy|
| 2932|Ver|Nor|2001-07-31|xsltc fails conf test axes114 and 115 preceding-si|
| 2935|Ver|Maj|2001-07-31|xsltc fails conf test conditional14 on if with sub|
| 2937|Ver|Nor|2001-07-31|xsltc fails conf test impincl15 not honoring mode |
| 2939|Ver|Maj|2001-07-31|xsltc fails conf test match16 not doing position n|
| 2951|New|Nor|2001-08-01|xsltc does not store output escaping settings in R|
| 2952|Ver|Nor|2001-08-01|xsltc fails conf test output24                    |
| 2954|Ver|Cri|2001-08-01|xsltc fails output25                              |
| 2961|New|Nor|2001-08-01|TransformerException with resin in TransformerImpl|
| 2969|New|Nor|2001-08-02|Wrong adding %0D0A% before value that made as <xsl|
| 2972|Ass|Min|2001-08-02|Testing variables cause an NPE                    |
| 2979|New|Min|2001-08-03|Need an error message for attribute before documen|
| 2984|New|Min|2001-08-03|Need better error reporting for improper use of //|
| 3003|Ver|Nor|2001-08-06|xsltc fails conf test ouput37 escaping & in an att|
| 3005|Ver|Nor|2001-08-06|xsltc fails output28 and output42 - problems with |
| 3066|Ver|Maj|2001-08-09|xsltc fails XSLTMark test depth with IndexOutofBou|
| 3099|Ver|Nor|2001-08-12|output type html turn off by included file        |
| 3197|New|Enh|2001-08-21|Unsupported charset Cp1251.                       |
| 3238|Opn|Nor|2001-08-22|Context dependent initialization problems with xpa|
| 3267|Ver|Nor|2001-08-24|xsltc compiler fails silently when xslt references|
| 3268|Ver|Maj|2001-08-24|redefinition of variables in new scope            |
| 3311|Ver|Nor|2001-08-28|not retrieving correct values when wildcard is use|
| 3312|Ver|Nor|2001-08-28|xsltc fails conf test axes56 //xx/descendent::*   |
| 3313|Ver|Maj|2001-08-28|xsltc fails conf test axes82 select="//*"         |
| 3314|Ver|Maj|2001-08-28|xsltc fails conf test axes117 expecting to find ob|
| 3320|Ver|Nor|2001-08-28|xsltc fails conf test copy40 saying attribute outs|
| 3322|Ver|Nor|2001-08-28|xsltc fails conf test copy46 select="*[local-name(|
| 3324|Ver|Nor|2001-08-28|parameter with '.' in name loses status as node se|
| 3343|Ver|Nor|2001-08-29|xsltc fails conf test lre02 with lre missing      |
| 3360|Ver|Maj|2001-08-30|coolrunning search.xsl not filtering              |
| 3401|Ver|Maj|2001-09-04|XSLTC does not handle compound predicates correctl|
| 3402|Ver|Cri|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf tests mdocs12 and mdocs13 with mi|
| 3404|Ver|Maj|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf tests variable11,27,28,29,30 on i|
| 3405|Ver|Cri|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf test variable21 with type check e|
| 3406|Ver|Maj|2001-09-04|XSLTC does not handle forward references in variab|
| 3410|Ver|Cri|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf test numbering90 with runtime err|
| 3413|New|Nor|2001-09-04|XPathAPI permits garbage expressions              |
| 3415|New|Nor|2001-09-04|Default namespace handling is non-standard        |
| 3417|Ver|Nor|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf test output59 puts PI before DOCT|
| 3418|Ver|Min|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf test output73 with minor diff on |
| 3419|Ver|Nor|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf test position31 with incorrect ou|
| 3420|Ver|Maj|2001-09-04|xsltc fails conf test position68 problem with posi|
| 3424|Ver|Maj|2001-09-04|Memory Retention problem (diagnosis and patch)    |
| 3426|Ver|Maj|2001-09-04|URIResolver base and href args swapped in Import &|
| 3440|Ver|Nor|2001-09-05|xsltc fails conf test position70 with strip-space |
| 3447|New|Maj|2001-09-05|DTM not added to DTM array in DTMManagerDefault fo|
| 3448|Ver|Nor|2001-09-05|Basis library constructs unnecessary temporary obj|
| 3463|Ver|Cri|2001-09-06|xsltc fails conf test position78 with output out o|
| 3466|Ver|Nor|2001-09-06|xsltc fails conf test position80 on last() with un|
| 3468|Ver|Nor|2001-09-06|xsltc fails conf tests position86,87,89 select="ch|
| 3469|Ver|Nor|2001-09-06|When rendering html it is impossible to turn inden|
| 3470|Ver|Min|2001-09-06|xsltc fails conf tests processorinfo2,3 system-pro|
| 3471|Ver|Maj|2001-09-06|xsltc fails conf test reluri11 level3/xreluri09a.x|
| 3477|Ver|Enh|2001-09-06|RFC: Iterator code review WRT reinitialization    |
| 3490|Ver|Blk|2001-09-07|xsltc fails conf test select08 node set assigne to|
| 3492|Ver|Nor|2001-09-07|xsltc fail conf test select04 on unions in doc ord|
| 3501|Ver|Cri|2001-09-07|xsltc fails conf test select67,68 runtime errors; |
| 3502|Ver|Nor|2001-09-07|XSLTC cannot handle XPath expressions with axis na|
| 3504|Ver|Nor|2001-09-07|xsltc fails conf test select72 on union of same va|
| 3506|Ver|Nor|2001-09-07|xsltc fails conf test select73 entity splits text |
| 3508|Ver|Min|2001-09-07|xsltc fails conf test select46 node set union on a|
| 3514|New|Cri|2001-09-10|computational (recursive) template is very slow co|
| 3517|Ver|Min|2001-09-10|xsltc fails conf test sort13 non-numerics not clus|
| 3519|Ver|Maj|2001-09-10|xsltc fails conf test sort26 sort27 sort28 on appl|
| 3533|Ver|Blk|2001-09-10|using multimof.xsl to transform bigmof_cim.xml for|
| 3592|Ver|Maj|2001-09-13|XSLTC does not handle long integers               |
| 3619|Ver|Cri|2001-09-14|using xsl:with-param with xsl:call-template, defau|
| 3651|Ver|Maj|2001-09-17|DOM2SAX does not conform to SAX API               |
| 3652|Ver|Maj|2001-09-17|DOM2SAX reports attribute types incorrectly       |
| 3664|Ver|Nor|2001-09-17|xsltc doesn't support simplified stylesheets with |
| 3685|Ver|Nor|2001-09-18|xsltc fails conf test variable53                  |
| 3686|Ver|Nor|2001-09-18|xsltc fails conf test whitespace13                |
| 3689|Ver|Min|2001-09-18|xsltc fails conf test whitespace21 on comments in |
| 3690|Ver|Nor|2001-09-18|xsltc fails conf test whitespace20 ignoring xml:sp|
| 3691|Ver|Nor|2001-09-18|xsltc fails conf test whitespace16 on whitespace c|
| 3728|New|Enh|2001-09-19|TransformerIdentityImpl.transform(src, res) create|
| 3767|Ver|Min|2001-09-21|conf tests axes56 now has extra spaces in output  |
| 3812|Ver|Blk|2001-09-25|customer test cr_long failing with parameter 'myst|
| 3816|Ver|Nor|2001-09-25|xsltc fails conf test position79                  |
| 3835|Ver|Nor|2001-09-26|xsltc fails conf test sort32 and sort33 setting or|
| 3858|Ver|Maj|2001-09-27|TransformerFactory.getErrorListener() returns null|
| 3859|Ver|Nor|2001-09-27|TransformerFactory.setAttribute() needs to throw e|
| 3872|Ver|Nor|2001-09-28|xsltc doesn't detect duplicate decimal-format name|
| 3873|Ver|Maj|2001-09-28|TransformerHandler.getTransformer() returns null  |
| 3906|Ver|Maj|2001-10-01|xsltc TrAX implementation cannot take a filename f|
| 3948|Ver|Maj|2001-10-03|trax- No output properties set on default transfor|
| 3962|New|Nor|2001-10-04|Transformation not done when a DTD is specified in|
| 3967|Ver|Min|2001-10-04|Trax: transformer.getOutputProperty() should throw|
| 3969|New|Min|2001-10-04|misleading error-message when creating an attribut|
| 3994|Ver|Nor|2001-10-05|xsltc should supprt same method for calling extern|
| 4039|Ver|Nor|2001-10-09|xsltc trax: default output properties: booleans sh|
| 4040|Ver|Min|2001-10-09|xsltc should output UTF-8 not utf-8 in XML declara|
| 4044|New|Nor|2001-10-09|SAX Transform after error gives different results |
| 4046|Ver|Nor|2001-10-09|trax: bogus get attribute on TransformerFactory sh|
| 4050|Ver|Blk|2001-10-09|xsltc failing identity transform in copy17        |
| 4070|Ver|Cri|2001-10-10|Trax XSLTC fails when use as a TransformerHandler |
| 4080|New|Nor|2001-10-10|Smoketest fail: axes107 has extra xml namespace no|
| 4099|New|Maj|2001-10-11|GPF when debugging SQL extension                  |
| 4172|Ver|Min|2001-10-15|xsltc fails conf test variable39 comment node miss|
| 4175|Ver|Nor|2001-10-15|xsltc fails conf test variable48 propagating param|
| 4178|Ver|Nor|2001-10-15|xsltc fails conf test variable50 with nodes out of|
| 4197|New|Nor|2001-10-16|Identically-matching templates are silently accept|
| 4199|Opn|Nor|2001-10-16|xsltc fails conf tests string134 and string135 con|
| 4201|Ver|Min|2001-10-16|xsltc fails conf test string20; substring function|
| 4208|Ver|Maj|2001-10-16|xsltc fails conf test select18 compile error on NC|
| 4242|Ver|Maj|2001-10-17|xsltc fails predicate11 on select="a[following-sib|
| 4243|Ver|Maj|2001-10-17|xsltc fails conf test position09 on position in ma|
| 4248|Ver|Nor|2001-10-17|xsltc fails conf test position89, nodes not return|
| 4249|Ver|Nor|2001-10-17|xsltc fails conf test position90, <xsl:for-each se|
| 4253|Ver|Nor|2001-10-17|patch for XSLTC to compile stylesheet from System.|
| 4257|New|Nor|2001-10-17|document() function reloads the document several t|
| 4328|Opn|Nor|2001-10-22|HTML output serializes ampersand as "&" in HREF at|
| 4331|Ver|Nor|2001-10-22|xsltc doesn't do copy-of select="@*" on xml:lang c|
| 4343|Ver|Nor|2001-10-22|patch for ordering dependency of cmdline.Compile o|
| 4344|Opn|Min|2001-10-22|Attempted copy-of an attribute may miss error scen|
| 4402|New|Maj|2001-10-24|XConnection.connect() fails on 2nd call when using|
| 4464|Ver|Maj|2001-10-26|patch: jar-packaged translet-classname built with |
| 4516|New|Enh|2001-10-30|XSLTC compiler can generate classes with methods l|
| 4521|Ver|Maj|2001-10-30|xsltc fails impincl03 on params defined in importe|
| 4525|Ver|Cri|2001-10-30|xsltc fails conf test impincl17 with keys in impor|
| 4546|New|Maj|2001-10-31|normalize-space does not properly handle text data|
| 4602|Ver|Maj|2001-11-02|Problems with last() function and the ancestor ite|
| 4656|Ver|Nor|2001-11-05|xsltc outputs an illegal attribute after children |
| 4677|Ver|Nor|2001-11-06|xsltc not returning nodes in correct order (axis90|
| 4686|New|Nor|2001-11-06|Gump smoketest fail: numbering14, 15              |
| 4711|Ver|Blk|2001-11-07|Problems locating stylesheet when XSLTC is used fr|
| 4718|Ver|Maj|2001-11-07|XSLTC fails on handling multiple nested variables/|
| 4745|New|Min|2001-11-08|<xsl:copy> introduces inappropriate line-end chara|
| 4749|New|Min|2001-11-08|xalanj1compat code does not compile/run against Xe|
| 4755|Ver|Maj|2001-11-08|xsltc servlet and JSP transformations interact cha|
| 4778|New|Nor|2001-11-09|xerces2b3: setting feature:incremental true fails |
| 4779|Ver|Cri|2001-11-09|xsltc fails to pass top-level parameter to top-lev|
| 4781|Ver|Nor|2001-11-09|xsltc selecting node not specified by key         |
| 4783|Ver|Nor|2001-11-09|xsltc fails test mk053 with NaN                   |
| 4796|Ass|Nor|2001-11-11|SAXSourceLocator Not Reporting Location Correctly |
| 4808|New|Enh|2001-11-12|using object identity as a substitute for isSameNo|
| 4810|Ver|Min|2001-11-12|regression on math76 comparing -0 and 0 as divisor|
| 4813|Ver|Min|2001-11-12|xsltc returns substring even when start and length|
| 4844|New|Enh|2001-11-13|Implement a reusable structure for Translets and D|
| 4845|Ver|Maj|2001-11-13|xsltc should escape quote chars in an html attribu|
| 4848|New|Nor|2001-11-13|ENTITYRESOLVER doesn't work with DTD's            |
| 4858|New|Nor|2001-11-13|XPath error when using many document() calls      |
| 4859|New|Nor|2001-11-13|WrappedRunningException on document() call        |
| 4874|Ver|Nor|2001-11-14|xsltc deficient on xsl:message element (message11,|
| 4876|Ver|Maj|2001-11-14|xsltc has problem with namespace-alias (namespace1|
| 4894|Ver|Min|2001-11-15|xsltc creates element with invalid name (namespace|
| 4896|Ver|Min|2001-11-15|xsltc incorrectly returns namespace uri for namesp|
| 4901|Ver|Min|2001-11-15|xsltc ignores specified strings for infinity, NaN |
| 4904|Ver|Nor|2001-11-15|xsltc doesn't output value of doc/foo node in spec|
| 4905|Ver|Maj|2001-11-15|xsltc: xpath parameters with non-leaf decendant-pr|
| 4906|Ver|Nor|2001-11-15|xsltc ingoring the standalone="no" attribute in ou|
| 4921|Ver|Maj|2001-11-16|xsltc regressed on the rahtz6 test on Nov 2       |
| 4983|Ver|Nor|2001-11-20|xsltc applies default namespace to both output ele|
| 5011|New|Min|2001-11-21|Badly-formed dynamic error message from substring(|
| 5013|New|Min|2001-11-21|Need error messages for call-template name attribu|
| 5015|New|Min|2001-11-21|Need error for xsl:element name=""                |
| 5016|New|Min|2001-11-21|Need an error message for bad use expression in xs|
| 5033|New|Nor|2001-11-22|ElemTemplateElement error on docbook document     |
| 5046|New|Nor|2001-11-23|limited length of xpath-expressions               |
| 5130|Ver|Enh|2001-11-27|Only SystemClassLoader is used.                   |
| 5133|New|Min|2001-11-27|ProgrammaticDOMTest fails with constructed XSL DOM|
| 5139|Ver|Min|2001-11-27|xsltc should output a compiler warning message tha|
| 5140|New|Min|2001-11-27|TraceManager.hasTraceListeners() false after addin|
| 5141|New|Min|2001-11-27|xsltc incorrectly output ?> in data part of PI (ou|
| 5152|Ver|Maj|2001-11-27|xsltc generates empty nodeset in non-leaf predicat|
| 5194|Ver|Nor|2001-11-30|xsltc tries to create a instruction with negative |
| 5200|New|Enh|2001-11-30|Refinement to CachedXPathAPI                      |
| 5202|New|Min|2001-11-30|Must detect non-literal argument to id() in match |
| 5208|New|Enh|2001-11-30|Xalan-J build.xml bugs/enhancements               |
| 5251|New|Enh|2001-12-03|ApplyXPath should support namespaced xpaths.      |
| 5296|New|Maj|2001-12-05|UnionPathIterator only has one node               |
| 5325|Ver|Cri|2001-12-07|XSLTC fails '//' expression starting from root    |
| 5327|Ver|Blk|2001-12-07|XSLTC exception when imported stylesheet declares |
| 5328|Ver|Nor|2001-12-07|[XSLTC] xsl:param with dash in name not working   |
| 5336|New|Maj|2001-12-10|javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfiguratio|
| 5340|New|Nor|2001-12-10|XSLTC drops namespace declaration between xsl:elem|
| 5363|Opn|Maj|2001-12-11|Problem with setInclude() and a 'ghost' template  |
| 5389|New|Min|2001-12-12|Prefixed attrib in different namespace from its el|
| 5498|New|Maj|2001-12-18|attr's namespace URI for xsl:stylesheet not checke|
| 5524|Opn|Min|2001-12-19|Duplicated node is written to outputTarget on xsl:|
| 5528|New|Enh|2001-12-20|DOMBuilder mixes DOM Level 1 and 2                |
| 5573|New|Cri|2001-12-23|XSLTC fails XSLTMark "alphabetize" test           |
| 5576|New|Nor|2001-12-23|XSLTC does not return all nodes for expression "//|
| 5577|New|Nor|2001-12-23|XSLTC fails XSLTMark "trend" test                 |
| 5587|New|Enh|2001-12-25|java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException   at org.|
| 5659|New|Enh|2002-01-02|Deceptive error message from wrong "xsl" URI      |
| 5691|New|Enh|2002-01-04|Add a DOM-node XPath generator utility            |
| 5761|New|Nor|2002-01-09|Multi Level Sorting fails when select-statement re|
| 5779|Ass|Nor|2002-01-10|"Default identity" transform not generating namesp|
| 5816|New|Nor|2002-01-11|SecurityExceptions not reported/ newTransformer ne|
| 5857|Ver|Maj|2002-01-15|Umlauts like &Uuml; get replaced by &nbsp; when us|
| 5889|New|Maj|2002-01-16|Complex predicate does not evaluate correctly on "|
| 5941|New|Min|2002-01-21|org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.Sort creates broke|
| 5961|New|Cri|2002-01-22|Out of memory running XSL file against large XML, |
| 5964|New|Blk|2002-01-22|XLSTC: ClassCastException in Stylesheet.setImportP|
| 5972|New|Nor|2002-01-23|Some information is not set in DecimalFormatProper|
| 5979|New|Nor|2002-01-23|property names do not conform to "." naming conven|
| 5992|New|Enh|2002-01-23|Xalan XHTML output lacks space before the closing |
| 5996|New|Nor|2002-01-24|template match worked with xalan2.2D9, fails to ma|
| 6018|Ass|Maj|2002-01-24|XPath Exception does not set stylesheet  node     |
| 6021|Ass|Maj|2002-01-24|Infinite loop with select=".." throws TransformerE|
| 6063|New|Nor|2002-01-28|Transformer exception, location unknown, array out|
| 6071|Ass|Maj|2002-01-28|There is no xsl:key declaration fo N400561 - has n|
| 6072|Ass|Cri|2002-01-28|XSLTC treats 'select' attribute incorrect if used |
| 6074|New|Nor|2002-01-28|mode not working with apply-templates if output is|
| 6075|New|Cri|2002-01-28|"Memory Leak" in Transformer logic                |
| 6079|New|Enh|2002-01-28|Enhancement request: trace modes                  |
| 6126|New|Nor|2002-01-30|Null attributes in DOMBuilder.startElement()      |
| 6134|New|Enh|2002-01-30|Include XSL code as debug information in generated|
| 6136|Ass|Cri|2002-01-30|ElemTemplate.getDOMBackPointer() sometimes return |
| 6149|New|Nor|2002-01-31|problem with getAssociatedStylesheet              |
| 6154|New|Min|2002-01-31|xsl:call-template must catch bad name             |
| 6155|New|Nor|2002-01-31|Named decimal-format found across imports, but not|
| 6156|Opn|Cri|2002-01-31|NullPointerException in org.apache.xpath.objects.X|
| 6157|New|Nor|2002-01-31|Must merge multiple xsl:output statements per spec|
| 6158|New|Min|2002-01-31|Need to catch use of variables in xsl:key attribut|
| 6161|New|Nor|2002-01-31|Error while trying to translate xml file to html f|
| 6163|New|Nor|2002-01-31|output42.xsl throws NPE with incremental=true and |
| 6181|New|Nor|2002-02-01|Problems with value-of and extension function     |
| 6222|New|Enh|2002-02-04|Using Xalan in applet                             |
| 6255|New|Maj|2002-02-05|Xalan 2.2 mishandles newline in numeric RTF       |
| 6268|New|Nor|2002-02-06|xsl:number grouping-separator not working w/ value|
| 6284|New|Nor|2002-02-06|variable defined outside of template              |
| 6285|New|Min|2002-02-06| 'version' is quite confusing  |
| 6314|Ver|Maj|2002-02-07|Regression:  ancestor & a-o-s failing with Nodeset|
| 6338|New|Cri|2002-02-09|Servlet failure in WebLogic 6.0                   |
| 6356|New|Nor|2002-02-11|Cannot produce consistent XML for "windows-1251" e|
| 6359|Opn|Nor|2002-02-11|position() within id() makes xalan hung           |
| 6375|New|Nor|2002-02-11|Intermittent NPE from XRTreeFrag in ParameterTest(|
| 6412|New|Min|2002-02-13|Improve error messages for org.apache.xalan.xsltc.|
| 6413|New|Min|2002-02-13|Exception in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util.|
| 6417|Ver|Nor|2002-02-13|XSLTC TRAX Implementation produces incorrect DOM s|
| 6418|New|Nor|2002-02-13|Java Extension class produces different results be|
| 6422|New|Min|2002-02-13|With xml:space="preserve" on templates, parameters|
| 6463|New|Cri|2002-02-14|Severe Performance problems (Memory + Time taken) |
| 6479|New|Cri|2002-02-15|Error in XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(doc, xpath), |
| 6547|New|Nor|2002-02-19|Classpath Entry in xalan.jar's        |
| 6573|New|Maj|2002-02-20|ClassCastException in org.apache.xalan.xslt.Proces|
| 6585|New|Nor|2002-02-20|<xsl:for-each select="id(@idrefs)"/> loops        |
| 6625|New|Enh|2002-02-21|No Locator available to ContentHandler (SAXResult)|
| 6692|New|Maj|2002-02-26|using a variable in a format-number function cause|
| 6719|Opn|Nor|2002-02-27|Tomcat 4 docs build ant style tasks fail with Xala|
| 6724|New|Maj|2002-02-27|UTF-8 encoded style sheet fails to compile.       |
| 6750|New|Cri|2002-02-27|Reusing a Transformer causes a NullPointerExceptio|
| 6752|New|Nor|2002-02-27|Multiple errors reporting - wrong import element c|
| 6753|New|Nor|2002-02-28|Fatal Error display on console, but not actually r|
| 6768|New|Nor|2002-02-28|High Xms heap settings in JVM produce org.apache.x|
| 6782|New|Maj|2002-03-01|xalan output content lost when templates called in|
| 6798|New|Nor|2002-03-01|xsl:number returns incorrect value when namespace |
| 6819|New|Maj|2002-03-02|XSLTC: Variable scoping problem with literal  resu|
| 6833|New|Cri|2002-03-04|ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException                    |
| 6925|New|Maj|2002-03-06|<xsl:comment> contents not escaped                |
| 6927|New|Min|2002-03-06|<xsl:comment> contents not spaced when necessary  |
| 6935|New|Blk|2002-03-06|XSLTC: Multi-byte characters improperly handled wh|
| 6956|New|Maj|2002-03-07|ClassCastException with j2sdk-1.4.0 in org.apache.|
| 6961|New|Nor|2002-03-07|XSLTC: Using Xerces2.x generates invalid XML.     |
| 6963|New|Nor|2002-03-07|XSLTC: omit-xml-declaration of <xsl:output/> is ig|
| 6965|New|Cri|2002-03-07|Unable to run xalan on JDK1.4                     |
| 6972|New|Nor|2002-03-08|Xalan does not process xsl:output cdata-section-el|
| 6976|New|Maj|2002-03-08|number format for other locale is wrong           |
| 6980|New|Maj|2002-03-08|Redefinition of prefix to same URN breaks subPartM|
| 6981|New|Nor|2002-03-08|XALAN throws EmptyStackException every two runs in|
| 6993|New|Nor|2002-03-08|xsl:strip-space doesn't work with copy-of         |
| 7001|New|Min|2002-03-09|xsltc does not resolve import/include filenames wi|
| Total  419 bugs                                                           |