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svn commit: r1850881 - /jackrabbit/oak/branches/1.10/RELEASE-NOTES.txt

Author: davide
Date: Wed Jan  9 17:11:23 2019
New Revision: 1850881

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.10.0

release notes


Modified: jackrabbit/oak/branches/1.10/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
--- jackrabbit/oak/branches/1.10/RELEASE-NOTES.txt (original)
+++ jackrabbit/oak/branches/1.10/RELEASE-NOTES.txt Wed Jan  9 17:11:23 2019
@@ -28,6 +28,617 @@ Oak releases, please see the Oak issue t
 Release Contents
+    [OAK-7177] - Utility method to detect local change
+    [OAK-7179] - Derive CountingTieredDiffCache from MemoryDiffCache
+    [OAK-7225] - Replace AtomicCounter Supplier
+    [OAK-7344] - Additional benchmark(s) to cover areas of
+    improvements
+    [OAK-7345] - Benchmark Results for Oak 1.8 (status quo)
+    [OAK-7346] - Benchmark Results for Initial Patch
+    [OAK-7438] - Expose mongo.url as build property
+    [OAK-7626] - Strict lease check mode
+    [OAK-7628] - Prevent commits after lease end
+    [OAK-7636] - Replace usage of deprecated
+    DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.setLeaseCheck()
+    [OAK-7654] - Remove usage of deprecated MongoDB Java driver 2.x
+    API
+    [OAK-7655] - Replace fongo dependency with custom test wrapper
+    [OAK-7898] - Facet queries with UNION should do trivial merge of
+    facets from sub-queries
+    [OAK-7930] - Add tape sampling
+Technical task
+    [OAK-5122] - Exercise for Custom Authorization Models
+    [OAK-6770] - Convert oak-segment-tar to OSGi R6 annotations
+    [OAK-6812] - UpdateOp Condition: be consistent about the support
+    for non-revision properties
+    [OAK-6957] - Remove export for
+    [OAK-7060] - RDBDocumentStore.getStats() for SQLServer
+    [OAK-7137] - Upgrade to scr bnd plugin that places the metatype
+    files in the correct location
+    [OAK-7138] - Move metatype files in source control to correct
+    location
+    [OAK-7141] - Remove unused
+    [OAK-7142] - RDBDocumentStoreDB: use try-with-resources in new
+    code introduced for getStats()
+    [OAK-7149] - RDBDocumentStore.getStats() for Derby
+    [OAK-7159] - RDBDocumentStore: use try-with-resources for nodes
+    cache locks
+    [OAK-7181] - RDBDocumentStore: use try-with-resources for
+    ChangesTracker
+    [OAK-7184] - LengthCachingDataStoreTest: Remove unused import of
+    Guava InputSupplier
+    [OAK-7185] - Upgrade jclouds dependency to 2.0.3
+    [OAK-7186] - avoid use of guava Iterators.emptyIterator()
+    [OAK-7188] - guava: ListenableFuture.transform() changes to
+    transformAsync in version 20
+    [OAK-7201] - make Guava version configurable at build time
+    [OAK-7204] - RDB*Store: update postgresql JDBC driver reference to
+    42.2.0
+    [OAK-7269] - DocumentStore: add test coverage for various types of
+    IDs
+    [OAK-7270] - RDBDocumentStore: guard against invalid strings in
+    IDs
+    [OAK-7289] - RDBDocumentStore: potential NPE in error handling
+    code
+    [OAK-7292] - RDB*Store: update tomcat jdbc dependency to 8.5.28
+    [OAK-7299] - RDB*Store: update postgresql JDBC driver reference to
+    42.2.1
+    [OAK-7305] - Introduce DocumentStoreException type
+    [OAK-7306] - MongoDocumentStore: use transient
+    DocumentStoreException type where appropriate
+    [OAK-7307] - RDBDocumentStore: use transient
+    DocumentStoreException type where appropriate
+    [OAK-7308] - Retry commit on transient DocumentStoreException
+    [OAK-7313] - RDB*Store: add DEBUG level logging for filters in
+    RDBVersionGCSupport
+    [OAK-7329] - RDB*Store for SQLServer: name the PK index for better
+    readability
+    [OAK-7330] - RDBDocumentStore: make indices on SD* sparse where
+    possible
+    [OAK-7331] - RDBDocumentStore: add index on _MODIFIED to improve
+    VersionGC performance
+    [OAK-7333] - RDBDocumentStore: refactor index report
+    [OAK-7342] - RDBDocumentStore: missing rollback after delete
+    failures
+    [OAK-7359] - Update to MongoDB Java driver 3.6
+    [OAK-7360] - Migrate to the MongoDB Java driver API 3.0
+    [OAK-7399] - add build profile "guava-latest" to build with latest
+    supported Guava version
+    [OAK-7406] - relax guava version range in Import-Package
+    declarations
+    [OAK-7409] - Move Lucene agnostic utilities out of oak-lucene into
+    oak-search
+    [OAK-7410] - Define SPIs for Oak Search module
+    [OAK-7411] - Make oak-lucene extend from oak-search
+    [OAK-7430] - RDB*Store: update postgresql JDBC driver reference to
+    42.2.2
+    [OAK-7432] - RDB*Store: update mysql driver reference to 5.1.46
+    [OAK-7441] - RDB*Store: update DB2 JDBC dependency to 4.19.72
+    [OAK-7446] - RDB*Store: update SQLServer JDBC dependency to
+    6.4.0.jre*
+    [OAK-7453] - oak-core/oak-store-document: fix broken line ends in
+    repo
+    [OAK-7454] - oak-lucene: fix broken line ends in repo
+    [OAK-7458] - JCR locking: add logging to determine callers
+    [OAK-7471] - add a config switch to disable locking
+    [OAK-7472] - tests should pass with locking disabled
+    [OAK-7526] - Move InitialContent#INITIAL_CONTENT to test
+    [OAK-7527] - Drop mandatory constraint on "rep:system" node for
+    "rep:privileges"
+    [OAK-7529] - Define and register oak namespace
+    [OAK-7532] - VersionStorageEditor should allow bootstraping of
+    initial content
+    [OAK-7533] - NameValidator is not using namespaces defined in the
+    current transaction
+    [OAK-7537] - Allow for initial registration of 'xml' namespace
+    [OAK-7546] - add maven profile to build with Guava beta checks
+    [OAK-7547] - commons: avoid use of Guava beta APIs in StringSort
+    [OAK-7553] - Extract interface from CommitValueResolver
+    [OAK-7554] - Extract InactiveRevisionContext from
+    LastRevRecoveryAgent
+    [OAK-7587] - RDB*Store: update mysql driver reference to 8.0.11
+    [OAK-7590] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to
+    8.5.32
+    [OAK-7603] - [DirectBinaryAccess][DISCUSS] Oak API extensions
+    [OAK-7625] - remove @Nonnegative annotation in NodeDocumentCache
+    [OAK-7632] - remove JSR 305 annotations in Groovy code
+    [OAK-7662] - Allow MarkSweepGarbageCollector to retain output
+    files
+    [OAK-7663] - Make oak-run LoggingInitializer generic
+    [OAK-7664] - Add a get method to ClusterRepositoryInfo for read
+    only cases
+    [OAK-7665] - Add a datastore read-write option to BlobStoreOptions
+    when NodeStore read only
+    [OAK-7670] - RDB*Store: update postgresql JDBC driver reference to
+    42.2.4
+    [OAK-7673] - RDB*Store: update mysql driver reference to 8.0.12
+    [OAK-7690] - RDB*Store: update SQLServer JDBC dependency to
+    7.0.0.jre*
+    [OAK-7692] - [DirectBinaryAccess] Upload token HMAC signature must
+    be base64 encoded
+    [OAK-7693] - [DirectBinaryAccess] Documentation
+    [OAK-7704] - RDB*Store: log message after failed DB upgrade too
+    verbose
+    [OAK-7729] - RDB*Store: update postgresql JDBC driver reference to
+    42.2.5
+    [OAK-7730] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to
+    8.5.33
+    [OAK-7732] - Use docker for MongoDB based tests when available
+    [OAK-7737] - Add edge cases checks and tests for metadata related
+    methods S3/FileDataStore
+    [OAK-7738] - Add method to check for existence of metadata in
+    SharedDataStore
+    [OAK-7748] - DocumentStore: test (and optionally optimize) bulk
+    update fallback logic
+    [OAK-7809] - need to document oak-run for RDB
+    [OAK-7861] - update clustering documentation wrt rdbmk
+    [OAK-7894] - RDBDocumentStore: add perf logging for JDBC read
+    operations
+    [OAK-7896] - RDB*Store: update mysql driver reference to 8.0.13
+    [OAK-7942] - Fix covariant return type changes in ByteBuffer
+    [OAK-7970] - RDB*Store: add profile for DB2 11.1 JDBC driver
+    [OAK-7971] - RDB*Store: update DB2 JDBC reference to 4.19.77
+    [OAK-1819] - oak-solr-core test failures on Java 8 and later
+    [OAK-4401] - Excerpt Highlighting for a property is not correct
+    [OAK-6217] - Document tricky statements
+    [OAK-6707] - TarWriter.close() must not throw an exception on
+    subsequent invocations
+    [OAK-6891] - Executions of background threads might pile up
+    [OAK-6956] - RepositoryUpgrade hardcodes SecurityProvider
+    [OAK-7058] - oak-run compact reports success even when it was
+    cancelled
+    [OAK-7131] - xpath to sql2 conversion drops order by clause for
+    some cases
+    [OAK-7132] - SNFE after full compaction
+    [OAK-7136] - Stop storing files under
+    OSGI-INF/metatype
+    [OAK-7147] - Oak run LuceneIndexer indexes excluded parent nodes
+    [OAK-7152] - CacheMap.clear() never returns
+    [OAK-7155] - Executor in S3DataStoreFactory is not shut down
+    [OAK-7162] - Race condition on revisions head between compaction
+    and scheduler could result in skipped commit
+    [OAK-7168] - The debug command returns a zero exit code on error
+    [OAK-7169] - The datastorecheck returns a zero exit code on error
+    [OAK-7171] - The history command returns a zero exit code on error
+    [OAK-7174] - The check command returns a zero exit code on error
+    [OAK-7176] - RevisionVector from empty string throws
+    StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
+    [OAK-7178] - RemoteSolrServerProvider should release connections
+    on ping failures
+    [OAK-7198] - Index rule with REGEX_ALL_PROPS includes relative
+    node
+    [OAK-7200] - Sync propery indexes don't get planned if /:async
+    exists but indexing lane hasn't completed its first cycle
+    [OAK-7205] - Test failure:
+    ActiveDeletedBlobSyncTrackerTest.syncActiveDeletionWithBlobTracker
+    [OAK-7208] - Various disallowed control characters are accepted in
+    item names
+    [OAK-7209] - Race condition can resurrect blobs during blob GC
+    [OAK-7223] - Files could be kept partially in case of
+    disconnection from backends
+    [OAK-7227] - MountPermissionProvider getNumEntries prone to
+    overflow
+    [OAK-7236] - The diff command returns a zero exit code on error
+    [OAK-7237] - The backup and restore comands return a zero exit
+    code on error
+    [OAK-7241] - oak-run documentation typo for "checkpoints" command
+    [OAK-7244] - RDBDocumentStore: fix typo in metadata
+    [OAK-7252] - Function index for name() and localname() don't allow
+    sorting
+    [OAK-7265] - Standalone example application fails to start
+    [OAK-7266] - Standalone example system console fails to render
+    [OAK-7274] - Test failure: various upgrade tests
+    [OAK-7284] - Reindexing using --doc-traversal-mode can hit
+    ConcurrentModificationException during aggregation
+    [OAK-7285] - Reindexing using --doc-traversal-mode can OOM while
+    aggregation in some cases
+    [OAK-7291] - MongoStatusTest.testReadConcern fails on MongoDB 3.6
+    [OAK-7294] - FlatFileBufferLinkedList#add doesn't throw
+    IllegalArgumentException on null
+    [OAK-7309] - MongoDocumentStoreMetricsTest fails sporadically
+    [OAK-7317] - SegmentParser#parseBlob does not long ids of external
+    blobs
+    [OAK-7337] - CommitsTracker data is always empty when exposed via
+    JMX
+    [OAK-7339] - Fix all sidegrades breaking with
+    UnsupportedOperationException on MissingBlobStore by introducing
+    LoopbackBlobStore
+    [OAK-7341] - PermissionStoreEditor fails to reconnect collision
+    entries if main entry is removed
+    [OAK-7354] - Test failure
+    ExternalIdentityImporterTest.importExternalUserWithPrincipalNames
+    [OAK-7356] - CugConfiguration may not pick up CugExclude
+    [OAK-7357] - NPE on activation of LuceneIndexProviderService with
+    disabled CoR and CoR
+    [OAK-7365] - Multi words translated terms should not always use
+    TermQuery
+    [OAK-7375] - Wrong full text parsing in Oak Solr index with
+    boolean operators
+    [OAK-7378] - Continuous Revision GC counts _deletedOnce with every
+    run
+    [OAK-7389] - Mongo/FileBlobStore does not update timestamp for
+    already existing blobs
+    [OAK-7393] - A single StatisticsProvider is shared between all
+    SegmentNodeStoreFactory instances
+    [OAK-7394] - ConsolidatedCacheStats broken on the Composite Node
+    Store
+    [OAK-7396] - ReadOnlyFileStore.readSegment does not correctly
+    throw SegmentNotFoundException
+    [OAK-7397] - Test failure: TomcatIT
+    [OAK-7398] - SegmentArchiveManager#listArchives should only return
+    tar files
+    [OAK-7401] - Changes kept in memory when update limit is hit in
+    commit hook
+    [OAK-7404] - ReadOnlyFileStore doesn't use custom persistence
+    [OAK-7408] - LuceneIndexProviderService uses default tracker
+    constructor with disabled CoR
+    [OAK-7414] - oak-it-osgi fails on Java 10
+    [OAK-7428] - LdapIdentityProvider doesn't support creating
+    external ids from the uid attribute
+    [OAK-7447] - Sporadic test failures when connection is closed
+    twice
+    [OAK-7449] -
+    ObservationQueueFullWarnTest#testQueueFullThenFlushing requires to
+    know the number of events upfront
+    [OAK-7466] - Prevent LMSEstimator over/under flow in weights
+    [OAK-7473] - [BlobGC] MarkSweepGarbageCollector does not always
+    use the blobGcMaxAgeInSecs config
+    [OAK-7475] - InitialContentMigrator logs the progress incorrectly
+    [OAK-7476] - The Azure readSegment should return null if no
+    segment is found
+    [OAK-7485] - DocumentNodeStore doesn't work with shared Atlas
+    MongoDB replica set
+    [OAK-7486] - mongo-srv schema doesn't work in OSGi
+    [OAK-7490] - oak-run console lc rmdata command uses second
+    parameter for index path (and defaults to /oak:index/lucene)
+    [OAK-7508] - Text extraction timeout can lead to NPE
+    [OAK-7513] - Possible NPE in exact size calculation for
+    SolrQueryIndex
+    [OAK-7514] - Build Jackrabbit Oak #1462 failed
+    [OAK-7520] - AzureArchiveManager#copyBlob() hangs indefinitely
+    [OAK-7521] - Command line params to modify quer fails when forced
+    journal push throws exception
+    [OAK-7566] - Rename metrics for DataStore garbage collection
+    [OAK-7567] - Migrating an unmodified checkpoint takes a long time
+    [OAK-7588] - Build failure: unapproved license
+    [OAK-7593] - NodeDocument.getLatestValue() may throw
+    IllegalStateException
+    [OAK-7594] - datastorecheck command in oak-run for S3 needs
+    jackson-annotations dependency
+    [OAK-7598] -
+    CopyOnWriteDirectory.COWRemoteFileReference#checkIfLocalValid logs
+    WARN for segments.gen
+    [OAK-7605] - Giving multiple result when executing query (for a
+    constraints with OR condition) for Facetextraction
+    [OAK-7606] - Doing Faceting only on the resultset of one
+    constraints when query contain multiple constraint with OR
+    condition
+    [OAK-7608] - Throw exception if all properties name are given
+    wrong for faceting
+    [OAK-7610] - Active st directory update doesn't close
+    AnalyzingInfixSuggester after building
+    [OAK-7638] - Race condition when simultaneous request to stage
+    file for async upload
+    [OAK-7652] - Node.getMixinNodeTypes can revive deleted node mixins
+    (again)
+    [OAK-7686] - Partial migration doesn't update Lucene indexing data
+    [OAK-7687] - :async cified
+    [OAK-7721] - Records of specific size bring
+    SegmentBufferWriter#flush to fail
+    [OAK-7724] - BlobGCMbean not registered with
+    SegmentNodeStoreFactory
+    [OAK-7728] - Oak run check command fails with SegmentNotFound
+    exception
+    [OAK-7749] - Fix random failures in S3 related tests
+    [OAK-7ite concern and read concern level not applied
+    [OAK-7789] - javadoc link to JCR API not resolved anymore
+    [OAK-7794] - Changes are not dispatched when the segment node
+    store is used as the global store
+    [OAK-7798] - Return stream for downloStore not chaining exceptions
+    on upload completion
+    [OAK-7837] - oak-run check crashes with SNFE
+    [OAK-7838] - oak-run check crashes JVM
+    [OAK-7843] - oak-upgrade doesn't correctly pass segment cache size
+    to file store
+    [OAK-7853] - SegmentBufferWriter not flushed after OnRC
+    [OAK-7855] - rdbmk: Invalid SplitDocType when run on non-upgraded
+    DB
+    [OAK-7856] - PrincipalPermissionEntries: non-accesscontrolled path
+    must be ignored for fullyLoaded flag
+    [OAK-7858] - S3#getAllIdentifiers may trim listing when filtering
+    out metadata objects
+    [OAKe may corrupt registry
+    [OAK-7889] - Test failure: Unable to start Docker container
+    [OAK-7901] - NodeTypeRegistryTest uses javax.annotation.Nonnull
+    [OAK-7903] - Corrupt index metric potentially reporting
+    corruptions on every index update
+    [OAK-7912] - ValidNamesTest: potential NPE in teardown
+    [OAK-7916] - Feature vectors similarity query is too selective
+    [OAK-7923] - CompositeNodeBuilder#getPaxcluded principal to cug
+    policy
+    [OAK-7972] - [DirectBinaryAccess] Direct binary access docs not
+    linked from primary documentation
+    [OAK-7975] - Facet extraction fails while requesting multiple
+    facets and one of the requested facets doesn't have indexed values
+    [OAK-7190] - Oak should compile & test on Java 10
+    [OAK-7648] - Oak should compile & test on Java 11
+New Feature
+    [OAK-6584] - Add tooling API
+    [OAK-6921] - Support pluggable segment storage
+    [OAK-6922] - Azure support for the segment-tar
+    [OAK-7444] - Allow collection of IOTraces dric for
+    DocumentNodeStore lease update
+    [OAK-7623] - SegmentNodeStore - sidegrade support between
+    TarPersistence and AzurePersistence
+    [OAK-7649] - oak-run command to execute datastore garbage
+    collection
+    [OAK-7762] - Store segments off heap when memory mapping is
+    disabled
+    [OAK-7770] - Azure Segment Store: Store segments off heap when
+    memory mapping is disabled
+    [OAK-7771] - Make mmap and segment cache size configurable in
+    SegmentCompactionIT
+    [OAK-7773] - Implement monitoring for allocated byte buffers
+    [OAK-7834] - Add a tool to identify super-root nodes
+    [OAK-7849] - CommitHook for recording write operations to the
+    segmentnt store persistence
+    [OAK-2556] - Intermediate commit during async indexing
+    [OAK-2907] - Move DocumentMK to test
+    [OAK-3883] - Avoid commit from too far in the future (due to clock
+    skews) to go through
+    [OAK-4857] - Support space chars common in CJK inside item names
+    [OAK-6031] - Add TarFiles to the architecture diagram
+    [OAK-6087] - Avoid reads from M Users shouldn't be able to change
+    the number of retained generations
+    [OAK-7175] - Reduce cache misses on local diff-cache
+    [OAK-7180] - The error message "postings highlighting failed"
+    should be warn or debug
+    [OAK-7195] - Node.getMixinNodeTypes() may check for child node
+    named jcr:mixinTypes
+    [OAK-7196] - ValidNamesTest improvements
+    [OAK-7213] - Avoid call for child node when bundle cons
+    [OAK-7253] - Benchmarks: cleanup duplications in AC setup
+    [OAK-7259] - Improve SegmentNodeStoreStats to include number of
+    commits per thread and threads currently waiting on the semaphore
+    [OAK-7262] - LockBasedScheduler#getHeadNodeState poor performance
+    due to lock contention in commitTimeHistogram implementation
+    [OAK-7280] - Remove superfluous methods from SegmentWriter
+    [OAK-7288] - Change default JAAS ranking of
+    ExternalLoginModuleFactory
+    [OAK-7290] - Reindexing using --doc-traversal-mode should have
+    configurable upper bound for mem usage
+    [OAK-7298] - Remove debug logging to the console during tests
+age from tests
+    [OAK-7343] - Improvements to PermissionEntryProviderImpl
+    [OAK-7353] - oak-run tika extraction should support getting
+    assistance from stored indexed data from a lucene index
+    [OAK-7367] - Unify mockito versions and update to latest
+    [OAK-7377] - FileStore should allow multiple implementations of
+    GarbageCollector
+    [OAK-7379] - Lucene Index: per-column selectivity, assume 5 unique
+    entries
+    [OAK-7384] - SegmentNodeStoreStats should expose stats for
+    previous minute per thread group
+    [OAK-7388] - MergingNodeStateDiff may recreate nodes that were
+    previously removed to resolve conflicts
+    [OAK-7402] - Expose UI for collecting IO traces
+    [OAK-7403] - AzureSegmentArchiveReader should get the metadata
+    from listBlobs() operation
+    [OAK-7416] - Contribute a 'proc' subtree for the Segment Node
+    Store
+ as an OSGi config property
+    [OAK-7424] - SecurityProviderBuilder expects
+    CompositeConfiguration
+    [OAK-7433] - SecurityProviderHelper should be final and have
+    private constructor
+    [OAK-7434] - Refactor compactor implementations in independent
+    components
+    [OAK-7436] - Refactory part of
+    [OAK-7470] - Remove Usage of ImmutableTree and AbstractTree in
+    Security Code
+    [OAK-7488] - VersionablePathHook should be located with
+    authorization code
+    [OAK-7506] - Prevent user enumeration by exploiting time delay
+    vulnerability
+    [OAK-7510] - Run repository initializers with hooks
+    [OAK-7530] - PrivilegeI Update to MongoDB Java driver 3.8
+    [OAK-7647] - Replace usage of deprecated junit.framework.Assert
+    [OAK-7672] - Introduce oak-run segment-copy for moving around
+    segments in different storages
+    [OAK-7688] - Replace usage of static ValueFactoryImpl methods
+    [OAK-7699] - Active blob deletion fails on composite setups
+    (follow up of OAK-7610)
+    [OAK-7706] - Update to MongoDB Java driver 3.6.4
+    [OAK-7709] - DocumentNodeStore dispose aborts when store was
+    disposed due to LeaseUpdate error
+    [OAK-7716] - Enable datastore command for Azure segment store
+    [OAK-7720] - Log hex dump of too big segments
+    [OAK-7722] - Support collectBlobReferences in Rellection of stats
+    for DataStore checkConsistency operation
+    [OAK-7757] - CompositeNodeStore fixture on MongoDB
+    [OAK-7758] - Non-blocking CompositeNodeStore merges
+    [OAK-7760] - Use NIO in the implementation of
+    FileAccess.Mapped#read
+    [OAK-7768] - Ability to deprecate an index
+    [OAK-7782] - Clarify error on aggregate privilege registration
+    with non existing privileges
+    [OAK-7786] - Make the NamespaceEditor less strict when enforcing
+    changes to rep:nsdata node
+    [OAK-7788] - Measure read rate for the Segment Store
+    [OAK-7796] - Remove the incomplete support for the writeable
+    partial stores
+    [OAK-7813] - PrivilegeBits should also cache default privilege as
+    long values
+    [OAK-7815] - Obscure error message if AZURE_SECRET_KEY env
+    variable is not set for Azure persistence
+    [OAK-7820] - Make internal group principal impl classes static
+    [OAK-7821] - Revisit the need to download Mongo for running IT
+    tests
+    [OAK-7822] - More aggressive internal state cleanup of login
+    modules
+    [OAK-7824] - Improve search by similar feature vectors with brute
+    force nearest neighbour
+    [OAK-7832] - oak-run console export should handle exceptions such
+    as missing segments
+    [OAK-7850] - Indexes that don't support facets being queried
+    should not participate in execution plan
+    [OAK-7854] - Add liveliness monitoring for FileStore background
+    operations
+    [OAK-7860] - Make PermissionEntryCache more resilient against OOME
+    [OAK-7870] - Reduce permission store lookups for empty principal
+    sets
+    [OAK-7872] - Make LoggingHook private to o.a.j.o.segment
+    [OAK-7873] - Delete o.a.j.o.segment.util.RoleUtils
+    [OAK-7874] - Upgrade docker-junit-rule to version 2.2.2
+ should warn if there is no index to import
+    [OAK-7944] - Minor improvements to oak security code base
+    [OAK-6517] -
+    ActiveDeletedBlobCollectionIT.simpleAsyncIndexUpdateBasedBlobCollection
+    failing intermittently
+    [OAK-7107] - Ability to run AbstractJCRTest derived tests with
+    different fixtures
+    [OAK-7133] - DocumentNodeStore resilience test on MongoDB
+    [OAK-7145] - Share initialized NodeStore for read-only repository
+    tests
+    [OAK-7238] - Benchmark : random read for different sets of
+    principals
+    [OAK-7516] - DocumentMKBuilderProvider may try to dispose an
+    uninitialised store
+    [OAK-7620] - Update to Mockito 2.x
+    [OAK-7646] - UploadStagingCacheTest#testConcurrentSameAddmoval in
+    Java 12
+    [OAK-7075] - Document oak-run compact arguments and system
+    properties
+    [OAK-7126] - make RDBCacheConsistency2Test store-agnostic
+    [OAK-7130] - Update with Java 8 requirement
+    [OAK-7143] - Run oak-jcr tests and ITs in parallel on travis-ci
+    [OAK-7156] - CacheChangesTracker should implement Closeable
+    [OAK-7160] - Update commons-codec dependency to 1
+    [OAK-7219] - Update Logback version to >= 1.2.0, SLF4J accordingly
+    [OAK-7220] - add benchmark focused on string write performance
+    [OAK-7240] - create announcement mail template for releases
+    [OAK-7249] - segment store: create charset encoding utility that
+    detects malformed input
+    [OAK-7255] - Upgrade jackson dependencies to version 2.9.4
+    [OAK-7257] - oak-examples: update Tomcat dependency
+    [OAK-7268] - document store: create charset encoding utility that
+    detects malformed input
+    [OAK-7272] - improve BackgroundLeaseUpdate warning messages
+    [OAK-7273] - ValidNamesTest for unpaired surrogates and NUL fails
+    for PostgreSQL
+    [OAK-7275] - Update easymock test dependency to 3.4
+    [OAK-7282] - RDB: enable default continuous revision GC
+    [OAK-7286] - DocumentNodeStoreBranch handlinpart of standard
+    deployment
+    [OAK-7314] - RDB*Store: use SDMAXREV column in RevisionGC query
+    [OAK-7315] - Remove redundant JavaDoc link to Java 7 API
+    [OAK-7320] - Upgrade surefire and failsafe plugins to 2.21.0
+    [OAK-7322] - Mention SHA512 checksums in release notes
+    [OAK-7324] - RDBDocumentStore: Refactor exception handling
+    [OAK-7325] - restore line wrapping in release notes
+    [OAK-7332] - Benchmarks failure on Oak-Segment-* fixtures due to
+    concurrentlinkedhashmap version conflict
+    [OAK-7335] - oak-upgrade long name filter should consider the path
+    length
+    [OAK-7336] - stop advertising MD5 checksums
+    [OAK-7338] - Javadocs for the
+    org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.spi
+    [OAK-7347] - Incorrect link to KEYS in release notes
+    [OAK-7350] - stop creating MD5 checksums for reK-7368] - update to
+    findbugs version compatible with jdk 10
+    [OAK-7407] - oak-solr-core test failures with java 10
+    [OAK-7421] - link Guava javadoc
+    [OAK-7422] - Update jackson dependencies to 2.9.5
+    [OAK-7426] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to
+    8.5.30
+    [OAK-7435] - Run travis build on MongoDB 3.6
+    [OAK-7443] - remove jdk 1.6 specific findbugs profile from pom
+    [OAK-7451] - Upgrade tika-parsers dependency to 2.18
+    [OAK-7452] - fix broken line ends in repo
+    [OAK-7462] - Benchmark for SynchronizationMBean#syncAllUsers
+    [OAK-7482] - update maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.0.0
+    [OAK-7483] - add "javadoc" profile for Jenkins matrix builds
+    [OAK-7493] - RDB*Store: update Derby dependency to
+    [OAK-7511] - get rid of JSR 305 dependency - use jetbrains
+    nullability annotations instead
+    [OAK-7512] - RestoreTest.testRestoreNameJcr2 occasionally failing
+    [OAK-7518] - TCKBase: make repository fixture more prominent
+    [OAK-7536] - Update aws java sdk version to 1.11.330
+    [OAK-7556] - Update failsafe and surefire plugin versions to
+    2.22.0
+    [OAK-7563] - Set baseline plugin comparison for trunk to latest
+    stable version (1.8.4)
+    [OAK-7577] - Update maven plugins from org.apache.maven.plugins
+    [OAK-7578] - Update spotbugs plugin to 3.1.5
+    [OAK-7579] - remove obsolete findbugs reference from reactor pom
+    [OAK-7581] - oak-examples: remove special case for failsafe plugin
+    [OAK-7582] - Make the MountInfo constructor public
+    [0/4.5.6 (and declare the versions globally)
+    [OAK-7624] - Add "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.spi"
+    to package export filter
+    [OAK-7641] - various internal APIs missing in package export
+    filter
+    [OAK-7644] - Remove strategy to optimize secondary reads
+    [OAK-7650] - upgrade to mockito version compatible with java 11
+    [OAK-7651] - oak-solr-core test failures with java 11
+    [OAK-7653] -test case to be compatible with it
+    [OAK-7681] - enable baseline check for oak-search-mt
+    [OAK-7682] - fix comparisonVersion for baseline check
+    [OAK-7685] - Update easymock dependency to 3.6
+    [OAK-7689] - Update maven plugins from org.apache.maven.plugins
+    [OAK-7734] - fix formatting in release notes
+    [OAK-7736] - fix comparisonVersion for baseline check
+    [OAK-7745] - Clarify update semantics on deleted nodes
+    [OAK-7767] - Update tika dependency to 1.19
+    [OAK-7787] - oak-it: NoClassDefFoundError in log with Java 11
+    [OAK-7790] - AK-7828] - Log off heap access for segments when
+    creating FileStore
+    [OAK-7829] - oak-examples: update Tomcat dependency to 7.0.91
+    [OAK-7831] - examples: update htmlunit dependency to 2.33
+    [OAK-7833] - oak-examples/webapp: update groovy dependency
+    [OAK-7836] - Update jackson dependencies to 2.9.7
+    [OAK-7839] - Evaluate exporting of index corruption metrics with
+    Sling Metrics / DropWizard
+    [OAK-7842] - solr: suppress problematic commons-fileupload
+    dependency
+    [OAK-7844] - oak-solr-core test failures with java 12
+    [OAK-7848] - update maven-bundle-plugin to 3.5.1
+    [OAK-7892] - LogCustomizer should support slProvider to register
+    metrics for QueryEngine
+    [OAK-7954] - Record when no index is used for a certain query
+    [OAK-7962] - FV reranking should be enabled by default
+    [OAK-7969] - Update tika dependency to 1.20
+    [OAK-5089] - Document illegal item names in Oak
+    [OAK-5473] - Document fulltext search grammer ("contains")
+    [OAK-5520] - Improve index and query documentation
+    [OAK-5923] - Document S3 datastore
+    [OAK-6898] - Query: grammar documentation / annotated railroad
+    diagrams
+    [OAK-6964] - Document tail compaction
+    [OAK-7112] - Update documentation for cold standby
+    [OAK-7148] - Document excerpt support (specially excerpts for
+    properties)mmand
 This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.