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[12/28] incubator-weex-site git commit: Site updated: 2017-08-22 15:20:36
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-{"meta":{"title":"Weex","subtitle":null,"description":"A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UIs. Different from a \"web app\", \"HTML5 app\", or \"hybrid app\", you can use Weex to build a real mobile app. The code that you write is relatively simple, because you can build native applications just using HTML, CSS, Javascript. But underneath, the core of the application is Objective-C or Java. At the same time, Weex will provide a lot of native components or modules for developers to use.","author":"Jinjiang","url":""},"pages":[{"title":"How to Contribute","path":"guide/contributing.html","permalink":"","text":"How to ContributeWelcome to create pull requests or join in our mailing list for bugfix, doc, example, suggestion and anything. Join in Weex Mailing ListIn Weex community all discussion will happen on mailing list. Just send an email to and follow the instruc
 tions to subscribe Weex dev mailing list. And then you will receive all discussions and community messages by your personal email. In the same time you can freely send your own emails to join in us. At the same time you can see the archives of all the mails through the web: If you won’t follow the mailing list any more. There is another way to unsubscribe it: send an email to and follow the instructions. Besides Weex dev mailing list, we also have some other mailing lists for you. You can check them out here: Branch Managementmaster ↑dev <--- PR(hotfix/typo/3rd-PR) ↑ PR{domain}-feature-{date} master branch master is the latest (pre-)release branch. dev branch dev is the stable developing branch. It’s RECOMMENDED to commit hotfix (like typo) or feature PR to dev. {domain}-feature-{date} branch Th
 e branch for a developing iteration, e.g. android-feature-20160607 is an android developing iteration which is done at 2016.06.07. {domain} consists of android, ios, jsfm and html5. DO NOT commit any PR to such a branch. Branch Name{module}-{action}-{shortName} {module}, see commit log module {action} feature: checkout from {module} and merge to {module} later. If {module} not exists, merge to dev bugfix: like feature, for bugfix only hotfix: checkout from master or release tag, merge to master and {module} later. If {module} not exists, merge to dev for example: android-bugfix-memory jsfm-feature-communication android-hotfix-compute-layout Commit Log{action} [{module}] {description} {action} + add * update or bugfix - remove {module} Including: android, ios, jsfm, html5, component, doc, website, example, test, all {description} Just make it as clear and simple as possible. for example: + [android] close #123, add refreshin
 g for WebView * [doc] fix #123, update video auto-play property - [example] remove abc Pull RequestYou can create pull requests in GitHub. First we suggest you have some discussion with the community (commonly in our mailing list) before you code. Fork repo from Finish the job you want to do. Create a pull request. Code Style GuideObjective-C Tabs for indentation(not spaces) * operator goes with the variable name (e.g. Type *variable;) Function definitions: place each brace on its own line. Other braces: place the open brace on the line preceding the code block; place the close brace on its own line. Use #pragma marks to categorize methods into functional groupings and protocol implementations Follow other guidelines on GitHub Objective-C Style Guide Java & Android Use Google Java Style as basic guidelines of java code. Follow AOSP Code Style for rest of android related code style.","type":"guide"},{"title":"Set Up Development Environmen
 t","path":"guide/set-up-env.html","permalink":"","text":"Set up development environmentUsing dotWe is a good choice, but if you want to develop locally on your own machine, you will need to set up your development environment. You will need Node.js and the Weex CLI. You can install Node using nvm (Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions). Run the following commands in a Terminal after installing nvm: $ nvm install 6.10.0$ nvm use 6.10.0 Node.js comes with npm, which lets you install the Weex CLI. Run the following command in a Terminal: $ npm install -g weex-toolkit$ weex -vv1.0.3weex-builder : v0.2.4weex-previewer : v1.3.4 NOTE: If you get an error like “permission error”, try installing with sudo. Then you can use the Weex command to verify that the installation is successful: Generate a new Weex projectYou can use the CLI to generate a Weex project called “awesome-project”. Run the following command in a T
 erminal: $ weex init awesome-project Then enter the awesome-project folder, the CLI has been for us to generate a standard project structure. UsageWe enter the awesome-project folder and install dependencies with the following commands: npm install Then run npm run dev and npm run serve to start watch mode and static server. Finally, we can see the Weex page in http://localhost:8080/index.html. You can modify this page in src/foo.vue. The code is shown below: <template> <div class=\"wrapper\"> <text class=\"weex\">Hello Weex!</text> <text class=\"vue\">Hello Vue!</text> </div></template><style scoped> .wrapper { flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; } .weex { font-size: 60px; text-align: center; color: #1B90F7; } .vue { font-size: 60px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; color: #41B883; }</style> If you’re curious to learn more about technical details, continue on to the next se
 ction. And don’t forget to write code at dotWe and preview at anytime.","type":"guide"},{"title":"Integrate to Your App","path":"guide/integrate-to-your-app.html","permalink":"","text":"Integrate to Your AppIntegrate to AndroidTip:The following documents assume that you already have a certain Android development experience. Android has two ways to integrate weex1.using source code: Can quickly use the latest features of WEEX, according to your own characteristics of the project. So, you can do some related improvements. 2.using SDK: WEEX will regularly release a stable version at jcenter.jcenter PrerequisitesMake sure the following configuration is complete: JDK version >= 1.7 , and configure the environment variable Android SDK installed and configure the environment variable Android SDK version 23 (compileSdkVersion in build.gradle) SDK build tools version 23.0.1 (buildToolsVersion in build.gradle) Android Support Repo
 sitory >= 17 (for Android Support Library) Quick to useIf you are the first time to try or have a higher demand for stability, you can use the way to dependence on the SDK.The steps are as follows: Create an Android project. There is nothing to be specified, according to your habits to. Update build.gradle by adding the following dependencies: compile ''compile ''compile ''compile ''compile '' Note: the version can be high can not be low. Start writing codeNote: There is a complete code address in the appendix Implement the picture download interface, set the initialization. package com.weex.sample;import android.widget.ImageView;import;import;import;/*** Created by lixinke on 
 16/6/1.*/public class ImageAdapter implements IWXImgLoaderAdapter { @Override public void setImage(String url, ImageView view, WXImageQuality quality, WXImageStrategy strategy) { //To implement picture download interface, otherwise the picture can not be displayed. }} initialization package com.weex.sample;import;import;import;/*** Note: add android:name=\".WXApplication\" into Manifest file* To implement ImageAdapter, otherwise the picture can not be downloaded* Gradle must add some dependencies, otherwise the initialization will fail.* compile ''* compile ''* compile ''* compile ''*/public class WXApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); InitConfig config=new InitConfig.Builder().setImg
 Adapter(new ImageAdapter()).build(); WXSDKEngine.initialize(this,config); }} Start rendering package com.weex.sample;import android.os.Bundle;import;import android.view.View;import;import;import;import;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements IWXRenderListener { WXSDKInstance mWXSDKInstance; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); mWXSDKInstance = new WXSDKInstance(this); mWXSDKInstance.registerRenderListener(this); /** * WXSample can be replaced by any string * Template is js file that .we converted * Option can be empty, or through the option passed js required parameters. Such as the address of the bundle js. * JsonInitData can be empty. * width is -1 , default full
  screen, you can customize it. * height is -1 , default full screen, you can customize it. */ mWXSDKInstance.render(\"WXSample\", WXFileUtils.loadFileContent(\"hello.js\", this), null, null, -1, -1, WXRenderStrategy.APPEND_ASYNC); } @Override public void onViewCreated(WXSDKInstance instance, View view) { setContentView(view); } @Override public void onRenderSuccess(WXSDKInstance instance, int width, int height) { } @Override public void onRefreshSuccess(WXSDKInstance instance, int width, int height) { } @Override public void onException(WXSDKInstance instance, String errCode, String msg) { } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if(mWXSDKInstance!=null){ mWXSDKInstance.onActivityResume(); } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if(mWXSDKInstance!=null){ mWXSDKInstance.onActivityPause(); } } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); if(mWXSDKInstance
 !=null){ mWXSDKInstance.onActivityStop(); } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); if(mWXSDKInstance!=null){ mWXSDKInstance.onActivityDestroy(); } }} Dependence on source code (IDE Android Studio)1.Download source code. git clone an android project.3.Import the SDK Module through the following path:File->New-Import Module-> chose WEEX SDK Module(weex/android/sdk) -> Finish4.Add the following dependencies: compile project (‘: weex_sdk’) to build.gradle file.5.Other settings please refer to the above “Quick to use”. Appendix: WXSample address Integrated to iOSThrough the cocoaPods integrated Weex iOS SDK to the project.First assume that you have finished installing the iOS development environment and CocoaPods. Step 1: Add DependenciesImport Weex iOS SDK to your existing project, if not, you can create a new project.Before proceedi
 ng, make sure that the Podfile file is under the project file. If not, create one and open with text editor. Integration framework WeexSDK The latest version on cocoaPods can be obtained here .Add the following to the Podfile file: source '' target 'YourTarget' do platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'WeexSDK', '0.9.5' ## Suggest using latest Weex SDKend Integrate with source code First copy the ios / sdk directory to your existing project directory (here to copy the root directory of your existing project as an example), and then add the Podfile file. source '' target 'YourTarget' do platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'WeexSDK', :path=>'./sdk/' end Step 2: Install DependenciesOpen the command line, switch to the directory of the Podfile file, and run the pod install command. If there are no errors, it means that the environment has bee
 n configured. Step 3: Initialize the Weex environmentIn the AppDelegate.m file to do the initialization operation, usually in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method as follows to add. //business configuration[WXAppConfiguration setAppGroup:@"AliApp"];[WXAppConfiguration setAppName:@"WeexDemo"];[WXAppConfiguration setAppVersion:@"1.0.0"];//init sdk enviroment [WXSDKEngine initSDKEnviroment];//register custom module and component,optional[WXSDKEngine registerComponent:@"MyView" withClass:[MyViewComponent class]];[WXSDKEngine registerModule:@"event" withClass:[WXEventModule class]];//register the implementation of protocol, optional[WXSDKEngine registerHandler:[WXNavigationDefaultImpl new] withProtocol:@protocol(WXNavigationProtocol)];//set the log level [WXLog setLogLevel: WXLogLevelAll]; Step 4: Render weex InstanceWeex supports both full page rendering and partial rendering. What you need to do is render Weex’s view with the sp
 ecified URL and add it to its parent container. The parent container is generally a viewController. #import <WeexSDK/WXSDKInstance.h>- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; _instance = [[WXSDKInstance alloc] init]; _instance.viewController = self; _instance.frame = self.view.frame; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; _instance.onCreate = ^(UIView *view) { [weakSelf.weexView removeFromSuperview]; weakSelf.weexView = view; [weakSelf.view addSubview:weakSelf.weexView]; }; _instance.onFailed = ^(NSError *error) { //process failure }; _instance.renderFinish = ^ (UIView *view) { //process renderFinish }; NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"js"] [_instance renderWithURL:url options:@{@"bundleUrl":[self.url absoluteString]} data:nil];} WXSDKInstance is a very important class that provides a basic method and some callbacks, such as renderWithURL, onCreate, onFailed
 , etc., can be found in WXSDKInstance.h. Step 5: Destroy Weex InstanceIn the dealloc phase of the viewController destroyed Weex instance, can play a role in avoiding memory leaks. - (void)dealloc{ [_instance destroyInstance];} Import the Weex SDK framework to the project.The Weex SDK can be compiled from the source code. You can try the latest feature in the new feature or bugfix branch.Refer to here for direct import of weexSDK.","type":"guide"},{"title":"Event Bubble","path":"references/bubble.html","permalink":"","text":"Event Bubble v0.13+Weex 2.0 implements the W3C standard event bubbling mechanism. Usage<template> <div class=\"root\" @click=\"rootClick\" bubble=\"true\"> <text style=\"font-size: 40px;\">{{rootText}}</text> <div class=\"outer\" @click=\"parentClick\"> <div> <text style=\"font-size: 40px;\">{{parentText}}</text> </div
 > <text class=\"inner\" @click=\"click\">{{innerText}}</text> </div> </div></template><script> module.exports = { data: { innerText: 'click me', parentText: '', rootText: '' }, methods: { click: function(e) { this.innerText = 'inner bubble' }, parentClick: function(e) { this.parentText = 'parent bubble' }, rootClick: function(e) { this.rootText = 'root bubble' } } }</script><style scoped> .inner { font-size: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: #7a9b1b; padding: 40px; } .outer { font-size: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: #9b7a1b; padding: 120px; } .root { font-size: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: #7a1b9b; padding: 80px; }</style> try it Run the above code, open with the client, click on the middle of the elements, you can see the event spread up, followed by the trigger. NoticeOne thing 
 should be noticed: For compatibility with previous versions, Weex does not turn on event bubbling by default. You need to add bubble = "true" on the root element’s properties to turn on the bubbling mechanism. Otherwise, the event will not be propagated upwards, keeping the same effect as the previous version. stopPropagationIn the event handler function, you can use the e.stopPropagation() method to prevent the event from escalating. Note that e.stopPropagation() differs from bubble = "true", which affects only the current elements and the propagation of parent elements, without affecting the propagation of child elements; the latter is a switching mechanism that is added for compatibility, Will be a global shutdown or open the bubble mechanism, the two can co-exist, as follows: <template> <div class=\"root\" @click=\"rootClick\" bubble=\"true\"> <text style=\"font-size: 40px;\">{{rootText}}</text> <div class=\"ou
 ter\" @click=\"parentClick\"> <div> <text style=\"font-size: 40px;\">{{parentText}}</text> </div> <text class=\"inner\" @click=\"click\">{{innerText}}</text> </div> </div></template><script> module.exports = { data: { innerText: 'click me', parentText: '', rootText: '' }, methods: { click: function(e) { this.innerText = 'inner bubble' }, parentClick: function(e) { this.parentText = 'parent bubble' e.stopPropagation() }, rootClick: function(e) { this.rootText = 'root bubble' // e.stopPropagation() } } }</script><style scoped> .inner { font-size: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: #7a9b1b; padding: 40px; } .outer { font-size: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: #9b7a1b; padding: 120px; } .root { font-size: 40px; text-align: center; background-color: #7a1b9b; padding: 80px
 ; }</style> try it Run the above code, open with the client, click on the middle of the element, you can see the event up to the parent element is terminated, no longer continue to spread to the root element.","type":"references"},{"title":"Android APIs","path":"references/android-apis.html","permalink":"","text":"Android APIsWXSDKEngine Set up various adapters WXSDKEngine.initialize(this, new InitConfig.Builder().setImgAdapter(new ImageAdapter()).setDebugAdapter(new PlayDebugAdapter()).build()); Register the module and component WXSDKEngine.registerComponent(\"richtext\", RichText.class);WXSDKEngine.registerModule(\"event\", WXEventModule.class); Overloading framework WXSDKEngine.reload(this,framework,false); Adapter IWXImgLoaderAdapter Weex need to implement this interface to download the pictureThe interface is defined as follows: public interface IWXImgLoaderAdapter { void setImage(String url, ImageView view, WX
 ImageQuality quality, WXImageStrategy strategy);} WXImageQuality that the quality of the picture variables, take the following values LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, ORIGINAL picture quality in turn higher. The default is LOW. WXImageStrategy is an extension class that indicates whether the image can be cut (isClipping) sharpening (isSharpen) placeholder (placeHolder) and so on. IWXHttpAdapter Weex custom WXRequest and OnHttpListener, Native reload interface can be obtained from the Request URL, Header and other parameters, the network request can be completed through OnHttpListener callback notification. Weex provides the default network request: DefaultWXHttpAdapter, using HttpURLConnection for network requests. The interface is defined as follows: public interface IWXHttpAdapter { void sendRequest(WXRequest request, OnHttpListener listener);} WXRequest defines the parameters related to the network request, the request method, the request body, and the timeout time. Weex default
  timeout is 3000. OnHttpListener defines the corresponding method after the network request ends. Defined as follows: interface OnHttpListener { /** * start request */ void onHttpStart(); /** * headers received */ void onHeadersReceived(int statusCode,Map<String,List<String>> headers); /** * post progress * @param uploadProgress */ void onHttpUploadProgress(int uploadProgress); /** * response loaded length (bytes), full length should read from headers (content-length) * @param loadedLength */ void onHttpResponseProgress(int loadedLength); /** * http response finish * @param response */ void onHttpFinish(WXResponse response); } IWXUserTrackAdapter Weex related performance data (first screen loading time, JS-Native communication time, dom update time, etc.) and other general information (JSLib file size, Weex SDK version number, etc.).Interface definition: public interface IWXUserTrackAdapter { void commit(Context context, String eventId, String type, WXPerf
 ormance perf, Map<String, Serializable> params);} Native implementation interface can be obtained through WXPerformance and params corresponding information. Native interacts with JavaScriptCustom eventsUsed for a custom control for event notifications, such as custom click events, response drop events, and so on. public void fireEvent(String elementRef,final String type, final Map<String, Object> data,final Map<String, Object> domChanges){ }public void fireEvent(String elementRef,final String type, final Map<String, Object> data){ fireEvent(elementRef,type,data,null);}public void fireEvent(String elementRef, String type){ fireEvent(ref,type,new HashMap<String, Object>());} elementRef:The event occurred for the control ID。 type: Custom events, Weex defaults to a custom event starting with onXxxxx. OnPullDown (drop-down event) data: Need to reveal the parameters, such as the current control of the
  size, coordinates and other information。 domChanges:Update ref for the control’s Attribute and Style Event callbackUsed for Module callback, for example, after the completion of positioning Module need to notify JS. Use as follows: public class WXLocation extends WXModule { @JSMethod public void getLocation(JSCallback callback){ //Get the code for the location information ..... Map<String,String> data=new HashMap<>(); data.put(\"x\",\"x\"); data.put(\"y\",\"y\"); //notify once callback.invoke(data); //Continuous connection callback.invokeAndKeepAlive(data); //Invoke method and invokeAndKeepAlive two methods of choice }} OnWXScrollListenerWeex gets the scroll event You can register registerOnWXScrollListener via WXSDKInstanceThe interface is defined as follows: public interface OnWXScrollListener { /** * The view is not currently scrolling. */ int IDLE = RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE; /** * The view is currently being dragged by outside in
 put such as user touch input. */ int DRAGGING = RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING; /** * The view is currently animating to a final position while not under * outside control. */ int SETTLING = RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING; /** * Callback method to be invoked when the view has been scrolled. This will be * called after the scroll has completed. * <p> * This callback will also be called if visible item range changes after a layout * calculation. In that case, dx and dy will be 0. * */ void onScrolled(View view, int x, int y); /** * Callback method to be invoked when view's scroll state changes. * */ void onScrollStateChanged(View view, int x, int y, int newState);} IActivityNavBarSetterWeex provides WXNavigatorModule for navigation control, and the corresponding method can be customized by setting the IActivityNavBarSetter interface. Instructions: WXSDKEngine.setActivityNavBarSetter(new IActivityNavBarSetter(){}); Other IntroductionsetSizeYou can use the m
 WXSDKInstance.setSize() method to change the size of the Weex container. DowngradeWeex in the development stage will add some new features and new methods, but these new features and functions must be upgraded to achieve the SDK, for the application should not be upgraded how to deal with it? You can use the downgrade feature. Native can be handled by the onException method in interface IWXRenderListener, and if it is an active demoulding errCode is a character that is divided by “|”. “|” The preceding character is 1 for active demotion, and the Native side can jump to the corresponding H5 page. Or otherwise prompted the user’s current environment does not support Weex.","type":"references"},{"title":"Common Events","path":"references/common-event.html","permalink":"","text":"Common EventsWeex provide the ability to let events trigger action, like starting a JavaScript when a user click on a component. Bellow are the comm
 on event attributes that can be added to weex components to define event actions. Click eventThe onclick attribute fires on a click gesture on the element.Notes: The input and switch component does not currently support the click event, please use change or input event instead. event object type : click target : The target component where the event is triggered timestamp : Timestamp when event is triggered Longpress eventIf a longpress event is bound to a component, the event will be triggered when user long press on it.Notes: The input and switch component does not currently support the click event, please use change or input event instead. event object type : longpress target : The target component where the event is triggered timestamp : Timestamp when event is triggered Appear eventIf a appear event is bound to a component inside a scrollable container, the event will be triggered when the component comes to be visible. event object type : appear target : The target component wh
 ere the event is triggered timestamp : Timestamp when event is triggered direction : The direction in which the scroller is scrolling. Could be up or down. Disappear eventIf a disappear event is bound to a component inside a scrollable container, the event will be triggered when the component scrolls out of viewport and disappears from your sight. event object type : disappear target : The target component where the event is triggered timestamp : Timestamp when event is triggered direction : The direction in which the scroller is scrolling. Could be up or down. Page eventWeex provides you with simple management of page status, such as viewappear and viewdisappear.The viewappear event will be triggered when page is about to show or before any animations are configured for showing. For example, when calling push method in navigator module, this event will be trigged in new page.The viewdisappear event will be triggeded when page is about to dismiss.Different from appear and disappear 
 of component, these two events focus on the status of whole page, so they must be bound to the root component.In addititon, these events also can be bound to body component which is not root actually such as wxc-navpage. event object type : viewappear or viewdisappear target : The target component where the event is triggered timestamp : Timestamp when event is triggered Example<template> <div> <div class=\"box\" @click=\"onclick\" @longpress=\"onlongpress\" @appear=\"onappear\" @disappear=\"ondisappear\"></div> </div></template><script> const modal = weex.requireModule('modal') export default { methods: { onclick (event) { console.log('onclick:', event) modal.toast({ message: 'onclick', duration: 0.8 }) }, onlongpress (event) { console.log('onlongpress:', event) modal.toast({ message: 'onlongpress', duration: 0.8 }) }, onappear (event) { console.log('onappear:', event) modal.toast(&#123
 ; message: 'onappear', duration: 0.8 }) }, ondisappear (event) { console.log('ondisappear:', event) modal.toast({ message: 'ondisappear', duration: 0.8 }) } } }</script><style scoped> .box { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color: #BBB; width: 250px; height: 250px; margin-top: 250px; margin-left: 250px; background-color: #EEE; }</style>","type":"references"},{"title":"Color name","path":"references/color-names.html","permalink":"","text":"List of the names of colorsBasic color keywords: Color Name Hex rgb black #000000 silver #C0C0C0 gray #808080 white #FFFFFF maroon #800000 red #FF0000 purple #800080 fuchsia #FF00FF green #008000 lime #00FF00 olive #808000 yellow #FFFF00 navy #000080 blue #0000FF teal #008080 aqua #00FFFF Extended color keywords: Color Name Hex rgb aliceblue #F0F8FF antiquewhite #FAEBD7 aqua #00FFFF aquamarine #7FFFD4 azure #F0FFFF be
 ige #F5F5DC bisque #FFE4C4 black #000000 blanchedalmond #FFEBCD blue #0000FF blueviolet #8A2BE2 brown #A52A2A burlywood #DEB887 cadetblue #5F9EA0 chartreuse #7FFF00 chocolate #D2691E coral #FF7F50 cornflowerblue #6495ED cornsilk #FFF8DC crimson #DC143C cyan #00FFFF darkblue #00008B darkcyan #008B8B darkgoldenrod #B8860B darkgray #A9A9A9 darkgreen #006400 darkgrey #A9A9A9 darkkhaki #BDB76B darkmagenta #8B008B darkolivegreen #556B2F darkorange #FF8C00 darkorchid #9932CC darkred #8B0000 darksalmon #E9967A darkseagreen #8FBC8F darkslateblue #483D8B darkslategray #2F4F4F darkslategrey #2F4F4F darkturquoise #00CED1 darkviolet #9400D3 deeppink #FF1493 deepskyblue #00BFFF dimgray #696969 dimgrey #696969 dodgerblue #1E90FF firebrick #B22222 floralwhite #FFFAF0 forestgreen #228B22 fuchsia #FF00FF gainsboro #DCDCDC ghostwhite #F8F8FF gold #FFD700 goldenrod #DAA520 gray #808080 green #008000 greenyellow #ADFF2F grey #808080 honeydew #F0FFF0 hotpink #FF69B4 indianred #CD5C5C indigo #4B0082 ivory
  #FFFFF0 khaki #F0E68C lavender #E6E6FA lavenderblush #FFF0F5 lawngreen #7CFC00 lemonchiffon #FFFACD lightblue #ADD8E6 lightcoral #F08080 lightcyan #E0FFFF lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 lightgray #D3D3D3 lightgreen #90EE90 lightgrey #D3D3D3 lightpink #FFB6C1 lightsalmon #FFA07A lightseagreen #20B2AA lightskyblue #87CEFA lightslategray #778899 lightslategrey #778899 lightsteelblue #B0C4DE lightyellow #FFFFE0 lime #00FF00 limegreen #32CD32 linen #FAF0E6 magenta #FF00FF maroon #800000 mediumaquamarine #66CDAA mediumblue #0000CD mediumorchid #BA55D3 mediumpurple #9370DB mediumseagreen #3CB371 mediumslateblue #7B68EE mediumspringgreen #00FA9A mediumturquoise #48D1CC mediumvioletred #C71585 midnightblue #191970 mintcream #F5FFFA mistyrose #FFE4E1 moccasin #FFE4B5 navajowhite #FFDEAD navy #000080 oldlace #FDF5E6 olive #808000 olivedrab #6B8E23 orange #FFA500 orangered #FF4500 orchid #DA70D6 palegoldenrod #EEE8AA palegreen #98FB98 paleturquoise #AFEEEE palevioletred #DB7093 papayawhip #FFEFD
 5 peachpuff #FFDAB9 peru #CD853F pink #FFC0CB plum #DDA0DD powderblue #B0E0E6 purple #800080 red #FF0000 rosybrown #BC8F8F royalblue #4169E1 saddlebrown #8B4513 salmon #FA8072 sandybrown #F4A460 seagreen #2E8B57 seashell #FFF5EE sienna #A0522D silver #C0C0C0 skyblue #87CEEB slateblue #6A5ACD slategray #708090 slategrey #708090 snow #FFFAFA springgreen #00FF7F steelblue #4682B4 tan #D2B48C teal #008080 thistle #D8BFD8 tomato #FF6347 turquoise #40E0D0 violet #EE82EE wheat #F5DEB3 white #FFFFFF whitesmoke #F5F5F5 yellow #FFFF00 yellowgreen #9ACD32","type":"references"},{"title":"Common Style","path":"references/common-style.html","permalink":"","text":"Common StyleAll of weex tags share some common style rules Box Model Weex box model based on the CSS box model, all of weex elements can be considered as boxes. The term “box model” is used when talking about design and layout. The box model is essentially a box that wraps around ev
 ery HTML element. It consists of margins, borders, paddings, and the actual content. you can use the definition below in weex box model. width: length type, default value 0 height: length type, default value 0 padding: length type, default value 0, (space around content, between element content and the element border) padding-left: length type, default value 0 padding-right: length type, default value 0 padding-top: length type, default value 0 padding-bottom: length type, default value 0 margin: length type, default value 0, (space around elements, outside the border) margin-left: length type, default value 0 margin-right: length type, default value 0 margin-top: length type, default value 0 margin-bottom: length type, default value 0 border border-style: values solid | dashed | dotted, default value solid border-left-style: values solid | dashed | dotted, default value solid border-top-style: values solid | dashed | dotted, default value solid border-right-style: values solid | da
 shed | dotted, default value solid border-bottom-style: values solid | dashed | dotted, default value solid border-width: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-left-width: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-top-width: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-right-width: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-bottom-width: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-color: color type, default value #000000 border-left-color: color type, default value #000000 border-top-color: color type, default value #000000 border-right-color: color type, default value #000000 border-bottom-color: color type, default value #000000 border-radius: length type, default value 0, (rounded borders to elements , default value is 0 meaning right angle ) border-bottom-left-radius: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-bottom-right-radius: length type, non-negative, default value 0 border-top-left-radius: length type, non-negative, default val
 ue 0 border-top-right-radius: length type, non-negative, default value 0 NotesWeex box model uses border-box as the default value of box-sizing, meaning the width and height properties includes content, padding and border, but not the margin. The rule of border-radius for a specific corner such as border-top-left-radius is not currently supported for component <image>in iOS. This only happens to iOS, it works fine on Android. Although overflow:hidden is default on android, a view will not clip its children according to border-radius unless all the following condtions met. This only happens on Android, it works fine on iOS. The view type is div, a, cell, refresh or loading. OS version is Android 4.3 or higher. OS version is not Andorid 7.0 A view does not have background-image property nor OS version is Android 5.0 or higher. Example<template> <div> <image src=\"...\" style=\"width: 400; height: 200; margin-left: 20;\"></image> </div></template&
 gt; FlexboxWeex box style model based on the CSS flexbox, ensures that elements behave predictably and the page layout can accommodates to different screen sizes and different display devices. Flexbox consists of flex containers and flex items. If a weex element can containing other elements, it is a flex container. Notice that the old version of flexbox specification has differences with the new ones, such as whether or not to support wrapping. This is described at w3c’s working drafts, and you should notice the differences among them. Also notice that the old version is only supported below the 4.4 version of android. Flex containerFlexbox is the default and only style model in Weex, so you don’t have to add display: flex; in a container. flex-direction: values row | column, default value column The flex-direction property specifies the direction of the flexible items inside the flex container. Default value is column (top-to-bottom). justify-content: values flex-start | flex-
 end | center | space-between, default value flex-start The justify-content property horizontally aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the main-axis. Default value is flex-start meaning the flex items are positioned at the beginning of the container. flex-end means the items are positioned at the end of the container. center means the items are positioned at the center of the container. space-between means the items are positioned with space between the lines. align-items: values stretch | flex-start | center | flex-end, default value stretch The align-items property vertically aligns the flexible container’s items when the items do not use all available space on the cross-axis. Default value is stretch meaning the items are stretched to fit the container. flex-start means the items are positioned at the top of the container; flex-end means the items are positioned at the bottom of the container; center means items are positioned 
 at the center of the container (vertically). Flex item flex: number type, default value 0 the flex property specifies the length of the flex item, relative to the rest of the flex items inside the same container. If all of the flex items set flex: 1, they will have equal width or height on direction of flex container’s flex-direction. If there are two flex items, with one setting flex: 1, and the other setting flex: 2, the first one will take 1/3 container space, and the second one will take 2/3 container space. If all of flex items don’t set flex, they will be aligned depending on the container’s justify-content property. Examplesa list of images with equal scales align at the vertical axis: <template> <div style=\"width: 300; height: 100;\"> <image src=\"...\" style=\"flex: 1;\"></image> <image src=\"...\" style=\"flex: 1;\"></image> <image src=\"...\" style=\"flex: 1;\"></image> </div></template> a image with fixed
  width aligns with a stretched text: <template> <div style=\"width: 300; height: 100;\"> <image src=\"...\" style=\"width: 100; height: 100;\"></image> <text style=\"flex: 1;\">...</text> </div></template> mixed direction alignment: <template> <div style=\"width: 100;\"> <image src=\"...\" style=\"width: 100; height: 100;\"></image> <div style=\"flex-direction: row;\"> <text style=\"flex: 2; font-size: 32;\">title</text> <text style=\"flex: 1; font-size: 16;\">$100</text> </div> </div></template> one text align left , the other float right: <template><div style=\"flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between;\"> <text>WEEX</text> <text>2016-05-08</text></div></template> Positionwe can use properties below to control placement of weex tag position: values relative | absolute | fixed | sticky, default value relati
 ve relative means the item is positioned relative to its normal position. absolute means the item is positioned relative to its container. fixed keeps the elements position fixed when the page is scrolling. sticky keeps elements positioned inside the viewport as “stuck” at the top or “relative” at its original place depending on whether does it about to scroll out of the view. top: number type, default value 0, upward offset value bottom: number type, default value 0, downward offset value left: number type, default value 0, leftward offset value right: number type, default value 0, rightward offset value Examples<template> <div style=\"flex-direction: column;\"> <div style=\"height: 3000;\"> <image src=\"...\" style=\"top: 50px; left: 50px;\"></image> </div> <div style=\"height: 3000;\"> <image src=\"...\" style=\"position: sticky;\"></image> </div> <div style=\"height: 3000;\"> <image src=\"...\" style=\"
 position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px;\"></image> </div> </div></template> transformThe CSS transform property lets you modify the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model. Using it, elements can be translated, rotated and scaled. Currently supported format: translate( [, ]?) translateX( ) translateY( ) scale( ) scaleX( ) scaleY( ) rotate( ) transform-origin: number/percentage/keyword(top/left/right/bottom) Example<template> <div class=\"wrapper\"> <div class=\"transform\"> <text class=\"title\">Transformed element</text> </div> </div></template><style> .transform { align-items: center; transform: translate(150px,200px) rotate(20deg); transform-origin: 0 -250px; border-color:red; border-width:2px; } .title {font-size: 48px;}</style> Pseudo class v0.9.5+Weex support four pseudo-classes: active, focus, disabled, enabled All components support active, but only the i
 nput component and the textarea component support focus, enabled, diabled. Rule the high priority override low priority when rules take effect at the same time such as: “input:active:enabled” will override “input:active” the interconnection rule as follow Example<template> <div class=\"wrapper\"> <image :src=\"logoUrl\" class=\"logo\"></image> </div></template><style scoped> .wrapper { align-items: center; margin-top: 120px; } .title { font-size: 48px; } .logo { width: 360px; height: 82px; background-color: red; } .logo:active { width: 180px; height: 82px; background-color: green; }</style><script> export default { props: { logoUrl: { default: '' }, target: { default: 'World' } }, methods: { update (e) { = 'Weex'; } } };</script> Try it linear-gradien
 t v0.10+Weex support linear-gradient background, You can see W3C description of the gradient. Supported componentsAll components in Weex support gradients UsageYou can use linear gradient by background-image property. background-image: linear-gradient(to top,#a80077,#66ff00); radial-gradient is not currently supported, do not use it. Weex currently supports two color gradients. The direction of the gradient is as follows: to rightFrom left to right to leftFrom right to left to bottomFrom top to bottom to topFrom bottom to top to bottom rightFrom the upper left corner to the lower right corner to top leftFrom the lower right corner to the upper left corner Note background-image and background-color are set at the same time, background-image precedes background-color. Do not use shorthand property such as background. Example<template> <scroller style=\"background-color: #3a3a3a\"> <div class=\"container1\" style=\"background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#a80077,#66ff0
 0);\"> <text class=\"direction\">to right</text> </div> <div class=\"container1\" style=\"background-image:linear-gradient(to left,#a80077,#66ff00);\"> <text class=\"direction\">to left</text> </div> <div class=\"container1\" style=\"background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom,#a80077,#66ff00);\"> <text class=\"direction\">to bottom</text> </div> <div class=\"container1\" style=\"background-image:linear-gradient(to top,#a80077,#66ff00);\"> <text class=\"direction\">to top</text> </div> <div style=\"flex-direction: row;align-items: center;justify-content: center\"> <div class=\"container2\" style=\"background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#a80077,#66ff00);\"> <text class=\"direction\">to bottom right</text> </div> <div class=\"container2\" style=\"background-image:linear-gradient(to top left,#a80077,#66ff00);\"> <text class=\"direction\">to top
  left</text> </div> </div> </scroller></template><style> .container1 { margin: 10px; width: 730px; height: 200px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border: solid; border-radius: 10px; } .container2 { margin: 10px; width: 300px; height: 300px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border: solid; border-radius: 10px; } .direction { font-size: 40px; color: white; }</style> box-shadow v0.11+Weex supports box-shadow in iOS: inset,offset-x,offset-y, blur-radius,color Note box-shadow takes effect in iOS Example<template> <div class=\"wrapper\"> <div style=\"width:400px; height:60px;background-color: #FFE4C4; box-shadow:20px 10px rgb(255, 69, 0);\"> <text class=\"title\" style=\"text-align: center\">Hello {{target}}</text> </div> <div style=\"margin-top: 80px;width:400px; height:60px;background-color: #FFE4C4; box-shadow: 20px 10px 5px rgba
 (255, 69, 0, 0.8);\"> <text class=\"title\" style=\"text-align: center\">Hello {{target}}</text> </div> <div style=\"margin-top: 80px;width:400px; height:60px;background-color: #FFE4C4; box-shadow:inset 20px 10px 5px rgba(255, 69, 0, 0.8);\"> <text class=\"title\" style=\"text-align: center\">Hello {{target}}</text> </div> <div style=\"margin-top: 80px;width:400px; height:60px;background-color: #FFE4C4; box-shadow:inset 20px 10px 5px rgb(255, 69, 0);\"> <text class=\"title\" style=\"text-align: center\">Hello {{target}}</text> </div> <div style=\"margin-top: 80px;width:400px; height:60px;background-color: #FFE4C4; box-shadow:20px 10px 5px black;\"> <text class=\"title\" style=\"text-align: center\">Hello {{target}}</text> </div> <div style=\"margin-top: 80px;width:400px; height:60px;background-color: #FFE4C4; 
 box-shadow:20px 10px 5px #008B00;\"> <text class=\"title\" style=\"text-align: center\">Hello {{target}}</text> </div> </div></template><style scoped> .wrapper {align-items: center; margin-top: 120px;} .title {font-size: 48px;}</style><script> module.exports = { data: function () { return { logoUrl: '', target: 'World' }; } };</script> Other Common Style opacity background-color Type of Style Value length type number type color type (The list of color keywords.) enumerated type Simple StepThese up-to-down steps may help you to plan the whole style of weex pages. overall style: divide the whole page to different parts flex alignment: align boxes in every part of page position box: place box, set offset element specific style: set styles for certain element if needed","type":"references"},{"title":"downgr
 ade","path":"references/downgrade.html","permalink":"","text":"downgradeWeex 2.0 downgrade change to module,please refer to downgrade","type":"references"},{"title":"Gesture","path":"references/gesture.html","permalink":"","text":"Gesture Experiment Feature Weex encapsulates native touch events to provide a gesture system. Using gesture is similar to use event in Weex. Just set on attributes on a node to listen to gesture. TypeFor now, there are four types of gestures: Touch. Touch gesture is fired when a touch point is placed, moved or removed from the touch surface. Touch gesture is accuracy as it will report every trivial event. As a result, listening to touch gesture may be slow, a great deal of events needs to be processed even a small move happened. There are three types of Touch gesture: touchstart will be fired when a touch point is placed on the touch surface. touchmove will be
  fired when a touch point is moved along the touch surface. touchend will be fired when a touch point is removed from the touch surface. Pan. Pan gesture also report motion of touch point on the touch surface, which is similar to touch gesture. But Pan gesture is sampled and faster than the touch event. As consequence, it is less accuracy than touch gesture. There are also three types of Pan gesture, and the meaning of these types is very close to types of Touch. panstart panmove panend Horizontal/Vertical Pan v0.10+ . Mainly used for cell swipe gestures before conflict resolving system is completed. start/move/end state of the gesture will be passed by state property. Note: These gestures are in conflict with click event on Android currently. horizontalpan verticalpan Swipe. Swipe is fired when user swipe a touch point on the screen. A serial of motion will only trigger one Swipe gesture. LongPress. LongPress is fired when a touch point is held for 500 ms or more. The Touch gesture
  and Pan is very close to each other, with following features hold: Touch. Not sampled, accuracy, but slow. Pan. Sampled, fast, less accuracy. Users may choose their gesture according to their situation. PropertiesThe following properties can be used in gesture callback: direction. Only exists for Swipe gesture. Indicate the direcion of the swipe, choose from up, left, bottom, right. changedTouches. An array of motion for every touch pointer that has contribute to the current gesture. changedToucheschangedTouches is an array, with the following properties in its children: identifier. A unique identifier for a touch pointer. pageX. The X coordinate of the touch pointer relative to the left edge of the document. pageY. The Y coordinate of the touch pointer relative to the top of the document. screenX. The X coordinate of the touch point relative to the left edge of the screen. screenY. The Y coordinate of the touch point relative to the top edge of the screen. ConstrainCurrently, Weex
  Android do not support listening to gesture on scroller, list and webview, as it would lead a large amount of event conflicting.","type":"references"},{"title":"HTML5 APIs","path":"references/html5-apis.html","permalink":"","text":"HTML5 APIsVue APIs","type":"references"},{"title":"iOS APIs","path":"references/ios-apis.html","permalink":"","text":"iOS APIsHandler(like Android Adapter) WXImgLoaderDefaultImpl Image load handler. Weex need to implement this interface to download the picture. The interface is defined as follows: @protocol WXImgLoaderProtocol <WXModuleProtocol>/** * @abstract Creates a image download handler with a given URL * * @param imageUrl The URL of the image to download * * @param imageFrame The frame of the image you want to set * * @param options : The options to be used for this download * * @param completedBlock : A block called once the download is complet
 ed. * image : the image which has been download to local. * error : the error which has happened in download. * finished : a Boolean value indicating whether download action has finished. */- (id<WXImageOperationProtocol>)downloadImageWithURL:(NSString *)url imageFrame:(CGRect)imageFrame userInfo:(NSDictionary *)options completed:(void(^)(UIImage *image, NSError *error, BOOL finished))completedBlock;@end Native interacts with JavaScript Custom events Used for a custom control for event notifications, such as custom click events, response drop events, and so on. This is a method in the component base class that can be used directly. /** * @abstract Fire an event to the component and tell Javascript which value has been changed. * @param eventName * @param params * @param domChanges **/- (void)fireEvent:(NSString *)eventName params:(NSDictionary *)params domChanges:(NSDictionary *)domChanges Event callback Used for Module callback. There are two types of callback: WXModuleCallba
 ck: For performance reasons, the callback can only callback js once, and then will be released. WXModuleKeepAliveCallback: This callback can be set to multiple callbacks, multiple callbacks of the scene such as continually listen scrolls event and return to js. @implementation WXEchoModule@synthesize weexInstance;WX_EXPORT_METHOD(@selector(echo:))- (void)echo:(NSString *)param callback:(WXModuleKeepAliveCallback)callback{ callback(param,ture);} Set size of the Weex containerYou can use the setFrame(CGRect) method to change the size of the Weex container. DowngradeWeex in the development stage will add some new features and new methods, but these new features and functions must be upgraded to achieve the SDK, for the application should not be upgraded how to deal with it? You can use the downgrade feature. Native can be handled by the onFailed method in interface WXSDKInstance, and if it is an active demoulding error domain is TemplateErrorType, and the Native side can jump
  to the corresponding H5 page. Or otherwise prompted the user’s current environment does not support Weex.","type":"references"},{"title":"JS Framework APIs","path":"references/jsfm-apis.html","permalink":"","text":"JS Framework APIsBroadcastChannel v0.9+BroadcastChannel API is the solution for inter-instance communication. Reference BroadcastChannel specification. MessageEvent specification API postMessage(message): Sends the given message to other BroadcastChannel objects set up for this channel. close: Closes the BroadcastChannel object, opening it up to garbage collection. onmessage: Event handler, the event will be triggered when the instance receive a message. Usageconst Stack = new BroadcastChannel('Avengers')Stack.onmessage = function (event) { console.log( // in this case, it's \"Hulk Smash !!!\"}// in another instanceconst Hulk = new BroadcastChannel('Avengers')Hulk.postMessage(\"Hulk Smash !!!\") Run 
 the code above, Stack can receive the message from Hulk. NoticeOne thing should be noticed: The message object is not deep cloned. See the demo below: const a = new BroadcastChannel('app')const b = new BroadcastChannel('app')const message = { lists: ['A', 'B']}a.onmessage = function (event) { // in this case, is a reference of message console.assert( === message)}b.postMessage(message) In this case, is strict equal to message. Compared to the deep clone, this behavior improves efficiency and reduces memory cost. However, developers are not recommended to cache or modify the event object when they are using it (All type of event handlers should have this restriction).","type":"references"},{"title":"Native DOM APIs","path":"references/native-dom-api.html","permalink":"","text":"Native DOM APIsWeex in the JS engine, for each page provides a set of Native DOM APIs. This interface i
 s very close to the HTML DOM APIs. Using this interface we can control native rendering logic via JavaScript. And Weex upper layer of Vue 2.0 is based on this interface to adapt. In most cases, the JS framework will encapsulate native DOM APIs. That way, the developer does not need to work directly on the Native DOM. Document class: full page document. Node class: the base class of nodes. Element class: element node, inherited from Node, single view unit. Comment class: comment node, inherited from Node, no practical meaning, usually used as placeholders. Each Weex page has a weex.document object, which is an instance of the Document class and is the starting point for all the following interface calls. Let’s take a look at their usage in detail: Document classEach Document instance will automatically have a documentElement property when it is created. This attribute represents the document node. The document node can have a body, which is the main node of the document. Note: The 
 document node body only accepts <div>, <list>, or <scroller> three types of element nodes. Constructornew Document(id: string, url: string?) Member methodcreateElement(tagName: string, props: Object?): Element Creates an Element instance of a specific type tagName, which is an element node. Props can contain attr objects and style objects. Such as createBody ('div', {style: {backgroundColor: '#ffffff'}}). createComment(text: string): Comment Create an instance of ·Comment, which is a comment node and set a text description. createBody(tagName: string, props: Object?): Element Create a document body node and automatically mount it under documentElement. fireEvent(el: Element, type: string, e: Object?, domChanges: Object?)Triggers a particular type of event. When the event modifies the DOM’s properties or styles during the generation process, the fourth argument is used to describe the changes, and the parameter format is the same as the format of 
 the createElement method above. destroy() Destroy the current document. Once the document is destroyed, it will no longer work. Read-only member variablesid: string Each Document instance has a unique id. This is also the only id that each Weex page has. URL: string? If the current Weex page has a JS bundle URL, the URL will be returned here. body: Element The main body of the document, the concept similar to the HTML DOM document.body. documentElement: Element Document node, the concept similar to the HTML DOM document.documentElement. The relationship between body and documentElement is: documentElement is the parent of the body. getRef(id): Node Get the node based on the node id. Node ClassConstructornew Node() Member methoddestroy() Read-only member variables or methodsref: string Each Node instance has its own unique ref value in the entire `Document instance. nextSibling: Node? previousSibling: Node? parentNode: Node? The three interfaces are consistent with the definition of 
 HTML DOM. children: Node[] The node has an array of all child nodes. pureChildren: Node[] The node has an array of all the child elements. The difference between it and children is that pureChildren contains only the Element instance and not the Comment instance. Element class, inherited from NodeConstructornew Element(type: string, props: Object?) Creates an element node of a particular type type, and the props parameter can contain an attr object or a style object. DOM tree operationappendChild(node: Node)insertBefore(node: Node, before: Node?) The two interfaces are similar to HTML DOM. insertAfter(node: Node, after: Node?) Insert a new node before a child node. removeChild(node: Node, preserved: boolean?) Delete the child node node. Parameters preserved whether it is immediately removed from memory or temporarily retained. clear() Clear all child nodes. The DOM property itself operatessetAttr(key: string, value: string, silent: boolean?) setStyle(key: string, value: string, sile
 nt: boolean?) In the above two interfaces, when silent is true, the node only updates itself, does not pass the command to the client render layer. This parameter is used to handle user events that have changed the node-related properties at the time of occurrence, and will not send commands repeatedly to the client after the Native DOM has changed. addEvent(type: string, handler: Function) removeEvent(type: string) fireEvent(type: string, e: any) Bind events, unbind events, trigger events. Component method for a specific component typeSpecial: Different component types can have their own unique methods, such as <web> components support refresh method. You can see the description of each component. In this case, we will generate a specific component type of class, such as WebElement, which inherited from Element. Such as: WebElement inherited from ElementIndicates that a webview is embedded in the Wex page Refresh (): Refreshes the current webview Read-only member variables or
  methodsref, nextSibling, previousSibling, parentNode Inherited from Node. nodeType: number The number is always 1. type: string Consistent with the type in the constructor. attr: Object The key pair of all the characteristics of the current node. It is recommended to use the setAttr () method to modify, rather than directly modify the object here. style: Object The value of all the keys of the current node. It is recommended to modify the setStyle () method, rather than directly modify the object here. event: Object All events of the current node are bound. Each event type corresponds to an event handler method. It is recommended to use the addEvent () / removeEvent () method to modify, rather than directly modify the object here. toJSON(): Object Returns a JSON object that describes the element’s node, such as: {ref: string, type: string, attr: Object, style: Object, event: Array (string), children: Array}. Comment class, inherited from NodeConstructornew Comment(value: string) 
 Read-only member variables or methodsref, nextSibling, previousSibling, parentNode Inherited from Node. nodeType: number The number is always 8. type: string The type is always 'comment' value: string Consistent with the value in the constructor. toJSON(): Object Returns a JSON object describing the annotation node. For example: <! - value ->.","type":"references"},{"title":"Path","path":"references/path.html","permalink":"","text":"Path0.9 This article will cover uri (url) usage in Weex. Including using image/typeface resources, deal with relative uri and how to access local and packaged asset files. Schemes LocalWeex SDK provide local scheme to access resources packaged with application, and of cource, it’s not working in the HTML5 runtime.Currently, developers can use this scheme with image and text’s font file location. In iOS, it’s always locate file in ‘bundle resources’. For example, a image component with lo
 cal:///app_icon will load image file named ‘app_icon’ in bundle resouce, and font file work in the same way. In Android, image component will load from ‘drawable’ resource folder like ‘res/drawable-xxx’. But load font file is different, android framework can not load font file from ‘res’, so SDK will load it from asserts folder. HTTP/HTTPSIt’s working in the same way as in web, Weex support these at very beginning. FileUse file scheme to access local disk file. This scheme has its limitations: You would not hard coded a file url in source page. Because not matter it’s running in different platform(iOS, Android) or not, the content will be totally different in another device, which is depend to the specific device.So one possible case is getting the file url in runtime dynamically, which you can use it to diaplay a local disk image, or maybe upload it later. Relative URILike we do in HTML, weex process ‘relative URI’ in the same way. The relative URI, which st
 art with /,.,..,//, will resolve by the bunle url.Means URL start with / will resolve to the root folder as bundle js file, . and .. will resolve to current and parent folder, and // will resolve to same scheme bundle js have. URI AdapterAll the above is the default implementation, developers can extend or override these their own by providing a ‘URI Adapter’. Same as the other adapters, Custom adapter should be set before Weex SDK is initializing.","type":"references"},{"title":"Platform Differences Between Weex and Web","path":"references/platfrom-difference.html","permalink":"","text":"Platform Differences Between Weex and WebWork in progresss.","type":"references"},{"title":"Text Style","path":"references/text-style.html","permalink":"","text":"Text StyleText alike components share some common style rules. The text alike components currently includes text and input. P
 roperties color: <colors> this property set the foreground color of an component’s text content. font-size: <length> this property specifies the size of the font. font-style: <enum> normal | italic. This property lets you select italic or normal faces within a font-family. Default value is normal. font-weightv0.9+: values: normal, bold, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 normal is equal to 400, bold equel to 700 default value: normal apply to: <text>, <input> ios support showing 9 kind of font-weight. android support showing 2 kind of font-weight:400,700, other value will map to 400 or 700 Some standard values like lighter, bolder, number unit are not supported. The effect not apply to all elements, just <text> and <input>. In another way, it’s not inherited. text-decoration: <enum> none | underline | line-through. This property is used to set the text formatting to underline or line-through. The default value is none. tex
 t-align: <enum> left | center | right. This property describes how inline content like text is aligned in its parent component. The default value is left. font-family:<string> this property set the font-family of the text. This property doesn’t guarantee the given font will always be set to the text. If the specified font cannot be found at the device, a typeface fallback will occur and the default typeface will be load. The fallback mechanism may vary in different devices. text-overflow:<string> clip | ellipsis. This property determines how overflowed content that is not displayed is signaled to users. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis. The property color support multiple fomats of values, contains rgb, rgba, #fff, #ffffff, named-color. Example: .my-class { color: red; }.my-class { color: #f00; }.my-class { color: #ff0000; }.my-class { color: rgb(255, 0, 0); }.my-class { color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); } Type o
 f Style Value length: number followed by length unit px, px can be omitted. colors: support multiple formats of values, including rgb (rgb(255, 0, 0)), rgba (rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)), hexadecimal (#ff0000), short hexadecimal (#f00), named color (red). enumerated values: a limited number of string values. Note: The list of color keywords.","type":"references"},{"title":"CSS unit","path":"references/unit.html","permalink":"","text":"CSS unitWork in progresss.","type":"references"},{"title":"Weex Variable","path":"references/weex-variable.html","permalink":"","text":"Weex instance variableEach Weex page has a separate weex variable, which exists in the JS context. They hold a single instance or method of the current Weex page. weex.config This variable contains all the environment information for the current Weex page, including not only: BundleUrl: string: The URL of the JS bundle. Env: Objec
 t: environment object. WeexVersion: string: Weex sdk version. AppName: string: application name. AppVersion: string: app version. Platform: string: platform information, that is iOS, Android or Web. osName: string: OS name information, that is iOS, Android. OsVersion: string: system version. DeviceModel: string: device model (native application only). DeviceWidth: number: device width DeviceHeight: number: device height. In Weex, the default width of viewport is 750px, thus you can obtain the height of screen by height = 750/deviceWidth*deviceHeight if the width of viewport remains its default value. weex.requireModule(module: string): Object Get all the methods of a native module, such as: <template> <div><text>Hello World</text></div> </template> <script> var modal = weex.requireModule('modal') modal.toast({ message: 'I am a toast.', duration: 3 }) </script> weex.document: Document Returns the document object of the current Weex page
 .","type":"references"},{"title":"Web standards","path":"references/web-standards.html","permalink":"","text":"Web standardsHTMLrefs: 2016-12-11 Overview percentage name supported 98.1% <head> - 97.9% <body> - 97.9% <html> - 97% <title> - 93.9% <meta> - 89.9% <div> ✓ 89.6% <a> ✓ 88.5% <script> ✓ 86.5% <link> - 86.3% <img> ✓ 81.5% <p> - (can be customized) 75.6% <span> - (can be customized) 73.8% <li> - (can be customized) 73.7% <ul> - (can be customized) 70.3% <br> ✕ 60.4% <style> ✓ 55.8% <h1> - (can be customized) 52.7% <h2> - (can be customized) 48.4% <input> ✓ 46.9% <form> ✕ 44.3% <strong> - (can be customized) 43.1% <h3> - (can be customized) 30.9% <table> ✕ 30.3% <tr> ✕ 30.2% <td> ✕ Forms percentage name supported 49
 .5% <option> ✕ 30.2% <input> ✓ 16.6% > [type="hidden"] - 8% > [type="text"] ✓ 4.2% > [type="submit"] - 2% > [type="checkbox"] - (<switch>) 1.2% > [type="email"] ✓ 1.1% > [type="radio"] ✕ 0.9% > [type="image"] - 0.8% > [type="button"] - 0.6% > [type="search"] ✕ 0.6% > [type="password"] ✓ 0.1% > [type="tel"] ✓ 0.1% > [type="number"] ✓ 0% > [type="reset"] - 0% > [type="file"] ✕ 0% > [type="date"] ✓ 0% > [type="url"] ✓ 0% > [type="range"] ✕ 0% > [type="color"] ✕ 0% > [type="time"] ✓ 0% > [type="datetime-local"] ✕ 7.2% <label> - 6.1% <form> - 3.7% <button> - (can be customized) 2.6% > [type="button"] - 1.3% > [type="submit"] - 0% > [type
 ="reset"] - 1.9% <select> ✕ 0.7% <textarea> ✓ 0.5% <fieldset> - 0.1% <optgroup> ✕ 0.1% <legend> - 0% <progress> ✕ 0% <datalist> - 0% <output> - 0% <meter> - CSS Propertiesrefs: 2016-12-11 percentage name supported 90.5115% display ✕ flex only 89.8243% margin ✓ (not support combo) 88.7012% width ✓ 88.6468% overflow ✓ iOS only, hidden only for Android 88.6432% background-color ✓ 88.0803% height ✓ 87.7648% font-size ✓ 87.3837% padding ✓ 87.2721% color ✓ 86.9788% text-align ✓ 86.6841% position ✓ relative by default, static not supported 86.6039% font-family ✓ 86.5943% font-weight ✓ 85.0072% opacity ✓ 80.6911% max-width ✕ 79.4476% box-sizing ✕ border-box only 75.7623% max-height ✕ 74.9939% webkit-user-select ✕ 57.0292% align-items ✓ 56.8182% justify-content ✓ space-around not supported well in browser 50.5941% flex-directi
 on ✓ 48.5052% border ✓ 47.5161% top ✓ 46.9136% background ✕ 46.1552% cursor ✕ 46.1443% margin-left ✓ 46.0956% left ✓ 46.0848% text-decoration ✓ 45.9575% float ✕ 45.8391% border-bottom ✓ 45.7639% padding-left ✓ 45.7128% margin-top ✓ 45.7013% line-height ✓ 45.5836% background-image ✕ 45.0837% z-index ✕ 45.0649% right ✓ 45.0516% margin-bottom ✓ 45.0459% white-space ✕ 44.8710% margin-right ✓ 44.8476% vertical-align ✕ 44.6306% padding-top ✓ 44.1466% border-radius ✓ 44.0136% border-top ✓ 43.9815% padding-bottom ✓ 43.9392% padding-right ✓ 43.8539% visibility ✕ 43.4306% background-position ✕ 43.4098% background-repeat ✕ 43.0391% clear ✕ 42.9100% bottom ✓ 42.2092% content ✕ 42.0690% box-shadow ✕ 41.9004% border-color ✓ 41.7341% outline ✕ 41.4297% border-right ✓ 41.2605% border-left ✓ 41.1127% min-height ✕ 41.0736% font-style ✓ 41.0523% min-width ✕ 40.4298% list-style ✕ 39.7341% font ✕ 38.8999% background-size �
 �� 38.7811% border-width ✓ 38.7718% border-collapse ✕ 37.8110% border-style ✓ 37.4962% text-overflow ✓ must work with lines 37.3471% text-transform ✕ 37.2154% transition ✕ 36.5155% overflow-y ✕ 36.3025% transform ✕ 36.2488% text-indent ✕ 35.5075% text-shadow ✕ 34.7607% webkit-appearance ✕ 34.1925% list-style-type ✕ 34.0238% border-spacing ✕ 33.6664% word-wrap ✕ 31.9961% overflow-x ✕ 31.9922% zoom ✕ 31.2495% border-bottom-left-radius ✕ 31.1306% pointer-events ✕ 31.1229% border-top-left-radius ✕ 30.2131% border-bottom-color ✓ 29.9608% border-top-color ✓ 29.4297% border-bottom-right-radius ✕ 29.2668% border-top-right-radius ✕ 28.6489% letter-spacing ✕ 27.8327% animation ✕ 26.6738% border-right-width ✓ 26.0169% src ✕ 25.2661% clip ✕ 25.2512% webkit-font-smoothing ✕ 25.1971% border-bottom-width ✓ 25.0246% border-right-color ✓ 24.7790% direction ✕ 24.4094% webkit-tap-highlight-color ✕ 23.9751% border-left-color ✓ 23.9321%
  border-top-width ✓ 23.7902% fill ✕ 23.2617% border-left-width ✓ 22.7278% table-layout ✕ 21.5766% word-break ✕ 20.4319% background-clip ✕ 19.3198% transform-origin ✕ 18.9233% filter ✕ 17.7879% resize ✕ 16.2501% flex ✕ 15.1656% font-variant ✕ 14.9181% text-rendering ✕ 14.7125% webkit-filter ✕ 14.5263% transition-duration ✕ 14.3966% transition-property ✕ 14.2124% webkit-box-orient ✕ 13.5432% outline-offset ✕ 12.9300% transition-timing-function ✕ 12.2788% unicode-range ✕ 12.0880% word-spacing ✕ 11.9124% quotes ✕ 11.6800% border-bottom-style ✓ 11.4263% webkit-background-clip ✕ 11.0070% flex-grow ✕ 10.5925% backface-visibility ✕ 10.4417% animation-name ✕ 10.4302% stroke ✕ 10.4144% animation-duration ✕ 10.2804% touch-action ✕ 9.9663% list-style-position ✕ 9.8662% order ✕ 9.7770% outline-width ✕ 9.7504% transition-delay ✕ 9.4689% border-top-style ✓ 9.3474% webkit-box-pack ✕ 9.3078% webkit-box-align ✕ 9.2375% page-break
 -inside ✕ 9.1898% webkit-line-clamp ✕ 8.9350% list-style-image ✕ 8.8339% page-break-after ✕ 8.5735% speak ✕ 8.4754% unicode-bidi ✕ 8.4307% animation-timing-function ✕ 8.1464% webkit-box-flex ✕ 8.0048% orphans ✕ 7.9947% widows ✕ 7.6671% flex-wrap ✓ not supported well in browser 7.5756% animation-fill-mode ✕ 7.4163% animation-delay ✕ 7.3284% border-left-style ✓ 7.1586% outline-color ✕ 6.9102% flex-shrink ✕ 6.7754% perspective ✕ 6.7748% border-right-style ✓ 6.4619% outline-style ✕ 6.0382% animation-iteration-count ✕ 5.9838% background-origin ✕ 5.9714% fill-opacity ✕ 5.9357% will-change ✕ 5.3740% stroke-width ✕ 5.3172% transform-style ✕ 5.2608% overflow-wrap ✕ 5.1730% background-attachment ✕ 4.9039% counter-increment ✕ 4.5950% counter-reset ✕ 4.5031% align-self ✕ 4.4109% webkit-box-ordinal-group ✕ 4.4046% webkit-animation-direction ✕ 3.7598% background-position-x ✕ 3.6867% border-image ✕ 3.6601% background-position-y �
 � 3.5749% webkit-user-drag ✕ 3.3376% flex-basis ✕ 3.1840% align-content ✕ 3.1832% flex-flow ✕ 3.1774% image-rendering ✕ 3.0879% webkit-margin-start ✕ 2.9551% font-stretch ✕ 2.8934% empty-cells ✕ 2.7619% webkit-margin-after ✕ 2.7220% perspective-origin ✕ 2.6125% webkit-margin-end ✕ 2.6089% column-count ✕ 2.5880% webkit-text-fill-color ✕ 2.5466% webkit-box-direction ✕ 2.4618% font-feature-settings ✕ 2.3959% webkit-mask-image ✕ 2.3431% webkit-padding-end ✕ 2.2555% stroke-dasharray ✕ 2.1788% user-select ✕ 2.1679% object-fit ✕ 2.0643% column-gap ✕ 2.0459% text-size-adjust ✕ 2.0253% caption-side ✕ 1.9695% stroke-dashoffset ✕ 1.7923% stroke-linecap ✕ 1.7861% animation-direction ✕ 1.7559% webkit-font-feature-settings ✕ 1.7404% stroke-opacity ✕ 1.5926% stroke-miterlimit ✕ 1.5786% fill-rule ✕ 1.4859% webkit-user-modify ✕ 1.3439% webkit-border-image ✕ 1.3091% animation-play-state ✕ 1.2676% contain ✕ 1.2029% webkit-padding-star
 t ✕ 1.1840% webkit-margin-before ✕ 1.1269% page-break-before ✕ 1.1222% webkit-margin-top-collapse ✕ 1.0418% columns ✕ 1.0354% webkit-mask-size ✕ 0.9650% border-image-slice ✕ 0.9425% stop-color ✕ 0.9408% webkit-mask-repeat ✕ 0.9125% webkit-box-lines ✕ 0.8804% webkit-column-break-inside ✕ 0.8752% size ✕ 0.8334% font-kerning ✕ 0.8034% stroke-linejoin ✕ 0.7869% tab-size ✕ 0.7689% break-inside ✕ 0.7589% webkit-text-stroke-width ✕ 0.7353% column-width ✕ 0.6924% webkit-mask-position ✕ 0.6869% border-image-width ✕ 0.6323% border-image-repeat ✕ 0.5994% border-image-outset ✕ 0.5885% all ✕ 0.5859% webkit-text-stroke-color ✕ 0.5435% webkit-print-color-adjust ✕ 0.5420% webkit-text-stroke ✕ 0.5195% writing-mode ✕ 0.4741% clip-rule ✕ 0.4685% webkit-clip-path ✕ 0.4578% text-anchor ✕ 0.4535% shape-rendering ✕ 0.4526% webkit-column-break-before ✕ 0.4494% clip-path ✕ 0.4452% webkit-mask ✕ 0.4393% mix-blend-mode ✕ 0.4166% text-align-
 last ✕ 0.4033% column-rule ✕ 0.3990% webkit-mask-box-image ✕ 0.3989% font-variant-ligatures ✕ 0.3881% column-fill ✕ 0.3865% webkit-line-break ✕ 0.3857% border-image-source ✕ 0.3528% stop-opacity ✕ 0.3075% webkit-perspective-origin-y ✕ 0.3054% webkit-perspective-origin-x ✕ 0.2994% webkit-writing-mode ✕ 0.2717% dominant-baseline ✕ 0.2634% column-rule-color ✕ 0.2586% webkit-box-decoration-break ✕ 0.2467% webkit-text-security ✕ 0.2374% webkit-background-origin ✕ 0.2146% font-variant-caps ✕ 0.2005% column-rule-style ✕ 0.1976% shape-outside ✕ 0.1971% webkit-padding-before ✕ 0.1896% break-after ✕ 0.1782% webkit-padding-after ✕ 0.1774% text-orientation ✕ 0.1747% webkit-text-orientation ✕ 0.1655% mask ✕ 0.1626% alignment-baseline ✕ 0.1572% page ✕ 0.1530% webkit-column-break-after ✕ 0.1521% webkit-box-reflect ✕ 0.1504% webkit-text-emphasis-color ✕ 0.1499% object-position ✕ 0.1470% break-before ✕ 0.1455% webkit-margin-collapse ✕
  0.1452% baseline-shift ✕ 0.1451% hyphens ✕ 0.1309% rx ✕ 0.1304% ry ✕ 0.1256% background-blend-mode ✕ 0.1136% font-variant-numeric ✕ 0.1135% background-repeat-x ✕ 0.1123% background-repeat-y ✕ 0.1086% webkit-text-emphasis ✕ 0.1058% webkit-rtl-ordering ✕ 0.1040% column-rule-width ✕ 0.1036% isolation ✕ 0.1002% webkit-highlight ✕ 0.0843% webkit-transform-origin-y ✕ 0.0786% webkit-transform-origin-x ✕ 0.0770% webkit-app-region ✕ 0.0685% column-span ✕ 0.0653% r ✕ 0.0611% y ✕ 0.0602% x ✕ 0.0555% webkit-border-vertical-spacing ✕ 0.0545% webkit-border-horizontal-spacing ✕ 0.0542% webkit-border-start-width ✕ 0.0450% webkit-border-start-color ✕ 0.0424% webkit-border-after-width ✕ 0.0424% webkit-border-before-width ✕ 0.0423% webkit-border-end-width ✕ 0.0351% marker ✕ 0.0349% webkit-border-end-color ✕ 0.0347% webkit-border-after-color ✕ 0.0347% webkit-border-before-color ✕ 0.0342% mask-type ✕ 0.0328% color-interpolation-filters ✕
  0.0325% webkit-border-end ✕ 0.0319% vector-effect ✕ 0.0307% color-rendering ✕ CSS Units and Valuesrefs: 2016-12-11 Textual pre-defined keywords CSS-wide keywords initial inherit unset <custom-ident>: author-defined identifiers ✓ <string>: quoted strings ("xxx") <url>: resourec locators (url()) Numeric <integer> ✓ <number> ✓ <percentage> Length <length> relative font-relative em ex ch ic rem ✓🔧 viewport-percentage vw ✓🔧 vh ✓🔧 vi vb vmin ✓🔧 vmax ✓🔧 absolute cm ✓🔧 mm ✓🔧 Q ✓🔧 in ✓🔧 pc ✓🔧 pt ✓🔧 px autofixed to number Quantities <angle> deg grad rad turn <time> s ms <frequency> Hz kHz <resolution> dpi dpcm dppx Elsewhere <color> ✓ <image> <position> Functional calc() toggle() attr() JS APIsrefs: 2016-12-11 Completed WorkStandards last update spec support
 ed 2016-11-17 Media Source Extensions™ - (media related) 2016-11-08 Geolocation API Specification 2nd Edition ✕ developing 2016-10-27 Pointer Lock - 2016-10-18 Vibration API (Second Edition) ✕ 2016-04-19 Web Storage (Second Edition) ✓ async storage module 2015-10-22 Web Notifications ✕ 2015-05-19 HTML5 Web Messaging ✕ BroadcastChannel developing 2015-02-24 Pointer Events - 2015-02-10 Vibration API ✕ 2015-02-03 Server-Sent Events ✕ 2015-01-08 Indexed Database API ✕ 2014-03-13 Metadata API for Media Resources 1.0 - (media related) 2014-02-11 Progress Events ✕ 2014-01-16 JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API - 2013-12-12 Performance Timeline - (perf related) 2013-12-12 User Timing - (perf related) 2013-10-31 Widget Interface - 2013-10-29 Page Visibility (Second Edition) ✕ onviewappear/onviewdisappear 2013-10-10 Touch Events ✕ 2013-02-21 Selectors API Level 1 - 2012-12-17 Navigation Timing - (perf related) 2012-12-17 High Resolution Time - (perf related) 2008
 -12-22 Element Traversal Specification - DraftsProposed Recommendations last update spec supported 2016-09-15 WebIDL Level 1 - Candidate Recommendations last update spec supported 2016-12-08 Performance Timeline Level 2 - (perf related) 2016-11-22 Page Visibility Level 2 ✕ onviewappear/onviewdisappear 2016-11-01 High Resolution Time Level 2 - (perf related) 2016-08-18 DeviceOrientation Event Specification ✕ 2016-07-21 Resource Timing Level 1 - (perf related) 2016-07-14 Presentation API - 2016-07-07 Battery Status API ✕ 2016-07-05 Encrypted Media Extensions - 2016-05-19 Media Capture and Streams - (media related) 2014-12-11 Web Cryptography API - 2014-09-09 HTML Media Capture - (media related) 2012-09-20 The WebSocket API ✕ Last Call Drafts last update spec supported 2011-12-01 Geolocation API Specification Level 2 ✕ Other Working Drafts last update spec supported 2016-12-09 MediaStream Image Capture - (media related) 2016-12-06 MediaStream Recording - (media related) 2016-
 12-06 Selection API ✕ 2016-12-05 Input Events ✕ 2016-12-02 Gamepad - 2016-11-29 WebDriver - 2016-11-24 WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browsers ✕ 2016-11-22 Pointer Lock 2.0 - 2016-11-07 Remote Playback API - (media related) 2016-11-03 Resource Timing Level 2 - (perf related) 2016-11-02 Audio Output Devices API - (media related) 2016-11-01 Indexed Database API 2.0 ✕ 2016-11-01 User Timing Level 2 - (perf related) 2016-10-31 The Screen Orientation API ✕ 2016-10-31 High Resolution Time Level 3 - (perf related) 2016-10-24 UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values - 2016-10-24 UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values - 2016-10-11 Service Workers 1 ✕ 2016-09-21 Identifiers for WebRTC’s Statistics API - 2016-09-13 Accelerometer Sensor ✕ 2016-09-13 Gyroscope Sensor ✕ 2016-09-13 Magnetometer Sensor ✕ 2016-08-30 Ambient Light Sensor ✕ 2016-08-30 Media Capture from DOM Elements - (media related) 2016-08-30 Generic Sensor API ✕ 2016-08-03 Wake Lock API ✕ 2016-07-19 Pr
 oximity Sensor ✕ 2016-07-19 Pointer Events - Level 2 - 2016-07-14 Screen Capture ✕ 2016-07-12 Media Capture Depth Stream Extensions - (media related) 2016-05-17 Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks ✕ 2016-04-22 Navigation Timing Level 2 - (perf related) 2016-04-03 Clipboard API and events ✕ clipboard module 2015-12-15 Push API ✕ 2015-12-08 Web Audio API - (media related) 2015-10-15 FindText API - 2015-09-24 Web Workers ✕ 2015-04-21 File API ✕ 2014-02-20 Network Service Discovery ✕ 2012-03-06 MediaStream Capture Scenarios - (media related) 2011-12-15 Audio Processing API - (media related)","type":"references"},{"title":"如何参与社区","path":"cn/guide/contributing.html","permalink":"","text":"如何参与社区加入 Weex 邮件列表 (Mailing List)在 Weex 官方社区所有的信息都会汇聚于邮件列表。订阅开发邮件列表的方式是发送邮件到 然�
 ��你的邮箱会收到一封来自 Apache 的回信 (英文),把 Apache 的这封回信再次回复过去,即可完成订阅。 这里需要强调的是 Apache 是一个面向全球的全英文的社区,所以我们希望您能够用英文在邮件列表中跟大家交流。 如果您确实对使用英文存在很大的疑虑或困惑,我们也非常欢迎大家来中文问答平台 SegmentFault 提问,这里有非常多热心的开发者一起讨论和解答 Weex 相关的问题。 使用邮件列表的另外一个好处是它可以方便大家随时查阅之前的邮件记录: 如果您对邮件列表中的内容已经不再感兴趣,这里也有退订邮件列表的方法: 发送邮件至 并根据回信的提示进行二次回复确认,完成退订。 除了开发 (dev) 邮件列表,我们还有另外几个的邮件列表供大家查阅:http://mail-archives.a 分支管理 (英)master ↑dev <--- PR(hotfix/typo/3rd-PR) ↑ PR{domain}-feature-{date} master branch master is the latest (pre-)release branch. dev branch dev is the stable developing branch. It’s RECOMMENDED to commit hotfix (like typo) or feature PR to dev. {domain}-feature-{date} branch The branch for a developing iteration, e.g. android-feature-20160607 is an android developing iteration which is done at 2016.06.07. {domain} consists of android, ios, jsfm and html5. DO NOT commit any PR to such a branch. 分支命名{module}-{action}-{shortName} {module}, see commit log module {action} feature: checkout from {module} and merge to {module} later. If {module} not exists, merge to dev bugfix: like feature, for bugfix only hotfix: checkout from master or release tag, merge to master and {module} later. If {module} not exists, merge to dev for example: android-bugfix-memory jsfm-feature-commu
 nication android-hotfix-compute-layout 提交日志格式 (英){action} [{module}] {description} {action} + add * update or bugfix - remove {module} Including: android, ios, jsfm, html5, component, doc, website, example, test, all {description} Just make it as clear and simple as possible. for example: + [android] close #123, add refreshing for WebView * [doc] fix #123, update video auto-play property - [example] remove abc 发送 Pull Request (英)You can create pull requests in GitHub. First we suggest you have some discussion with the community (commonly in our mailing list) before you code. Fork repo from Finish the job you want to do. Create a pull request. 编码规范 (英)Objective-C Tabs for indentation(not spaces) * operator goes with the variable name (e.g. Type *variable;) Function definitions: place each brace on its own line. Other braces: place the open brace on the line preceding the code block; 
 place the close brace on its own line. Use #pragma marks to categorize methods into functional groupings and protocol implementations Follow other guidelines on GitHub Objective-C Style Guide Java & Android Use Google Java Style as basic guidelines of java code. Follow AOSP Code Style for rest of android related code style.","type":"guide"},{"title":"搭建开发环境","path":"cn/guide/set-up-env.html","permalink":"","text":"搭建开发环境使用 dotWe 对 Weex 尝鲜是一个不错的选择,但如果你想更专业的开发 Weex, dotWe 就不怎么够用了。本节会教你如何搭建本地开发环境进行 Weex 开发。 第一步:安装依赖Weex 官方提供了 weex-toolkit 的脚手架工具来辅助开发和调试。首先,你需要 Node.js 和 Weex CLi。 安装 Node.js 方式多种多样,最简单的方式是在 Node.js 官网 下载可执行程序直接安装即可。 对于 Mac,可以使用 Homebrew 进
 行安装: brew install node 更多安装方式可参考 Node.js 官方信息 安装完成后,可以使用以下命令检测是否安装成功: $ node -vv6.3.1$ npm -v3.10.3 通常,安装了 Node.js 环境,npm 包管理工具也随之安装了。因此,直接使用 npm 来安装 weex-toolkit。 npm 是一个 JavaScript 包管理工具,它可以让开发者轻松共享和重用代码。Weex 很多依赖来自社区,同样,Weex 也将很多工具发布到社区方便开发者使用。 注意: weex-toolkit 在 1.0.1 之后才支持初始化 Vue 项目,使用前请确认版本是否正确。 $ npm install -g weex-toolkit$ weex -vv1.0.3weex-builder : v0.2.4weex-previewer : v1.3.4 国内开发者可以考虑使用淘宝的 npm 镜像 —— cnpm 安装 weex-toolkit $ npm install -g cnpm --registry=$ cnpm install -g weex-toolkit 提示: 如果提示权限错误(permission error),使用 sudo 关键字进行安装 $ sudo cnpm install
  -g weex-toolkit 安装结束后你可以直接使用 weex 命令验证是否安装成功,它会显示 weex 命令行工具各参数: 第二步:初始化然后初始化 Weex 项目: $ weex init awesome-project 执行完命令后,在 awesome-project 目录中就创建了一个使用 Weex 和 Vue 的模板项目。 第三步:开发之后我们进入项目所在路径,weex-toolkit 已经为我们生成了标准项目结构。 在 package.json 中,已经配置好了几个常用的 npm script,分别是: build: 源码打包,生成 JS Bundle dev: webpack watch 模式,方便开发 serve: 开启静态服务器 debug: 调试模式 我们先通过 npm install 安装项目依赖。之后运行 npm run dev 和 npm run serve 开启watch 模式和静态服务器。 然后我们打开浏览器,进入 http://localhost:8080/index.html 即可看到 weex h5 页面。 初始化时已经为我们创建了基本的示例,我们可以在 src/foo.vue 中查看。 代码如下所�
 ��: <template> <div class=\"wrapper\"> <text class=\"weex\">Hello Weex !</text> <text class=\"vue\">Hello Vue !</text> </div></template><style scoped> .wrapper { flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; } .weex { font-size: 60px; text-align: center; color: #1B90F7; } .vue { font-size: 60px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; color: #41B883; }</style> 关于 Weex 语法部分,你可以直接参考 Vue Guide,这里不再重复介绍。如果您想了解有关技术详情的更多信息,请继续阅读下一节。并且不要忘记在 dotWe 写代码并随时预览。","type":"guide"},{"title":"集成 Weex 到已有应用","path":"cn/guide/integrate-to-your-app.html","permalink":"","text":"集成 Weex 到已有应用集成到 Android注:以下文档都是假设您已经具备一定的Android开发经验。 Android 集�
 ��有两种方式 源码依赖:能够快速使用WEEX最新功能,可以根据自己项目的特性进行相关改进。 SDK依赖:WEEX 会在jcenter 定期发布稳定版本。jcenter注:国内可能需要翻墙 前期准备 已经安装了JDK version>=1.7 并配置了环境变量 已经安装Android SDK 并配置环境变量。 Android SDK version 23 (compileSdkVersion in build.gradle) SDK build tools version 23.0.1 (buildToolsVersion in build.gradle) Android Support Repository >= 17 (for Android Support Library) 快速接入如果你是尝鲜或者对稳定性要求比较高可以使用依赖SDK的方式。步骤如下: 创建Android工程,没有什么要特别说明的,按照你的习惯来。 修改build.gradle 加入如下基础依赖 compile '