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Posted to by Alberto Massari <> on 2006/06/13 12:13:50 UTC

Re: Xerces-C++, getTextContent has memory growth problem with long text.

At 14.39 12/06/2006 -0700, Naomi Nguyen wrote:
>Hi Alberto and users,
>There is a memory growth problem with const XMLCh *getTextContent() 
>when text content is more than 4k in length.
>When this function is called 5,000 times, there is no memory left.
>         char *textStr = XMLString::transcode((*aNode)->getTextContent());
>         XMLString::release(&textStr);
>Is it a known bug ? Is there any other function similar to 
>getTextContent() and does not have memory growth problem ?

Hi Naomi,
getTextContent allocates the memory from the memory pool of the 
DOMDocument, so the memory rise is by design (it will be released 
when the DOM tree will be deleted)
