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Posted to by Mad Shop <> on 2007/08/21 14:51:56 UTC

Problem while converting JSP scriplet in to struts tags - Help requested

Following JSP scriplet is working fine
  <jsp:useBean id="costDistForm" class="CostDistForm" scope="session"/>
float totalPaymentAmount = 0.0f;
List compItems = null;
compItems = costDistForm.getCompleteItems();
Iterator it = compItems.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) 
   ItemCostRowForm row = (ItemCostRowForm);
   float payAmountSort = row.getPaymentAmountSort().floatValue();
   totalPaymentAmount = totalPaymentAmount + payAmountSort;
if(totalPaymentAmount < 1000.00)
                      <b> Values is greater than 1000 </b>
  When I tried to convert above scriptlet into Struts using nested:iterate I am getting null pointer exception
  <nested:notEmpty property="completeItems">
<nested:iterate property="completeItems" id="complete" indexId="completeIdx">
        <nested:write property="paymentAmountSort"/> 
 <nested:greaterEqual property="paymentAmountSort" value="1000.00"> 
                    <b> Greater Equal 1000 </b> 
  Can you please help me out in getting the correct struts equivalent for above scriplet!

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