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Posted to by "gnodet (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/05/24 08:24:13 UTC

[GitHub] [maven] gnodet opened a new pull request, #1120: MNG 7587 3.9.x

gnodet opened a new pull request, #1120:

   - Bump version to 3.8.0-SNAPSHOT
   - Add versionlessMavenDist profile
   - [MNG-3220] fix doc: dependencyManagement import require scope import
   - [MNG-7119] Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.4.3
   - use Maven Resolver 1.6.2
   - [MNG-7116] add support for mirrorOf external:http:*
   - [MNG-7117] add support for blocked mirror
   - [MNG-7118] block HTTP repositories by default
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.8.0
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - next version in branch 3.8.x is 3.8.1-SNAPSHOT
   - [MNG-7128] keep blocked attribute from mirrors in artifact repositories
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.8.1
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - [MNG-7152] Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.6.3
   - [MNG-7155] upgrade maven-source-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
   - [MNG-7117] update link to settings xsd for version 1.2.0
   - [MNG-5868] No duplicate artifacts in attached artifacts if attached artifacts already contains the artifact remove it and add the new one
   - [MNG-6071] Normalize relative paths for working directory
   - [MNG-6983] Plugin key can get out of sync with artifactId and groupId
   - [MNG-6819] Fix NullPointerException in StringVisitorModelInterpolator
   - [MNG-6828] DependencyResolutionException breaks serialization
   - [MNG-6842] ProjectBuilderTest uses Guava, but Guava is not defined in dependencies
   - [MNG-6850] Prevent printing the EXEC_DIR when it's just a disk letter
   - [MNG-6843] Parallel build fails due to missing JAR artifacts in compilePath
   - [MNG-6937] StringSearchModelInterpolatorTest fails on symlinked paths
   - [MNG-6964] Maven version sorting is internally inconsistent.
   - [MNG-7000] metadata.mdo contains invalid link to schema
   - [MNG-6816] Prefer System.lineSeparator() over system properties
   - [MNG-6837] Simplify detection of the MAVEN_HOME and make it fully qualified on Windows
   - [MNG-7170] Allow to associate pomFile/${basedir} with, ...)
   - [MNG-7179] Upgrade Jansi to 2.3.3
   - [MNG-7177] Upgrade Maven Shared Utils to 3.3.4
   - [MNG-7172] Remove expansion of Jansi native libraries
   - [MNG-7032] Evaluate --help and --version after configuring the logging/color
   - [MNG-7080] Add a --color option to simplify color support
   - [MNG-7127] fix MavenCliTest.testStyleColors test in JDK 16
   - [MNG-6993] Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.30
   - [MNG-6886] upgrade plexus-cipher to 1.8 and update changed groupId (#335)
   - [MNG-6872] - Found CVEs in your dependencies - plexus-utils (tests)
   - [MNG-6853] - Don't box primitives where it's not needed
   - [MNG-6827] Replace deprecated StringUtils#defaultString() from Plexus Utils
   - [MNG-7149] Introduce MAVEN_DEBUG_ADDRESS in mvnDebug scripts
   - [MNG-6859] Build not reproducible when built from source release
   - [MNG-7064] Use HTTPS for schema location in global settings.xml
   - [MNG-6967] Improve the command line output from maven-artifact.
   - [MNG-6874] - Upgrade Maven Parent to 34
   - [MNG-6884] - Cleanup POM File after version upgrade
   - [MNG-6873] Align JUnit version to 4.13
   - [MNG-6844] Use StandardCharsets and remove outdated @SuppressWarnings
   - Document hacks as such
   - Add new ignores
   - [MNG-7180] Make --color option behave more like BSD/GNU grep's --color option
   - [MNG-7181] Make --version support -q
   - [MNG-7184] document .mavenrc/mavenrc_pre.bat|cmd and MAVEN_SKIP_RC
   - [MNG-7186] Upgrade Guice to 4.2.2
   - [MNG-6987] Reorder groupId before artifactId when writing an exclusion using maven-model
   - [MNG-6810] - Remove profiles in maven-model
   - [MNG-6811] - Remove unnecessary filtering configuration
   - [MNG-6471] Parallel builder should use the module name as thread name
   - [MNG-6754] Set the same timestamp in multi module builds
   - [MNG-7185] Describe explicit and recommended version for VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec()
   - Use proper term: directory
   - [MNG-7190] Load mavenrc from /usr/local/etc also in Bourne shell script
   - [MNG-7190] add /usr/local/etc/mavenrc to reference documentation
   - [MNG-7034] StackOverflowError thrown if a cycle exists in BOM imports
   - [MNG-6648] 'mavenrc_pre' script does not receive arguments like mavenrc in Bourne shell does
   - [MNG-7010] Omit "NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE"
   - [MNG-7196] Upgrade Jansi to 2.3.4
   - [MNG-7198] Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.32
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.8.2
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - Document Maven 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 releases
   - Fix DOAP
   - Improve license handling
   - [MNG-6818] - Upgrade plexus-utils 3.3.0
   - [MNG-6841] update plexus-interpolation to 1.26
   - [MNG-7246] Upgrade Plexus Cipher and Sec Dispatcher to 2.0
   - [MNG-7216] [Regression] Revert MNG-7170
   - [MNG-7250] Upgrade Sisu Inject/Plexus to 0.3.5
   - [MNG-7251] Fix threadLocalArtifactsHolder leaking into cloned project
   - [MNG-7219] [Regression] plexus-cipher missing from transitive dependencies
   - [MNG-7236] The DefaultPluginVersionResolver should cache results for the session
   - [MNG-7045] Drop CDI API from Maven
   - [MNG-7252] Fix warnings issued by dependency:analyze
   - [MNG-7254] Expand Windows native libraries for Jansi due to JDK-8195129 (workaround)
   - [MNG-7253] Display relocation message defined in model
   - [MNG-7164] Add constructor MojoExecutionException(Throwable)
   - [MNG-7235] Speed improvements when calculating the sorted project graph
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.8.3
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - Remove swap file
   - [MNG-7270] Switch to shell alternative to "which"
   - [MNG-7312] Revert ThreadLocal approach from MNG-6843 and MNG-7251
   - [MNG-7331] Upgrade Jansi to 2.4.0
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.8.4
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - Update DOAP with Maven 3.8.3 release
   - Update DOAP with Maven 3.8.4 release
   - Add github checks to maven-3.8.x branch
   - Fix github checks
   - [MNG-7156][MNG-7285] Add locking in MojoExecutor (#628)
   - [MNG-7156][MNG-7285] Fix typo in test
   - Bump Java to 17
   - Fix SLF4J license link
   - [MNG-7370] Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.5.1
   - Improve PR template
   - [MNG-7377] Add .vscode/ to .gitignore
   - [MNG-7374] Mutating RelocatedArtifact does not retain type
   - [MNG-5561] Plugin relocation loses configuration
   - [MNG-6802] FileProfileActivator changes FileProfileActivator.exists which lets flattened resolveCiFriendliesOnly depending fail activating profile
   - Fix checkstyle issue
   - [MNG-6326] Make the build fail if core extensions can not be loaded (#648)
   - [MNG-7347] SessionScoped beans should be singletons for a given session (#653)
   - [MNG-7362] DefaultArtifactResolver has spurious "Failure detected" INFO log
   - [MNG-7380] Don't log non-threadsafe warning if only building a single module
   - [MNG-7384] Upgrade Maven JAR Plugin to 3.2.2
   - [MNG-7381] Shorten parallel builder thread name to artifactId, conditionally with groupId
   - [MNG-7385] improve repository metadata documentation
   - [MNG-7386] Make sure the ModelMerger$MergingList can be serialized
   - [MNG-7349] Limit relocation warning message to direct dependencies only
   - [MNG-6727] Using version range in parent and CI Friendly Version fails
   - [MNG-7408] explain Maven 3 reporting plugin version selection
   - [MNG-7400] Allow more WorkspaceReaders to participate
   - [MNG-7407] Introduce a ModelVersionProcessor component to make CI Friendly Versions pluggable
   - [MNG-7395] Support interpolation in extensions.xml
   - [MNG-7417] Several classes do not set properties properly for building requests
   - [MNG-7402] BuildListCalculator never detaches the classloader
   - [MNG-5180] Versioning's snapshot version list is not included in metadata merge
   - [MNG-6960] Use RuntimeInformation instead of reading properties
   - [MNG-7428] Upgrade Maven Parent to 35
   - Remove unused imports
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.8.5
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - Bump version to 3.9.0-SNAPSHOT
   - [MNG-6399] Lift JDK minimum to JDK 8
   - [MNG-7247] Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.7.2
   - Remove unnecessary plugin dependency
   - [MNG-6878] Upgrade Guice to 4.2.3
   - [MNG-7068] Active dependency management for Google Guice/Guava
   - [MNG-6826] Remove condition check for JDK8+ in FileSizeFormatTest
   - [MNG-7019] Notify also at start when profile is missing
   - [MNG-6972] Allow access to org.apache.maven.graph
   - [MNG-7391] add execution strategy+runner required by Maven Build Cache
   - [MNG-7350] Introduce a factory for ModelCache
   - Update DOAP with Maven 3.8.5 release
   - [MNG-7391] Fix MojosExecutionStrategy lookup to be able to look into the SessionScope (#692)
   - [MNG-7413] fix anchor for XML elements with same name but not content
   - [MNG-7445] - Refactoring, remove the useless line   Contribution by JakcyHu Gakiii
   - [MNG-7447] - Several Improvements by using Stream API
   - [MNG-7452] - Remove JDK7 run on Maven 3.9.X Branch
   - [MNG-7441] Update version of loback
   - [MNG-7432] Resolver session contains non-MavenWorkspaceReader (#695)
   - [MNG-7447] Fix ReactorReader unintended change (#709)
   - [MNG-5222] Maven 3 no longer logs warnings about deprecated plugin parameters
   - [MNG-7454] Include resolver-transport-http in Maven 3.9.x (#710)
   - [MNG-7438] add execution id to "configuring mojo" debug message
   - [MNG-7454] Include resolver-transport-http in Maven (#720)
   - [MNG-7453] Update Resolver to 1.8.0 (#724)
   - [MNG-7055] Fix G level metadata handling in 3.9.x (#691)
   - [MNG-5222] Improvement in deprecated params detection
   - [MNG-7457] Warn about deprecated plugin Mojo
   - [MNG-7466] Align assembly XSD version with plugin used (#728)
   - [MNG-7466] Align assembly XSD version with plugin used (#728)
   - [MNG-7464] Warn about using read-only parameters for Mojo in configuration
   - Revert "[MNG-7347] SessionScoped beans should be singletons for a given session (#653)" (#715)
   - [MNG-7471] Make Resolver util and connector-basic provided (#732)
   - [MNG-7478] Transport selection should use config properties (#739)
   - [MNG-7448] Don't ignore bin/ otherwise bin/ in apache-maven module cannot be readded
   - [MNG-7486] Create a multiline message helper for boxed log messages
   - [MNG-7487] Fix deadlock during forked lifecycle executions
   - [MNG-7476] Display a warning when an aggregator mojo is locking other mojos executions
   - [MNG-7488] Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.36
   - [MNG-7489] Upgrade JUnit to 4.13.2
   - deploy master, 3.8.x and 3.9.x
   - [MNG-7491] Update parent POM 36 (3.9.x) (#748)
   - [MNG-7468] Check unsupported plugins parameters in configuration - 3.9
   - Update DOAP with Maven 3.8.6 release
   - [MNG-7160] Ability to customize core extensions classloaders (#616)
   - [MNG-7499] Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.8.1
   - [MNG-7504] Don't print warning unsupported reportPlugins for m-site-p
   - [MNG-6965] Extensions suddenly have org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.1 on their classpath
   - [MNG-7501] add relative path to pom.xml in module build start output
   - [MNG-7506] Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.5.2
   - [MNG-7513] Address commons-io_commons-io vulnerability found in maven latest version
   - [MNG-7515] Cannot see a dependency tree for apache-maven module
   - [MNG-7511] Ensure the degreeOfConcurrency is a positive number in MavenExecutionRequest
   - [MNG-7353] Add support for "mvn pluginPrefix:version:goal"
   - Add missing dependency
   - [MNG-7522] Upgrade Maven Resolver to 1.8.2
   - [MNG-7193] Introduce MAVEN_ARGS environment variable
   - [3.9.x] [MNG-7401] [MNG-7474] Keep a single maven session and fix session scope (#743)
   - [MNG-7520] Simplify integration of Redisson and Hazelcast for Maven Resolver
   - [MNG-7529] Maven resolver makes bad repository choices (#787)
   - [MNG-7530] Upgrade Apache Maven parent POM to version 37
   - [MNG-7529] Maven resolver makes bad repository choices (#796)
   - [MNG-7502] Upgrade to Guice 5.1.0
   - [MNG-7463] Improve documentation about deprecation in Mojo
   - Make sure RAT plugin ignores files in the target folder (#813) (#815)
   - Maven-3.9.x Simplify maven-plugin metadata handling (#807)
   - [MNG-7106] Accept same lower and upper bound in version spec string (#826)
   - [MNG-7556] Clean up notion between user properties and system properties
   - [MNG-7564] Check if session is null when generating metadata
   - [MNG-7568] Consider inactive profiles for validation
   - [MNG-7590] Allow to configure resolver by properties in settings.xml
   - [3.9.x][MNG-7586] Update Maven Resolver to 1.9.1 (#831)
   - Update actions in GH build
   - Revert "[3.9.x][MNG-7586] Update Maven Resolver to 1.9.1 (#831)"
   - [MNG-7600] LocalRepositoryManager is created too early
   - [MNG-7586] Update Maven Resolver to 1.9.2 (#881)
   - [MNG-7561] never resolve version ranges with same lower and upper bound (#864)
   - [MNG-6609] Maven 3.9: profile activation by packaging (#849)
   - Revert "[MNG-6609] Maven 3.9: profile activation by packaging (#849)"
   - [MNG-6609] Profile activation based on packaging (#883)
   - [MNG-7613] Upgrade Apache Maven parent POM to version 38
   - [MNG-7613] Parent POM 38 - code reformat
   - [MNG-7613] Parent POM 38 - add .git-blame-ignore-revs
   - [MNG-7614] Translate Plexus XML to proper resolver configuration (#895)
   - [MNG-7612] Chained LRM
   - [MNG-7619] Reverse Dependency Tree (#900)
   - simplify build and get rid of withMaven (#908)
   - fix path
   - fix path
   - fix pom
   - fix stash
   - fix unstash name
   - fix path
   - [MNG-7621] Parameter '-f' causes ignoring any 'maven.config' (only on Windows)
   - [MNG-7637] Possible NPE in MavenProject#hashCode()
   - [MNG-7636] Partially revert MNG-5868 to restore backward compatibility (see MNG-7316)
   - Directories, not folders
   - [MNG-7578] Fallback on Linux executable in Windows for findTool utility (#861)
   - Implement some #toString() methods
   - [MNG-7634] Revert MNG-5982 and MNG-7417
   - Update bundled license for SLF4J
   - [MNG-7644] Fix version comparison where .X1 < -X2 for any string qualifier X
   - [MNG-7641] Upgrade Maven Wagon to 3.5.3
   - [MNG-7352] should be public
   - Fix test Javadoc issue
   - [MNG-7618][MNG-7624] Backport to Maven 3.9.x (#937)
   - [MNG-7131] maven.config doesn't handle arguments with spaces in them
   - [MNG-7651] Simplify and document merge of maven.config file and CLI args
   - Update DOAP with Maven 3.8.7 release
   - [MNG-7648] Fix locationTracking in DefaultModelBuildingRequest copy constructor (#940)
   - Add TODO about property source of maven.repo.local
   - [MNG-7658] CI-friendly versions should only come from/rely on user properties
   - Jenkinsfile: pickup results from ITs - 3.9.x (#952)
   - [MNG-7668] Update Resolver to 1.9.4 (#958)
   - [maven-3.9.x] [MNG-7666] Update default binding and lifecycle plugin versions (#955)
   - [MNG-7608] Make native transport the default (#961)
   - Get rid of surefire warning (#965)
   - Get rid of surefire watning, take 2 (#967)
   - [MNG-7672] Fork should only execute the project and its submodules (#969)
   - Fix site plugin warning (#973)
   - [MNG-7675] Update Parent to 39 and reformat
   - Reformat
   - Update git-blame-ignore-revs
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.9.0
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - [MNG-7676] Fix checksum plugin configuration (#977)
   - Add bin packages to SHA512 checksumming as well (#979)
   - [MNG-7544] MavenMetadataSource#retrieve(MetadataResolutionRequest) does not check for null when reading from project map
   - Added missing @Deprecated/@deprecated annotations
   - [MNG-7686] Speed up by replacing non-pattern #replaceAll() with #replace() or precompiled patterns
   - Normalize regex patterns
   - Close stream with try-with-resources
   - [MNG-7197] Simplify exit code handling in Windows command startup script
   - [MNG-7679] [REGRESSION] Build fails when executing a single mojo without a POM
   - [MNG-7702] Use latest deploy plugin (#1006)
   - [MNG-7695] Update resolver to 1.9.5 (#1010)
   - [MNG-7677] Maven slowness improvement (#989)
   - [MNG-7693] For older clients make OOTB defaults (#1008)
   - [MNG-7706] Deprecate 'localRepository' parameter expression (#1009)
   - [MNG-7710] Downgrade plexus-utils to 3.3.1 (#1013)
   - [maven-3.9.x] [MNG-7713] Drop legacy-local-repository option (#1018)
   - [MNG-7583] Allow concurrent access to the MavenPluginManager (#1001)
   - [MNG-7713] Make Maven fail if option present (#1021)
   - [maven-3.9.x][MNG-7710] Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.5.1 (#1024)
   - [MNG-7717] Maven warns wrongly about deprecated parameter (#1030)
   - [MNG-7716] ConcurrencyDependencyGraph deadlock if no root is selected
   - [MNG-7715] Update to resolver 1.9.6 (#1025)
   - Using Set<>() for contains()
   - [MNG-7720] Wrong build order of forked projects (#1038)
   - [MNG-7731] MNG-7520 incorrectly back ported to Maven 3.9.0
   - [MNG-7723] Upgrade to Maven Resolver 1.9.7 (#1037)
   - [MNG-7726] Maven 3.9.0 resolves properties in file profile activation incorrectly (#1053)
   - [MNG-7725] Update surefire to 3.0.0 in default binding
   - Update DOAP with Maven 3.8.8 release
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.9.1
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - [MNG-7720] Simplify code (#1063)
   - [MNG-7749] Upgrade animal-sniffer from 1.21 to 1.23
   - [MNG-7754] Improvement and extension of plugin validation (#1079)
   - [MNG-7750] Fix unwanted interpolation in plugins from profiles. (#1075)
   - [MNG-7741] Track missing files, plugin and parent pom dependencies (#1058)
   - [MNG-7759] Maven2 plugins will not have even session setter (#1084)
   - [MNG-7753] Upgrade to Resolver 1.9.8 (#1077)
   - [MNG-7670] Update misc dependencies (#1089)
   - [MNG-7767] Tone down plugin validator (#1092)
   - [MNG-7769] Update Resolver to 1.9.10 (#1101)
   - [MNG-7774] Maven config and command line interpolation (#1098)
   - [MNG-7778] - Include suppressed exceptions when logging failures (#1103)
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare release maven-3.9.2
   - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
   - [MNG-7785] Clean usage of SessionData (#1111)
   - [MNG-7743] Make the build work on JDK 20 (#1065)
   - [MNG-7786] Fix plugin validation misleading message (#1112)
   - [MNG-7787] Introduce new options for plugin validation report (#1113)
   - [MNG-7788] Plugin Validation Report logged before summary (#1114)
   - [MNG-7786] Fix plugin validation misleading message
   - [MNG-7789] Dependency validation rules used wrong data (#1115)
   - [MNG-7587] Upgrade to sisu 0.9.0.M2
   Following this checklist to help us incorporate your
   contribution quickly and easily:
    - [ ] Make sure there is a [JIRA issue]( filed
          for the change (usually before you start working on it).  Trivial changes like typos do not
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    - [ ] Each commit in the pull request should have a meaningful subject line and body.
    - [ ] Format the pull request title like `[MNG-XXX] SUMMARY`,
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    - [ ] Write a pull request description that is detailed enough to understand what the pull request does, how, and why.
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[GitHub] [maven] gnodet closed pull request #1120: MNG 7587 3.9.x

Posted by "gnodet (via GitHub)" <>.
gnodet closed pull request #1120: MNG 7587 3.9.x

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