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Posted to by Apache subversion Wiki <> on 2013/01/15 18:25:24 UTC

[Subversion Wiki] Update of "walkthroughDirectory" by GabrielaGibson

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The "walkthroughDirectory" page has been changed by GabrielaGibson:

unedited email correspondence, will be expanded as soon as feedback has been earned.

New page:
>From the mail I sent to Stefan:

Hi Stefan,

The following is the idea I mentioned in my last post, it's just a
rough sketch. It would be a nice 'first time' project for a non-coding
contributer.  I hope you enjoy it, it's just a little toy -- maybe it
can inspire something.

I will of course not get sidetracked into this idea and return to my
already quite full schedule.  But it's no good hogging ideas, so in
this spirit, here is is:

     SVN Walk-through Directory

A directory of walkthroughs by user goals:

The quality benchmark of usefulness is that the admin can phone in sick
and get the apprentice(or the PHB) to fix whatever problem occurs with
minimal phone support, using those walkthroughs.

The other goal is to set people of every kind of skill level up as
quickly as possible and to make it easy to get started and start being
productive, without requiring them to read too much or learn things
they do not need to know.  If we can get the initial time investment
down to 60 minutes or less, that would be great.

The walkthroughs are categorised by OS, windows users do not need to
know unix cmds and vice versa; then split those into useage categories
-- someone who maintains a website will have different needs than a
software house, or someone who is using svn as an audit trail or
backup device.

Sub categories and their individual templates:

a) programmming environment:
   Is listing by languages/mixed env useful here?
     ie, does a (say) C shop have different needs to a place that uses ML

b) documenting envinronments:

   (what else?)

c) office environments:

   accounting (spreadsheets)
   forms/ boilerplate letter repository

   (why does (say) gnumeric not have an SVN dialog plugin?)

d) creative collaborative environments:

   writing/editing a book
   writing/editing a scientific paper

e) class room uses:

   audit trail for group work, so you can see which student
   contributed what.

e) Other uses that currently elude me.

It's easy to add new categories and we can probably rope users into
writing the walkthroughs for us, with only minimal editing on our
part.  I know people keep a plethora of differnt walkthroughs on their
web pages, but it's best to strive for 'information supremacy'(a not
quite monopoly I mean) here, since we're 'the horses mouth' (so to
speak), we should be the first address and also, in a way it is part
of the marketing that convinces people to use svn who until now had
not considered that it would be useful to them.

Aside questions:

How about offering a script to make a typical svn directory that is
useful for their application?  If they will take our advice about the
trunk set up, why not save their time with a script?  It also neatly
serves to standardise svn usage.

Also offer poster type print out of the following for pinning on the
wall (plus of course, the website page):

General Walkthrough template:
OS used:

Application of walkthrough(short desc):

general description of typical workflow for users' particular
application(long desc):


creating a repository:

your first commit:

your first checkout:

subsequent commmits:

subsequent checkouts:

Now you're done with the set-up, here are the most frequently used commands:

reverting your work:

making a patch:

applying a patch:

removing a patch:

using a patch to communicate about code:

looking at a snapshot from date x.y.z:

copying out a snapshot from date x.y.z:

Seeking and finding things:

 (example scenario: can't remember when, but recalls quirky unique
 typo that could be search for.)

seeing the list of changes:

by time, by user, by section

seeing who changed/created what: