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Posted to by on 2014/09/19 00:49:48 UTC

[13/27] moving stuff around
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/lib/nopt.js b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/lib/nopt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5309a00..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/lib/nopt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-// info about each config option.
-var debug = process.env.DEBUG_NOPT || process.env.NOPT_DEBUG
-  ? function () { console.error.apply(console, arguments) }
-  : function () {}
-var url = require("url")
-  , path = require("path")
-  , Stream = require("stream").Stream
-  , abbrev = require("abbrev")
-module.exports = exports = nopt
-exports.clean = clean
-exports.typeDefs =
-  { String  : { type: String,  validate: validateString  }
-  , Boolean : { type: Boolean, validate: validateBoolean }
-  , url     : { type: url,     validate: validateUrl     }
-  , Number  : { type: Number,  validate: validateNumber  }
-  , path    : { type: path,    validate: validatePath    }
-  , Stream  : { type: Stream,  validate: validateStream  }
-  , Date    : { type: Date,    validate: validateDate    }
-  }
-function nopt (types, shorthands, args, slice) {
-  args = args || process.argv
-  types = types || {}
-  shorthands = shorthands || {}
-  if (typeof slice !== "number") slice = 2
-  debug(types, shorthands, args, slice)
-  args = args.slice(slice)
-  var data = {}
-    , key
-    , remain = []
-    , cooked = args
-    , original = args.slice(0)
-  parse(args, data, remain, types, shorthands)
-  // now data is full
-  clean(data, types, exports.typeDefs)
-  data.argv = {remain:remain,cooked:cooked,original:original}
-  Object.defineProperty(data.argv, 'toString', { value: function () {
-    return" ")
-  }, enumerable: false })
-  return data
-function clean (data, types, typeDefs) {
-  typeDefs = typeDefs || exports.typeDefs
-  var remove = {}
-    , typeDefault = [false, true, null, String, Array]
-  Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) {
-    if (k === "argv") return
-    var val = data[k]
-      , isArray = Array.isArray(val)
-      , type = types[k]
-    if (!isArray) val = [val]
-    if (!type) type = typeDefault
-    if (type === Array) type = typeDefault.concat(Array)
-    if (!Array.isArray(type)) type = [type]
-    debug("val=%j", val)
-    debug("types=", type)
-    val = (val) {
-      // if it's an unknown value, then parse false/true/null/numbers/dates
-      if (typeof val === "string") {
-        debug("string %j", val)
-        val = val.trim()
-        if ((val === "null" && ~type.indexOf(null))
-            || (val === "true" &&
-               (~type.indexOf(true) || ~type.indexOf(Boolean)))
-            || (val === "false" &&
-               (~type.indexOf(false) || ~type.indexOf(Boolean)))) {
-          val = JSON.parse(val)
-          debug("jsonable %j", val)
-        } else if (~type.indexOf(Number) && !isNaN(val)) {
-          debug("convert to number", val)
-          val = +val
-        } else if (~type.indexOf(Date) && !isNaN(Date.parse(val))) {
-          debug("convert to date", val)
-          val = new Date(val)
-        }
-      }
-      if (!types.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
-        return val
-      }
-      // allow `--no-blah` to set 'blah' to null if null is allowed
-      if (val === false && ~type.indexOf(null) &&
-          !(~type.indexOf(false) || ~type.indexOf(Boolean))) {
-        val = null
-      }
-      var d = {}
-      d[k] = val
-      debug("prevalidated val", d, val, types[k])
-      if (!validate(d, k, val, types[k], typeDefs)) {
-        if (exports.invalidHandler) {
-          exports.invalidHandler(k, val, types[k], data)
-        } else if (exports.invalidHandler !== false) {
-          debug("invalid: "+k+"="+val, types[k])
-        }
-        return remove
-      }
-      debug("validated val", d, val, types[k])
-      return d[k]
-    }).filter(function (val) { return val !== remove })
-    if (!val.length) delete data[k]
-    else if (isArray) {
-      debug(isArray, data[k], val)
-      data[k] = val
-    } else data[k] = val[0]
-    debug("k=%s val=%j", k, val, data[k])
-  })
-function validateString (data, k, val) {
-  data[k] = String(val)
-function validatePath (data, k, val) {
-  if (val === true) return false
-  if (val === null) return true
-  val = String(val)
-  var homePattern = process.platform === 'win32' ? /^~(\/|\\)/ : /^~\//
-  if (val.match(homePattern) && process.env.HOME) {
-    val = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, val.substr(2))
-  }
-  data[k] = path.resolve(String(val))
-  return true
-function validateNumber (data, k, val) {
-  debug("validate Number %j %j %j", k, val, isNaN(val))
-  if (isNaN(val)) return false
-  data[k] = +val
-function validateDate (data, k, val) {
-  debug("validate Date %j %j %j", k, val, Date.parse(val))
-  var s = Date.parse(val)
-  if (isNaN(s)) return false
-  data[k] = new Date(val)
-function validateBoolean (data, k, val) {
-  if (val instanceof Boolean) val = val.valueOf()
-  else if (typeof val === "string") {
-    if (!isNaN(val)) val = !!(+val)
-    else if (val === "null" || val === "false") val = false
-    else val = true
-  } else val = !!val
-  data[k] = val
-function validateUrl (data, k, val) {
-  val = url.parse(String(val))
-  if (! return false
-  data[k] = val.href
-function validateStream (data, k, val) {
-  if (!(val instanceof Stream)) return false
-  data[k] = val
-function validate (data, k, val, type, typeDefs) {
-  // arrays are lists of types.
-  if (Array.isArray(type)) {
-    for (var i = 0, l = type.length; i < l; i ++) {
-      if (type[i] === Array) continue
-      if (validate(data, k, val, type[i], typeDefs)) return true
-    }
-    delete data[k]
-    return false
-  }
-  // an array of anything?
-  if (type === Array) return true
-  // NaN is poisonous.  Means that something is not allowed.
-  if (type !== type) {
-    debug("Poison NaN", k, val, type)
-    delete data[k]
-    return false
-  }
-  // explicit list of values
-  if (val === type) {
-    debug("Explicitly allowed %j", val)
-    // if (isArray) (data[k] = data[k] || []).push(val)
-    // else data[k] = val
-    data[k] = val
-    return true
-  }
-  // now go through the list of typeDefs, validate against each one.
-  var ok = false
-    , types = Object.keys(typeDefs)
-  for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i ++) {
-    debug("test type %j %j %j", k, val, types[i])
-    var t = typeDefs[types[i]]
-    if (t && type === t.type) {
-      var d = {}
-      ok = false !== t.validate(d, k, val)
-      val = d[k]
-      if (ok) {
-        // if (isArray) (data[k] = data[k] || []).push(val)
-        // else data[k] = val
-        data[k] = val
-        break
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  debug("OK? %j (%j %j %j)", ok, k, val, types[i])
-  if (!ok) delete data[k]
-  return ok
-function parse (args, data, remain, types, shorthands) {
-  debug("parse", args, data, remain)
-  var key = null
-    , abbrevs = abbrev(Object.keys(types))
-    , shortAbbr = abbrev(Object.keys(shorthands))
-  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i ++) {
-    var arg = args[i]
-    debug("arg", arg)
-    if (arg.match(/^-{2,}$/)) {
-      // done with keys.
-      // the rest are args.
-      remain.push.apply(remain, args.slice(i + 1))
-      args[i] = "--"
-      break
-    }
-    var hadEq = false
-    if (arg.charAt(0) === "-" && arg.length > 1) {
-      if (arg.indexOf("=") !== -1) {
-        hadEq = true
-        var v = arg.split("=")
-        arg = v.shift()
-        v = v.join("=")
-        args.splice.apply(args, [i, 1].concat([arg, v]))
-      }
-      // see if it's a shorthand
-      // if so, splice and back up to re-parse it.
-      var shRes = resolveShort(arg, shorthands, shortAbbr, abbrevs)
-      debug("arg=%j shRes=%j", arg, shRes)
-      if (shRes) {
-        debug(arg, shRes)
-        args.splice.apply(args, [i, 1].concat(shRes))
-        if (arg !== shRes[0]) {
-          i --
-          continue
-        }
-      }
-      arg = arg.replace(/^-+/, "")
-      var no = null
-      while (arg.toLowerCase().indexOf("no-") === 0) {
-        no = !no
-        arg = arg.substr(3)
-      }
-      if (abbrevs[arg]) arg = abbrevs[arg]
-      var isArray = types[arg] === Array ||
-        Array.isArray(types[arg]) && types[arg].indexOf(Array) !== -1
-      // allow unknown things to be arrays if specified multiple times.
-      if (!types.hasOwnProperty(arg) && data.hasOwnProperty(arg)) {
-        if (!Array.isArray(data[arg]))
-          data[arg] = [data[arg]]
-        isArray = true
-      }
-      var val
-        , la = args[i + 1]
-      var isBool = typeof no === 'boolean' ||
-        types[arg] === Boolean ||
-        Array.isArray(types[arg]) && types[arg].indexOf(Boolean) !== -1 ||
-        (typeof types[arg] === 'undefined' && !hadEq) ||
-        (la === "false" &&
-         (types[arg] === null ||
-          Array.isArray(types[arg]) && ~types[arg].indexOf(null)))
-      if (isBool) {
-        // just set and move along
-        val = !no
-        // however, also support --bool true or --bool false
-        if (la === "true" || la === "false") {
-          val = JSON.parse(la)
-          la = null
-          if (no) val = !val
-          i ++
-        }
-        // also support "foo":[Boolean, "bar"] and "--foo bar"
-        if (Array.isArray(types[arg]) && la) {
-          if (~types[arg].indexOf(la)) {
-            // an explicit type
-            val = la
-            i ++
-          } else if ( la === "null" && ~types[arg].indexOf(null) ) {
-            // null allowed
-            val = null
-            i ++
-          } else if ( !la.match(/^-{2,}[^-]/) &&
-                      !isNaN(la) &&
-                      ~types[arg].indexOf(Number) ) {
-            // number
-            val = +la
-            i ++
-          } else if ( !la.match(/^-[^-]/) && ~types[arg].indexOf(String) ) {
-            // string
-            val = la
-            i ++
-          }
-        }
-        if (isArray) (data[arg] = data[arg] || []).push(val)
-        else data[arg] = val
-        continue
-      }
-      if (types[arg] === String && la === undefined)
-        la = ""
-      if (la && la.match(/^-{2,}$/)) {
-        la = undefined
-        i --
-      }
-      val = la === undefined ? true : la
-      if (isArray) (data[arg] = data[arg] || []).push(val)
-      else data[arg] = val
-      i ++
-      continue
-    }
-    remain.push(arg)
-  }
-function resolveShort (arg, shorthands, shortAbbr, abbrevs) {
-  // handle single-char shorthands glommed together, like
-  // npm ls -glp, but only if there is one dash, and only if
-  // all of the chars are single-char shorthands, and it's
-  // not a match to some other abbrev.
-  arg = arg.replace(/^-+/, '')
-  // if it's an exact known option, then don't go any further
-  if (abbrevs[arg] === arg)
-    return null
-  // if it's an exact known shortopt, same deal
-  if (shorthands[arg]) {
-    // make it an array, if it's a list of words
-    if (shorthands[arg] && !Array.isArray(shorthands[arg]))
-      shorthands[arg] = shorthands[arg].split(/\s+/)
-    return shorthands[arg]
-  }
-  // first check to see if this arg is a set of single-char shorthands
-  var singles = shorthands.___singles
-  if (!singles) {
-    singles = Object.keys(shorthands).filter(function (s) {
-      return s.length === 1
-    }).reduce(function (l,r) {
-      l[r] = true
-      return l
-    }, {})
-    shorthands.___singles = singles
-    debug('shorthand singles', singles)
-  }
-  var chrs = arg.split("").filter(function (c) {
-    return singles[c]
-  })
-  if (chrs.join("") === arg) return (c) {
-    return shorthands[c]
-  }).reduce(function (l, r) {
-    return l.concat(r)
-  }, [])
-  // if it's an arg abbrev, and not a literal shorthand, then prefer the arg
-  if (abbrevs[arg] && !shorthands[arg])
-    return null
-  // if it's an abbr for a shorthand, then use that
-  if (shortAbbr[arg])
-    arg = shortAbbr[arg]
-  // make it an array, if it's a list of words
-  if (shorthands[arg] && !Array.isArray(shorthands[arg]))
-    shorthands[arg] = shorthands[arg].split(/\s+/)
-  return shorthands[arg]
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/ b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f30261..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- To get started, <a
- href="">sign the
- Contributor License Agreement</a>.
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/LICENSE b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a4010..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Isaac Z. Schlueter.
-All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/ b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99746fe..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# abbrev-js
-Just like [ruby's Abbrev](
-    var abbrev = require("abbrev");
-    abbrev("foo", "fool", "folding", "flop");
-    // returns:
-    { fl: 'flop'
-    , flo: 'flop'
-    , flop: 'flop'
-    , fol: 'folding'
-    , fold: 'folding'
-    , foldi: 'folding'
-    , foldin: 'folding'
-    , folding: 'folding'
-    , foo: 'foo'
-    , fool: 'fool'
-    }
-This is handy for command-line scripts, or other cases where you want to be able to accept shorthands.
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/abbrev.js b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/abbrev.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 69cfeac..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/abbrev.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = exports = abbrev.abbrev = abbrev
-abbrev.monkeyPatch = monkeyPatch
-function monkeyPatch () {
-  Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'abbrev', {
-    value: function () { return abbrev(this) },
-    enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true
-  })
-  Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'abbrev', {
-    value: function () { return abbrev(Object.keys(this)) },
-    enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true
-  })
-function abbrev (list) {
-  if (arguments.length !== 1 || !Array.isArray(list)) {
-    list =, 0)
-  }
-  for (var i = 0, l = list.length, args = [] ; i < l ; i ++) {
-    args[i] = typeof list[i] === "string" ? list[i] : String(list[i])
-  }
-  // sort them lexicographically, so that they're next to their nearest kin
-  args = args.sort(lexSort)
-  // walk through each, seeing how much it has in common with the next and previous
-  var abbrevs = {}
-    , prev = ""
-  for (var i = 0, l = args.length ; i < l ; i ++) {
-    var current = args[i]
-      , next = args[i + 1] || ""
-      , nextMatches = true
-      , prevMatches = true
-    if (current === next) continue
-    for (var j = 0, cl = current.length ; j < cl ; j ++) {
-      var curChar = current.charAt(j)
-      nextMatches = nextMatches && curChar === next.charAt(j)
-      prevMatches = prevMatches && curChar === prev.charAt(j)
-      if (!nextMatches && !prevMatches) {
-        j ++
-        break
-      }
-    }
-    prev = current
-    if (j === cl) {
-      abbrevs[current] = current
-      continue
-    }
-    for (var a = current.substr(0, j) ; j <= cl ; j ++) {
-      abbrevs[a] = current
-      a += current.charAt(j)
-    }
-  }
-  return abbrevs
-function lexSort (a, b) {
-  return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/package.json b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dad5f2..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "abbrev",
-  "version": "1.0.5",
-  "description": "Like ruby's abbrev module, but in js",
-  "author": {
-    "name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter",
-    "email": ""
-  },
-  "main": "abbrev.js",
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "node test.js"
-  },
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "license": {
-    "type": "MIT",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "homepage": "",
-  "_id": "abbrev@1.0.5",
-  "_shasum": "5d8257bd9ebe435e698b2fa431afde4fe7b10b03",
-  "_from": "abbrev@1",
-  "_npmVersion": "1.4.7",
-  "_npmUser": {
-    "name": "isaacs",
-    "email": ""
-  },
-  "maintainers": [
-    {
-      "name": "isaacs",
-      "email": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "dist": {
-    "shasum": "5d8257bd9ebe435e698b2fa431afde4fe7b10b03",
-    "tarball": ""
-  },
-  "directories": {},
-  "_resolved": "",
-  "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!"
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/test.js b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a7303..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/node_modules/abbrev/test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-var abbrev = require('./abbrev.js')
-var assert = require("assert")
-var util = require("util")
-console.log("TAP Version 13")
-var count = 0
-function test (list, expect) {
-  count++
-  var actual = abbrev(list)
-  assert.deepEqual(actual, expect,
-    "abbrev("+util.inspect(list)+") === " + util.inspect(expect) + "\n"+
-    "actual: "+util.inspect(actual))
-  actual = abbrev.apply(exports, list)
-  assert.deepEqual(abbrev.apply(exports, list), expect,
-    "abbrev("",")+") === " + util.inspect(expect) + "\n"+
-    "actual: "+util.inspect(actual))
-  console.log('ok - ' + list.join(' '))
-test([ "ruby", "ruby", "rules", "rules", "rules" ],
-{ rub: 'ruby'
-, ruby: 'ruby'
-, rul: 'rules'
-, rule: 'rules'
-, rules: 'rules'
-test(["fool", "foom", "pool", "pope"],
-{ fool: 'fool'
-, foom: 'foom'
-, poo: 'pool'
-, pool: 'pool'
-, pop: 'pope'
-, pope: 'pope'
-test(["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "abcde", "acde"],
-{ a: 'a'
-, ab: 'ab'
-, abc: 'abc'
-, abcd: 'abcd'
-, abcde: 'abcde'
-, ac: 'acde'
-, acd: 'acde'
-, acde: 'acde'
-console.log("0..%d", count)
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/package.json b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f039825..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "nopt",
-  "version": "3.0.1",
-  "description": "Option parsing for Node, supporting types, shorthands, etc. Used by npm.",
-  "author": {
-    "name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter",
-    "email": "",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "main": "lib/nopt.js",
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "tap test/*.js"
-  },
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "bin": {
-    "nopt": "./bin/nopt.js"
-  },
-  "license": {
-    "type": "MIT",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "dependencies": {
-    "abbrev": "1"
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "tap": "~0.4.8"
-  },
-  "gitHead": "4296f7aba7847c198fea2da594f9e1bec02817ec",
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "homepage": "",
-  "_id": "nopt@3.0.1",
-  "_shasum": "bce5c42446a3291f47622a370abbf158fbbacbfd",
-  "_from": "nopt@~3",
-  "_npmVersion": "1.4.18",
-  "_npmUser": {
-    "name": "isaacs",
-    "email": ""
-  },
-  "maintainers": [
-    {
-      "name": "isaacs",
-      "email": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "dist": {
-    "shasum": "bce5c42446a3291f47622a370abbf158fbbacbfd",
-    "tarball": ""
-  },
-  "directories": {},
-  "_resolved": "",
-  "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!"
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/test/basic.js b/wp8/node_modules/nopt/test/basic.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9088c..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/nopt/test/basic.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-var nopt = require("../")
-  , test = require('tap').test
-test("passing a string results in a string", function (t) {
-  var parsed = nopt({ key: String }, {}, ["--key", "myvalue"], 0)
-  t.same(parsed.key, "myvalue")
-  t.end()
-test("Empty String results in empty string, not true", function (t) {
-  var parsed = nopt({ empty: String }, {}, ["--empty"], 0)
-  t.same(parsed.empty, "")
-  t.end()
-test("~ path is resolved to $HOME", function (t) {
-  var path = require("path")
-  if (!process.env.HOME) process.env.HOME = "/tmp"
-  var parsed = nopt({key: path}, {}, ["--key=~/val"], 0)
-  t.same(parsed.key, path.resolve(process.env.HOME, "val"))
-  t.end()
-test("Unknown options are not parsed as numbers", function (t) {
-    var parsed = nopt({"parse-me": Number}, null, ['--leave-as-is=1.20', '--parse-me=1.20'], 0)
-    t.equal(parsed['leave-as-is'], '1.20')
-    t.equal(parsed['parse-me'], 1.2)
-    t.end()
-test("other tests", function (t) {
-  var util = require("util")
-    , Stream = require("stream")
-    , path = require("path")
-    , url = require("url")
-    , shorthands =
-      { s : ["--loglevel", "silent"]
-      , d : ["--loglevel", "info"]
-      , dd : ["--loglevel", "verbose"]
-      , ddd : ["--loglevel", "silly"]
-      , noreg : ["--no-registry"]
-      , reg : ["--registry"]
-      , "no-reg" : ["--no-registry"]
-      , silent : ["--loglevel", "silent"]
-      , verbose : ["--loglevel", "verbose"]
-      , h : ["--usage"]
-      , H : ["--usage"]
-      , "?" : ["--usage"]
-      , help : ["--usage"]
-      , v : ["--version"]
-      , f : ["--force"]
-      , desc : ["--description"]
-      , "no-desc" : ["--no-description"]
-      , "local" : ["--no-global"]
-      , l : ["--long"]
-      , p : ["--parseable"]
-      , porcelain : ["--parseable"]
-      , g : ["--global"]
-      }
-    , types =
-      { aoa: Array
-      , nullstream: [null, Stream]
-      , date: Date
-      , str: String
-      , browser : String
-      , cache : path
-      , color : ["always", Boolean]
-      , depth : Number
-      , description : Boolean
-      , dev : Boolean
-      , editor : path
-      , force : Boolean
-      , global : Boolean
-      , globalconfig : path
-      , group : [String, Number]
-      , gzipbin : String
-      , logfd : [Number, Stream]
-      , loglevel : ["silent","win","error","warn","info","verbose","silly"]
-      , long : Boolean
-      , "node-version" : [false, String]
-      , npaturl : url
-      , npat : Boolean
-      , "onload-script" : [false, String]
-      , outfd : [Number, Stream]
-      , parseable : Boolean
-      , pre: Boolean
-      , prefix: path
-      , proxy : url
-      , "rebuild-bundle" : Boolean
-      , registry : url
-      , searchopts : String
-      , searchexclude: [null, String]
-      , shell : path
-      , t: [Array, String]
-      , tag : String
-      , tar : String
-      , tmp : path
-      , "unsafe-perm" : Boolean
-      , usage : Boolean
-      , user : String
-      , username : String
-      , userconfig : path
-      , version : Boolean
-      , viewer: path
-      , _exit : Boolean
-      , path: path
-      }
-  ; [["-v", {version:true}, []]
-    ,["---v", {version:true}, []]
-    ,["ls -s --no-reg connect -d",
-      {loglevel:"info",registry:null},["ls","connect"]]
-    ,["ls ---s foo",{loglevel:"silent"},["ls","foo"]]
-    ,["ls --registry blargle", {}, ["ls"]]
-    ,["--no-registry", {registry:null}, []]
-    ,["--no-color true", {color:false}, []]
-    ,["--no-color false", {color:true}, []]
-    ,["--no-color", {color:false}, []]
-    ,["--color false", {color:false}, []]
-    ,["--color --logfd 7", {logfd:7,color:true}, []]
-    ,["--color=true", {color:true}, []]
-    ,["--logfd=10", {logfd:10}, []]
-    ,["--tmp=/tmp -tar=gtar",{tmp:"/tmp",tar:"gtar"},[]]
-    ,["--tmp=tmp -tar=gtar",
-      {tmp:path.resolve(process.cwd(), "tmp"),tar:"gtar"},[]]
-    ,["--logfd x", {}, []]
-    ,["a -true -- -no-false", {true:true},["a","-no-false"]]
-    ,["a -no-false", {false:false},["a"]]
-    ,["a -no-no-true", {true:true}, ["a"]]
-    ,["a -no-no-no-false", {false:false}, ["a"]]
-    ,["---NO-no-No-no-no-no-nO-no-no"+
-      "-No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no"+
-      "-no-no-no-no-NO-NO-no-no-no-no-no-no"+
-      "-no-body-can-do-the-boogaloo-like-I-do"
-     ,{"body-can-do-the-boogaloo-like-I-do":false}, []]
-    ,["we are -no-strangers-to-love "+
-      "--you-know=the-rules --and=so-do-i "+
-      "---im-thinking-of=a-full-commitment "+
-      "--no-you-would-get-this-from-any-other-guy "+
-      "--no-gonna-give-you-up "+
-      "-no-gonna-let-you-down=true "+
-      "--no-no-gonna-run-around false "+
-      "--desert-you=false "+
-      "--make-you-cry false "+
-      "--no-tell-a-lie "+
-      "--no-no-and-hurt-you false"
-     ,{"strangers-to-love":false
-      ,"you-know":"the-rules"
-      ,"and":"so-do-i"
-      ,"you-would-get-this-from-any-other-guy":false
-      ,"gonna-give-you-up":false
-      ,"gonna-let-you-down":false
-      ,"gonna-run-around":false
-      ,"desert-you":false
-      ,"make-you-cry":false
-      ,"tell-a-lie":false
-      ,"and-hurt-you":false
-      },["we", "are"]]
-    ,["-t one -t two -t three"
-     ,{t: ["one", "two", "three"]}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["-t one -t null -t three four five null"
-     ,{t: ["one", "null", "three"]}
-     ,["four", "five", "null"]]
-    ,["-t foo"
-     ,{t:["foo"]}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--no-t"
-     ,{t:["false"]}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["-no-no-t"
-     ,{t:["true"]}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["-aoa one -aoa null -aoa 100"
-     ,{aoa:["one", null, '100']}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["-str 100"
-     ,{str:"100"}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--color always"
-     ,{color:"always"}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--no-nullstream"
-     ,{nullstream:null}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--nullstream false"
-     ,{nullstream:null}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--notadate=2011-01-25"
-     ,{notadate: "2011-01-25"}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--date 2011-01-25"
-     ,{date: new Date("2011-01-25")}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["-cl 1"
-     ,{config: true, length: 1}
-     ,[]
-     ,{config: Boolean, length: Number, clear: Boolean}
-     ,{c: "--config", l: "--length"}]
-    ,["--acount bla"
-     ,{"acount":true}
-     ,["bla"]
-     ,{account: Boolean, credentials: Boolean, options: String}
-     ,{a:"--account", c:"--credentials",o:"--options"}]
-    ,["--clear"
-     ,{clear:true}
-     ,[]
-     ,{clear:Boolean,con:Boolean,len:Boolean,exp:Boolean,add:Boolean,rep:Boolean}
-     ,{c:"--con",l:"--len",e:"--exp",a:"--add",r:"--rep"}]
-    ,["--file -"
-     ,{"file":"-"}
-     ,[]
-     ,{file:String}
-     ,{}]
-    ,["--file -"
-     ,{"file":true}
-     ,["-"]
-     ,{file:Boolean}
-     ,{}]
-    ,["--path"
-     ,{"path":null}
-     ,[]]
-    ,["--path ."
-     ,{"path":process.cwd()}
-     ,[]]
-    ].forEach(function (test) {
-      var argv = test[0].split(/\s+/)
-        , opts = test[1]
-        , rem = test[2]
-        , actual = nopt(test[3] || types, test[4] || shorthands, argv, 0)
-        , parsed = actual.argv
-      delete actual.argv
-      for (var i in opts) {
-        var e = JSON.stringify(opts[i])
-          , a = JSON.stringify(actual[i] === undefined ? null : actual[i])
-        if (e && typeof e === "object") {
-          t.deepEqual(e, a)
-        } else {
-          t.equal(e, a)
-        }
-      }
-      t.deepEqual(rem, parsed.remain)
-    })
-  t.end()
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/q/ b/wp8/node_modules/q/
deleted file mode 100644
index 500ab17..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/q/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-For pull requests:
--   Be consistent with prevalent style and design decisions.
--   Add a Jasmine spec to `specs/q-spec.js`.
--   Use `npm test` to avoid regressions.
--   Run tests in `q-spec/run.html` in as many supported browsers as you
-    can find the will to deal with.
--   Do not build minified versions; we do this each release.
--   If you would be so kind, add a note to `` in an
-    appropriate section:
-    -   `Next Major Version` if it introduces backward incompatibilities
-        to code in the wild using documented features.
-    -   `Next Minor Version` if it adds a new feature.
-    -   `Next Patch Version` if it fixes a bug.
-For releases:
--   Run `npm test`.
--   Run tests in `q-spec/run.html` in a representative sample of every
-    browser under the sun.
--   Run `npm run cover` and make sure you're happy with the results.
--   Run `npm run minify` and be sure to commit the resulting `q.min.js`.
--   Note the Gzipped size output by the previous command, and update
-    `` if it has changed to 1 significant digit.
--   Stash any local changes.
--   Update `` to reflect all changes in the differences
-    between `HEAD` and the previous tagged version.  Give credit where
-    credit is due.
--   Update `` to address all new, non-experimental features.
--   Update the API reference on the Wiki to reflect all non-experimental
-    features.
--   Use `npm version major|minor|patch` to update `package.json`,
-    commit, and tag the new version.
--   Use `npm publish` to send up a new release.
--   Send an email to the q-continuum mailing list announcing the new
-    release and the notes from the change log.  This helps folks
-    maintaining other package ecosystems.
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/q/LICENSE b/wp8/node_modules/q/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a706b5..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/q/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2009–2014 Kristopher Michael Kowal. All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
-deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/q/ b/wp8/node_modules/q/
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd4168..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/q/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
-[![Build Status](](
-<a href="">
-    <img src=""
-         align="right" alt="Promises/A+ logo" />
-*This is Q version 1, from the `v1` branch in Git. This documentation applies to
-the latest of both the version 1 and version 0.9 release trains. These releases
-are stable. There will be no further releases of 0.9 after 0.9.7 which is nearly
-equivalent to version 1.0.0. All further releases of `q@~1.0` will be backward
-compatible. The version 2 release train introduces significant but
-backward-incompatible changes and is experimental at this time.*
-If a function cannot return a value or throw an exception without
-blocking, it can return a promise instead.  A promise is an object
-that represents the return value or the thrown exception that the
-function may eventually provide.  A promise can also be used as a
-proxy for a [remote object][Q-Connection] to overcome latency.
-On the first pass, promises can mitigate the “[Pyramid of
-Doom][POD]”: the situation where code marches to the right faster
-than it marches forward.
-step1(function (value1) {
-    step2(value1, function(value2) {
-        step3(value2, function(value3) {
-            step4(value3, function(value4) {
-                // Do something with value4
-            });
-        });
-    });
-With a promise library, you can flatten the pyramid.
-.then(function (value4) {
-    // Do something with value4
-.catch(function (error) {
-    // Handle any error from all above steps
-With this approach, you also get implicit error propagation, just like `try`,
-`catch`, and `finally`.  An error in `promisedStep1` will flow all the way to
-the `catch` function, where it’s caught and handled.  (Here `promisedStepN` is
-a version of `stepN` that returns a promise.)
-The callback approach is called an “inversion of control”.
-A function that accepts a callback instead of a return value
-is saying, “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”.  Promises
-[un-invert][IOC] the inversion, cleanly separating the input
-arguments from control flow arguments.  This simplifies the
-use and creation of API’s, particularly variadic,
-rest and spread arguments.
-## Getting Started
-The Q module can be loaded as:
--   A ``<script>`` tag (creating a ``Q`` global variable): ~2.5 KB minified and
-    gzipped.
--   A Node.js and CommonJS module, available in [npm]( as
-    the [q]( package
--   An AMD module
--   A [component]( as ``microjs/q``
--   Using [bower]( as ``q``
--   Using [NuGet]( as [Q](
-Q can exchange promises with jQuery, Dojo, When.js, WinJS, and more.
-## Resources
-Our [wiki][] contains a number of useful resources, including:
-- A method-by-method [Q API reference][reference].
-- A growing [examples gallery][examples], showing how Q can be used to make
-  everything better. From XHR to database access to accessing the Flickr API,
-  Q is there for you.
-- There are many libraries that produce and consume Q promises for everything
-  from file system/database access or RPC to templating. For a list of some of
-  the more popular ones, see [Libraries][].
-- If you want materials that introduce the promise concept generally, and the
-  below tutorial isn't doing it for you, check out our collection of
-  [presentations, blog posts, and podcasts][resources].
-- A guide for those [coming from jQuery's `$.Deferred`][jquery].
-We'd also love to have you join the Q-Continuum [mailing list][].
-[mailing list]:!forum/q-continuum
-## Tutorial
-Promises have a ``then`` method, which you can use to get the eventual
-return value (fulfillment) or thrown exception (rejection).
-.then(function (value) {
-}, function (reason) {
-If ``promiseMeSomething`` returns a promise that gets fulfilled later
-with a return value, the first function (the fulfillment handler) will be
-called with the value.  However, if the ``promiseMeSomething`` function
-gets rejected later by a thrown exception, the second function (the
-rejection handler) will be called with the exception.
-Note that resolution of a promise is always asynchronous: that is, the
-fulfillment or rejection handler will always be called in the next turn of the
-event loop (i.e. `process.nextTick` in Node). This gives you a nice
-guarantee when mentally tracing the flow of your code, namely that
-``then`` will always return before either handler is executed.
-In this tutorial, we begin with how to consume and work with promises. We'll
-talk about how to create them, and thus create functions like
-`promiseMeSomething` that return promises, [below](#the-beginning).
-### Propagation
-The ``then`` method returns a promise, which in this example, I’m
-assigning to ``outputPromise``.
-var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
-.then(function (input) {
-}, function (reason) {
-The ``outputPromise`` variable becomes a new promise for the return
-value of either handler.  Since a function can only either return a
-value or throw an exception, only one handler will ever be called and it
-will be responsible for resolving ``outputPromise``.
--   If you return a value in a handler, ``outputPromise`` will get
-    fulfilled.
--   If you throw an exception in a handler, ``outputPromise`` will get
-    rejected.
--   If you return a **promise** in a handler, ``outputPromise`` will
-    “become” that promise.  Being able to become a new promise is useful
-    for managing delays, combining results, or recovering from errors.
-If the ``getInputPromise()`` promise gets rejected and you omit the
-rejection handler, the **error** will go to ``outputPromise``:
-var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
-.then(function (value) {
-If the input promise gets fulfilled and you omit the fulfillment handler, the
-**value** will go to ``outputPromise``:
-var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
-.then(null, function (error) {
-Q promises provide a ``fail`` shorthand for ``then`` when you are only
-interested in handling the error:
-var outputPromise = getInputPromise() (error) {
-If you are writing JavaScript for modern engines only or using
-CoffeeScript, you may use `catch` instead of `fail`.
-Promises also have a ``fin`` function that is like a ``finally`` clause.
-The final handler gets called, with no arguments, when the promise
-returned by ``getInputPromise()`` either returns a value or throws an
-error.  The value returned or error thrown by ``getInputPromise()``
-passes directly to ``outputPromise`` unless the final handler fails, and
-may be delayed if the final handler returns a promise.
-var outputPromise = getInputPromise()
-.fin(function () {
-    // close files, database connections, stop servers, conclude tests
--   If the handler returns a value, the value is ignored
--   If the handler throws an error, the error passes to ``outputPromise``
--   If the handler returns a promise, ``outputPromise`` gets postponed.  The
-    eventual value or error has the same effect as an immediate return
-    value or thrown error: a value would be ignored, an error would be
-    forwarded.
-If you are writing JavaScript for modern engines only or using
-CoffeeScript, you may use `finally` instead of `fin`.
-### Chaining
-There are two ways to chain promises.  You can chain promises either
-inside or outside handlers.  The next two examples are equivalent.
-return getUsername()
-.then(function (username) {
-    return getUser(username)
-    .then(function (user) {
-        // if we get here without an error,
-        // the value returned here
-        // or the exception thrown here
-        // resolves the promise returned
-        // by the first line
-    })
-return getUsername()
-.then(function (username) {
-    return getUser(username);
-.then(function (user) {
-    // if we get here without an error,
-    // the value returned here
-    // or the exception thrown here
-    // resolves the promise returned
-    // by the first line
-The only difference is nesting.  It’s useful to nest handlers if you
-need to capture multiple input values in your closure.
-function authenticate() {
-    return getUsername()
-    .then(function (username) {
-        return getUser(username);
-    })
-    // chained because we will not need the user name in the next event
-    .then(function (user) {
-        return getPassword()
-        // nested because we need both user and password next
-        .then(function (password) {
-            if (user.passwordHash !== hash(password)) {
-                throw new Error("Can't authenticate");
-            }
-        });
-    });
-### Combination
-You can turn an array of promises into a promise for the whole,
-fulfilled array using ``all``.
-return Q.all([
-    eventualAdd(2, 2),
-    eventualAdd(10, 20)
-If you have a promise for an array, you can use ``spread`` as a
-replacement for ``then``.  The ``spread`` function “spreads” the
-values over the arguments of the fulfillment handler.  The rejection handler
-will get called at the first sign of failure.  That is, whichever of
-the recived promises fails first gets handled by the rejection handler.
-function eventualAdd(a, b) {
-    return Q.spread([a, b], function (a, b) {
-        return a + b;
-    })
-But ``spread`` calls ``all`` initially, so you can skip it in chains.
-return getUsername()
-.then(function (username) {
-    return [username, getUser(username)];
-.spread(function (username, user) {
-The ``all`` function returns a promise for an array of values.  When this
-promise is fulfilled, the array contains the fulfillment values of the original
-promises, in the same order as those promises.  If one of the given promises
-is rejected, the returned promise is immediately rejected, not waiting for the
-rest of the batch.  If you want to wait for all of the promises to either be
-fulfilled or rejected, you can use ``allSettled``.
-.then(function (results) {
-    results.forEach(function (result) {
-        if (result.state === "fulfilled") {
-            var value = result.value;
-        } else {
-            var reason = result.reason;
-        }
-    });
-### Sequences
-If you have a number of promise-producing functions that need
-to be run sequentially, you can of course do so manually:
-return foo(initialVal).then(bar).then(baz).then(qux);
-However, if you want to run a dynamically constructed sequence of
-functions, you'll want something like this:
-var funcs = [foo, bar, baz, qux];
-var result = Q(initialVal);
-funcs.forEach(function (f) {
-    result = result.then(f);
-return result;
-You can make this slightly more compact using `reduce`:
-return funcs.reduce(function (soFar, f) {
-    return soFar.then(f);
-}, Q(initialVal));
-Or, you could use th ultra-compact version:
-return funcs.reduce(Q.when, Q());
-### Handling Errors
-One sometimes-unintuive aspect of promises is that if you throw an
-exception in the fulfillment handler, it will not be be caught by the error
-return foo()
-.then(function (value) {
-    throw new Error("Can't bar.");
-}, function (error) {
-    // We only get here if "foo" fails
-To see why this is, consider the parallel between promises and
-``try``/``catch``. We are ``try``-ing to execute ``foo()``: the error
-handler represents a ``catch`` for ``foo()``, while the fulfillment handler
-represents code that happens *after* the ``try``/``catch`` block.
-That code then needs its own ``try``/``catch`` block.
-In terms of promises, this means chaining your rejection handler:
-return foo()
-.then(function (value) {
-    throw new Error("Can't bar.");
-}) (error) {
-    // We get here with either foo's error or bar's error
-### Progress Notification
-It's possible for promises to report their progress, e.g. for tasks that take a
-long time like a file upload. Not all promises will implement progress
-notifications, but for those that do, you can consume the progress values using
-a third parameter to ``then``:
-return uploadFile()
-.then(function () {
-    // Success uploading the file
-}, function (err) {
-    // There was an error, and we get the reason for error
-}, function (progress) {
-    // We get notified of the upload's progress as it is executed
-Like `fail`, Q also provides a shorthand for progress callbacks
-called `progress`:
-return uploadFile().progress(function (progress) {
-    // We get notified of the upload's progress
-### The End
-When you get to the end of a chain of promises, you should either
-return the last promise or end the chain.  Since handlers catch
-errors, it’s an unfortunate pattern that the exceptions can go
-So, either return it,
-return foo()
-.then(function () {
-    return "bar";
-Or, end it.
-.then(function () {
-    return "bar";
-Ending a promise chain makes sure that, if an error doesn’t get
-handled before the end, it will get rethrown and reported.
-This is a stopgap. We are exploring ways to make unhandled errors
-visible without any explicit handling.
-### The Beginning
-Everything above assumes you get a promise from somewhere else.  This
-is the common case.  Every once in a while, you will need to create a
-promise from scratch.
-#### Using ``Q.fcall``
-You can create a promise from a value using ``Q.fcall``.  This returns a
-promise for 10.
-return Q.fcall(function () {
-    return 10;
-You can also use ``fcall`` to get a promise for an exception.
-return Q.fcall(function () {
-    throw new Error("Can't do it");
-As the name implies, ``fcall`` can call functions, or even promised
-functions.  This uses the ``eventualAdd`` function above to add two
-return Q.fcall(eventualAdd, 2, 2);
-#### Using Deferreds
-If you have to interface with asynchronous functions that are callback-based
-instead of promise-based, Q provides a few shortcuts (like ``Q.nfcall`` and
-friends). But much of the time, the solution will be to use *deferreds*.
-var deferred = Q.defer();
-FS.readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8", function (error, text) {
-    if (error) {
-        deferred.reject(new Error(error));
-    } else {
-        deferred.resolve(text);
-    }
-return deferred.promise;
-Note that a deferred can be resolved with a value or a promise.  The
-``reject`` function is a shorthand for resolving with a rejected
-// this:
-deferred.reject(new Error("Can't do it"));
-// is shorthand for:
-var rejection = Q.fcall(function () {
-    throw new Error("Can't do it");
-This is a simplified implementation of ``Q.delay``.
-function delay(ms) {
-    var deferred = Q.defer();
-    setTimeout(deferred.resolve, ms);
-    return deferred.promise;
-This is a simplified implementation of ``Q.timeout``
-function timeout(promise, ms) {
-    var deferred = Q.defer();
-    Q.when(promise, deferred.resolve);
-    delay(ms).then(function () {
-        deferred.reject(new Error("Timed out"));
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-Finally, you can send a progress notification to the promise with
-For illustration, this is a wrapper for XML HTTP requests in the browser. Note
-that a more [thorough][XHR] implementation would be in order in practice.
-function requestOkText(url) {
-    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
-    var deferred = Q.defer();
-"GET", url, true);
-    request.onload = onload;
-    request.onerror = onerror;
-    request.onprogress = onprogress;
-    request.send();
-    function onload() {
-        if (request.status === 200) {
-            deferred.resolve(request.responseText);
-        } else {
-            deferred.reject(new Error("Status code was " + request.status));
-        }
-    }
-    function onerror() {
-        deferred.reject(new Error("Can't XHR " + JSON.stringify(url)));
-    }
-    function onprogress(event) {
-        deferred.notify(event.loaded /;
-    }
-    return deferred.promise;
-Below is an example of how to use this ``requestOkText`` function:
-.then(function (responseText) {
-    // If the HTTP response returns 200 OK, log the response text.
-    console.log(responseText);
-}, function (error) {
-    // If there's an error or a non-200 status code, log the error.
-    console.error(error);
-}, function (progress) {
-    // Log the progress as it comes in.
-    console.log("Request progress: " + Math.round(progress * 100) + "%");
-### The Middle
-If you are using a function that may return a promise, but just might
-return a value if it doesn’t need to defer, you can use the “static”
-methods of the Q library.
-The ``when`` function is the static equivalent for ``then``.
-return Q.when(valueOrPromise, function (value) {
-}, function (error) {
-All of the other methods on a promise have static analogs with the
-same name.
-The following are equivalent:
-return Q.all([a, b]);
-return Q.fcall(function () {
-    return [a, b];
-When working with promises provided by other libraries, you should
-convert it to a Q promise.  Not all promise libraries make the same
-guarantees as Q and certainly don’t provide all of the same methods.
-Most libraries only provide a partially functional ``then`` method.
-This thankfully is all we need to turn them into vibrant Q promises.
-return Q($.ajax(...))
-.then(function () {
-If there is any chance that the promise you receive is not a Q promise
-as provided by your library, you should wrap it using a Q function.
-You can even use ``Q.invoke`` as a shorthand.
-return Q.invoke($, 'ajax', ...)
-.then(function () {
-### Over the Wire
-A promise can serve as a proxy for another object, even a remote
-object.  There are methods that allow you to optimistically manipulate
-properties or call functions.  All of these interactions return
-promises, so they can be chained.
-direct manipulation         using a promise as a proxy
---------------------------  -------------------------------                   promise.get("foo") = value           promise.put("foo", value)
-delete            promise.del("foo")"foo", [args])          promise.invoke("foo", ...args)
-value(...args)              promise.fapply([args])
-value(...args)              promise.fcall(...args)
-If the promise is a proxy for a remote object, you can shave
-round-trips by using these functions instead of ``then``.  To take
-advantage of promises for remote objects, check out [Q-Connection][].
-Even in the case of non-remote objects, these methods can be used as
-shorthand for particularly-simple fulfillment handlers. For example, you
-can replace
-return Q.fcall(function () {
-    return [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }];
-.then(function (value) {
-    return value[0].foo;
-return Q.fcall(function () {
-    return [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }];
-### Adapting Node
-If you're working with functions that make use of the Node.js callback pattern,
-where callbacks are in the form of `function(err, result)`, Q provides a few
-useful utility functions for converting between them. The most straightforward
-are probably `Q.nfcall` and `Q.nfapply` ("Node function call/apply") for calling
-Node.js-style functions and getting back a promise:
-return Q.nfcall(FS.readFile, "foo.txt", "utf-8");
-return Q.nfapply(FS.readFile, ["foo.txt", "utf-8"]);
-If you are working with methods, instead of simple functions, you can easily
-run in to the usual problems where passing a method to another function—like
-`Q.nfcall`—"un-binds" the method from its owner. To avoid this, you can either
-use `Function.prototype.bind` or some nice shortcut methods we provide:
-return Q.ninvoke(redisClient, "get", "user:1:id");
-return Q.npost(redisClient, "get", ["user:1:id"]);
-You can also create reusable wrappers with `Q.denodeify` or `Q.nbind`:
-var readFile = Q.denodeify(FS.readFile);
-return readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8");
-var redisClientGet = Q.nbind(redisClient.get, redisClient);
-return redisClientGet("user:1:id");
-Finally, if you're working with raw deferred objects, there is a
-`makeNodeResolver` method on deferreds that can be handy:
-var deferred = Q.defer();
-FS.readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8", deferred.makeNodeResolver());
-return deferred.promise;
-### Long Stack Traces
-Q comes with optional support for “long stack traces,” wherein the `stack`
-property of `Error` rejection reasons is rewritten to be traced along
-asynchronous jumps instead of stopping at the most recent one. As an example:
-function theDepthsOfMyProgram() {
-  Q.delay(100).done(function explode() {
-    throw new Error("boo!");
-  });
-usually would give a rather unhelpful stack trace looking something like
-Error: boo!
-    at explode (/path/to/test.js:3:11)
-    at _fulfilled (/path/to/test.js:q:54)
-    at resolvedValue.promiseDispatch.done (/path/to/q.js:823:30)
-    at makePromise.promise.promiseDispatch (/path/to/q.js:496:13)
-    at pending (/path/to/q.js:397:39)
-    at process.startup.processNextTick.process._tickCallback (node.js:244:9)
-But, if you turn this feature on by setting
-Q.longStackSupport = true;
-then the above code gives a nice stack trace to the tune of
-Error: boo!
-    at explode (/path/to/test.js:3:11)
-From previous event:
-    at theDepthsOfMyProgram (/path/to/test.js:2:16)
-    at Object.<anonymous> (/path/to/test.js:7:1)
-Note how you can see the the function that triggered the async operation in the
-stack trace! This is very helpful for debugging, as otherwise you end up getting
-only the first line, plus a bunch of Q internals, with no sign of where the
-operation started.
-This feature does come with somewhat-serious performance and memory overhead,
-however. If you're working with lots of promises, or trying to scale a server
-to many users, you should probably keep it off. But in development, go for it!
-## Tests
-You can view the results of the Q test suite [in your browser][tests]!
-## License
-Copyright 2009–2014 Kristopher Michael Kowal
-MIT License (enclosed)
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/q/benchmark/compare-with-callbacks.js b/wp8/node_modules/q/benchmark/compare-with-callbacks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f1298..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/q/benchmark/compare-with-callbacks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var Q = require("../q");
-var fs = require("fs");
-suite("A single simple async operation", function () {
-    bench("with an immediately-fulfilled promise", function (done) {
-        Q().then(done);
-    });
-    bench("with direct setImmediate usage", function (done) {
-        setImmediate(done);
-    });
-    bench("with direct setTimeout(…, 0)", function (done) {
-        setTimeout(done, 0);
-    });
-suite("A fs.readFile", function () {
-    var denodeified = Q.denodeify(fs.readFile);
-    set("iterations", 1000);
-    set("delay", 1000);
-    bench("directly, with callbacks", function (done) {
-        fs.readFile(__filename, done);
-    });
-    bench("with Q.nfcall", function (done) {
-        Q.nfcall(fs.readFile, __filename).then(done);
-    });
-    bench("with a Q.denodeify'ed version", function (done) {
-        denodeified(__filename).then(done);
-    });
-    bench("with manual usage of deferred.makeNodeResolver", function (done) {
-        var deferred = Q.defer();
-        fs.readFile(__filename, deferred.makeNodeResolver());
-        deferred.promise.then(done);
-    });
-suite("1000 operations in parallel", function () {
-    function makeCounter(desiredCount, ultimateCallback) {
-        var soFar = 0;
-        return function () {
-            if (++soFar === desiredCount) {
-                ultimateCallback();
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    var numberOfOps = 1000;
-    bench("with immediately-fulfilled promises", function (done) {
-        var counter = makeCounter(numberOfOps, done);
-        for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOps; ++i) {
-            Q().then(counter);
-        }
-    });
-    bench("with direct setImmediate usage", function (done) {
-        var counter = makeCounter(numberOfOps, done);
-        for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOps; ++i) {
-            setImmediate(counter);
-        }
-    });
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/q/benchmark/scenarios.js b/wp8/node_modules/q/benchmark/scenarios.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c18564..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/q/benchmark/scenarios.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var Q = require("../q");
-suite("Chaining", function () {
-    var numberToChain = 1000;
-    bench("Chaining many already-fulfilled promises together", function (done) {
-        var currentPromise = Q();
-        for (var i = 0; i < numberToChain; ++i) {
-            currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
-                return Q();
-            });
-        }
-        currentPromise.then(done);
-    });
-    bench("Chaining and then fulfilling the end of the chain", function (done) {
-        var deferred = Q.defer();
-        var currentPromise = deferred.promise;
-        for (var i = 0; i < numberToChain; ++i) {
-            (function () {
-                var promiseToReturn = currentPromise;
-                currentPromise = Q().then(function () {
-                    return promiseToReturn;
-                });
-            }());
-        }
-        currentPromise.then(done);
-        deferred.resolve();
-    });
diff --git a/wp8/node_modules/q/package.json b/wp8/node_modules/q/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c98a98..0000000
--- a/wp8/node_modules/q/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "q",
-  "version": "1.0.1",
-  "description": "A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)",
-  "homepage": "",
-  "author": {
-    "name": "Kris Kowal",
-    "email": "",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "keywords": [
-    "q",
-    "promise",
-    "promises",
-    "promises-a",
-    "promises-aplus",
-    "deferred",
-    "future",
-    "async",
-    "flow control",
-    "fluent",
-    "browser",
-    "node"
-  ],
-  "contributors": [
-    {
-      "name": "Kris Kowal",
-      "email": "",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Irakli Gozalishvili",
-      "email": "",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Domenic Denicola",
-      "email": "",
-      "url": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "license": {
-    "type": "MIT",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "main": "q.js",
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": "git://"
-  },
-  "engines": {
-    "node": ">=0.6.0",
-    "teleport": ">=0.2.0"
-  },
-  "dependencies": {},
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "jshint": "~2.1.9",
-    "cover": "*",
-    "jasmine-node": "1.11.0",
-    "opener": "*",
-    "promises-aplus-tests": "1.x",
-    "grunt": "~0.4.1",
-    "grunt-cli": "~0.1.9",
-    "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.2",
-    "matcha": "~0.2.0"
-  },
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "jasmine-node spec && promises-aplus-tests spec/aplus-adapter",
-    "test-browser": "opener spec/q-spec.html",
-    "benchmark": "matcha",
-    "lint": "jshint q.js",
-    "cover": "cover run node_modules/jasmine-node/bin/jasmine-node spec && cover report html && opener cover_html/index.html",
-    "minify": "grunt",
-    "prepublish": "grunt"
-  },
-  "overlay": {
-    "teleport": {
-      "dependencies": {
-        "system": ">=0.0.4"
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  "directories": {
-    "test": "./spec"
-  },
-  "_id": "q@1.0.1",
-  "dist": {
-    "shasum": "11872aeedee89268110b10a718448ffb10112a14",
-    "tarball": ""
-  },
-  "_from": "q@~1",
-  "_npmVersion": "1.4.4",
-  "_npmUser": {
-    "name": "kriskowal",
-    "email": ""
-  },
-  "maintainers": [
-    {
-      "name": "kriskowal",
-      "email": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "domenic",
-      "email": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "_shasum": "11872aeedee89268110b10a718448ffb10112a14",
-  "_resolved": "",
-  "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!"