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Posted to by on 2014/06/24 10:24:21 UTC

[05/11] Revert "CLOUDSTACK-6967: Now with module!"
diff --git a/plugins/hypervisors/ovm3/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/ovm3/object/ b/plugins/hypervisors/ovm3/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/ovm3/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 850daf8..0000000
--- a/plugins/hypervisors/ovm3/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/ovm3/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-// import;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-// mport;
-import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
-public class Test {
-    // private static Sanitize _insane = new Sanitize();
-    /*
-     * Other trinket
-     *
-     * &s=-1&lb=p&t=2
-     * &p=1dd5e891d9d0edbd81c2a69ab3d1b7ea%2C2f3b7fca202045058ae388d22f21f508'
-     */
-    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
-        boolean CheckNet = false;
-        boolean CheckNtp = false;
-        boolean CheckLinux = false;
-        boolean CheckCommon = false;
-        boolean CheckCluster = false;
-        boolean CheckRepo = false;
-        boolean CheckPool = false;
-        boolean CheckOcfs2 = false;
-        boolean CheckNFSPlugin = false;
-        boolean CheckXen = false;
-        boolean CheckVnc = false;
-        boolean CheckCombine = false;
-        boolean CheckVmInfo = false;
-        boolean CheckUuid = false;
-        boolean CheckBridge = false;
-        boolean CheckFs = false;
-        boolean CheckPlugin = true;
-        try {
-            Connection c;
-            Socket client;
-            String hostname = "ovm-2";
-            try{
-                client = new Socket(hostname, 8899);
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                hostname = "localhost";
-                client = new Socket(hostname, 8899);
-            }
-            if (!client.isConnected()) {
-                System.out.println("No connection");
-            } else {
-                System.out.println("connected to: " + hostname);
-            }
-            client.close();
-            try {
-                System.out.println("trying to connect to " + hostname);
-                c = new Connection(hostname, 8899, "oracle", "test123");
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                throw new Exception("Unable to connect to " + hostname
-                       + " port seemed to listen...");
-            }
-            /*
-             * needs to be finished and implement ovs + bridge, or do we count
-             * on chef ?
-             */
-            if (CheckPlugin) {
-                CloudStackPlugin csp = new CloudStackPlugin(c);
-                try {
-                    System.out.println(csp.ovsUploadSshKey("test", "testing 123"));
-//                            FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(""))));
-                    String ip = "";
-                    String domain = "i-2-29-VM";
-                    String pubnic = "bond0";
-                    // System.out.println(csp.ovsDom0Stats(pubnic));
-                    // System.out.println(csp.domrCheckPort(ip, 3922, 3, 3));
-                    // System.out.println(csp.domrCheckSsh(ip));
-                    System.out.println("vnc Port: "+ csp.getVncPort(domain));
-                    // System.out.println(csp.domrExec(ip, "ls -l").getStdOut());
-                    Map<String, String> stats = csp.ovsDomUStats(domain);
-                    /* for (final Entry<String, String> stat : stats.entrySet()) {
-                        System.out.println(stat.getKey() + " "
-                                + Double.parseDouble(stat.getValue()));
-                    } */
-                    Thread.sleep(1000);
-                    Map<String, String> stats2 = csp.ovsDomUStats(domain);
-                    for (final Entry<String, String> stat : stats2.entrySet()) {
-                        String key = stat.getKey();
-                        Double delta = Double.parseDouble(stat.getValue())
-                                - Double.parseDouble(stats.get(key));
-                        System.out.println(stat.getKey() + ": " + delta);
-                    }
-                    Integer cpus = Integer.parseInt(stats.get("vcpus"));
-                    Double d_cpu = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("cputime"))
-                            - Double.parseDouble(stats2.get("cputime"));
-                    Double d_time = Double.parseDouble(stats.get("uptime"))
-                            - Double.parseDouble(stats2.get("uptime"));
-                    Double cpupct = d_cpu/d_time * 100 * cpus;
-                    System.out.println(cpupct);
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                    System.out.println("nooooo!!!" + e.getMessage());
-                    throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
-                }
-            }
-            if (CheckFs) {
-                Linux host = new Linux(c);
-                Map<String, Linux.FileSystem> fsList = host
-                        .getFileSystemList("nfs");
-                Linux.FileSystem fs = fsList.get("nfs");
-                System.out.println(fs + " " + fsList);
-            }
-            if (CheckUuid) {
-                System.out.println(UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("test@test-test")
-                        .getBytes()));
-            }
-            if (CheckNet) {
-                Network net = new Network(c);
-                System.out.println(net.getInterfaceByName("c0a80100"));
-                // net.discoverNetwork();
-                System.out
-                        .println(net.getInterfaceByName("c0a80100").getAddress());
-                System.out.println(net.getInterfaceByIp("").getName());
-                // System.out.println(bridge.getMac());
-            }
-            if (CheckCommon == true) {
-                Common Com = new Common(c);
-                String x = Com.getApiVersion();
-                System.out.println("Api Version: " + x);
-                String y = Com.sleep(1);
-                System.out.println("Sleep: " + y);
-                String msg = Com.echo("testing 1 2 3");
-                System.out.println("Echo: " + msg);
-                /*
-                 * String disp = Com.dispatch ("", "hoeleboele");
-                 * System.out. println("dispatch" + disp);
-                 */
-            }
-            /* check stuff */
-            if (CheckLinux == true) {
-                Linux Host = new Linux(c);
-                Host.discoverHardware();
-                Host.discoverServer();
-                System.out.println("hwVMM: " + Host.hwVMM.toString());
-                System.out.println("hwSystem: " + Host.hwSystem.toString());
-                System.out.println("Cap: " + Host.Capabilities.toString());
-                System.out.println("VMM: " + Host.VMM.toString());
-                System.out.println("NTP: " + Host.NTP.toString());
-                System.out.println("DT: " + Host.DateTime.toString());
-                System.out.println("Gen: " + Host.Generic.toString());
-                System.out.println("time; " + Host.getDateTime());
-                // needs to be within bounds of 1970... *grin*
-                System.out.println("update time to 1999: "
-                        + Host.setDateTime(1999, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0));
-                System.out.println("lastboot: " + Host.getLastBootTime());
-                System.out.println("time: " + Host.localTime);
-                Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
-                int year = now.get(Calendar.YEAR);
-                int month = now.get(Calendar.MONTH); // Note: zero based!
-                int day = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
-                int hour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
-                int minute = now.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
-                int second = now.get(Calendar.SECOND);
-                int millis = now.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
-                System.out.println("set time to now: "
-                        + Host.setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute,
-                                second));
-                System.out.println("lastboot: " + Host.getLastBootTime());
-                System.out.println("time: " + Host.localTime);
-                System.out.println("update password: "
-                        + Host.updateAgentPassword("oracle", "test123"));
-                System.out.println("set time zone: "
-                        + Host.setTimeZone("Europe/London", false));
-                System.out.println("time zone: " + Host.getTimeZone() + ", "
-                        + Host.timeZone + ", " + Host.timeUTC);
-                System.out.println("set time zone: "
-                        + Host.setTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam", true));
-                System.out.println("time zone: " + Host.getTimeZone() + ", "
-                        + Host.timeZone + ", " + Host.timeUTC);
-                // System.out.println("Luns: " + Host.discoverPhysicalLuns());
-            }
-            /* setting up ntp */
-            if (CheckNtp == true) {
-                Ntp ntp = new Ntp(c);
-                ntp.getDetails();
-                System.out.println("ntp isServer: " + ntp.isServer());
-                System.out.println("ntp isRunning: " + ntp.isRunning());
-                System.out.println("ntp Servers: " + ntp.servers());
-                ntp.addServer("");
-                ntp.addServer("");
-                System.out.println("ntp set: " + ntp.setNtp(true));
-                System.out.println("ntp enable: " + ntp.enableNtp());
-                ntp.getDetails();
-                System.out.println("ntp isServer: " + ntp.isServer());
-                System.out.println("ntp isRunning: " + ntp.isRunning());
-                System.out.println("ntp Servers: " + ntp.servers());
-                System.out.println("ntp disable: " + ntp.disableNtp());
-                System.out.println("ntp reset: " + ntp.setNtp("", false));
-            }
-            if (CheckNFSPlugin == true) {
-                Linux lin = new Linux(c);
-                lin.discoverServer();
-                System.out.println(lin.getCapabilities());
-                Map<String, FileSystem> fsList = lin.getFileSystemList("nfs");
-                System.out.println(fsList);
-                System.out.println(BigInteger.valueOf(lin.getMemory()
-                        .longValue()));
-                System.out.println(lin.getFreeMemory());
-                BigInteger totalmem = BigInteger.valueOf(lin.getMemory()
-                        .longValue());
-                BigInteger freemem = BigInteger.valueOf(lin.getFreeMemory()
-                        .longValue());
-                System.out.println(totalmem.subtract(freemem));
-                /*
-                 * for (final Map.Entry<String, Linux.FileSystem> entry : fsList
-                 * .entrySet()) {
-                 * Linux.FileSystem fs = entry.getValue();
-                 * StoragePlugin sp = new StoragePlugin(c);
-                 * String propUuid = sp.deDash(fs.getUuid());
-                 * String mntUuid = fs.getUuid();
-                 * String fsType = "FileSys";
-                 * sp.setUuid(propUuid);
-                 * sp.setSsUuid(propUuid);
-                 * sp.setName(propUuid);
-                 * sp.setFsType(fsType);
-                 * sp.setFsServer(fs.getHost());
-                 * sp.setFsSourcePath(fs.getDevice());
-                 * sp.storagePluginGetFileSystemInfo();
-                 * }
-                 */
-                /*
-                 * StoragePlugin sp = new StoragePlugin(c);
-                 * String propUuid = sp.deDash(sp.newUuid());
-                 * String mntUuid = sp.newUuid();
-                 * String nfsHost = "cs-mgmt";
-                 * String nfsPath = "/volumes/cs-data/primary";
-                 * String fsType = "FileSys";
-                 * sp.setUuid(propUuid);
-                 * sp.setName(propUuid);
-                 * sp.setFsType(fsType);
-                 * sp.setFsServer(nfsHost);
-                 * sp.setFsSourcePath(nfsHost + ":" + nfsPath);
-                 * // sp.fsTarget("/nfsmnt/" + mntUuid);
-                 * sp.setFsMountPoint("/nfsmnt/" + mntUuid);
-                 * sp.setMntUuid(mntUuid);
-                 * sp.setSsUuid(propUuid);
-                 * sp.setSsName("nfs:" + nfsPath);
-                 * if (sp.storagePluginMount() != null) {
-                 * lin.discoverMountedFs("nfs");
-                 * // System.out.println(sp.extprops);
-                 * StoragePlugin store = new StoragePlugin(c);
-                 * store.setUuid(propUuid);
-                 * store.setSsUuid(propUuid);
-                 * store.setMntUuid(mntUuid);
-                 * store.setFsHost(nfsHost);
-                 * store.setFsSourcePath(nfsHost + ":" + nfsPath);
-                 * // store.setFsMountPoint(pool.getPath());
-                 * store.storagePluginGetFileSystemInfo();
-                 * System.out.println(store.getTotalSize());
-                 * sp.setFsSourcePath(nfsHost + ":" + nfsPath);
-                 * sp.storagePluginUnmount();
-                 * }
-                 */
-            }
-            /* still needs to be finished! */
-            if (CheckRepo == true) {
-                Repository repo = new Repository(c);
-                String repouuid = repo.deDash(repo.newUuid());
-                String remote = "cs-mgmt:/volumes/cs-data/secondary";
-                String local = "/OVS/Repositories/" + repouuid;
-                String url = "http://nibbler/~funs/iso";
-                String iso = url + "/gentoo.iso";
-                String vhd = url + "/ovm.raw";
-                String isouuid = repo.deDash(repo.newUuid());
-                String vmuuid = repo.deDash(repo.newUuid());
-                repo.mountRepoFs(remote, local);
-                repo.createRepo(remote, repouuid, repouuid, "My Comment");
-                repo.discoverRepoDb();
-                // repo.discoverRepo(repouuid);
-                repo.importIso(iso, isouuid + ".iso", repouuid, "");
-                repo.importVirtualDisk(vhd, vmuuid + ".img", repouuid, "");
-                repo.deleteRepo(repouuid, true);
-                repo.unmountRepoFs(local);
-                repo.discoverRepoDb();
-                repo.discoverRepo(repouuid);
-            }
-            if (CheckPool == true) {
-                System.out.println("checking pool");
-                Pool pool = new Pool(c);
-                pool.discoverServerPool();
-                System.out.println(pool.getPoolAlias());
-                System.out.println(pool.getPoolId());
-                if (pool.getPoolId().contentEquals("TEST")) {
-                    System.out.println("pool equals test");
-                } else {
-                    System.out.println("pool" + pool.getPoolId());
-                }
-                List<String> ips = new ArrayList<String>();
-                ips.add("");
-                ips.add("");
-                /*
-                 * pool.setPoolIps(ips);
-                 * pool.setPoolMemberIpList();
-                 */
-                /*
-                 * if (pool.poolFsId != null) {
-                 * pool.leaveServerPool(pool.poolFsId);
-                 * }
-                 */
-                System.out.println("pool members: "
-                        + pool.getPoolMemberIpList());
-            }
-            if (CheckOcfs2 == true) {
-                PoolOCFS2 poolocfs = new PoolOCFS2(c);
-                poolocfs.discoverPoolFs();
-                // poolocfs.ocfs2GetMetaData();
-            }
-            if (CheckCluster == true) {
-                Pool pool = new Pool(c);
-                pool.discoverServerPool();
-                Cluster Clos = new Cluster(c);
-                // Clos.destroyCluster(pool.poolFsId);
-                if (pool.getPoolId() != null) {
-                    // Clos.deconfigureServerForCluster(pool.poolId);
-                }
-                System.out.println("Cluster online: " + Clos.isClusterOnline());
-                System.out.println("Cluster discover: "
-                        + Clos.discoverCluster());
-            }
-            if (CheckXen == true) {
-                Xen xen = new Xen(c);
-                xen.listVms();
-                xen.createVm("xx", "xx");
-                /* xen.deleteVm(repoId, vmId); */
-            }
-            /* check the combination of stuff */
-            if (CheckCombine == true) {
-                /* prepare host, mgr should have "steady uuid" */
-                OvmObject Go = new OvmObject();
-                String masterUuid = Go.deDash(Go.newUuid());
-                /* check capabilities */
-                Linux Host = new Linux(c);
-                Host.discoverServer();
-                /* setup pool and role, needs utility to be able to do shit */
-                Pool pool = new Pool(c);
-                /* Info comes from Linux, not the pool, but needs to be set in the pool -sigh- */
-                if (Host.Get("Server_Roles").contentEquals(
-                        pool.getValidRoles().toString())) {
-                    pool.setServerRoles(pool.getValidRoles());
-                }
-                if (Host.Get("Membership_State").contentEquals("Unowned")) {
-                    pool.takeOwnership(masterUuid, "");
-                }
-                /* get primary storage mounted and registered */
-                StoragePlugin sp = new StoragePlugin(c);
-                String propUuid = sp.deDash(sp.newUuid());
-                String mntUuid = sp.newUuid();
-                String nfsHost = "cs-mgmt";
-                String nfsPath = "/volumes/cs-data/primary";
-                String fsType = "FileSys";
-                sp.setUuid(propUuid);
-                sp.setName(propUuid);
-                sp.setFsType(fsType);
-                sp.setFsServer(nfsHost);
-                sp.setFsSourcePath(nfsHost + ":" + nfsPath);
-                sp.setMntUuid(mntUuid);
-                sp.setSsUuid(propUuid);
-                sp.setSsName("nfs:" + nfsPath);
-                sp.setFsMountPoint("/nfsmnt/" + mntUuid);
-                /* setup a repo */
-                Repository repo = new Repository(c);
-                String repouuid = repo.deDash(repo.newUuid());
-                String remote = "cs-mgmt:/volumes/cs-data/secondary";
-                String repopath = "/OVS/Repositories/" + repouuid;
-                String url = "http://nibbler/~funs/iso";
-                String iso = url + "/gentoo.iso";
-                String vhd = url + "/ovm.raw";
-                String isouuid = repo.deDash(repo.newUuid());
-                String vmuuid = repo.deDash(repo.newUuid());
-                repo.discoverRepoDb();
-                repo.mountRepoFs(remote, repopath);
-                repo.createRepo(remote, repouuid, repouuid, "My Comment");
-                repo.discoverRepoDb();
-                // repo.discoverRepo(repouuid);
-                String isoname = isouuid + ".iso";
-                String imgname = vmuuid + ".img";
-                repo.importIso(iso, isoname, repouuid, "");
-                repo.importVirtualDisk(vhd, imgname, repouuid, "");
-                if (sp.storagePluginMount() != null) {
-                    /* prep the VM disk to go to primary storage */
-                    Linux vmDisk = new Linux(c);
-                    String srcvmimg = repopath + "/VirtualDisks/" + imgname;
-                    String dstvmimg = sp.getFsMountPoint() + "/" + imgname;
-                    /* the "solving" of no real primary and secondary storage in OVS */
-                    vmDisk.copyFile(srcvmimg, dstvmimg);
-                    Xen xen = new Xen(c);
-                    /*
-                     * 'vfb':
-                     * ['type=vnc,vncunused=1,vnclisten=,keymap=en-us']
-                     */
-                    /*
-                     * 'disk': [
-                     * 'file:/OVS/Repositories/0004fb0000030000aeaca859e4a8f8c0/VirtualDisks/0004fb0000120000c444117fd87ea251.img,xvda,w']
-                     */
-                    /* 'vif': ['mac=00:21:f6:00:00:00,bridge=c0a80100'] */
-                    String vmName = Go.deDash(Go.newUuid());
-                    Xen.Vm vm = xen.getVmConfig();
-                    vm.setVmName(vmName);
-                    vm.setVmUuid(vmName);
-                    vm.addRootDisk(dstvmimg);
-                    vm.addVif(0, "c0a80100", "00:21:f6:00:00:02");
-                    vm.setVnc("");
-                    xen.createVm(repouuid, vm.vmName);
-                    xen.startVm(repouuid, vm.vmName);
-                    /*
-                     * vm.stopVm(repouuid, vm.vmUuid); vm.deleteVm(repouuid,
-                     * vm.vmUuid);
-                     */
-                    System.out.println("Created VM with: " + vmName);
-                    System.out.println("repo: " + repouuid);
-                    System.out.println("image: " + imgname);
-                    System.out.println("disk: " + dstvmimg);
-                    System.out.println("master: " + masterUuid);
-                }
-            }
-            if (CheckVmInfo == true) {
-                Xen host = new Xen(c);
-                /* make an itterator */
-                // String vmId = "14fc3846-45e5-3c08-ad23-432ceb07407b";
-                // String repoId = "f12842eb-f5ed-3fe7-8da1-eb0e17f5ede8";
-                String vmName = "s-1-VM";
-                Xen.Vm vm = null;
-                Xen.Vm ovm = null;
-                try {
-                    /* backwards for now: */
-                    ovm = host.getRunningVmConfig(vmName);
-                    System.out.println(ovm.getVmRootDiskPoolId());
-                    /* new style */
-                    vm = host.getVmConfig(vmName);
-                    vm.addIso("test.iso");
-                    if (vm.getVmUuid().equals("")) {
-                        System.out.println("no vm found");
-                    } else {
-                        System.out.println(vm.getVmParams());
-                        System.out.println(vm.getVmDisks());
-                        System.out.println(vm.getVmUuid());
-                        System.out.println(vm.getPrimaryPoolUuid());
-                        vm.removeDisk("test.iso");
-                        System.out.println(vm.getVmParams().get("disk"));
-                    }
-                } catch (XmlRpcException e) {
-                    System.out.println("Failed to get VM details for " + vmName
-                            + " on " + c.getIp());
-                }
-            }
-            if (CheckVnc == true) {
-                Xen vms = new Xen(c);
-                Xen.Vm vm = vms.listVms().get("Domain-0");
-                vm.setVncAddress("");
-                vm.setVncPassword("testikkel");
-                vm.setVnc();
-                System.out.println(vm._vmVnc + " " + vm.vmVnc);
-            }
-            if (CheckBridge) {
-                Network net = new Network(c);
-                for (final Map.Entry<String, Network.Interface> entry : net.getInterfaceList().entrySet()) {
-                    Network.Interface iface = entry.getValue();
-                    System.out.println("interface: " + iface.getName() + ", phys: " + iface.getPhysical() + ", type: " + iface.getIfType());
-                }
-                String physInterface = "bond0";
-                Integer vlanId = 2;
-                String physVlanInt = physInterface + "." + vlanId.toString();
-                String brName = "c0a80100" + "." + vlanId.toString();
-                System.out.println(net.getInterfaceByName(physVlanInt)
-                        + " " + net.getInterfaceByName(brName));
-                if (net.getInterfaceByName(physVlanInt) == null)
-                    net.startOvsVlanConfig(physInterface, vlanId);
-                if (net.getInterfaceByName(brName) == null)
-                    net.startOvsBrConfig(brName, physVlanInt);
-                // net.startOvsLocalConfig("control0");
-                // net.ovsBrConfig("start", "control0", "lo");
-                // net.ovsIpConfig("control0", "static", "",
-                // "");
-                // execOverSsh("route del -net");
-            }
-                /* cleanup */
-                /*
-                 * repo.deleteRepo(repouuid, true);
-                 * repo.unmountRepoFs(repopath); repo.discoverRepoDb();
-                 * repo.discoverRepo(repouuid); sp.storagePluginUnmount();
-                 */
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.getMessage();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/plugins/hypervisors/ovm3/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/ovm3/object/ b/plugins/hypervisors/ovm3/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/ovm3/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d30cab..0000000
--- a/plugins/hypervisors/ovm3/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/ovm3/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1169 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ******************************************************************************/
-/* contains VM related stuff too */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
-// import org.w3c.dom.Document;
- * should become an interface implementation
- */
-public class Xen extends OvmObject {
-    public Xen(Connection c) {
-        client = c;
-    }
-    private Map<String, Vm> vmList = null;
-    /*
-     * ugly for now, but just insert a "default" VM in the Xen class will strip
-     * it out later if we need to
-     */
-    private Vm vm = new Vm();
-    /* a vm class....
-     * Setting up a VM is different than retrieving one from OVM.
-     * retrieve with list:
-     * {state=-b----, vcpus=1, on_poweroff=destroy, cpu_weight=27500, cpus=[Ljava.lang.Object;@4239410a, cpu_cap=0, on_xend_start=ignore, description=, name=0d87b9506da945fd98fb979bb345c187, features=, bootloader_args=-q, shadow_memory=0, domid=7, pool_name=Pool-0, maxmem=256, store_mfn=873241, console_mfn=873240, status=2, builder=linux, image={pci=[Ljava.lang.Object;@3cdd197d, device_model=/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm, superpages=0, videoram=4, tsc_mode=0, nomigrate=0, notes=[Ljava.lang.Object;@57b47cc2, kernel=, expose_host_uuid=0}, bootloader=/usr/bin/pygrub, cpu_time=1.328733473, memory=256, on_crash=restart, online_vcpus=1, on_reboot=restart, device={console=[Ljava.lang.Object;@a6ad18a, vbd=[Ljava.lang.Object;@6ae2c05d, vkbd=[Ljava.lang.Object;@4cc3507d, vfb=[Ljava.lang.Object;@2ad965ea, vif=[Ljava.lang.Object;@26b1fba0}, start_time=1390033675.38, uuid=0d87b950-6da9-45fd-98fb-979bb345c187, on_xend_stop=ignore}
-     * while setting one up goes according to vmParams, boggle me.
-     * According to the python agent it should be this:
-     * (/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/agent/lib/
-     * VM_PARAMS =  {
-            # option: setter
-            'cpu_cap': set_cpu_cap,
-            'cpus': set_cpus,
-            'cpu_weight': set_cpu_weight,
-            'disk_other_config': set_disk_other_config,
-            'disk': set_disk,
-            'maxmem': set_maxmem,
-            'memory': set_memory,
-            'name': set_name,
-            'vcpus': set_vcpus,
-            'vif_other_config': set_vif_other_config,
-            'vif': set_vif
-        }
-     * or:
-     * (/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/agent/lib/
-       VM_CFG =  {
-            # option: checker,
-            'access_control': check_list,
-            'acpi': check_int,
-            'apic': check_int,
-            'blkif': check_int,
-            'bootargs': check_str,
-            'bootloader': check_str,
-            'boot': check_str,
-            'builder': check_str,
-            'console_autoconnect': check_int,
-            'cpu_cap': check_int,
-            'cpuid_check': check_list,
-            'cpuid': check_list,
-            'cpus': check_str_or_list,
-            'cpu': check_int,
-            'cpu_weight': check_int,
-            'device_model': check_str,
-            'dhcp': check_str,
-            'disk_other_config': check_list,
-            'disk': check_list,
-            'display': check_int,
-            'expose_host_uuid': check_int,
-            'extra': check_str,
-            'fda': check_str,
-            'fdb': check_str,
-            'features': check_str,
-            'gateway': check_str,
-            'guest_os_type': check_str,
-            'hap': check_int,
-            'hostname': check_str,
-            'hpet': check_int,
-            'interface': check_str,
-            'ioports': check_list,
-            'ip': check_str,
-            'irq': check_list,
-            'isa': check_int,
-            'kernel': check_str,
-            'keymap': check_str,
-            'loader': check_str,
-            'localtime': check_int,
-            'machine_address_size': check_int,
-            'maxmem': check_int,
-            'maxvcpus': check_int,
-            'memory': check_int,
-            'monitor_path': check_str,
-            'monitor': check_int,
-            'name': check_str,
-            'netif': check_int,
-            'netmask': check_str,
-            'nfs_root': check_str,
-            'nfs_server': check_str,
-            'nographic': check_int,
-            'nomigrate': check_int,
-            'on_crash': check_str,
-            'on_poweroff': check_str,
-            'on_reboot': check_str,
-            'on_xend_start': check_str,
-            'on_xend_stop': check_str,
-            'opengl': check_int,
-            'pae': check_int,
-            'pasued': check_int,
-            'pci_msitranslate': check_int,
-            'pci_power_mgmt': check_int,
-            'pci': check_list,
-            'ramdisk': check_str,
-            'root': check_str,
-            'rtc_timeoffset': check_int,
-            's3_integrity': check_int,
-            'sdl': check_int,
-            'serial': check_str,
-            'shadow_memory': check_int,
-            'soundhw': check_str,
-            'stdvga': check_int,
-            'superpages': check_int,
-            'suppress_spurious_page_faults': check_int,
-            'target': check_int,
-            'timer_mode': check_int,
-            'tpmif': check_int,
-            'tsc_mode': check_int,
-            'usbdevice': check_str,
-            'usb': check_int,
-            'uuid': check_str,
-            'vcpus': check_int,
-            'vfb': check_list,
-            'vhpt': check_int,
-            'videoram': check_int,
-            'vif2': check_list,
-            'vif_other_config': check_list,
-            'vif': check_list,
-            'viridian': check_int,
-            'vncconsole': check_int,
-            'vncdisplay': check_int,
-            'vnclisten': check_str,
-            'vncpasswd': check_str,
-            'vncunused': check_int,
-            'vnc': check_int,
-            'vpt_align': check_int,
-            'vscsi': check_list,
-            'vtpm': check_list,
-            'xauthority': check_str,
-            'xen_platform_pci': check_int,
-        }
-     */
-    public class Vm {
-        /* vm attributes */
-        public ArrayList<String> _vmVnc = new ArrayList<String>();
-        public Map<String, String> vmVnc = new HashMap<String, String>() {
-            {
-                put(new String("type"), "vnc");
-                put(new String("vncunused"), "1");
-                put(new String("vnclisten"), "");
-                put(new String("keymap"), "en-us");
-            }
-        };
-        /*
-         * 'vfb': [ 'type=vnc,vncunused=1,vnclisten=,keymap=en-us']
-         */
-        public List<String> _vmDisks = new ArrayList<String>();
-        public Map<String, String> vmDisk = new HashMap<String, String>() {
-            {
-                put(new String("id"), "");
-                put(new String("uuid"), "");
-                put(new String("dev"), "");
-                put(new String("bootable"), "1");
-                put(new String("mode"), "w");
-                put(new String("VDI"), "");
-                put(new String("backend"), "0");
-                put(new String("protocol"), "x86_32-abi");
-                put(new String("uname"), "");
-            }
-        };
-        /*
-         * 'disk': [
-         * 'file:/OVS/Repositories/0004fb0000030000aeaca859e4a8f8c0/VirtualDisks/0004fb0000120000c444117fd87ea251.img,xvda,w']
-         */
-        String[] _xvmVifs = new String[6];
-        public ArrayList<String> _vmVifs = new ArrayList<String>();
-        public Map<String, String> vmVifs = new HashMap<String, String>() {
-            {
-                put(new String("id"), "");
-                put(new String("dev"), "");
-                put(new String("mac"), "");
-                put(new String("rate"), "");
-            }
-        };
-        /*
-         * 'vif': [ 'mac=00:21:f6:00:00:00,bridge=c0a80100']
-         */
-        public String vmSimpleName = ""; /* human readable name */
-        public String vmName = ""; /* usually vm uuid */
-        public String vmUuid = "";
-        /*
-         * the pool the vm.cfg will live
-         * on, this is the same as the
-         * primary storage pool (should be unified with disk pool ?)
-         */
-        public String vmPrimaryPoolUuid = "";
-        public String vmOnReboot = "restart";
-        /*
-         * default weight, weight is relative to
-         * all VMs
-         */
-        public int vmCpuWeight = 27500;
-        public int vmMemory = 256; /* minimum memory allowed */
-        public int vmCpuCap = 0;
-        public int vmMaxVcpus = 0; /*
-                                    * allows for dynamic adding of vcpus if
-                                    * higher than vcpus
-                                    */
-        public int vmVcpus = 1; /* default to 1, can't be higher than maxvCpus */
-        public Boolean vmHa = false; /* high available */
-        public String vmDescription = "";
-        public String vmOnPoweroff = "destroy";
-        public String vmOnCrash = "restart";
-        public String vmBootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"; /* if pv ? */
-        public String vmBootArgs = "";
-        public String vmExtra = "";
-        public String vmOs = "Other Linux"; /* default to linux */
-        public String vmCpuCompatGroup = "";
-        public String vmDomainType = "xen_pvm"; /* pv is default */
-        public String vmState = "------";
-        private int _vmDiskZero = 97;
-        private int _vmDisk = _vmDiskZero;
-        public boolean isControlDomain() {
-            if (this.vmUuid
-                    .contentEquals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"))
-                return true;
-            return false;
-        }
-        public boolean setPrimaryPoolUuid(String poolId) {
-            this.vmPrimaryPoolUuid = poolId;
-            return true;
-        }
-        public String getPrimaryPoolUuid() {
-            return this.vmPrimaryPoolUuid;
-        }
-        public Map<String, Object> vmParams = new HashMap<String, Object>() {
-            {
-                put("vif", _vmVifs);
-                put("OVM_simple_name", vmSimpleName);
-                put("disk", _vmDisks);
-                put("bootargs", vmBootArgs);
-                put("uuid", vmUuid);
-                put("on_reboot", vmOnReboot);
-                put("cpu_weight", vmCpuWeight);
-                put("memory", vmMemory);
-                put("cpu_cap", vmCpuCap);
-                put("maxvcpus", vmMaxVcpus);
-                put("OVM_high_availability", vmHa);
-                put("OVM_description", vmDescription);
-                put("on_poweroff", vmOnPoweroff);
-                put("on_crash", vmOnCrash);
-                put("bootloader", vmBootloader);
-                put("name", vmName);
-                put("guest_os_type", vmOs);
-                put("vfb", _vmVnc);
-                put("vcpus", vmVcpus);
-                put("OVM_cpu_compat_group", vmCpuCompatGroup);
-                put("OVM_domain_type", vmDomainType);
-                // put("state", vmState);
-                put("extra", vmExtra);
-                // put("builder", vmBuilder);
-            };
-        };
-        public Map<String, Object> getVmParams() {
-            return this.vmParams;
-        }
-        public void setVmParams(Map<String,Object> params) {
-            this.vmParams = params;
-        }
-        public boolean setVmExtra(final String args) {
-            vmParams.put("extra", args);
-            return true;
-        }
-        public String getVmExtra() {
-            return (String) vmParams.get("extra");
-        }
-        public boolean setVmBootArgs(final String args) {
-            vmParams.put("bootargs", args);
-            return true;
-        }
-        public String getVmBootArgs() {
-            return (String) vmParams.get("bootargs");
-        }
-        public Boolean setVmMaxCpus(Integer val) {
-            if (getVmCpus() > val) {
-                vmParams.put("maxvcpus", getVmCpus());
-            } else {
-                vmParams.put("maxvcpus", val);
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Integer getVmMaxCpus() {
-            return (Integer) vmParams.get("maxvcpus");
-        }
-        public Boolean setVmCpus(Integer val) {
-            vmParams.put("vcpus", val);
-            if (getVmMaxCpus() < val) {
-                setVmMaxCpus(val);
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Integer getVmCpus() {
-            return (Integer) vmParams.get("vcpus");
-        }
-        public Boolean setVmMemory(long memory) {
-            vmParams.put("memory", Long.toString(memory));
-            return true;
-        }
-        public long getVmMemory() {
-            return Long.parseLong((String) vmParams.get("memory"));
-        }
-        /*
-         * public Boolean setVmBuilder(String builder) {
-         * vmParams.put("builder", builder);
-         * return true;
-         * }
-         * public String getVmBuilder() {
-         * return (String) vmParams.get("builder");
-         * }
-         */
-        public Boolean setVmDomainType(String domtype) {
-            vmParams.put("OVM_domain_type", domtype);
-            return true;
-        }
-        /* iiiis this a good idea ? */
-        public String getVmDomainType() {
-            String domType = (String) vmParams.get("OVM_domain_type");
-            if (domType == null) {
-                String builder = (String) vmParams.get("builder");
-                if (builder.contains("linux")) {
-                    domType = "xen_pvm";
-                } else {
-                    domType = "hvm";
-                }
-            }
-            return domType;
-        }
-        public Boolean setVmState(String state) {
-            vmParams.put("state", state);
-            return true;
-        }
-        public String getVmState() {
-            return (String) vmParams.get("state");
-        }
-        public Boolean setVmName(String name) {
-            vmParams.put("name", name);
-            vmParams.put("OVM_simple_name", name);
-            return true;
-        }
-        public String getVmName() {
-            return (String) vmParams.get("name");
-        }
-        public Boolean setVmUuid(String uuid) {
-            vmParams.put("uuid", uuid);
-            return true;
-        }
-        public String getVmUuid() {
-            return (String) vmParams.get("uuid");
-        }
-        /* 'vfb': ['type=vnc,vncunused=1,vnclisten=,keymap=en-us'] */
-        /*
-         * 'disk': [
-         * 'file:/OVS/Repositories/0004fb0000030000aeaca859e4a8f8c0/VirtualDisks/0004fb0000120000c444117fd87ea251.img,xvda,w']
-         */
-        /* 'vif': ['mac=00:21:f6:00:00:00,bridge=c0a80100'] */
-        /* TODO: splork out VIFs this is not sane, same for VFBs and */
-        public void setVmVncs(List<String> vncs) {
-            this._vmVnc.addAll(vncs);
-        }
-        public List<String> getVmVncs() {
-            return this._vmVnc;
-        }
-        public void setVmDisks(List<String> disks) {
-            this._vmDisks.addAll(disks);
-        }
-        public List<String> getVmDisks() {
-            return this._vmDisks;
-        }
-        public void setVmVifs(List<String> vifs) {
-            this._vmVifs.addAll(vifs);
-        }
-        public List<String> getVmVifs() {
-            return this._vmVifs;
-        }
-        public boolean addVif() {
-            ArrayList<String> vif = new ArrayList<String>();
-            for (final String entry : _vmVifs.get(0).split(",")) {
-                final String[] parts = entry.split("=");
-                assert (parts.length == 2) : "Invalid entry: " + entry;
-                vif.add(parts[0] + "=" + parts[1]);
-            }
-            _vmVifs.add(StringUtils.join(vif, ","));
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Boolean addVif(Integer id, String bridge, String mac) {
-            String vif = "mac=" + mac + ",bridge=" + bridge;
-            _xvmVifs[id] = vif;
-            // _vmVifs.add("mac=" + mac + ",bridge=" + bridge);
-            return true;
-        }
-        public boolean setupVifs() {
-            for (String vif : _xvmVifs) {
-                if (vif != null)
-                    _vmVifs.add(vif);
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Boolean removeVif(String bridge, String mac) {
-            // vmVfbs.remove("mac="+mac+",bridge="+bridge);
-            return true;
-        }
-        /* 'file:/OVS/Repositories/d5f5a4480515467ca1638554f085b278/ISOs/e14c811ebbf84f0b8221e5b7404a554e.iso,hdc:cdrom,r' */
-        /* device is coupled with vmtype enumerate and cdboot ? */
-        public Boolean addRootDisk(String image) throws Exception {
-            Boolean ret = false;
-            if (_vmDisk > _vmDiskZero) {
-                Integer oVmDisk = _vmDisk;
-                _vmDisk = _vmDiskZero;
-                ret = addDisk(image, "w");
-                _vmDisk = oVmDisk;
-            } else {
-                ret = addDisk(image, "w");
-            }
-            return ret;
-        }
-        public Boolean addDataDisk(String image) throws Exception {
-            /*
-             * w! means we're able to share the disk is that wise, should be
-             * an option in CS ?
-             */
-            return addDisk(image, "w!");
-        }
-        public Boolean addIso(String image) throws Exception {
-            /* should we check for .iso ? */
-            return addDisk(image, "r!");
-        }
-        public Boolean addDisk(String image, String mode) throws Exception {
-            String devName = null;
-            /* better accounting then _vmDisk += 1 */
-            _vmDisk = _vmDiskZero + _vmDisks.size();
-            if (getVmDomainType() != null && getVmDomainType().contains("hvm")) {
-                _vmDisk += 2;
-                devName = Character.toString((char) _vmDisk);
-            } else {
-                devName = "xvd" + Character.toString((char) _vmDisk);
-            }
-            /* check for iso, force mode and additions */
-            if (image.endsWith(".iso")) {
-                devName = devName + ":cdrom";
-                mode = "r";
-            }
-            return _addDisk(image, devName, mode);
-        }
-        /* should be on device id too, or else we get random attaches... */
-        public Boolean _addDisk(String image, String devName, String mode) throws Exception {
-            if (getVmDomainType() == null) {
-                throw new Exception("Unable to add disk without domain type "
-                        + "(hvm, xen_pvm, ldoms_pvm (sparc), default)");
-            }
-            /* TODO: needs to become "checkDisk" */
-            for (String disk : _vmDisks) {
-                if (disk.contains(image)) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            _vmDisks.add("file:" + image + "," + devName + "," + mode);
-            vmParams.put("disk", _vmDisks);
-            /* accounting is done in addDisk */
-            // _vmDisk += 1;
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Boolean removeDisk(String image) throws Exception {
-            for (String disk : _vmDisks) {
-                if (disk.contains(image)) {
-                    return _vmDisks.remove(disk);
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        /* TODO: the conflict between getVm and getVmConfig becomes clear */
-        /* FIX: me */
-        public String getVmRootDiskPoolId() {
-            String poolId = getVmDiskPoolId(0);
-            this.setPrimaryPoolUuid(poolId);
-            return poolId;
-        }
-        /* TODO: need to fork out vifs, disks and vnc stuff fill them nicely too */
-        public String getVmDiskPoolId(int disk) {
-            String diskPath = "";
-            diskPath = _getVmDiskDetail(disk, "uname");
-            String st[] = diskPath.split(File.separator);
-            return st[3];
-        }
-        public String _getVmDiskDetail(int disk, String dest) {
-            // System.out.println(vmParams);
-            Map<String, Object[]> o = (Map<String, Object[]>) vmParams
-                    .get("device");
-            vmDisk = (Map<String, String>) o.get("vbd")[disk];
-            return vmDisk.get(dest);
-        }
-        public Boolean removeDisk(String file, String device) {
-            //
-            // get index and remove
-            return true;
-        }
-        public boolean setVnc() {
-            ArrayList<String> vfb = new ArrayList<String>();
-            for (final String key : vmVnc.keySet()) {
-                vfb.add(key + "=" + vmVnc.get(key));
-            }
-            _vmVnc.add(StringUtils.join(vfb, ","));
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Boolean setVnc(String address) {
-            return setVnc("vnc", address, "en-us");
-        }
-        public Boolean setVnc(String type, String address, String map) {
-            /* unused off is domid + 5900, with unused=1 it will be "smart" */
-            vmVnc.put("type", type);
-            vmVnc.put("vncunused", this.getVncUsed());
-            vmVnc.put("vnclisten", address);
-            vmVnc.put("keymap", map);
-            setVnc();
-            return true;
-        }
-        public void setVncUsed(String used) {
-            vmVnc.put("vncused", used);
-        }
-        public String getVncUsed() {
-            return vmVnc.get("vncused");
-        }
-        public void setVncPassword(String pass) {
-            vmVnc.put("vncpasswd", pass);
-        }
-        public String getVncPassword() {
-            return vmVnc.get("vncpasswd");
-        }
-        public void setVncAddress(String address) {
-            vmVnc.put("vnclisten", address);
-        }
-        public String getVncAddress() {
-            Integer port = getVncPort();
-            if (port == null) {
-                return null;
-            }
-            return vmVnc.get("vnclisten");
-        }
-        public Integer getVncPort() {
-            if (_getVnc("port") != null) {
-                return Integer.parseInt(_getVnc("port"));
-            }
-            String vnc = getVncLocation();
-            if (vnc.contains(":")) {
-                final String[] res = vnc.split(":");
-                vmVnc.put("vnclisten", res[0]);
-                vmVnc.put("port", res[1]);
-                return Integer.parseInt(res[1]);
-            }
-            return null;
-        }
-        public String getVncLocation() {
-            return _getVnc("location");
-        }
-        public String _getVnc(String el)  {
-            Map<String, Object[]> o = (Map<String, Object[]>) vmParams
-                    .get("device");
-            vmVnc = (Map<String, String>) o.get("vfb")[0];
-            return vmVnc.get(el);
-        }
-        public Boolean removeVfb(String type, String address, String map) {
-            // get index and remove
-            return true;
-        }
-        public Object get(String key) {
-            return vmParams.get(key);
-        }
-        public <T> boolean set(String key, T arg) {
-            vmParams.put(key, arg);
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * delete_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * unconfigure_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * template_id - default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * sysrq_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: letter - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * list_vms, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Map<String, Vm> listVms() throws ParserConfigurationException,
-            IOException,
-            Exception {
-        Object[] result = (Object[]) callWrapper("list_vms");
-        if (result == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        try {
-            vmList = new HashMap<String, Vm>();
-            for (Object x : result) {
-                /* put the vmparams in, as x is a hashmap */
-                // System.out.println(x);
-                Vm vm = new Vm();
-                vm.setVmParams((Map<String, Object>) x);
-                this.vmList.put((String) vm.get("name"), vm);
-                // System.out.println(vm.get("name") + " " + vm.get("maxmem"));
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.err.println("Unable to list VMs: " + e.getMessage());
-            throw new Exception("Unable to list VMs: " + e.getMessage());
-        }
-        // System.out.println(vmList);
-        return this.vmList;
-    }
-    /*
-     * this should become getVmConfig later...
-     * getVmConfig returns the configuration file, while getVm returns the
-     * "live" configuration. It makes perfect sense if you think about it.....
-     * ....long enough
-     */
-    public Vm getRunningVmConfig(String name)
-            throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, Exception {
-        listVms();
-        try {
-            Xen.Vm vm = this.vmList.get(name);
-            return vm;
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    public Map<String, Vm> getRunningVmConfigs()
-            throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, Exception {
-        return listVms();
-    }
-    /*
-     * delete_vm_core, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: core_date - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * delete_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean deleteVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("delete_vm", repoId, vmId);
-        // System.out.println(x);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * save_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: checkpoint - default: None
-     *//* add checkpoint */
-    public Boolean saveVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("save_vm", repoId, vmId);
-        // System.out.println(x);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * configure_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * template_id - default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * create_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: template_id -
-     * default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * list_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id -
-     * default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean listVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        vm = (Vm) callWrapper("list_vm", repoId, vmId);
-        if (vm == null)
-            return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /*
-     * dump_vm_core, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: live - default: None argument: crash - default:
-     * None argument: reset - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * assembly_del_file, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * assembly_id - default: None argument: filename - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * get_template_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * template_id - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * set_assembly_config_xml, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'>
-     * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None
-     * argument: assembly_id - default: None argument: cfg - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * assembly_add_file, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * assembly_id - default: None argument: url - default: None argument:
-     * filename - default: None argument: option - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * send_to_guest, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * set_assembly_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * assembly_id - default: None argument: cfg - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * configure_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id -
-     * default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: params -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean configureVm(String repoId, String vmId,
-            Map<String, Object> params)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("configure_vm",
-                repoId,
-                vmId,
-                params);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    public Boolean configureVm(String repoId, String vmId)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        return configureVm(repoId,
-                vmId,
-                this.vm.getVmParams());
-    }
-    /*
-     * cleanup_migration_target, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'>
-     * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None
-     * argument: vm_id - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * pause_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean pauseVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("pause_vm", repoId, vmId);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * setup_migration_target, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'>
-     * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None
-     * argument: vm_id - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * deploy_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id -
-     * default: None argument: to_deploy - default: None argument:
-     * target_repo_id - default: None argument: option - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * stop_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: force - default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean stopVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("stop_vm", repoId, vmId, false);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    public Boolean stopVm(String repoId, String vmId, Boolean force)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("stop_vm", repoId, vmId, force);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * set_template_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * template_id - default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * assembly_rename_file, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * assembly_id - default: None argument: filename - default: None argument:
-     * new_filename - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * migrate_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: dest - default: None argument: live - default:
-     * None argument: ssl - default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean migrateVm(String repoId, String vmId, String dest)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("migrate_vm", repoId, vmId, dest);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    public Boolean migrateVm(String repoId, String vmId, String dest,
-            boolean live, boolean ssl) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("migrate_vm", repoId, vmId, dest, live, ssl);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * configure_vm_ha, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: enable_ha - default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean configureVmHa(String repoId, String vmId, Boolean ha)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("configure_vm_ha", repoId, vmId, ha);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * create_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean createVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("create_vm", repoId, vmId, vm.getVmParams());
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    public Boolean createVm(String repoId, String vmId,
-            Map<String, Object> vmParams) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("create_vm", repoId, vmId, vmParams);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * pack_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * restore_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: paused - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * start_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean startVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("start_vm", repoId, vmId);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * unpause_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean unpauseVm(String repoId, String vmId)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("unpause_vm", repoId, vmId);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * trigger_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: name - default: None argument: vcpu - default:
-     * None
-     */
-    /*
-     * set_vm_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * delete_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: template_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * reboot_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: wait - default: None
-     */
-    public Boolean rebootVm(String repoId, String vmId, int wait)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("reboot_vm", repoId, vmId, wait);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    public Boolean rebootVm(String repoId, String vmId) throws XmlRpcException {
-        Object x = callWrapper("reboot_vm", repoId, vmId, 3);
-        if (x == null)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    /*
-     * unpack_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * get_vm_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    public Vm getVmConfig(String vmName) throws XmlRpcException, Exception {
-        this.vm = this.getRunningVmConfig(vmName);
-        if (vm == null)
-            return this.vm;
-        return getVmConfig(vm.getVmRootDiskPoolId(), vm.getVmUuid());
-    }
-    public Vm getVmConfig() {
-        return this.vm;
-    }
-    /*
-     * returns the configuration file contents, so we parse it for configuration
-     * alterations we might want to do (/$repo/VirtualMachines/$uuid/vm.cfg)
-     */
-    public Vm getVmConfig(String repoId, String vmId)
-            throws XmlRpcException {
-        Xen.Vm nVm = new Xen.Vm();
-        Map<String, Object[]> x = (Map<String, Object[]>) callWrapper("get_vm_config",
-                repoId,
-                vmId);
-        if (x == null) {
-            return nVm;
-        }
-        nVm.setVmVifs(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(x.get("vif"),
-                x.get("vif").length,
-                String[].class)));
-        x.remove("vif");
-        nVm.setVmDisks(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(x.get("disk"),
-                x.get("disk").length,
-                String[].class)));
-        x.remove("disk");
-        nVm.setVmVifs(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(x.get("vfb"),
-                x.get("vfb").length,
-                String[].class)));
-        x.remove("vfb");
-        Map<String, Object> remains = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        for (final Map.Entry<String, Object[]> not : x.entrySet()) {
-            remains.put(not.getKey(), not.getValue());
-        }
-        nVm.setVmParams(remains);
-        nVm.setPrimaryPoolUuid(repoId);
-        /* to make sure stuff doesn't blow up in our face... */
-        this.vm = nVm;
-        return nVm;
-    }
-    /*
-     * get_assembly_config_xml, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'>
-     * argument: self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None
-     * argument: assembly_id - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * import_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id -
-     * default: None argument: url - default: None argument: option - default:
-     * None
-     */
-    /*
-     * create_assembly, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: assembly_id -
-     * default: None argument: templates - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * get_assembly_config, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument:
-     * self - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument:
-     * assembly_id - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * unconfigure_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: params - default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * import_template, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self
-     * - default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: template_id -
-     * default: None argument: url_list - default: None argument: option -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * import_vm, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None argument: url_list - default: None argument: option -
-     * default: None
-     */
-    /*
-     * list_vm_core, <class 'agent.api.hypervisor.xenxm.Xen'> argument: self -
-     * default: None argument: repo_id - default: None argument: vm_id -
-     * default: None
-     */