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Posted to by Steven Traut <> on 2005/05/11 22:22:24 UTC

Cast query return value to xbean type?

Is it a mistake to expect to be able to cast the result from a cursor.getObject call to a type generated from schema?

The Java code below receives an XML document that conforms to my schema. When it uses a query to get certain elements of that document, the getObject return value representing one of those elements can't be cast to the matching type generated from my schema. Instead, I get a ClassCastException. The XML represented by the return value appears to match my schema just fine.

I can send the XML and schema if need be.

    final static String m_namespaceDeclaration =
                "declare namespace xq='';";
    public boolean selectEmpsByStateCursor(XmlObject empDoc)
        boolean hasResults = false;
        // A cursor instance to query with.
        XmlCursor empCursor = empDoc.newCursor();

        // Get the <employee> elements with <state> elements whose
        // value is "WA".
        String queryExpression =
                "for $e in $this/xq:employees/xq:employee " +
                "let $s := $e/xq:address/xq:state " +
                "where $s = 'WA' " +
                "return $e";

        // Execute the query. Results, if any, will be available at 
        // the position of the resultCursor.
        XmlCursor resultCursor = 
            empCursor.execQuery(m_namespaceDeclaration + queryExpression);

        // Use the cursor to loop through the results, printing each sibling
        // <employee> element returned by the query.
            int i = 0;
            if (resultCursor.currentTokenType() == XmlCursor.TokenType.START)
                hasResults = true;

                // EXCEPTION ON THIS LINE.
                EmployeeType resultXml = (EmployeeType)resultCursor.getObject();                
                System.out.println("Result " + i + ":\n" + resultXml.toString() + "\n");
        } while (resultCursor.toNextSibling());
        return hasResults;


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