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Posted to by hutaishi <> on 2022/05/12 06:22:24 UTC

回复: [Meeting] Apache ShenYu (incubating) Open And Governance Meeting Invitation

Thank you. I will attend.

发件人:                                                                                                                        "dev"                                                                                    <;;
发送时间:&nbsp;2022年5月12日(星期四) 中午1:05

主题:&nbsp;Re: [Meeting] Apache ShenYu (incubating) Open And Governance Meeting Invitation

Hi Community,
Sorry Online meeting changed to this.

Conference ID: 742-3986-3860

Mobile one-touch dial-in

+8675536550000,,74239863860# (Mainland China)

+85230018898,,,2,74239863860# (Hong Kong, China)

Dial the number according to your location

+8675536550000(Mainland China)

+85230018898 (Hong Kong, China)

XiaolongLuo <; 于2022年5月12日周四 12:41写道:

&gt; Hi Community,
&gt; Welcome to join the community's open and governance meeting, if you
&gt; are interested in.
&gt; Details of the meeting are as follows:
&gt; Meeting time: 2022/05/12 21:00-23:00 (GMT+08:00) CST - Beijing
&gt; Mode: online
&gt; Language: Chinese or English
&gt; Agenda:
&gt; 1. GSoC 2022 (Google Summmer Camp), topic discuss.
&gt; 2. Summer 2022
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Official Website Revision
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Document Rewriting(haha)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - New plugins
&gt; 3. Development Tasks Planning:
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Admin startup optimization, remove init sql. (nuo-promise) (2.5.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; nuoyan likeguo, Oracle,PostgreSQL
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Multi-language SDK develop. (2.4.4)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There is no release version, make up the release guide
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; .net client (Mi laoshu)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; go client (Li Shuo)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; python client (Junwei)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - API documentation support. (lianjunwei) (2.4.4)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Comments style.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Refine codes.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sign the icla.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - New Logo design. (myWsq, XiaoYu)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In progress.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Admin Optimization (Likeguo) (2.4.4)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; page (20%)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; admin active logs.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Customized document templates (ahahage)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Note different versions.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - opentelemetry plugin (Yul)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Test cases in progress.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Skywalking plugin (Wu Ming)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Grpc trace.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Blog.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Sort feature (KaiShen Wu Liu)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Alert (impactCn)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Alert template.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In progress.
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Add LB SDK of cloud vendor(impactCn)(2.5.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - shenyu-ngnix(impactCn)(2.5.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - ShenYu gateway supports cluster mode.(Chen Bin)(2.5.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Add orchestration-plugin. (Xiao Yu) (3.0.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Admin dashboard redesign and rewrite. (Xiao Yu) (3.0.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Improve user experience of rules and selectors
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; configuration.(Zhang ZiCheng)(3.0.0)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Matching method time complexity optimization(Zhang Zicheng)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Service Grid (ImpactCn)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - K8s service discover (Zhang Lei)
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Helm release (Zhang Yonglun)
&gt; You can join in the following ways:
&gt; Click on the link to join the conference or to be added to the conference
&gt; list:
&gt; Conference ID: 418-703-708
&gt; Password:
&gt; Mobile one-touch dial-in
&gt; +8675536550000,,418703708# (Mainland China)
&gt; +85230018898,,,2,418703708# (Hong Kong, China)
&gt; Dial the number according to your location
&gt; +8675536550000 (Mainland China)
&gt; +85230018898 (Hong Kong, China)
&gt; Notes:
&gt; 1. Please mute when attending the meeting.
&gt; 2. Please change your name when you attend the meeting. The name rule
&gt; is`role-githubId`,such as: `Committer-yu199195`,
&gt; `Contributor-yu199195`,`Community-yu199195`.
&gt; Welcome to join us, Thanks!