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svn commit: r967156 [2/2] - in /websites/production/camel/content: book-component-appendix.html book-in-one-page.html cache/main.pageCache jdbc.html

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/jdbc.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/jdbc.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/jdbc.html Tue Sep 29 07:21:13 2015
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 </div></div><div class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-warning"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-error confluence-information-macro-icon"></span><div class="confluence-information-macro-body"><p>This component can only be used to define producer endpoints, which means that you cannot use the JDBC component in a <code>from()</code> statement.</p></div></div><h3 id="JDBC-URIformat">URI format</h3><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[jdbc:dataSourceName[?options]
-</div></div><p>This component only supports producer endpoints.</p><p>You can append query options to the URI in the following format, <code>?option=value&amp;option=value&amp;...</code></p><h3 id="JDBC-Options">Options</h3><div class="confluenceTableSmall"><div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Name</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Default Value</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>readSize</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>0</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>The default maximum number of rows that can be read by a polling query. The default value is 0.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>statement.&lt;xxx&gt;</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="c
 onfluenceTd"><p><code>null</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.1:</strong> Sets additional options on the <code>java.sql.Statement</code> that is used behind the scenes to execute the queries. For instance, <code>statement.maxRows=10</code>. For detailed documentation, see the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow"><code>java.sql.Statement</code> javadoc</a> documentation.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>true</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.2:</strong> Sets whether to use JDBC 4/3 column label/name semantics. You can use this option to turn it <code>false</code> in case you have issues with your JDBC driver to select data. This only applies when using <c
 ode>SQL SELECT</code> using aliases (e.g. <code>SQL SELECT id as identifier, name as given_name from persons</code>).</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>resetAutoCommit</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>true</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.9:</strong> Camel will set the autoCommit on the JDBC connection to be false, commit the change after executed the statement and reset the autoCommit flag of the connection at the end, if the resetAutoCommit is true. If the JDBC connection doesn't support to reset the autoCommit flag, you can set the resetAutoCommit flag to be false, and Camel will not try to reset the autoCommit flag. <br clear="none">When used with XA transactions you most likely need to set it to false so that the transaction manager is in charge of committing this tx.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>allowNa
 medParameters</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>true</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> Whether to allow using named parameters in the queries.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>prepareStatementStrategy</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> Allows to plugin to use a custom <code>org.apache.camel.component.jdbc.JdbcPrepareStatementStrategy</code> to control preparation of the query and prepared statement.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>useHeadersAsParameters</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>false</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> Set this option to <code>true</code> to use the <c
 ode>prepareStatementStrategy</code> with named parameters. This allows to define queries with named placeholders, and use headers with the dynamic values for the query placeholders.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>outputType</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>SelectList</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12.1:</strong> Make the output of the producer to SelectList as List of Map, or SelectOne as single Java object in the following way:<br clear="none"> a) If the query has only single column, then that JDBC Column object is returned. (such as SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM PROJECT will return a Long object.<br clear="none"> b) If the query has more than one column, then it will return a Map of that result.<br clear="none"> c) If the outputClass is set, then it will convert the query result into an Java bean object by calling all the setters that match the column na
 mes. It will assume your class has a default constructor to create instance with. From <strong>Camel 2.14</strong> onwards then SelectList is also supported. <br clear="none"> d) If the query resulted in more than one rows, it throws an non-unique result exception.<br clear="none"> <strong>Camel 2.14.0:</strong> New <code>StreamList</code> output type value that streams the result of the query using an <code>Iterator&lt;Map&lt;String, Object&gt;&gt;</code>, it can be used along with the <a shape="rect" href="splitter.html">Splitter</a> EIP.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>outputClass</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>null</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12.1:</strong> Specify the full package and class name to use as conversion when outputType=SelectOne. From <strong>Camel 2.14</strong> onwards then SelectList is also supported.</p></td></tr><tr><td co
 lspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>beanRowMapper</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12.1:</strong> To use a custom <code>org.apache.camel.component.jdbc.BeanRowMapper</code> when using <code>outputClass</code>. The default implementation will lower case the row names and skip underscores, and dashes. For example <code>"CUST_ID"</code> is mapped as <code>"custId"</code>.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><h3 id="JDBC-Result">Result</h3><p>By default the result is returned in the OUT body as an <code>ArrayList&lt;HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt;&gt;</code>. The <code>List</code> object contains the list of rows and the <code>Map</code> objects contain each row with the <code>String</code> key as the column name. You can use the option <code>outputType</code> to control the result.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> This component fetches <code>ResultSetMeta
 Data</code> to be able to return the column name as the key in the <code>Map</code>.</p><h4 id="JDBC-MessageHeaders">Message Headers</h4><div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Header</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcRowCount</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>If the query is a <code>SELECT</code>, query the row count is returned in this OUT header.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcUpdateCount</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>If the query is an <code>UPDATE</code>, query the update count is returned in this OUT header.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelGeneratedKeysRows</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="conflu
 enceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.10:</strong> Rows that contains the generated kets.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelGeneratedKeysRowCount</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.10:</strong> The number of rows in the header that contains generated keys.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcColumnNames</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.11.1:</strong> The column names from the ResultSet as a <code>java.util.Set</code> type.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcParametes</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> A <code>java.util.Map</code> which has the headers to be used if <code>useHeadersAsParameters</code> has been enabled.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h3 id="JDBC-Generatedkeys">Generated keys</h
 3><p><strong>Available as of Camel 2.10</strong></p><p>If you insert data using SQL INSERT, then the RDBMS may support auto generated keys. You can instruct the <a shape="rect" href="jdbc.html">JDBC</a> producer to return the generated keys in headers.<br clear="none"> To do that set the header <code>CamelRetrieveGeneratedKeys=true</code>. Then the generated keys will be provided as headers with the keys listed in the table above.</p><p>You can see more details in this <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">unit test</a>.</p><div class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-information"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-info confluence-information-macro-icon"></span><div class="confluence-information-macro-body"><p>Using generated keys does not work with together with named parameters.</p></div></div><h3
  id="JDBC-Usingnamedparameters">Using named parameters</h3><p><strong>Available as of Camel 2.12</strong></p><p>In the given route below, we want to get all the projects from the projects table. Notice the SQL query has 2 named parameters, :?lic and :?min.<br clear="none"> Camel will then lookup these parameters from the message headers. Notice in the example above we set two headers with constant value<br clear="none"> for the named parameters:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div><p>This component only supports producer endpoints.</p><p>You can append query options to the URI in the following format, <code>?option=value&amp;option=value&amp;...</code></p><h3 id="JDBC-Options">Options</h3><div class="confluenceTableSmall"><div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Name</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Default Value</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>readSize</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>0</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>The default maximum number of rows that can be read by a polling query. The default value is 0.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>statement.&lt;xxx&gt;</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="c
 onfluenceTd"><p><code>null</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.1:</strong> Sets additional options on the <code>java.sql.Statement</code> that is used behind the scenes to execute the queries. For instance, <code>statement.maxRows=10</code>. For detailed documentation, see the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow"><code>java.sql.Statement</code> javadoc</a> documentation.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>true</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.2:</strong> Sets whether to use JDBC 4/3 column label/name semantics. You can use this option to turn it <code>false</code> in case you have issues with your JDBC driver to select data. This only applies when using <c
 ode>SQL SELECT</code> using aliases (e.g. <code>SQL SELECT id as identifier, name as given_name from persons</code>).</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>resetAutoCommit</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>true</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.9:</strong> Camel will set the autoCommit on the JDBC connection to be false, commit the change after executed the statement and reset the autoCommit flag of the connection at the end, if the resetAutoCommit is true. If the JDBC connection doesn't support to reset the autoCommit flag, you can set the resetAutoCommit flag to be false, and Camel will not try to reset the autoCommit flag. <br clear="none">When used with XA transactions you most likely need to set it to false so that the transaction manager is in charge of committing this tx.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>allowNa
 medParameters</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>true</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> Whether to allow using named parameters in the queries.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>prepareStatementStrategy</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> Allows to plugin to use a custom <code>org.apache.camel.component.jdbc.JdbcPrepareStatementStrategy</code> to control preparation of the query and prepared statement.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>useHeadersAsParameters</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>false</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> Set this option to <code>true</code> to use the <c
 ode>prepareStatementStrategy</code> with named parameters. This allows to define queries with named placeholders, and use headers with the dynamic values for the query placeholders.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>outputType</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>SelectList</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12.1:</strong> Make the output of the producer to SelectList as List of Map, or SelectOne as single Java object in the following way:<br clear="none"> a) If the query has only single column, then that JDBC Column object is returned. (such as SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM PROJECT will return a Long object.<br clear="none"> b) If the query has more than one column, then it will return a Map of that result.<br clear="none"> c) If the outputClass is set, then it will convert the query result into an Java bean object by calling all the setters that match the column na
 mes. It will assume your class has a default constructor to create instance with. From <strong>Camel 2.14</strong> onwards then SelectList is also supported. <br clear="none"> d) If the query resulted in more than one rows, it throws an non-unique result exception.<br clear="none"> <strong>Camel 2.14.0:</strong> New <code>StreamList</code> output type value that streams the result of the query using an <code>Iterator&lt;Map&lt;String, Object&gt;&gt;</code>, it can be used along with the <a shape="rect" href="splitter.html">Splitter</a> EIP.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>outputClass</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>null</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12.1:</strong> Specify the full package and class name to use as conversion when outputType=SelectOne. From <strong>Camel 2.14</strong> onwards then SelectList is also supported.</p></td></tr><tr><td co
 lspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>beanRowMapper</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>&#160;</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12.1:</strong> To use a custom <code>org.apache.camel.component.jdbc.BeanRowMapper</code> when using <code>outputClass</code>. The default implementation will lower case the row names and skip underscores, and dashes. For example <code>"CUST_ID"</code> is mapped as <code>"custId"</code>.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><code>useGetBytesForBlob</code></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><code>false</code></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><strong>Camel 2.16:</strong> To read BLOB columns as bytes instead of string data. This may be needed for certain databases such as Oracle where you must read BLOB columns as bytes.</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><h3 id="JDBC-Result">Result</h3><p>By default the 
 result is returned in the OUT body as an <code>ArrayList&lt;HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt;&gt;</code>. The <code>List</code> object contains the list of rows and the <code>Map</code> objects contain each row with the <code>String</code> key as the column name. You can use the option <code>outputType</code> to control the result.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> This component fetches <code>ResultSetMetaData</code> to be able to return the column name as the key in the <code>Map</code>.</p><h4 id="JDBC-MessageHeaders">Message Headers</h4><div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Header</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcRowCount</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>If the query is a <code>SELECT</code>, query the row count is returned in this OUT header.</p></td></t
 r><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcUpdateCount</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>If the query is an <code>UPDATE</code>, query the update count is returned in this OUT header.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelGeneratedKeysRows</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.10:</strong> Rows that contains the generated kets.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelGeneratedKeysRowCount</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.10:</strong> The number of rows in the header that contains generated keys.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcColumnNames</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.11.1:</strong> The column names from the ResultSet as a <code>java.util.Set</
 code> type.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><code>CamelJdbcParametes</code></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><strong>Camel 2.12:</strong> A <code>java.util.Map</code> which has the headers to be used if <code>useHeadersAsParameters</code> has been enabled.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h3 id="JDBC-Generatedkeys">Generated keys</h3><p><strong>Available as of Camel 2.10</strong></p><p>If you insert data using SQL INSERT, then the RDBMS may support auto generated keys. You can instruct the <a shape="rect" href="jdbc.html">JDBC</a> producer to return the generated keys in headers.<br clear="none"> To do that set the header <code>CamelRetrieveGeneratedKeys=true</code>. Then the generated keys will be provided as headers with the keys listed in the table above.</p><p>You can see more details in this <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
 va/org/apache/camel/component/jdbc/">unit test</a>.</p><div class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-information"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-info confluence-information-macro-icon"></span><div class="confluence-information-macro-body"><p>Using generated keys does not work with together with named parameters.</p></div></div><h3 id="JDBC-Usingnamedparameters">Using named parameters</h3><p><strong>Available as of Camel 2.12</strong></p><p>In the given route below, we want to get all the projects from the projects table. Notice the SQL query has 2 named parameters, :?lic and :?min.<br clear="none"> Camel will then lookup these parameters from the message headers. Notice in the example above we set two headers with constant value<br clear="none"> for the named parameters:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[  from(&quot;direct:projects&quot;)
      .setHeader(&quot;lic&quot;, constant(&quot;ASF&quot;))
      .setHeader(&quot;min&quot;, constant(123))
@@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ JndiRegistry reg = super.createRegistry(
 reg.bind(&quot;testdb&quot;, db);
 return reg;
-</div></div><p>Then we configure a route that routes to the JDBC component, so the SQL will be executed. Note how we refer to the <code>testdb</code> datasource that was bound in the previous step:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div>Then we configure a route that routes to the JDBC component, so the SQL will be executed. Note how we refer to the <code>testdb</code> datasource that was bound in the previous step:<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[
 // lets add simple route
 public void configure() throws Exception {
-</div></div><p>Or you can create a <code>DataSource</code> in Spring like this:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div>Or you can create a <code>DataSource</code> in Spring like this:<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[
 &lt;camelContext id=&quot;camel&quot; xmlns=&quot;;&gt;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public void configure() throws Exception
 	&lt;jdbc:script location=&quot;classpath:sql/init.sql&quot;/&gt;
-</div></div><p>We create an endpoint, add the SQL query to the body of the IN message, and then send the exchange. The result of the query is returned in the OUT body:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div>We create an endpoint, add the SQL query to the body of the IN message, and then send the exchange. The result of the query is returned in the OUT body:<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[
 // first we create our exchange using the endpoint
 Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint(&quot;direct:hello&quot;);
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ row = data.get(1);
 assertEquals(&quot;cust2&quot;, row.get(&quot;ID&quot;));
 assertEquals(&quot;nsandhu&quot;, row.get(&quot;NAME&quot;));
-</div></div><p>If you want to work on the rows one by one instead of the entire ResultSet at once you need to use the <a shape="rect" href="splitter.html">Splitter</a> EIP such as:</p><p>In Camel 2.13.x or older</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div>If you want to work on the rows one by one instead of the entire ResultSet at once you need to use the <a shape="rect" href="splitter.html">Splitter</a> EIP such as:<p>In Camel 2.13.x or older</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[
         // here we split the data from the testdb into new messages one by one
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ from(&quot;direct:hello&quot;)
-</div></div><p>In Camel 2.14.x or newer</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div>In Camel 2.14.x or newer<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <script class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" type="syntaxhighlighter"><![CDATA[from(&quot;direct:hello&quot;)
 // here we split the data from the testdb into new messages one by one
 // so the mock endpoint will receive a message per row in the table