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Posted to by Scott Koenig <> on 2012/04/09 17:09:42 UTC

value rendering failure

Sorry for the vague subject, I wasn't sure how to phrase the problem.
Anyway, I am trying to track down the root cause of a bug we were having on
our staging environment. One of our selects, with jsp code as follows

<s:set name="id" value="'content.typeOfMaterial'" />
<s:set name="name" value="'typeOfMaterial'" />

<s:select id="%{#id}" name="%{#name}" cssClass="%{#attr_cssClass}"
        cssStyle="%{#attr_cssStyle}" value="%{}"
        list="typeOfMaterialList" listValue="description" listKey="id"
        headerValue="Select Type of Material" disabled="%{#readonly}" />

was populating the select in the HTML with the correct number of <option>s
but was setting the value attribute of each to "content.typeOfMaterial" and
the inner text to a blank string. This to me says that it was failing to
find the id for typeOfMaterial in the value stack and thus failed up to the
variable in the s:set. However, I am still puzzled by why it would add the
correct number of options to the select. To further extend the mystery,
when I checked out the staging version and deployed it locally, it
populated everything correctly. The DB table is identical in both
environments. I'm sort of at a loss on this, does anyone have any insight
into where I might look?

Thank you very much,