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[67/87] [abbrv] lucene-solr git commit: LUCENE-6997: refactors lucene-spatial module to a new lucene-spatial-extras module, and refactors sandbox GeoPointField and queries to lucene-spatial module
diff --git a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/ b/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e80bc..0000000
--- a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,989 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
-import java.text.ParseException;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContextFactory;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Rectangle;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.SpatialRelation;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.impl.RectangleImpl;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper;
- * A SpatialPrefixTree for single-dimensional numbers and number ranges of fixed precision values (not floating point).
- * Despite its name, the indexed values (and queries) need not actually be ranges, they can be unit instance/values.
- * <p>
- * Why might you use this instead of Lucene's built-in integer/long support?  Here are some reasons with features based
- * on code in this class, <em>or are possible based on this class but require a subclass to fully realize it</em>.
- * <ul>
- *   <li>Index ranges, not just unit instances. This is especially useful when the requirement calls for a
- *   multi-valued range.</li>
- *   <li>Instead of a fixed "precisionStep", this prefixTree can have a customizable number of child values for any
- *   prefix (up to 32768). This allows exact alignment of the prefix-tree with typical/expected values, which
- *   results in better performance.  For example in a Date implementation, every month can get its own dedicated prefix,
- *   every day, etc., even though months vary in duration.</li>
- *   <li>Arbitrary precision, like {@link java.math.BigDecimal}.</li>
- *   <li>Standard Lucene integer/long indexing always indexes the full precision of those data types but this one
- *   is customizable.</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * Unlike "normal" spatial components in this module, this special-purpose one only works with {@link Shape}s
- * created by the methods on this class, not from any {@link com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext}.
- *
- * @see org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.NumberRangePrefixTreeStrategy
- * @see <a href="">LUCENE-5648</a>
- * @lucene.experimental
- */
-public abstract class NumberRangePrefixTree extends SpatialPrefixTree {
-  //
-  //    Dummy SpatialContext
-  //
-  private static final SpatialContext DUMMY_CTX;
-  static {
-    SpatialContextFactory factory = new SpatialContextFactory();
-    factory.geo = false;
-    factory.worldBounds = new RectangleImpl(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0L, 0L, null);
-    DUMMY_CTX = factory.newSpatialContext();
-  }
-  /** Base interface for {@link Shape}s this prefix tree supports. It extends {@link Shape} (Spatial4j) for compatibility
-   * with the spatial API even though it doesn't intermix with conventional 2D shapes.
-   * @lucene.experimental
-   */
-  public static interface NRShape extends Shape, Cloneable {
-    /** The result should be parseable by {@link #parseShape(String)}. */
-    abstract String toString();
-    /** Returns this shape rounded to the target level. If we are already more course than the level then the shape is
-     * simply returned.  The result may refer to internal state of the argument so you may want to clone it.
-     */
-    public NRShape roundToLevel(int targetLevel);
-  }
-  //
-  //  Factory / Conversions / parsing relating to NRShapes
-  //
-  /** Converts the value to a unit shape. Doesn't parse strings; see {@link #parseShape(String)} for
-   * that. This is the reverse of {@link #toObject(org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.UnitNRShape)}. */
-  public abstract UnitNRShape toUnitShape(Object value);
-  /** Returns a shape that represents the continuous range between {@code start} and {@code end}. It will
-   * be normalized, and so sometimes a {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.UnitNRShape}
-   * will be returned, other times a
-   * {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.SpanUnitsNRShape} will be.
-   *
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the arguments are in the wrong order, or if either contains the other (yet they
-   * aren't equal).
-   */
-  public NRShape toRangeShape(UnitNRShape startUnit, UnitNRShape endUnit) {
-    //note: this normalization/optimization process is actually REQUIRED based on assumptions elsewhere.
-    //Normalize start & end
-    startUnit = startUnit.getShapeAtLevel(truncateStartVals(startUnit, 0)); // chops off trailing min-vals (zeroes)
-    endUnit = endUnit.getShapeAtLevel(truncateEndVals(endUnit, 0)); // chops off trailing max-vals
-    //Optimize to just start or end if it's equivalent, e.g. April to April 1st is April 1st.
-    int cmp = comparePrefix(startUnit, endUnit);
-    if (cmp > 0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong order: "+ startUnit +" TO "+ endUnit);
-    }
-    if (cmp == 0) {//one is a prefix of the other
-      if (startUnit.getLevel() == endUnit.getLevel()) {
-        //same
-        return startUnit;
-      } else if (endUnit.getLevel() > startUnit.getLevel()) {
-        // e.g. April to April 1st
-        if (truncateStartVals(endUnit, startUnit.getLevel()) == startUnit.getLevel()) {
-          return endUnit;
-        }
-      } else {//minLV level > maxLV level
-        // e.g. April 30 to April
-        if (truncateEndVals(startUnit, endUnit.getLevel()) == endUnit.getLevel()) {
-          return startUnit;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return new SpanUnitsNRShape(startUnit, endUnit);
-  }
-  /** From lv.getLevel on up, it returns the first Level seen with val != 0. It doesn't check past endLevel. */
-  private int truncateStartVals(UnitNRShape lv, int endLevel) {
-    for (int level = lv.getLevel(); level > endLevel; level--) {
-      if (lv.getValAtLevel(level) != 0)
-        return level;
-    }
-    return endLevel;
-  }
-  private int truncateEndVals(UnitNRShape lv, int endLevel) {
-    for (int level = lv.getLevel(); level > endLevel; level--) {
-      int max = getNumSubCells(lv.getShapeAtLevel(level - 1)) - 1;
-      if (lv.getValAtLevel(level) != max)
-        return level;
-    }
-    return endLevel;
-  }
-  /** Converts a UnitNRShape shape to the corresponding type supported by this class, such as a Calendar/BigDecimal.
-   * This is the reverse of {@link #toUnitShape(Object)}.
-   */
-  public abstract Object toObject(UnitNRShape shape);
-  /** A string representation of the UnitNRShape that is parse-able by {@link #parseUnitShape(String)}. */
-  protected abstract String toString(UnitNRShape lv);
-  protected static String toStringUnitRaw(UnitNRShape lv) {
-    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(100);
-    buf.append('[');
-    for (int level = 1; level <= lv.getLevel(); level++) {
-      buf.append(lv.getValAtLevel(level)).append(',');
-    }
-    buf.setLength(buf.length()-1);//chop off ','
-    buf.append(']');
-    return buf.toString();
-  }
-  /** Detects a range pattern and parses it, otherwise it's parsed as one shape via
-   * {@link #parseUnitShape(String)}.  The range pattern looks like this BNF:
-   * <pre>
-   *   '[' + parseShapeLV + ' TO ' + parseShapeLV + ']'
-   * </pre>
-   * It's the same thing as the toString() of the range shape, notwithstanding range optimization.
-   *
-   * @param str not null or empty
-   * @return not null
-   * @throws java.text.ParseException If there is a problem
-   */
-  public NRShape parseShape(String str) throws ParseException {
-    if (str == null || str.isEmpty())
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("str is null or blank");
-    if (str.charAt(0) == '[') {
-      if (str.charAt(str.length()-1) != ']')
-        throw new ParseException("If starts with [ must end with ]; got "+str, str.length()-1);
-      int middle = str.indexOf(" TO ");
-      if (middle < 0)
-        throw new ParseException("If starts with [ must contain ' TO '; got "+str, -1);
-      String leftStr = str.substring(1, middle);
-      String rightStr = str.substring(middle + " TO ".length(), str.length()-1);
-      return toRangeShape(parseUnitShape(leftStr), parseUnitShape(rightStr));
-    } else if (str.charAt(0) == '{') {
-      throw new ParseException("Exclusive ranges not supported; got "+str, 0);
-    } else {
-      return parseUnitShape(str);
-    }
-  }
-  /** Parse a String to a UnitNRShape. "*" should be the full-range (level 0 shape). */
-  protected abstract UnitNRShape parseUnitShape(String str) throws ParseException;
-  //
-  //    UnitNRShape
-  //
-  /**
-   * A unit value Shape implemented as a stack of numbers, one for each level in the prefix tree. It directly
-   * corresponds to a {@link Cell}.  Spatially speaking, it's analogous to a Point but 1D and has some precision width.
-   * @lucene.experimental
-   */
-  public static interface UnitNRShape extends NRShape, Comparable<UnitNRShape> {
-    //note: formerly known as LevelledValue; thus some variables still use 'lv'
-    /** Get the prefix tree level, the higher the more precise. 0 means the world (universe). */
-    int getLevel();
-    /** Gets the value at the specified level of this unit. level must be &gt;= 0 and &lt;= getLevel(). */
-    int getValAtLevel(int level);
-    /** Gets an ancestor at the specified level. It shares state, so you may want to clone() it. */
-    UnitNRShape getShapeAtLevel(int level);
-    @Override
-    UnitNRShape roundToLevel(int targetLevel);
-    /** Deep clone */
-    UnitNRShape clone();
-  }
-  /** Compares a to b, returning less than 0, 0, or greater than 0, if a is less than, equal to, or
-   * greater than b, respectively, up to their common prefix (i.e. only min(a.levels,b.levels) are compared).
-   * @lucene.internal */
-  protected static int comparePrefix(UnitNRShape a, UnitNRShape b) {
-    int minLevel = Math.min(a.getLevel(), b.getLevel());
-    for (int level = 1; level <= minLevel; level++) {
-      int diff = a.getValAtLevel(level) - b.getValAtLevel(level);
-      if (diff != 0)
-        return diff;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  //
-  //    SpanUnitsNRShape
-  //
-  /** A range Shape; based on a pair of {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.UnitNRShape}.
-   * Spatially speaking, it's analogous to a Rectangle but 1D. It might have been named with Range in the name but it
-   * may be confusing since even the {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.UnitNRShape}
-   * is in some sense a range.
-   * @lucene.experimental */
-  public class SpanUnitsNRShape implements NRShape {
-    private final UnitNRShape minLV, maxLV;
-    private final int lastLevelInCommon;//computed; not part of identity
-    /** Don't call directly; see
-     * {@link #toRangeShape(org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.UnitNRShape, org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.NumberRangePrefixTree.UnitNRShape)}. */
-    private SpanUnitsNRShape(UnitNRShape minLV, UnitNRShape maxLV) {
-      this.minLV = minLV;
-      this.maxLV = maxLV;
-      //calc lastLevelInCommon
-      int level = 1;
-      for (; level <= minLV.getLevel() && level <= maxLV.getLevel(); level++) {
-        if (minLV.getValAtLevel(level) != maxLV.getValAtLevel(level))
-          break;
-      }
-      lastLevelInCommon = level - 1;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SpatialContext getContext() {
-      return DUMMY_CTX;
-    }
-    public UnitNRShape getMinUnit() { return minLV; }
-    public UnitNRShape getMaxUnit() { return maxLV; }
-    /** How many levels are in common between minUnit and maxUnit, not including level 0. */
-    private int getLevelsInCommon() { return lastLevelInCommon; }
-    @Override
-    public NRShape roundToLevel(int targetLevel) {
-      return toRangeShape(minLV.roundToLevel(targetLevel), maxLV.roundToLevel(targetLevel));
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SpatialRelation relate(Shape shape) {
-//      if (shape instanceof UnitNRShape)
-//        return relate((UnitNRShape)shape);
-      if (shape instanceof SpanUnitsNRShape)
-        return relate((SpanUnitsNRShape) shape);
-      return shape.relate(this).transpose();//probably a UnitNRShape
-    }
-    public SpatialRelation relate(SpanUnitsNRShape ext) {
-      //This logic somewhat mirrors RectangleImpl.relate_range()
-      int extMin_intMax = comparePrefix(ext.getMinUnit(), getMaxUnit());
-      if (extMin_intMax > 0)
-        return SpatialRelation.DISJOINT;
-      int extMax_intMin = comparePrefix(ext.getMaxUnit(), getMinUnit());
-      if (extMax_intMin < 0)
-        return SpatialRelation.DISJOINT;
-      int extMin_intMin = comparePrefix(ext.getMinUnit(), getMinUnit());
-      int extMax_intMax = comparePrefix(ext.getMaxUnit(), getMaxUnit());
-      if ((extMin_intMin > 0 || extMin_intMin == 0 && ext.getMinUnit().getLevel() >= getMinUnit().getLevel())
-          && (extMax_intMax < 0 || extMax_intMax == 0 && ext.getMaxUnit().getLevel() >= getMaxUnit().getLevel()))
-        return SpatialRelation.CONTAINS;
-      if ((extMin_intMin < 0 || extMin_intMin == 0 && ext.getMinUnit().getLevel() <= getMinUnit().getLevel())
-          && (extMax_intMax > 0 || extMax_intMax == 0 && ext.getMaxUnit().getLevel() <= getMaxUnit().getLevel()))
-        return SpatialRelation.WITHIN;
-      return SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Rectangle getBoundingBox() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
-    @Override
-    public boolean hasArea() { return true; }
-    @Override
-    public double getArea(SpatialContext spatialContext) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
-    @Override
-    public Point getCenter() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
-    @Override
-    public Shape getBuffered(double v, SpatialContext spatialContext) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isEmpty() { return false; }
-    /** A deep clone. */
-    @Override
-    public SpanUnitsNRShape clone() {
-      return new SpanUnitsNRShape(minLV.clone(), maxLV.clone());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-      return "[" + NumberRangePrefixTree.this.toString(minLV) + " TO "
-          + NumberRangePrefixTree.this.toString(maxLV) + "]";
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-      if (this == o) return true;
-      if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
-      SpanUnitsNRShape spanShape = (SpanUnitsNRShape) o;
-      if (!maxLV.equals(spanShape.maxLV)) return false;
-      if (!minLV.equals(spanShape.minLV)) return false;
-      return true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int hashCode() {
-      int result = minLV.hashCode();
-      result = 31 * result + maxLV.hashCode();
-      return result;
-    }
-  }// class SpanUnitsNRShape
-  //
-  //    NumberRangePrefixTree
-  //
-  protected final int[] maxSubCellsByLevel;
-  protected final int[] termLenByLevel;
-  protected final int[] levelByTermLen;
-  protected final int maxTermLen; // how long could cell.getToken... (that is a leaf) possibly be?
-  protected NumberRangePrefixTree(int[] maxSubCellsByLevel) {
-    super(DUMMY_CTX, maxSubCellsByLevel.length);
-    this.maxSubCellsByLevel = maxSubCellsByLevel;
-    // Fill termLenByLevel
-    this.termLenByLevel = new int[maxLevels + 1];
-    termLenByLevel[0] = 0;
-    final int MAX_STATES = 1 << 15;//1 bit less than 2 bytes
-    for (int level = 1; level <= maxLevels; level++) {
-      final int states = maxSubCellsByLevel[level - 1];
-      if (states >= MAX_STATES || states <= 1) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max states is "+MAX_STATES+", given "+states+" at level "+level);
-      }
-      boolean twoBytes = states >= 256;
-      termLenByLevel[level] = termLenByLevel[level-1] + (twoBytes ? 2 : 1);
-    }
-    maxTermLen = termLenByLevel[maxLevels] + 1;// + 1 for leaf byte
-    // Fill levelByTermLen
-    levelByTermLen = new int[maxTermLen];
-    levelByTermLen[0] = 0;
-    for (int level = 1; level < termLenByLevel.length; level++) {
-      int termLen = termLenByLevel[level];
-      int prevTermLen = termLenByLevel[level-1];
-      if (termLen - prevTermLen == 2) {//2 byte delta
-        //if the term doesn't completely cover this cell then it must be a leaf of the prior.
-        levelByTermLen[termLen-1] = -1;//won't be used; otherwise erroneous
-        levelByTermLen[termLen] = level;
-      } else {//1 byte delta
-        assert termLen - prevTermLen == 1;
-        levelByTermLen[termLen] = level;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return getClass().getSimpleName();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public int getLevelForDistance(double dist) {
-    //note: it might be useful to compute which level has a raw width (counted in
-    // bottom units, e.g. milliseconds), that covers the provided dist in those units?
-    return maxLevels; // thus always use full precision. We don't do approximations in this tree/strategy.
-    //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not applicable.");
-  }
-  @Override
-  public double getDistanceForLevel(int level) {
-    //note: we could compute this... should we?
-    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not applicable.");
-  }
-  protected UnitNRShape toShape(int[] valStack, int len) {
-    final NRCell[] cellStack = newCellStack(len);
-    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-      cellStack[i+1].resetCellWithCellNum(valStack[i]);
-    }
-    return cellStack[len];
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell getWorldCell() {
-    return newCellStack(maxLevels)[0];
-  }
-  protected NRCell[] newCellStack(int levels) {
-    final NRCell[] cellsByLevel = new NRCell[levels + 1];
-    final BytesRef term = new BytesRef(maxTermLen);
-    for (int level = 0; level <= levels; level++) {
-      cellsByLevel[level] = new NRCell(cellsByLevel,term,level);
-    }
-    return cellsByLevel;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell readCell(BytesRef term, Cell scratch) {
-    if (scratch == null)
-      scratch = getWorldCell();
-    //We decode level #, leaf boolean, and populate bytes by reference. We don't decode the stack.
-    //reverse lookup term length to the level and hence the cell
-    NRCell[] cellsByLevel = ((NRCell) scratch).cellsByLevel;
-    boolean isLeaf = term.bytes[term.offset + term.length - 1] == 0;
-    int lenNoLeaf = isLeaf ? term.length - 1 : term.length;
-    NRCell result = cellsByLevel[levelByTermLen[lenNoLeaf]];
-    if (cellsByLevel[0].termBuf == null)
-      cellsByLevel[0].termBuf = result.term.bytes;//a kluge; see cell.ensureOwnTermBytes()
-    result.term.bytes = term.bytes;
-    result.term.offset = term.offset;
-    result.term.length = lenNoLeaf;//technically this isn't used but may help debugging
-    result.reset();
-    if (isLeaf)
-      result.setLeaf();
-    result.cellNumber = -1;//lazy decode flag
-    return result;
-  }
-  /** Returns the number of sub-cells beneath the given UnitNRShape. */
-  public int getNumSubCells(UnitNRShape lv) {
-    return maxSubCellsByLevel[lv.getLevel()];
-  }
-  //
-  //    NRCell
-  //
-  /** Most of the PrefixTree implementation is in this one class, which is both
-   * the Cell, the CellIterator, and the Shape to reduce object allocation. It's implemented as a re-used array/stack
-   * of Cells at adjacent levels, that all have a reference back to the cell array to traverse. They also share a common
-   * BytesRef for the term.
-   * @lucene.internal */
-  protected class NRCell extends CellIterator implements Cell, UnitNRShape {
-    //Shared: (TODO put this in a new class)
-    final NRCell[] cellsByLevel;
-    final BytesRef term;//AKA the token
-    byte[] termBuf;// see ensureOwnTermBytes(), only for cell0
-    //Cell state...
-    final int cellLevel; // assert levelStack[cellLevel] == this
-    int cellNumber; //relative to parent cell. It's unused for level 0. Starts at 0.
-    SpatialRelation cellShapeRel;
-    boolean cellIsLeaf;
-    //CellIterator state is defined further below
-    NRCell(NRCell[] cellsByLevel, BytesRef term, int cellLevel) {
-      this.cellsByLevel = cellsByLevel;
-      this.term = term;
-      this.cellLevel = cellLevel;
-      this.cellNumber = cellLevel == 0 ? 0 : -1;
-      this.cellIsLeaf = false;
-      assert cellsByLevel[cellLevel] == null;
-    }
-    /** Ensure we own term.bytes so that it's safe to modify. We detect via a kluge in which cellsByLevel[0].termBuf
-     * is non-null, which is a pre-allocated for use to replace term.bytes. */
-    void ensureOwnTermBytes() {
-      NRCell cell0 = cellsByLevel[0];
-      if (cell0.termBuf == null)
-        return;//we already own the bytes
-      System.arraycopy(term.bytes, term.offset, cell0.termBuf, 0, term.length);
-      term.bytes = cell0.termBuf;
-      term.offset = 0;
-      cell0.termBuf = null;
-    }
-    private void reset() {
-      this.cellIsLeaf = false;
-      this.cellShapeRel = null;
-    }
-    private void resetCellWithCellNum(int cellNumber) {
-      reset();
-      //update bytes
-      //  note: see lazyInitCellNumsFromBytes() for the reverse
-      if (cellNumber >= 0) {//valid
-        ensureOwnTermBytes();
-        int termLen = termLenByLevel[getLevel()];
-        boolean twoBytes = (termLen - termLenByLevel[getLevel()-1]) > 1;
-        if (twoBytes) {
-          //right 7 bits, plus 1 (may overflow to 8th bit which is okay)
-          term.bytes[termLen-2] = (byte) (cellNumber >> 7);
-          term.bytes[termLen-1] = (byte) ((cellNumber & 0x7F) + 1);
-        } else {
-          term.bytes[termLen-1] = (byte) (cellNumber+1);
-        }
-        assert term.bytes[termLen-1] != 0;
-        term.length = termLen;
-      }
-      this.cellNumber = cellNumber;
-    }
-    private void ensureDecoded() {
-      if (cellNumber >= 0)
-        return;
-      //Decode cell numbers from bytes. This is the inverse of resetCellWithCellNum().
-      for (int level = 1; level <= getLevel(); level++) {
-        NRCell cell = cellsByLevel[level];
-        int termLen = termLenByLevel[level];
-        boolean twoBytes = (termLen - termLenByLevel[level-1]) > 1;
-        if (twoBytes) {
-          int byteH = (term.bytes[term.offset + termLen - 2] & 0xFF);
-          int byteL = (term.bytes[term.offset + termLen - 1] & 0xFF);
-          assert byteL - 1 < (1<<7);
-          cell.cellNumber = (byteH << 7) + (byteL-1);
-          assert cell.cellNumber < 1<<15;
-        } else {
-          cell.cellNumber = (term.bytes[term.offset + termLen - 1] & 0xFF) - 1;
-          assert cell.cellNumber < 255;
-        }
-        cell.assertDecoded();
-      }
-    }
-    private void assertDecoded() {
-      assert cellNumber >= 0 : "Illegal state; ensureDecoded() wasn't called";
-    }
-    @Override // for Cell & for UnitNRShape
-    public int getLevel() {
-      return cellLevel;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SpatialRelation getShapeRel() {
-      return cellShapeRel;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setShapeRel(SpatialRelation rel) {
-      cellShapeRel = rel;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isLeaf() {
-      return cellIsLeaf;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setLeaf() {
-      cellIsLeaf = true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UnitNRShape getShape() {
-      ensureDecoded();
-      return this;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BytesRef getTokenBytesNoLeaf(BytesRef result) {
-      if (result == null)
-        result = new BytesRef();
-      result.bytes = term.bytes;
-      result.offset = term.offset;
-      result.length = termLenByLevel[cellLevel];
-      assert result.length <= term.length;
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BytesRef getTokenBytesWithLeaf(BytesRef result) {
-      ensureOwnTermBytes();//normally shouldn't do anything
-      result = getTokenBytesNoLeaf(result);
-      if (isLeaf()) {
-        result.bytes[result.length++] = 0;
-      }
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isPrefixOf(Cell c) {
-      NRCell otherCell = (NRCell) c;
-      assert term != otherCell.term;
-      //trick to re-use bytesref; provided that we re-instate it
-      int myLastLen = term.length;
-      term.length = termLenByLevel[getLevel()];
-      int otherLastLen = otherCell.term.length;
-      otherCell.term.length = termLenByLevel[otherCell.getLevel()];
-      boolean answer = StringHelper.startsWith(otherCell.term, term);
-      term.length = myLastLen;
-      otherCell.term.length = otherLastLen;
-      return answer;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int compareToNoLeaf(Cell fromCell) {
-      final NRCell nrCell = (NRCell) fromCell;
-      assert term != nrCell.term;
-      //trick to re-use bytesref; provided that we re-instate it
-      int myLastLen = term.length;
-      int otherLastLen = nrCell.term.length;
-      term.length = termLenByLevel[getLevel()];
-      nrCell.term.length = termLenByLevel[nrCell.getLevel()];
-      int answer = term.compareTo(nrCell.term);
-      term.length = myLastLen;
-      nrCell.term.length = otherLastLen;
-      return answer;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public CellIterator getNextLevelCells(Shape shapeFilter) {
-      ensureDecoded();
-      NRCell subCell = cellsByLevel[cellLevel + 1];
-      subCell.initIter(shapeFilter);
-      return subCell;
-    }
-    //----------- CellIterator
-    Shape iterFilter;//UnitNRShape or NRShape
-    boolean iterFirstIsIntersects;
-    boolean iterLastIsIntersects;
-    int iterFirstCellNumber;
-    int iterLastCellNumber;
-    private void initIter(Shape filter) {
-      cellNumber = -1;
-      if (filter instanceof UnitNRShape && ((UnitNRShape) filter).getLevel() == 0)
-        filter = null;//world means everything -- no filter
-      iterFilter = filter;
-      NRCell parent = getShapeAtLevel(getLevel() - 1);
-      // Initialize iter* members.
-      //no filter means all subcells
-      if (filter == null) {
-        iterFirstCellNumber = 0;
-        iterFirstIsIntersects = false;
-        iterLastCellNumber = getNumSubCells(parent) - 1;
-        iterLastIsIntersects = false;
-        return;
-      }
-      final UnitNRShape minLV;
-      final UnitNRShape maxLV;
-      final int lastLevelInCommon;//between minLV & maxLV
-      if (filter instanceof SpanUnitsNRShape) {
-        SpanUnitsNRShape spanShape = (SpanUnitsNRShape) iterFilter;
-        minLV = spanShape.getMinUnit();
-        maxLV = spanShape.getMaxUnit();
-        lastLevelInCommon = spanShape.getLevelsInCommon();
-      } else {
-        minLV = (UnitNRShape) iterFilter;
-        maxLV = minLV;
-        lastLevelInCommon = minLV.getLevel();
-      }
-      //fast path optimization that is usually true, but never first level
-      if (iterFilter == parent.iterFilter &&
-          (getLevel() <= lastLevelInCommon || parent.iterFirstCellNumber != parent.iterLastCellNumber)) {
-        //TODO benchmark if this optimization pays off. We avoid two comparePrefixLV calls.
-        if (parent.iterFirstIsIntersects && parent.cellNumber == parent.iterFirstCellNumber
-            && minLV.getLevel() >= getLevel()) {
-          iterFirstCellNumber = minLV.getValAtLevel(getLevel());
-          iterFirstIsIntersects = (minLV.getLevel() > getLevel());
-        } else {
-          iterFirstCellNumber = 0;
-          iterFirstIsIntersects = false;
-        }
-        if (parent.iterLastIsIntersects && parent.cellNumber == parent.iterLastCellNumber
-            && maxLV.getLevel() >= getLevel()) {
-          iterLastCellNumber = maxLV.getValAtLevel(getLevel());
-          iterLastIsIntersects = (maxLV.getLevel() > getLevel());
-        } else {
-          iterLastCellNumber = getNumSubCells(parent) - 1;
-          iterLastIsIntersects = false;
-        }
-        if (iterFirstCellNumber == iterLastCellNumber) {
-          if (iterLastIsIntersects)
-            iterFirstIsIntersects = true;
-          else if (iterFirstIsIntersects)
-            iterLastIsIntersects = true;
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      //not common to get here, except for level 1 which always happens
-      int startCmp = comparePrefix(minLV, parent);
-      if (startCmp > 0) {//start comes after this cell
-        iterFirstCellNumber = 0;
-        iterFirstIsIntersects = false;
-        iterLastCellNumber = -1;//so ends early (no cells)
-        iterLastIsIntersects = false;
-        return;
-      }
-      int endCmp = comparePrefix(maxLV, parent);//compare to end cell
-      if (endCmp < 0) {//end comes before this cell
-        iterFirstCellNumber = 0;
-        iterFirstIsIntersects = false;
-        iterLastCellNumber = -1;//so ends early (no cells)
-        iterLastIsIntersects = false;
-        return;
-      }
-      if (startCmp < 0 || minLV.getLevel() < getLevel()) {
-        //start comes before...
-        iterFirstCellNumber = 0;
-        iterFirstIsIntersects = false;
-      } else {
-        iterFirstCellNumber = minLV.getValAtLevel(getLevel());
-        iterFirstIsIntersects = (minLV.getLevel() > getLevel());
-      }
-      if (endCmp > 0 || maxLV.getLevel() < getLevel()) {
-        //end comes after...
-        iterLastCellNumber = getNumSubCells(parent) - 1;
-        iterLastIsIntersects = false;
-      } else {
-        iterLastCellNumber = maxLV.getValAtLevel(getLevel());
-        iterLastIsIntersects = (maxLV.getLevel() > getLevel());
-      }
-      if (iterFirstCellNumber == iterLastCellNumber) {
-        if (iterLastIsIntersects)
-          iterFirstIsIntersects = true;
-        else if (iterFirstIsIntersects)
-          iterLastIsIntersects = true;
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean hasNext() {
-      thisCell = null;
-      if (nextCell != null)//calling hasNext twice in a row
-        return true;
-      if (cellNumber >= iterLastCellNumber)
-        return false;
-      resetCellWithCellNum(cellNumber < iterFirstCellNumber ? iterFirstCellNumber : cellNumber + 1);
-      boolean hasChildren =
-          (cellNumber == iterFirstCellNumber && iterFirstIsIntersects)
-              || (cellNumber == iterLastCellNumber && iterLastIsIntersects);
-      if (!hasChildren) {
-        setLeaf();
-        setShapeRel(SpatialRelation.WITHIN);
-      } else if (iterFirstCellNumber == iterLastCellNumber) {
-        setShapeRel(SpatialRelation.CONTAINS);
-      } else {
-        setShapeRel(SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS);
-      }
-      nextCell = this;
-      return true;
-    }
-    //TODO override nextFrom to be more efficient
-    //----------- UnitNRShape
-    @Override
-    public int getValAtLevel(int level) {
-      final int result = cellsByLevel[level].cellNumber;
-      assert result >= 0;//initialized (decoded)
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public NRCell getShapeAtLevel(int level) {
-      assert level <= cellLevel;
-      return cellsByLevel[level];
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UnitNRShape roundToLevel(int targetLevel) {
-      if (getLevel() <= targetLevel) {
-        return this;
-      } else {
-        return getShapeAtLevel(targetLevel);
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SpatialRelation relate(Shape shape) {
-      assertDecoded();
-      if (shape == iterFilter && cellShapeRel != null)
-        return cellShapeRel;
-      if (shape instanceof UnitNRShape)
-        return relate((UnitNRShape)shape);
-      if (shape instanceof SpanUnitsNRShape)
-        return relate((SpanUnitsNRShape)shape);
-      return shape.relate(this).transpose();
-    }
-    public SpatialRelation relate(UnitNRShape lv) {
-      assertDecoded();
-      int cmp = comparePrefix(this, lv);
-      if (cmp != 0)
-        return SpatialRelation.DISJOINT;
-      if (getLevel() > lv.getLevel())
-        return SpatialRelation.WITHIN;
-      return SpatialRelation.CONTAINS;//or equals
-      //no INTERSECTS; that won't happen.
-    }
-    public SpatialRelation relate(SpanUnitsNRShape spanShape) {
-      assertDecoded();
-      int startCmp = comparePrefix(spanShape.getMinUnit(), this);
-      if (startCmp > 0) {//start comes after this cell
-        return SpatialRelation.DISJOINT;
-      }
-      int endCmp = comparePrefix(spanShape.getMaxUnit(), this);
-      if (endCmp < 0) {//end comes before this cell
-        return SpatialRelation.DISJOINT;
-      }
-      int nrMinLevel = spanShape.getMinUnit().getLevel();
-      int nrMaxLevel = spanShape.getMaxUnit().getLevel();
-      if ((startCmp < 0 || startCmp == 0 && nrMinLevel <= getLevel())
-          && (endCmp > 0 || endCmp == 0 && nrMaxLevel <= getLevel()))
-        return SpatialRelation.WITHIN;//or equals
-      //At this point it's Contains or Within.
-      if (startCmp != 0 || endCmp != 0)
-        return SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS;
-      //if min or max Level is less, it might be on the equivalent edge.
-      for (;nrMinLevel < getLevel(); nrMinLevel++) {
-        if (getValAtLevel(nrMinLevel + 1) != 0)
-          return SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS;
-      }
-      for (;nrMaxLevel < getLevel(); nrMaxLevel++) {
-        if (getValAtLevel(nrMaxLevel + 1) != getNumSubCells(getShapeAtLevel(nrMaxLevel)) - 1)
-          return SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS;
-      }
-      return SpatialRelation.CONTAINS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UnitNRShape clone() {
-      //no leaf distinction; this is purely based on UnitNRShape
-      NRCell cell = (NRCell) readCell(getTokenBytesNoLeaf(null), null);
-      cell.ensureOwnTermBytes();
-      return cell.getShape();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int compareTo(UnitNRShape o) {
-      assertDecoded();
-      //no leaf distinction; this is purely based on UnitNRShape
-      int cmp = comparePrefix(this, o);
-      if (cmp != 0) {
-        return cmp;
-      } else {
-        return getLevel() - o.getLevel();
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Rectangle getBoundingBox() {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean hasArea() {
-      return true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public double getArea(SpatialContext ctx) {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Point getCenter() {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Shape getBuffered(double distance, SpatialContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isEmpty() {
-      return false;
-    }
-    //------- Object
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-      if (!(obj instanceof NRCell)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (this == obj)
-        return true;
-      NRCell nrCell = (NRCell) obj;
-      assert term != nrCell.term;
-      if (getLevel() != nrCell.getLevel())
-        return false;
-      //trick to re-use bytesref; provided that we re-instate it
-      int myLastLen = term.length;
-      int otherLastLen = nrCell.term.length;
-      boolean answer = getTokenBytesNoLeaf(term).equals(nrCell.getTokenBytesNoLeaf(nrCell.term));
-      term.length = myLastLen;
-      nrCell.term.length = otherLastLen;
-      return answer;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SpatialContext getContext() {
-      return DUMMY_CTX;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int hashCode() {
-      //trick to re-use bytesref; provided that we re-instate it
-      int myLastLen = term.length;
-      int result = getTokenBytesNoLeaf(term).hashCode();
-      term.length = myLastLen;
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-      return NumberRangePrefixTree.this.toString(getShape());
-    }
-    /** Configure your IDE to use this. */
-    public String toStringDebug() {
-      String pretty = toString();
-      if (getLevel() == 0)
-        return pretty;
-      return toStringUnitRaw(this) + (isLeaf() ? "•" : "") + " " + pretty;
-    }
-  } // END OF NRCell
diff --git a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/ b/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fe2bff..0000000
--- a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Rectangle;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.SpatialRelation;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.impl.RectangleImpl;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
- * Uses a compact binary representation of 8 bytes to encode a spatial quad trie.
- *
- * The binary representation is as follows:
- * <pre>
- *
- * Where C = Cell bits (2 per quad)
- *       D = Depth bits (5 with max of 29 levels)
- *       L = isLeaf bit
- * </pre>
- *
- * It includes a built-in "pruneLeafyBranches" setting (true by default) similar to
- * {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy#setPruneLeafyBranches(boolean)} although
- * this one only prunes at the target detail level (where it has the most effect).  Usually you should disable RPT's
- * prune, since it is very memory in-efficient.
- *
- * @lucene.experimental
- */
-public class PackedQuadPrefixTree extends QuadPrefixTree {
-  public static final int MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE = 29;
-  protected static final byte[] QUAD = new byte[] {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03};
-  protected boolean leafyPrune = true;
-  /**
-   * Factory for creating {@link PackedQuadPrefixTree} instances with useful defaults.
-   */
-  public static class Factory extends QuadPrefixTree.Factory {
-    @Override
-    protected SpatialPrefixTree newSPT() {
-      return new PackedQuadPrefixTree(ctx, maxLevels != null ? maxLevels : MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE);
-    }
-  }
-  public PackedQuadPrefixTree(SpatialContext ctx, int maxLevels) {
-    super(ctx, maxLevels);
-    if (maxLevels > MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxLevels of " + maxLevels + " exceeds limit of " + MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE);
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(maxLevels:" + maxLevels + ",ctx:" + ctx + ",prune:" + leafyPrune + ")";
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell getWorldCell() {
-    return new PackedQuadCell(0x0L);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell getCell(Point p, int level) {
-    List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(1);
-    build(xmid, ymid, 0, cells, 0x0L, ctx.makePoint(p.getX(), p.getY()), level);
-    return cells.get(0);//note cells could be longer if p on edge
-  }
-  protected void build(double x, double y, int level, List<Cell> matches, long term, Shape shape, int maxLevel) {
-    double w = levelW[level] / 2;
-    double h = levelH[level] / 2;
-    // Z-Order
-    //
-    checkBattenberg(QUAD[0], x - w, y + h, level, matches, term, shape, maxLevel);
-    checkBattenberg(QUAD[1], x + w, y + h, level, matches, term, shape, maxLevel);
-    checkBattenberg(QUAD[2], x - w, y - h, level, matches, term, shape, maxLevel);
-    checkBattenberg(QUAD[3], x + w, y - h, level, matches, term, shape, maxLevel);
-  }
-  protected void checkBattenberg(byte quad, double cx, double cy, int level, List<Cell> matches,
-                               long term, Shape shape, int maxLevel) {
-    // short-circuit if we find a match for the point (no need to continue recursion)
-    if (shape instanceof Point && !matches.isEmpty())
-      return;
-    double w = levelW[level] / 2;
-    double h = levelH[level] / 2;
-    SpatialRelation v = shape.relate(ctx.makeRectangle(cx - w, cx + w, cy - h, cy + h));
-    if (SpatialRelation.DISJOINT == v) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // set bits for next level
-    term |= (((long)(quad))<<(64-(++level<<1)));
-    // increment level
-    term = ((term>>>1)+1)<<1;
-    if (SpatialRelation.CONTAINS == v || (level >= maxLevel)) {
-      matches.add(new PackedQuadCell(term, v.transpose()));
-    } else {// SpatialRelation.WITHIN, SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS
-      build(cx, cy, level, matches, term, shape, maxLevel);
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell readCell(BytesRef term, Cell scratch) {
-    PackedQuadCell cell = (PackedQuadCell) scratch;
-    if (cell == null)
-      cell = (PackedQuadCell) getWorldCell();
-    cell.readCell(term);
-    return cell;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public CellIterator getTreeCellIterator(Shape shape, int detailLevel) {
-    if (detailLevel > maxLevels) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("detailLevel:" + detailLevel +" exceed max: " + maxLevels);
-    }
-    return new PrefixTreeIterator(shape, (short) detailLevel);
-  }
-  public boolean isPruneLeafyBranches() {
-    return leafyPrune;
-  }
-  /** Like {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy#setPruneLeafyBranches(boolean)}
-   * but more memory efficient and only applies to the detailLevel, where it has the most effect. */
-  public void setPruneLeafyBranches( boolean pruneLeafyBranches ) {
-    this.leafyPrune = pruneLeafyBranches;
-  }
-  /** See binary representation in the javadocs of {@link PackedQuadPrefixTree}. */
-  protected class PackedQuadCell extends QuadCell {
-    private long term;
-    PackedQuadCell(long term) {
-      super(null, 0, 0);
-      this.term = term;
-      this.b_off = 0;
-      this.bytes = longToByteArray(this.term);
-      this.b_len = 8;
-      readLeafAdjust();
-    }
-    PackedQuadCell(long term, SpatialRelation shapeRel) {
-      this(term);
-      this.shapeRel = shapeRel;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected void readCell(BytesRef bytes) {
-      shapeRel = null;
-      shape = null;
-      this.bytes = bytes.bytes;
-      this.b_off = bytes.offset;
-      this.b_len = (short) bytes.length;
-      this.term = longFromByteArray(this.bytes, bytes.offset);
-      readLeafAdjust();
-    }
-    private final int getShiftForLevel(final int level) {
-      return 64 - (level<<1);
-    }
-    public boolean isEnd(final int level, final int shift) {
-      return (term != 0x0L && ((((0x1L<<(level<<1))-1)-(term>>>shift)) == 0x0L));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the next cell in the tree without using recursion. descend parameter requests traversal to the child nodes,
-     * setting this to false will step to the next sibling.
-     * Note: This complies with lexicographical ordering, once you've moved to the next sibling there is no backtracking.
-     */
-    public PackedQuadCell nextCell(boolean descend) {
-      final int level = getLevel();
-      final int shift = getShiftForLevel(level);
-      // base case: can't go further
-      if ( (!descend && isEnd(level, shift)) || isEnd(maxLevels, getShiftForLevel(maxLevels))) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      long newTerm;
-      final boolean isLeaf = (term&0x1L)==0x1L;
-      // if descend requested && we're not at the maxLevel
-      if ((descend && !isLeaf && (level != maxLevels)) || level == 0) {
-        // simple case: increment level bits (next level)
-        newTerm = ((term>>>1)+0x1L)<<1;
-      } else {  // we're not descending or we can't descend
-        newTerm = term + (0x1L<<shift);
-        // we're at the last sibling...force descend
-        if (((term>>>shift)&0x3L) == 0x3L) {
-          // adjust level for number popping up
-          newTerm = ((newTerm>>>1) - (Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(newTerm>>>shift)>>>1))<<1;
-        }
-      }
-      return new PackedQuadCell(newTerm);
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected void readLeafAdjust() {
-      isLeaf = ((0x1L)&term) == 0x1L;
-      if (getLevel() == getMaxLevels()) {
-        isLeaf = true;
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BytesRef getTokenBytesWithLeaf(BytesRef result) {
-      if (isLeaf) {
-        term |= 0x1L;
-      }
-      return getTokenBytesNoLeaf(result);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BytesRef getTokenBytesNoLeaf(BytesRef result) {
-      if (result == null)
-        return new BytesRef(bytes, b_off, b_len);
-      result.bytes = longToByteArray(this.term);
-      result.offset = 0;
-      result.length = result.bytes.length;
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int compareToNoLeaf(Cell fromCell) {
-      PackedQuadCell b = (PackedQuadCell) fromCell;
-      final long thisTerm = (((0x1L)&term) == 0x1L) ? term-1 : term;
-      final long fromTerm = (((0x1L)&b.term) == 0x1L) ? b.term-1 : b.term;
-      final int result = Long.compareUnsigned(thisTerm, fromTerm);
-      assert Math.signum(result)
-          == Math.signum(compare(longToByteArray(thisTerm), 0, 8, longToByteArray(fromTerm), 0, 8)); // TODO remove
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getLevel() {
-      int l = (int)((term >>> 1)&0x1FL);
-      return l;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected Collection<Cell> getSubCells() {
-      List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(4);
-      PackedQuadCell pqc = (new PackedQuadCell(((term&0x1)==0x1) ? this.term-1 : this.term))
-          .nextCell(true);
-      cells.add(pqc);
-      cells.add((pqc = pqc.nextCell(false)));
-      cells.add((pqc = pqc.nextCell(false)));
-      cells.add(pqc.nextCell(false));
-      return cells;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected QuadCell getSubCell(Point p) {
-      return (PackedQuadCell) PackedQuadPrefixTree.this.getCell(p, getLevel() + 1);//not performant!
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isPrefixOf(Cell c) {
-      PackedQuadCell cell = (PackedQuadCell)c;
-      return (this.term == 0x0L) || isInternalPrefix(cell);
-    }
-    protected boolean isInternalPrefix(PackedQuadCell c) {
-      final int shift = 64 - (getLevel()<<1);
-      return ((term>>>shift)-(c.term>>>shift)) == 0x0L;
-    }
-    protected long concat(byte postfix) {
-      // extra leaf bit
-      return this.term | (((long)(postfix))<<((getMaxLevels()-getLevel()<<1)+6));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Constructs a bounding box shape out of the encoded cell
-     */
-    @Override
-    protected Rectangle makeShape() {
-      double xmin = PackedQuadPrefixTree.this.xmin;
-      double ymin = PackedQuadPrefixTree.this.ymin;
-      int level = getLevel();
-      byte b;
-      for (short l=0, i=1; l<level; ++l, ++i) {
-        b = (byte) ((term>>>(64-(i<<1))) & 0x3L);
-        switch (b) {
-          case 0x00:
-            ymin += levelH[l];
-            break;
-          case 0x01:
-            xmin += levelW[l];
-            ymin += levelH[l];
-            break;
-          case 0x02:
-            break;//nothing really
-          case 0x03:
-            xmin += levelW[l];
-            break;
-          default:
-            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected quadrant");
-        }
-      }
-      double width, height;
-      if (level > 0) {
-        width = levelW[level - 1];
-        height = levelH[level - 1];
-      } else {
-        width = gridW;
-        height = gridH;
-      }
-      return new RectangleImpl(xmin, xmin + width, ymin, ymin + height, ctx);
-    }
-    private long fromBytes(byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, byte b4, byte b5, byte b6, byte b7, byte b8) {
-      return ((long)b1 & 255L) << 56 | ((long)b2 & 255L) << 48 | ((long)b3 & 255L) << 40
-          | ((long)b4 & 255L) << 32 | ((long)b5 & 255L) << 24 | ((long)b6 & 255L) << 16
-          | ((long)b7 & 255L) << 8 | (long)b8 & 255L;
-    }
-    private byte[] longToByteArray(long value) {
-      byte[] result = new byte[8];
-      for(int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
-        result[i] = (byte)((int)(value & 255L));
-        value >>= 8;
-      }
-      return result;
-    }
-    private long longFromByteArray(byte[] bytes, int ofs) {
-      assert bytes.length >= 8;
-      return fromBytes(bytes[0+ofs], bytes[1+ofs], bytes[2+ofs], bytes[3+ofs],
-          bytes[4+ofs], bytes[5+ofs], bytes[6+ofs], bytes[7+ofs]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used for debugging, this will print the bits of the cell
-     */
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-      StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(64);
-      final int numberOfLeadingZeros = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(term);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLeadingZeros; i++) {
-        s.append('0');
-      }
-      if (term != 0)
-        s.append(Long.toBinaryString(term));
-      return s.toString();
-    }
-  } // PackedQuadCell
-  /** This is a streamlined version of TreeCellIterator, with built-in support to prune at detailLevel
-   * (but not recursively upwards). */
-  protected class PrefixTreeIterator extends CellIterator {
-    private Shape shape;
-    private PackedQuadCell thisCell;
-    private PackedQuadCell nextCell;
-    private short level;
-    private final short detailLevel;
-    private CellIterator pruneIter;
-    PrefixTreeIterator(Shape shape, short detailLevel) {
-      this.shape = shape;
-      this.thisCell = ((PackedQuadCell)(getWorldCell())).nextCell(true);
-      this.detailLevel = detailLevel;
-      this.nextCell = null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean hasNext() {
-      if (nextCell != null) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      SpatialRelation rel;
-      // loop until we're at the end of the quad tree or we hit a relation
-      while (thisCell != null) {
-        rel = thisCell.getShape().relate(shape);
-        if (rel == SpatialRelation.DISJOINT) {
-          thisCell = thisCell.nextCell(false);
-        } else { // within || intersects || contains
-          thisCell.setShapeRel(rel);
-          nextCell = thisCell;
-          if (rel == SpatialRelation.WITHIN) {
-            thisCell.setLeaf();
-            thisCell = thisCell.nextCell(false);
-          } else {  // intersects || contains
-            level = (short) (thisCell.getLevel());
-            if (level == detailLevel || pruned(rel)) {
-              thisCell.setLeaf();
-              if (shape instanceof Point) {
-                thisCell.setShapeRel(SpatialRelation.WITHIN);
-                thisCell = null;
-              } else {
-                thisCell = thisCell.nextCell(false);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            thisCell = thisCell.nextCell(true);
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      return nextCell != null;
-    }
-    private boolean pruned(SpatialRelation rel) {
-      int leaves;
-      if (rel == SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS && leafyPrune && level == detailLevel - 1) {
-        for (leaves=0, pruneIter=thisCell.getNextLevelCells(shape); pruneIter.hasNext();, ++leaves);
-        return leaves == 4;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Cell next() {
-      if (nextCell == null) {
-        if (!hasNext()) {
-          throw new NoSuchElementException();
-        }
-      }
-      // overriding since this implementation sets thisCell in hasNext
-      Cell temp = nextCell;
-      nextCell = null;
-      return temp;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void remove() {
-      //no-op
-    }
-  }
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index 48dac87..0000000
--- a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
-import java.text.NumberFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Rectangle;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.SpatialRelation;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
- * A {@link SpatialPrefixTree} which uses a
- * <a href="">quad tree</a> in which an
- * indexed term will be generated for each cell, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'.
- *
- * @lucene.experimental
- */
-public class QuadPrefixTree extends LegacyPrefixTree {
-  /**
-   * Factory for creating {@link QuadPrefixTree} instances with useful defaults
-   */
-  public static class Factory extends SpatialPrefixTreeFactory {
-    @Override
-    protected int getLevelForDistance(double degrees) {
-      QuadPrefixTree grid = new QuadPrefixTree(ctx, MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE);
-      return grid.getLevelForDistance(degrees);
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected SpatialPrefixTree newSPT() {
-      return new QuadPrefixTree(ctx,
-          maxLevels != null ? maxLevels : MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE);
-    }
-  }
-  public static final int MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE = 50;//not really sure how big this should be
-  public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LEVELS = 12;
-  protected final double xmin;
-  protected final double xmax;
-  protected final double ymin;
-  protected final double ymax;
-  protected final double xmid;
-  protected final double ymid;
-  protected final double gridW;
-  public final double gridH;
-  final double[] levelW;
-  final double[] levelH;
-  final int[]    levelS; // side
-  final int[]    levelN; // number
-  public QuadPrefixTree(
-      SpatialContext ctx, Rectangle bounds, int maxLevels) {
-    super(ctx, maxLevels);
-    this.xmin = bounds.getMinX();
-    this.xmax = bounds.getMaxX();
-    this.ymin = bounds.getMinY();
-    this.ymax = bounds.getMaxY();
-    levelW = new double[maxLevels];
-    levelH = new double[maxLevels];
-    levelS = new int[maxLevels];
-    levelN = new int[maxLevels];
-    gridW = xmax - xmin;
-    gridH = ymax - ymin;
-    this.xmid = xmin + gridW/2.0;
-    this.ymid = ymin + gridH/2.0;
-    levelW[0] = gridW/2.0;
-    levelH[0] = gridH/2.0;
-    levelS[0] = 2;
-    levelN[0] = 4;
-    for (int i = 1; i < levelW.length; i++) {
-      levelW[i] = levelW[i - 1] / 2.0;
-      levelH[i] = levelH[i - 1] / 2.0;
-      levelS[i] = levelS[i - 1] * 2;
-      levelN[i] = levelN[i - 1] * 4;
-    }
-  }
-  public QuadPrefixTree(SpatialContext ctx) {
-    this(ctx, DEFAULT_MAX_LEVELS);
-  }
-  public QuadPrefixTree(
-      SpatialContext ctx, int maxLevels) {
-    this(ctx, ctx.getWorldBounds(), maxLevels);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell getWorldCell() {
-    return new QuadCell(BytesRef.EMPTY_BYTES, 0, 0);
-  }
-  public void printInfo(PrintStream out) {
-    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ROOT);
-    nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(5);
-    nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(5);
-    nf.setMinimumIntegerDigits(3);
-    for (int i = 0; i < maxLevels; i++) {
-      out.println(i + "]\t" + nf.format(levelW[i]) + "\t" + nf.format(levelH[i]) + "\t" +
-          levelS[i] + "\t" + (levelS[i] * levelS[i]));
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public int getLevelForDistance(double dist) {
-    if (dist == 0)//short circuit
-      return maxLevels;
-    for (int i = 0; i < maxLevels-1; i++) {
-      //note: level[i] is actually a lookup for level i+1
-      if(dist > levelW[i] && dist > levelH[i]) {
-        return i+1;
-      }
-    }
-    return maxLevels;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Cell getCell(Point p, int level) {
-    List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(1);
-    build(xmid, ymid, 0, cells, new BytesRef(maxLevels+1), ctx.makePoint(p.getX(),p.getY()), level);
-    return cells.get(0);//note cells could be longer if p on edge
-  }
-  private void build(
-      double x,
-      double y,
-      int level,
-      List<Cell> matches,
-      BytesRef str,
-      Shape shape,
-      int maxLevel) {
-    assert str.length == level;
-    double w = levelW[level] / 2;
-    double h = levelH[level] / 2;
-    // Z-Order
-    //
-    checkBattenberg('A', x - w, y + h, level, matches, str, shape, maxLevel);
-    checkBattenberg('B', x + w, y + h, level, matches, str, shape, maxLevel);
-    checkBattenberg('C', x - w, y - h, level, matches, str, shape, maxLevel);
-    checkBattenberg('D', x + w, y - h, level, matches, str, shape, maxLevel);
-    // possibly consider hilbert curve
-    //
-    //
-    // if we actually use the range property in the query, this could be useful
-  }
-  protected void checkBattenberg(
-      char c,
-      double cx,
-      double cy,
-      int level,
-      List<Cell> matches,
-      BytesRef str,
-      Shape shape,
-      int maxLevel) {
-    assert str.length == level;
-    assert str.offset == 0;
-    double w = levelW[level] / 2;
-    double h = levelH[level] / 2;
-    int strlen = str.length;
-    Rectangle rectangle = ctx.makeRectangle(cx - w, cx + w, cy - h, cy + h);
-    SpatialRelation v = shape.relate(rectangle);
-    if (SpatialRelation.CONTAINS == v) {
-      str.bytes[str.length++] = (byte)c;//append
-      //str.append(SpatialPrefixGrid.COVER);
-      matches.add(new QuadCell(BytesRef.deepCopyOf(str), v.transpose()));
-    } else if (SpatialRelation.DISJOINT == v) {
-      // nothing
-    } else { // SpatialRelation.WITHIN, SpatialRelation.INTERSECTS
-      str.bytes[str.length++] = (byte)c;//append
-      int nextLevel = level+1;
-      if (nextLevel >= maxLevel) {
-        //str.append(SpatialPrefixGrid.INTERSECTS);
-        matches.add(new QuadCell(BytesRef.deepCopyOf(str), v.transpose()));
-      } else {
-        build(cx, cy, nextLevel, matches, str, shape, maxLevel);
-      }
-    }
-    str.length = strlen;
-  }
-  protected class QuadCell extends LegacyCell {
-    QuadCell(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) {
-      super(bytes, off, len);
-    }
-    QuadCell(BytesRef str, SpatialRelation shapeRel) {
-      this(str.bytes, str.offset, str.length);
-      this.shapeRel = shapeRel;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected QuadPrefixTree getGrid() { return QuadPrefixTree.this; }
-    @Override
-    protected int getMaxLevels() { return maxLevels; }
-    @Override
-    protected Collection<Cell> getSubCells() {
-      BytesRef source = getTokenBytesNoLeaf(null);
-      List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(4);
-      cells.add(new QuadCell(concat(source, (byte)'A'), null));
-      cells.add(new QuadCell(concat(source, (byte)'B'), null));
-      cells.add(new QuadCell(concat(source, (byte)'C'), null));
-      cells.add(new QuadCell(concat(source, (byte)'D'), null));
-      return cells;
-    }
-    protected BytesRef concat(BytesRef source, byte b) {
-      //+2 for new char + potential leaf
-      final byte[] buffer = Arrays.copyOfRange(source.bytes, source.offset, source.offset + source.length + 2);
-      BytesRef target = new BytesRef(buffer);
-      target.length = source.length;
-      target.bytes[target.length++] = b;
-      return target;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int getSubCellsSize() {
-      return 4;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected QuadCell getSubCell(Point p) {
-      return (QuadCell) QuadPrefixTree.this.getCell(p, getLevel() + 1);//not performant!
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Shape getShape() {
-      if (shape == null)
-        shape = makeShape();
-      return shape;
-    }
-    protected Rectangle makeShape() {
-      BytesRef token = getTokenBytesNoLeaf(null);
-      double xmin = QuadPrefixTree.this.xmin;
-      double ymin = QuadPrefixTree.this.ymin;
-      for (int i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
-        byte c = token.bytes[token.offset + i];
-        switch (c) {
-          case 'A':
-            ymin += levelH[i];
-            break;
-          case 'B':
-            xmin += levelW[i];
-            ymin += levelH[i];
-            break;
-          case 'C':
-            break;//nothing really
-          case 'D':
-            xmin += levelW[i];
-            break;
-          default:
-            throw new RuntimeException("unexpected char: " + c);
-        }
-      }
-      int len = token.length;
-      double width, height;
-      if (len > 0) {
-        width = levelW[len-1];
-        height = levelH[len-1];
-      } else {
-        width = gridW;
-        height = gridH;
-      }
-      return ctx.makeRectangle(xmin, xmin + width, ymin, ymin + height);
-    }
-  }//QuadCell
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
- * A singleton (one Cell) instance of CellIterator.
- *
- * @lucene.internal
- */
-class SingletonCellIterator extends CellIterator {
-  SingletonCellIterator(Cell cell) {
-    this.nextCell = cell;//preload nextCell
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    thisCell = null;
-    return nextCell != null;
-  }
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index 8ead954..0000000
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@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
- * A spatial Prefix Tree, or Trie, which decomposes shapes into prefixed strings
- * at variable lengths corresponding to variable precision.  Each string
- * corresponds to a rectangular spatial region.  This approach is
- * also referred to "Grids", "Tiles", and "Spatial Tiers".
- * <p>
- * Implementations of this class should be thread-safe and immutable once
- * initialized.
- *
- * @lucene.experimental
- */
-public abstract class SpatialPrefixTree {
-  protected final int maxLevels;
-  protected final SpatialContext ctx;
-  public SpatialPrefixTree(SpatialContext ctx, int maxLevels) {
-    assert maxLevels > 0;
-    this.ctx = ctx;
-    this.maxLevels = maxLevels;
-  }
-  public SpatialContext getSpatialContext() {
-    return ctx;
-  }
-  public int getMaxLevels() {
-    return maxLevels;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(maxLevels:" + maxLevels + ",ctx:" + ctx + ")";
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the level of the largest grid in which its longest side is less
-   * than or equal to the provided distance (in degrees). Consequently {@code
-   * dist} acts as an error epsilon declaring the amount of detail needed in the
-   * grid, such that you can get a grid with just the right amount of
-   * precision.
-   *
-   * @param dist {@code >= 0}
-   * @return level [1 to maxLevels]
-   */
-  public abstract int getLevelForDistance(double dist);
-  /**
-   * Given a cell having the specified level, returns the distance from opposite
-   * corners. Since this might vary depending on where the cell is, this method
-   * may over-estimate.
-   *
-   * @param level [1 to maxLevels]
-   * @return {@code > 0}
-   */
-  public abstract double getDistanceForLevel(int level);
-  /**
-   * Returns the level 0 cell which encompasses all spatial data. Equivalent to {@link #readCell(BytesRef,Cell)}
-   * with no bytes.
-   */
-  public abstract Cell getWorldCell(); //another possible name: getTopCell
-  /**
-   * This creates a new Cell (or re-using {@code scratch} if provided), initialized to the state as read
-   * by the bytes.
-   * Warning: An implementation may refer to the same byte array (no copy). If {@link Cell#setLeaf()} is
-   * subsequently called, it would then modify these bytes.
-   */
-  public abstract Cell readCell(BytesRef term, Cell scratch);
-  /**
-   * Gets the intersecting cells for the specified shape, without exceeding
-   * detail level. If a cell is within the query shape then it's marked as a
-   * leaf and none of its children are added. For cells at detailLevel, they are marked as
-   * leaves too, unless it's a point.
-   * <p>
-   * IMPORTANT: Cells returned from the iterator can be re-used for cells at the same level. So you can't simply
-   * iterate to subsequent cells and still refer to the former cell nor the bytes returned from the former cell, unless
-   * you know the former cell is a parent.
-   *
-   * @param shape       the shape; possibly null but the caller should liberally call
-   *  {@code remove()} if so.
-   * @param detailLevel the maximum detail level to get cells for
-   * @return the matching cells
-   */
-  public CellIterator getTreeCellIterator(Shape shape, int detailLevel) {
-    if (detailLevel > maxLevels) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("detailLevel > maxLevels");
-    }
-    return new TreeCellIterator(shape, detailLevel, getWorldCell());
-  }
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index b74dc93..0000000
--- a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/prefix/tree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
-import java.util.Map;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
-import com.spatial4j.core.distance.DistanceUtils;
- * Abstract Factory for creating {@link SpatialPrefixTree} instances with useful
- * defaults and passed on configurations defined in a Map.
- *
- * @lucene.experimental
- */
-public abstract class SpatialPrefixTreeFactory {
-  private static final double DEFAULT_GEO_MAX_DETAIL_KM = 0.001;//1m
-  public static final String PREFIX_TREE = "prefixTree";
-  public static final String MAX_LEVELS = "maxLevels";
-  public static final String MAX_DIST_ERR = "maxDistErr";
-  protected Map<String, String> args;
-  protected SpatialContext ctx;
-  protected Integer maxLevels;
-  /**
-   * The factory  is looked up via "prefixTree" in args, expecting "geohash" or "quad".
-   * If it's neither of these, then "geohash" is chosen for a geo context, otherwise "quad" is chosen.
-   */
-  public static SpatialPrefixTree makeSPT(Map<String,String> args, ClassLoader classLoader, SpatialContext ctx) {
-    SpatialPrefixTreeFactory instance;
-    String cname = args.get(PREFIX_TREE);
-    if (cname == null)
-      cname = ctx.isGeo() ? "geohash" : "quad";
-    if ("geohash".equalsIgnoreCase(cname))
-      instance = new GeohashPrefixTree.Factory();
-    else if ("quad".equalsIgnoreCase(cname))
-      instance = new QuadPrefixTree.Factory();
-    else if ("packedQuad".equalsIgnoreCase(cname))
-      instance = new PackedQuadPrefixTree.Factory();
-    else {
-      try {
-        Class<?> c = classLoader.loadClass(cname);
-        instance = (SpatialPrefixTreeFactory) c.newInstance();
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException(e);
-      }
-    }
-    instance.init(args,ctx);
-    return instance.newSPT();
-  }
-  protected void init(Map<String, String> args, SpatialContext ctx) {
-    this.args = args;
-    this.ctx = ctx;
-    initMaxLevels();
-  }
-  protected void initMaxLevels() {
-    String mlStr = args.get(MAX_LEVELS);
-    if (mlStr != null) {
-      maxLevels = Integer.valueOf(mlStr);
-      return;
-    }
-    double degrees;
-    String maxDetailDistStr = args.get(MAX_DIST_ERR);
-    if (maxDetailDistStr == null) {
-      if (!ctx.isGeo()) {
-        return;//let default to max
-      }
-      degrees = DistanceUtils.dist2Degrees(DEFAULT_GEO_MAX_DETAIL_KM, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM);
-    } else {
-      degrees = Double.parseDouble(maxDetailDistStr);
-    }
-    maxLevels = getLevelForDistance(degrees);
-  }
-  /** Calls {@link SpatialPrefixTree#getLevelForDistance(double)}. */
-  protected abstract int getLevelForDistance(double degrees);
-  protected abstract SpatialPrefixTree newSPT();
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@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
- * Navigates a {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree.SpatialPrefixTree} from a given cell (typically the world
- * cell) down to a maximum number of configured levels, filtered by a given shape. Intermediate non-leaf cells are
- * returned. It supports {@link #remove()} for skipping traversal of subcells of the current cell.
- *
- * @lucene.internal
- */
-class TreeCellIterator extends CellIterator {
-  //This class uses a stack approach, which is more efficient than creating linked nodes. And it might more easily
-  // pave the way for re-using Cell & CellIterator at a given level in the future.
-  private final Shape shapeFilter;//possibly null
-  private final CellIterator[] iterStack;//starts at level 1
-  private int stackIdx;//-1 when done
-  private boolean descend;
-  public TreeCellIterator(Shape shapeFilter, int detailLevel, Cell parentCell) {
-    this.shapeFilter = shapeFilter;
-    assert parentCell.getLevel() == 0;
-    iterStack = new CellIterator[detailLevel];
-    iterStack[0] = parentCell.getNextLevelCells(shapeFilter);
-    stackIdx = 0;//always points to an iter (non-null)
-    //note: not obvious but needed to visit the first cell before trying to descend
-    descend = false;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    if (nextCell != null)
-      return true;
-    while (true) {
-      if (stackIdx == -1)//the only condition in which we return false
-        return false;
-      //If we can descend...
-      if (descend && !(stackIdx == iterStack.length - 1 || iterStack[stackIdx].thisCell().isLeaf())) {
-        CellIterator nextIter = iterStack[stackIdx].thisCell().getNextLevelCells(shapeFilter);
-        //push stack
-        iterStack[++stackIdx] = nextIter;
-      }
-      //Get sibling...
-      if (iterStack[stackIdx].hasNext()) {
-        nextCell = iterStack[stackIdx].next();
-        //at detailLevel
-        if (stackIdx == iterStack.length - 1 && !(shapeFilter instanceof Point)) //point check is a kludge
-          nextCell.setLeaf();//because at bottom
-        break;
-      }
-      //Couldn't get next; go up...
-      //pop stack
-      iterStack[stackIdx--] = null;
-      descend = false;//so that we don't re-descend where we just were
-    }
-    assert nextCell != null;
-    descend = true;//reset
-    return true;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void remove() {
-    assert thisCell() != null && nextCell == null;
-    descend = false;
-  }
-  //TODO implement a smart nextFrom() that looks at the parent's bytes first
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * This package is about SpatialPrefixTree and any supporting classes.
- * A SpatialPrefixTree supports spatial indexing by index-time tokens
- * where adding characters to a string gives greater resolution.
- * <p>
- * Potential Implementations include:
- * <ul>
- * <li>
- * <li>
- * <li>
- * </ul>
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.tree;
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0503072..0000000
--- a/lucene/spatial/src/java/org/apache/lucene/spatial/query/
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@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.spatial.query;
-import com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Point;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Rectangle;
-import com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape;
- * Principally holds the query {@link Shape} and the {@link SpatialOperation}.
- * It's used as an argument to some methods on {@link org.apache.lucene.spatial.SpatialStrategy}.
- *
- * @lucene.experimental
- */
-public class SpatialArgs {
-  public static final double DEFAULT_DISTERRPCT = 0.025d;
-  private SpatialOperation operation;
-  private Shape shape;
-  private Double distErrPct;
-  private Double distErr;
-  public SpatialArgs(SpatialOperation operation, Shape shape) {
-    if (operation == null || shape == null)
-      throw new NullPointerException("operation and shape are required");
-    this.operation = operation;
-    this.shape = shape;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Computes the distance given a shape and the {@code distErrPct}.  The
-   * algorithm is the fraction of the distance from the center of the query
-   * shape to its closest bounding box corner.
-   *
-   * @param shape Mandatory.
-   * @param distErrPct 0 to 0.5
-   * @param ctx Mandatory
-   * @return A distance (in degrees).
-   */
-  public static double calcDistanceFromErrPct(Shape shape, double distErrPct, SpatialContext ctx) {
-    if (distErrPct < 0 || distErrPct > 0.5) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("distErrPct " + distErrPct + " must be between [0 to 0.5]");
-    }
-    if (distErrPct == 0 || shape instanceof Point) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    Rectangle bbox = shape.getBoundingBox();
-    //Compute the distance from the center to a corner.  Because the distance
-    // to a bottom corner vs a top corner can vary in a geospatial scenario,
-    // take the closest one (greater precision).
-    Point ctr = bbox.getCenter();
-    double y = (ctr.getY() >= 0 ? bbox.getMaxY() : bbox.getMinY());
-    double diagonalDist = ctx.getDistCalc().distance(ctr, bbox.getMaxX(), y);
-    return diagonalDist * distErrPct;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the error distance that specifies how precise the query shape is. This
-   * looks at {@link #getDistErr()}, {@link #getDistErrPct()}, and {@code
-   * defaultDistErrPct}.
-   * @param defaultDistErrPct 0 to 0.5
-   * @return {@code >= 0}
-   */
-  public double resolveDistErr(SpatialContext ctx, double defaultDistErrPct) {
-    if (distErr != null)
-      return distErr;
-    double distErrPct = (this.distErrPct != null ? this.distErrPct : defaultDistErrPct);
-    return calcDistanceFromErrPct(shape, distErrPct, ctx);
-  }
-  /** Check if the arguments make sense -- throw an exception if not */
-  public void validate() throws IllegalArgumentException {
-    if (distErr != null && distErrPct != null)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only distErr or distErrPct can be specified.");
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return SpatialArgsParser.writeSpatialArgs(this);
-  }
-  //------------------------------------------------
-  // Getters & Setters
-  //------------------------------------------------
-  public SpatialOperation getOperation() {
-    return operation;
-  }
-  public void setOperation(SpatialOperation operation) {
-    this.operation = operation;
-  }
-  public Shape getShape() {
-    return shape;
-  }
-  public void setShape(Shape shape) {
-    this.shape = shape;
-  }
-  /**
-   * A measure of acceptable error of the shape as a fraction.  This effectively
-   * inflates the size of the shape but should not shrink it.
-   *
-   * @return 0 to 0.5
-   * @see #calcDistanceFromErrPct(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape, double,
-   *      com.spatial4j.core.context.SpatialContext)
-   */
-  public Double getDistErrPct() {
-    return distErrPct;
-  }
-  public void setDistErrPct(Double distErrPct) {
-    if (distErrPct != null)
-      this.distErrPct = distErrPct;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The acceptable error of the shape.  This effectively inflates the
-   * size of the shape but should not shrink it.
-   *
-   * @return {@code >= 0}
-   */
-  public Double getDistErr() {
-    return distErr;
-  }
-  public void setDistErr(Double distErr) {
-    this.distErr = distErr;
-  }