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Posted to by Mark Sizer <> on 2001/04/02 18:25:01 UTC

RE: SAX report errors out of time - Post Script

You can not specify a character-encoding when converting the byte array to a
string - it doesn't work. I, personally, would consider the encoding code
broken - it doesn't throw an exception if it comes across a byte (or byte
combination) that can't be encoded into the desired character set - it just
skips it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eduardo Yánez []
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 8:16 AM
Subject: SAX report errors out of time

Hi every body, 

This may be an old issue, if it is, please excuse me. 

Could any body tell me why SAX2 report an xml instance error (according
to a suplied xml schema) only when the parent of the problematic node
is closed?

What if i have the following schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns="">
  <element name="Customers">
        <element ref="customer" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <element name="customer">
      <attribute name="haveInfo">
          <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="true"/>
            <enumeration value="false"/>
      <attribute name="customerId" use="required">
          <restriction base="string">
            <minLength value="16"/>
            <maxLength value="20"/>

And the following xml file, through which i wish to update a database
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Customers xmlns:xsi=""
  <customer customerId="6517514000000000" haveInfo="true"/>
  <customer haveInfo="true"/> <!-- An error!!! -->
  <customer customerId="6517514999999999"/>
  <!-- ** any number of customer nodes ** -->
  <customer customerId="6517514999999999" haveInfo="true"/>
</Customers> <!-- The error is reported here?!? -->

How could i handle the error in the moment it occurs?. I used the
SAX2Writer sample that comes with the Xerces 1.3.0 distribution for
doing this tests. I think that the error callback should be called 
immediately an error node (not conforming to the schema) is found.
Isn´t it?

We can work around the problem, but don´t you think that SAX2 should
work this kind of problems immediately?

Thanks for your help!

Eduardo Yanez.

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