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Posted to by Tom Huybrechts <> on 2007/08/31 22:13:28 UTC

alternative release plugin

Hi all,

I have a lot of multi-module projects that I need to release in an
automated way. To help me with that, I wrote an alternative release
plugin based on the release-manager infrastructure;

- svn only
- no separate prepare/perform. POMs are modified locally, and if the
release succeeds the local working copy is copied directly to a tag
- atomic deployment. The build deploys to a local staging repository,
and if the build succeeds, this repository is deployed to the remote
- alternative versioning strategy. Instead of releasing x.y.z-SNAPSHOT
as x.y.z and updating to x.y.z+1-SNAPSHOT, I release as
x.y.z.vDATE_TIME where DATE_TIME is the date/time of the last commit
on the project. The development version is left unchanged.
- release versions can be for the entire project or module-by-module

I've attached the source to MOJO-903.

If there is enough interest, I will add it to the mojo subversion repo.


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