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Posted to by Dean Andrews <> on 2009/12/22 01:39:25 UTC

default namespace not specified from xjc output when no

cxf-2.2.3; jaxb 2.1.3; java 1.6


Was trying to see where the parameter name was being lost and the differences in wsdl for different the different xml parameters (element vs type).  


So created a simple xsd:

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" >

    <xsd:element name="e2" type="t2">


    <xsd:complexType name="t2">


            <xsd:element name="Child"/>





And a simple ws to access the xjc generated classes:




public class SampleXJCWS {


  public void doE2(T2 el) {

    System.out.println("DoE2 = " + el);





The captured wsdl, was invalid, xerces "Namespace URI {} not available in schema ws.samplexjc.wsdl":

<wsdl:definitions name="SampleXJCWSService" targetNamespace=""


                  xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns=""




        <xs:schema elementFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="" version="1.0"

                   xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xs=>


            <xs:complexType name="doE2">


                    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="t2"/>




        <xs:schema targetNamespace="" version="1.0" xmlns:xs="">


            <xs:complexType name="t2">


                    <xs:element name="Child" type="xs:anyType"/>







This can be corrected by adding an xmlns= to both schema declarations.  It is not a problem if a package-info class exists.