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[46/53] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-joshua git commit: Pulled JOSHUA-252 changes and Resolved Merge Conflicts
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3.cpp b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe0216..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
-Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
-#include "model3.h"
-#include "collCounts.h"
-#include "Globals.h"
-#include "utility.h"
-#include "D5Tables.h"
-#include "transpair_model5.h"
-#include "transpair_modelhmm.h"
-#include "Parameter.h"
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER(int,M4_Dependencies,"depm4","d_{=1}: &1:l, &2:m, &4:F, &8:E, d_{>1}&16:l, &32:m, &64:F, &128:E",PARLEV_MODELS,76);
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER(int,M5_Dependencies,"depm5","d_{=1}: &1:l, &2:m, &4:F, &8:E, d_{>1}&16:l, &32:m, &64:F, &128:E",PARLEV_MODELS,68);
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER4(int,Model3_Dump_Freq,"MODEL 345 DUMP FREQUENCY","MODEL 3 DUMP FREQUENCY","t3","t345","dump frequency of Model 3/4/5",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
-extern int Transfer_Dump_Freq;
-model3::model3(model2& m2) : 
-  model2(m2),dTable(true), dCountTable(true), 
-  nTable(m2.getNoEnglishWords()+1, MAX_FERTILITY), 
-  nCountTable(m2.getNoEnglishWords()+1, MAX_FERTILITY),h(0)
-void model3::load_tables(const char *nfile, const char *dfile, const char *p0file){
-  cout << "Model3: loading n, d, p0 tables \n";
-  nTable.readNTable(nfile);
-  dTable.readTable(dfile);
-  ifstream inf(p0file);
-  if( !inf )
-    cerr << "Can not open: " << p0file << '\n';
-  else
-    {
-      cout << "Reading p0 value from " << p0file << "\n";
-      inf >> p0;
-      inf.close();
-      p1 = 1 - p0;
-    }
-  cout << "p0 is: " << p0 << " p1:" << p1 << '\n';
-  dTable.clear();
-  dCountTable.clear();
-  nTable.clear();
-  nCountTable.clear();
-void model3::em(int noIterations, sentenceHandler& sHandler1)
-  LogProb all_prob, aprob, temp ;
-  WordIndex i, j, l, m ;
-  time_t it_st, st, it_fn, fn ;
-  string tfile, dfile, nfile, p0file, afile, number;
-  st = time(NULL) ;
-  if (Log)
-    logmsg << "\n" << "Starting Model3:  Training";
-  cout << "\n" << "Starting Model3:  Training";
-  //  sentenceHandler sHandler1(efFilename.c_str());
-  sHandler1.rewind();
-  for(int it=1; it <= noIterations; it++){
-    it_st = time(NULL) ;
-    if (Log)
-      logmsg << "\n" << "Model3: Iteration " << it;
-    cout << "\n" << "Model3: Iteration " << it;
-    // set up the names of the files where the tables will be printed 
-    int n = it;
-    number = "";
-    do{
-      //mj changed next line
-      number.insert((size_t) 0, 1, (char)(n % 10 + '0'));
-    } while((n /= 10) > 0);
-    tfile = Prefix + ".t3." + number ;
-    afile = Prefix + ".a3." + number ;
-    nfile = Prefix + ".n3." + number ;
-    dfile = Prefix + ".d3." + number ;
-    p0file = Prefix + ".p0_3." + number ;
-    //    tCountTable.clear();
-    dCountTable.clear();
-    nCountTable.clear();
-    p0_count = p1_count = 0 ;
-    all_prob = 0 ;
-    sentPair sent ;
-    while(sHandler1.getNextSentence(sent)){
-      Vector<WordIndex>& es = sent.eSent;
-      Vector<WordIndex>& fs = sent.fSent;
-      const float count  = sent.getCount();
-      if ((sent.sentenceNo % 1000) == 0)
-      cout <<sent.sentenceNo << '\n'; 
-      Vector<WordIndex> A(fs.size(),/*-1*/0);
-      Vector<WordIndex> Fert(es.size(),0);
-      LogProb lcount=(LogProb)count;
-      l = es.size()-1;
-      m = fs.size()-1;
-      WordIndex x, y ;
-      all_prob = prob_of_target_given_source(tTable, fs, es);
-      if (all_prob == 0)
-	cout << "\n" <<"all_prob = 0"; 
-      for ( x = 0 ; x < pow(l+1.0, double(m)) ; x++){ // For all possible alignmets A
-	y = x ;
-	for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-	  A[j] = y % (l+1) ;
-	  y /= (l+1) ;
-	}
-	for(i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	  Fert[i] = 0 ;
-	for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)
-	  Fert[A[j]]++;
-	if (2 * Fert[0] <= m){ /* consider alignments that has Fert[0] less than
-				 half the number of words in French sentence */
-	  aprob = prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(A, Fert, tTable, fs, es);
-	  temp = aprob/all_prob ;
-	  LogProb templcount = temp*lcount;
-	  for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-	    tTable.incCount(es[A[j]], fs[j], templcount);
-	    if (0 != A[j])
-	      dCountTable.getRef(j, A[j], l, m)+=templcount;
-	  }
-	  for(i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	    {
-	      nCountTable.getRef(es[i], Fert[i])+=templcount;
-	      //cout << "AFTER INC2: " << templcount << " " << nCountTable.getRef(es[i], Fert[i]) << '\n';
-	    }
-	  p1_count +=  double(temp) * (Fert[0] * count) ;
-	  p0_count +=  double(temp) * ((m - 2 * Fert[0]) * count) ;
-	}
-      } /* of looping over all alignments */
-    } /* of sentence pair E, F */
-    sHandler1.rewind();
-    // normalize tables
-    if( OutputInAachenFormat==1 )
-      tTable.printCountTable(tfile.c_str(),Elist.getVocabList(),Flist.getVocabList(),1);
-    tTable.normalizeTable(Elist, Flist);
-    aCountTable.normalize(aTable);
-    dCountTable.normalize(dTable);
-    nCountTable.normalize(nTable,&Elist.getVocabList());
-    // normalize p1 & p0 
-    if (p1_count + p0_count != 0){
-      p1 = p1_count / ( p1_count + p0_count ) ;
-      p0 = 1 - p1 ;
-    }
-    else {
-      p1 = p0 = 0 ;
-    }
-    // print tables 
-    if( OutputInAachenFormat==0 )
-      tTable.printProbTable(tfile.c_str(),Elist.getVocabList(),Flist.getVocabList(),OutputInAachenFormat);
-    dTable.printTable(dfile.c_str());
-    nTable.printNTable(Elist.uniqTokens(), nfile.c_str(), Elist.getVocabList(),OutputInAachenFormat);
-    ofstream of(p0file.c_str());
-    of << p0;
-    of.close();
-    it_fn = time(NULL) ;
-    cout << "\n" << "Model3 Iteration "<<it<<" took: " << difftime(it_fn, it_st) << " seconds\n";
-  } /* of iterations */
-  fn = time(NULL) ;
-  cout << "\n" << "Entire Model3 Training took: " << difftime(fn, st) << " seconds\n";
-void simpleModel3Test()
-  PositionIndex l=6;
-  PositionIndex m=8;
-  alignment al(l,m);
-  al.set(1,1);
-  al.set(2,2);
-  al.set(3,3);
-  al.set(4,2);
-  al.set(5,0);
-  al.set(6,6);
-  al.set(7,3);
-  al.set(8,4);
-  cout << al;
-  PositionIndex prev_cept=0;
-  PositionIndex vac_all=m;
-  Vector<char> vac(m+1,0);
-  for(PositionIndex i=1;i<=l;i++)
-    {
-      PositionIndex cur_j=al.als_i[i]; 
-      cout << "LOOP: " << i << " " << cur_j << '\n';
-      PositionIndex prev_j=0;
-      PositionIndex k=0;
-      if(cur_j) { // process first word of cept
-	k++;
-	vac_all--;
-	assert(vac[cur_j]==0);
-	vac[cur_j]=1;
-	for(unsigned int q=0;q<vac.size();q++)cout << (vac[q]?'1':'0') << ' ';
-	cout << '\n';	       
-	cout << i << " " << cur_j << ": d1(" << vacancies(vac,cur_j) << "|" << vacancies(vac,al.get_center(prev_cept)) << "," << vac_all << "+" << -al.fert(i)<< "+" << +k << ")\n" << '\n';
-	prev_j=cur_j;
-	cur_j=al.als_j[cur_j].next;
-      } 
-      while(cur_j) { // process following words of cept
-	k++;
-	vac_all--;
-	vac[cur_j]=1;
-	int vprev=vacancies(vac,prev_j);
-	cout << "PREV: " << prev_j << '\n';
-	for(unsigned int q=0;q<vac.size();q++)cout << (vac[q]?'1':'0') << ' ';
-	cout << '\n';	       
-	cout << i << " " << cur_j << ": d>1(" << vacancies(vac,cur_j) << "-" << vprev << "|" << vac_all<< "+" << -al.fert(i)<< "+" << +k << ")\n" << '\n';
-	prev_j=cur_j;
-	cur_j=al.als_j[cur_j].next;
-      }
-      assert(k==al.fert(i));
-      if( k )
-	prev_cept=i;
-    }
-  assert(vac_all==al.fert(0));
-extern short DoViterbiTraining;
-int model3::viterbi(int noIterationsModel3, int noIterationsModel4,int noIterationsModel5,int noIterationsModel6)
-  double minErrors=1.0;int minIter=0;
-  d4model d4m(MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH);
-  d4m.makeWordClasses(Elist,Flist,SourceVocabFilename+".classes",TargetVocabFilename+".classes");
-  d5model d5m(d4m);
-  d5m.makeWordClasses(Elist,Flist,SourceVocabFilename+".classes",TargetVocabFilename+".classes");
-  time_t it_st, st, it_fn, fn;
-  bool dump_files = false ;
-  string tfile, tfile_actual, dfile, afile, nfile, nfile_actual, p0file, alignfile, number, test_alignfile, d4file,d5file,zeroFertFile;
-  st = time(NULL);
-  sHandler1.rewind();
-  if (testPerp && testHandler)
-    (*testHandler).rewind();
-  string trainingString;
-  trainingString+=(h?'H':'3');
-  for(int i=0;i<noIterationsModel3;++i) trainingString+='3';
-  for(int i=0;i<noIterationsModel4;++i) trainingString+='4';
-  for(int i=0;i<noIterationsModel5;++i) trainingString+='5';
-  for(int i=0;i<noIterationsModel6;++i) trainingString+='6';
-  cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
-  cout << "Starting "<<trainingString<<":  Viterbi Training";
-  if (Log){
-    logmsg << "\n==========================================================\n";
-    logmsg << "Starting "<<trainingString<<":  Viterbi Training";
-  }
-  cout << "\n "<<trainingString<<" Training Started at: "<< ctime(&st) << '\n';
-  for(unsigned int it=1; it < trainingString.length(); it++){
-  bool final=0;
-    if( it==trainingString.length()-1 )
-      final=1;
-    string modelName;
-    char fromModel=trainingString[it-1],toModel=trainingString[it];
-    if(fromModel==toModel)
-      modelName=string("Model")+fromModel;
-    else
-      modelName=string("T")+fromModel+"To"+toModel;
-    it_st = time(NULL);
-    cout <<"\n---------------------\n"<<modelName<<": Iteration " << it<<'\n';
-    if (Log) 
-      logmsg <<"\n---------------------\n"<<modelName<<": Iteration " << it<<'\n';
-    dump_files = (final || ((Model3_Dump_Freq != 0) && ((it % Model3_Dump_Freq) == 0))) && !NODUMPS ;
-    string d4file2;
-    {
-      // set up the names of the files where the tables will be printed 
-      int n = it;
-      number = "";
-      do{
-	//mj changed next line
-	number.insert((size_t) 0, 1, (char)(n % 10 + '0'));
-      } while((n /= 10) > 0);
-      if( final )
-	number="final";
-      tfile = Prefix + ".t3." + number ;
-      tfile_actual = Prefix + ".actual.t3." + number ;
-      afile = Prefix + ".a3." + number ;
-      nfile = Prefix + ".n3." + number ;
-      nfile_actual = Prefix + ".actual.n3." + number ;
-      dfile = Prefix + ".d3." + number ;
-      d4file = Prefix + ".d4." + number ;
-      d4file2 = Prefix + ".D4." + number ;
-      d5file = Prefix + ".d5." + number ;
-      alignfile = Prefix + ".A3." + number ;
-      test_alignfile = Prefix + ".tst.A3." + number ;
-      p0file = Prefix + ".p0_3." + number ;
-    }
-    // clear count tables 
-    //    tCountTable.clear();
-    dCountTable.clear();
-    aCountTable.clear();
-    initAL();
-    nCountTable.clear();
-    d4m.clear();
-    p0_count = p1_count = 0 ;
-#define TRAIN_ARGS perp,      trainViterbiPerp, sHandler1,    dump_files, alignfile.c_str(),     true,  modelName,final
-#define TEST_ARGS  *testPerp, *testViterbiPerp, *testHandler, dump_files, test_alignfile.c_str(),false, modelName,final
-    switch( toModel )
-      {
-      case '3':
-	switch(fromModel )
-	  {
-	  case 'H':
-	    viterbi_loop_with_tricks  <transpair_modelhmm,const hmm>(TRAIN_ARGS,h,(void*)0);
-	    if (testPerp && testHandler)
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_modelhmm,const hmm>(TEST_ARGS, h,(void*)0);
-	    break;
-	  case '3':
-	    viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model3>( TRAIN_ARGS, (void*)0,(void*)0);
-	    if (testPerp && testHandler)
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model3>( TEST_ARGS, (void*)0,(void*)0);
-	    break;
-	  default: abort();
-	  }
-	break;
-      case '4':
-	{
-	  switch(fromModel)
-	    {
-	    case 'H':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks  <transpair_modelhmm,const hmm,d4model>(TRAIN_ARGS,h,&d4m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_modelhmm,const hmm,d4model>(TEST_ARGS, h,&d4m);
-	      break;
-	    case '3':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model3, void,d4model>(TRAIN_ARGS, (void*)0,&d4m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model3, void,d4model>( TEST_ARGS , (void*)0,&d4m);	
-	      break;
-	    case '4':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model4, d4model,d4model>(TRAIN_ARGS , &d4m,&d4m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model4, d4model,d4model>( TEST_ARGS, &d4m,&d4m);
-	      break;
-	    default: abort();
-	    }
-	  d4m.normalizeTable();
-	  if( dump_files )
-	    d4m.printProbTable(d4file.c_str(),d4file2.c_str());
-	}
-	break;
-      case '5':
-	{
-	  switch(fromModel)
-	    {
-	    case 'H':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks  <transpair_modelhmm,const hmm,d5model>(TRAIN_ARGS,h,&d5m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_modelhmm,const hmm,d5model>(TEST_ARGS, h,&d5m);
-	      break;
-	    case '3':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model3, void,d5model>(TRAIN_ARGS, (void*)0,&d5m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model3, void,d5model>( TEST_ARGS , (void*)0,&d5m);	
-	      break;
-	    case '4':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model4, d4model,d5model>(TRAIN_ARGS, &d4m,&d5m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model4, d4model,d5model>( TEST_ARGS, &d4m,&d5m);	
-	      break;
-	    case '5':
-	      viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model5, d5model, d5model>(TRAIN_ARGS, &d5m,&d5m);
-	      if (testPerp && testHandler)
-		viterbi_loop_with_tricks<transpair_model5, d5model, d5model>( TEST_ARGS, &d5m,&d5m);	
-	      break;
-	    default: abort();
-	    }
-	  d5m.d4m.normalizeTable();
-	  if( dump_files )
-	    d5m.d4m.printProbTable(d4file.c_str(),d4file2.c_str());
-	  d5m.normalizeTable();
-	  if( dump_files )
-	    {
-	      ofstream d5output(d5file.c_str());
-	      d5output << d5m;
-	    }
-	}
-      break;
-      default: abort();
-      }
-    viterbi_loop(perp, trainViterbiPerp, sHandler1, dump_files, 
-		 alignfile.c_str(), true, model);
-    if (testPerp && testHandler)
-      viterbi_loop(*testPerp, *testViterbiPerp, *testHandler, 
-		   dump_files, test_alignfile.c_str(), false, model);
-    if( errorsAL()<minErrors )
-      {
-	minErrors=errorsAL();
-        minIter=it;
-      }
-    // now normalize count tables 
-    if( dump_files&&OutputInAachenFormat==1 )
-      tTable.printCountTable(tfile.c_str(),Elist.getVocabList(),Flist.getVocabList(),1);
-    tTable.normalizeTable(Elist, Flist);
-    aCountTable.normalize(aTable);
-    dCountTable.normalize(dTable);
-    nCountTable.normalize(nTable,&Elist.getVocabList());
-    //    cout << "tTable contains " << 
-    //      tTable.getHash().bucket_count() << " buckets and "<<
-    //tTable.getHash().size() << " entries.\n";
-    // normalize p1 & p0 
-   cout << "p0_count is " << p0_count << " and p1 is " << p1_count << "; "; 
-      if(P0!=-1.0)
-      {
-	p0 = P0;
-	p1 = 1-P0;
-      }
-    else {
-      if (p1_count + p0_count != 0){
-	p1 = p1_count / ( p1_count + p0_count ) ;
-	p0 = 1 - p1 ;
-      }
-      else {
-	p1 = p0 = 0 ;
-	cerr << "ERROR: p0_count+p1_count is zero!!!\n";
-      }
-    }
-    cout << "p0 is " << p0 << " p1: " << p1 << '\n';
-    cout << modelName<<": TRAIN CROSS-ENTROPY " << perp.cross_entropy()
-	 << " PERPLEXITY " << perp.perplexity() << '\n';
-    if (testPerp && testHandler)
-      cout << modelName << ":("<<it<<" TEST CROSS-ENTROPY " << (*testPerp).cross_entropy()
-	   << " PERPLEXITY " << (*testPerp).perplexity() << " sum: " << (*testPerp).getSum()<<
-	" wc: " << (*testPerp).word_count() << '\n';
-    cout << modelName << ": ("<<it<<") TRAIN VITERBI CROSS-ENTROPY " << trainViterbiPerp.cross_entropy()
-	 << " PERPLEXITY " << trainViterbiPerp.perplexity() << '\n';
-    if (testPerp && testHandler)
-      cout << modelName << ":  ("<<it<<")TEST VITERBI CROSS-ENTROPY " << (*testViterbiPerp).cross_entropy()
-	   << " PERPLEXITY " << (*testViterbiPerp).perplexity() << " Sum: " << (*testViterbiPerp).getSum() <<
-	" wc: " << (*testViterbiPerp).word_count() << '\n';
-    if (dump_files)
-      {
-	if( OutputInAachenFormat==0 )
-	  tTable.printProbTable(tfile.c_str(),Elist.getVocabList(),Flist.getVocabList(),OutputInAachenFormat);
-	aTable.printTable(afile.c_str());
-	dTable.printTable(dfile.c_str());
-	nTable.printNTable(Elist.uniqTokens(), nfile.c_str(), Elist.getVocabList(), OutputInAachenFormat);
-	ofstream of(p0file.c_str());
-	of << p0;
-	of.close();
-      }
-    it_fn = time(NULL) ;
-    cout << "\n" << modelName << " Viterbi Iteration : "<<it<<  " took: " <<
-      difftime(it_fn, it_st) << " seconds\n";
-  } /* of iterations */
-  fn = time(NULL);
-  cout << trainingString <<" Training Finished at: " << ctime(&fn) << "\n";
-  cout << "\n" << "Entire Viterbi "<<trainingString<<" Training took: " << difftime(fn, st) << " seconds\n";
-  cout << "==========================================================\n";
-  if( noIterationsModel4||noIterationsModel5 )
-    minIter-=noIterationsModel3;
-  if( noIterationsModel5 )
-    minIter-=noIterationsModel4;
-  return minIter;
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3.h b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea502e0..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
-Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
-#ifndef _model3_h
-#define _model3_h 1
-#include <cassert>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include "Vector.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "MoveSwapMatrix.h"
-#include "TTables.h"
-#include "ATables.h"
-#include "NTables.h"
-#include "getSentence.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "model2.h"
-#include "Perplexity.h"
-#include "transpair_model3.h"
-#include "transpair_modelhmm.h"
-#include "alignment.h"
-#include "vocab.h"
-#include "D4Tables.h"
-#include "AlignTables.h"
-class model3 : public model2
-  amodel<PROB>   dTable;
-  amodel<COUNT>  dCountTable;
-  PROB p0,p1;
-  double p0_count, p1_count ;
-  nmodel<PROB>  nTable;
-  nmodel<COUNT> nCountTable;
-  hmm*h;
-  void setHMM(hmm*_h){h=_h;}
-  model3(model2& m2);
-  ~model3();
-  // methods
-  void transfer(sentenceHandler&, bool, Perplexity&, Perplexity&,bool updateT=1);
-  void transferSimple(sentenceHandler&, bool, Perplexity&, Perplexity&,bool updateT=1);
-  void load_tables(const char *nfile, const char *dfile, const char *p0file);
-  void em(int, sentenceHandler&);
-  int viterbi(int, int, int,int);
-  LogProb prob_of_special(Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-			  tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>&);
-  LogProb prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-						  Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-						  tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, 
-						  Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-						  Vector<WordIndex>&);
-  LogProb prob_of_target_given_source(tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, 
-				    Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-				    Vector<WordIndex>&);
-  LogProb scoreOfMove(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-		    Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-		    tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, WordIndex, WordIndex);
-  LogProb scoreOfSwap(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-		      Vector<WordIndex>&, tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, int, int);
-  void hillClimb(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-		 Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-		 LogProb&, tmodel<COUNT, PROB>&, int, int);
-  void findBestAlignment(Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-			 Vector<WordIndex>&, Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-			 LogProb&,int , int);
-  void findAlignmentsNeighborhood( Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-				   Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-				   LogProb&align_total_count, 
-				   alignmodel&neighborhood, 
-				   int, int);
-  void collectCountsOverAlignement(const Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-				   const Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-				   const Vector<WordIndex>&, 
-				   LogProb , float count);
-  LogProb viterbi_model2(const transpair_model3&ef,   alignment&output, int pair_no,int i_peg = -1 , int j_peg = -1 )const;
-  LogProb _viterbi_model2(const transpair_model2&ef,   alignment&output, int i_peg = -1 , int j_peg = -1 )const;
-  LogProb viterbi_model2(const transpair_modelhmm&ef, alignment&output, int pair_no,int i_peg = -1 , int j_peg = -1 )const;
- private:
-  void estimate_t_a_d(sentenceHandler& sHandler1, Perplexity& perp1, Perplexity& perp2,bool simple, bool dump_files,bool updateT);
-  void viterbi_loop(Perplexity&, Perplexity&, sentenceHandler&, bool, const char*,bool,string model);
-  template<class MODEL_TYPE, class A,class B>
-  void viterbi_loop_with_tricks(Perplexity&, Perplexity&, sentenceHandler&, 
-						      bool, const char*,  bool, string model, bool final,A*d4m,B*d5m);
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1bde6..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model345-peg.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2000,2001  Franz Josef Och (RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl fuer Informatik VI)
-This file is part of GIZA++ ( extension of GIZA ).
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
-#include "model3.h"
-#include "collCounts.h"
-bool makeOneMoveSwap(const alignment&x,const alignment&y,set<OneMoveSwap>&soms)
-  OneMoveSwap oms;
-  oms.type=0;
-  int count=0;
-  Vector<int> positions(4);
-  assert(x.get_m()==y.get_m());
-  for(PositionIndex j=1;j<=x.get_m();j++)
-    if(x(j)!=y(j))
-      {
-	if(count==4)
-	  return 0;
-	positions[count]=j;
-	count++;
-      }
-  assert(count>0);
-  if(count==1)
-    {
-      oms.type=1;
-      oms.a=positions[0];
-      oms.b=y(positions[0]);
-      soms.insert(oms);
-      for(unsigned int j=1;j<=x.get_m();++j)
-	{
-	  if( int(j)!=positions[0]&&y(j)==y(positions[0]))
-	    {
-	      oms.type=3;
-	      oms.a=j;
-	      oms.b=x(positions[0]);
-	      soms.insert(oms);
-	    }
-	}
-      for(unsigned int j=1;j<=x.get_m();++j)
-	{
-	  if( int(j)!=positions[0]&&x(j)==x(positions[0]))
-	    {
-	      oms.type=2;
-	      oms.a=positions[0];
-	      oms.b=j;
-	      if( oms.b<oms.a)swap(oms.b,oms.a);
-	      soms.insert(oms);
-	    }
-	}
-      return 1;
-    }
-  else if(count==2)
-    {
-      if(x(positions[0])==y(positions[1]) && x(positions[1])==y(positions[0]))
-	{
-	  oms.type=4;
-	  oms.a=positions[0];
-	  oms.b=positions[1];
-	  soms.insert(oms);
-	  for(unsigned int j=1;j<=x.get_m();++j)
-	    {
-	      if( int(j)!=positions[0]&&y(j)==y(positions[0]))
-		{
-		  oms.type=2;oms.a=j;oms.b=positions[1];if( oms.b<oms.a)swap(oms.b,oms.a);soms.insert(oms);
-		}
-	      if( int(j)!=positions[1]&&y(j)==y(positions[1]))
-		{
-		  oms.type=2;oms.a=j;oms.b=positions[0];if( oms.b<oms.a)swap(oms.b,oms.a);soms.insert(oms);
-		}
-	    } 
-	}
-      else if(x(positions[0])==y(positions[1]) )
-	{
-	  oms.type=3;
-	  oms.a=positions[0];
-	  oms.b=x(positions[1]);
-	  soms.insert(oms);
-	  oms.type=2;
-	  oms.a=positions[0];
-	  oms.b=positions[1];
-	  soms.insert(oms);	  
-	}
-      else if( x(positions[1])==y(positions[0]) )
-	{
-	  oms.type=3;
-	  oms.a=positions[1];
-	  oms.b=x(positions[0]);
-	  soms.insert(oms);
-	  oms.type=2;
-	  oms.a=positions[0];
-	  oms.b=positions[1];
-	  soms.insert(oms);	  
-	}
-      oms.type=3;
-      oms.a=positions[0];
-      oms.b=x(positions[0]);
-      soms.insert(oms);
-      oms.a=positions[1];
-      oms.b=x(positions[1]);
-      soms.insert(oms);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  else if( count==3 )
-    { // three differences and three different numbers
-      Vector<int> xx(3),yy(3);
-      xx[0]=x(positions[0]);xx[1]=x(positions[1]);xx[2]=x(positions[2]);
-      yy[0]=y(positions[0]);yy[1]=y(positions[1]);yy[2]=y(positions[2]);
-      sort(xx.begin(),xx.end());
-      sort(yy.begin(),yy.end());
-      if(xx==yy)
-	{
-	  oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[0];oms.b=positions[1];soms.insert(oms);
-	  oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[0];oms.b=positions[2];soms.insert(oms);
-	  oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[1];oms.b=positions[2];soms.insert(oms);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  //cout << "HERE.\n";
-	  if( x(positions[0])==y(positions[1])&&x(positions[1])==y(positions[0]) )
-	    { 
-	      oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[0];oms.b=positions[1];
-	      if( oms.b<oms.a) swap(oms.b,oms.a);
-	      soms.insert(oms);
-	      oms.type=3;oms.a=positions[2];oms.b=x(positions[2]);soms.insert(oms);
-	    }
-	  if( x(positions[2])==y(positions[1])&&x(positions[1])==y(positions[2]) )
-	    { 
-	      oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[2];oms.b=positions[1];
-	      if( oms.b<oms.a) swap(oms.b,oms.a);
-	      soms.insert(oms);
-	      oms.type=3;oms.a=positions[0];oms.b=x(positions[0]);soms.insert(oms);
-	    }
-	  if( x(positions[0])==y(positions[2])&&x(positions[2])==y(positions[0]) )
-	    { 
-	      oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[0];oms.b=positions[2];
-	      if( oms.b<oms.a) swap(oms.b,oms.a);
-	      soms.insert(oms);
-	      oms.type=3;oms.a=positions[1];oms.b=x(positions[1]);soms.insert(oms);
-	    }
-	}
-      return 1;
-    }
-  else if(count==4)
-    {
-     Vector<int> xx(4),yy(4);
-     for(int i=0;i<4;++i)
-       {
-	 xx[i]=x(positions[i]);
-	 yy[i]=y(positions[i]);
-       }
-      sort(xx.begin(),xx.end());
-      sort(yy.begin(),yy.end());
-      if(xx==yy)
-	{
-	  oms.type=2;
-	  for(int j1=0;j1<4;j1++)
-	    for(int j2=j1+1;j2<4;j2++)
-	      {
-		if(x(positions[j1])!=x(positions[j2])&&
-		   x(positions[j1])==y(positions[j2])&&
-		   x(positions[j2])==y(positions[j1]))
-		  {
-		    oms.type=2;oms.a=positions[j1];oms.b=positions[j2];
-		    soms.insert(oms);
-		  }
-	      }
-	}
-      return 1;
-    }
-  else
-    return 0;
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3_viterbi.cpp b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3_viterbi.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf1e7ab..0000000
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@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
-Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
-#include "model3.h"
-#include "utility.h"
-#include "Globals.h"
-LogProb model3::prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(Vector<WordIndex>& A, 
-							Vector<WordIndex>& Fert, 
-							tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& tTable, 
-							Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-							Vector<WordIndex>& es)
-  LogProb total = 1.0 ;
-  LogProb temp = 0.0 ;
-  const LogProb zero = 0.0 ;
-  WordIndex l = es.size()-1, m = fs.size()-1;
-  WordIndex i, j ;
-  total *= pow(double(1-p1), m-2.0 * Fert[0]) * pow(double(p1), double(Fert[0]));
-  if (total == 0)
-    return(zero);
-  for (i = 1 ; i <= Fert[0] ; i++){  // loop caculates m-fert[0] choose fert[0]
-    total *= double(m - Fert[0] - i + 1) / i ;
-    if (total == 0)
-      return(zero);
-  }
-  for (i = 1 ; i <= l ; i++){ // this loop calculates fertilities term
-    total *= double(nTable.getValue(es[i], Fert[i])) * (LogProb) factorial(Fert[i]);
-    if (total == 0)
-      return(zero);
-  }
-  for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-    //    temp = tTable.getValue(es[A[j]], fs[j]) ;
-    temp = double(tTable.getProb(es[A[j]], fs[j])) ;
-    total *= temp ;
-    if (0 != A[j])
-      total *= double(dTable.getValue(j, A[j], l, m));
-    if (total == 0)
-      return(zero);
-  }
-  return(total);
-LogProb model3::prob_of_target_given_source(tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& tTable, 
-					  Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-					  Vector<WordIndex>& es)
-  WordIndex x, y ;
-  LogProb total = 0 ;
-  //  WordIndex l = es.size(), m = fs.size();
-  WordIndex l = es.size()-1, m = fs.size()-1;
-  Vector<WordIndex> A(fs.size(),/*-1*/0);
-  Vector<WordIndex> Fert(es.size(),0);
-  WordIndex i,j ;
-  for ( x = 0 ; x < pow(l+1.0, double(m)) ; x++){ // For all possible alignmets A
-    y = x ;
-    //    for (j = 1 ; j < m ; j++){
-    for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-      A[j] = y % (l+1) ;
-      y /= (l+1) ;
-    }
-    //    for(i = 0 ; i < l ; i++)
-    for(i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-      Fert[i] = 0 ;
-    //    for (j = 1 ; j < m ; j++)
-    for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)
-      Fert[A[j]]++;
-    //    if (2 * Fert[0] < m){ 
-    if (2 * Fert[0] <= m){ /* consider alignments that has Fert[0] less than
-			      half the length of french sentence  */
-      total += prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(A, Fert, tTable, fs, es);
-    }
-  }
-  return(total);
-LogProb model3::scoreOfMove(Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>& A, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>& Fert, 
-			  tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& tTable, 
-			  WordIndex j, 
-			  WordIndex i)
-     // returns the scaling factor of the original score if A[j] is linked to
-     // i, no change is really made to A
-     // but the score is calculated if the move is to be taken (i.e. 
-     // no side effects on Alignment A nor its Fertility Fert
-     // If the value of the scaling factor is:
-     //    1: then the score of the new alignment if the move is taken will
-     //       not change.
-     //    0.5: the new score is half the score of the original alignment.
-     //    2.0: the new score will be twice as much.
-     //
-  //  LogProb score;
-  LogProb change ;
-  WordIndex m, l ;
-  m = fs.size() - 1;
-  l = es.size() - 1;
-  if (A[j] == i)
-    //    return(original_score);
-    return(1) ;
-  else if (A[j] == 0){ // a move from position zero to something else
-    change = double(p0*p0)/p1 *
-      (double((Fert[0]*(m-Fert[0]+1))) / ((m-2*Fert[0]+1)*(m-2*Fert[0]+2))) *
-      (Fert[i]+1) *
-      double(nTable.getValue(es[i], Fert[i]+1)) / 
-      double(nTable.getValue(es[i], Fert[i])) *
-      double(tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j])) /
-      double(tTable.getProb(es[A[j]], fs[j])) *
-      double(dTable.getValue(j, i, l, m));
-  }
-  else if (i == 0){ // a move to position zero
-    change= 
-      ((double(p1) / (p0*p0)) *
-       (double((m-2*Fert[0])*(m-2*Fert[0]-1))/((Fert[0]+1)*(m-Fert[0]))) *
-       (double(1)/Fert[A[j]]) *
-       double(nTable.getValue(es[A[j]], Fert[A[j]]-1)) /
-       double(nTable.getValue(es[A[j]], Fert[A[j]]))*
-       double(tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j])) /
-       double(tTable.getProb(es[A[j]], fs[j])) *
-       1.0 / double(dTable.getValue(j, A[j], l, m)));
-  }
-  else{ // a move that does not involve position zero
-    change = 
-      ((double(Fert[i]+1)/Fert[A[j]]) *
-       double(nTable.getValue(es[A[j]], Fert[A[j]]-1)) / 
-       double(nTable.getValue(es[A[j]], Fert[A[j]])) *
-       double(nTable.getValue(es[i], Fert[i]+1)) /
-       double(nTable.getValue(es[i], Fert[i])) *
-       double(tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j]))/
-       double(tTable.getProb(es[A[j]], fs[j])) *
-       double(dTable.getValue(j, i, l, m))/
-       double(dTable.getValue(j, A[j], l, m)));
-  }
-  return(change);  
-LogProb model3::scoreOfSwap(Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-			  Vector<WordIndex>& A, 
-			  tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& tTable, 
-			  int j1, 
-			  int j2)
-  // returns the scaling factor of the original score if the swap to 
-  // take place, 
-  // No side effects here (none of the parameters passed is changed!
-  // (i.e. the alignment A is not really changed)
-  // If the value of the scaling factor is:
-  //    1: then the score of the new alignment if the move is taken will
-  //       not change.
-  //    0.5: the new score is half the score of the original alignment.
-  //    2.0: the new score will be twice as much.
-  //
-  LogProb score ;
-  WordIndex i1, i2, m, l ;
-  m = fs.size() - 1 ;
-  l = es.size() - 1 ;
-  if (j1 == j2 || A[j1] == A[j2]) // if swapping same position return ratio 1
-    return(1);  
-  else {
-    i1 = A[j1] ;
-    i2 = A[j2] ;
-    score = 
-      double(tTable.getProb(es[i2], fs[j1]))/double(tTable.getProb(es[i1], fs[j1])) * 
-      double(tTable.getProb(es[i1], fs[j2]))/double(tTable.getProb(es[i2], fs[j2]));
-    if (i1 != 0){
-      score *= double(dTable.getValue(j2, i1, l, m))/double(dTable.getValue(j1, i1, l, m));
-    }
-    if (i2 != 0){
-      score *= double(dTable.getValue(j1, i2, l, m))/double(dTable.getValue(j2, i2, l, m));
-    }
-    return(score);
-  }
-void model3::hillClimb(Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-		       Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-		       Vector<WordIndex>& A, 
-		       Vector<WordIndex>& Fert, 
-		       LogProb& best_score, 
-		       tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& tTable, 
-		       int = -1, 
-		       int j_peg = -1)
-  // Hill climbing given alignment A  .
-  // Alignment A will be updated and also best_score
-  // if no pegging is needed i_peg == -1, and j_peg == -1
-  WordIndex i, j, l, m, j1, old_i;
-  LogProb change ;
-  bool local_minima;
-  int level = 0 ;
-  LogProb best_change_so_far, best_change ;
-  Vector<WordIndex> A_so_far; 
-  Vector<WordIndex> Fert_so_far;
-  l = es.size() - 1;
-  m = fs.size() - 1;
-  if (Log)
-    logmsg << "\nStarting hill climbing with original score: " << best_score <<"\n";
-  best_change = 1 ; // overall scaling factor (i.e. from the begining of climb
-  do {
-    best_change_so_far = 1 ; // best scaling factor of this level of hill climb
-    local_minima = true ;
-    for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){ 
-      if (int(j) != j_peg){ // make sure not to change the pegged link
-	for (j1 = j + 1 ; j1 <= m; j1++){ 
-	  // for all possible swaps
-	  // make sure you are not swapping at same position
-	  if ((A[j] != A[j1]) && (int(j1) != j_peg)){
-	    //	    change = scoreOfSwap(es, fs, A, best_score, tTable, j, j1);
-	    change = scoreOfSwap(es, fs, A, tTable, j, j1);
-	    if (change > best_change_so_far){ // if better alignment found, keep it
-	      local_minima = false ;
-	      best_change_so_far = change ;
-	      A_so_far = A ;
-	      Fert_so_far = Fert ;
-	      old_i = A_so_far[j] ;
-	      A_so_far[j] = A_so_far[j1] ;
-	      A_so_far[j1] = old_i ;
-	    } // end of if (change > best_change_so_far) 
-	  } // end of if (A[j] != A[j1]  ..)
-	} // of for (j1 = j+1  ....)
-	//      for (i = 0 ; i < l ; i++){ // all possible moves
-	for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++){ // all possible moves
-	  if (i != A[j]){ // make sure not to move to same position
-	    if (i != 0 || (m >= 2 * (Fert[0]+1))){ // if moving to NULL word 
-	      // (pos 0), make sure not to violate the fertility restriction
-	      // i.e. NULL can not take more than half the target words 
-	      //	      change = scoreOfMove(es, fs, A, Fert, best_score, tTable, j, i);
-	      change = scoreOfMove(es, fs, A, Fert, tTable, j, i);
-	      if (change > best_change_so_far){ // if better alignment found, keep it
-		best_change_so_far = change ;
-		local_minima = false ;
-		A_so_far = A ;
-		Fert_so_far = Fert ;
-		old_i = A_so_far[j] ;
-		A_so_far[j] = i ;
-		Fert_so_far[old_i]-- ;
-		Fert_so_far[i]++ ;
-	      } // end of if (change > best_change_so_far)
-	    } // end of if ((i!=0) ...
-	  } // end of if (i != A[j] )
-	} // end of for (i = 0 ;  ....)
-      } // end of if(j != j_peg)      
-    } // end of for (j = 1 ; ...)
-    level++;
-    if (!local_minima){
-      if (best_change_so_far > 1){ // if current chage is improving 
-	A = A_so_far ;
-	Fert = Fert_so_far ;
-	best_change *= best_change_so_far ;
-      }
-      else{
-	local_minima = true ;
-      }
-    } // end of if(!local_minima)
-    if (Log)
-    logmsg << "." ;
-    if (level> 15)
-      cerr << "." ;
-  } while (local_minima == false);
-  if (Log)
-    logmsg << "\n" << "Hill Climb Level: " << level << " score: scaling old: " <<(best_score*best_change) ;
-  if (level > 15)
-    cerr << "\nHill Climb Level: " << level << " score: scaling old: " <<(best_score*best_change) ;
-  best_score = prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(A, Fert, tTable, fs, es);
-  if (Log) 
-    logmsg << " using new calc: " << best_score << '\n';
-  if (level>15) 
-    cerr << " using new calc: " << best_score << '\n';
-void model3::findBestAlignment(Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-			       Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-			       Vector<WordIndex>& A, 
-			       Vector<WordIndex>& Fert, 
-			       LogProb& best_score, 
-			       /*tmodel<COUNT, PROB>& tTable, 
-				 amodel<PROB>& aTable, */
-			       int i_peg = -1 , 
-			       int j_peg = -1 )
-     // This finds the best Model2 alignment (i.e. no fertilities stuff) in A
-     // for the given sentence pair. Its score is returned in A. Its fertility
-     // info in Fert. 
-     // if j_peg == -1 && i_peg == -1 then No pegging is performed.
-  WordIndex i, j, l, m, best_i=0;
-  LogProb temp, score, ss;
-  l = es.size() - 1;
-  m = fs.size() - 1;
-  for (i=0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-    Fert[i] = 0 ;
-  ss = 1 ;
-  if ((j_peg != -1) && (i_peg != -1)){ //  if you're doing pegging
-    A[j_peg]  = i_peg ;
-    Fert[i_peg] = 1 ;
-    ss *= double(tTable.getProb(es[i_peg], fs[j_peg])) * 
-      double(aTable.getValue(i_peg, j_peg, l, m));
-  }
-  for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-    if (int(j) != j_peg){
-      score = 0 ;
-      for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++){
-	// first make sure that connecting target word at pos j to source word 
-	// at  pos i will not lead to a violation on Fertility restrictions 
-	// (e.g. maximum fertility for a word, max fertility for NULL word, etc)
-	if ((Fert[i]+1 < MAX_FERTILITY) && ((i == 0 &&  (m >= 2*(Fert[0]+1)))
-					    || (i != 0))){
-	  temp = double(tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j])) * 
-	    double(aTable.getValue(i, j, l, m));
-	  if (temp > score ){
-	    best_i = i ;
-	    score = temp ;
-	  } // end of if (temp > score)
-	} // end of if (((i == 0 ...)
-      } // end of for (i= 0 ...)
-      if (score == 0){
-	cerr << "WARNING: In searching for model2 best alignment\n " ;
-	cerr << "Nothing was set for target token " << fs[j] << 
-	  "at position j: " << j << "\n";
-	for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++){
-	  cerr << "i: " << i << "ttable("<<es[i]<<", "<<fs[j]<<") = " <<
-	    tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j]) << " atable(" << i<<", "<<j<<", "<<
-	    l<<", "<<m<<") = "<< aTable.getValue(i, j, l, m) << " product " <<
-	    double(tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j])) * 
-	    double(aTable.getValue(i, j, l, m)) << '\n';
-	  if ((Fert[i]+1 < MAX_FERTILITY) && ((i == 0 &&  (m >= 2*(Fert[0]+1)))
-					      || (i != 0)))
-	    cerr <<"Passed fertility condition \n";
-	  else 
-	    cerr <<"Failed fertility condition \n";
-	}	    
-      } // end of if (score == 0)
-      else {
-	Fert[best_i]++ ;
-	A[j] = best_i ;
-      }
-      ss *= score ;
-    } // end of if (j != j_peg)
-  } // end of for (j == 1 ;  ...)
-  if (ss <= 0){
-    cerr << "WARNING: Model2 viterbi alignment has zero score for sentence pair:\n" ;
-    printSentencePair(es, fs, cerr);
-  } 
-  best_score = prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(A, Fert, tTable, fs, es);
-  if (Log)
-    logmsg << "finding best alignment : score : " << ss <<"p(f, a/e) = "<< best_score<<"\n"; 
-void model3::collectCountsOverAlignement(const Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-					 const Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-					 const Vector<WordIndex>& A, 
-					 LogProb score, 
-					 float count)
-  WordIndex j,i,l,m ;
-  Vector<WordIndex> Fert(es.size(),0);
-  l = es.size() - 1 ;
-  m = fs.size() - 1 ;
-  score *= LogProb(count);
-  COUNT temp = COUNT(score) ;
-  for (i=0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-    Fert[i] = 0 ;
-  for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-    Fert[A[j]]++;
-    tTable.incCount(es[A[j]], fs[j], temp);
-    //    tCountTable.getRef(es[A[j]], fs[j])+=score;
-    if (A[j])
-      dCountTable.getRef(j, A[j], l, m)+= temp ;
-    aCountTable.getRef(A[j], j, l, m)+= temp ;
-  }
-  for(i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-    nCountTable.getRef(es[i], Fert[i])+= temp ;
-  //  p1_count += score * (LogProb) (Fert[0]) ;
-  //  p0_count += score * (LogProb) ((m - 2 * Fert[0])) ;
-  p1_count += temp * (Fert[0]) ;
-  p0_count += temp *  ((m - 2 * Fert[0])) ;
-void model3::findAlignmentsNeighborhood(Vector<WordIndex>& es, 
-					Vector<WordIndex>& fs, 
-					LogProb&align_total_count, 
-					alignmodel&neighborhood, 
-					int i_peg = -1, 
-					int j_peg = -1
-					)
-  // Finding the Neigborhood of a best viterbi alignment after hill climbing
-     // if (i_peg == -1 and j_peg == -1, then  No Pegging is done.
-    LogProb best_score,score;
-    WordIndex i,j,l,m,old_i,j1;
-    Vector<WordIndex> A(fs.size(),0);
-    Vector<WordIndex> Fert(es.size(),0);
-    time_t it_st;
-    best_score = 0 ;
-    l = es.size() - 1;
-    m = fs.size() - 1;
-    findBestAlignment(es, fs, A, Fert, best_score, /*tTable, aTable,*/ i_peg, j_peg);
-    if (best_score == 0){
-      cerr << "WARNING: viterbi alignment score is zero for the following pair\n";
-      printSentencePair(es, fs, cerr);
-    }
-    hillClimb(es, fs, A, Fert, best_score, tTable, i_peg, j_peg);
-    if (best_score <= 0){
-      cerr << "WARNING: Hill Climbing yielded a zero score viterbi alignment for the following pair:\n";
-      printSentencePair(es, fs, cerr);      
-      if(Log){
-	logmsg << "WARNING: Hill Climbing yielded a zero score viterbi alignment for the following pair:\n";
-	printSentencePair(es, fs, logmsg);
-      }
-    }
-    else { // best_score > 0
-      //      if (2 * Fert[0] < m ){ 
-      if (2*Fert[0] <= m ){ 
-	/* consider alignments that has Fert[0] less than
-	   half the number of words in French sentence */
-	if (neighborhood.insert(A, best_score)){
-	  align_total_count += best_score ;
-	}
-      }
-      else { // else part is added for debugging / Yaser
-	cerr << "WARNING:Best Alignment found violates Fertility requiremnets !!\n" ;
-	for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	  cerr << "Fert["<<i<<"] = "<< Fert[i] << "\n";
-	for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-	  cerr << "A["<<j<<"] = "<< A[j] <<"\n";
-	}
-	cerr << "Condition violated : 2 * Fert[0] <= m " << 2*Fert[0] <<"?"<<
-	  m << "\n";
-      } // end of added code for debugging // Yaser
-      it_st = time(NULL) ;
-      // Now find add all neighbors of the best alignmet to the  collection
-      for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-	for (j1 = j + 1 ; j1 <= m; j1++){ // all possible swaps
-	  if (A[j] != A[j1]){// make sure you are not swapping at same position
-	    //	    score = best_score * scoreOfSwap(es, fs, A, best_score, tTable, j, j1);
-	    score = best_score * scoreOfSwap(es, fs, A, tTable, j, j1);
-	    // ADD  A and its score to list of alig. to collect counts over
-	    if (2 * Fert[0] <= m && score > 0){ 
-	      /* consider alignments that has Fert[0] less than
-		 half the number of words in French sentence */
-	      old_i = A[j] ;
-	      A[j] = A[j1] ;
-	      A[j1] = old_i ;
-	      if (neighborhood.insert(A, score)){
-		align_total_count += score ;      
-	      }	    
-	      // restore original alignment 
-	      old_i = A[j] ;
-	      A[j] = A[j1] ;
-	      A[j1] = old_i ;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++){ // all possible moves
-	  if (i != A[j]){ // make sure not to move to same position
-	    if ((Fert[i]+1 < MAX_FERTILITY) && 
-		((i == 0 &&  (m >= 2*(Fert[0]+1))) || (i != 0))){ 
-	      // consider legal alignments only
-	      score = best_score * scoreOfMove(es, fs, A, Fert, tTable, j, i);
-	      // ADD  A and its score to list of alig. to collect counts over
-	      if (score > 0){
-		old_i = A[j] ;
-		A[j] = i ;
-		Fert[old_i]-- ;
-		Fert[i]++ ;
-		// add to list of alignemts here  ******************
-		if (neighborhood.insert(A, score)){
-		  align_total_count += score ;	      
-		}
-		// now resotre alignment and fertilities to previoud values
-		A[j] = old_i ;
-		Fert[old_i]++ ;
-		Fert[i]-- ;
-	      } // end of if (score > 0)
-	    } // end of if (i == 0 ...) 
-	  } // end of if (i != A[j])
-	}// end of for(i = 0 ; ...)
-      }// end of for (j = 1 ; ...)
-    } // of else best_score <= 0  
-void model3::viterbi_loop(Perplexity& perp, Perplexity& viterbiPerp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, 
-			   bool dump_files, const char* alignfile, 
-			   bool collect_counts, string model )
-  WordIndex i, j, l, m ;
-  ofstream of2 ;
-  int pair_no;
-  LogProb temp;
-  if (dump_files)
-  pair_no = 0 ; // sentence pair number 
-  // for each sentence pair in the corpus
-  perp.clear() ; // clears cross_entrop & perplexity 
-  viterbiPerp.clear();
-  sentPair sent ;
-  while(sHandler1.getNextSentence(sent)){
-    Vector<WordIndex>& es = sent.eSent;
-    Vector<WordIndex>& fs = sent.fSent;
-    const float count  = sent.getCount();
-    if ((sent.sentenceNo % 1000) == 0)
-      cerr <<sent.sentenceNo << '\n'; 
-    time_t sent_s = time(NULL) ;
-    pair_no++ ;
-    l = es.size() - 1 ;
-    m = fs.size() - 1 ;
-    if (Log){
-      logmsg << "Processing sentence pair:\n\t";
-      printSentencePair(es, fs, logmsg);
-      for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	  logmsg << Elist.getVocabList()[es[i]].word << " ";
-	logmsg << "\n\t";
-	for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)
-	  logmsg << Flist.getVocabList()[fs[j]].word << " ";
-	logmsg << "\n";
-      } 
-      LogProb align_total_count=0;
-      //      LogProb best_score;
-      Vector<WordIndex> viterbi_alignment;
-      LogProb  viterbi_score ;
-      alignmodel neighborhood;
-      neighborhood.clear();
-      align_total_count = 0;
-      findAlignmentsNeighborhood(/*tTable, aTable,*/ /*p1_count, p0_count,*/ es, fs, align_total_count, neighborhood) ;
-      if (Peg){
-	for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	  for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++){
-	    if ( (tTable.getProb(es[i], fs[j]) > PROB_SMOOTH) &&
-		 (aTable.getValue(i, j, l, m) > PROB_SMOOTH) &&
-		 (dTable.getValue(j, i, l, m) > PROB_SMOOTH))
-	      findAlignmentsNeighborhood(/*tTable, aTable,*/ /*p1_count, 
-							   p0_count, */ es, fs, align_total_count, neighborhood, i, j);  
-	  }
-      }
-      //  Now Collect counts over saved neighborhoods
-      viterbi_score = 0 ;
-      if (Verbose)
-	cerr << "\nCollecting counts over found alignments, total prob: " 
-	     << align_total_count <<  "\n";
-      if (Log)
-	logmsg << "\nCollecting counts over found alignments, total prob: " 
-	       << align_total_count <<  "\n";
-      hash_map<Vector<WordIndex>, LogProb, hashmyalignment, equal_to_myalignment >::iterator align ;
-      int acount = 0 ;
-      if (align_total_count == 0 ){
-	cerr << " WARNINIG: For the following sentence pair : \n";
-	printSentencePair(es, fs, cerr);
-	cerr << "The collection of alignments found have 0 probability!!\n";
-	cerr << "No counts will be collected of it \n";
-	if (Log){
-	  logmsg << "The collection of alignments found have 0 probability!!\n";
-	  logmsg << "No counts will be collected of it \n";
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	if (collect_counts) {
-	  for(align = neighborhood.begin(); align != neighborhood.end(); align++){
-	    temp = (*align).second/align_total_count ;	  
-	    collectCountsOverAlignement(/*tTable, aCountTable, */es, fs, /*p1_count, 
-					  p0_count ,*/ ((*align).first), temp , count);
-	    acount++;
-	    if (viterbi_score < temp){
-	      viterbi_alignment = ((*align).first);
-	      viterbi_score = temp;
-	    }
-	  }
-	} // end of if (collect_counts)
-	perp.addFactor(log(double(align_total_count)), count, l, m,0);
-	viterbiPerp.addFactor(log(double(viterbi_score)), count, l, m,0);
-      if (Verbose){
-	cerr << "Collected counts over "<<acount <<" (of "
-	     << pow(double(m), double(l+1)) <<") differnet alignments\n";
-	cerr << "Bucket count of alignments hash: "<<
-	  neighborhood.getHash().bucket_count()<< ", size " <<
-	  neighborhood.getHash().size() << "\n";
-	}
-	if (Log){
-	  logmsg << "Collected counts over "<<acount <<" (of "
-		 << pow(double(m), double(l+1)) <<") differnet alignments\n";
-	  logmsg << "Bucket count of alignments hash: "<<
-	    neighborhood.getHash().bucket_count()<< "\n";
-	}
-      } // end of else 
-      // write best alignment (viterbi) for this sentence pair to alignment file 
-      if (collect_counts){
-	if (viterbi_score <= 0){
-	  cerr << "Viterbi Alignment for this pair have score zero!!\n";
-	  of2 << "\n\n";
-	}
-	else {
-	  if (dump_files)
-	    printAlignToFile(es, fs, Elist.getVocabList(), Flist.getVocabList(), of2, viterbi_alignment, pair_no, viterbi_score);
-	  addAL(viterbi_alignment,sent.sentenceNo,l);
-	}
-      } // end of if (collect_counts) 
-      double period = difftime(time(NULL), sent_s);
-      if (Log)
-      	logmsg << "processing this sentence pair ("<<l+1<<"x"<<m<<") : "<<
-      	  (l+1)*m << " took : " << period << " seconds\n";
-      if (Verbose)
-	cerr << "processing this sentence pair took : " << period
-	     << " seconds\n";
-    } /* of sentence pair E, F */
-    sHandler1.rewind();
-    errorReportAL(cerr,model);
-    perp.record(model);
-    viterbiPerp.record(model);
-    if (dump_files)
-      of2.close();
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3_viterbi_with_tricks.cpp b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3_viterbi_with_tricks.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bfb07f..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/model3_viterbi_with_tricks.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
-EGYPT Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation
-Written by Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz Och, Noah Smith, and David Yarowsky.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
-#include "mystl.h"
-#include "model3.h"
-#include "collCounts.h"
-#include "utility.h"
-#include "Globals.h"
-#include "D5Tables.h"
-#include "transpair_model5.h"
-#include "transpair_modelhmm.h"
-#include "myassert.h"
-#include "Parameter.h"
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER(float,PrintN,"nbestalignments","for printing the n best alignments",PARLEV_OUTPUT,0);
-const short LogHillClimb=0,LogPeg=0;
-const short UseHMMViterbiAlignmentIfPossible=1;
-short DoViterbiTraining=0;
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER(int,VerboseSentence,"VerboseSentence","number of sentence for which a lot of information should be printed (negative: no output)",PARLEV_OUTPUT,-10);
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER(double,PEGGED_CUTOFF,"PEGGED_CUTOFF","relative cutoff probability for alignment-centers in pegging",PARLEV_OPTHEUR,3e-2);
-GLOBAL_PARAMETER2(float, COUNTINCREASE_CUTOFF_AL,"COUNTINCREASE CUTOFF AL","countCutoffAl","Counts increment cutoff threshold for alignments in training of fertility models",PARLEV_OPTHEUR,1e-5);
-int SentNr;
-bool UseLinkCache=1;    /// optimization for pegging
-int NumberOfAlignmentsInSophisticatedCountCollection;
-extern bool ONLYALDUMPS;
-int PrintHillClimbWarning=0;
-int PrintZeroScoreWarning=0;
-LogProb model3::viterbi_model2(const transpair_modelhmm&ef, alignment&output, int 
-, int i_peg , int j_peg )const
-  static Vector<pair<alignment,LogProb> > viterbis;
-  Vector<int>vit;
-  int m=ef.get_m();
-  int l=ef.get_l();
-  double ret=0.0;
-  if( i_peg==-1 && j_peg==-1 && viterbis.size()>pair_no )
-    {
-      output=viterbis[pair_no].first;
-      ret=viterbis[pair_no].second;
-      massert( ret==HMMRealViterbi(*,vit,i_peg-1,j_peg-1)*>finalMultiply );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      ret=HMMRealViterbi(*,vit,i_peg-1,j_peg-1)*>finalMultiply;
-      for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
-	{
-	  if( vit[j-1]+1>l )
-	    output.set(j,0);
-	  else
-	    output.set(j,vit[j-1]+1);
-	  massert( (j==j_peg&&int(output(j))==i_peg) || j_peg!=j);
-	}
-      if( i_peg==-1 && j_peg==-1 )
-	{
-	  iassert(viterbis.size()==pair_no);
-	  viterbis.push_back(make_pair(output,ret));
-	}
-    }
-  ret=HMMRealViterbi(*,vit,i_peg-1,j_peg-1)*>finalMultiply;
-  for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
-    {
-      if( vit[j-1]+1>l )
-	output.set(j,0);
-      else
-	output.set(j,vit[j-1]+1);
-      massert( (j==j_peg&&int(output(j))==i_peg) || j_peg!=j);
-      }
-  massert( j_peg==-1 || int(output(j_peg))==i_peg );
-  if( j_peg!=-1 )
-    massert(int(output(j_peg))==i_peg);
-  if( output.valid() )
-    return ret;
-  else
-    {
-      return _viterbi_model2(ef,output,i_peg,j_peg);
-    }
-LogProb model3::_viterbi_model2(const transpair_model2&ef, alignment&output, int i_peg, int j_peg)const
-  WordIndex best_i=0;
-  LogProb ss=1;
-  PositionIndex l = ef.get_l(), m=ef.get_m();
-  Vector<WordIndex> Fert(l+1, (WordIndex)0);
-  if ((j_peg != -1) && (i_peg != -1))
-    {
-      output.set(j_peg, i_peg);
-      ss *= ef.get_t(i_peg, j_peg) * ef.get_a(i_peg, j_peg);
-      if( ss==0 )
-	cerr << "WARNING: already starting is zero: " << ef.get_t(i_peg, j_peg) << " " << ef.get_a(i_peg, j_peg) << '\n';
-    }
-  else
-    ss=1;
-  for (PositionIndex j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)if (int(j) != j_peg)
-    {
-      LogProb score = 0 ;
-      for (PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	{
-	  if( Fert[i]+1<MAX_FERTILITY && (i != 0 ||  m>=(2 * (Fert[0] + 1))))
-	    {
-	      LogProb temp = ef.get_t(i, j) * ef.get_a(i, j);
-	      if (temp > score )
-		{
-		  best_i = i ;
-		  score = temp ;
-		}
-	    } 
-	}
-      if (score == 0){
-	cerr << "WARNING: In searching for model2 best alignment\n";
-	cerr << "Nothing was set for target token at position j: " << j << "\n";
-	for (PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++){
-	  cerr << "i: " << i << "ttable("<<i<<", "<<j<<") = " <<
-	    ef.get_t(i, j) << " atable(" << i<<", "<<j<<", "<<
-	    l<<", "<<m<<") = "<< ef.get_a(i, j) << " product " <<
-	    ef.get_t(i, j) * ef.get_a(i, j) ;
-	  if ((Fert[i]+1 < MAX_FERTILITY) && ((i == 0 &&  (m >= 2*(Fert[0]+1)))
-					      || (i != 0)))
-	    cerr <<"Passed fertility condition \n";
-	  else 
-	    cerr <<"Failed fertility condition \n";
-	}	    
-      }
-      else
-	{
-	  output.set(j, best_i);
-	  Fert[best_i]++;
-	}
-      ss *= score;
-    } 
-  if (ss <= 0){
-    //cerr << ef;
-    cerr << "WARNING: Model2 viterbi alignment has zero score.\n" ;
-    cerr << "Here are the different elements that made this alignment probability zero \n";
-    cerr << "Source length " << l << " target length " << m << '\n';
-    LogProb gg=1 ; // for debugging only ..... 
-    for (PositionIndex j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)if (int(j) != j_peg){
-      LogProb score = 0 ;
-      LogProb a = 0, t =0 ;
-      for (PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++){
-	//	if( Debug_Fert[i]+1<MAX_FERTILITY && (i != 0 ||  m>=(2 * (Debug_Fert[0] + 1)))){
-	  LogProb temp = ef.get_t(i, j) * ef.get_a(i, j);
-	  if (temp > score ){
-	    score = temp ;
-	    best_i = i ;
-	    a = ef.get_a(i, j);
-	    t =  ef.get_t(i, j) ;
-	  }
-	  //      }
-      }
-      gg *= score ;
-      cerr << "best: fs[" << j << "] "<< j <<"  : es[" << best_i << "] " <<
-	best_i << " ,  a: " << ef.get_a(best_i, j) << " t: " << t << " score " << score << "  product : " << gg << " ss " <<
-	ss << '\n';
-    }
-    for(PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-      cerr << "Fert["<<i<<"] selected " << Fert[i] << '\n';
-  }
-  massert(output.valid());
-  return ss;
-LogProb model3::viterbi_model2(const transpair_model3&ef, alignment&output, int pair_no,int i_peg , int j_peg )const
-  if( h&&UseHMMViterbiAlignmentIfPossible )
-    {
-      transpair_modelhmm efhmm(ef.E,ef.F,tTable,aTable,dTable,nTable,0.0,0.0,h);
-      LogProb ret=viterbi_model2(efhmm,output,pair_no,i_peg,j_peg);
-      massert(output.valid());
-      return ret;
-    }
-  return _viterbi_model2(ef,output,i_peg,j_peg);
-int HillClimbingSteps=0;
-template<class TRANSPAIR>
-LogProb greedyClimb_WithIBM3Scoring(MoveSwapMatrix<TRANSPAIR>&msc2,int j_peg=-1)
-  PositionIndex l = msc2.get_l(), m=msc2.get_m();
-  int changed=0;
-  int iter=0;
-  bool hereVERB=0;
-  do
-    {
-      MoveSwapMatrix<typename TRANSPAIR::simpler_transpair_model> msc_IBM3(msc2.get_ef(),alignment(msc2));
-      vector<pair<double,OneMoveSwap> > msvec;
-      for (PositionIndex j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)if (int(j) != j_peg)
-	{
-	  WordIndex aj=msc2(j);
-	  for (PositionIndex j1 = j + 1 ; j1 <= m; j1++)
-	    if((aj != msc2(j1)) && (int(j1) != j_peg))
-	      msvec.push_back(pair<double,OneMoveSwap>(-msc_IBM3.cswap(j,j1),OneMoveSwap(1,j,j1)));
-	  for (PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	    if(i != aj &&(i != 0 || (m >= 2 * (msc2.fert(0)+1)))  && msc2.fert(i)+1<MAX_FERTILITY)
-	      msvec.push_back(pair<double,OneMoveSwap>(-msc_IBM3.cmove(i,j),OneMoveSwap(2,i,j)));
-	}
-      sort(msvec.begin(),msvec.end());
-      HillClimbingSteps++;
-      int iused=-1;
-      changed=0;
-      for(unsigned int i=0;i<msvec.size()&&changed==0;++i)
-	{
-	  LogProb csts;
-	  const OneMoveSwap &oms=msvec[i].second;
-	  if( oms.type==1&&(csts=msc2.cswap(oms.a,oms.b))>1.0001 )
-	    {
-	      if( hereVERB==1 )
-		cerr << "SWAP: " << csts << '\n';
-	      msc2.doSwap(oms.a,oms.b);
-	      changed=1;
-	      iused=i;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  if( oms.type==2&&(csts=msc2.cmove(oms.a,oms.b))>1.0001 )
-	    {
-	      if( hereVERB==1 )
-		cerr << "MOVE: " << csts << '\n';
-	      msc2.doMove(oms.a,oms.b);
-	      changed=1;
-	      iused=i;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-      if( ++iter>30 )
-	{
-	  //msc2.ef.verboseTP=1;
-	  hereVERB=1;
-	  cerr << "ERROR: more than 30 iterations in hill-climbing: " << iused 
-	       << " improvement: " << msvec[iused].first << " value:" << msvec[iused].second 
-	       << '\n' << msc2 << '\n';
-	  for(int a=0;a<20;++a)
-	    cout << a << ' ' << msvec[a].first << ' ' << msvec[a].second << '\n';
-	  //cerr << msvec << '\n';
-	}
-      if( iter>50 )
-	break;
-    } while(changed);
-  return msc2.get_ef().prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(msc2);  
-template<class TRANSPAIR>
-LogProb greedyClimb(MoveSwapMatrix<TRANSPAIR>&msc2, int j_peg = -1)
-  if( msc2.get_ef().greedyHillClimbing()==1 )
-    return greedyClimb_WithIBM3Scoring(msc2,j_peg);
-  PositionIndex l = msc2.get_l(), m=msc2.get_m();
-  int changed=0;
-  do 
-    {
-      HillClimbingSteps++;
-      changed=0;
-      for (PositionIndex j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)if (int(j) != j_peg)
-	{
-	  WordIndex aj=msc2(j);
-	  for (PositionIndex j1 = j + 1 ; j1 <= m; j1++)if((aj != msc2(j1)) && (int(j1) != j_peg)&&msc2.cswap(j, j1) > 1.0)
-	    msc2.doSwap(j, j1), changed=1;
-	  for (PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)if(i != aj &&(i != 0 || (m >= 2 * (msc2.fert(0)+1)))  && msc2.fert(i)+1<MAX_FERTILITY && msc2.cmove(i, j)>1.0)
-	    msc2.doMove(i, j), changed=1;
-	}
-    } while (changed);
-  return msc2.get_ef().prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(msc2);
-template<class TRANSPAIR>
-LogProb hillClimb_std(MoveSwapMatrix<TRANSPAIR>&msc2, int= -1,int j_peg = -1)
-  if( msc2.isLazy() )
-    return greedyClimb_WithIBM3Scoring(msc2,j_peg);                             
-  if( LogHillClimb>1 )
-    cout << msc2 << '\n';
-  PositionIndex l = msc2.get_l(), m=msc2.get_m();
-  int changes=0;
-  int best_change_type=-1, best_change_v1=-1, best_change_v2=-1;
-  do 
-    {
-      HillClimbingSteps++;
-      LogProb best_change_so_far = 1.00001 ;  
-      best_change_type=0;
-      for (PositionIndex j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)if (int(j) != j_peg)
-	{
-	  WordIndex aj=msc2(j);
-	  for (PositionIndex j1 = j + 1 ; j1 <= m; j1++)if((aj != msc2(j1)) && (int(j1) != j_peg))
-	    {
-	      LogProb change = msc2.cswap(j, j1);
-	      if (change > best_change_so_far)
-		{
-		  best_change_so_far = change ;
-		  best_change_type=1;
-		  best_change_v1=j;
-		  best_change_v2=j1;
-		  if( LogHillClimb )
-		    cerr << "CLIMB: " << best_change_type << " " << best_change_v1 << " " << best_change_v2 << " " << best_change_so_far << msc2 << '\n';
-		  massert(msc2.get_ef().isSubOptimal()==1);
-		} 
-	    } 
-	  for (PositionIndex i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)if(i != aj &&(i != 0 || (m >= 2 * (msc2.fert(0)+1))) && msc2.fert(i)+1<MAX_FERTILITY)
-	    {
-	      LogProb change = msc2.cmove(i, j);
-	      if (change > best_change_so_far)
-		{ 
-		  best_change_so_far = change ;
-		  best_change_type=2;
-		  best_change_v1=j;
-		  best_change_v2=i;
-		  if( LogHillClimb )
-		    cerr << "CLIMB: " << best_change_type << " " << best_change_v1 << " " << best_change_v2 << " " << best_change_so_far << msc2 << '\n';
-		  massert(msc2.get_ef().isSubOptimal()==1);
-		} 
-	    }
-	}
-      if (best_change_type==1)
-	{
-	  msc2.doSwap(best_change_v1, best_change_v2);
-	  if( LogHillClimb )
-	    cerr << "SW-CLIMB-DONE: " << j_peg << msc2 << '\n';
-	}
-      if (best_change_type==2)
-	{
-	  msc2.doMove(best_change_v2, best_change_v1);
-	  if( LogHillClimb )
-	    cerr << "MO-CLIMB-DONE: " << j_peg << msc2 << '\n';
-	}
-      changes++;
-      if( changes>40 )
-	{
-	  if( PrintHillClimbWarning++<1000 )
-	    cerr << "WARNING: already " << changes << " iterations in hillclimb: " << best_change_so_far << " " << best_change_type << " " << best_change_v1 << " " << best_change_v2 << '\n';
-	  else if (PrintHillClimbWarning==1000)
-	    cerr << "ERROR: too many hill climbing warnings => I do not print more.\n";
-	}
-      if(changes>60 )
-	{
-	  cerr << msc2 << '\n';
-	  break;
-	}
-    } while (best_change_type);
-  return msc2.get_ef().prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(msc2);
-template<class MODEL_TYPE>
-bool extendCenterList(Vector<pair<MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE>*,LogProb> >&setOfGoodCenters,MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE> *msc,double peggedAlignmentScore)
-  unsigned int l=msc->get_ef().get_l();
-  set<OneMoveSwap> alreadyCovered;
-  for(unsigned int nr=0;nr<setOfGoodCenters.size();nr++)
-    makeOneMoveSwap(*setOfGoodCenters[nr].first,*msc,alreadyCovered);
-  for(set<OneMoveSwap>::const_iterator i=alreadyCovered.begin();i!=alreadyCovered.end();++i)
-    {
-      if( i->type==1||i->type==4)
-	msc->delCenter();
-      if( i->type==1 )
-	{
-	  for(unsigned int ii=0;ii<=l;++ii)
-	    if( (*msc)(i->a)!=ii )
-	      msc->delMove(ii,i->a);
-	}
-      else if( i->type==2||i->type==4 )
-	  msc->delSwap(i->a,i->b);
-      else if( i->type==3 )
-	  msc->delMove(i->b,i->a);
-      else abort();
-    }   
-  setOfGoodCenters.push_back(make_pair(msc,peggedAlignmentScore));
-  return 1;
-bool OldLog=0;
-short OldLogPeg=0,OldLogHillClimb=0;
-class Als
-  int s,a,b;
-  double v;
-  Als(int _s,int _a,int _b,double _v)
-    : s(_s),a(_a),b(_b),v(_v) {}
-inline bool operator<(const Als&x,const Als&y)
-{return x.v>y.v;}
-void model3::viterbi_loop_with_tricks(Perplexity& perp, Perplexity& viterbiPerp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1, 
-				      bool dump_files, const char* alignfile, 
-				      bool collect_counts, string model, bool final,
-				      ADDITIONAL_MODEL_DATA_IN*dm_in,
-				      ADDITIONAL_MODEL_DATA_OUT*dm_out)
-  ofstream *writeNBestErrorsFile=0;
-  if( (dump_files||FEWDUMPS)&&PrintN&&ReferenceAlignment.size()>0 )
-    {
-      string x=alignfile+string("NBEST");
-      writeNBestErrorsFile= new ofstream(x.c_str());
-    }
-  ofstream *of3=0;
-  PositionIndex i, j, l, m ;
-  ofstream of2;
-  int pair_no;
-  HillClimbingSteps=0;
-  NumberOfAlignmentsInSophisticatedCountCollection=0;
-  if (dump_files||FEWDUMPS||(final&&(ONLYALDUMPS)) )
-  if( dump_files&&PrintN&&final )
-    {
-      string x=alignfile+string("NBEST");
-      of3= new ofstream(x.c_str());
-    }
-  pair_no = 0 ; // sentence pair number 
-  // for each sentence pair in the corpus
-  perp.clear() ; // clears cross_entrop & perplexity 
-  viterbiPerp.clear() ; // clears cross_entrop & perplexity 
-  sentPair sent ;
-  int NCenter=0,NHillClimbed=0,NAlignment=0,NTotal=0,NBetterByPegging=0;
-  while(sHandler1.getNextSentence(sent)){
-    if( sent.eSent.size()==1||sent.fSent.size()==1 )
-      continue;
-    SentNr=sent.sentenceNo;
-    Vector<WordIndex>& es = sent.eSent;
-    Vector<WordIndex>& fs = sent.fSent;
-    const float count  = sent.getCount();    
-    if ((sent.sentenceNo % 10000) == 0)
-      cerr <<sent.sentenceNo << '\n'; 
-    time_t sent_s = time(NULL) ;
-    pair_no++ ;
-    l = es.size() - 1 ;
-    m = fs.size() - 1 ;
-    if (Log){
-      logmsg << "Processing sentence pair:\n\t";
-      printSentencePair(es, fs, logmsg);
-      for (i = 0 ; i <= l ; i++)
-	  logmsg << Elist.getVocabList()[es[i]].word << " ";
-	logmsg << "\n\t";
-	for (j = 1 ; j <= m ; j++)
-	  logmsg << Flist.getVocabList()[fs[j]].word << " ";
-	logmsg << "\n";
-      } 
-      LogProb align_total_count=0;
-      alignment viterbi2alignment(l,m);
-      MODEL_TYPE ef(es,fs,tTable,aTable,dTable,nTable,p1,p0,dm_in);
-      viterbi_model2(ef,viterbi2alignment,pair_no-1);
-      Vector<pair<MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE>*,LogProb> >setOfGoodCenters(1);
-      set<alignment> alignments;
-      MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE> *best = (setOfGoodCenters[0].first  = new MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE>(ef, viterbi2alignment));
-      MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE> _viterbi(*best), *viterbi=&_viterbi; // please, don't delete this line (FJO)
-      if (Log)
-	logmsg << "VITERBI: " << alignment(_viterbi);
-      if( ef.isSubOptimal() )
-	setOfGoodCenters[0].second = hillClimb_std(*best);
-      else
-	{
-	  setOfGoodCenters[0].second = best->get_ef().prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(*best);
-	  if( setOfGoodCenters[0].second==0 )
-	    {
-	      cerr << "PROBLEM: alignment is 0.\n";
-	      best->get_ef().prob_of_target_and_alignment_given_source(*best,1);
-	    }
-	}
-      int bestAlignment=0;
-      for(unsigned int i=0;i<setOfGoodCenters.size();++i)
-	setOfGoodCenters[i].first->check();
-      alignments.insert(*best); 
-      if (setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second <= 0){
-	if( PrintZeroScoreWarning++<100 )
-	  {
-	    cerr << "WARNING: Hill Climbing yielded a zero score viterbi alignment for the following pair:\n";
-	    cerr << alignment(*setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].first) ;
-	    printSentencePair(es, fs, cerr);      
-	    if(Log){
-	      logmsg << "WARNING: Hill Climbing yielded a zero score viterbi alignment for the following pair:\n";
-	      printSentencePair(es, fs, logmsg);
-	    }
-	  }
-	else if(PrintZeroScoreWarning==100) 
-	  {
-	    cerr << "ERROR: too many zero score warnings => no additional one will be printed\n";
-	  }
-	setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second=1e-300;
-	continue;
-      }
-      int nHillClimbed=1,nAlignment=1;
-      bool flagBetterByPegging=0;
-      if ( Peg )
-	{
-	  const MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE> *useMatrix=viterbi;  // it is faster using 'best', ... (FJO)
-	  Array2<short, vector<short> > linkCache(l+1, m+1, false);
-	  if(UseLinkCache)for(unsigned int j=1;j<=m;j++)linkCache((*useMatrix)(j), j)=1;
-	  for(PositionIndex j=1;j<=m;j++)for(PositionIndex i=0;i<=l;i++)
-	    {
-	      nAlignment++;
-	      if( i!=(*useMatrix)(j) && (UseLinkCache==0||linkCache(i,j)==0) && 
-		  ef.get_t(i,j)>ef.get_t((*useMatrix)(j),j)*PEGGED_CUTOFF && 
-		  (i != 0 || (m >= 2 * (useMatrix->fert(0)+1))))
-		{
-		  MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE> *BESTPEGGED=0;
-		  LogProb peggedAlignmentScore;
-		  nHillClimbed++;
-		  if( ef.isSubOptimal() )
-		    {
-		      BESTPEGGED = new MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE>(*useMatrix);
-		      BESTPEGGED->doMove(i, j);
-		      peggedAlignmentScore= hillClimb_std(*BESTPEGGED, i,j);
-		    }
-		  else
-		    {
-		      alignment pegAlignment(l,m);
-		      peggedAlignmentScore=viterbi_model2(ef,pegAlignment,pair_no-1,i,j);
-		      BESTPEGGED = new MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE>(ef,pegAlignment);
-		      massert( pegAlignment(j)==i );
-		    }
-		  if(UseLinkCache)
-		    for(unsigned int j=1;j<=m;j++)
-		      linkCache((*BESTPEGGED)(j), j)=1;
-		  if( peggedAlignmentScore>setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second*(LogProb)PEGGED_CUTOFF && alignments.count(*BESTPEGGED)==0 )
-		    {
-		      if(extendCenterList(setOfGoodCenters,BESTPEGGED,peggedAlignmentScore))
-			{
-			  alignments.insert(*BESTPEGGED);
-			  if( peggedAlignmentScore>1.00001*setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second )
-			    {
-			      if( LogPeg )
-				{
-				  cerr << "found better alignment by pegging " << pair_no << " " << peggedAlignmentScore/setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second << '\n';
-				  cerr << "NEW BEST: " << alignment(*BESTPEGGED);
-				  cerr << "OLD     : " << alignment(*setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].first);
-				}
-			      flagBetterByPegging=1;
-			      bestAlignment=alignments.size()-1;
-			    }
-			}
-		      assert( differences(*BESTPEGGED, *best)!=0 );
-		      BESTPEGGED=0;		    }
-		  else
-		    delete BESTPEGGED;
-		}
-	    }
-	} // end of if(Peg)
-      NBetterByPegging+=flagBetterByPegging;
-      for(unsigned int i=0;i<setOfGoodCenters.size();++i)
-	setOfGoodCenters[i].first->check();
-      if( LogPeg>1 )
-	cout << "PEGGED: " << setOfGoodCenters.size() << " HILLCLIMBED:" << nHillClimbed << " TOTAL:" << nAlignment << " alignments." << '\n';
-      int alTotal=collectCountsOverNeighborhood(setOfGoodCenters,es, fs, tTable, aCountTable, 
-						dCountTable, nCountTable, p1_count, p0_count, 
-						align_total_count, count, collect_counts, dm_out);
-      if( LogPeg>1 )
-	{
-	  cout << "ALL: " << alTotal << " from " << pow(float(l+1),float(m)) << '\n';
-	  massert(alTotal<=pow(double(l+1),double(m)));
-	}
-      NCenter+=setOfGoodCenters.size();NHillClimbed+=nHillClimbed;NAlignment+=nAlignment;NTotal+=alTotal;
-      perp.addFactor(log(double(align_total_count)), count, l, m,0);
-      viterbiPerp.addFactor(log(double(setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second)), count, l, m,0);
-      massert(log(double(setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second)) <= log(double(align_total_count)));
-      if (dump_files||(FEWDUMPS&&sent.sentenceNo<1000)||(final&&(ONLYALDUMPS)) )
-	printAlignToFile(es, fs, Elist.getVocabList(), Flist.getVocabList(), of2, (setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].first)->getAlignment(), pair_no, 
-			 setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second);
-      for(unsigned int i=0;i<setOfGoodCenters.size();++i)
-	setOfGoodCenters[i].first->check();
-      if( of3||(writeNBestErrorsFile&&pair_no<int(ReferenceAlignment.size())) )
-	{
-	  vector<Als> als;
-	  for(unsigned int s=0;s<setOfGoodCenters.size();++s)
-	    {
-	      const MoveSwapMatrix<MODEL_TYPE>&msc= *setOfGoodCenters[s].first;
-	      msc.check();
-	      double normalized_ascore=setOfGoodCenters[s].second;
-	      if( !msc.isCenterDeleted() )
-		als.push_back( Als(s,0,0,normalized_ascore) );
-	      for(WordIndex j=1;j<=m;j++)
-		for(WordIndex i=0;i<=l;i++)
-		  if( i!=msc(j)&& !msc.isDelMove(i,j) )
-		    als.push_back( Als(s,i,j,msc.cmove(i,j)*normalized_ascore));
-	      for(PositionIndex j1=1;j1<=m;j1++)
-		for(PositionIndex j2=j1+1;j2<=m;j2++)
-		  if( msc(j1)!=msc(j2) && !msc.isDelSwap(j1,j2) )
-		    als.push_back( Als(s,-j1,-j2,msc.cswap(j1,j2)*normalized_ascore));
-	    }
-	  sort(als.begin(),als.end());
-	  double sum=0,sum2=0;
-	  for(unsigned int i=0;i<als.size();++i)
-	    sum+=als[i].v;
-	  for(unsigned int i=0;i<min((unsigned int)als.size(),(unsigned int)PrintN);++i)
-	    {
-	      alignment x=*setOfGoodCenters[als[i].s].first;
-	      if( !(als[i].a==0 && als[i].b==0) )
-		{
-		  if( als[i].a<=0&&als[i].b<=0 )
-		    x.doSwap(-als[i].a,-als[i].b);
-		  else
-		    x.doMove(als[i].a,als[i].b);
-		}
-	      if( of3&&i<PrintN )
-		printAlignToFile(es, fs, Elist.getVocabList(), Flist.getVocabList(),*of3,x.getAlignment(), pair_no, 
-				 als[i].v/sum*count);
-	      sum2+=als[i].v;
-	      if( writeNBestErrorsFile )
-		{
-		  if( pair_no<int(ReferenceAlignment.size()) )
-		    {
-		      int ALmissing=0,ALtoomuch=0,ALeventsMissing=0,ALeventsToomuch=0;
-		      vector<double> scores;
-		      ErrorsInAlignment(ReferenceAlignment[pair_no-1],x.getAlignment(),l,ALmissing,ALtoomuch,ALeventsMissing,ALeventsToomuch,pair_no);
-		      ef.computeScores(x,scores);
-		      *writeNBestErrorsFile << ALmissing+ALtoomuch << ' ';
-		      for(unsigned int i=0;i<scores.size();++i)
-			*writeNBestErrorsFile << ((scores[i]>0.0)?(-log(scores[i])):1.0e6) << ' ';
-		      *writeNBestErrorsFile << '\n';
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	  if( writeNBestErrorsFile )
-	    *writeNBestErrorsFile << '\n';
-	}
-      addAL((setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].first)->getAlignment(),sent.sentenceNo,l);
-      if (Log)
-      	logmsg << "processing this sentence pair ("<<l+1<<"x"<<m<<") : "<<
-      	  (l+1)*m << " prob : " << align_total_count << " " << (setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].second) << alignment(*setOfGoodCenters[bestAlignment].first) << " \n";
-      for(unsigned int i=0;i<setOfGoodCenters.size();i++)
-	delete setOfGoodCenters[i].first;
-      double period = difftime(time(NULL), sent_s);
-      if (Verbose)
-	cerr << "processing this sentence pair took : " << period
-	     << " seconds\n";
-    } /* of sentence pair E, F */
-    sHandler1.rewind();
-    perp.record(model);
-    errorReportAL(cerr,model);
-    viterbiPerp.record(model);
-    if (dump_files||FEWDUMPS||(final&&(ONLYALDUMPS)) )
-      of2.close();
-    delete of3;
-    delete writeNBestErrorsFile;
-    double FSent=pair_no;
-    cout << "#centers(pre/hillclimbed/real): " << NAlignment/FSent << " " << NHillClimbed/FSent << " " << NCenter/FSent << "  #al: " << NTotal/FSent << " #alsophisticatedcountcollection: " <<   NumberOfAlignmentsInSophisticatedCountCollection/FSent << " #hcsteps: " << HillClimbingSteps/FSent << '\n';
-    cout << "#peggingImprovements: " << NBetterByPegging/FSent << '\n';
-    }
-#include "collCounts.cpp"
-#define INSTANTIATE(A,B,C) template \
-void model3::viterbi_loop_with_tricks<A,B,C>(Perplexity& perp, Perplexity& viterbiPerp, sentenceHandler& sHandler1,  \
-					     bool dump_files, const char* alignfile,bool collect_counts, string, bool final,\
-					     B*d4m,C*d5m);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_model3, void, void);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_modelhmm, const hmm, void);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_modelhmm, const hmm, d4model);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_modelhmm, const hmm, d5model);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_model3, void,d4model);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_model3, void,d5model);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_model4, d4model,d4model);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_model4, d4model,d5model);
-INSTANTIATE(transpair_model5, d5model,d5model);
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/myassert.cpp b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/myassert.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d49be8..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/myassert.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include "mystl.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include "myassert.h"
-void myerror(int line,const char *file,const char *expression)
-  cerr << "(general.h):Assertion failed: '" << expression <<  "' ::: b " 
-    << file << ":" << line << endl;
-  cout << "(general.h):Assertion failed: '" << expression <<  "' ::: b " 
-    << file << ":" << line << endl;
-void imyerror(int line,const char *file,const char *expression)
-  cerr << "Error: '" << expression <<  "' ::: in Source " << file 
-    << ":" << line << endl;
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/myassert.h b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/myassert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b648fdd..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/myassert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-void myerror(int line,const char *file,const char *expression);
-void imyerror(int line,const char *file,const char *expression);
-#define iassert(expression) do {if (!(expression)) {imyerror(__LINE__,__FILE__,#expression);}} while (0)
-#define massert(expr) do {} while(0)
-#define vassert(expr) do {} while(0)
-#include <cassert>
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/mymath.h b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/mymath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ad926..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/mymath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Copyright 1998 (c) by RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl fuer Informatik VI */
-/* Franz Josef Och                                                  */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-inline double mfabs(double x){return (x<0)?(-x):x;}
-#include <math.h>
diff --git a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/mystl.h b/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/mystl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2046e11..0000000
--- a/ext/giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/mystl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Copyright 1998 (c) by RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl fuer Informatik VI */
-/* Franz Josef Och                                                  */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <string>
-using namespace std;
-#ifdef __STL_DEBUG
-using namespace _STLD;
-using namespace _STL;
-#include "myassert.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#define hash_map unordered_map
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "mymath.h"
-#include "Array2.h"
-#define over_string(a,i) for(unsigned int i=0;i<a.length();i++)
-#define over_array(a,i) for(i=(a).low();i<=(a).high();i++)
-#define backwards_array(a,i) for(i=(a).high();i>=(a).low();i--)
-#define over_arr(a,i) for(int i=(a).low();i<=(a).high();i++)
-#define over_arrMAX(a,i,max) for(int i=(a).low();i<=min((a).high(),max-1);i++)
-#define backwards_arr(a,i) for(int i=(a).high();i>=(a).low();i--)
-extern double n1mult,n2mult,n3mult;
-inline double realProb(int n1,int n2)
-  massert(n1<=n2);
-  iassert(n1>=0&&n2>0);
-  if(n2==0)n2=1;
-  return ((double)n1)/(double)n2;
-inline double verfProb(int n1,int n2)
-  double prob = realProb(n1,n2);
-  if( n1==1 )return prob*n1mult;
-  else if( n1==2 )return prob*n2mult;
-  else if( n1==3 )return prob*n3mult;
-  else 
-  return prob;
-inline bool prefix(const string&x,const string&y)
-  if(y.size()>x.size() )
-    return 0;
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<y.size();++i)
-    if( y[i]!=x[i] )
-      return 0;
-  return 1;
-/*template<class T>
-int lev(const T&s1,const T&s2)
-  Array2<int,vector<int> > a(s1.size()+1,s2.size()+1,1000);
-  Array2<pair<int,int>,vector<pair<int,int> > > back(s1.size()+1,s2.size()+1,pair<int,int>(0,0));
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<=s1.size();i++)
-    for(unsigned int j=0;j<=s2.size();j++)
-      {
-	if( i==0&&j==0 )
-	  a(i,j)=0;
-	else
-	  {
-	    int aDEL=100,aINS=100,aSUB=100;
-	    if(i>0)
-	      aDEL=a(i-1,j)+1;
-	    if(j>0)
-	      aINS=a(i,j-1)+1;
-	    if(i>0&&j>0)
-	      aSUB=a(i-1,j-1)+ !(s1[i-1]==s2[j-1]);
-	    if( aSUB<=aDEL && aSUB<=aINS )
-	      {
-		a(i,j)=aSUB;
-		back(i,j)=pair<int,int>(i-1,j-1);
-	      }
-	    else if( aDEL<=aSUB && aDEL<=aINS )
-	      {
-		a(i,j)=aDEL;
-		back(i,j)=pair<int,int>(i-1,j);
-	      }
-	    else
-	      {
-		a(i,j)=aINS;
-		back(i,j)=pair<int,int>(i,j-1);
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-  return a(s1.size(),s2.size());
-template<class T>
-float rel_lev(const T&s1,const T&s2)
-  if( s1.size()==0 )
-    return s2.size()==0;
-  else
-    return min(1.0,lev(s1,s2)/(double)s1.size());
-template<class V> int Hash(const pair<V,V>&a) 
-{ return Hash(a.first)+13001*Hash(a.second); }
-template<class T1,class T2>
-ostream& operator<<(ostream &out,const pair<T1,T2> &ir)
-  out << "(" << ir.first << "," << ir.second << ")";
-  return out;
-inline int Hash(const string& s)
-  int sum=0;
-  string::const_iterator i=s.begin(),end=s.end();
-  for(;i!=end;i++)sum=5*sum+(*i);
-  return sum;
-template<class A,class B,class C>
-class tri
-  A a;
-  B b;
-  C c;
-  tri(){};
-  tri(const A&_a,const B&_b,const C&_c)
-    : a(_a),b(_b),c(_c) {}
-template<class A,class B,class C>
-bool operator==(const tri<A,B,C>&x,const tri<A,B,C>&y)
-{ return x.a==y.a&&x.b==y.b&&x.c==y.c;}
-template<class A,class B,class C>
-bool operator<(const tri<A,B,C>&x,const tri<A,B,C>&y)
-  if(x.a<y.a)return 1;
-  if(y.a<x.a)return 0;
-  if(x.b<y.b)return 1;
-  if(y.b<x.b)return 0;
-  if(x.c<y.c)return 1;
-  if(y.c<x.c)return 0;
-  return 0;
-double used_time();
-template<class T>
-class my_hash
-  int operator()(const T&t)const {return Hash(t);}
-inline int Hash(int value) { return value; }
-#define MY_HASH_BASE hash_map<A,B,my_hash<A> >
-template<class A,class B>
-class leda_h_array : public MY_HASH_BASE
-  B init;
-  leda_h_array() : MY_HASH_BASE() {}
-  leda_h_array(const B&_init)
-    : MY_HASH_BASE(),init(_init) {}
-  bool defined(const A&a) const
-    { return find(a)!=this->end(); }
-  const B&operator[](const A&a)const
-    { 
-      typename MY_HASH_BASE::const_iterator pos=find(a);
-      if( pos==this->end() )
-	return init;
-      else
-	return pos->second;
-    }
-  B&operator[](const A&a)
-    { 
-      typename MY_HASH_BASE::iterator pos=find(a);
-      if( pos==this->end() )
-	{
-	  insert(MY_HASH_BASE::value_type(a,init));
-	  pos=find(a);
-	  iassert(pos!=this->end());
-	}
-      return pos->second;
-    }
-  const B&initValue()const
-    {return init;}
-#define forall_defined_h(a,b,c,d) for(typename leda_h_array<a,b>::const_iterator __jj__=(d).begin();__jj__!=(d).end()&&((c=__jj__->first),1); ++__jj__)
-template<class T,class U>
-ostream & operator<<(ostream&out,const leda_h_array<T,U>&w)
-  T t;
-  bool makeNl=0;
-  out << "h_array{";
-  forall_defined_h(T,U,t,w)
-    {
-      if( makeNl )
-	out << "\n       ";
-      out << "EL:" << t << " INH:" << w[t] << ".";
-      makeNl=1;
-    }
-  return out << "}\n";
-template<class T,class U>
-istream & operator>>(istream&in,leda_h_array<T,U>&)
-  return in;
-template<class A,class B>
-bool operator==(const leda_h_array<A,B>&p1,const leda_h_array<A,B>&p2)
-  A v;
-  forall_defined_h(A,B,v,p1)
-    if( !( p1[v]==p2[v]) ) return 0;
-  forall_defined_h(A,B,v,p2)
-    if( !( p1[v]==p2[v]) ) return 0;
-  return 1; 
-template<class T>
-int count_elements(T a,T b)
-  int c=0;
-  while(a!=b)
-    {
-      a++;
-      c++;
-    }
-  return c;
-template<class T>
-T normalize_if_possible_with_increment(T*a,T*b,int increment)
-  T sum=0;
-  for(T*i=a;i!=b;i+=increment)
-    sum+=*i;
-  if( sum )
-    for(T*i=a;i!=b;i+=increment)
-      *i/=sum;
-  else
-    {
-      T factor=increment/(b-a);
-      for(T*i=a;i!=b;i+=increment)
-	*i=factor;
-    }
-  return sum;
-template<class T>
-inline int m_comp_3way(T a,T b,int n)
-  int _n=0;
-  while((_n++<n) && a && b)
-    {
-      const typename T::value_type &aa=*a;
-      const typename T::value_type &bb=*b;
-      if( aa<bb )return 1;
-      if( bb<aa )return -1;
-      ++a;
-      ++b;
-    }
-  return 0;
-template<class T>
-void smooth_standard(T*a,T*b,double p)
-  int n=b-a;
-  if( n==0 ) 
-    return;
-  double pp=p/n;
-  for(T*i=a;i!=b;++i)
-    *i = (1.0-p)*(*i)+pp;
-template<class T>
-const T *conv(typename vector<T>::const_iterator i)
-  return &(*i);
-#if __GNUC__>2
-template<class T>
-T *conv(typename vector<T>::iterator i)
-  return &(*i);
-/*template<class T>
-const T *conv(const T*x)
-  return x;
-template<class T>
-T *conv(T*x)
-  return x;