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Posted to by Sam Robb <> on 1998/02/03 12:59:20 UTC

Win32 - mod_dll etc.

  I've spent some time playing around with a LoadModuleDir
directive for mod_dll on Win32.  It involves some changes
to the way the module structure is extracted from the dll
(using an exported function name instead of an exported
symbol).  An added benefit is being able to do "LoadModule
/apache/modname.dll" without having to specify the exported
module structure symbol name.  Patch to follow sometime
this week...

  I've also tried rebasing the non-standard dlls (rewrite,
status, etc.) for release builds to see if it improves
performance.  Startup time is definitely reduced, though
I don't have any hard evidence that daily-use performance
is affected.

  A while back, I mentioned I was going to try and tackle
profiling apache under WinNT... I've had some success, but
not much.  The VC5 profiler has some serious problems
with the way apache is put together (blame it on MS, since
apache runs just fine.)  Access violations in profile.dll
when trying to enter/return from memory allocation functions
seems to be the culprit.

- Samrobb (
- WiseWire Corporation - The Content Agent Company

The box said 'Requires Windows 95, or better.' So I bought a Macintosh.