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Posted to by "mcskwayrd <>" <> on 2003/01/21 01:11:08 UTC

Compatibility of Apache::ASP with ASP?

  Can someone direct me to a discussion of the compatibility between 
Apache::ASP and "regular" (Microsoft) ASP?   (Suprisingly,) I didn't see any 
mention of this in the Apache::ASP FAQ pages.

  I've spent a while today installing mod_perl, CPAN, and Apache::ASP 
because my friend needs to run his ASP on the web server we're
putting up.  I thought we were going to have to run IIS until I found about 
mod_perl and  Apache::ASP, but I'm getting errors from perl (below).

Basically a standard ASP syntax of <% if section="whatever" then %>
...< % end if %>  seems to have been replaced with a perl-like counterpart,
but I can't find any discussion of this...   A simple conversion to <% if
$section=="whatever" { %> ...<% } %>    doesn't seem to work ---- and 
hopefully Apache::ASP wouldn't require people to do that anyway!  

Can anyone direct me to some documentation to help us run the
existing ASP scripts that my friend has?     I'd really not have to run IIS... 

P.S.- Here is some output:

Errors Output 

1.	compiling include /home/ryan/WWW/ failed when compiling 
script, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 740 
Debug Output 

1.	RUN ASP (v2.49) for /home/ryan/WWW/index.asp 
2.	GlobalASA package Apache::ASP::Demo 
3.	creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/server/internal, db SDBM_File, 
serializer: Data::Dumper 
4.	creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/server/application, db SDBM_File, 
serializer: Data::Dumper 
5.	session id from cookie: 0038a36fe9b8a04f7a52e111d123fc2b 
6.	session 0038a36fe9b8a04f7a52e111d123fc2b timed out, clearing 
7.	refreshing 03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1 with timeout 1043107608 
8.	new session id 03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1 
9.	creating state dir /tmp/asp_demo/03 
10.	creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/03/
03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1, db SDBM_File, serializer: 
11.	tieing session 03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1 
12.	clearing starting session 
13.	forcing groups cleanup 
14.	testing internal time for cleanup groups 
15.	current_master - Checked: 1043106936; PID: 8251; ServerID: 
745519d0bd610653; - is_master - 0 
16.	1043106955 time is stale, is_master 0 - Checked: 1043106936; PID: 
8251; ServerID: 745519d0bd610653; 
17.	is_master 1 after update ac624f1bfc064f40 - 8249 
18.	groups - 06; 0a; 08; 04; 00; 03 
19.	group check 06, next in 23 sec 
20.	checking group ids - 
21.	group check 0a, next in 7 sec 
22.	checking group ids - 
23.	group check 08, next in 22 sec 
24.	checking group ids - 08ba85aaf789a47482dcaa24bbeca705 
25.	resetting timeout for deletion lock on 
26.	creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/08/
08ba85aaf789a47482dcaa24bbeca705, db SDBM_File, serializer: 
27.	deleting session - files_deleted: 1; session_id: 
28.	group check 04, next in 29 sec 
29.	checking group ids - 04c3b44603e655e17780c7b7e3a7e7e0 
30.	resetting timeout for deletion lock on 
31.	creating dbm for file /tmp/asp_demo/04/
04c3b44603e655e17780c7b7e3a7e7e0, db SDBM_File, serializer: 
32.	deleting session - files_deleted: 1; session_id: 
33.	group check 00, next in 21 sec 
34.	checking group ids - 0038a36fe9b8a04f7a52e111d123fc2b 
35.	resetting timeout for 0038a36fe9b8a04f7a52e111d123fc2b to 
36.	group check 03, next in 4 sec 
37.	checking group ids - 03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1 
38.	not timed out with 1043107608 
39.	cleanup groups - deleted: 0; 
40.	Application_OnEnd 
41.	Application_OnStart 
42.	Session_OnStart - session: 03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1; 
43.	updating LastSessionTimeout from 1043107264 
44.	parse file /home/ryan/WWW/index.asp 
45.	parsing /home/ryan/WWW/index.asp 
46.	found layers.asp at /home/ryan/WWW/layers.asp 
47.	runtime exec of dynamic include layers.asp args () 
48.	found at /home/ryan/WWW/ 
49.	runtime exec of dynamic include args () 
50.	found at /home/ryan/WWW/ 
51.	runtime exec of dynamic include args () 
52.	parse file /home/ryan/WWW/ 
53.	parsing /home/ryan/WWW/ 
54.	start parse of data - 12034 
55.	undefing sub 
2b82d3a20e1a66e4019axINC code CODE(0x8636150) 
56.	compiling into package Apache::ASP::Demo subid 
57.	undefing sub 
2b82d3a20e1a66e4019axINC code CODE(0x8636150) 
58.	compiling include /home/ryan/WWW/ failed when compiling 
script, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 740 
59.	start parse of data - 5124 
60.	undefing sub 
2b82d3a20e1a66e4019axINC code CODE(0x861c780) 
61.	compiling into package Apache::ASP::Demo subid 
62.	register include /home/ryan/WWW/layers.asp with success 
63.	register include /home/ryan/WWW/ with success 
64.	parse file /home/ryan/WWW/ 
65.	parsing /home/ryan/WWW/ 
66.	start parse of data - 12034 
67.	undefing sub 
2b82d3a20e1a66e4019axINC code CODE(0x8636150) 
68.	compiling into package Apache::ASP::Demo subid 
69.	undefing sub 
2b82d3a20e1a66e4019axINC code CODE(0x8636150) 
70.	register include /home/ryan/WWW/ with error: 
71.	ASP Done Processing Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8644d28) - Application: 
Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x8632438); GlobalASA: 
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8686b60); Internal: Apache::ASP::State=
HASH(0x86324f8); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x860608c); 
Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8225a0c); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x8654874); Session: Apache::ASP::Session=
HASH(0x8632498); app_state: 1; basename: index.asp; cleanup: 
ARRAY(0x861ff94); compile_checksum: 
e2f9f89bb1322b82d3a20e1a66e4019a; compile_error: 1; compile_eval: 
SCALAR(0x8654880); compile_includes: 1; cookie_path: /; dbg: 3; 
debugs_output: ARRAY(0x83d1754); dirname: /home/ryan/WWW/; 
errors_output: ARRAY(0x861ff40); errs: 1; filename: /home/ryan/WWW/
index.asp; global: /home/ryan/WWW//.; global_package: Apache::ASP::Demo; 
group_refresh: 30; includes_dir: ARRAY(0x8686e60); init_packages: 
ARRAY(0x8603b24); inode_names: ; internal_cached_keys: 
HASH(0x861fe5c); lang_comment: #; lang_language: PerlScript; 
lang_module: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript; lang_object: 
Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript=HASH(0x85e55d8); last_time: 
1043107308.5889; no_cache: ; no_session: ; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; 
paranoid_session: 0; parse_config: 1; parse_file_count: 3; pod_comments: 1; 
r: Apache::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x864b448); register_includes: 
HASH(0x8635c6c); remote_ip:; run_perl_script: 
SCALAR(0x84d6984); search_dirs_cache: HASH(0x8605f3c); 
secure_session: ; session_cookie: 1; session_count: 1; session_id: 
03872cab0cf1a4d7fa32ac537eaef4e1; session_serialize: ; session_timeout: 
300; session_url: 1; session_url_force: ; session_url_match: ; 
session_url_parse: ; session_url_parse_match: ; start_time: 
1043107308.19674; stat_inc: ; stat_inc_match: ; stat_scripts: 1; state_db: ; 
state_dir: /tmp/asp_demo; state_manager: 10; state_serialize: ; 
state_serializer: ; ua: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.22; Mac_PowerPC); 
use_strict: 1; win32: 0; xml_subs_match: my:\w+; xml_subs_perl_args: 1; 
xml_subs_strict: ; xslt: ; 
72.	errors out 
73.	compiling include /home/ryan/WWW/ failed when compiling 
script, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 740 

Compiled Data with ErrorĀ 

  -: package Apache::ASP::Demo; ;; sub 
2b82d3a20e1a66e4019axINC {  ;; package Apache::ASP::Demo; ;; use 
strict;;;use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server $Request);;
  -: #line 1 /home/ryan/WWW/
  1: ;;&Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
  2: <table width=157 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 >
  3:   <tr> 
  4:     <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=150 height=11><br>
  5:       <a href="index.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'nine\')" onMouseOut=
"img_inact(\'nine\')"><img name="nine" src="images/button_home.gif" border=
  6:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=7></td>
  7:     <td rowspan=20 valign=top> <img src="images/leftnav_02.gif" width=2 
  8:   </tr>
  9:   <tr> 
 10:     <td><a href="company.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'one\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'one\')"><img name="one" src="images/
button_company.gif" border=0></a></td>
 11:   </tr>
 12:   <tr> 
 13:     <td height=6 align=right> 
 14:       ')); if section="company" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 15:       <span class="leftnavlinks"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 
 16:       <a href="mission.asp">Mission Statement</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 17:       <a href="background.asp">Background</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 18:       <a href="careers.asp">Careers</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 19:       <a href="facilities.asp">Facilities</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 20:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=4> </span> 
 21:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 22:     </td>
 23:   </tr>
 24:   <tr> 
 25:     <td><a href="news.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'two\')" onMouseOut=
"img_inact(\'two\')"><img name="two" src="images/leftnav_03-04.gif" border=0 
width=155 height=18></a></td>
 26:   </tr>
 27:   <tr> 
 28:     <td height=6 align=right> 
 29:       ')); if section="archived_news" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 30:       <span class="leftnavlinks"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 
 31:       <a href="news5.asp">December 2000</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 32:       <a href="news4.asp">December 2000</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 33:       <a href="news3.asp">November 2000</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 34:       <a href="news2.asp">October 2000</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 35:       <a href="news1.asp">March 2000</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 36:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=4> </span> 
 37:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 38:       ')); if section="news" then ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, 
 39:       <span class="leftnavlinks"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 
 40:       <a href="events.asp">Events</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=
 41:       <a href="docs/training101702.pdf" target="newpage">Training 
Events</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 42:       <a href="news6.asp">May 2002</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 43:       <a href="news7.asp">April 2002</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 44:       <a href="news8.asp">April 2002</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 45:       <br>
 46:       <a href="archived_news.asp">Archived News</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 47:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=4> </span> 
 48:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 49:     </td>
 50:   </tr>
 51:   <tr> 
 52:     <td><a href="products.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'three\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'three\')"><img name="three" src="images/
leftnav_04.gif" border=0 width=155 height=18></a></td>
 53:   </tr>
 54:   <tr> 
 55:     <td height=6 align=right> 
 56:       ')); if section="products" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 57:       <span class="leftnavlinks"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 
 58:       <a href="XL-300.asp">XL-300</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
 59:       ')); if subsection="XL-300" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 60:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=3><br>
 61:       <a href="XL-300_features.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Features</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 62:       <a href="XL-300_specs.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Specifications</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
 63:       <a href="XL-300_data_management.asp"><font color="#5387A6" 
 64:       Mgmt. & Reporting</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
 65:       <a href="XL-300_Accessories.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Accessories</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 66:       <a href="XL-300_Demo.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">Demo<
/font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 67:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=7><br>
 68:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 69:       <a href="XLiXLp500.asp">XLi / XLp 500</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 70:       ')); if subsection="XLiXLp500" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 71:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=3><br>
 72:       <a href="XLiXLp500_features.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Features</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 73:       <a href="XLiXLp500_specs.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Specifications</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
 74:       <a href="XLiXLp500_data_management.asp"><font color="#5387A6" 
 75:       Mgmt. & Reporting</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
 76:       <a href="XLiXLp500_excite.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
 77:       Options</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
 78:       <a href="XLiXLp500_accessories.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size=
"1">Accessories</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5>
 79:       <a href="XLiXLp500_Demo.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Demo</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 80:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=7><br>
 81:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 82:       <a href="XLiXLt700.asp">XLi / XLt 700</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 83:       ')); if subsection="XLiXLt700" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 84:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=3><br>
 85:       <a href="XLiXLt700_features.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Features</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 86:       <a href="XLiXLt700_specs.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Specifications</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
 87:       <a href="XLiXLt700_data_management.asp"><font color="#5387A6" 
 88:       Mgmt. & Reporting</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
 89:       <a href="XLiXLt700_excite.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
 90:       Options</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
 91:       <a href="XLiXLt700_excite2.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Tube vs. 
 92:       Isotope</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
 93:       <a href="XLiXLt700_accessories.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size=
"1">Accessories</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5>
 94:       <a href="XLiXLt700_Demo.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Demo</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
 95:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=7><br>
 96:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 97:       <a href="XLiXLt800.asp">XLi / XLt 800</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
 98:       ')); if subsection="XLiXLt800" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 99:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=3><br>
100:       <a href="XLiXLt800_features.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Features</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
101:       <a href="XLiXLt800_specs.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Specifications</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
102:       <a href="XLiXLt800_data_management.asp"><font color="#5387A6" 
103:       Mgmt. & Reporting</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
104:       <a href="XLiXLt800_excite.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
105:       Options</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5>
106:       <a href="XLiXLt800_modes.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Modes of Operation</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
107:       <a href="XLiXLt800_Demo.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Demo</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
108:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=7><br>
109:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
110:       <a href="XRT800.asp">XRT 800</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
111:       ')); if subsection="XRT800" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
112:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=3><br>
113:       <a href="XRT800_features.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Features</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
114:       <a href="XRT800_specs.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Specifications</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><
115:       <a href="XRT800_data_management.asp"><font color="#5387A6" 
116:       Mgmt. & Reporting</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
117:       <a href="XRT800_modes.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Modes of Operation</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 
118:       <a href="XRT800_Demo.asp"><font color="#5387A6" size="1">
Demo</font></a><img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14 height=5><br>
119:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=7><br>
120:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
121:       <a href="XLXL-IISeries.asp">XL / XL-II Series</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
122:       <a href="custom.asp">Custom Systems</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
123:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=4> </span> 
124:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
125:     </td>
126:   </tr>
127:   <tr>
128:     <td><a href="rental.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'ten\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'ten\')"><img name="ten" src="images/
leftnav_rental.gif" width="155" height="18" border="0"></a></td>
129:   </tr>
130:   <tr> 
131:     <td height="6"></td>
132:   </tr>
133:   <tr> 
134:     <td align=right><a href="support.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'four\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'four\')"><img name="four" src="images/leftnav_05-
08.gif" border=0 width=155 height=19></a></td>
135:   </tr>
136:   <tr> 
137:     <td height=4 align=right>')); if section="support" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
138:       <span class="leftnavlinks"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 
139:       <a href="support_applications.asp">Apps. and Tech. Service</a><
img src="images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
140:       <a href="support_downloads.asp">Downloads</a><img src=
"images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
141:       <a href="support_customer.asp">Customer Training</a><img src=
"images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
142:       <a href="support_licensing.asp">Licensing</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
143:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=4></span> 
144:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('</td>
145:   </tr>
146:   <tr> 
147:     <td align=right><a href="contact.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'six\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'six\')"><img name="six" src="images/leftnav_07-
12.gif" border=0 width=155 height=18></a><br>
148:       ')); if section="contact" then ; &
Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
149:       <span class="leftnavlinks"> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 
150:       <a href="numbers.asp">Address/Phone/Fax</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
151:       <br>
152:       <font size="1" color="#5387A6">Product Support</font><img src=
"images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
153:       <a href="presales.asp">Pre-sales Questions</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
154:       <a href="applications.asp">Applications Support</a><img src=
"images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
155:       <a href="technical.asp">Technical Service</a><img src="images/
spacer.gif" width=14><br>
156:       <br>
157:       <font size="1" color="#5387A6">Distributor Lists</font><img src=
"images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
158:       <a href="asia.asp">Asia & Australia</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
159:       <a href="europe.asp">Europe</a><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
160:       <a href="mexico.asp">Mexico & South America</a><img src=
"images/spacer.gif" width=14><br>
161:       <img src="images/spacer.gif" width=80 height=4> </span> 
162:       ')); end if ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
163:     </td>
164:   </tr>
165:   <tr> 
166:     <td height=6></td>
167:   </tr>
168:   <tr> 
169:     <td> <a href="sitesearch.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'seven\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'seven\')"><img name="seven" src="images/
leftnav_08.gif" border=0 width=155 height=19></a></td>
170:   </tr>
171:   <tr> 
172:     <td height=6></td>
173:   </tr>
174:   <tr> 
175:     <td><a href="sitemap.asp" onMouseOver="img_act(\'eight\')" 
onMouseOut="img_inact(\'eight\')"><img name="eight" src="images/
leftnav_09-16.gif" border=0 width=155 height=19></a></td>
176:   </tr>
177:   <tr> 
178:     <td height=6></td>
179:   </tr>
180:   <tr> 
181:     <td height="162">&nbsp; </td>
182:   </tr>
183: </table>')); ;; }

An error has occured with the Apache::ASP script just run. If you are the 
developer working on this script, and cannot work through this problem, 
please try researching it at the Apache::ASP web site, specifically the FAQ 
section. Failing that, check out your support options, and if necessary include 
this debug output with any query. 

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Re: Compatibility of Apache::ASP with ASP?

Posted by Josh Chamas <>.
mcskwayrd  wrote:
> Hi,
>   Can someone direct me to a discussion of the compatibility between 
> Apache::ASP and "regular" (Microsoft) ASP?   (Suprisingly,) I didn't see any 
> mention of this in the Apache::ASP FAQ pages.

Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web Server
with Perl scripting only.

For VBScript support, please see this FAQ:

Most people when developing for IIS/ASP use VBScript, though ASP
does not require this more generally.  Apache::ASP only supports
perl scripting similar to PerlScript IIS/ASP.


Josh Chamas, Founder                   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.      
NodeWorks Link Checking      

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