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Posted to by Kathey Marsden <> on 2008/04/25 19:19:34 UTC

10.3 backports

I was looking at the bugs that are fixed in 10.4 but not 10.3 and 
thought I would backport some fixes.
Below are the ones I was thinking of backporting:

DERBY-3589  |[DERBY-3589] AllocPage.createPage() doesn't initialize 
minimumRecordSize correctly
                     |Knut Anders Hatlen
DERBY-3379  |[DERBY-3379] "No Current connection" on 
PooledConnection.getConnection() if pooled connection is reused during 
connectionClosed&|Kristian Waagan
DERBY-3354  |[DERBY-3354] Select from large lob table with embedded 
gives OutOfMemoryError
                     |Anurag Shekhar
DERBY-3321  |[DERBY-3321] NullPointerException for 'NOT EXISTS' with 
nested subquery
                     |Thomas Nielsen
DERBY-3299  |[DERBY-3299] Uniqueness violation error (23505) occurs 
after dropping a PK constraint if there exists a for
eign key on the same&|A B
DERBY-2935  |[DERBY-2935] DDMReader.readLengthAndCodePoint() decodes 
long integer incorrectly
                     |Knut Anders Hatlen
DERBY-3215  |[DERBY-3215] Potential NullPointerException in CachedPage class
                     |Dag H. Wanvik

The following are also not fixed in 10.3 but I don't plan to backport 
these unless someone thinks they are important.

DERBY-3430  |[DERBY-3430] Inconsistency in JDBC autogen APIs between 
Connection.prepareStatement(...) and Statement.exec
ute(...)             |Kathey Marsden
DERBY-3366  |[DERBY-3366] Various formatting erros in L10N property files
                     |Dyre Tjeldvoll
DERBY-3352  |[DERBY-3352] truncateTable crashed, Caused by: 
                     |Dyre Tjeldvoll
DERBY-3350  |[DERBY-3350] SQL CAST always marks its type as nullable 
even if the expression to be cast is not nullable
                     |Daniel John Debrunner
DERBY-3198  |[DERBY-3198] Using setQueryTimeout will leak sections
                     |Dyre Tjeldvoll
DERBY-3160  |[DERBY-3160] SYSCS_GET_USER_ACCESS incorrectly treats the 
passed in user name as a SQL identifier and thus can reports the 
wron&|Daniel John Debrunner
DERBY-3079  |[DERBY-3079] Database name is printed twice in derby.log on 
rollbacks when logStatementText  is enabled
                     |Kristian Waagan
DERBY-3060  |[DERBY-3060] Network Server incorrectly assumes that all 
SQLExceptions with error code 08004 are caused by an authentication 
fa&|J°rgen L°land
DERBY-2983  |[DERBY-2983] The ResultSet returned by 
DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions() does not contain a required column named 
FUNCTION_TYPE.  |Rick Hillegas
DERBY-2948  |[DERBY-2948] Reoccurrence of DERBY-2842: 
derbynet/ fails with '...Connection refused: connect' 
expecting 'Co&|Kathey Marsden
DERBY-2939  |[DERBY-2939] Log file is flushed every time a log buffer 
gets full
                     |J°rgen L°land
DERBY-2815  |[DERBY-2815] ij doesn't start with J2ME / JSR169 / weme6.1 
because attempting to find java.sql.Driver if ij
.protocol property i&|Myrna van Lunteren
DERBY-2733  |[DERBY-2733] ij rolls through NullPointerException (NPE) 
with J2ME/JSR169/WEME 6.1.
                     |Myrna van Lunteren
DERBY-3226  |[DERBY-3226] and don't mask out sign bits
                     |Knut Anders Hatlen

Please let me know if you have any concerns about the backports or if 
you think other fixes should be included.
