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[08/10] ambari git commit: AMBARI-18050 - Upgrade pre-req check code needs to be decoupled from CheckDescription class

AMBARI-18050 - Upgrade pre-req check code needs to be decoupled from CheckDescription class


Branch: refs/heads/branch-dev-patch-upgrade
Commit: 2961c480e05ff179abe96eee4e699662ed820c5c
Parents: 2205f9c
Author: Tim Thorpe <>
Authored: Mon Sep 12 05:35:48 2016 -0700
Committer: Tim Thorpe <>
Committed: Mon Sep 12 05:35:48 2016 -0700

 .../ambari/server/checks/  | 458 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 250 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/checks/ b/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/checks/
index aa8e20c..498481d 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/checks/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/checks/
@@ -27,262 +27,304 @@ import;
  * Enum that wraps the various type, text and failure messages for the checks
  * done for Stack Upgrades.
-public enum CheckDescription {
-      "Client Retry Properties",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(ClientRetryPropertyCheck.HDFS_CLIENT_RETRY_DISABLED_KEY,
-            "The hdfs-site.xml property dfs.client.retry.policy.enabled should be set to \"false\" to failover quickly.")
-        .put(ClientRetryPropertyCheck.HIVE_CLIENT_RETRY_MISSING_KEY,
+public class CheckDescription {
+  public static CheckDescription CLIENT_RETRY = new CheckDescription("CLIENT_RETRY",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Client Retry Properties",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(ClientRetryPropertyCheck.HDFS_CLIENT_RETRY_DISABLED_KEY,
+          "The hdfs-site.xml property dfs.client.retry.policy.enabled should be set to \"false\" to failover quickly.")
+      .put(ClientRetryPropertyCheck.HIVE_CLIENT_RETRY_MISSING_KEY,
           "The hive-site.xml property hive.metastore.failure.retries should be set to a positive value.")
-        .put(ClientRetryPropertyCheck.OOZIE_CLIENT_RETRY_MISSING_KEY,
-          "The script must contain a retry count such as export OOZIE_CLIENT_OPTS=\"${OOZIE_CLIENT_OPTS} -Doozie.connection.retry.count=5\"").build()),
-      "All hosts must be communicating with Ambari. Hosts which are not reachable should be placed in Maintenance Mode.",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "There are hosts which are not communicating with Ambari.").build()),
-  HEALTH(PrereqCheckType.CLUSTER,
-      "Cluster Health",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "The following issues have been detected on this cluster and should be addressed before upgrading: %s").build()),
-      "Last Service Check should be more recent than the last configuration change for the given service",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "The following service configurations have been updated and their Service Checks should be run again: %s").build()),
-      "Hosts in Maintenance Mode will be excluded from the upgrade.",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "There are hosts in Maintenance Mode which excludes them from being upgraded.").build()),
-      "Hosts in Maintenance Mode must not have any master components",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+      .put(ClientRetryPropertyCheck.OOZIE_CLIENT_RETRY_MISSING_KEY,
+          "The script must contain a retry count such as export OOZIE_CLIENT_OPTS=\"${OOZIE_CLIENT_OPTS} -Doozie.connection.retry.count=5\"").build());
+  public static CheckDescription HOSTS_HEARTBEAT = new CheckDescription("HOSTS_HEARTBEAT",
+    PrereqCheckType.HOST,
+    "All hosts must be communicating with Ambari. Hosts which are not reachable should be placed in Maintenance Mode.",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "There are hosts which are not communicating with Ambari.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription HEALTH = new CheckDescription("HEALTH",
+    PrereqCheckType.CLUSTER,
+    "Cluster Health",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The following issues have been detected on this cluster and should be addressed before upgrading: %s").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICE_CHECK = new CheckDescription("SERVICE_CHECK",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Last Service Check should be more recent than the last configuration change for the given service",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The following service configurations have been updated and their Service Checks should be run again: %s").build());
+  public static CheckDescription HOSTS_MAINTENANCE_MODE = new CheckDescription("HOSTS_MAINTENANCE_MODE",
+    PrereqCheckType.HOST,
+    "Hosts in Maintenance Mode will be excluded from the upgrade.",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "There are hosts in Maintenance Mode which excludes them from being upgraded.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription HOSTS_MASTER_MAINTENANCE = new CheckDescription("HOSTS_MASTER_MAINTENANCE",
+    PrereqCheckType.HOST,
+    "Hosts in Maintenance Mode must not have any master components",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
           "The following hosts must not be in in Maintenance Mode since they host Master components: {{fails}}.")
-        .put(HostsMasterMaintenanceCheck.KEY_NO_UPGRADE_NAME,
+      .put(HostsMasterMaintenanceCheck.KEY_NO_UPGRADE_NAME,
           "Could not find suitable upgrade pack for %s %s to version {{version}}.")
-        .put(HostsMasterMaintenanceCheck.KEY_NO_UPGRADE_PACK,
-          "Could not find upgrade pack named %s.").build()),
+      .put(HostsMasterMaintenanceCheck.KEY_NO_UPGRADE_PACK,
+          "Could not find upgrade pack named %s.").build());
-      "All hosts should have target version installed",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+  public static CheckDescription HOSTS_REPOSITORY_VERSION = new CheckDescription("HOSTS_REPOSITORY_VERSION",
+    PrereqCheckType.HOST,
+    "All hosts should have target version installed",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
           "The following hosts must have version {{version}} installed: {{fails}}.")
-        .put(HostsRepositoryVersionCheck.KEY_NO_REPO_VERSION,
-          "Repository version {{version}} does not exist.").build()),
-      "The SNameNode component must be deleted from all hosts",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT, "The SNameNode component must be deleted from host: %s.").build()),
-      "The STORM_REST_API component will no longer be available and must be deleted from the cluster before upgrading. The same functionality is now provided by STORM_UI_SERVER. First, stop the entire Storm service. Next, delete STORM_REST_API using the API, e.g., curl -u $user:$password -X DELETE -H 'X-Requested-By:admin' http://$server:8080/api/v1/clusters/$name/services/STORM/components/STORM_REST_API . Finally, start Storm service.",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT, "The following component must be deleted from the cluster: {{fails}}.").build()),
-      "Hive Metastore Availability",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "Multiple Hive Metastore instances are recommended for Rolling Upgrade. This ensures that there is at least one Metastore running during the upgrade process.").build()),
-      "No services can be in Maintenance Mode",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "The following Services must not be in Maintenance Mode: {{fails}}.").build()),
-      "MapReduce should reference Hadoop libraries from the distributed cache in HDFS",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(ServicesMapReduceDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_APP_CLASSPATH,
+      .put(HostsRepositoryVersionCheck.KEY_NO_REPO_VERSION,
+          "Repository version {{version}} does not exist.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SECONDARY_NAMENODE_MUST_BE_DELETED = new CheckDescription("SECONDARY_NAMENODE_MUST_BE_DELETED",
+    PrereqCheckType.HOST,
+    "The SNameNode component must be deleted from all hosts",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT, "The SNameNode component must be deleted from host: %s.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription STORM_REST_API_MUST_BE_DELETED = new CheckDescription("STORM_REST_API_MUST_BE_DELETED",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "The STORM_REST_API component will no longer be available and must be deleted from the cluster before upgrading. The same functionality is now provided by STORM_UI_SERVER. First, stop the entire Storm service. Next, delete STORM_REST_API using the API, e.g., curl -u $user:$password -X DELETE -H 'X-Requested-By:admin' http://$server:8080/api/v1/clusters/$name/services/STORM/components/STORM_REST_API . Finally, start Storm service.",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT, "The following component must be deleted from the cluster: {{fails}}.").build());
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Hive Metastore Availability",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "Multiple Hive Metastore instances are recommended for Rolling Upgrade. This ensures that there is at least one Metastore running during the upgrade process.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_MAINTENANCE_MODE = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_MAINTENANCE_MODE",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "No services can be in Maintenance Mode",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The following Services must not be in Maintenance Mode: {{fails}}.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_MR_DISTRIBUTED_CACHE = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_MR_DISTRIBUTED_CACHE",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "MapReduce should reference Hadoop libraries from the distributed cache in HDFS",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(ServicesMapReduceDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_APP_CLASSPATH,
           "The mapred-site.xml property mapreduce.application.classpath should be set.")
-        .put(ServicesMapReduceDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_FRAMEWORK_PATH,
+      .put(ServicesMapReduceDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_FRAMEWORK_PATH,
           "The mapred-site.xml property mapreduce.application.framework.path should be set.")
-        .put(ServicesMapReduceDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_NOT_DFS,
-          "The mapred-site.xml property mapreduce.application.framework.path or the core-site.xml property fs.defaultFS should point to *dfs:/ url.").build()),
-      "NameNode High Availability must be enabled",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "NameNode High Availability is not enabled. Verify that dfs.internal.nameservices property is present in hdfs-site.xml.").build()),
-      "NameNode Truncate must not be allowed",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "NameNode Truncate is allowed. Verify that dfs.allow.truncate is set to 'false' in hdfs-site.xml.").build()),
-      "Tez should reference Hadoop libraries from the distributed cache in HDFS",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_LIB_URI_MISSING,
+      .put(ServicesMapReduceDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_NOT_DFS,
+          "The mapred-site.xml property mapreduce.application.framework.path or the core-site.xml property fs.defaultFS should point to *dfs:/ url.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_NAMENODE_HA = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_NAMENODE_HA",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "NameNode High Availability must be enabled",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "NameNode High Availability is not enabled. Verify that dfs.internal.nameservices property is present in hdfs-site.xml.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_NAMENODE_TRUNCATE = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_NAMENODE_TRUNCATE",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "NameNode Truncate must not be allowed",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "NameNode Truncate is allowed. Verify that dfs.allow.truncate is set to 'false' in hdfs-site.xml.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_TEZ_DISTRIBUTED_CACHE = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_TEZ_DISTRIBUTED_CACHE",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Tez should reference Hadoop libraries from the distributed cache in HDFS",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_LIB_URI_MISSING,
           "The tez-site.xml property tez.lib.uris should be set.")
-        .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_USE_HADOOP_LIBS,
+      .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_USE_HADOOP_LIBS,
           "The tez-site.xml property tez.use.cluster-hadoop-libs should be set.")
-        .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_LIB_NOT_DFS,
+      .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_LIB_NOT_DFS,
           "The tez-site.xml property tez.lib.uris or the core-site.xml property fs.defaultFS should point to *dfs:/ url.")
-        .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_LIB_NOT_TARGZ,
+      .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_LIB_NOT_TARGZ,
           "The tez-site.xml property tez.lib.uris should point to tar.gz file.")
-        .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_USE_HADOOP_LIBS_FALSE,
-          "The tez-site.xml property tez.use.cluster.hadoop-libs should be set to false.").build()),
-      "All services must be started",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "The following Services must be started: {{fails}}. Try to do a Stop & Start in case they were started outside of Ambari.").build()),
-      "All service components must be installed",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "The following Services must be reinstalled: {{fails}}. Try to reinstall the service components in INSTALL_FAILED state.").build()),
-      "A previous upgrade did not complete.",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "The last upgrade attempt did not complete. {{fails}}").build()),
-      "Install packages must be re-run",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "Re-run Install Packages before starting upgrade").build()),
-      "YARN work preserving restart should be enabled",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "YARN should have work preserving restart enabled. The yarn-site.xml property property should be set to true.").build()),
-      "YARN ResourceManager High Availability is not enabled.",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "YARN ResourceManager HA should be enabled to prevent a disruption in service during the upgrade").build()),
-      "YARN Timeline state preserving restart should be enabled",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "YARN should have state preserving restart enabled for the Timeline server. The yarn-site.xml property yarn.timeline-service.recovery.enabled should be set to true.").build()),
-      "MapReduce2 JobHistory recovery should be enabled",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(MapReduce2JobHistoryStatePreservingCheck.MAPREDUCE2_JOBHISTORY_RECOVERY_ENABLE_KEY,
+      .put(ServicesTezDistributedCacheCheck.KEY_USE_HADOOP_LIBS_FALSE,
+          "The tez-site.xml property tez.use.cluster.hadoop-libs should be set to false.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_UP = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_UP",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "All services must be started",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The following Services must be started: {{fails}}. Try to do a Stop & Start in case they were started outside of Ambari.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription COMPONENTS_INSTALLATION = new CheckDescription("COMPONENTS_INSTALLATION",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "All service components must be installed",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The following Services must be reinstalled: {{fails}}. Try to reinstall the service components in INSTALL_FAILED state.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription PREVIOUS_UPGRADE_COMPLETED = new CheckDescription("PREVIOUS_UPGRADE_COMPLETED",
+    PrereqCheckType.CLUSTER,
+    "A previous upgrade did not complete.",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The last upgrade attempt did not complete. {{fails}}").build());
+  public static CheckDescription INSTALL_PACKAGES_CHECK = new CheckDescription("INSTALL_PACKAGES_CHECK",
+    PrereqCheckType.CLUSTER,
+    "Install packages must be re-run",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "Re-run Install Packages before starting upgrade").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_YARN_WP = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_YARN_WP",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "YARN work preserving restart should be enabled",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "YARN should have work preserving restart enabled. The yarn-site.xml property property should be set to true.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_YARN_RM_HA = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_YARN_RM_HA",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "YARN ResourceManager High Availability is not enabled.",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "YARN ResourceManager HA should be enabled to prevent a disruption in service during the upgrade").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_YARN_TIMELINE_ST = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_YARN_TIMELINE_ST",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "YARN Timeline state preserving restart should be enabled",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "YARN should have state preserving restart enabled for the Timeline server. The yarn-site.xml property yarn.timeline-service.recovery.enabled should be set to true.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_MR2_JOBHISTORY_ST = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_MR2_JOBHISTORY_ST",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "MapReduce2 JobHistory recovery should be enabled",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(MapReduce2JobHistoryStatePreservingCheck.MAPREDUCE2_JOBHISTORY_RECOVERY_ENABLE_KEY,
           "MapReduce2 should have recovery enabled for the JobHistory server. The mapred-site.xml property mapreduce.jobhistory.recovery.enable should be set to true.")
-        .put(MapReduce2JobHistoryStatePreservingCheck.MAPREDUCE2_JOBHISTORY_RECOVERY_STORE_KEY,
+      .put(MapReduce2JobHistoryStatePreservingCheck.MAPREDUCE2_JOBHISTORY_RECOVERY_STORE_KEY,
           "MapReduce2 should have recovery enabled for the JobHistory server. The mapred-site.xml property should be set to org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.HistoryServerLeveldbStateStoreService.")
-        .put(MapReduce2JobHistoryStatePreservingCheck.MAPREDUCE2_JOBHISTORY_RECOVERY_STORE_LEVELDB_PATH_KEY,
-          "MapReduce2 should have recovery enabled for the JobHistory server. The mapred-site.xml property should be set. Please note that \"\" should be on a mount with ~3 GB of free space.").build()),
+      .put(MapReduce2JobHistoryStatePreservingCheck.MAPREDUCE2_JOBHISTORY_RECOVERY_STORE_LEVELDB_PATH_KEY,
+          "MapReduce2 should have recovery enabled for the JobHistory server. The mapred-site.xml property should be set. Please note that \"\" should be on a mount with ~3 GB of free space.").build());
-      "Hive Dynamic Service Discovery",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(HiveDynamicServiceDiscoveryCheck.HIVE_DYNAMIC_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_ENABLED_KEY,
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Hive Dynamic Service Discovery",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(HiveDynamicServiceDiscoveryCheck.HIVE_DYNAMIC_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_ENABLED_KEY,
           "The hive-site.xml property should be set to true.")
-        .put(HiveDynamicServiceDiscoveryCheck.HIVE_DYNAMIC_SERVICE_ZK_QUORUM_KEY,
+      .put(HiveDynamicServiceDiscoveryCheck.HIVE_DYNAMIC_SERVICE_ZK_QUORUM_KEY,
           "The hive-site.xml property hive.zookeeper.quorum should be set to a comma-separate list of ZooKeeper hosts:port pairs.")
-        .put(HiveDynamicServiceDiscoveryCheck.HIVE_DYNAMIC_SERVICE_ZK_NAMESPACE_KEY,
-          "The hive-site.xml property hive.server2.zookeeper.namespace should be set to the value for the root namespace on ZooKeeper.").build()),
+      .put(HiveDynamicServiceDiscoveryCheck.HIVE_DYNAMIC_SERVICE_ZK_NAMESPACE_KEY,
+          "The hive-site.xml property hive.server2.zookeeper.namespace should be set to the value for the root namespace on ZooKeeper.").build());
-      "Configuration Merge Check",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-          "The following config types will have values overwritten: %s").build()),
+  public static CheckDescription CONFIG_MERGE = new CheckDescription("CONFIG_MERGE",
+    PrereqCheckType.CLUSTER,
+    "Configuration Merge Check",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "The following config types will have values overwritten: %s").build());
+    PrereqCheckType.CLUSTER,
     "Found hardcoded hdp stack version in property value.",
     new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        "Some properties seem to contain hardcoded hdp version string \"%s\"." +
-          " That is a potential problem when doing stack update.").build()),
-      "All components must be reporting the expected version",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "There are components which are not reporting the expected stack version: \n%s").build()),
-      "Verify Ambari and Ranger Password Synchronization",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
-            "There was a problem verifying Ranger and Ambari users")
-        .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_PASSWORD_MISMATCH,
-            "Credentials for user '%s' in Ambari do not match Ranger.")
-        .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE,
-            "Could not verify credentials for user '%s'.  Response code %s received from %s")
-        .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_COULD_NOT_ACCESS,
-            "Could not access Ranger to verify user '%s' against %s. %s")
-        .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_USERS_ELEMENT_MISSING,
-            "The response from Ranger received, but there is no users element.  Request: %s")
-        .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_OTHER_ISSUE,
-            "The response from Ranger was malformed. %s. Request: %s")
-        .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_CONFIG_MISSING,
-            "Could not check credentials.  Missing property %s/%s").build()),
+          "Some properties seem to contain hardcoded hdp version string \"%s\"." +
+          " That is a potential problem when doing stack update.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription VERSION_MISMATCH = new CheckDescription("VERSION_MISMATCH",
+    PrereqCheckType.HOST,
+    "All components must be reporting the expected version",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "There are components which are not reporting the expected stack version: \n%s").build());
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_RANGER_PASSWORD_VERIFY = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_RANGER_PASSWORD_VERIFY",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Verify Ambari and Ranger Password Synchronization",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+      .put(AbstractCheckDescriptor.DEFAULT,
+          "There was a problem verifying Ranger and Ambari users")
+      .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_PASSWORD_MISMATCH,
+          "Credentials for user '%s' in Ambari do not match Ranger.")
+      .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE,
+          "Could not verify credentials for user '%s'.  Response code %s received from %s")
+      .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_COULD_NOT_ACCESS,
+          "Could not access Ranger to verify user '%s' against %s. %s")
+      .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_USERS_ELEMENT_MISSING,
+          "The response from Ranger received, but there is no users element.  Request: %s")
+      .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_OTHER_ISSUE,
+          "The response from Ranger was malformed. %s. Request: %s")
+      .put(RangerPasswordCheck.KEY_RANGER_CONFIG_MISSING,
+          "Could not check credentials.  Missing property %s/%s").build());
+  public static CheckDescription ATLAS_SERVICE_PRESENCE_CHECK = new CheckDescription("ATLAS_SERVICE_PRESENCE_CHECK",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
     "Atlas Is Not Supported For Upgrades",
     new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        "The Atlas service is currently installed on the cluster. " +
-        "This service does not support upgrades and must be removed before the upgrade can continue. " +
-        "After upgrading, Atlas can be reinstalled").build()),
+          "The Atlas service is currently installed on the cluster. " +
+          "This service does not support upgrades and must be removed before the upgrade can continue. " +
+          "After upgrading, Atlas can be reinstalled").build());
+  public static CheckDescription RANGER_SERVICE_AUDIT_DB_CHECK = new CheckDescription("RANGER_SERVICE_AUDIT_DB_CHECK",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
     "Remove the Ranger Audit to Database Capability",
     new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        "After upgrading, Ranger will no longer support the Audit to Database feature. Instead, Ranger will audit to Solr. " +
-                  "To migrate the existing audit logs to Solr, follow the steps in Apache Ranger documention for 0.6 release.").build()),
+          "After upgrading, Ranger will no longer support the Audit to Database feature. Instead, Ranger will audit to Solr. " +
+          "To migrate the existing audit logs to Solr, follow the steps in Apache Ranger documention for 0.6 release.").build());
+  public static CheckDescription KAFKA_KERBEROS_CHECK = new CheckDescription("KAFKA_KERBEROS_CHECK",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
     "Kafka upgrade on Kerberized cluster",
     new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        "Kafka is currently not Kerberized, but your cluster is. After upgrading, Kafka will automatically be Kerberized for you.").build()),
+          "Kafka is currently not Kerberized, but your cluster is. After upgrading, Kafka will automatically be Kerberized for you.").build());
-      "Hive Server Port Change",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_HIVE_ROLLING_PORT_WARNING = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_HIVE_ROLLING_PORT_WARNING",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Hive Server Port Change",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        "In order to support rolling upgrades, the Hive server is required to change its port. Applications and users which use a URL that includes the port will no longer be able to connect after Hive has upgraded. If this behavior is not desired, then the port can be restored to its original value after the upgrade has been finalized.").build()),
+          "In order to support rolling upgrades, the Hive server is required to change its port. Applications and users which use a URL that includes the port will no longer be able to connect after Hive has upgraded. If this behavior is not desired, then the port can be restored to its original value after the upgrade has been finalized.").build());
-      "Storm Downtime During Upgrade",
-      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
+  public static CheckDescription SERVICES_STORM_ROLLING_WARNING = new CheckDescription("SERVICES_STORM_ROLLING_WARNING",
+    PrereqCheckType.SERVICE,
+    "Storm Downtime During Upgrade",
+    new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
-        "Storm does not support rolling upgrades on this version of the stack. If you proceed, you will be required to stop all running topologies before Storm is restarted.").build());  
+          "Storm does not support rolling upgrades on this version of the stack. If you proceed, you will be required to stop all running topologies before Storm is restarted.").build());
+  private String m_name;
   private PrereqCheckType m_type;
   private String m_description;
   private Map<String, String> m_fails;
-  private CheckDescription(PrereqCheckType type, String description,
+  public CheckDescription(String name, PrereqCheckType type, String description,
       Map<String, String> fails) {
+	m_name = name;
     m_type = type;
     m_description = description;
     m_fails = fails;
+   * @return the name of check
+   */
+  public String name() {
+    return m_name;
+  }
+  /**
    * @return the type of check
   public PrereqCheckType getType() {