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[04/23] orc git commit: ORC-23. Simplify directory structure.
diff --git a/tools-c++/test/ b/tools-c++/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f82d8a..0000000
--- a/tools-c++/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2950 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "orc/Adaptor.hh"
-#include "gzip.hh"
-#include "orc/ColumnPrinter.hh"
-#include "orc/OrcFile.hh"
-#include "ToolTest.hh"
-#include "wrap/gmock.h"
-#include "wrap/gtest-wrapper.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#ifdef __clang__
-  DIAGNOSTIC_IGNORE("-Wmissing-variable-declarations")
-namespace orc {
-  class OrcFileDescription {
-  public:
-    std::string filename;
-    std::string json;
-    std::string typeString;
-    std::string formatVersion;
-    uint64_t rowCount;
-    uint64_t contentLength;
-    uint64_t stripeCount;
-    CompressionKind compression;
-    size_t compressionSize;
-    uint64_t rowIndexStride;
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> userMeta;
-    OrcFileDescription(const std::string& _filename,
-                       const std::string& _json,
-                       const std::string& _typeString,
-                       const std::string& _version,
-                       uint64_t _rowCount,
-                       uint64_t _contentLength,
-                       uint64_t _stripeCount,
-                       CompressionKind _compression,
-                       size_t _compressionSize,
-                       uint64_t _rowIndexStride,
-                       const std::map<std::string, std::string>& _meta
-                       ): filename(_filename),
-                          json(_json),
-                          typeString(_typeString),
-                          formatVersion(_version),
-                          rowCount(_rowCount),
-                          contentLength(_contentLength),
-                          stripeCount(_stripeCount),
-                          compression(_compression),
-                          compressionSize(_compressionSize),
-                          rowIndexStride(_rowIndexStride),
-                          userMeta(_meta) {
-      // PASS
-    }
-    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream,
-                                     OrcFileDescription const& obj);
-  };
-  std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream,
-                            OrcFileDescription const& obj) {
-    stream << obj.filename;
-    return stream;
-  }
-  class MatchTest: public testing::TestWithParam<OrcFileDescription> {
-  public:
-    virtual ~MatchTest();
-    std::string getFilename() {
-      std::ostringstream filename;
-      filename << exampleDirectory << "/" << GetParam().filename;
-      return filename.str();
-    }
-    std::string getJsonFilename() {
-      std::ostringstream filename;
-      filename << exampleDirectory << "/expected/" << GetParam().json;
-      return filename.str();
-    }
-  };
-  MatchTest::~MatchTest() {
-    // PASS
-  }
-  TEST_P(MatchTest, Metadata) {
-    orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> reader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(getFilename()), opts);
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().compression, reader->getCompression());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().compressionSize, reader->getCompressionSize());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().stripeCount, reader->getNumberOfStripes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().rowCount, reader->getNumberOfRows());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().rowIndexStride, reader->getRowIndexStride());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().contentLength, reader->getContentLength());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().formatVersion, reader->getFormatVersion());
-    EXPECT_EQ(getFilename(), reader->getStreamName());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().userMeta.size(), reader->getMetadataKeys().size());
-    for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itr =
-          GetParam().userMeta.begin();
-        itr != GetParam().userMeta.end();
-        ++itr) {
-      ASSERT_EQ(true, reader->hasMetadataValue(itr->first));
-      std::string val = reader->getMetadataValue(itr->first);
-      EXPECT_EQ(itr->second, val);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(true, !reader->hasMetadataValue("foo"));
-    EXPECT_EQ(18446744073709551615UL, reader->getRowNumber());
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().typeString, reader->getType().toString());
-  }
-  std::string getOutput(FILE* outputFile) {
-    size_t posn = static_cast<size_t>(ftell(outputFile));
-    rewind(outputFile);
-    char *buffer = new char[posn];
-    size_t sizeRead = fread(buffer, 1, posn, outputFile);
-    if (sizeRead != posn) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("Bad read");
-    }
-    rewind(outputFile);
-    return std::string(buffer, posn);
-  }
-  TEST_P(MatchTest, Contents) {
-    orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> reader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(getFilename()), opts);
-    unsigned long rowCount = 0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> batch = reader->createRowBatch(1024);
-    std::string line;
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnPrinter> printer =
-      orc::createColumnPrinter(line, reader->getType());
-    GzipTextReader expected(getJsonFilename());
-    std::string expectedLine;
-    while (reader->next(*batch)) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(rowCount, reader->getRowNumber());
-      printer->reset(*batch);
-      for(size_t i=0; i < batch->numElements; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(true, expected.nextLine(expectedLine));
-        line.clear();
-        printer->printRow(i);
-        EXPECT_EQ(expectedLine, line)
-          << "wrong output at row " << (rowCount + i);
-      }
-      rowCount += batch->numElements;
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().rowCount, rowCount);
-    EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().rowCount, reader->getRowNumber());
-  }
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> makeMetadata();
-  INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestReader, MatchTest,
-    testing::Values(
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.columnProjection.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.columnProjection.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       21000,
-                                       428406,
-                                       5,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       1000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.emptyFile.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.emptyFile.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<boolean1:boolean,byte1:tinyint,"
-                                       "short1:smallint,int1:int,long1:bigint,"
-                                       "float1:float,double1:double,"
-                                       "bytes1:binary,string1:string,"
-                                       "middle:struct<list:array<struct<"
-                                       "int1:int,string1:string>>>,"
-                                       "list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:"
-                                       "string>>,map:map<string,struct<int1:"
-                                       "int,string1:string>>>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       0,
-                                       3,
-                                       0,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.metaData.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.metaData.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<boolean1:boolean,byte1:tinyint,"
-                                       "short1:smallint,int1:int,long1:bigint,"
-                                       "float1:float,double1:double,"
-                                       "bytes1:binary,string1:string,"
-                                       "middle:struct<list:array<struct<"
-                                       "int1:int,string1:string>>>,"
-                                       "list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:"
-                                       "string>>,map:map<string,struct<int1:"
-                                       "int,string1:string>>>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       1,
-                                       980,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       makeMetadata()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.test1.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.test1.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<boolean1:boolean,byte1:tinyint,"
-                                       "short1:smallint,int1:int,long1:bigint,"
-                                       "float1:float,double1:double,"
-                                       "bytes1:binary,string1:string,"
-                                       "middle:struct<list:array<struct<"
-                                       "int1:int,string1:string>>>,"
-                                       "list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:"
-                                       "string>>,map:map<string,struct<int1:"
-                                       "int,string1:string>>>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       2,
-                                       1015,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       10000,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testMemoryManagementV11"
-                                       ".orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testMemoryManagementV11"
-                                       ".jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.11",
-                                       2500,
-                                       18779,
-                                       25,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       0,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testMemoryManagementV12"
-                                       ".orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testMemoryManagementV12"
-                                       ".jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       2500,
-                                       10618,
-                                       4,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       0,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testPredicatePushdown.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testPredicatePushdown"
-                                       ".jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       3500,
-                                       15529,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       1000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testSeek.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testSeek.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<boolean1:boolean,byte1:tinyint,"
-                                       "short1:smallint,int1:int,long1:bigint,"
-                                       "float1:float,double1:double,bytes1:"
-                                       "binary,string1:string,middle:struct<"
-                                       "list:array<struct<int1:int,string1:"
-                                       "string>>>,list:array<struct<int1:int,"
-                                       "string1:string>>,map:map<string,"
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>>>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       32768,
-                                       1896379,
-                                       7,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       65536,
-                                       1000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testSnappy.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testSnappy.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       10000,
-                                       126061,
-                                       2,
-                                       CompressionKind_SNAPPY,
-                                       100,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testStringAndBinaryStat"
-                                       "istics.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testStringAndBinaryStat"
-                                       "istics.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<bytes1:binary,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       4,
-                                       185,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       10000,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testStripeLevelStats.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testStripeLevelStats"
-                                       ".jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       11000,
-                                       597,
-                                       3,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       10000,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testTimestamp.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testTimestamp.jsn.gz",
-                                       "timestamp",
-                                       "0.11",
-                                       12,
-                                       188,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       10000,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testUnionAndTimestamp.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testUnionAndTimestamp"
-                                       ".jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<time:timestamp,union:uniontype"
-                                       "<int,string>,decimal:decimal(38,18)>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       5077,
-                                       20906,
-                                       2,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testWithoutIndex.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testWithoutIndex.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<int1:int,string1:string>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       50000,
-                                       214643,
-                                       10,
-                                       CompressionKind_SNAPPY,
-                                       1000,
-                                       0,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("decimal.orc",
-                                       "decimal.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<_col0:decimal(10,5)>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       6000,
-                                       16186,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("demo-11-none.orc",
-                                       "demo-12-zlib.jsn.gz",
-                                       ("struct<_col0:int,_col1:string,"
-                                        "_col2:string,_col3:string,_col4:int,"
-                                        "_col5:string,_col6:int,_col7:int,"
-                                        "_col8:int>"),
-                                       "0.11",
-                                       1920800,
-                                       5069718,
-                                       385,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("demo-11-zlib.orc",
-                                       "demo-12-zlib.jsn.gz",
-                                       ("struct<_col0:int,_col1:string,"
-                                        "_col2:string,_col3:string,_col4:int,"
-                                        "_col5:string,_col6:int,_col7:int,"
-                                        "_col8:int>"),
-                                       "0.11",
-                                       1920800,
-                                       396823,
-                                       385,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("demo-12-zlib.orc",
-                                       "demo-12-zlib.jsn.gz",
-                                       ("struct<_col0:int,_col1:string,"
-                                        "_col2:string,_col3:string,_col4:int,"
-                                        "_col5:string,_col6:int,_col7:int,"
-                                        "_col8:int>"),
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       1920800,
-                                       45592,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("nulls-at-end-snappy.orc",
-                                       "nulls-at-end-snappy.jsn.gz",
-                                       ("struct<_col0:tinyint,_col1:smallint,"
-                                        "_col2:int,_col3:bigint,_col4:float,"
-                                        "_col5:double,_col6:boolean>"),
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       70000,
-                                       366347,
-                                       1,
-                                       CompressionKind_SNAPPY,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("orc-file-11-format.orc",
-                                       "orc-file-11-format.jsn.gz",
-                                       ("struct<boolean1:boolean,"
-                                        "byte1:tinyint,short1:smallint,"
-                                        "int1:int,long1:bigint,float1:float,"
-                                        "double1:double,bytes1:binary,"
-                                        "string1:string,middle:struct<list:"
-                                        "array<struct<int1:int,"
-                                        "string1:string>>>,list:array<struct"
-                                        "<int1:int,string1:string>>,map:map"
-                                        "<string,struct<int1:int,string1:"
-                                        "string>>,ts:timestamp,"
-                                        "decimal1:decimal(0,0)>"),
-                                       "0.11",
-                                       7500,
-                                       372542,
-                                       2,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("orc_split_elim.orc",
-                                       "orc_split_elim.jsn.gz",
-                                       ("struct<userid:bigint,string1:string,"
-                                        "subtype:double,decimal1:decimal(0,0),"
-                                        "ts:timestamp>"),
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       25000,
-                                       245568,
-                                       5,
-                                       CompressionKind_NONE,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>()),
-                    OrcFileDescription("over1k_bloom.orc",
-                                       "over1k_bloom.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<_col0:tinyint,_col1:smallint,"
-                                       "_col2:int,_col3:bigint,_col4:float,"
-                                       "_col5:double,_col6:boolean,"
-                                       "_col7:string,_col8:timestamp,"
-                                       "_col9:decimal(4,2),_col10:binary>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       2098,
-                                       41780,
-                                       2,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       262144,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>())
-                    ));
-#ifdef HAS_PRE_1970
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestReader1900, MatchTest,
-    testing::Values(
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testDate1900.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testDate1900.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<time:timestamp,date:date>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       70000,
-                                       30478,
-                                       8,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       10000,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>())
-		    ));
-#ifdef HAS_POST_2038
-  INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestReader2038, MatchTest,
-    testing::Values(
-                    OrcFileDescription("TestOrcFile.testDate2038.orc",
-                                       "TestOrcFile.testDate2038.jsn.gz",
-                                       "struct<time:timestamp,date:date>",
-                                       "0.12",
-                                       212000,
-                                       94762,
-                                       28,
-                                       CompressionKind_ZLIB,
-                                       10000,
-                                       10000,
-                                       std::map<std::string, std::string>())
-		    ));
-  TEST(Reader, columnSelectionTest) {
-    ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::list<int64_t> includes;
-    for(int i=1; i < 10; i += 2) {
-      includes.push_back(i);
-    }
-    opts.include(includes);
-    std::ostringstream filename;
-    filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> reader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-    EXPECT_EQ(CompressionKind_NONE, reader->getCompression());
-    EXPECT_EQ(256 * 1024, reader->getCompressionSize());
-    EXPECT_EQ(385, reader->getNumberOfStripes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(1920800, reader->getNumberOfRows());
-    EXPECT_EQ(10000, reader->getRowIndexStride());
-    EXPECT_EQ(5069718, reader->getContentLength());
-    EXPECT_EQ(filename.str(), reader->getStreamName());
-    EXPECT_THAT(reader->getMetadataKeys(), testing::IsEmpty());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(reader->hasMetadataValue("foo"));
-    EXPECT_EQ(18446744073709551615UL, reader->getRowNumber());
-    const Type& rootType = reader->getType();
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, rootType.getColumnId());
-    EXPECT_EQ(STRUCT, rootType.getKind());
-    ASSERT_EQ(9, rootType.getSubtypeCount());
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col0", rootType.getFieldName(0));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col1", rootType.getFieldName(1));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col2", rootType.getFieldName(2));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col3", rootType.getFieldName(3));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col4", rootType.getFieldName(4));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col5", rootType.getFieldName(5));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col6", rootType.getFieldName(6));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col7", rootType.getFieldName(7));
-    EXPECT_EQ("_col8", rootType.getFieldName(8));
-    EXPECT_EQ(INT, rootType.getSubtype(0).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(STRING, rootType.getSubtype(1).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(STRING, rootType.getSubtype(2).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(STRING, rootType.getSubtype(3).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(INT, rootType.getSubtype(4).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(STRING, rootType.getSubtype(5).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(INT, rootType.getSubtype(6).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(INT, rootType.getSubtype(7).getKind());
-    EXPECT_EQ(INT, rootType.getSubtype(8).getKind());
-    for(unsigned int i=0; i < 9; ++i) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, rootType.getSubtype(i).getColumnId())
-        << "fail on " << i;
-    }
-    const std::vector<bool> selected = reader->getSelectedColumns();
-    EXPECT_EQ(true, selected[0]) << "fail on " << 0;
-    for (size_t i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(i%2==1?true:false, selected[i]) << "fail on " << i;
-    }
-    unsigned long rowCount = 0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> batch = reader->createRowBatch(1024);
-    LongVectorBatch* longVector =
-      dynamic_cast<LongVectorBatch*>
-      (dynamic_cast<StructVectorBatch&>(*batch).fields[0]);
-    int64_t* idCol = longVector->;
-    while (reader->next(*batch)) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(rowCount, reader->getRowNumber());
-      for(unsigned int i=0; i < batch->numElements; ++i) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(rowCount + i + 1, idCol[i]) << "Bad id for " << i;
-      }
-      rowCount += batch->numElements;
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(1920800, rowCount);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1920800, reader->getRowNumber());
-  }
-  TEST(Reader, stripeInformationTest) {
-    ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::ostringstream filename;
-    filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> reader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-    EXPECT_EQ(385, reader->getNumberOfStripes());
-    std::unique_ptr<StripeInformation> stripeInfo = reader->getStripe(7);
-    EXPECT_EQ(92143, stripeInfo->getOffset());
-    EXPECT_EQ(13176, stripeInfo->getLength());
-    EXPECT_EQ(234, stripeInfo->getIndexLength());
-    EXPECT_EQ(12673, stripeInfo->getDataLength());
-    EXPECT_EQ(269, stripeInfo->getFooterLength());
-    EXPECT_EQ(5000, stripeInfo->getNumberOfRows());
-  }
-  TEST(Reader, readRangeTest) {
-    ReaderOptions fullOpts, lastOpts, oobOpts, offsetOpts;
-    // stripes[N-1]
-    lastOpts.range(5067085, 1);
-    // stripes[N]
-    oobOpts.range(5067086, 4096);
-    // stripes[7, 16]
-    offsetOpts.range(80000, 130722);
-    std::ostringstream filename;
-    filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> fullReader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(filename.str()), fullOpts);
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> lastReader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(filename.str()), lastOpts);
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> oobReader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(filename.str()), oobOpts);
-    std::unique_ptr<Reader> offsetReader =
-      createReader(readLocalFile(filename.str()), offsetOpts);
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> oobBatch =
-      oobReader->createRowBatch(5000);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(oobReader->next(*oobBatch));
-    // advance fullReader to align with offsetReader
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> fullBatch =
-      fullReader->createRowBatch(5000);
-    for (int i=0; i < 7; ++i) {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(fullReader->next(*fullBatch));
-      EXPECT_EQ(5000, fullBatch->numElements);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> offsetBatch =
-      offsetReader->createRowBatch(5000);
-    LongVectorBatch* fullLongVector =
-      dynamic_cast<LongVectorBatch*>
-      (dynamic_cast<StructVectorBatch&>(*fullBatch).fields[0]);
-    int64_t* fullId = fullLongVector->;
-    LongVectorBatch* offsetLongVector =
-      dynamic_cast<LongVectorBatch*>
-      (dynamic_cast<StructVectorBatch&>(*offsetBatch).fields[0]);
-    int64_t* offsetId = offsetLongVector->;
-    for (int i=7; i < 17; ++i) {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(fullReader->next(*fullBatch));
-      EXPECT_TRUE(offsetReader->next(*offsetBatch));
-      EXPECT_EQ(fullBatch->numElements, offsetBatch->numElements);
-      for (unsigned j=0; j < fullBatch->numElements; ++j) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(fullId[j], offsetId[j]);
-      }
-    }
-    EXPECT_FALSE(offsetReader->next(*offsetBatch));
-    // advance fullReader to align with lastReader
-    for (int i=17; i < 384; ++i) {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(fullReader->next(*fullBatch));
-      EXPECT_EQ(5000, fullBatch->numElements);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> lastBatch =
-      lastReader->createRowBatch(5000);
-    LongVectorBatch* lastLongVector =
-      dynamic_cast<LongVectorBatch*>
-      (dynamic_cast<StructVectorBatch&>(*lastBatch).fields[0]);
-    int64_t* lastId = lastLongVector->;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(fullReader->next(*fullBatch));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(lastReader->next(*lastBatch));
-    EXPECT_EQ(fullBatch->numElements, lastBatch->numElements);
-    for (unsigned i=0; i < fullBatch->numElements; ++i) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(fullId[i], lastId[i]);
-    }
-    EXPECT_FALSE(fullReader->next(*fullBatch));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(lastReader->next(*lastBatch));
-  }
-TEST(Reader, columnStatistics) {
-  orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-  std::ostringstream filename;
-  filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-    orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-  // corrupt stats test
-  EXPECT_EQ(true, reader->hasCorrectStatistics());
-  // test column statistics
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Statistics> stats = reader->getStatistics();
-  EXPECT_EQ(10, stats->getNumberOfColumns());
-  // 6th real column, start from 1
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnStatistics> col_6 =
-    reader->getColumnStatistics(6);
-  const orc::StringColumnStatistics& strStats =
-    dynamic_cast<const orc::StringColumnStatistics&> (*(col_6.get()));
-  EXPECT_EQ("Good", strStats.getMinimum());
-  EXPECT_EQ("Unknown", strStats.getMaximum());
-  // 7th real column
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnStatistics> col_7 =
-    reader->getColumnStatistics(7);
-  const orc::IntegerColumnStatistics& intStats =
-    dynamic_cast<const orc::IntegerColumnStatistics&> (*(col_7.get()));
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, intStats.getMinimum());
-  EXPECT_EQ(6, intStats.getMaximum());
-  EXPECT_EQ(5762400, intStats.getSum());
-TEST(Reader, stripeStatistics) {
-  orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-  std::ostringstream filename;
-  filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-    orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-  // test stripe statistics
-  EXPECT_EQ(385, reader->getNumberOfStripeStatistics());
-  // stripe[384]: 385th stripe, last stripe
-  unsigned long stripeIdx = 384;
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Statistics> stripeStats =
-    reader->getStripeStatistics(stripeIdx);
-  EXPECT_EQ(10, stripeStats->getNumberOfColumns());
-  // 6th real column
-  const orc::StringColumnStatistics* col_6 =
-    dynamic_cast<const orc::StringColumnStatistics*>
-    (stripeStats->getColumnStatistics(6));
-  EXPECT_EQ("Unknown", col_6->getMinimum());
-  EXPECT_EQ("Unknown", col_6->getMaximum());
-  // 7th real column
-  const orc::IntegerColumnStatistics* col_7 =
-    dynamic_cast<const orc::IntegerColumnStatistics*>
-    (stripeStats->getColumnStatistics(7));
-  EXPECT_EQ(6, col_7->getMinimum());
-  EXPECT_EQ(6, col_7->getMaximum());
-  EXPECT_EQ(4800, col_7->getSum());
-TEST(Reader, corruptStatistics) {
-  orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-  std::ostringstream filename;
-  // read the file has corrupt statistics
-  filename << exampleDirectory << "/orc_split_elim.orc";
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-    orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-  EXPECT_EQ(true, !reader->hasCorrectStatistics());
-  // 2nd real column, string
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnStatistics> col_2 =
-    reader->getColumnStatistics(2);
-  const orc::StringColumnStatistics& strStats =
-    dynamic_cast<const orc::StringColumnStatistics&> (*(col_2.get()));
-  EXPECT_EQ(true, !strStats.hasMinimum());
-  EXPECT_EQ(true, !strStats.hasMaximum());
-  // stripe statistics
-  unsigned long stripeIdx = 1;
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Statistics> stripeStats =
-    reader->getStripeStatistics(stripeIdx);
-  // 4th real column, Decimal
-  const orc::DecimalColumnStatistics* col_4 =
-    dynamic_cast<const orc::DecimalColumnStatistics*>
-    (stripeStats->getColumnStatistics(4));
-  EXPECT_EQ(true, !col_4->hasMinimum());
-  EXPECT_EQ(true, !col_4->hasMaximum());
-TEST(Reader, noStripeStatistics) {
-  orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-  std::ostringstream filename;
-  // read the file has no stripe statistics
-  filename << exampleDirectory << "/orc-file-11-format.orc";
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-    orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0, reader->getNumberOfStripeStatistics());
-TEST(Reader, seekToRow) {
-  /* Test with a regular file */
-  {
-    orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::ostringstream filename;
-    filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-        orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1920800, reader->getNumberOfRows());
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnVectorBatch> batch =
-        reader->createRowBatch(5000); // Stripe size
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(5000, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, reader->getRowNumber());
-    // We only load data till the end of the current stripe
-    reader->seekToRow(11000);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(4000, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(11000, reader->getRowNumber());
-    // We only load data till the end of the current stripe
-    reader->seekToRow(99999);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(99999, reader->getRowNumber());
-    // Skip more rows than available
-    reader->seekToRow(1920800);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1920800, reader->getRowNumber());
-  }
-  /* Test with a portion of the file */
-  {
-    orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::ostringstream filename;
-    filename << exampleDirectory << "/demo-11-none.orc";
-    opts.range(13126, 13145);   // Read only the second stripe (rows 5000..9999)
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-        orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1920800, reader->getNumberOfRows());
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnVectorBatch> batch =
-        reader->createRowBatch(5000); // Stripe size
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(5000, batch->numElements);
-    reader->seekToRow(7000);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(3000, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(7000, reader->getRowNumber());
-    reader->seekToRow(1000);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(10000, reader->getRowNumber());
-    reader->seekToRow(11000);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(10000, reader->getRowNumber());
-  }
-  /* Test with an empty file */
-  {
-    orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-    std::ostringstream filename;
-    filename << exampleDirectory << "/TestOrcFile.emptyFile.orc";
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-        orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, reader->getNumberOfRows());
-    std::unique_ptr<orc::ColumnVectorBatch> batch =
-        reader->createRowBatch(5000);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->numElements);
-    reader->seekToRow(0);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, reader->getRowNumber());
-    reader->seekToRow(1);
-    reader->next(*batch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, batch->numElements);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, reader->getRowNumber());
-  }
-TEST(Reader, futureFormatVersion) {
-  std::ostringstream filename;
-  filename << exampleDirectory << "/version1999.orc";
-  orc::ReaderOptions opts;
-  std::ostringstream errorMsg;
-  opts.setErrorStream(errorMsg);
-  std::unique_ptr<orc::Reader> reader =
-    orc::createReader(orc::readLocalFile(filename.str()), opts);
-  EXPECT_EQ(("Warning: ORC file " + filename.str() +
-             " was written in an unknown format version 19.99\n"),
-            errorMsg.str());
-  EXPECT_EQ("19.99", reader->getFormatVersion());
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> makeMetadata() {
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
-    result["my.meta"] = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\xff\xfe\x7f\x80";
-    result["clobber"] = "\x05\x07\x0b\x0d\x11\x13";
-    const unsigned char buffer[] = {