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Posted to by John Wilkinson <> on 2011/11/16 22:02:20 UTC

How do I build tomcat native for windows x64?


I would like to build tcnative-1.dll or libtcnative-1.dll for 64-bit
windows from source (my goal is twofold: to try a newer APR version, and
to debug a crash we are seeing in the native connector with ssl). Either
dll will do.

I am currently using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit, Tomcat
6.0.33, Java 6. The builds succeed, but the resulting dll fails in one
of two ways when tomcat starts:

- the static (tcnative) version crashes during startup on an error on a
call to open a file; some debugging shows that the filename starts as ""
but ends up as a null pointer, apparently as it is passed from
SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack() to BIO_ctrl(), which are both in
- the dynamic (libtcnative) version (along with libapr-1.dll,
libeay32.dll, and ssleay32.dll all in <tomcat>\bin) shuts down
immediately after startup with the error "no OPENSSL_Applink"; I have
tried adding <openssl>\include\openssl\applink.c to the libtcnative
project, to the libapr project, and even adding it as an include in a
libtcnative source file, all to no effect

At this point, I'm baffled. I have tried to match build types (e.g. /MD
with libeay32MD.lib) based on the openssl faq
( [prog]1), and tried various
combinations of libraries.

How does the tomcat project do this for tcnative releases?


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