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Posted to by on 2013/12/31 22:20:06 UTC

[13/51] [partial] Rename twitter* and com.twitter to apache and org.apache directories to preserve all file history before the refactor.
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e839f7..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-import os
-  name = 'aurora_job_key',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
-  name = 'cluster',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:pystachio'),
-  ]
-  name = 'clusters',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':cluster'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:pystachio'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/collections'),
-  ]
-  name = 'cluster_option',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-  ]
-  name = 'http_signaler',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-  ]
-  name = 'common',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':aurora_job_key'),
-    pants(':cluster'),
-    pants(':cluster_option'),
-    pants(':clusters'),
-    pants(':http_signaler'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth'),
-  ],
-  provides = setup_py(
-    name = 'twitter.aurora.common',
-    version = open(os.path.join(get_buildroot(), '.auroraversion')).read().strip().lower(),
-    description = 'Aurora common libraries.',
-    license = 'Apache License, Version 2.0',
-  )
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81a8687..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from twitter.common.lang import Compatibility, total_ordering
-from gen.twitter.aurora.constants import GOOD_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN_PYTHON
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import Identity, JobKey, TaskQuery
-# TODO(ksweeney): This can just probably just extend namedtuple.
-class AuroraJobKey(object):
-  """A canonical representation of a key that can identify a job in any of the clusters the client
-  is aware of."""
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class TypeError(TypeError, Error): pass
-  class InvalidIdentifier(ValueError, Error): pass
-  class ParseError(ValueError, Error): pass
-  def __init__(self, cluster, role, env, name):
-    if not isinstance(cluster, Compatibility.string):
-      raise self.TypeError("cluster should be a string, got %s" % (cluster.__class__.__name__))
-    self._cluster = cluster
-    self._role = self._assert_valid_identifier("role", role)
-    self._env = self._assert_valid_identifier("env", env)
-    self._name = self._assert_valid_identifier("name", name)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_path(cls, path):
-    try:
-      cluster, role, env, name = path.split('/', 4)
-    except ValueError:
-      raise cls.ParseError(
-          "Invalid path '%s'. path should be a string in the form CLUSTER/ROLE/ENV/NAME" % path)
-    return cls(cluster, role, env, name)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_thrift(cls, cluster, job_key):
-    if not isinstance(job_key, JobKey):
-      raise cls.TypeError("job_key must be a Thrift JobKey struct")
-    return cls(cluster, job_key.role, job_key.environment,
-  @classmethod
-  def _assert_valid_identifier(cls, field, identifier):
-    if not isinstance(identifier, Compatibility.string):
-      raise cls.TypeError("%s must be a string" % field)
-    if not cls.VALID_IDENTIFIER.match(identifier):
-      raise cls.InvalidIdentifier("Invalid %s '%s'" % (field, identifier))
-    return identifier
-  @property
-  def cluster(self):
-    return self._cluster
-  @property
-  def role(self):
-    return self._role
-  @property
-  def env(self):
-    return self._env
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    return self._name
-  def to_path(self):
-    return "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self.cluster, self.role, self.env,
-  def to_thrift(self):
-    return JobKey(role=self.role, environment=self.env,
-  def to_thrift_query(self):
-    return TaskQuery(owner=Identity(role=self.role), environment=self.env,
-  def __iter__(self):
-    """Support 'cluster, role, env, name = job_key' assignment."""
-    return iter((self._cluster, self._role, self._env, self._name))
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "%s(%r, %r, %r, %r)" % (self.__class__, self._cluster, self._role, self._env, self._name)
-  def __str__(self):
-    return self.to_path()
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return hash(AuroraJobKey) + hash(self.to_path())
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if not isinstance(other, AuroraJobKey):
-      return NotImplemented
-    return self.to_path() == other.to_path()
-  def __lt__(self, other):
-    if not isinstance(other, AuroraJobKey):
-      return NotImplemented
-    return self.to_path() < other.to_path()
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index fd5b024..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'auth',
-  sources = globs('*.py'),
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5418228..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from .auth_module_manager import make_session_key, register_auth_module, SessionKeyError
-from .auth_module import AuthModule, InsecureAuthModule
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b146a9..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
-import getpass
-import time
-from twitter.common.lang import Interface
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import SessionKey
-class AuthModule(Interface):
-  @abstractproperty
-  def mechanism(self):
-    """Return the mechanism provided by this AuthModule."""
-  @abstractmethod
-  def payload(self):
-    """Return the payload generated by the AuthModule."""
-  def __call__(self):
-    return SessionKey(mechanism=self.mechanism, data=self.payload())
-class InsecureAuthModule(AuthModule):
-  @property
-  def mechanism(self):
-  def payload(self):
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d51b3..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/auth/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.common import log
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import SessionKey
-from .auth_module import AuthModule, InsecureAuthModule
-_INSECURE_AUTH_MODULE = InsecureAuthModule()
-class SessionKeyError(Exception): pass
-def register_auth_module(auth_module):
-  """
-    Add an auth module into the registry used by make_session_key. An auth module is discovered
-    via its auth mechanism.
-    args:
-      auth_module: A 0-arg callable that should return a SessionKey or raises a SessionKeyError
-                   and extend AuthModule.
-  """
-  if not isinstance(auth_module, AuthModule):
-    raise TypeError('Given auth module must be a AuthModule subclass, got %s' % type(auth_module))
-  if not callable(auth_module):
-    raise TypeError('auth_module should be callable.')
-  _AUTH_MODULES[auth_module.mechanism] = auth_module
-def make_session_key(auth_mechanism='UNAUTHENTICATED'):
-  """
-    Attempts to create a session key by calling the auth module registered to the auth mechanism. 
-    If an auth module does not exist for an auth mechanism, an InsecureAuthModule will be used.
-  """
-  if not _AUTH_MODULES:
-    raise SessionKeyError('No auth modules have been registered. Please call register_auth_module.')
-  auth_module = _AUTH_MODULES.get(auth_mechanism) or _INSECURE_AUTH_MODULE
-  log.debug('Using auth module: %r' % auth_module)
-  session_key = auth_module()
-  if not isinstance(session_key, SessionKey):
-    raise SessionKeyError('Expected %r but got %r from auth module %r' % (
-      SessionKey, session_key.__class__, auth_module))
-  return session_key
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d8ac3..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-from pystachio import Empty, Struct
-from pystachio.composite import Structural
-__all__ = ('Cluster',)
-# TODO(wickman)  It seems like some of this Trait/Mixin stuff should be a
-# first-class construct in Pystachio.  It could be a solution for extensible
-# Job/Task definitions.
-class Cluster(dict):
-  """Cluster encapsulates a set of K/V attributes describing cluster configurations.
-  Given a cluster, attributes may be accessed directly on them, e.g.
-    cluster.scheduler_zk_path
-  In order to enforce particular "traits" of Cluster, use Cluster.Trait to construct
-  enforceable schemas, e.g.
-    class ResolverTrait(Cluster.Trait):
-      scheduler_zk_ensemble = Required(String)
-      scheduler_zk_path = Default(String, '/twitter/service/mesos/prod/scheduler')
-    cluster = Cluster(name = 'west', scheduler_zk_ensemble = '')
-    # Ensures that scheduler_zk_ensemble is defined in the cluster or it will raise a TypeError
-    cluster.with_trait(ResolverTrait).scheduler_zk_ensemble
-    # Will use the default if none is provided on Cluster.
-    cluster.with_trait(ResolverTrait).scheduler_zk_path
-  """
-  Trait = Struct
-  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-    self._traits = ()
-    super(Cluster, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-  def get_trait(self, trait):
-    """Given a Cluster.Trait, extract that trait."""
-    if not issubclass(trait, Structural):
-      raise TypeError('provided trait must be a Cluster.Trait subclass, got %s' % type(trait))
-    # TODO(wickman) Expose this in pystachio as a non-private or add a load method with strict=
-    return trait(trait._filter_against_schema(self))
-  def check_trait(self, trait):
-    """Given a Cluster.Trait, typecheck that trait."""
-    trait_check = self.get_trait(trait).check()
-    if not trait_check.ok():
-      raise TypeError(trait_check.message())
-  def with_traits(self, *traits):
-    """Return a cluster annotated with a set of traits."""
-    new_cluster = self.__class__(**self)
-    for trait in traits:
-      new_cluster.check_trait(trait)
-    new_cluster._traits = traits
-    return new_cluster
-  def with_trait(self, trait):
-    """Return a cluster annotated with a single trait (helper for self.with_traits)."""
-    return self.with_traits(trait)
-  def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-    raise TypeError('Clusters are immutable.')
-  def __getattr__(self, attribute):
-    for trait in self._traits:
-      expressed_trait = self.get_trait(trait)
-      if hasattr(expressed_trait, attribute):
-        value = getattr(expressed_trait, attribute)()
-        return None if value is Empty else value.get()
-    try:
-      return self[attribute]
-    except KeyError:
-      return self.__getattribute__(attribute)
-  def __copy__(self):
-    return self
-  def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
-    return self
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e07476..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-from copy import copy
-from optparse import (
-    OptionValueError,
-    Option)
-def _check_mesos_cluster(option, opt, value):
-  cluster_name = value
-  if option.clusters and cluster_name in option.clusters:
-    return option.clusters[cluster_name]
-  elif option.cluster_provider:
-    return option.cluster_provider(cluster_name)
-  cluster_list = ""
-  if option.clusters:
-    cluster_list = 'Valid options for clusters are %s' % ' '.join(option.clusters)
-  raise OptionValueError(
-      '%s is not a valid cluster for the %s option. %s' % (value, opt, cluster_list))
-class ClusterOption(Option):
-  """A command-line Option that requires a valid cluster name and returns a Cluster object.
-  Use in an @app.command_option decorator to avoid boilerplate. For example:
-    CLUSTER_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.clusters')
-    CLUSTERS = Clusters.from_json(CLUSTER_PATH)
-    @app.command
-    @app.command_option(ClusterOption('--cluster', default='smf1-test', clusters=CLUSTERS))
-    def get_health(args, options):
-      if options.cluster.zk_server:
-        do_something(options.cluster)
-    @app.command
-    @app.command_option(ClusterOption('-s',
-      '--source_cluster',
-      default='smf1-test',
-      clusters=CLUSTERS,
-      help='Source cluster to pull metadata from.'))
-    @app.command_option(ClusterOption('-d',
-      '--dest_cluster',
-      clusters=CLUSTERS,
-      default='smf1-test'))
-    def copy_metadata(args, options):
-      if not options.source_cluster:
-        print('required option source_cluster missing!')
-      metadata_copy(options.source_cluster, options.dest_cluster)
-  """
-  # Needed since we're creating a new type for validation - see optparse docs.
-  TYPES = copy(Option.TYPES) + ('mesos_cluster',)
-  TYPE_CHECKER['mesos_cluster'] = _check_mesos_cluster
-  def __init__(self, *opt_str, **attrs):
-    """
-      *opt_str: Same meaning as in twitter.common.options.Option, at least one is required.
-      **attrs: See twitter.common.options.Option, with the following caveats:
-      Exactly one of the following must be provided:
-      clusters: A static Clusters object from which to pick clusters.
-      cluster_provider: A function that takes a cluster name and returns a Cluster object.
-    """
-    self.clusters = attrs.pop('clusters', None)
-    self.cluster_provider = attrs.pop('cluster_provider', None)
-    if not (self.clusters is not None) ^ (self.cluster_provider is not None):
-      raise ValueError('Must specify exactly one of clusters and cluster_provider.')
-    default_attrs = dict(
-      default=None,
-      action='store',
-      type='mesos_cluster',
-      help='Mesos cluster to use (Default: %%default)'
-    )
-    combined_attrs = default_attrs
-    combined_attrs.update(attrs)  # Defensive copy
-    Option.__init__(self, *opt_str, **combined_attrs)  # old-style superclass
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2777569..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-from collections import Mapping, namedtuple
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-import itertools
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-from twitter.common.collections import maybe_list
-from .cluster import Cluster
-from pystachio import Required, String
-  import yaml
-  HAS_YAML = True
-except ImportError:
-  HAS_YAML = False
-__all__ = (
-  'Clusters',
-class NameTrait(Cluster.Trait):
-  name = Required(String)
-Parser = namedtuple('Parser', 'loader exception')
-class Clusters(Mapping):
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class ClusterExists(Error): pass
-  class ClusterNotFound(KeyError, Error): pass
-  class UnknownFormatError(Error): pass
-  class ParseError(Error): pass
-  LOADERS = {'.json': Parser(json.load, ValueError)}
-  if HAS_YAML:
-    LOADERS['.yml'] = Parser(yaml.load, yaml.parser.ParserError)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_file(cls, filename):
-    return cls(list(cls.iter_clusters(filename)))
-  @classmethod
-  def iter_clusters(cls, filename):
-    _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
-    if ext not in cls.LOADERS:
-      raise cls.UnknownFormatError('Unknown clusters file extension: %r' % ext)
-    with open(filename) as fp:
-      loader, exc_type = cls.LOADERS[ext]
-      try:
-        document = loader(fp)
-      except exc_type as e:
-        raise cls.ParseError('Unable to parse %s: %s' % (filename, e))
-      if isinstance(document, list):
-        iterator = document
-      elif isinstance(document, dict):
-        iterator = document.values()
-      else:
-        raise cls.ParseError('Unknown layout in %s' % filename)
-      for document in iterator:
-        if not isinstance(document, dict):
-          raise cls.ParseError('Clusters must be maps of key/value pairs, got %s' % type(document))
-        # documents not adhering to NameTrait are ignored.
-        if 'name' not in document:
-          continue
-        yield Cluster(**document)
-  def __init__(self, cluster_list):
-    self.replace(cluster_list)
-  def replace(self, cluster_list):
-    self._clusters = {}
-    self.update(cluster_list)
-  def update(self, cluster_list):
-    cluster_list = maybe_list(cluster_list, expected_type=Cluster, raise_type=TypeError)
-    for cluster in cluster_list:
-      self.add(cluster)
-  def add(self, cluster):
-    """Add a cluster to this Clusters map."""
-    cluster = Cluster(**cluster)
-    cluster.check_trait(NameTrait)
-    self._clusters[] = cluster
-  @contextmanager
-  def patch(self, cluster_list):
-    """Patch this Clusters instance with a new list of clusters in a
-       contextmanager.  Intended for testing purposes."""
-    old_clusters = self._clusters.copy()
-    self.replace(cluster_list)
-    yield self
-    self._clusters = old_clusters
-  def __iter__(self):
-    return iter(self._clusters)
-  def __len__(self):
-    return len(self._clusters)
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    try:
-      return self._clusters[name]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise self.ClusterNotFound('Unknown cluster %s, valid clusters: %s' % (
-          name, ', '.join(self._clusters.keys())))
-  os.environ.get('AURORA_CONFIG_ROOT') or '/etc/aurora',
-  os.path.expanduser('~/.aurora')
-CLUSTERS = Clusters(())
-def load():
-  """(re-)load all clusters from the search path."""
-  for search_path, ext in itertools.product(DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATHS, Clusters.LOADERS):
-    filename = os.path.join(search_path, 'clusters' + ext)
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-      CLUSTERS.update(Clusters.from_file(filename).values())
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 778ddc4..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import contextlib
-from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout
-import sys
-from twitter.common import log
-from twitter.common.lang import Compatibility
-if Compatibility.PY3:
-  from http.client import HTTPException
-  import urllib.request as urllib_request
-  from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
-  from httplib import HTTPException
-  import urllib2 as urllib_request
-  from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
-class HttpSignaler(object):
-  """Simple HTTP endpoint wrapper to check health or trigger quitquitquit/abortabortabort"""
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class QueryError(Error): pass
-  def __init__(self, port, host='localhost', timeout_secs=TIMEOUT_SECS):
-    self._host = host
-    self._url_base = 'http://%s:%d/' % (host, port)
-    self._timeout_secs = timeout_secs
-  def url(self, endpoint):
-    return self._url_base + endpoint
-  @property
-  def opener(self):
-    return urllib_request.urlopen
-  def query(self, endpoint, data=None):
-    """Request an HTTP endpoint with a GET request (or POST if data is not None)"""
-    url = self.url(endpoint)
-    log.debug("%s: %s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, 'GET' if data is None else 'POST', url))
-    def raise_error(reason):
-      raise self.QueryError('Failed to signal %s: %s' % (self.url(endpoint), reason))
-    try:
-      with contextlib.closing(
-          self.opener(url, data, timeout=self._timeout_secs)) as fp:
-        return
-    except (HTTPException, SocketTimeout) as e:
-      # the type of an HTTPException is typically more useful than its contents (since for example
-      # BadStatusLines are often empty). likewise with socket.timeout.
-      raise_error('Error within %s' % e.__class__.__name__)
-    except (URLError, HTTPError) as e:
-      raise_error(e)
-    except Exception as e:
-      raise_error('Unexpected error: %s' % e)
-  def __call__(self, endpoint, use_post_method=False, expected_response=None):
-    """Returns a (boolean, string|None) tuple of (call success, failure reason)"""
-    try:
-      response = self.query(endpoint, '' if use_post_method else None).strip().lower()
-      if expected_response is not None and response != expected_response:
-        def shorten(string):
-          return (string if len(string) < self.FAILURE_REASON_LENGTH
-                         else "%s..." % string[:self.FAILURE_REASON_LENGTH - 3])
-        reason = 'Response differs from expected response (expected "%s", got "%s")'
-        log.warning(reason % (expected_response, response))
-        return (False, reason % (shorten(str(expected_response)), shorten(str(response))))
-      else:
-        return (True, None)
-    except self.QueryError as e:
-      return (False, str(e))
-  def health(self):
-    return self('health', use_post_method=False, expected_response='ok')
-  def quitquitquit(self):
-    return self('quitquitquit', use_post_method=True)
-  def abortabortabort(self):
-    return self('abortabortabort', use_post_method=True)
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 91cb3e4..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-import os
-# Alias for src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema
-  name = 'schema',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema'),
-  ]
-  name = 'config',
-  sources = (
-    '',
-    '',
-    '',
-    '',
-  ),
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:pystachio'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ],
-  name = 'config-packaged',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':config'),
-    # covering dependencies
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/config'),
-  ],
-  provides = setup_py(
-    name = 'twitter.aurora.config',
-    version = open(os.path.join(get_buildroot(), '.auroraversion')).read().strip().lower(),
-    description = 'Aurora/Thermos Pystachio schemas for describing job configurations.',
-    license = 'Apache License, Version 2.0',
-  )
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ba981..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from collections import defaultdict
-from twitter.aurora.common.aurora_job_key import AuroraJobKey
-from twitter.aurora.config.schema.base import MesosContext
-from twitter.thermos.config.loader import PortExtractor, ThermosTaskWrapper
-from twitter.thermos.config.schema import ThermosContext
-from .loader import AuroraConfigLoader
-from .port_resolver import PortResolver
-from .thrift import convert as convert_thrift, InvalidConfig as InvalidThriftConfig
-from pystachio import Empty, Environment, Ref
-__all__ = ('AuroraConfig', 'PortResolver')
-class AuroraConfig(object):
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class InvalidConfig(Error):
-    def __str__(self):
-      return 'The configuration was invalid: %s' % self.args[0]
-  @classmethod
-  def plugins(cls):
-    """A stack of callables to apply to the config on load."""
-    return []
-  @classmethod
-  def pick(cls, env, name, bindings, select_cluster=None, select_role=None, select_env=None):
-    # TODO(atollenaere): should take a JobKey when non-jobkey interface is deprecated
-    job_list = env.get('jobs', [])
-    if not job_list:
-      raise ValueError('No job defined in this config!')
-    def maybe_bind(j):
-      return j.bind(*bindings) if bindings else j
-    if name is None:
-      if len(job_list) > 1:
-        raise ValueError('Configuration has multiple jobs but no job name specified!')
-      return maybe_bind(job_list[0])
-    # TODO(wfarner): Rework this and calling code to make name optional as well.
-    def match_name(job):
-      return str( == name
-    def match_cluster(job):
-      return select_cluster is None or str(job.cluster()) == select_cluster
-    def match_env(job):
-      return select_env is None or str(job.environment()) == select_env
-    def match_role(job):
-      return select_role is None or str(job.role()) == select_role
-    bound_jobs = map(maybe_bind, job_list)
-    matches = [j for j in bound_jobs if
-               all([match_cluster(j), match_role(j), match_env(j), match_name(j)])]
-    if len(matches) == 0:
-      msg = "Could not find job %s/%s/%s/%s\n" % (
-        select_cluster or '*', select_role or '*', select_env or '*', name)
-      for j in bound_jobs:
-        if j.environment() is Empty:
-          msg += "Job %s/%s/%s/%s in configuration file doesn't specify an environment\n" % (
-            j.cluster(), j.role(), '{MISSING}',
-          )
-      msg += cls._candidate_jobs_str(bound_jobs)
-      raise ValueError(msg)
-    elif len(matches) > 1:
-      msg = 'Multiple jobs match, please disambiguate by specifying a job key.\n'
-      msg += cls._candidate_jobs_str(bound_jobs)
-      raise ValueError(msg)
-    else:
-      return matches[0]
-  @staticmethod
-  def _candidate_jobs_str(job_list):
-    assert(job_list)
-    job_list = ["  %s/%s/%s/%s" % (
-        j.cluster(), j.role(),
-        j.environment() if j.environment() is not Empty else "{MISSING}",
-        for j in job_list]
-    return 'Candidates are:\n' + '\n'.join(job_list)
-  @classmethod
-  def apply_plugins(cls, config, env=None):
-    for plugin in cls.plugins():
-      if not callable(plugin):
-        raise cls.Error('Invalid configuration plugin %r, should be callable!' % plugin)
-      plugin(config, env)
-    return config
-  @classmethod
-  def load(
-        cls, filename, name=None, bindings=None,
-        select_cluster=None, select_role=None, select_env=None):
-    # TODO(atollenaere): should take a JobKey when non-jobkey interface is deprecated
-    env = AuroraConfigLoader.load(filename)
-    return cls.apply_plugins(
-        cls(cls.pick(env, name, bindings, select_cluster, select_role, select_env)), env)
-  @classmethod
-  def load_json(
-        cls, filename, name=None, bindings=None,
-        select_cluster=None, select_role=None, select_env=None):
-    # TODO(atollenaere): should take a JobKey when non-jobkey interface is deprecated
-    job = AuroraConfigLoader.load_json(filename)
-    return cls.apply_plugins(cls(job.bind(*bindings) if bindings else job))
-  @classmethod
-  def loads_json(cls, string, name=None, bindings=None, select_cluster=None, select_env=None):
-    # TODO(atollenaere): should take a JobKey when non-jobkey interface is deprecated
-    job = AuroraConfigLoader.loads_json(string)
-    return cls.apply_plugins(cls(job.bind(*bindings) if bindings else job))
-  @classmethod
-  def validate_job(cls, job):
-    """
-      Validate and sanitize the input job
-      Currently, the validation stage simply ensures that the job has all required fields.
-      self.InvalidConfig is raised if any required fields are not present.
-    """
-    def has(pystachio_type, thing):
-      return getattr(pystachio_type, 'has_%s' % thing)()
-    for required in ("cluster", "task", "role"):
-      if not has(job, required):
-        raise cls.InvalidConfig(
-          '%s required for job "%s"' % (required.capitalize(),
-    if not has(job.task(), 'processes'):
-      raise cls.InvalidConfig('Processes required for task on job "%s"' %
-  @classmethod
-  def standard_bindings(cls, job):
-    # Rewrite now-deprecated bindings into their proper form.
-    return job.bind({
-      Ref.from_address('mesos.role'): '{{role}}',
-      Ref.from_address('mesos.cluster'): '{{cluster}}',
-      Ref.from_address('thermos.user'): '{{role}}',
-    })
-  def __init__(self, job):
-    self.validate_job(job)
-    self._job = self.standard_bindings(job)
-    self._packages = []
-    self.binding_dicts = defaultdict(dict)
-    self.hooks = []
-  def context(self, instance=None):
-    context = dict(instance=instance)
-    # Filter unspecified values
-    return Environment(mesos=MesosContext(dict((k, v) for k, v in context.items() if v)))
-  def job(self):
-    interpolated_job = self._job % self.context()
-    # TODO(wickman) Once thermos is onto thrift instead of pystachio, use
-    # %%replacements%% instead.
-    #
-    # Typecheck against the Job, with the following free variables unwrapped at the Task level:
-    #  - a dummy {{mesos.instance}}
-    #  - dummy values for the {{thermos.ports}} context, to allow for their use in task_links
-    env = dict(mesos=Environment(instance=0))
-    if interpolated_job.task_links() is not Empty:
-      try:
-        dummy_ports = dict(
-          (port, 31337) for port in PortExtractor.extract(interpolated_job.task_links()))
-      except PortExtractor.InvalidPorts as err:
-        raise self.InvalidConfig('Invalid port references in task_links! %s' % err)
-      env.update(thermos=ThermosContext(ports=dummy_ports))
-    typecheck = interpolated_job.bind(Environment(env)).check()
-    if not typecheck.ok():
-      raise self.InvalidConfig(typecheck.message())
-    interpolated_job = interpolated_job(task_links=self.task_links())
-    try:
-      return convert_thrift(interpolated_job, self._packages, self.ports())
-    except InvalidThriftConfig as e:
-      raise self.InvalidConfig(str(e))
-  def bind(self, binding):
-    self._job = self._job.bind(binding)
-  def raw(self):
-    return self._job
-  # This stinks to high heaven
-  def update_job(self, new_job):
-    self._job = new_job
-  def instances(self):
-    return self._job.instances().get()
-  def task(self, instance):
-    return (self._job % self.context(instance)).task()
-  def name(self):
-    return
-  def role(self):
-    return self._job.role().get()
-  def cluster(self):
-    return self._job.cluster().get()
-  def environment(self):
-    return self._job.environment().get()
-  def job_key(self):
-    return AuroraJobKey(self.cluster(), self.role(), self.environment(),
-  def ports(self):
-    """Return the list of ports that need to be allocated by the scheduler."""
-    # Strictly speaking this is wrong -- it is possible to do things like
-    #   {{thermos.ports[instance_{{mesos.instance}}]}}
-    # which can only be extracted post-unwrapping.  This means that validating
-    # the state of the announce configuration could be problematic if people
-    # try to do complicated things.
-    referenced_ports = ThermosTaskWrapper(self._job.task(), strict=False).ports()
-    resolved_portmap = PortResolver.resolve(self._job.announce().portmap().get()
-                                            if self._job.has_announce() else {})
-    # values of the portmap that are not integers => unallocated
-    unallocated = set(port for port in resolved_portmap.values() if not isinstance(port, int))
-    # find referenced {{thermos.portmap[ports]}} that are not resolved by the portmap
-    unresolved_references = set(
-      port for port in (resolved_portmap.get(port_ref, port_ref) for port_ref in referenced_ports)
-      if not isinstance(port, int))
-    return unallocated | unresolved_references
-  def has_health_port(self):
-    return "health" in ThermosTaskWrapper(self._job.task(), strict=False).ports()
-  def task_links(self):
-    # {{mesos.instance}} --> %shard_id%
-    # {{thermos.ports[foo]}} --> %port:foo%
-    task_links = self._job.task_links()
-    if task_links is Empty:
-      return task_links
-    _, uninterp = task_links.interpolate()
-    substitutions = {
-      Ref.from_address('mesos.instance'): '%shard_id%'
-    }
-    port_scope = Ref.from_address('thermos.ports')
-    for ref in uninterp:
-      subscope = port_scope.scoped_to(ref)
-      if subscope:
-        substitutions[ref] = '%%port:%s%%' % subscope.action().value
-    return task_links.bind(substitutions)
-  def update_config(self):
-    return self._job.update_config()
-  def add_package(self, package):
-    self._packages.append(package)
-  # TODO(wickman) Kill package() once MESOS-3191 is in.
-  def package(self):
-    pass
-  def is_dedicated(self):
-    return self._job.has_constraints() and 'dedicated' in self._job.constraints()
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._job)
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deleted file mode 100644
index e3e5559..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import pkgutil
-import textwrap
-from twitter.aurora.config.schema import base as base_schema
-from pystachio.config import Config as PystachioConfig
-class AuroraConfigLoader(PystachioConfig):
-  @classmethod
-  def assembled_schema(cls, schema_modules):
-    default_schema = [super(AuroraConfigLoader, cls).DEFAULT_SCHEMA]
-    default_schema.extend('from %s import *' % module.__name__ for module in schema_modules)
-    return '\n'.join(default_schema)
-  @classmethod
-  def register_schema(cls, schema_module):
-    """Register the schema defined in schema_module, equivalent to doing
-         from schema_module.__name__ import *
-       before all pystachio configurations are evaluated.
-    """
-    cls.SCHEMA_MODULES.append(schema_module)
-    cls.DEFAULT_SCHEMA = cls.assembled_schema(cls.SCHEMA_MODULES)
-  @classmethod
-  def register_schemas_from(cls, package):
-    """Register schemas from all modules in a particular package."""
-    for _, submodule, is_package in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__):
-      if is_package:
-        continue
-      cls.register_schema(
-          __import__('%s.%s' % (package.__name__, submodule), fromlist=[package.__name__]))
-  @classmethod
-  def flush_schemas(cls):
-    """Flush all schemas from AuroraConfigLoader.  Intended for test use only."""
-    cls.SCHEMA_MODULES = []
-    cls.register_schema(base_schema)
-  @classmethod
-  def load(cls, loadable):
-    return cls.load_raw(loadable).environment
-  @classmethod
-  def load_raw(cls, loadable):
-    return cls(loadable)
-  @classmethod
-  def load_json(cls, filename):
-    with open(filename) as fp:
-      return base_schema.Job.json_load(fp)
-  @classmethod
-  def loads_json(cls, string):
-    return base_schema.Job(json.loads(string))
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index 486095f..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.common.lang import Compatibility
-class PortResolver(object):
-  class CycleException(Exception): pass
-  @classmethod
-  def resolve(cls, portmap):
-    """
-        Given an announce-style portmap, return a fully dereferenced portmap.
-        For example, given the portmap:
-          {
-            'http': 80,
-            'aurora: 'http',
-            'https': 'aurora',
-            'thrift': 'service'
-          }
-        Returns {'http': 80, 'aurora': 80, 'https': 80, 'thrift': 'service'}
-    """
-    for (name, port) in portmap.items():
-      if not isinstance(name, Compatibility.string):
-        raise ValueError('All portmap keys must be strings!')
-      if not isinstance(port, (int, Compatibility.string)):
-        raise ValueError('All portmap values must be strings or integers!')
-    portmap = portmap.copy()
-    for port in list(portmap):
-      try:
-        portmap[port] = int(portmap[port])
-      except ValueError:
-        continue
-    def resolve_one(static_port):
-      visited = set()
-      root = portmap[static_port]
-      while root in portmap:
-        visited.add(root)
-        if portmap[root] in visited:
-          raise cls.CycleException('Found cycle in portmap!')
-        root = portmap[root]
-      return root
-    return dict((name, resolve_one(name)) for name in portmap)
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deleted file mode 100644
index b2dc23c..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from .loader import AuroraConfigLoader
-import pkg_resources
-class Recipes(object):
-  """
-    Encapsulate a registry of Recipes (i.e. tasks to mutate the behavior of other tasks.)
-  """
-  REGISTRY = {}
-  RECIPE_EXTENSION = '.aurora_recipe'
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class UnknownRecipe(Error): pass
-  @classmethod
-  def get(cls, name):
-    if name not in cls.REGISTRY:
-      raise cls.UnknownRecipe('Could not find recipe %s!' % name)
-    return cls.REGISTRY[name]
-  @classmethod
-  def include_one(cls, filename):
-    recipe_env = AuroraConfigLoader.load(filename)
-    cls.REGISTRY.update(recipe_env.get('recipes', {}))
-  @classmethod
-  def include_module(cls, module):
-    for filename in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(module, ''):
-      if filename.endswith(cls.RECIPE_EXTENSION):
-        cls.include_one(os.path.join(module.replace('.', os.sep), filename))
-  @classmethod
-  def include(cls, path):
-    if os.path.isfile(path):
-      cls.include_one(path)
-    elif os.path.isdir(path):
-      for filename in os.listdir(path):
-        if filename.endswith(cls.RECIPE_EXTENSION):
-          cls.include_one(os.path.join(path, filename))
-    else:
-      raise ValueError('Could not find %s' % path)
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deleted file mode 100644
index d26f94d..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.aurora.config.loader import AuroraConfigLoader
-from twitter.common.lang import Compatibility
-import code
-code.interact('Mesos Config REPL', 
-    local=Compatibility.exec_function(AuroraConfigLoader.DEFAULT_SCHEMA, globals()))
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index fd08ec7..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'schema',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:pystachio'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/config:schema'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index b3d437f..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.thermos.config.schema import *
-from gen.twitter.aurora.constants import DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT
-# TODO(wickman) Bind {{mesos.instance}} to %shard_id%
-class MesosContext(Struct):
-  # The instance id (i.e. replica id, shard id) in the context of a task
-  instance    = Required(Integer)
-# AppApp layout setup
-class AppPackage(Struct):
-  name    = Required(String)
-  version = Default(String, 'latest')
-class AppLayout(Struct):
-  packages = Default(List(AppPackage), [])
-# The object bound into the {{packer}} namespace.
-# Referenced by
-#  {{packer[role][name][version]}}
-# Where version =
-#    number (integer)
-#    'live' (live package)
-#    'latest' (highest version number)
-# For example if you'd like to create a copy process for a particular
-# package,
-#   copy_latest = Process(
-#     name = 'copy-{{package_name}}',
-#     cmdline = '{{packer[{{role}}][{{package_name}}][latest].copy_command}}')
-#   processes = [
-#     copy_latest.bind(package_name = 'labrat'),
-#     copy_latest.bind(package_name = 'packer')
-#   ]
-class PackerObject(Struct):
-  package = String
-  package_uri = String
-  copy_command = String
-class UpdateConfig(Struct):
-  batch_size                  = Default(Integer, 1)
-  restart_threshold           = Default(Integer, 60)
-  watch_secs                  = Default(Integer, 30)
-  max_per_shard_failures      = Default(Integer, 0)
-  max_total_failures          = Default(Integer, 0)
-class HealthCheckConfig(Struct):
-  initial_interval_secs    = Default(Float, 60.0)
-  interval_secs            = Default(Float, 30.0)
-  timeout_secs             = Default(Float, 1.0)
-  max_consecutive_failures = Default(Integer, 0)
-class Announcer(Struct):
-  primary_port = Default(String, 'http')
-  # Portmap can either alias two ports together, e.g.
-  #   aurora <= http
-  # Or it can be used to alias static ports to endpoints, e.g.
-  #   http <= 80
-  #   https <= 443
-  #   aurora <= https
-  portmap      = Default(Map(String, String), {
-    'aurora': '{{primary_port}}'
-  })
-# The executorConfig populated inside of TaskConfig.
-class MesosTaskInstance(Struct):
-  task                       = Required(Task)
-  layout                     = AppLayout
-  instance                   = Required(Integer)
-  role                       = Required(String)
-  announce                   = Announcer
-  environment                = Default(String, DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT)
-  health_check_interval_secs = Default(Integer, 30) # DEPRECATED (MESOS-2649)
-  health_check_config        = Default(HealthCheckConfig, HealthCheckConfig())
-class MesosJob(Struct):
-  name          = Default(String, '{{}}')
-  role          = Required(String)
-  contact       = String
-  cluster       = Required(String)
-  environment   = Required(String)
-  instances     = Default(Integer, 1)
-  task          = Required(Task)
-  recipes       = List(String)
-  announce      = Announcer
-  cron_schedule = String
-  cron_policy   = String          # these two are aliases of each other.  default is KILL_EXISTING
-  cron_collision_policy = String  # if unspecified.
-                                  # cron_policy is DEPRECATED (MESOS-2491) in favor of
-                                  # cron_collision_policy.
-  update_config = Default(UpdateConfig, UpdateConfig())
-  constraints                = Map(String, String)
-  daemon                     = Boolean  # daemon and service are aliased together.
-  service                    = Boolean  # daemon is DEPRECATED (MESOS-2492) in favor of
-                                        # service.  by default, service is False.
-  max_task_failures          = Default(Integer, 1)
-  production                 = Default(Boolean, False)
-  priority                   = Default(Integer, 0)
-  health_check_interval_secs = Integer # DEPRECATED in favor of health_check_config (MESOS-2649).
-  health_check_config        = HealthCheckConfig
-  task_links                 = Map(String, String)
-  layout        = AppLayout      # DEPRECATED in favor of directory sandboxes
-  enable_hooks = Default(Boolean, False)  # enable client API hooks; from env python-list 'hooks'
-Job = MesosJob
-Service = Job(service = True)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8f6a5ce..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-import getpass
-import re
-from twitter.aurora.config.schema.base import (
-  HealthCheckConfig,
-  MesosContext,
-  MesosTaskInstance,
-from twitter.common.lang import Compatibility
-from twitter.thermos.config.loader import ThermosTaskValidator
-from gen.twitter.aurora.constants import GOOD_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN_PYTHON, AURORA_EXECUTOR_NAME
-from gen.twitter.aurora.ttypes import (
-  Constraint,
-  CronCollisionPolicy,
-  ExecutorConfig,
-  Identity,
-  JobConfiguration,
-  JobKey,
-  LimitConstraint,
-  Package,
-  TaskConfig,
-  TaskConstraint,
-  ValueConstraint,
-from pystachio import Empty, Ref
-__all__ = (
-  'InvalidConfig',
-  'convert'
-class InvalidConfig(ValueError):
-  pass
-def constraints_to_thrift(constraints):
-  """Convert a python dictionary to a set of Constraint thrift objects."""
-  result = set()
-  for attribute, constraint_value in constraints.items():
-    assert isinstance(attribute, Compatibility.string) and (
-           isinstance(constraint_value, Compatibility.string)), (
-      "Both attribute name and value in constraints must be string")
-    constraint = Constraint()
- = attribute
-    task_constraint = TaskConstraint()
-    if constraint_value.startswith('limit:'):
-      task_constraint.limit = LimitConstraint()
-      try:
-        task_constraint.limit.limit = int(constraint_value.replace('limit:', '', 1))
-      except ValueError:
-        print('%s is not a valid limit value, must be integer' % constraint_value)
-        raise
-    else:
-      # Strip off the leading negation if present.
-      negated = constraint_value.startswith('!')
-      if negated:
-        constraint_value = constraint_value[1:]
-      task_constraint.value = ValueConstraint(negated, set(constraint_value.split(',')))
-    constraint.constraint = task_constraint
-    result.add(constraint)
-  return result
-def task_instance_from_job(job, instance):
-  instance_context = MesosContext(instance=instance)
-  # TODO(Sathya): Remove health_check_interval_secs references after deprecation cycle is complete.
-  health_check_config = HealthCheckConfig()
-  if job.has_health_check_interval_secs():
-    health_check_config = HealthCheckConfig(interval_secs=job.health_check_interval_secs().get())
-  elif job.has_health_check_config():
-    health_check_config = job.health_check_config()
-  ti = MesosTaskInstance(task=job.task(),
-                         layout=job.layout(),
-                         role=job.role(),
-                         health_check_interval_secs=health_check_config.interval_secs().get(),
-                         health_check_config=health_check_config,
-                         instance=instance)
-  if job.has_announce():
-    ti = ti(announce=job.announce())
-  if job.has_environment():
-    ti = ti(environment=job.environment())
-  return ti.bind(mesos=instance_context).interpolate()
-def translate_cron_policy(policy):
-  cron_policy = CronCollisionPolicy._NAMES_TO_VALUES.get(policy.get())
-  if cron_policy is None:
-    raise InvalidConfig('Invalid cron policy: %s' % policy.get())
-  return cron_policy
-def fully_interpolated(pystachio_object, coerce_fn=lambda i: i):
-  # Extract a fully-interpolated unwrapped object from pystachio_object or raise InvalidConfig.
-  #
-  # TODO(ksweeney): Remove this once Pystachio 1.0 changes the behavior of interpolate() to return
-  # unwrapped objects and fail when there are any unbound refs.
-  if not pystachio_object.check().ok():
-    raise InvalidConfig(pystachio_object.check().message())
-  # If an object type-checks it's okay to use the raw value from the wrapped object returned by
-  # interpolate. Without the previous check value.get() could return a string with mustaches
-  # instead of an object of the expected type.
-  value, _ = pystachio_object.interpolate()
-  return coerce_fn(value.get())
-def select_cron_policy(cron_policy, cron_collision_policy):
-  if cron_policy is Empty and cron_collision_policy is Empty:
-    return CronCollisionPolicy.KILL_EXISTING
-  elif cron_policy is not Empty and cron_collision_policy is Empty:
-    return translate_cron_policy(cron_policy)
-  elif cron_policy is Empty and cron_collision_policy is not Empty:
-    return translate_cron_policy(cron_collision_policy)
-  else:
-    raise InvalidConfig('Specified both cron_policy and cron_collision_policy!')
-def select_service_bit(job):
-  if not job.has_daemon() and not job.has_service():
-    return False
-  elif job.has_daemon() and not job.has_service():
-    return fully_interpolated(job.daemon(), bool)
-  elif not job.has_daemon() and job.has_service():
-    return fully_interpolated(job.service(), bool)
-  else:
-    raise InvalidConfig('Specified both daemon and service bits!')
-# TODO(wickman) Due to MESOS-2718 we should revert to using the MesosTaskInstance.
-# Using the MesosJob instead of the MesosTaskInstance was to allow for
-# planned future use of fields such as 'cluster' and to allow for conversion
-# from Job=>Task to be done entirely on the executor, but instead this had
-# made it impossible to run idempotent updates.
-# In the meantime, we are erasing fields of the Job that are controversial.
-# This achieves roughly the same effect as using the MesosTaskInstance.
-# The future work is tracked at MESOS-2727.
-  'cron_policy',
-  'cron_collision_policy',
-  'update_config',
-  'daemon',
-  'service',
-  'instances'
-def filter_aliased_fields(job):
-  return job(**dict((key, Empty) for key in ALIASED_FIELDS))
-def assert_valid_field(field, identifier):
-  if not isinstance(identifier, Compatibility.string):
-    raise InvalidConfig("%s must be a string" % field)
-  if not VALID_IDENTIFIER.match(identifier):
-    raise InvalidConfig("Invalid %s '%s'" % (field, identifier))
-  return identifier
-MESOS_INSTANCE_REF = Ref.from_address('mesos.instance')
-THERMOS_PORT_SCOPE_REF = Ref.from_address('thermos.ports')
-THERMOS_TASK_ID_REF = Ref.from_address('thermos.task_id')
-# TODO(wickman) Make this a method directly on an AuroraConfig so that we don't
-# need the packages/ports shenanigans.
-def convert(job, packages=frozenset(), ports=frozenset()):
-  """Convert a Pystachio MesosJob to an Aurora Thrift JobConfiguration."""
-  owner = Identity(role=fully_interpolated(job.role()), user=getpass.getuser())
-  key = JobKey(
-    role=assert_valid_field('role', fully_interpolated(job.role())),
-    environment=assert_valid_field('environment', fully_interpolated(job.environment())),
-    name=assert_valid_field('name', fully_interpolated(
-  task_raw = job.task()
-  MB = 1024 * 1024
-  task = TaskConfig()
-  def not_empty_or(item, default):
-    return default if item is Empty else fully_interpolated(item)
-  # job components
-  task.jobName = fully_interpolated(
-  task.environment = fully_interpolated(job.environment())
-  task.production = fully_interpolated(job.production(), bool)
-  task.isService = select_service_bit(job)
-  task.maxTaskFailures = fully_interpolated(job.max_task_failures())
-  task.priority = fully_interpolated(job.priority())
-  task.contactEmail = not_empty_or(, None)
-  # Add package tuples to a task, to display in the scheduler UI.
-  task.packages = frozenset(
-      Package(role=str(role), name=str(package_name), version=int(version))
-      for role, package_name, version in packages)
-  # task components
-  if not task_raw.has_resources():
-    raise InvalidConfig('Task must specify resources!')
-  if (fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().ram()) == 0
-      or fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().disk()) == 0):
-    raise InvalidConfig('Must specify ram and disk resources, got ram:%r disk:%r' % (
-      fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().ram()),
-      fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().disk())))
-  task.numCpus = fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().cpu())
-  task.ramMb = fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().ram()) / MB
-  task.diskMb = fully_interpolated(task_raw.resources().disk()) / MB
-  if task.numCpus <= 0 or task.ramMb <= 0 or task.diskMb <= 0:
-    raise InvalidConfig('Task has invalid resources.  cpu/ramMb/diskMb must all be positive: '
-        'cpu:%r ramMb:%r diskMb:%r' % (task.numCpus, task.ramMb, task.diskMb))
-  task.owner = owner
-  task.requestedPorts = ports
-  task.taskLinks = not_empty_or(job.task_links(), {})
-  task.constraints = constraints_to_thrift(not_empty_or(job.constraints(), {}))
-  underlying, refs = job.interpolate()
-  # need to fake an instance id for the sake of schema checking
-  underlying_checked = underlying.bind(mesos = {'instance': 31337})
-  try:
-    ThermosTaskValidator.assert_valid_task(underlying_checked.task())
-  except ThermosTaskValidator.InvalidTaskError as e:
-    raise InvalidConfig('Task is invalid: %s' % e)
-  if not underlying_checked.check().ok():
-    raise InvalidConfig('Job not fully specified: %s' % underlying.check().message())
-  unbound = []
-  for ref in refs:
-    if ref == THERMOS_TASK_ID_REF or ref == MESOS_INSTANCE_REF or (
-        Ref.subscope(THERMOS_PORT_SCOPE_REF, ref)):
-      continue
-    unbound.append(ref)
-  if unbound:
-    raise InvalidConfig('Config contains unbound variables: %s' % ' '.join(map(str, unbound)))
-  cron_schedule = not_empty_or(job.cron_schedule(), '')
-  cron_policy = select_cron_policy(job.cron_policy(), job.cron_collision_policy())
-  task.executorConfig = ExecutorConfig(
-      data=filter_aliased_fields(underlying).json_dumps())
-  return JobConfiguration(
-      key=key,
-      owner=owner,
-      cronSchedule=cron_schedule,
-      cronCollisionPolicy=cron_policy,
-      taskConfig=task,
-      instanceCount=fully_interpolated(job.instances()))
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 01701e9..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-import os
-  name = 'thermos_task_runner',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/dirutil'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/config:schema'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/monitoring:monitor'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:http_signaler'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:status_checker'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:task_info'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:task_runner'),
-  ]
-  name = 'executor_detector',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/string'),
-  ]
-  name = 'executor_vars',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:psutil'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/exceptions'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/metrics'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/python'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/string'),
-  ]
-  name = 'status_manager',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/exceptions'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:status_checker'),
-  ]
-  name = 'thermos_executor_base',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/thermos:py-thrift'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora:mesos-core'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
-  name = 'thermos_executor',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:pystachio'),
-    pants(':status_manager'),
-    pants(':thermos_executor_base'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/concurrent'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:kill_manager'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:sandbox'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:task_info'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:task_runner'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora:mesos-core'),
-  ]
-  name = 'thermos_runner',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common:planner'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/config:schema'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core'),
-  ],
-  name = 'gc_executor',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:psutil'),
-    pants(':executor_detector'),
-    pants(':thermos_executor_base'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/collections'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/exceptions'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/metrics'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common:ckpt'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common:path'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core:helper'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core:inspector'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/monitoring:detector'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/monitoring:garbage'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config:schema'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:sandbox'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora:mesos-core'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
-  name = 'executor-packaged',
-  dependencies = [
-    # Covering dependencies
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/config'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/core'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/monitoring'),
-  ],
-  provides = setup_py(
-    name = 'twitter.aurora.executor',
-    version = open(os.path.join(get_buildroot(), '.auroraversion')).read().strip().lower(),
-  ).with_binaries(
-    gc_executor = pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin:gc_executor'),
-    thermos_executor = pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin:thermos_executor'),
-    thermos_runner = pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin:thermos_runner'),
-  )
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0d6433..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9cab1..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'thermos_executor',
-  source = '',
-  entry_point = 'twitter.aurora.executor.bin.thermos_executor_main:proxy_main',
-  ignore_errors = True,
-  always_write_cache = True,
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/metrics'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:executor_timeout'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:health_checker'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common:sandbox'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:executor_detector'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:executor_vars'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:thermos_executor'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:thermos_task_runner'),
-  ]
-  name = 'gc_executor',
-  source = '',
-  entry_point = 'twitter.aurora.executor.bin.gc_executor_main:proxy_main',
-  ignore_errors = True,
-  always_write_cache = True,
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/metrics'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/thermos/common:path'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:executor_detector'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:executor_vars'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:gc_executor'),
-  ]
-  name = 'thermos_runner',
-  source = '',
-  entry_point = 'twitter.aurora.executor.bin.thermos_runner_main:proxy_main',
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/app'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor:thermos_runner'),
-  ],
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index fad20e6..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-"""Command-line entry point to the Thermos GC executor
-This module wraps the Thermos GC executor into an executable suitable for launching by a Mesos
-from twitter.aurora.executor.executor_detector import ExecutorDetector
-from twitter.aurora.executor.gc_executor import ThermosGCExecutor
-from twitter.common import app, log
-from twitter.common.log.options import LogOptions
-from twitter.common.metrics.sampler import DiskMetricWriter
-from twitter.thermos.common.path import TaskPath
-import mesos
-# locate logs locally in executor sandbox
-def proxy_main():
-  def main():
-    # Create executor stub
-    thermos_gc_executor = ThermosGCExecutor(checkpoint_root=TaskPath.DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_ROOT)
-    thermos_gc_executor.start()
-    # Start metrics collection
-    metric_writer = DiskMetricWriter(thermos_gc_executor.metrics, ExecutorDetector.VARS_PATH)
-    metric_writer.start()
-    # Create driver stub
-    driver = mesos.MesosExecutorDriver(thermos_gc_executor)
-    # Start GC executor
-' has finished.')
-  app.main()
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 31e718e..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-"""Command-line entry point to the Thermos Executor
-This module wraps the Thermos Executor into an executable suitable for launching by a Mesos
-import os
-from twitter.common import app, log
-from twitter.common.log.options import LogOptions
-from twitter.aurora.executor.common.executor_timeout import ExecutorTimeout
-from twitter.aurora.executor.common.health_checker import HealthCheckerProvider
-from twitter.aurora.executor.thermos_executor import ThermosExecutor
-from twitter.aurora.executor.thermos_task_runner import DefaultThermosTaskRunnerProvider
-import mesos
-# TODO(wickman) Consider just having the OSS version require pip installed
-# thermos_runner binaries on every machine and instead of embedding the pex
-# as a resource, shell out to one on the PATH.
-def dump_runner_pex():
-  import pkg_resources
-  import twitter.aurora.executor.resources
-  pex_name = 'thermos_runner.pex'
-  runner_pex = os.path.join(os.path.realpath('.'), pex_name)
-  with open(runner_pex, 'w') as fp:
-    # TODO(wickman) Use shutil.copyfileobj to reduce memory footprint here.
-    fp.write(pkg_resources.resource_stream(
-        twitter.aurora.executor.resources.__name__, pex_name).read())
-  return runner_pex
-def proxy_main():
-  def main():
-    runner_provider = DefaultThermosTaskRunnerProvider(
-        dump_runner_pex(),
-        artifact_dir=os.path.realpath('.'),
-    )
-    # Create executor stub
-    thermos_executor = ThermosExecutor(
-        runner_provider=runner_provider,
-        status_providers=(HealthCheckerProvider(),),
-    )
-    # Create driver stub
-    driver = mesos.MesosExecutorDriver(thermos_executor)
-    # This is an ephemeral executor -- shutdown if we receive no tasks within a certain
-    # time period
-    ExecutorTimeout(thermos_executor.launched, driver).start()
-    # Start executor
-' has finished.')
-  app.main()
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 602111e..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.common import app
-from twitter.common.log.options import LogOptions
-from twitter.aurora.executor.thermos_runner import proxy_main as runner_proxy_main
-def proxy_main():
-  main = runner_proxy_main
-  app.main()
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/BUILD b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c932d1..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'status_checker',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/metrics'),
-  ]
-  name = 'task_runner',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':status_checker'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/lang'),
-  ]
-  name = 'health_checker',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':status_checker'),
-    pants(':task_info'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/exceptions'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/common:http_signaler'),
-  ]
-  name = 'executor_timeout',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/exceptions'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/quantity'),
-  ]
-  name = 'kill_manager',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants(':status_checker'),
-  ]
-  name = 'sandbox',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/dirutil'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-  ]
-  name = 'task_info',
-  sources = [''],
-  dependencies = [
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/BUILD.thirdparty:pystachio'),
-    pants('aurora/twitterdeps/src/python/twitter/common/log'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config'),
-    pants('src/main/python/twitter/aurora/config/schema'),
-    pants('src/main/thrift/com/twitter/aurora/gen:py-thrift'),
-  ]
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2828973..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-from twitter.common import log
-from twitter.common.quantity import Amount, Time
-from twitter.common.exceptions import ExceptionalThread
-class ExecutorTimeout(ExceptionalThread):
-  def __init__(self, event, driver, logger=log.error, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
-    self._event = event
-    self._logger = logger
-    self._driver = driver
-    self._timeout = timeout
-    super(ExecutorTimeout, self).__init__()
-    self.daemon = True
-  def run(self):
-    self._event.wait(self._timeout.as_(Time.SECONDS))
-    if not self._event.is_set():
-      self._logger('Executor timing out.')
-      self._driver.stop()
diff --git a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/ b/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b25f0e..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import threading
-import time
-from twitter.aurora.common.http_signaler import HttpSignaler
-from twitter.common import log
-from twitter.common.exceptions import ExceptionalThread
-from .status_checker import (
-    ExitState,
-    StatusChecker,
-    StatusCheckerProvider,
-    StatusResult,
-from .task_info import mesos_task_instance_from_assigned_task, resolve_ports
-class HealthCheckerThread(StatusChecker, ExceptionalThread):
-  """Generic, StatusChecker-conforming thread for arbitrary periodic health checks
-    health_checker should be a callable returning a tuple of (boolean, reason), indicating
-    respectively the health of the service and the reason for its failure (or None if the service is
-    still healthy).
-  """
-  def __init__(self,
-               health_checker,
-               interval_secs=30,
-               initial_interval_secs=None,
-               max_consecutive_failures=0,
-               clock=time):
-    self._checker = health_checker
-    self._interval = interval_secs
-    if initial_interval_secs is not None:
-      self._initial_interval = initial_interval_secs
-    else:
-      self._initial_interval = interval_secs * 2
-    self._current_consecutive_failures = 0
-    self._max_consecutive_failures = max_consecutive_failures
-    self._dead = threading.Event()
-    if self._initial_interval > 0:
-      self._healthy, self._reason = True, None
-    else:
-      self._healthy, self._reason = self._checker()
-    self._clock = clock
-    super(HealthCheckerThread, self).__init__()
-    self.daemon = True
-  @property
-  def status(self):
-    if not self._healthy:
-      return StatusResult('Failed health check! %s' % self._reason, ExitState.FAILED)
-  def run(self):
-    log.debug('Health checker thread started.')
-    self._clock.sleep(self._initial_interval)
-    log.debug('Initial interval expired.')
-    while not self._dead.is_set():
-      self._maybe_update_failure_count(*self._checker())
-      self._clock.sleep(self._interval)
-  def _maybe_update_failure_count(self, is_healthy, reason):
-    if not is_healthy:
-      log.warning('Health check failure: %s' % reason)
-      self._current_consecutive_failures += 1
-      if self._current_consecutive_failures > self._max_consecutive_failures:
-        log.warning('Reached consecutive failure limit.')
-        self._healthy = False
-        self._reason = reason
-    else:
-      if self._current_consecutive_failures > 0:
-        log.debug('Reset consecutive failures counter.')
-      self._current_consecutive_failures = 0
-  def start(self):
-    StatusChecker.start(self)
-    ExceptionalThread.start(self)
-  def stop(self):
-    log.debug('Health checker thread stopped.')
-    self._dead.set()
-class HealthCheckerProvider(StatusCheckerProvider):
-  def from_assigned_task(self, assigned_task, _):
-    mesos_task = mesos_task_instance_from_assigned_task(assigned_task)
-    portmap = resolve_ports(mesos_task, assigned_task.assignedPorts)
-    if 'health' not in portmap:
-      return None
-    health_check_config = mesos_task.health_check_config().get()
-    http_signaler = HttpSignaler(
-        portmap['health'],
-        timeout_secs=health_check_config.get('timeout_secs'))
-    health_checker = HealthCheckerThread(
-        interval_secs=health_check_config.get('interval_secs'),
-        initial_interval_secs=health_check_config.get('initial_interval_secs'),
-        max_consecutive_failures=health_check_config.get('max_consecutive_failures'))
-    return health_checker
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index 70ab733..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-from .status_checker import ExitState, StatusChecker, StatusResult
-class KillManager(StatusChecker):
-  """
-    A health interface that provides a kill-switch for a task monitored by the status manager.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._killed = False
-    self._reason = None
-  @property
-  def status(self):
-    if self._killed:
-      return StatusResult(self._reason, ExitState.KILLED)
-  def kill(self, reason):
-    self._reason = reason
-    self._killed = True
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deleted file mode 100644
index 551d360..0000000
--- a/src/main/python/twitter/aurora/executor/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
-import getpass
-import grp
-import os
-import pwd
-from twitter.common import log
-from twitter.common.dirutil import safe_mkdir, safe_rmtree
-from twitter.common.lang import Interface
-class SandboxInterface(Interface):
-  class Error(Exception): pass
-  class CreationError(Error): pass
-  class DeletionError(Error): pass
-  @abstractproperty
-  def root(self):
-    """Return the root path of the sandbox."""
-  @abstractproperty
-  def chrooted(self):
-    """Returns whether or not the sandbox is a chroot."""
-  @abstractmethod
-  def exists(self):
-    """Returns true if the sandbox appears to exist."""
-  @abstractmethod
-  def create(self, *args, **kw):
-    """Create the sandbox."""
-  @abstractmethod
-  def destroy(self, *args, **kw):
-    """Destroy the sandbox."""
-class SandboxProvider(Interface):
-  @abstractmethod
-  def from_assigned_task(self, assigned_task):
-    """Return the appropriate Sandbox implementation from an AssignedTask."""
-class DirectorySandbox(SandboxInterface):
-  """ Basic sandbox implementation using a directory on the filesystem """
-  def __init__(self, root, user=getpass.getuser()):
-    self._root = root
-    self._user = user
-  @property
-  def root(self):
-    return self._root
-  @property
-  def chrooted(self):
-    return False
-  def exists(self):
-    return os.path.exists(self.root)
-  def create(self):
-    log.debug('DirectorySandbox: mkdir %s' % self.root)
-    safe_mkdir(self.root)
-    pwent = pwd.getpwnam(self._user)
-    grent = grp.getgrgid(pwent.pw_gid)
-    log.debug('DirectorySandbox: chown %s:%s %s' % (self._user, grent.gr_name, self.root))
-    os.chown(self.root, pwent.pw_uid, pwent.pw_gid)
-    log.debug('DirectorySandbox: chmod 700 %s' % self.root)
-    os.chmod(self.root, 0700)
-  def destroy(self):
-    safe_rmtree(self.root)