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Posted to by on 2015/09/03 11:28:38 UTC

[10/14] ignite git commit: IGNITE-1364: WIP.
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/cache_test.cpp b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/cache_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a531252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/cache_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
+ *  _________        _____ __________________        _____
+ *  __  ____/___________(_)______  /__  ____/______ ____(_)_______
+ *  _  / __  __  ___/__  / _  __  / _  / __  _  __ `/__  / __  __ \
+ *  / /_/ /  _  /    _  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /  / /_/ / _  /  _  / / /
+ *  \____/   /_/     /_/   \_,__/   \____/   \__,_/  /_/   /_/ /_/
+ */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+    #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "gridgain/cache/cache_peek_mode.h"
+#include "gridgain/grid.h"
+#include "gridgain/grid_factory.h"
+using namespace gridgain;
+using namespace boost::unit_test;
+/* Nodes started during the test. */
+Grid grid0 = Grid();
+Grid grid1 = Grid();
+/** Cache accessor. */
+cache::Cache<int, int> Cache()
+    return grid0.GetCache<int, int>("partitioned");
+struct Person
+    std::string name;
+    int age;
+    Person() : name(""), age(0)
+    {
+        // No-op.
+    }
+    Person(std::string name, int age) : name(name), age(age)
+    {
+        // No-op.
+    }
+namespace gridgain
+    namespace portable
+    {
+        void Write(PortableWriter& writer, Person obj)
+        {
+            writer.WriteString("name",;
+            writer.WriteInt32("age", obj.age);            
+        }
+        Person Read(PortableReader& reader)
+        {
+            std::string name = reader.ReadString("name");
+            int age = reader.ReadInt32("age");
+            return Person(name, age);
+        }
+    }
+ * Test setup fixture.
+ */
+struct CacheTestSuiteFixture {
+    /*
+     * Constructor.
+     */
+    CacheTestSuiteFixture()
+    {
+        GridConfiguration cfg;
+        GridJvmOption opts[5];
+        opts[0] = GridJvmOption("-Xdebug");
+        opts[1] = GridJvmOption("-Xnoagent");
+        opts[2] = GridJvmOption("-Djava.compiler=NONE");
+        opts[3] = GridJvmOption("-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005");
+        opts[4] = GridJvmOption("-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError");
+        cfg.jvmOptsLen = 5;
+        cfg.jvmOpts = opts;
+        cfg.jvmInitMem = 1024;
+        cfg.jvmMaxMem = 4096;
+        char* cfgPath = getenv("GRIDGAIN_NATIVE_TEST_CPP_CONFIG_PATH");
+        std::string cfgPathStr = std::string(cfgPath).append("/").append("cache-test.xml");
+        cfg.springCfgPath = const_cast<char*>(cfgPathStr.c_str());
+        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
+        {
+            std::stringstream stream;
+            stream << "grid-" << i;
+            GridError err;
+            Grid grid = GridFactory::Start(cfg, stream.str().c_str(), &err);
+            if (err.GetCode() != GridError::GG_SUCCESS)
+                BOOST_FAIL(err.GetText());
+            if (i == 0)
+                grid0 = grid;
+            else
+                grid1 = grid;
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    ~CacheTestSuiteFixture()
+    {
+        GridFactory::Stop(grid0.GetName(), true);
+        GridFactory::Stop(grid1.GetName(), true);
+        grid0 = Grid();
+        grid1 = Grid();
+    }
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(CacheTestSuite, CacheTestSuiteFixture)
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    cache.Put(2, 2);
+    cache.Put(3, 3);
+    int size = cache.Size(cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == size);
+    cache.RemoveAll();
+    size = cache.Size(cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_ALL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == size);
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    cache.Put(2, 2);
+    cache.Put(3, 3);
+    int keys[] = { 1, 2, 4, 5 };
+    std::set<int> keySet(keys, keys + 4);
+    cache.RemoveAll(keySet);
+    size = cache.Size(cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == size);
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == cache.Get(1));
+    std::map<int, int> map;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+        map[i] = i + 1;
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.PutAll(map);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(i + 1 == cache.Get(i));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.PutIfAbsent(1, 3));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.PutIfAbsent(1, 3));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    cache.Put(2, 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == cache.Get(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(2 == cache.Get(2));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.Get(3));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    int keys[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+    std::set<int> keySet (keys, keys + 5);
+    for (int i = 0; i < keySet.size(); i++)
+        cache.Put(i + 1, i + 1);
+    std::map<int, int> map = cache.GetAll(keySet);
+    for (int i = 0; i < keySet.size(); i++)
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(i + 1 == map[i + 1]);
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.GetAndPut(1, 3));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.GetAndPut(1, 1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == cache.GetAndPut(1, 0));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.GetAndPutIfAbsent(1, 3));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.GetAndPutIfAbsent(1, 1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.GetAndPutIfAbsent(1, 1));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(1, 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.GetAndRemove(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.GetAndRemove(1));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.GetAndReplace(1, 3));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.GetAndReplace(1, 3));
+    cache.Put(1, 5);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(5 == cache.GetAndReplace(1, 3));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.GetAndReplace(1, 3));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.ContainsKey(1));
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.ContainsKey(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.Remove(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.ContainsKey(1));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    int keys[] = { 1, 2 };
+    std::set<int> keySet(keys, keys + 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.ContainsKeys(keySet));
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    cache.Put(2, 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.ContainsKeys(keySet));
+    cache.Remove(1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.ContainsKeys(keySet));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.IsEmpty());
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.IsEmpty());
+    cache.Remove(1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.IsEmpty());
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.Remove(1));
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.Remove(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.Remove(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.ContainsKey(1));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(true == cache.ContainsKey(1));
+    cache.Clear(1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(false == cache.ContainsKey(1));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(0, 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(2 == cache.LocalPeek(0, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    cache.LocalClear(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.LocalPeek(0, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(0, 3);
+    cache.Put(1, 3);
+    int keys[] = { 0, 1 };
+    std::set<int> keySet(keys, keys + 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.LocalPeek(0, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(3 == cache.LocalPeek(1, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    cache.LocalClearAll(keySet);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.LocalPeek(0, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.LocalPeek(1, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.Size());
+    cache.Put(1, 1);
+    cache.Put(2, 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(2 <= cache.Size());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(1 <= cache.LocalSize(cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_PRIMARY));
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = Cache();
+    cache.Put(1, 5);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(5 == cache.LocalPeek(1, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_ONHEAP));
+    int keys[] = { 0, 1 };
+    std::set<int> keySet(keys, keys + 2);
+    cache.LocalEvict(keySet);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == cache.LocalPeek(1, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_ONHEAP));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(5 == cache.Get(1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(5 == cache.LocalPeek(1, cache::GG_PEEK_MODE_ONHEAP));
+    cache::Cache<int, Person> cache = grid0.GetCache<int, Person>("partitioned");
+    Person person("John Johnson", 3);
+    cache.Put(1, person);
+    Person person0 = cache.Get(1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(person.age == person0.age);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    // Create new cache
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = grid0.CreateCache<int, int>("dynamic_cache");
+    cache.Put(5, 7);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(7 == cache.Get(5));
+    // Attempt to create cache with existing name
+    GridError err;
+    grid0.CreateCache<int, int>("dynamic_cache", &err);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() != GridError::GG_SUCCESS);
+    // Get existing cache
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache = grid0.GetOrCreateCache<int, int>("partitioned");
+    cache.Put(5, 7);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(7 == cache.Get(5));
+    // Create new cache
+    cache::Cache<int, int> cache2 = grid0.GetOrCreateCache<int, int>("partitioned_new");
+    cache2.Put(5, 7);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(7 == cache2.Get(5));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/concurrent_test.cpp b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/concurrent_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bd09a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/concurrent_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
+ *  _________        _____ __________________        _____
+ *  __  ____/___________(_)______  /__  ____/______ ____(_)_______
+ *  _  / __  __  ___/__  / _  __  / _  / __  _  __ `/__  / __  __ \
+ *  / /_/ /  _  /    _  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /  / /_/ / _  /  _  / / /
+ *  \____/   /_/     /_/   \_,__/   \____/   \__,_/  /_/   /_/ /_/
+ */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+    #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <ignite/common/concurrent.h>
+using namespace ignite::common::concurrent;
+    int32_t val = 1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::CompareAndSet32(&val, 1, 2));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!Atomics::CompareAndSet32(&val, 3, 1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::CompareAndSet32Val(&val, 2, 3) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::CompareAndSet32Val(&val, 4, 2) == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::IncrementAndGet32(&val) == 4);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 4);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::DecrementAndGet32(&val) == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 3);
+    int64_t val = 1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::CompareAndSet64(&val, 1, 2));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!Atomics::CompareAndSet64(&val, 3, 1));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::CompareAndSet64Val(&val, 2, 3) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::CompareAndSet64Val(&val, 4, 2) == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::IncrementAndGet64(&val) == 4);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 4);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(Atomics::DecrementAndGet64(&val) == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val == 3);
+    int32_t idx1 = ThreadLocal::NextIndex();
+    int32_t idx2 = ThreadLocal::NextIndex();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(idx2 > idx1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ThreadLocal::Get<int32_t>(idx1) == 0);
+    ThreadLocal::Set(idx1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ThreadLocal::Get<int32_t>(idx1) == 1);
+    ThreadLocal::Set(idx1, 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ThreadLocal::Get<int32_t>(idx1) == 2);
+    ThreadLocal::Remove(idx1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ThreadLocal::Get<int32_t>(idx1) == 0);
+    ThreadLocal::Set(idx1, 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ThreadLocal::Get<int32_t>(idx1) == 1);
+    ThreadLocal::Remove(idx1);
+    ThreadLocalInstance<int32_t> val;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.Get() == 0);
+    val.Set(1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.Get() == 1);
+    val.Set(2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.Get() == 2);
+    val.Remove();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.Get() == 0);
+    val.Set(1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.Get() == 1);
+    val.Remove();
+struct SharedPointerTarget
+    bool deleted;
+    SharedPointerTarget() : deleted(false)
+    {
+        // No-op.
+    }
+void DeleteSharedPointerTarget(SharedPointerTarget* ptr)
+    ptr->deleted = true;
+    // 1. Test the simples scenario.
+    SharedPointerTarget* target = new SharedPointerTarget();
+    SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>* ptr1 = 
+        new SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>(target, DeleteSharedPointerTarget);
+    delete ptr1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(target->deleted);
+    target->deleted = false;
+    // 2. Test copy ctor.
+    ptr1 = new SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>(target, DeleteSharedPointerTarget);
+    SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>* ptr2 = new SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>(*ptr1);
+    delete ptr1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!target->deleted);
+    delete ptr2;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(target->deleted);
+    target->deleted = false;
+    // 3. Test assignment logic.
+    ptr1 = new SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>(target, DeleteSharedPointerTarget);
+    SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget> ptr3 = *ptr1;
+    delete ptr1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!target->deleted);
+    ptr3 = SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(target->deleted);
+    target->deleted = false;
+    // 4. Test self-assignment.
+    ptr1 = new SharedPointer<SharedPointerTarget>(target, DeleteSharedPointerTarget);
+    *ptr1 = *ptr1;
+    delete ptr1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(target->deleted);
+    // 5. Tear-down.
+    delete target;    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/grid_factory_test.cpp b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/grid_factory_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a098c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/grid_factory_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
+ *  _________        _____ __________________        _____
+ *  __  ____/___________(_)______  /__  ____/______ ____(_)_______
+ *  _  / __  __  ___/__  / _  __  / _  / __  _  __ `/__  / __  __ \
+ *  / /_/ /  _  /    _  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /  / /_/ / _  /  _  / / /
+ *  \____/   /_/     /_/   \_,__/   \____/   \__,_/  /_/   /_/ /_/
+ */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+    #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "gridgain/grid.h"
+#include "gridgain/grid_factory.h"
+using namespace gridgain;
+using namespace boost::unit_test;
+    GridConfiguration cfg;
+    GridJvmOption opts[5];
+    opts[0] = GridJvmOption("-Xdebug");
+    opts[1] = GridJvmOption("-Xnoagent");
+    opts[2] = GridJvmOption("-Djava.compiler=NONE");
+    opts[3] = GridJvmOption("-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005");
+    opts[4] = GridJvmOption("-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError");
+    cfg.jvmOptsLen = 5;
+    cfg.jvmOpts = opts;
+    cfg.jvmInitMem = 1024;
+    cfg.jvmMaxMem = 4096;
+    char* cfgPath = getenv("GRIDGAIN_NATIVE_TEST_CPP_CONFIG_PATH");
+    std::string cfgPathStr = std::string(cfgPath).append("/").append("cache-test.xml");
+    cfg.springCfgPath = const_cast<char*>(cfgPathStr.c_str());
+    GridError err;
+    // Start two grids
+    Grid grid1 = GridFactory::Start(cfg, "gridFactoryTest-1", &err);
+    if (err.GetCode() != GridError::GG_SUCCESS)
+        BOOST_ERROR(err.GetText());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(strcmp(grid1.GetName(), "gridFactoryTest-1") == 0);
+    Grid grid2 = GridFactory::Start(cfg, "gridFactoryTest-2", &err);
+    if (err.GetCode() != GridError::GG_SUCCESS)
+        BOOST_ERROR(err.GetText());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(strcmp(grid2.GetName(), "gridFactoryTest-2") == 0);
+    // Test get
+    Grid grid0 = GridFactory::Get("gridFactoryTest-1", &err);
+    if (err.GetCode() != GridError::GG_SUCCESS)
+        BOOST_ERROR(err.GetText());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(strcmp(grid0.GetName(), grid1.GetName()) == 0);
+    // Stop one grid
+    GridFactory::Stop(grid1.GetName(), true);
+    GridFactory::Get("gridFactoryTest-1", &err);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_GENERIC);
+    GridFactory::Get("gridFactoryTest-2", &err);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_SUCCESS);
+    // Stop all
+    GridFactory::StopAll(true);
+    GridFactory::Get("gridFactoryTest-2", &err);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_GENERIC);    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/handle_registry_test.cpp b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/handle_registry_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec2a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/handle_registry_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
+ *  _________        _____ __________________        _____
+ *  __  ____/___________(_)______  /__  ____/______ ____(_)_______
+ *  _  / __  __  ___/__  / _  __  / _  / __  _  __ `/__  / __  __ \
+ *  / /_/ /  _  /    _  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /  / /_/ / _  /  _  / / /
+ *  \____/   /_/     /_/   \_,__/   \____/   \__,_/  /_/   /_/ /_/
+ */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+    #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "gridgain/impl/handle_registry.h"
+using namespace ignite::common::concurrent;
+using namespace gridgain::impl;
+struct HandleRegistryTestProbe
+    bool deleted;
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe()
+    {
+        deleted = false;
+    }
+class HandleRegistryTestEntry : public HandleRegistryEntry
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry(HandleRegistryTestProbe* probe) : probe(probe)
+    {
+        // No-op.
+    }
+    virtual ~HandleRegistryTestEntry()
+    {
+        probe->deleted = true;
+    }
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe* probe;
+    HandleRegistry reg(2, 1);
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe probe0;
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe probe1;
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe probe2;
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* entry0 = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&probe0);
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* entry1 = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&probe1);
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* entry2 = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&probe2);
+    int64_t hnd0 = reg.AllocateCritical(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(entry0));
+    int64_t hnd1 = reg.AllocateCritical(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(entry1));
+    int64_t hnd2 = reg.AllocateCritical(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(entry2));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd0).Get() == entry0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe0.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd1).Get() == entry1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe1.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd2).Get() == entry2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe2.deleted);
+    reg.Release(hnd0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd0).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe0.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd1).Get() == entry1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe1.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd2).Get() == entry2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe2.deleted);
+    reg.Close();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd0).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe0.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd1).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe1.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd2).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe2.deleted);
+    HandleRegistry closedReg(2, 1);
+    closedReg.Close();
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe closedProbe;
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* closedEntry = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&closedProbe);
+    int64_t closedHnd = closedReg.AllocateCritical(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(closedEntry));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(closedHnd == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(closedProbe.deleted);
+    HandleRegistry reg(0, 2);
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe probe0;
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe probe1;
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe probe2;
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* entry0 = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&probe0);
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* entry1 = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&probe1);
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* entry2 = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&probe2);
+    int64_t hnd0 = reg.AllocateCritical(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(entry0));
+    int64_t hnd1 = reg.Allocate(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(entry1));
+    int64_t hnd2 = reg.Allocate(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(entry2));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd0).Get() == entry0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe0.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd1).Get() == entry1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe1.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd2).Get() == entry2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe2.deleted);
+    reg.Release(hnd0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd0).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe0.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd1).Get() == entry1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe1.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd2).Get() == entry2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!probe2.deleted);
+    reg.Close();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd0).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe0.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd1).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe1.deleted);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(reg.Get(hnd2).Get() == NULL);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(probe2.deleted);
+    HandleRegistry closedReg(0, 2);
+    closedReg.Close();
+    HandleRegistryTestProbe closedProbe;
+    HandleRegistryTestEntry* closedEntry = new HandleRegistryTestEntry(&closedProbe);
+    int64_t closedHnd = closedReg.Allocate(SharedPointer<HandleRegistryEntry>(closedEntry));
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(closedHnd == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(closedProbe.deleted);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/portable_reader_writer_raw_test.cpp b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/portable_reader_writer_raw_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d070b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/platform/src/main/cpp/core-test/src/portable_reader_writer_raw_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) GridGain Systems. All Rights Reserved.
+ *  _________        _____ __________________        _____
+ *  __  ____/___________(_)______  /__  ____/______ ____(_)_______
+ *  _  / __  __  ___/__  / _  __  / _  / __  _  __ `/__  / __  __ \
+ *  / /_/ /  _  /    _  /  / /_/ /  / /_/ /  / /_/ / _  /  _  / / /
+ *  \____/   /_/     /_/   \_,__/   \____/   \__,_/  /_/   /_/ /_/
+ */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+    #define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "gridgain/impl/interop/interop.h"
+#include "gridgain/portable/portable.h"
+#include "gridgain/portable_test_defs.h"
+#include "gridgain/portable_test_utils.h"
+using namespace gridgain;
+using namespace gridgain::impl::interop;
+using namespace gridgain::impl::portable;
+using namespace gridgain::portable;
+using namespace gridgain_test::core::portable;
+template<typename T>
+void CheckRawPrimitive(T val)
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    Write<T>(rawWriter, val);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    T readVal = Read<T>(rawReader);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(readVal == val);
+template<typename T>
+void CheckRawPrimitiveArray(T dflt, T val1, T val2)
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    // 1. Write NULL and see what happens.
+    WriteArray<T>(rawWriter, NULL, 0);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    in.Synchronize();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 0) == -1);
+    in.Position(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 2) == -1);
+    T arr1[2];
+    arr1[0] = dflt;
+    arr1[1] = dflt;
+    in.Position(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 1) == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    // 2. Write empty array.
+    T arr2[2];
+    arr2[0] = val1;
+    arr2[1] = val2;
+    out.Position(0);
+    in.Position(0);
+    WriteArray<T>(rawWriter, arr2, 0);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    in.Synchronize();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 0) == 0);
+    in.Position(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 2) == 0);
+    in.Position(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 0) == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    in.Position(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 2) == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    // 3. Partial array write.
+    out.Position(0);
+    in.Position(0);
+    WriteArray<T>(rawWriter, arr2, 1);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    in.Synchronize();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 0) == 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 2) == 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 0) == 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 1) == 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == val1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    arr1[0] = dflt;
+    in.Position(0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 2) == 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == val1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    arr1[0] = dflt;
+    // 4. Full array write.
+    out.Position(0);
+    in.Position(0);
+    WriteArray<T>(rawWriter, arr2, 2);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    in.Synchronize();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 0) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, NULL, 2) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 0) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 1) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == dflt);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(ReadArray<T>(rawReader, arr1, 2) == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[0] == val1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arr1[1] == val2);
+void CheckRawWritesRestricted(PortableRawWriter& writer)
+    try
+    {
+        writer.WriteInt8(1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        int8_t arr[1];
+        writer.WriteInt8Array(arr, 1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        Guid val(1, 1);
+        writer.WriteGuid(val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        writer.WriteString("test");
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try 
+    {
+        writer.WriteArray<int8_t>();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try 
+    {
+        writer.WriteCollection<int8_t>();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try 
+    {
+        writer.WriteMap<int8_t, int8_t>();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+void CheckRawReadsRestricted(PortableRawReader& reader)
+    try
+    {
+        reader.ReadInt8();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        int8_t arr[1];
+        reader.ReadInt8Array(arr, 1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        reader.ReadGuid();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        reader.ReadString();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        reader.ReadArray<int8_t>();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        reader.ReadCollection<int8_t>();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        reader.ReadMap<int8_t, int8_t>();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Not restricted.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+void CheckRawCollectionEmpty(CollectionType* colType)
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableCollectionWriter<PortableInner> colWriter = colType ?
+        rawWriter.WriteCollection<PortableInner>(*colType) : rawWriter.WriteCollection<PortableInner>();
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    colWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        colWriter.Write(1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        colWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableCollectionReader<PortableInner> colReader = rawReader.ReadCollection<PortableInner>();
+    if (colType)
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetType() == *colType);
+    else
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetSize() == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!colReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!colReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        colReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+void CheckRawCollection(CollectionType* colType)
+    PortableInner writeVal1 = PortableInner(1);
+    PortableInner writeVal2 = PortableInner(0);
+    PortableInner writeVal3 = PortableInner(2);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableCollectionWriter<PortableInner> colWriter = colType ?
+        rawWriter.WriteCollection<PortableInner>(*colType) : rawWriter.WriteCollection<PortableInner>();
+    colWriter.Write(writeVal1);
+    colWriter.Write(writeVal2);
+    colWriter.Write(writeVal3);
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    colWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        colWriter.Write(1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        colWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableCollectionReader<PortableInner> colReader = rawReader.ReadCollection<PortableInner>();
+    CheckRawReadsRestricted(rawReader);
+    if (colType)
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetType() == *colType);
+    else
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetSize() == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!colReader.IsNull());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetNext().GetValue() == writeVal1.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetNext().GetValue() == writeVal2.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetNext().GetValue() == writeVal3.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!colReader.HasNext());
+    try
+    {
+        colReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+void CheckRawMapEmpty(MapType* mapType)
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableMapWriter<int8_t, PortableInner> mapWriter = mapType ?
+        rawWriter.WriteMap<int8_t, PortableInner>(*mapType) : rawWriter.WriteMap<int8_t, PortableInner>();
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    mapWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        mapWriter.Write(1, PortableInner(1));
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        mapWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableMapReader<int8_t, PortableInner> mapReader = rawReader.ReadMap<int8_t, PortableInner>();
+    if (mapType)
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetType() == *mapType);
+    else
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetType() == GG_MAP_UNDEFINED);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetSize() == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!mapReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!mapReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        int8_t key;
+        PortableInner val;
+        mapReader.GetNext(&key, &val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+void CheckRawMap(MapType* mapType)
+    PortableInner writeVal1 = PortableInner(1);
+    PortableInner writeVal2 = PortableInner(0);
+    PortableInner writeVal3 = PortableInner(2);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableMapWriter<int8_t, PortableInner> mapWriter = mapType ?
+        rawWriter.WriteMap<int8_t, PortableInner>(*mapType) : rawWriter.WriteMap<int8_t, PortableInner>();
+    mapWriter.Write(1, writeVal1);
+    mapWriter.Write(2, writeVal2);
+    mapWriter.Write(3, writeVal3);
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    mapWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        mapWriter.Write(4, PortableInner(4));
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        mapWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableMapReader<int8_t, PortableInner> mapReader = rawReader.ReadMap<int8_t, PortableInner>();
+    CheckRawReadsRestricted(rawReader);
+    if (mapType)
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetType() == *mapType);
+    else
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetType() == GG_MAP_UNDEFINED);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetSize() == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!mapReader.IsNull());
+    int8_t key;
+    PortableInner val;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.HasNext());
+    mapReader.GetNext(&key, &val);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(key == 1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.GetValue() == writeVal1.GetValue());
+    mapReader.GetNext(&key, &val);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(key == 2);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.GetValue() == writeVal2.GetValue());
+    mapReader.GetNext(&key, &val);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(key == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(val.GetValue() == writeVal3.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!mapReader.HasNext());
+    try
+    {
+        mapReader.GetNext(&key, &val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<int8_t>(1);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<bool>(true);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<int16_t>(1);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<uint16_t>(1);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<int32_t>(1);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<int64_t>(1);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<float>(1.1f);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<double>(1.1);
+    Guid val(1, 2);
+    CheckRawPrimitive<Guid>(val);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<int8_t>(1, 2, 3);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<bool>(false, true, false);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<int16_t>(1, 2, 3);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<uint16_t>(1, 2, 3);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<int32_t>(1, 2, 3);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<int64_t>(1, 2, 3);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<float>(1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<double>(1.1, 2.2, 3.3);
+    Guid dflt(1, 2);
+    Guid val1(3, 4);
+    Guid val2(5, 6);
+    CheckRawPrimitiveArray<Guid>(dflt, val1, val2);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    Guid expVal;
+    Guid actualVal = rawReader.ReadGuid();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(actualVal == expVal);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    const char* writeVal1 = "testtest";
+    const char* writeVal2 = "test";
+    std::string writeVal3 = writeVal1;
+    rawWriter.WriteString(writeVal1);
+    rawWriter.WriteString(writeVal1, 4);
+    rawWriter.WriteString(writeVal3);
+    rawWriter.WriteString(NULL);
+    rawWriter.WriteString(NULL, 4);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    char readVal1[9];
+    char readVal2[5];
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(NULL, 0) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(NULL, 8) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(readVal1, 0) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(readVal1, 4) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(readVal1, 9) == 8);
+    std::string writeVal1Str = writeVal1;
+    std::string readVal1Str = readVal1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(readVal2, 5) == 4);
+    std::string writeVal2Str = writeVal2;
+    std::string readVal2Str = readVal2;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    std::string readVal3 = rawReader.ReadString();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(readVal1, 9) == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadString(readVal1, 9) == -1);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableStringArrayReader arrReader = rawReader.ReadStringArray();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetSize() == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        char res[100];
+        arrReader.GetNext(res, 100);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableStringArrayWriter arrWriter = rawWriter.WriteStringArray();
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    arrWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        const char* val = "test";
+        arrWriter.Write(val, 4);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        const char* val = "test";
+        arrWriter.Write(val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        std::string val = "test";
+        arrWriter.Write(val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableStringArrayReader arrReader = rawReader.ReadStringArray();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetSize() == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        char res[100];
+        arrReader.GetNext(res, 100);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    const char* writeVal1 = "testtest";
+    const char* writeVal2 = "test";
+    std::string writeVal3 = "test2";
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableStringArrayWriter arrWriter = rawWriter.WriteStringArray();
+    arrWriter.Write(writeVal1);
+    arrWriter.Write(writeVal1, 4);
+    arrWriter.Write(NULL); // NULL value.
+    arrWriter.Write(NULL, 100); // NULL value again.
+    arrWriter.Write(writeVal3);
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    arrWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        const char* val = "test";
+        arrWriter.Write(val, 4);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        const char* val = "test";
+        arrWriter.Write(val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        std::string val = "test";
+        arrWriter.Write(val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableStringArrayReader arrReader = rawReader.ReadStringArray();
+    CheckRawReadsRestricted(rawReader);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetSize() == 5);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.IsNull());
+    // 1. Read first value.
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    char readVal1[9];
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(NULL, 0) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(NULL, 8) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(readVal1, 0) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(readVal1, 4) == 8);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(readVal1, 9) == 8);
+    std::string writeVal1Str = writeVal1;
+    std::string readVal1Str = readVal1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    // 2. Read second value.
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    char readVal2[5];
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(readVal2, 5) == 4);
+    std::string writeVal2Str = writeVal2;
+    std::string readVal2Str = readVal2;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    // 3. Read NULL.
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext(readVal1, 4) == -1);
+    readVal1Str = readVal1;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    // 4. Read NULL again, this time through another method.
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    std::string readNullVal = arrReader.GetNext();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(readNullVal.length() == 0);
+    // 5. Read third value.
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    std::string readVal3 = arrReader.GetNext();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE( == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.HasNext());
+    try
+    {
+        char res[100];
+        arrReader.GetNext(res, 100);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    PortableInner writeVal1(1);
+    PortableInner writeVal2(0);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteObject(writeVal1);
+    rawWriter.WriteObject(writeVal2);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableInner readVal1 = rawReader.ReadObject<PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(writeVal1.GetValue() == readVal1.GetValue());
+    PortableInner readVal2 = rawReader.ReadObject<PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(writeVal2.GetValue() == readVal2.GetValue());
+    PortableInner readVal3 = rawReader.ReadObject<PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == readVal3.GetValue());
+    PortableOuter writeVal1(1, 2);
+    PortableOuter writeVal2(0, 0);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteObject(writeVal1);
+    rawWriter.WriteObject(writeVal2);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableOuter readVal1 = rawReader.ReadObject<PortableOuter>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(writeVal1.GetValue() == readVal1.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(writeVal1.GetInner().GetValue() == readVal1.GetInner().GetValue());
+    PortableOuter readVal2 = rawReader.ReadObject<PortableOuter>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(writeVal2.GetValue() == readVal2.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(writeVal2.GetInner().GetValue() == readVal2.GetInner().GetValue());
+    PortableOuter readVal3 = rawReader.ReadObject<PortableOuter>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == readVal3.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(0 == readVal3.GetInner().GetValue());
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableArrayReader<PortableInner> arrReader = rawReader.ReadArray<PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetSize() == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        arrReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableArrayWriter<PortableInner> arrWriter = rawWriter.WriteArray<PortableInner>();
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    arrWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        arrWriter.Write(1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableArrayReader<PortableInner> arrReader = rawReader.ReadArray<PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetSize() == 0);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        arrReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    PortableInner writeVal1 = PortableInner(1);
+    PortableInner writeVal2 = PortableInner(0);
+    PortableInner writeVal3 = PortableInner(2);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    PortableArrayWriter<PortableInner> arrWriter = rawWriter.WriteArray<PortableInner>();
+    arrWriter.Write(writeVal1); 
+    arrWriter.Write(writeVal2);
+    arrWriter.Write(writeVal3);
+    CheckRawWritesRestricted(rawWriter);
+    arrWriter.Close();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    try
+    {
+        arrWriter.Write(1);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        arrWriter.Close();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableArrayReader<PortableInner> arrReader = rawReader.ReadArray<PortableInner>();
+    CheckRawReadsRestricted(rawReader);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetSize() == 3);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.IsNull());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext().GetValue() == writeVal1.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext().GetValue() == writeVal2.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(arrReader.GetNext().GetValue() == writeVal3.GetValue());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!arrReader.HasNext());
+    try
+    {
+        arrReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableCollectionReader<PortableInner> colReader = rawReader.ReadCollection<PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.GetSize() == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!colReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(colReader.IsNull()); 
+    try
+    {
+        colReader.GetNext();
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    CheckRawCollectionEmpty(NULL);
+    CheckRawCollectionEmpty(&typ);
+    CheckRawCollection(NULL);
+    CheckRawCollection(&typ);
+    InteropUnpooledMemory mem(1024);
+    InteropOutputStream out(&mem);
+    PortableWriterImpl writer(&out, NULL);
+    PortableRawWriter rawWriter(&writer);
+    rawWriter.WriteNull();
+    rawWriter.WriteInt8(1);
+    out.Synchronize();
+    InteropInputStream in(&mem);
+    PortableReaderImpl reader(&in);
+    PortableRawReader rawReader(&reader);
+    PortableMapReader<int8_t, PortableInner> mapReader = rawReader.ReadMap<int8_t, PortableInner>();
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetType() == GG_MAP_UNDEFINED);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.GetSize() == -1);
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(!mapReader.HasNext());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(mapReader.IsNull());
+    try
+    {
+        int8_t key;
+        PortableInner val;
+        mapReader.GetNext(&key, &val);
+        BOOST_FAIL("Error expected.");
+    }
+    catch (GridError& err)
+    {
+        BOOST_REQUIRE(err.GetCode() == GridError::GG_ERR_PORTABLE);
+    }
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(rawReader.ReadInt8() == 1);
+    CheckRawMapEmpty(NULL);
+    CheckRawMapEmpty(&typ);
+    CheckRawMap(NULL);
+    CheckRawMap(&typ);
\ No newline at end of file