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Posted to by Donald Ball <> on 2002/08/26 19:07:28 UTC

trouble with DynaValidatorForm

Hey guys, I'm still experimenting with the Dyna stuff. I'm trying out the
DynaValidatorForm, following the recipe in chapter 11 of Chuck's (?) book
from theserverside. The form bean is capturing my data, hooray, but it does
not appear to be validating it. Conf snipppets:


<form-bean name="MyForm"
      <form-property name="foo" initial="23" type="java.lang.String"/>


  <form name="MyForm">
    <field property="foo" depends="required"/>

validator-rules.xml is copied intact from the struts repository. I've tried
both b1 and b2. In both cases, the form submission is successful and I go
onto the success path, even if I have no foo value. I've also tried the
"integer" validation rule and it also accepts any input.

Any suggestions? Is there a way to turn up the level of debugging to get
more information? The validator plug-in does report that it is active and
was able to load both configuration files successfully.

Finally, is anyone actively working on or planning to work on the TODO
sections in the struts documentation regarding Dyna and Validator stuff?

- donald

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