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[51/51] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-quickstep git commit: remove c++ files

remove c++ files


Branch: refs/heads/gh-pages
Commit: 156290a4e65f67beef270cd1989836c5fd980e65
Parents: 401b8c0
Author: Marc Spehlmann <>
Authored: Sun Dec 11 09:04:49 2016 -0600
Committer: Marc Spehlmann <>
Committed: Sun Dec 11 09:04:49 2016 -0600

 .gitignore                                      |    15 +-                                     |   206 -
 CMakeLists.txt                                  |   784 -                                      |    12 -                                   |   108 -
 DISCLAIMER                                      |    11 -
 Doxyfile                                        |  2280 --                          |    89 -
 LICENSE                                         |   202 -
 NOTICE                                          |    44 -                          |   178 -
 build/                          |   109 -
 build/vagrant/                         |    97 -
 build/vagrant/debian-jessie-amd64/Vagrantfile   |    39 -
 build/vagrant/freebsd-10.2-amd64/Vagrantfile    |    45 -
 build/vagrant/ubuntu-precise-amd64/Vagrantfile  |    48 -
 catalog/CMakeLists.txt                          |   249 -
 catalog/Catalog.cpp                             |   111 -
 catalog/Catalog.hpp                             |   299 -
 catalog/Catalog.proto                           |   124 -
 catalog/CatalogAttribute.cpp                    |    69 -
 catalog/CatalogAttribute.hpp                    |   198 -
 catalog/                      |    21 -
 catalog/CatalogDatabase.cpp                     |   154 -
 catalog/CatalogDatabase.hpp                     |   468 -
 catalog/CatalogDatabaseCache.cpp                |   107 -
 catalog/CatalogDatabaseCache.hpp                |   139 -
 catalog/CatalogDatabaseLite.hpp                 |   104 -
 catalog/CatalogErrors.hpp                       |    54 -
 catalog/CatalogModule.hpp                       |    25 -
 catalog/CatalogRelation.cpp                     |   198 -
 catalog/CatalogRelation.hpp                     |   438 -
 catalog/CatalogRelationSchema.cpp               |   191 -
 catalog/CatalogRelationSchema.hpp               |   545 -
 catalog/CatalogRelationStatistics.cpp           |    51 -
 catalog/CatalogRelationStatistics.hpp           |   124 -
 catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp                     |    58 -
 catalog/IndexScheme.cpp                         |    82 -
 catalog/IndexScheme.hpp                         |   194 -
 catalog/NUMAPlacementScheme.cpp                 |    85 -
 catalog/NUMAPlacementScheme.hpp                 |   208 -
 catalog/PartitionScheme.cpp                     |   115 -
 catalog/PartitionScheme.hpp                     |   190 -
 catalog/PartitionSchemeHeader.cpp               |   134 -
 catalog/PartitionSchemeHeader.hpp               |   314 -
 catalog/tests/Catalog_unittest.cpp              |   629 -
 catalog/tests/NUMAPlacementScheme_unittest.cpp  |   133 -
 catalog/tests/PartitionScheme_unittest.cpp      |   652 -
 cli/CMakeLists.txt                              |   154 -
 cli/                              |    22 -
 cli/CliModule.hpp                               |    23 -
 cli/CommandExecutor.cpp                         |   406 -
 cli/CommandExecutor.hpp                         |    78 -
 cli/DefaultsConfigurator.cpp                    |    78 -
 cli/DefaultsConfigurator.hpp                    |   132 -
 cli/DropRelation.cpp                            |    45 -
 cli/DropRelation.hpp                            |    57 -
 cli/Flags.cpp                                   |    72 -
 cli/Flags.hpp                                   |    43 -
 cli/InputParserUtil.cpp                         |   143 -
 cli/InputParserUtil.hpp                         |    79 -
 cli/LineReader.cpp                              |   243 -
 cli/LineReader.hpp                              |    97 -
 cli/LineReaderDumb.cpp                          |    78 -
 cli/LineReaderDumb.hpp                          |    54 -
 cli/LineReaderLineNoise.cpp                     |    60 -
 cli/LineReaderLineNoise.hpp                     |    57 -
 cli/PrintToScreen.cpp                           |   185 -
 cli/PrintToScreen.hpp                           |    99 -
 cli/QuickstepCli.cpp                            |   451 -
 cli/tests/CMakeLists.txt                        |    52 -
 cli/tests/CommandExecutorTest.cpp               |    58 -
 cli/tests/CommandExecutorTestRunner.cpp         |   134 -
 cli/tests/CommandExecutorTestRunner.hpp         |   122 -
 cli/tests/command_executor/CMakeLists.txt       |    33 -
 cli/tests/command_executor/D.test               |   122 -
 cli/tests/command_executor/Dt.test              |    79 -
 cmake/FindGSasl.cmake                           |    42 -
 cmake/FindKerberos.cmake                        |    40 -
 cmake/FindLibNuma.cmake                         |    28 -
 cmake/FindLibhdfs3.cmake                        |    39 -
 compression/CMakeLists.txt                      |    78 -
 compression/CompressionDictionary.cpp           |   415 -
 compression/CompressionDictionary.hpp           |   260 -
 compression/CompressionDictionaryBuilder.cpp    |   207 -
 compression/CompressionDictionaryBuilder.hpp    |   245 -
 compression/CompressionDictionaryLite.cpp       |   103 -
 compression/CompressionDictionaryLite.hpp       |   312 -
 compression/CompressionModule.hpp               |    24 -
 .../tests/CompressionDictionary_unittest.cpp    |  2290 --                            |   230 -
 empty_src.cpp                                   |    24 -
 expressions/CMakeLists.txt                      |    71 -
 expressions/ExpressionFactories.cpp             |   313 -
 expressions/ExpressionFactories.hpp             |   121 -
 expressions/Expressions.proto                   |   125 -
 expressions/ExpressionsModule.hpp               |    23 -
 expressions/aggregation/AggregateFunction.cpp   |    58 -
 expressions/aggregation/AggregateFunction.hpp   |   148 -
 expressions/aggregation/AggregateFunction.proto |    32 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionAvg.cpp        |    83 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionAvg.hpp        |    74 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionCount.cpp      |    69 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionCount.hpp      |    74 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionFactory.cpp    |   105 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionFactory.hpp    |   101 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionMax.cpp        |    65 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionMax.hpp        |    74 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionMin.cpp        |    65 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionMin.hpp        |    74 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionSum.cpp        |    81 -
 .../aggregation/AggregateFunctionSum.hpp        |    74 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationConcreteHandle.cpp   |    68 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationConcreteHandle.hpp   |   325 -
 expressions/aggregation/AggregationHandle.hpp   |   437 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleAvg.cpp        |   205 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleAvg.hpp        |   273 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleCount.cpp      |   210 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleCount.hpp      |   250 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleDistinct.cpp   |    81 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleDistinct.hpp   |   130 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleMax.cpp        |   137 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleMax.hpp        |   251 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleMin.cpp        |   138 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleMin.hpp        |   252 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleSum.cpp        |   190 -
 .../aggregation/AggregationHandleSum.hpp        |   254 -
 expressions/aggregation/AggregationID.hpp       |    44 -
 expressions/aggregation/CMakeLists.txt          |   325 -
 .../tests/AggregationHandleAvg_unittest.cpp     |   596 -
 .../tests/AggregationHandleCount_unittest.cpp   |   660 -
 .../tests/AggregationHandleMax_unittest.cpp     |   826 -
 .../tests/AggregationHandleMin_unittest.cpp     |   822 -
 .../tests/AggregationHandleSum_unittest.cpp     |   611 -
 expressions/predicate/CMakeLists.txt            |   159 -
 expressions/predicate/ComparisonPredicate.cpp   |   376 -
 expressions/predicate/ComparisonPredicate.hpp   |   156 -
 expressions/predicate/ConjunctionPredicate.cpp  |   201 -
 expressions/predicate/ConjunctionPredicate.hpp  |    97 -
 expressions/predicate/DisjunctionPredicate.cpp  |   222 -
 expressions/predicate/DisjunctionPredicate.hpp  |    99 -
 expressions/predicate/NegationPredicate.cpp     |   123 -
 expressions/predicate/NegationPredicate.hpp     |   125 -
 expressions/predicate/Predicate.cpp             |    60 -
 expressions/predicate/Predicate.hpp             |   208 -
 expressions/predicate/PredicateCost.hpp         |    62 -
 expressions/predicate/PredicateWithList.hpp     |    77 -
 expressions/predicate/TrivialPredicates.hpp     |   167 -
 .../predicate/tests/Predicate_unittest.cpp      |   447 -
 expressions/scalar/CMakeLists.txt               |   181 -
 expressions/scalar/Scalar.cpp                   |    38 -
 expressions/scalar/Scalar.hpp                   |   242 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarAttribute.cpp          |   214 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarAttribute.hpp          |   105 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarBinaryExpression.cpp   |   377 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarBinaryExpression.hpp   |   130 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarCaseExpression.cpp     |   515 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarCaseExpression.hpp     |   202 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarLiteral.cpp            |    70 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarLiteral.hpp            |   124 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarUnaryExpression.cpp    |   169 -
 expressions/scalar/ScalarUnaryExpression.hpp    |   125 -
 .../tests/ScalarCaseExpression_unittest.cpp     |   980 -
 expressions/scalar/tests/Scalar_unittest.cpp    |   381 -
 expressions/table_generator/CMakeLists.txt      |    66 -
 expressions/table_generator/GenerateSeries.hpp  |   149 -
 .../table_generator/GenerateSeriesHandle.hpp    |   187 -
 .../table_generator/GeneratorFunction.hpp       |   135 -
 .../table_generator/GeneratorFunction.proto     |    27 -
 .../GeneratorFunctionFactory.cpp                |    73 -
 .../GeneratorFunctionFactory.hpp                |    95 -
 .../table_generator/GeneratorFunctionHandle.hpp |   153 -
 expressions/window_aggregation/CMakeLists.txt   |   213 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunction.cpp                 |    58 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunction.hpp                 |   158 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunction.proto               |    32 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionAvg.cpp              |    93 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionAvg.hpp              |    79 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionCount.cpp            |    63 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionCount.hpp            |    79 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionFactory.cpp          |   106 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionFactory.hpp          |    96 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionMax.cpp              |    71 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionMax.hpp              |    79 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionMin.cpp              |    70 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionMin.hpp              |    79 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionSum.cpp              |    86 -
 .../WindowAggregateFunctionSum.hpp              |    79 -
 .../WindowAggregationHandle.cpp                 |   186 -
 .../WindowAggregationHandle.hpp                 |   173 -
 .../WindowAggregationHandleAvg.cpp              |   174 -
 .../WindowAggregationHandleAvg.hpp              |    92 -
 .../window_aggregation/WindowAggregationID.hpp  |    44 -
 .../WindowAggregationHandleAvg_unittest.cpp     |   518 -
 parser/CMakeLists.txt                           |   440 -
 parser/ParseAssignment.hpp                      |   110 -
 parser/ParseAttributeDefinition.cpp             |    91 -
 parser/ParseAttributeDefinition.hpp             |   255 -
 parser/ParseBasicExpressions.cpp                |   233 -
 parser/ParseBasicExpressions.hpp                |   640 -
 parser/ParseBlockProperties.cpp                 |    31 -
 parser/ParseBlockProperties.hpp                 |   256 -
 parser/ParseCaseExpressions.cpp                 |   131 -
 parser/ParseCaseExpressions.hpp                 |   315 -
 parser/ParseExpression.hpp                      |    82 -
 parser/ParseGeneratorTableReference.cpp         |    40 -
 parser/ParseGeneratorTableReference.hpp         |    93 -
 parser/ParseGroupBy.cpp                         |    41 -
 parser/ParseGroupBy.hpp                         |    91 -
 parser/ParseHaving.cpp                          |    39 -
 parser/ParseHaving.hpp                          |    89 -
 parser/ParseIndexProperties.cpp                 |    29 -
 parser/ParseIndexProperties.hpp                 |   512 -
 parser/ParseJoinedTableReference.cpp            |    73 -
 parser/ParseJoinedTableReference.hpp            |   130 -
 parser/ParseKeyValue.hpp                        |   257 -
 parser/ParseLimit.cpp                           |    39 -
 parser/ParseLimit.hpp                           |    90 -
 parser/ParseLiteralValue.cpp                    |   211 -
 parser/ParseLiteralValue.hpp                    |   354 -
 parser/ParseOrderBy.cpp                         |    57 -
 parser/ParseOrderBy.hpp                         |   167 -
 parser/ParsePartitionClause.hpp                 |   134 -
 parser/ParsePredicate.cpp                       |   106 -
 parser/ParsePredicate.hpp                       |   453 -
 parser/ParsePredicateExists.hpp                 |    95 -
 parser/ParsePredicateInTableQuery.hpp           |   112 -
 parser/ParsePriority.hpp                        |    96 -
 parser/ParseSample.cpp                          |    39 -
 parser/ParseSample.hpp                          |   105 -
 parser/ParseSelect.hpp                          |   235 -
 parser/ParseSelectionClause.cpp                 |    60 -
 parser/ParseSelectionClause.hpp                 |   219 -
 parser/ParseSimpleTableReference.cpp            |    53 -
 parser/ParseSimpleTableReference.hpp            |   102 -
 parser/ParseStatement.hpp                       |  1215 -
 parser/ParseString.cpp                          |    37 -
 parser/ParseString.hpp                          |   118 -
 parser/ParseSubqueryExpression.cpp              |    47 -
 parser/ParseSubqueryExpression.hpp              |    92 -
 parser/ParseSubqueryTableReference.cpp          |    46 -
 parser/ParseSubqueryTableReference.hpp          |    95 -
 parser/ParseTableReference.cpp                  |    65 -
 parser/ParseTableReference.hpp                  |   158 -
 parser/ParseTreeNode.hpp                        |    77 -
 parser/ParseWindow.hpp                          |   203 -
 parser/ParserModule.hpp                         |    23 -
 parser/ParserUtil.cpp                           |    45 -
 parser/ParserUtil.hpp                           |    50 -
 parser/SqlLexer.lpp                             |   466 -
 parser/SqlParser.ypp                            |  2015 --
 parser/SqlParserWrapper.cpp                     |   153 -
 parser/SqlParserWrapper.hpp                     |   127 -
 parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.cpp            |  3579 ---
 parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.hpp            |   368 -
 parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.cpp           |  6118 -----
 parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.hpp           |   311 -
 parser/preprocessed/                 |     4 -
 parser/tests/Aggregate.test                     |   220 -
 parser/tests/Alter.test                         |    53 -
 parser/tests/CMakeLists.txt                     |    78 -
 parser/tests/Copy.test                          |    57 -
 parser/tests/Create.test                        |   270 -
 parser/tests/Delete.test                        |    50 -
 parser/tests/Drop.test                          |    27 -
 parser/tests/Index.test                         |    81 -
 parser/tests/Insert.test                        |    71 -
 parser/tests/Join.test                          |   162 -
 parser/tests/ParserTest.cpp                     |    86 -
 parser/tests/Select.test                        |  1874 --
 parser/tests/TPCH.test                          |  2301 --
 parser/tests/Update.test                        |    81 -
 query_execution/AdmitRequestMessage.hpp         |    75 -
 query_execution/BlockLocator.cpp                |   226 -
 query_execution/BlockLocator.hpp                |   128 -
 query_execution/BlockLocatorUtil.cpp            |    93 -
 query_execution/BlockLocatorUtil.hpp            |    59 -
 query_execution/CMakeLists.txt                  |   453 -
 query_execution/ForemanBase.hpp                 |   121 -
 query_execution/ForemanDistributed.cpp          |   347 -
 query_execution/ForemanDistributed.hpp          |   120 -
 query_execution/ForemanSingleNode.cpp           |   257 -
 query_execution/ForemanSingleNode.hpp           |   124 -
 query_execution/PolicyEnforcerBase.cpp          |   187 -
 query_execution/PolicyEnforcerBase.hpp          |   208 -
 query_execution/PolicyEnforcerDistributed.cpp   |   266 -
 query_execution/PolicyEnforcerDistributed.hpp   |   113 -
 query_execution/PolicyEnforcerSingleNode.cpp    |   111 -
 query_execution/PolicyEnforcerSingleNode.hpp    |   111 -
 query_execution/QueryContext.cpp                |   266 -
 query_execution/QueryContext.hpp                |   585 -
 query_execution/QueryContext.proto              |    65 -
 query_execution/QueryExecutionMessages.proto    |   162 -
 query_execution/QueryExecutionModule.hpp        |    24 -
 query_execution/QueryExecutionState.hpp         |   329 -
 query_execution/QueryExecutionTypedefs.hpp      |   128 -
 query_execution/QueryExecutionUtil.hpp          |   168 -
 query_execution/QueryManagerBase.cpp            |   228 -
 query_execution/QueryManagerBase.hpp            |   321 -
 query_execution/QueryManagerDistributed.cpp     |   187 -
 query_execution/QueryManagerDistributed.hpp     |   122 -
 query_execution/QueryManagerSingleNode.cpp      |   196 -
 query_execution/QueryManagerSingleNode.hpp      |   142 -
 query_execution/                       |   149 -
 query_execution/Shiftboss.cpp                   |   400 -
 query_execution/Shiftboss.hpp                   |   259 -
 query_execution/ShiftbossDirectory.hpp          |   186 -
 query_execution/WorkOrderProtosContainer.hpp    |   149 -
 query_execution/WorkOrdersContainer.cpp         |   149 -
 query_execution/WorkOrdersContainer.hpp         |   515 -
 query_execution/Worker.cpp                      |   155 -
 query_execution/Worker.hpp                      |   151 -
 query_execution/WorkerDirectory.hpp             |   243 -
 query_execution/WorkerMessage.hpp               |   144 -
 query_execution/WorkerSelectionPolicy.hpp       |   146 -
 query_execution/tests/BlockLocator_unittest.cpp |   230 -
 .../tests/QueryManagerSingleNode_unittest.cpp   |   890 -
 .../tests/WorkOrdersContainer_unittest.cpp      |   870 -
 .../tests/WorkerDirectory_unittest.cpp          |   296 -
 .../tests/WorkerSelectionPolicy_unittest.cpp    |   169 -
 query_optimizer/CMakeLists.txt                  |   263 -
 query_optimizer/ExecutionGenerator.cpp          |  1725 --
 query_optimizer/ExecutionGenerator.hpp          |   442 -
 query_optimizer/LIPFilterGenerator.cpp          |   194 -
 query_optimizer/LIPFilterGenerator.hpp          |   194 -
 query_optimizer/LogicalGenerator.cpp            |    87 -
 query_optimizer/LogicalGenerator.hpp            |    89 -
 query_optimizer/LogicalToPhysicalMapper.hpp     |    68 -
 query_optimizer/Optimizer.cpp                   |    41 -
 query_optimizer/Optimizer.hpp                   |    83 -
 query_optimizer/OptimizerContext.cpp            |    30 -
 query_optimizer/OptimizerContext.hpp            |   104 -
 query_optimizer/OptimizerTree.hpp               |   295 -
 query_optimizer/PhysicalGenerator.cpp           |   156 -
 query_optimizer/PhysicalGenerator.hpp           |   141 -
 query_optimizer/QueryHandle.hpp                 |   163 -
 query_optimizer/       |    20 -
 query_optimizer/QueryOptimizerModule.hpp        |    23 -
 query_optimizer/QueryPlan.hpp                   |   166 -
 query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.cpp              |    79 -
 query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.hpp              |   204 -
 query_optimizer/Validator.hpp                   |    73 -
 query_optimizer/cost_model/CMakeLists.txt       |    81 -
 query_optimizer/cost_model/CostModel.hpp        |    83 -
 query_optimizer/cost_model/CostModelModule.hpp  |    24 -
 query_optimizer/cost_model/SimpleCostModel.cpp  |   150 -
 query_optimizer/cost_model/SimpleCostModel.hpp  |   113 -
 .../cost_model/StarSchemaSimpleCostModel.cpp    |   399 -
 .../cost_model/StarSchemaSimpleCostModel.hpp    |   157 -
 .../expressions/AggregateFunction.cpp           |   125 -
 .../expressions/AggregateFunction.hpp           |   180 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Alias.cpp           |    94 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Alias.hpp           |   139 -
 .../expressions/AttributeReference.cpp          |    83 -
 .../expressions/AttributeReference.hpp          |   151 -
 .../expressions/BinaryExpression.cpp            |   120 -
 .../expressions/BinaryExpression.hpp            |   127 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/CMakeLists.txt      |   348 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Cast.cpp            |    74 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Cast.hpp            |   121 -
 .../expressions/ComparisonExpression.cpp        |   105 -
 .../expressions/ComparisonExpression.hpp        |   136 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Exists.cpp          |    57 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Exists.hpp          |   128 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/ExprId.hpp          |    42 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Expression.hpp      |    96 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/ExpressionType.hpp  |    62 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/ExpressionUtil.cpp  |    73 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/ExpressionUtil.hpp  |   243 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/InTableQuery.cpp    |    55 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/InTableQuery.hpp    |   145 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/InValueList.cpp     |    74 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/InValueList.hpp     |   159 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/LogicalAnd.cpp      |   125 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/LogicalAnd.hpp      |   128 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/LogicalNot.cpp      |    65 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/LogicalNot.hpp      |   114 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/LogicalOr.cpp       |   123 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/LogicalOr.hpp       |   128 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/NamedExpression.cpp |    59 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/NamedExpression.hpp |   131 -
 .../expressions/OptimizerExpressionsModule.hpp  |    24 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/PatternMatcher.hpp  |   171 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Predicate.hpp       |    91 -
 .../expressions/PredicateLiteral.cpp            |    64 -
 .../expressions/PredicateLiteral.hpp            |   108 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/Scalar.hpp          |    81 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/ScalarLiteral.cpp   |    74 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/ScalarLiteral.hpp   |   120 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/SearchedCase.cpp    |   166 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/SearchedCase.hpp    |   172 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/SimpleCase.cpp      |   188 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/SimpleCase.hpp      |   187 -
 .../expressions/SubqueryExpression.cpp          |    68 -
 .../expressions/SubqueryExpression.hpp          |   132 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/UnaryExpression.cpp |    72 -
 query_optimizer/expressions/UnaryExpression.hpp |   130 -
 .../expressions/WindowAggregateFunction.cpp     |   194 -
 .../expressions/WindowAggregateFunction.hpp     |   246 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Aggregate.cpp           |   127 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Aggregate.hpp           |   136 -
 query_optimizer/logical/BinaryJoin.cpp          |    61 -
 query_optimizer/logical/BinaryJoin.hpp          |   104 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CMakeLists.txt          |   306 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CopyFrom.cpp            |    56 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CopyFrom.hpp            |   147 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CreateIndex.cpp         |    56 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CreateIndex.hpp         |   148 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CreateTable.cpp         |    56 -
 query_optimizer/logical/CreateTable.hpp         |   141 -
 query_optimizer/logical/DeleteTuples.cpp        |    63 -
 query_optimizer/logical/DeleteTuples.hpp        |   126 -
 query_optimizer/logical/DropTable.cpp           |    48 -
 query_optimizer/logical/DropTable.hpp           |   111 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Filter.cpp              |    83 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Filter.hpp              |   148 -
 query_optimizer/logical/HashJoin.hpp            |   245 -
 query_optimizer/logical/InsertSelection.cpp     |    47 -
 query_optimizer/logical/InsertSelection.hpp     |   122 -
 query_optimizer/logical/InsertTuple.cpp         |    50 -
 query_optimizer/logical/InsertTuple.hpp         |   123 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Join.hpp                |    65 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Logical.hpp             |   139 -
 query_optimizer/logical/LogicalType.hpp         |    64 -
 .../logical/MultiwayCartesianJoin.cpp           |    67 -
 .../logical/MultiwayCartesianJoin.hpp           |   113 -
 query_optimizer/logical/NestedLoopsJoin.hpp     |   154 -
 .../logical/OptimizerLogicalModule.hpp          |    24 -
 query_optimizer/logical/PatternMatcher.hpp      |   144 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Project.cpp             |    91 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Project.hpp             |   122 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Sample.cpp              |    63 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Sample.hpp              |   135 -
 .../logical/SharedSubplanReference.cpp          |    60 -
 .../logical/SharedSubplanReference.hpp          |   138 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Sort.cpp                |    87 -
 query_optimizer/logical/Sort.hpp                |   184 -
 query_optimizer/logical/TableGenerator.hpp      |   183 -
 query_optimizer/logical/TableReference.cpp      |    86 -
 query_optimizer/logical/TableReference.hpp      |   143 -
 query_optimizer/logical/TopLevelPlan.cpp        |    58 -
 query_optimizer/logical/TopLevelPlan.hpp        |   155 -
 query_optimizer/logical/UpdateTable.cpp         |    86 -
 query_optimizer/logical/UpdateTable.hpp         |   145 -
 query_optimizer/logical/WindowAggregate.cpp     |    85 -
 query_optimizer/logical/WindowAggregate.hpp     |   123 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Aggregate.cpp          |   115 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Aggregate.hpp          |   157 -
 query_optimizer/physical/BinaryJoin.cpp         |    54 -
 query_optimizer/physical/BinaryJoin.hpp         |   103 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CMakeLists.txt         |   301 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CopyFrom.cpp           |    54 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CopyFrom.hpp           |   157 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CreateIndex.cpp        |    55 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CreateIndex.hpp        |   156 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CreateTable.cpp        |    56 -
 query_optimizer/physical/CreateTable.hpp        |   148 -
 query_optimizer/physical/DeleteTuples.cpp       |    61 -
 query_optimizer/physical/DeleteTuples.hpp       |   138 -
 query_optimizer/physical/DropTable.cpp          |    45 -
 query_optimizer/physical/DropTable.hpp          |   119 -
 query_optimizer/physical/HashJoin.cpp           |   113 -
 query_optimizer/physical/HashJoin.hpp           |   198 -
 query_optimizer/physical/InsertSelection.cpp    |    47 -
 query_optimizer/physical/InsertSelection.hpp    |   131 -
 query_optimizer/physical/InsertTuple.cpp        |    49 -
 query_optimizer/physical/InsertTuple.hpp        |   138 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Join.hpp               |    88 -
 .../physical/LIPFilterConfiguration.hpp         |   171 -
 query_optimizer/physical/NestedLoopsJoin.cpp    |    91 -
 query_optimizer/physical/NestedLoopsJoin.hpp    |   133 -
 .../physical/OptimizerPhysicalModule.hpp        |    24 -
 query_optimizer/physical/PatternMatcher.hpp     |   133 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Physical.hpp           |   105 -
 query_optimizer/physical/PhysicalType.hpp       |    62 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Sample.cpp             |    64 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Sample.hpp             |   138 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Selection.cpp          |   107 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Selection.hpp          |   162 -
 .../physical/SharedSubplanReference.cpp         |    54 -
 .../physical/SharedSubplanReference.hpp         |   148 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Sort.cpp               |   101 -
 query_optimizer/physical/Sort.hpp               |   192 -
 query_optimizer/physical/TableGenerator.hpp     |   161 -
 query_optimizer/physical/TableReference.cpp     |    56 -
 query_optimizer/physical/TableReference.hpp     |   138 -
 query_optimizer/physical/TopLevelPlan.cpp       |    57 -
 query_optimizer/physical/TopLevelPlan.hpp       |   209 -
 query_optimizer/physical/UpdateTable.cpp        |    77 -
 query_optimizer/physical/UpdateTable.hpp        |   162 -
 query_optimizer/physical/WindowAggregate.cpp    |    66 -
 query_optimizer/physical/WindowAggregate.hpp    |   133 -
 query_optimizer/resolver/CMakeLists.txt         |   140 -
 query_optimizer/resolver/NameResolver.cpp       |   153 -
 query_optimizer/resolver/NameResolver.hpp       |   208 -
 .../resolver/QueryResolverModule.hpp            |    24 -
 query_optimizer/resolver/Resolver.cpp           |  3129 ---
 query_optimizer/resolver/Resolver.hpp           |   694 -
 query_optimizer/rules/AttachLIPFilters.cpp      |   253 -
 query_optimizer/rules/AttachLIPFilters.hpp      |   151 -
 query_optimizer/rules/BottomUpRule.hpp          |   104 -
 query_optimizer/rules/CMakeLists.txt            |   222 -
 query_optimizer/rules/CollapseProject.cpp       |    60 -
 query_optimizer/rules/CollapseProject.hpp       |    58 -
 query_optimizer/rules/GenerateJoins.cpp         |   491 -
 query_optimizer/rules/GenerateJoins.hpp         |    66 -
 query_optimizer/rules/OptimizerRulesModule.hpp  |    24 -
 query_optimizer/rules/PruneColumns.cpp          |    75 -
 query_optimizer/rules/PruneColumns.hpp          |    59 -
 query_optimizer/rules/PushDownFilter.cpp        |   140 -
 query_optimizer/rules/PushDownFilter.hpp        |    60 -
 query_optimizer/rules/PushDownSemiAntiJoin.cpp  |   122 -
 query_optimizer/rules/PushDownSemiAntiJoin.hpp  |    51 -
 query_optimizer/rules/Rule.hpp                  |    91 -
 query_optimizer/rules/RuleHelper.cpp            |   102 -
 query_optimizer/rules/RuleHelper.hpp            |    77 -
 .../StarSchemaHashJoinOrderOptimization.cpp     |   380 -
 .../StarSchemaHashJoinOrderOptimization.hpp     |   190 -
 query_optimizer/rules/SwapProbeBuild.cpp        |    81 -
 query_optimizer/rules/SwapProbeBuild.hpp        |    67 -
 query_optimizer/rules/TopDownRule.hpp           |   106 -
 query_optimizer/rules/UnnestSubqueries.cpp      |   796 -
 query_optimizer/rules/UnnestSubqueries.hpp      |   236 -
 query_optimizer/rules/UpdateExpression.cpp      |    54 -
 query_optimizer/rules/UpdateExpression.hpp      |    70 -
 query_optimizer/rules/tests/CMakeLists.txt      |    95 -
 .../rules/tests/CollapseProject_unittest.cpp    |    98 -
 .../rules/tests/ExpressionRuleTest.hpp          |    85 -
 .../rules/tests/GenerateJoins_unittest.cpp      |   346 -
 query_optimizer/rules/tests/LogicalRuleTest.hpp |    84 -
 .../rules/tests/PhysicalRuleTest.hpp            |    84 -
 .../rules/tests/PruneColumns_unittest.cpp       |   184 -
 .../rules/tests/PushDownFilter_unittest.cpp     |   161 -
 query_optimizer/rules/tests/RuleTest.hpp        |    55 -
 .../rules/tests/UpdateExpression_unittest.cpp   |   105 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Aggregate.cpp          |    95 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Aggregate.hpp          |    70 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/CMakeLists.txt         |   142 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Join.cpp               |   382 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Join.hpp               |   105 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/OneToOne.cpp           |   228 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/OneToOne.hpp           |    70 -
 .../strategy/OptimizerStrategyModule.hpp        |    24 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Selection.cpp          |   128 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Selection.hpp          |    94 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/Strategy.hpp           |    93 -
 .../strategy/tests/Aggregate_unittest.cpp       |   146 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/tests/CMakeLists.txt   |    85 -
 .../strategy/tests/Join_unittest.cpp            |   337 -
 .../strategy/tests/OneToOne_unittest.cpp        |    75 -
 .../strategy/tests/Selection_unittest.cpp       |   180 -
 query_optimizer/strategy/tests/StrategyTest.hpp |   112 -
 query_optimizer/tests/CMakeLists.txt            |   180 -
 .../tests/DistributedExecutionGeneratorTest.cpp |    62 -
 .../DistributedExecutionGeneratorTestRunner.cpp |   202 -
 .../DistributedExecutionGeneratorTestRunner.hpp |   144 -
 .../tests/ExecutionGeneratorTest.cpp            |    61 -
 .../tests/ExecutionGeneratorTestRunner.cpp      |   114 -
 .../tests/ExecutionGeneratorTestRunner.hpp      |   130 -
 query_optimizer/tests/OptimizerTest.cpp         |   281 -
 query_optimizer/tests/OptimizerTest.hpp         |   194 -
 query_optimizer/tests/OptimizerTextTest.cpp     |    73 -
 .../tests/OptimizerTextTestRunner.cpp           |   135 -
 .../tests/OptimizerTextTestRunner.hpp           |    89 -
 query_optimizer/tests/TestDatabaseLoader.cpp    |   196 -
 query_optimizer/tests/TestDatabaseLoader.hpp    |   204 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/CMakeLists.txt    |   156 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Create.test       |    42 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Delete.test       |    39 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Distinct.test     |    72 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Drop.test         |    23 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Index.test        |    82 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Insert.test       |   134 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Join.test         |   233 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Select.test       |  1074 -
 .../StringPatternMatching.test                  |   161 -
 .../execution_generator/TableGenerator.test     |   261 -
 .../tests/execution_generator/Update.test       |    38 -
 .../tests/logical_generator/CMakeLists.txt      |    33 -
 .../tests/logical_generator/Create.test         |    48 -
 .../tests/logical_generator/Index.test          |    83 -
 .../tests/logical_generator/Join.test           |   401 -
 .../tests/logical_generator/Select.test         |  1518 --
 .../tests/physical_generator/CMakeLists.txt     |    53 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Copy.test          |    48 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Create.test        |   117 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Delete.test        |    94 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Drop.test          |    30 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Index.test         |   144 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Insert.test        |    58 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Join.test          |   403 -
 .../tests/physical_generator/Select.test        |  3142 ---
 .../tests/physical_generator/Update.test        |    90 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Aggregate.test   |   941 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/CMakeLists.txt   |    57 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Copy.test        |    48 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Create.test      |   231 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Delete.test      |    78 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Drop.test        |    36 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Index.test       |   130 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Insert.test      |   155 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Join.test        |   301 -
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Select.test      |  3352 ---
 query_optimizer/tests/resolver/Update.test      |    83 -
 relational_operators/AggregationOperator.cpp    |   108 -
 relational_operators/AggregationOperator.hpp    |   169 -
 relational_operators/BuildHashOperator.cpp      |   178 -
 relational_operators/BuildHashOperator.hpp      |   242 -
 relational_operators/CMakeLists.txt             |   800 -
 relational_operators/CreateIndexOperator.cpp    |    40 -
 relational_operators/CreateIndexOperator.hpp    |   107 -
 relational_operators/CreateTableOperator.cpp    |    43 -
 relational_operators/CreateTableOperator.hpp    |   105 -
 relational_operators/DeleteOperator.cpp         |   160 -
 relational_operators/DeleteOperator.hpp         |   195 -
 .../DestroyAggregationStateOperator.cpp         |    71 -
 .../DestroyAggregationStateOperator.hpp         |   120 -
 relational_operators/DestroyHashOperator.cpp    |    65 -
 relational_operators/DestroyHashOperator.hpp    |   118 -
 relational_operators/DropTableOperator.cpp      |   106 -
 relational_operators/DropTableOperator.hpp      |   149 -
 .../FinalizeAggregationOperator.cpp             |    90 -
 .../FinalizeAggregationOperator.hpp             |   150 -
 relational_operators/HashJoinOperator.cpp       |  1047 -
 relational_operators/HashJoinOperator.hpp       |   805 -
 relational_operators/InsertOperator.cpp         |    77 -
 relational_operators/InsertOperator.hpp         |   148 -
 .../NestedLoopsJoinOperator.cpp                 |   478 -
 .../NestedLoopsJoinOperator.hpp                 |   352 -
 relational_operators/RebuildWorkOrder.hpp       |   129 -
 relational_operators/RelationalOperator.hpp     |   286 -
 .../              |    20 -
 .../RelationalOperatorsModule.hpp               |    24 -
 relational_operators/SampleOperator.cpp         |   193 -
 relational_operators/SampleOperator.hpp         |   211 -
 relational_operators/SaveBlocksOperator.cpp     |    80 -
 relational_operators/SaveBlocksOperator.hpp     |   150 -
 relational_operators/SelectOperator.cpp         |   284 -
 relational_operators/SelectOperator.hpp         |   429 -
 relational_operators/SortMergeRunOperator.cpp   |   340 -
 relational_operators/SortMergeRunOperator.hpp   |   303 -
 relational_operators/SortMergeRunOperator.proto |    29 -
 .../SortMergeRunOperatorHelpers.cpp             |   426 -
 .../SortMergeRunOperatorHelpers.hpp             |   733 -
 .../SortRunGenerationOperator.cpp               |   138 -
 .../SortRunGenerationOperator.hpp               |   220 -
 relational_operators/TableGeneratorOperator.cpp |    82 -
 relational_operators/TableGeneratorOperator.hpp |   152 -
 relational_operators/TextScanOperator.cpp       |   532 -
 relational_operators/TextScanOperator.hpp       |   342 -
 relational_operators/UpdateOperator.cpp         |   142 -
 relational_operators/UpdateOperator.hpp         |   205 -
 .../WindowAggregationOperator.cpp               |    93 -
 .../WindowAggregationOperator.hpp               |   157 -
 relational_operators/WorkOrder.hpp              |   327 -
 relational_operators/WorkOrder.proto            |   267 -
 relational_operators/WorkOrderFactory.cpp       |   803 -
 relational_operators/WorkOrderFactory.hpp       |   100 -
 .../tests/AggregationOperator_unittest.cpp      |  1843 --
 .../tests/HashJoinOperator_unittest.cpp         |  1298 -
 .../tests/SortMergeRunOperator_unittest.cpp     |  2319 --
 .../SortRunGenerationOperator_unittest.cpp      |   798 -
 .../tests/TextScanOperator_unittest.cpp         |   249 -
 .../tests/text_scan_faulty_golden_output.txt    |     5 -
 .../tests/text_scan_faulty_input.txt            |     4 -
 .../tests/text_scan_golden_output.txt           |    19 -
 relational_operators/tests/text_scan_input.txt  |     6 -
 storage/AggregationOperationState.cpp           |   757 -
 storage/AggregationOperationState.hpp           |   315 -
 storage/AggregationOperationState.proto         |    45 -
 .../BasicColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.cpp    |   863 -
 .../BasicColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp    |   239 -
 storage/BasicColumnStoreValueAccessor.hpp       |   152 -
 storage/BloomFilterIndexSubBlock.cpp            |   281 -
 storage/BloomFilterIndexSubBlock.hpp            |   199 -
 storage/CMakeLists.txt                          |  1765 --
 storage/CSBTreeIndexSubBlock.cpp                |  2408 --
 storage/CSBTreeIndexSubBlock.hpp                |   697 -
 storage/ColumnStoreUtil.cpp                     |   300 -
 storage/ColumnStoreUtil.hpp                     |   236 -
 storage/CompressedBlockBuilder.cpp              |   864 -
 storage/CompressedBlockBuilder.hpp              |   218 -
 ...ompressedColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.cpp |   996 -
 ...ompressedColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp |   224 -
 storage/CompressedColumnStoreValueAccessor.hpp  |   200 -
 ...ressedPackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.cpp |   712 -
 ...ressedPackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp |   206 -
 .../CompressedPackedRowStoreValueAccessor.hpp   |   215 -
 storage/CompressedStoreUtil.cpp                 |   616 -
 storage/CompressedStoreUtil.hpp                 |   262 -
 storage/CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock.cpp      |   344 -
 storage/CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp      |   408 -
 storage/CountedReference.hpp                    |   178 -
 storage/DataExchange.proto                      |    34 -
 storage/DataExchangerAsync.cpp                  |   169 -
 storage/DataExchangerAsync.hpp                  |    98 -
 storage/EvictionPolicy.cpp                      |   499 -
 storage/EvictionPolicy.hpp                      |   217 -
 storage/FastHashTable.hpp                       |  2403 --
 storage/FastHashTableFactory.hpp                |   224 -
 storage/FastSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp       |  1551 --
 storage/FileManager.hpp                         |   148 -
 storage/FileManagerHdfs.cpp                     |   244 -
 storage/FileManagerHdfs.hpp                     |    75 -
 storage/FileManagerLocal.hpp                    |    41 -
 storage/FileManagerPosix.cpp                    |   182 -
 storage/FileManagerPosix.hpp                    |    64 -
 storage/FileManagerWindows.cpp                  |   202 -
 storage/FileManagerWindows.hpp                  |    64 -
 storage/HashTable.hpp                           |  2180 --
 storage/HashTable.proto                         |    37 -
 storage/HashTableBase.hpp                       |   121 -
 storage/HashTableFactory.cpp                    |    70 -
 storage/HashTableFactory.hpp                    |   344 -
 storage/HashTableKeyManager.hpp                 |   516 -
 storage/HashTablePool.hpp                       |   233 -
 storage/IndexSubBlock.hpp                       |   200 -
 storage/IndexSubBlockDescriptionFactory.hpp     |    83 -
 storage/InsertDestination.cpp                   |   800 -
 storage/InsertDestination.hpp                   |   591 -
 storage/InsertDestination.proto                 |    57 -
 storage/InsertDestinationInterface.hpp          |   163 -
 storage/LinearOpenAddressingHashTable.hpp       |  1576 --
 storage/PackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.cpp  |   491 -
 storage/PackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp  |   216 -
 storage/PackedRowStoreValueAccessor.hpp         |   150 -
 storage/PartitionedHashTablePool.hpp            |   206 -
 storage/PreloaderThread.cpp                     |   141 -
 storage/PreloaderThread.hpp                     |   112 -
 storage/SMAIndexSubBlock.cpp                    |   707 -
 storage/SMAIndexSubBlock.hpp                    |   458 -
 storage/SeparateChainingHashTable.hpp           |  1524 --
 .../SimpleScalarSeparateChainingHashTable.cpp   |    30 -
 .../SimpleScalarSeparateChainingHashTable.hpp   |  1113 -
 storage/SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.cpp   |   931 -
 storage/SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp   |   424 -
 storage/SplitRowStoreValueAccessor.hpp          |   363 -
 storage/StorageBlob.hpp                         |   124 -
 storage/StorageBlock.cpp                        |  1411 --
 storage/StorageBlock.hpp                        |   766 -
 storage/StorageBlockBase.hpp                    |   143 -
 storage/StorageBlockInfo.cpp                    |    52 -
 storage/StorageBlockInfo.hpp                    |   157 -
 storage/StorageBlockLayout.cpp                  |   178 -
 storage/StorageBlockLayout.hpp                  |   204 -
 storage/StorageBlockLayout.proto                |   152 -
 storage/                      |    28 -
 storage/StorageConstants.hpp                    |   129 -
 storage/StorageErrors.cpp                       |    66 -
 storage/StorageErrors.hpp                       |   223 -
 storage/StorageManager.cpp                      |   932 -
 storage/StorageManager.hpp                      |   634 -
 storage/StorageModule.hpp                       |    23 -
 storage/SubBlockTypeRegistry.cpp                |   148 -
 storage/SubBlockTypeRegistry.hpp                |   234 -
 storage/SubBlockTypeRegistryMacros.hpp          |    34 -
 storage/SubBlocksReference.hpp                  |    62 -
 storage/TupleIdSequence.hpp                     |   396 -
 storage/TupleReference.hpp                      |    53 -
 storage/TupleStorageSubBlock.cpp                |   112 -
 storage/TupleStorageSubBlock.hpp                |   534 -
 storage/ValueAccessor.hpp                       |  1046 -
 storage/ValueAccessorUtil.hpp                   |   275 -
 storage/WindowAggregationOperationState.cpp     |   299 -
 storage/WindowAggregationOperationState.hpp     |   134 -
 storage/WindowAggregationOperationState.proto   |    34 -
 .../AggregationOperationState_unittest.cpp      |    72 -
 ...ColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock_unittest.cpp |  1166 -
 .../tests/BloomFilterIndexSubBlock_unittest.cpp |   445 -
 storage/tests/CSBTreeIndexSubBlock_unittest.cpp |  1893 --
 storage/tests/CSBTreePrettyPrinter.cpp          |   131 -
 storage/tests/CSBTreePrettyPrinter.hpp          |    60 -
 ...ColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock_unittest.cpp |  1645 --
 ...kedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock_unittest.cpp |  1363 -
 storage/tests/DataExchange_unittest.cpp         |   198 -
 storage/tests/EvictionPolicy_unittest.cpp       |   203 -
 storage/tests/FileManagerHdfs_unittest.cpp      |    25 -
 storage/tests/FileManagerLocal_unittest.cpp     |    25 -
 storage/tests/FileManager_unittest_common.hpp   |   196 -
 storage/tests/HashTable_unittest_common.hpp     |  2330 --
 .../LinearOpenAddressingHashTable_unittest.cpp  |    25 -
 storage/tests/MockTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp      |   208 -
 ...kedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock_unittest.cpp |   584 -
 storage/tests/SMAIndexSubBlock_unittest.cpp     |  1066 -
 .../SeparateChainingHashTable_unittest.cpp      |    25 -
 ...ScalarSeparateChainingHashTable_unittest.cpp |    28 -
 ...litRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock_unittest.cpp |  1336 -
 storage/tests/StorageBlockSort_unittest.cpp     |   451 -
 storage/tests/StorageManager_unittest.cpp       |   253 -
 storage/tests/            |    20 -
 storage/tests/TupleStorePredicateUtil.hpp       |    71 -
 ...WindowAggregationOperationState_unittest.cpp |    92 -
 third_party/                           |     7 -
 third_party/benchmark/.gitignore                |    39 -
 third_party/benchmark/.travis.yml               |    33 -
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 .../benchmark/cmake/AddCXXCompilerFlag.cmake    |    38 -
 .../benchmark/cmake/CXXFeatureCheck.cmake       |    39 -
 third_party/benchmark/cmake/GetGitVersion.cmake |    45 -
 third_party/benchmark/cmake/gnu_posix_regex.cpp |    12 -
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 .../benchmark/include/benchmark/benchmark.h     |   537 -
 .../benchmark/include/benchmark/macros.h        |    44 -
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 third_party/benchmark/src/        |   164 -
 third_party/benchmark/src/string_util.h         |    40 -
 third_party/benchmark/src/            |   354 -
 third_party/benchmark/src/sysinfo.h             |    11 -
 third_party/benchmark/src/           |   191 -
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 third_party/benchmark/test/    |   169 -
 third_party/benchmark/test/       |    86 -
 third_party/cpplint/                  |  6287 -----
 third_party/cpplint/          |    23 -
 third_party/farmhash/CMakeLists.txt             |    54 -
 third_party/farmhash/COPYING                    |    19 -
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 third_party/farmhash/README                     |   163 -
 .../farmhash/Understanding_Hash_Functions       |   162 -
 third_party/farmhash/               |    38 -
 third_party/farmhash/                | 11854 ---------
 third_party/farmhash/farmhash.h                 |   290 -
 third_party/gflags/.gitattributes               |     3 -
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 third_party/gflags/ChangeLog.txt                |   218 -
 third_party/gflags/                   |    54 -
 third_party/gflags/                    |   263 -
 third_party/gflags/cmake/README_runtime.txt     |     4 -
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 third_party/gflags/cmake/execute_test.cmake     |    53 -
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 third_party/gflags/src/      |   442 -
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 .../gflags/test/      |    61 -
 .../gflags/test/gflags_strip_flags_test.cmake   |     7 -
 third_party/gflags/test/      |  1536 --
 .../gflags/test/gflags_unittest_flagfile        |     2 -
 third_party/gflags/test/nc/CMakeLists.txt       |    16 -
 third_party/gflags/test/nc/         |    73 -
 third_party/glog/AUTHORS                        |     2 -
 third_party/glog/CMakeLists.txt                 |   208 -
 third_party/glog/COPYING                        |    65 -
 third_party/glog/ChangeLog                      |    84 -
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 third_party/glog/doc/glog.html                  |   613 -
 third_party/glog/src/base/commandlineflags.h    |   133 -
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 third_party/glog/src/                |   171 -
 third_party/glog/src/          |   169 -
 third_party/glog/src/config_for_unittests.h     |    66 -
 third_party/glog/src/                |  1304 -
 third_party/glog/src/demangle.h                 |    84 -
 third_party/glog/src/       |   142 -
 third_party/glog/src/       |    95 -
 third_party/glog/src/demangle_unittest.txt      |   137 -
 third_party/glog/src/glog/log_severity.h        |    92 -
 third_party/glog/src/glog/logging.h             |  1619 --
 third_party/glog/src/glog/raw_logging.h         |   191 -
 third_party/glog/src/glog/stl_logging.h         |   183 -
 third_party/glog/src/glog/vlog_is_on.h          |   129 -
 third_party/glog/src/googletest.h               |   604 -
 third_party/glog/src/                 |  2049 --
 third_party/glog/src/   |    79 -
 third_party/glog/src/     |    35 -
 third_party/glog/src/      |    35 -
 third_party/glog/src/  |    73 -
 third_party/glog/src/        |  1215 -
 third_party/glog/src/logging_unittest.err       |   305 -
 third_party/glog/src/mock-log.h                 |   155 -
 third_party/glog/src/           |   106 -
 third_party/glog/src/             |   172 -
 third_party/glog/src/           |   350 -
 third_party/glog/src/  |    97 -
 third_party/glog/src/  |   131 -
 third_party/glog/src/stacktrace.h               |    60 -
 third_party/glog/src/stacktrace_generic-inl.h   |    59 -
 third_party/glog/src/stacktrace_libunwind-inl.h |    87 -
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 .../tmb/benchmarks/include/tmbbench/thread.h    |    65 -
 third_party/tmb/benchmarks/src/      |    61 -
 third_party/tmb/benchmarks/src/     |   340 -
 .../tmb/benchmarks/src/     |   224 -
 .../src/        |   186 - |   213 -
 .../benchmarks/src/    |   280 -
 .../tmb/benchmarks/src/       |    80 -
 third_party/tmb/benchmarks/src/     |    40 -
 third_party/tmb/benchmarks/src/ |   100 -
 third_party/tmb/benchmarks/src/        |    88 -
 third_party/tmb/cmake/FindGrpc++.cmake          |   114 -
 third_party/tmb/cmake/FindLevelDB.cmake         |    31 -
 third_party/tmb/cmake/FindProtobuf3.cmake       |    40 -
 third_party/tmb/cmake/FindSQLite3.cmake         |    37 -
 third_party/tmb/cmake/FindVoltDB.cmake          |    48 -
 third_party/tmb/cmake/FindZookeeper.cmake       |    31 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/address.h           |   114 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/cancellation_token.h        |    91 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/id_typedefs.h       |    54 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/c_string_buffer.h  |    71 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/cache_info.h       |    42 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/container_pusher.h |    77 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/internal/crc32.h    |    51 -
 .../tmb/internal/heap_receiver_message_queue.h  |   105 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/iterator_adapter.h |    91 -
 .../tmb/internal/leveldb_key_comparator.h       |    59 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/leveldb_keys.h     |   226 -
 .../tmb/internal/lock_free_garbage_collector.h  |   175 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/lock_free_stack.h  |   117 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_read_status.h  |    46 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_reader_base.h  |    47 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_reader_posix.h |   115 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_reader_stdio.h |   117 -
 .../include/tmb/internal/log_record_header.h    |    38 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_writer_base.h  |    47 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_writer_posix.h |   107 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/log_writer_stdio.h |    96 -
 .../include/tmb/internal/logging_constants.h    |    47 -
 .../tmb/internal/memory_based_message_bus.h     |   197 -
 .../internal/memory_mirror_cancellation_set.h   |    50 -
 .../tmb/internal/memory_mirror_delete_batch.h   |    59 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/message_metadata.h |    41 -
 .../tmb/internal/native_transaction_log.h       |   127 -
 .../tmb/internal/net_memory_container_pusher.h  |    72 -
 .../internal/net_message_removal_interface.h    |    65 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/net_service_impl.h |   101 -
 .../internal/persistent_bus_state_interface.h   |   129 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/queued_message.h   |   199 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/internal/rcu.h      |   369 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/shared_bool.h      |   128 -
 .../include/tmb/internal/sqlite_connection.h    |   366 -
 .../tmb/internal/sqlite_connection_pool.h       |    97 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/threadsafe_set.h   |   126 -
 .../tmb/internal/tree_receiver_message_queue.h  |   131 -
 .../tmb/internal/voltdb_connection_pool.h       |   109 -
 .../tmb/internal/voltdb_procedure_factory.h     |   145 -
 .../tmb/internal/voltdb_procedure_warehouse.h   |   255 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/internal/zookeeper_format.h |    45 -
 .../tmb/internal/zookeeper_receiver_context.h   |    90 -
 .../tmb/internal/zookeeper_transaction_batch.h  |   113 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/leveldb_message_bus.h       |   231 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/memory_mirror_message_bus.h |   184 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/message_bus.h       |   513 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/message_style.h     |   111 -
 .../include/tmb/native_logging_message_bus.h    |    69 -
 .../include/tmb/native_net_client_message_bus.h |   123 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/priority.h          |    68 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/pure_memory_message_bus.h   |   187 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/sqlite_message_bus.h        |   234 -
 third_party/tmb/include/tmb/tagged_message.h    |   342 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/voltdb_message_bus.h        |   233 -
 .../tmb/include/tmb/zookeeper_message_bus.h     |   280 -
 third_party/tmb/src/                    |   110 -
 .../tmb/src/      |   192 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/    |    49 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/     |    39 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/    |    40 -
 .../tmb/src/java/   |    36 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/  |    47 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/         |    48 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/           |    66 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/  |    77 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/  |    39 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/    |    39 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/          |    45 -
 third_party/tmb/src/java/         |   119 -
 .../tmb/src/java/   |   129 -
 .../java/  |    67 -
 .../src/java/  |    84 -
 .../  |    57 -
 third_party/tmb/src/   |   192 -
 third_party/tmb/src/      |  1165 -
 third_party/tmb/src/         |   171 -
 third_party/tmb/src/         |   128 -
 third_party/tmb/src/         |   230 -
 third_party/tmb/src/         |   208 -
 third_party/tmb/src/ |   319 -
 .../tmb/src/        |   490 -
 third_party/tmb/src/              |    63 -
 .../tmb/src/    |   299 -
 third_party/tmb/src/   |   698 -
 third_party/tmb/src/         |   276 -
 third_party/tmb/src/proto/tmb_net.proto         |   131 -
 third_party/tmb/src/  |   359 -
 third_party/tmb/src/sql/voltdb_schema.sql       |   121 -
 third_party/tmb/src/        |   518 -
 third_party/tmb/src/       |  1167 -
 third_party/tmb/src/           |   544 -
 .../tmb/src/      |   294 -
 third_party/tmb/src/   |    59 -
 third_party/tmb/src/       |   672 -
 third_party/tmb/src/ |   111 -
 third_party/tmb/src/    |  1792 --
 .../tmb/src/      |   203 -
 .../tests/ |    48 -
 .../tmb/tests/   |    44 - |    55 - |    55 - |    57 - |    57 -
 .../tmb/tests/message_bus_unittest_common.h     |  2402 -- |    50 -
 .../      |    50 -
 .../   |    53 -
 .../tests/   |    35 -
 third_party/tmb/tests/           |   216 -
 .../tmb/tests/    |    45 -
 .../tmb/tests/    |    49 -
 .../tmb/tests/ |    49 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/.gitattributes       |     3 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/.gitignore   |    14 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/AUTHORS.txt  |     2 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/CMakeLists.txt       |   506 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/COPYING.txt  |    28 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/ChangeLog.txt        |   218 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/   |    54 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/    |   263 -
 .../third_party/gflags/cmake/README_runtime.txt |     4 -
 .../third_party/gflags/cmake/    |    23 -
 .../third_party/gflags/cmake/execute_test.cmake |    53 -
 .../third_party/gflags/cmake/   |    49 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/cmake/utils.cmake    |    96 -
 .../third_party/gflags/cmake/   |    21 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/doc/designstyle.css  |   115 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/doc/index.html       |   558 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/src/      |   112 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/src/        |  1957 --
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/src/      |   572 -
 .../gflags/src/            |   769 -
 .../gflags/src/          |   121 -
 .../gflags/src/            |   117 -
 .../third_party/gflags/src/  |   141 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/src/   |   101 -
 .../third_party/gflags/src/  |   441 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/src/mutex.h  |   351 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gflags/src/util.h   |   373 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/src/  |    71 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/src/windows_port.h   |   127 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/test/CMakeLists.txt  |   185 -
 .../gflags/test/config_for_unittests.h          |    79 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/test/flagfile.1      |     1 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/test/flagfile.2      |     2 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/test/flagfile.3      |     1 -
 .../gflags/test/         |     9 -
 .../gflags/test/          |    12 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/test/ |    33 -
 .../gflags/test/      |    61 -
 .../gflags/test/gflags_strip_flags_test.cmake   |     7 -
 .../third_party/gflags/test/  |  1536 --
 .../gflags/test/gflags_unittest_flagfile        |     2 -
 .../third_party/gflags/test/nc/CMakeLists.txt   |    16 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gflags/test/nc/ |    73 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/CHANGES       |   157 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/CMakeLists.txt        |   252 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/CONTRIBUTORS  |    37 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/LICENSE       |    28 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/   |   306 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/README        |   435 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/aclocal.m4    |  1198 -
 .../third_party/gtest/build-aux/config.guess    |  1530 --
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/build-aux/ |    69 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/build-aux/config.sub  |  1773 --
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/build-aux/depcomp     |   688 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/build-aux/install-sh  |   527 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/build-aux/   |  9661 --------
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/build-aux/missing     |   331 -
 .../gtest/cmake/internal_utils.cmake            |   227 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/codegear/gtest.cbproj |   138 -
 .../third_party/gtest/codegear/gtest.groupproj  |    54 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/codegear/ |    38 -
 .../third_party/gtest/codegear/    |    40 -
 .../gtest/codegear/gtest_main.cbproj            |    82 -
 .../gtest/codegear/gtest_unittest.cbproj        |    88 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/configure     | 18222 --------------
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/  |    68 -
 .../gtest/fused-src/gtest/          |  9592 --------
 .../third_party/gtest/fused-src/gtest/gtest.h   | 20061 ---------------
 .../gtest/fused-src/gtest/         |    38 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-death-test.h      |   294 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-message.h         |   250 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-param-test.h      |  1421 --
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-param-test.h.pump |   487 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h        |   855 -
 .../third_party/gtest/include/gtest/gtest-spi.h |   232 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-test-part.h       |   179 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest-typed-test.h      |   259 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h |  2291 --
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest_pred_impl.h       |   358 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h            |    58 -
 .../gtest/internal/gtest-death-test-internal.h  |   319 -
 .../include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h     |   206 -
 .../include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h     |  1158 -
 .../include/gtest/internal/gtest-linked_ptr.h   |   233 -
 .../gtest/internal/gtest-param-util-generated.h |  5143 ----
 .../internal/gtest-param-util-generated.h.pump  |   301 -
 .../include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h   |   619 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h   |  1947 --
 .../gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-string.h |   167 -
 .../gtest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-tuple.h  |  1012 -
 .../include/gtest/internal/gtest-tuple.h.pump   |   339 -
 .../include/gtest/internal/gtest-type-util.h    |  3331 ---
 .../gtest/internal/gtest-type-util.h.pump       |   297 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/acx_pthread.m4     |   363 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/gtest.m4   |    74 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/libtool.m4 |  8001 ------
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/ltoptions.m4       |   384 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/ltsugar.m4 |   123 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/ltversion.m4       |    23 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/m4/lt~obsolete.m4     |    98 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/make/Makefile |    82 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/msvc/gtest-md.sln     |    45 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/msvc/gtest-md.vcproj  |   126 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/msvc/gtest.sln        |    45 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/msvc/gtest.vcproj     |   126 -
 .../third_party/gtest/msvc/gtest_main-md.vcproj |   129 -
 .../third_party/gtest/msvc/gtest_main.vcproj    |   129 -
 .../gtest/msvc/gtest_prod_test-md.vcproj        |   164 -
 .../gtest/msvc/gtest_prod_test.vcproj           |   164 -
 .../gtest/msvc/gtest_unittest-md.vcproj         |   147 -
 .../gtest/msvc/gtest_unittest.vcproj            |   147 -
 .../third_party/gtest/samples/prime_tables.h    |   123 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/    |    68 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/sample1.h     |    43 -
 .../gtest/samples/          |   144 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   153 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/    |    56 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/sample2.h     |    85 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   109 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/sample3-inl.h |   172 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   151 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/    |    46 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/samples/sample4.h     |    53 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |    45 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   199 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   224 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   130 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   173 -
 .../gtest/samples/           |   160 -
 .../gtest/scripts/           |   250 -
 .../gtest/scripts/        |   730 -
 .../third_party/gtest/scripts/   |   274 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/scripts/       |   855 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/scripts/test/Makefile |    59 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/src/      |    48 -
 .../third_party/gtest/src/   |  1344 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/src/ |   382 -
 .../third_party/gtest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h  |  1218 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/src/     |   805 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/src/ |   363 -
 .../third_party/gtest/src/    |   110 -
 .../third_party/gtest/src/   |   110 -
 third_party/tmb/third_party/gtest/src/  |  5015 ----
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/src/     |    38 -
 .../gtest/test/      |    93 -
 .../gtest/test/         |  1367 --
 .../gtest/test/           |   680 -
 .../gtest/test/         |   154 -
 .../gtest/test/           |   310 -
 .../gtest/test/            |   159 -
 .../gtest/test/            |   215 -
 .../gtest/test/        |    65 -
 .../gtest/test/         |   904 -
 .../gtest/test/gtest-param-test_test.h          |    57 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/   |  1253 -
 .../gtest/test/           |  1566 --
 .../gtest/test/          |   208 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/  |   320 -
 .../gtest/test/        |    45 -
 .../gtest/test/         |   360 -
 .../gtest/test/gtest-typed-test_test.h          |    66 -
 .../gtest/test/       |   341 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/    |    47 -
 .../test/     |   212 -
 .../test/    |    88 -
 .../gtest/test/   |   237 -
 .../gtest/test/  |   311 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/  |   130 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/ |    71 -
 .../gtest/test/            |   103 -
 .../gtest/test/           |   126 -
 .../gtest/test/        |   192 -
 .../gtest/test/         |   633 -
 .../gtest/test/        |   140 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/   |   172 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/  |    46 -
 .../gtest/test/     |   207 -
 .../gtest/test/    |   157 -
 .../gtest/test/           |    45 -
 .../gtest/test/        |    56 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/ |   335 -
 .../gtest/test/            |  1034 -
 .../gtest/test/gtest_output_test_golden_lin.txt |   720 -
 .../gtest/test/      |  2427 --
 .../gtest/test/     |   141 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/   |    57 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/ |   253 -
 .../gtest/test/            |   325 -
 .../gtest/test/           |   103 -
 .../gtest/test/        |    57 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/ |   256 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/  |   320 -
 .../test/      |    92 -
 .../gtest/test/   |   171 -
 .../gtest/test/  |    72 -
 .../gtest/test/      |    70 -
 .../gtest/test/     |    43 -
 .../third_party/gtest/test/    |  7415 ------
 .../gtest/test/      |    49 -
 .../gtest/test/      |    49 -
 .../gtest/test/       |   132 -
 .../gtest/test/     |   307 -
 .../gtest/test/    |   181 -
 .../gtest/test/          |   194 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/test/    |    36 -
 .../tmb/third_party/gtest/test/production.h     |    55 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Config/DebugProject.xcconfig    |    30 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Config/FrameworkTarget.xcconfig |    17 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Config/General.xcconfig         |    41 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Config/ReleaseProject.xcconfig  |    32 -
 .../xcode/Config/StaticLibraryTarget.xcconfig   |    18 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Config/TestTarget.xcconfig      |     8 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Resources/Info.plist            |    30 -
 .../xcode/Samples/FrameworkSample/Info.plist    |    28 -
 .../WidgetFramework.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj   |   457 -
 .../xcode/Samples/FrameworkSample/   |    62 -
 .../xcode/Samples/FrameworkSample/     |    63 -
 .../xcode/Samples/FrameworkSample/widget.h      |    59 -
 .../Samples/FrameworkSample/      |    68 -
 .../third_party/gtest/xcode/Scripts/ |    65 -
 .../gtest/xcode/Scripts/      |   100 -
 .../gtest/xcode/gtest.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj |  1135 -
 threading/CMakeLists.txt                        |   402 -
 threading/ConditionVariable.cpp                 |    26 -
 threading/ConditionVariable.hpp                 |   119 -
 threading/Mutex.cpp                             |    29 -
 threading/Mutex.hpp                             |   177 -
 threading/SharedMutex.hpp                       |   173 -
 threading/SpinMutex.hpp                         |    83 -
 threading/SpinSharedMutex.hpp                   |   172 -
 threading/Thread.cpp                            |    39 -
 threading/Thread.hpp                            |   101 -
 threading/ThreadIDBasedMap.hpp                  |   167 -
 threading/ThreadUtil.hpp                        |   136 -
 threading/                  |    33 -
 threading/ThreadingModule.hpp                   |    24 -
 threading/WinThreadsAPI.hpp                     |    61 -
 threading/cpp11/ConditionVariable.hpp           |    82 -
 threading/cpp11/Mutex.hpp                       |    76 -
 threading/cpp11/SharedMutex.hpp                 |    96 -
 threading/cpp11/Thread.hpp                      |    64 -
 threading/cpp11/cpp14/SharedMutex.hpp           |    70 -
 threading/cpp11/cpp17/SharedMutex.hpp           |    70 -
 threading/posix/ConditionVariable.hpp           |   102 -
 threading/posix/Mutex.hpp                       |   123 -
 threading/posix/SharedMutex.hpp                 |    69 -
 threading/posix/Thread.hpp                      |    67 -
 threading/tests/Mutex_unittest.cpp              |   170 -
 threading/tests/SharedMutex_unittest.cpp        |   171 -
 threading/windows/ConditionVariable.hpp         |    79 -
 threading/windows/Mutex.hpp                     |   118 -
 threading/windows/SharedMutex.hpp               |    73 -
 threading/windows/Thread.hpp                    |    80 -
 transaction/AccessMode.cpp                      |    36 -
 transaction/AccessMode.hpp                      |   214 -
 transaction/CMakeLists.txt                      |   231 -
 transaction/CycleDetector.cpp                   |   122 -
 transaction/CycleDetector.hpp                   |    85 -
 transaction/DeadLockDetector.cpp                |   179 -
 transaction/DeadLockDetector.hpp                |   158 -
 transaction/DirectedGraph.hpp                   |   204 -
 transaction/Lock.hpp                            |   105 -
 transaction/LockManager.cpp                     |   239 -
 transaction/LockManager.hpp                     |   130 -
 transaction/LockRequest.hpp                     |   114 -
 transaction/LockTable.cpp                       |   204 -
 transaction/LockTable.hpp                       |   181 -
 transaction/ResourceId.cpp                      |    76 -
 transaction/ResourceId.hpp                      |   217 -
 transaction/StronglyConnectedComponents.cpp     |   124 -
 transaction/StronglyConnectedComponents.hpp     |   121 -
 transaction/Transaction.hpp                     |   121 -
 transaction/TransactionModule.hpp               |    24 -
 transaction/TransactionTable.cpp                |   142 -
 transaction/TransactionTable.hpp                |   164 -
 transaction/tests/AccessMode_unittest.cpp       |   173 -
 transaction/tests/CycleDetector_unittest.cpp    |   159 -
 transaction/tests/DeadLockDetector_unittest.cpp |    98 -
 transaction/tests/DirectedGraph_unittest.cpp    |   126 -
 transaction/tests/LockRequest_unittest.cpp      |    51 -
 transaction/tests/LockTable_unittest.cpp        |   116 -
 transaction/tests/Lock_unittest.cpp             |    95 -
 transaction/tests/ResourceId_unittest.cpp       |   115 -
 .../StronglyConnectedComponents_unittest.cpp    |   228 -
 transaction/tests/TransactionTable_unittest.cpp |   144 -
 types/CMakeLists.txt                            |   444 -
 types/CharType.cpp                              |   184 -
 types/CharType.hpp                              |   150 -
 types/DateOperatorOverloads.hpp                 |   262 -
 types/DateType.cpp                              |   153 -
 types/DateType.hpp                              |   137 -
 types/DatetimeIntervalType.cpp                  |   154 -
 types/DatetimeIntervalType.hpp                  |   129 -
 types/DatetimeLit.hpp                           |   220 -
 types/DatetimeType.cpp                          |   268 -
 types/DatetimeType.hpp                          |   145 -
 types/DoubleType.cpp                            |   122 -
 types/DoubleType.hpp                            |   135 -
 types/FloatType.cpp                             |   122 -
 types/FloatType.hpp                             |   135 -
 types/IntType.cpp                               |   101 -
 types/IntType.hpp                               |   122 -
 types/IntervalLit.hpp                           |   193 -
 types/IntervalParser.cpp                        |   439 -
 types/IntervalParser.hpp                        |   163 -
 types/LongType.cpp                              |   108 -
 types/LongType.hpp                              |   123 -
 types/NullCoercibilityCheckMacro.hpp            |    46 -
 types/NullType.hpp                              |   119 -
 types/NumericSuperType.hpp                      |    72 -
 types/NumericTypeUnifier.hpp                    |   143 -
 types/                                 |   102 -
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 types/Type.hpp                                  |   510 -
 types/Type.proto                                |    57 -
 types/TypeErrors.hpp                            |    82 -
 types/TypeFactory.cpp                           |   182 -
 types/TypeFactory.hpp                           |   150 -
 types/TypeID.cpp                                |    38 -
 types/TypeID.hpp                                |    70 -
 types/TypedValue.cpp                            |   237 -
 types/TypedValue.hpp                            |   956 -
 types/TypedValue.proto                          |    44 -
 types/TypesModule.hpp                           |    24 -
 types/VarCharType.cpp                           |   184 -
 types/VarCharType.hpp                           |   153 -
 types/YearMonthIntervalType.cpp                 |   160 -
 types/YearMonthIntervalType.hpp                 |   128 -
 types/containers/CMakeLists.txt                 |    78 -
 types/containers/ColumnVector.cpp               |    44 -
 types/containers/ColumnVector.hpp               |   571 -
 types/containers/ColumnVectorUtil.hpp           |    57 -
 types/containers/ColumnVectorsValueAccessor.hpp |   318 -
 types/containers/Tuple.hpp                      |   247 -
 types/containers/Tuple.proto                    |    26 -
 .../containers/tests/ColumnVector_unittest.cpp  |   780 -
 types/operations/CMakeLists.txt                 |    44 -
 types/operations/Operation.cpp                  |    30 -
 types/operations/Operation.hpp                  |   122 -
 types/operations/Operation.proto                |    95 -
 .../binary_operations/AddBinaryOperation.cpp    |   418 -
 .../binary_operations/AddBinaryOperation.hpp    |    90 -
 .../ArithmeticBinaryOperation.hpp               |   404 -
 .../ArithmeticBinaryOperators.hpp               |   848 -
 .../binary_operations/BinaryOperation.cpp       |    53 -
 .../binary_operations/BinaryOperation.hpp       |   531 -
 .../BinaryOperationFactory.cpp                  |    93 -
 .../BinaryOperationFactory.hpp                  |    79 -
 .../binary_operations/BinaryOperationID.cpp     |    40 -
 .../binary_operations/BinaryOperationID.hpp     |    62 -
 .../operations/binary_operations/CMakeLists.txt |   241 -
 .../binary_operations/DivideBinaryOperation.cpp |   391 -
 .../binary_operations/DivideBinaryOperation.hpp |    93 -
 .../binary_operations/ModuloBinaryOperation.cpp |   259 -
 .../binary_operations/ModuloBinaryOperation.hpp |    93 -
 .../MultiplyBinaryOperation.cpp                 |   410 -
 .../MultiplyBinaryOperation.hpp                 |    98 -
 .../SubtractBinaryOperation.cpp                 |   459 -
 .../SubtractBinaryOperation.hpp                 |    93 -
 .../tests/AddBinaryOperation_unittest.cpp       |   245 -
 .../tests/BinaryOperationTestUtil.hpp           |   251 -
 .../tests/BinaryOperation_unittest.cpp          |  1267 -
 .../tests/DivideBinaryOperation_unittest.cpp    |   240 -
 .../tests/ModuloBinaryOperation_unittest.cpp    |   219 -
 .../tests/MultiplyBinaryOperation_unittest.cpp  |   209 -
 .../tests/SubtractBinaryOperation_unittest.cpp  |   287 -
 .../comparisons/AsciiStringComparators-inl.hpp  |   591 -
 .../comparisons/AsciiStringComparators.hpp      |   398 -
 .../operations/comparisons/BasicComparison.cpp  |   136 -
 .../operations/comparisons/BasicComparison.hpp  |   523 -
 types/operations/comparisons/CMakeLists.txt     |   221 -
 types/operations/comparisons/Comparison-inl.hpp |   663 -
 types/operations/comparisons/Comparison.cpp     |   181 -
 types/operations/comparisons/Comparison.hpp     |   627 -
 .../comparisons/ComparisonFactory.cpp           |   109 -
 .../comparisons/ComparisonFactory.hpp           |    79 -
 types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonID.cpp   |    50 -
 types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonID.hpp   |    99 -
 types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonUtil.hpp |  1284 -
 .../operations/comparisons/EqualComparison.cpp  |    46 -
 .../operations/comparisons/EqualComparison.hpp  |    71 -
 .../comparisons/GreaterComparison.cpp           |    46 -
 .../comparisons/GreaterComparison.hpp           |    71 -
 .../comparisons/GreaterOrEqualComparison.cpp    |    46 -
 .../comparisons/GreaterOrEqualComparison.hpp    |    70 -
 types/operations/comparisons/LessComparison.cpp |    46 -
 types/operations/comparisons/LessComparison.hpp |    71 -
 .../comparisons/LessOrEqualComparison.cpp       |    46 -
 .../comparisons/LessOrEqualComparison.hpp       |    71 -
 .../comparisons/LiteralComparators-inl.hpp      |   623 -
 .../comparisons/LiteralComparators.hpp          |   351 -
 .../comparisons/NotEqualComparison.cpp          |    46 -
 .../comparisons/NotEqualComparison.hpp          |    71 -
 .../PatternMatchingComparators-inl.hpp          |   345 -
 .../comparisons/PatternMatchingComparators.hpp  |   242 -
 .../comparisons/PatternMatchingComparison.cpp   |   131 -
 .../comparisons/PatternMatchingComparison.hpp   |    77 -
 .../comparisons/tests/Comparison_unittest.cpp   |  1023 -
 .../ArithmeticUnaryOperations.cpp               |   145 -
 .../ArithmeticUnaryOperations.hpp               |    94 -
 .../ArithmeticUnaryOperators.hpp                |   169 -
 .../operations/unary_operations/CMakeLists.txt  |   170 -
 .../unary_operations/DateExtractOperation.cpp   |   542 -
 .../unary_operations/DateExtractOperation.hpp   |   192 -
 .../unary_operations/NumericCastOperation.hpp   |   313 -
 .../unary_operations/SubstringOperation.cpp     |   216 -
 .../unary_operations/SubstringOperation.hpp     |   236 -
 .../unary_operations/UnaryOperation.cpp         |    47 -
 .../unary_operations/UnaryOperation.hpp         |   283 -
 .../unary_operations/UnaryOperationFactory.cpp  |   120 -
 .../unary_operations/UnaryOperationFactory.hpp  |    79 -
 .../unary_operations/UnaryOperationID.cpp       |    32 -
 .../unary_operations/UnaryOperationID.hpp       |    63 -
 .../tests/DateExtractOperation_unittest.cpp     |   229 -
 .../tests/NegateUnaryOperation_unittest.cpp     |   126 -
 .../tests/NumericCastOperation_unittest.cpp     |   123 -
 .../tests/UnaryOperation_unittest.cpp           |   411 -
 types/port/CMakeLists.txt                       |    93 -
 types/port/                 |    27 -
 types/port/gmtime_r.hpp                         |    46 -
 types/port/localtime_r.hpp                      |    46 -
 types/port/strnlen.hpp                          |    53 -
 types/port/tests/timegm_benchmark.cpp           |   165 -
 types/port/tests/timegm_unittest.cpp            |   141 -
 types/port/timegm.cpp                           |   153 -
 types/port/timegm.hpp                           |   127 -
 types/tests/CharType_unittest.cpp               |   253 -
 types/tests/DateType_unittest.cpp               |   151 -
 types/tests/DatetimeIntervalType_unittest.cpp   |   316 -
 types/tests/DatetimeType_unittest.cpp           |   219 -
 types/tests/DoubleType_unittest.cpp             |   247 -
 types/tests/FloatType_unittest.cpp              |   247 -
 types/tests/IntType_unittest.cpp                |   136 -
 types/tests/LongType_unittest.cpp               |   138 -
 types/tests/TypeTest_common.hpp                 |   616 -
 types/tests/Type_unittest.cpp                   |   127 -
 types/tests/TypedValue_unittest.cpp             |  2081 --
 types/tests/VarCharType_unittest.cpp            |   196 -
 types/tests/YearMonthIntervalType_unittest.cpp  |   260 -
 utility/Alignment.hpp                           |   102 -
 utility/BitManipulation.hpp                     |   186 -
 utility/BitVector.hpp                           |  1212 -
 utility/BloomFilter.hpp                         |   406 -
 utility/BloomFilter.proto                       |    32 -
 utility/CMakeLists.txt                          |   500 -
 utility/CalculateInstalledMemory.cpp            |    66 -
 utility/CalculateInstalledMemory.hpp            |    40 -
 utility/Cast.hpp                                |    53 -
 utility/CheckSnprintf.hpp                       |    60 -
 utility/CompositeHash.hpp                       |    52 -
 utility/DAG.hpp                                 |   496 -
 utility/DisjointTreeForest.hpp                  |   152 -
 utility/EqualsAnyConstant.hpp                   |   179 -
 utility/ExecutionDAGVisualizer.cpp              |   233 -
 utility/ExecutionDAGVisualizer.hpp              |   114 -
 utility/Glob.cpp                                |   114 -
 utility/Glob.hpp                                |    54 -
 utility/HashPair.hpp                            |   115 -
 utility/Macros.hpp                              |   105 -
 utility/MemStream.hpp                           |   195 -
 utility/NetworkUtil.cpp                         |    78 -
 utility/NetworkUtil.hpp                         |    42 -
 utility/PlanVisualizer.cpp                      |   198 -
 utility/PlanVisualizer.hpp                      |    99 -
 utility/PrimeNumber.cpp                         |  2133 --
 utility/PrimeNumber.hpp                         |    54 -
 utility/PtrList.hpp                             |   263 -
 utility/PtrMap.hpp                              |   137 -
 utility/PtrVector.hpp                           |   771 -
 utility/ScopedBuffer.hpp                        |   217 -
 utility/ScopedDeleter.hpp                       |    95 -
 utility/ShardedLockManager.hpp                  |   133 -
 utility/SortConfiguration.cpp                   |    83 -
 utility/SortConfiguration.hpp                   |   142 -
 utility/SortConfiguration.proto                 |    32 -
 utility/SqlError.cpp                            |   165 -
 utility/SqlError.hpp                            |   162 -
 utility/StringUtil.cpp                          |   147 -
 utility/StringUtil.hpp                          |   121 -
 utility/TemplateUtil.hpp                        |   167 -
 utility/ThreadSafeQueue.hpp                     |   177 -
 utility/TreeStringSerializable.hpp              |   363 -
 utility/                      |    32 -
 utility/UtilityModule.hpp                       |    24 -
 utility/VectorUtil.hpp                          |    53 -
 utility/lip_filter/CMakeLists.txt               |    76 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilter.hpp                |   103 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilter.proto              |    58 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterAdaptiveProber.hpp  |   243 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterBuilder.hpp         |   106 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterDeployment.cpp      |    87 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterDeployment.hpp      |   111 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterFactory.cpp         |    74 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterFactory.hpp         |    69 -
 utility/lip_filter/LIPFilterUtil.hpp            |    79 -
 utility/lip_filter/SingleIdentityHashFilter.hpp |   185 -
 utility/tests/BitVector_unittest.cpp            |  1186 -
 utility/tests/BloomFilter_unittest.cpp          |    92 -
 .../tests/CalculateInstalledMemory_unittest.cpp |    40 -
 utility/tests/DAG_unittest.cpp                  |   565 -
 utility/tests/DisjointTreeForest_unittest.cpp   |    98 -
 utility/tests/EqualsAnyConstant_benchmark.cpp   |   237 -
 utility/tests/EqualsAnyConstant_unittest.cpp    |   166 -
 utility/tests/HashPair_benchmark.cpp            |    49 -
 utility/tests/NetworkUtil_unittest.cpp          |    44 -
 utility/tests/PrimeNumber_unittest.cpp          |   117 -
 utility/tests/ScopedDeleter_unittest.cpp        |   156 -
 utility/tests/SqlError_unittest.cpp             |   148 -
 utility/tests/TemplateUtil_unittest.cpp         |   115 -
 utility/tests/TextBasedTestDriver_unittest.cpp  |   339 -
 utility/tests/ThreadSafeQueue_unittest.cpp      |    57 -
 .../tests/TreeStringSerializable_unittest.cpp   |   375 -
 utility/textbased_test/TextBasedTest.cpp        |    33 -
 utility/textbased_test/TextBasedTest.hpp        |   125 -
 utility/textbased_test/TextBasedTestDriver.cpp  |   317 -
 utility/textbased_test/TextBasedTestDriver.hpp  |   202 -
 utility/textbased_test/TextBasedTestRunner.hpp  |    63 -                          |   519 -
 yarn/CMakeLists.txt                             |    19 -
 1958 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 636064 deletions(-)