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Posted to by Hauschel Fred <> on 2005/03/10 10:08:20 UTC

Problems with SwitchAction and Modules

Hey all,

I call the switch action in "module a" and tell him to switch to "module

The switch Action does it's work, but the TilesRequestProcessor's
moduleConfig is still the moduleConfig from "module a" and so the
definitionFactory says:

10.03.2005 09:58:03.112 DEBUG [I18nFactorySet.parseXmlFile (508)] Can't
open file '/WEB-INF/instanceDefinitions_de.xml'


That's right, the "module a" didn't have any tiles-def's. But "modul b"
have some.


Does anybody have any idea? 


And I think there is a bug in ModuleUtils $Revision: 1.9 $ :

If the passed prefix is wrong so the line


MessageResourcesConfig[] mrConfig =


Will throw an NullPointer. 





    public void selectModule(

        String prefix,

        HttpServletRequest request,

        ServletContext context) {


        // Expose the resources for this module


      Enumeration enumer = context.getAttributeNames();

      while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) {

                  String element = (String) enumer.nextElement();

                  System.out.println( element );




        ModuleConfig config = getModuleConfig(prefix, context);


        if (config != null) {

            request.setAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY, config);

        } else {




        MessageResourcesConfig[] mrConfig =

        for(int i = 0; i < mrConfig.length; i++) {

          String key = mrConfig[i].getKey();

          MessageResources resources =

            (MessageResources) context.getAttribute(key + prefix);

          if (resources != null) {

              request.setAttribute(key, resources);

          } else {



