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[26/50] [abbrv] ambari git commit: AMBARI-22040. does not work properly when dealing with files (aonishuk)

AMBARI-22040. does not work properly when dealing with files (aonishuk)


Branch: refs/heads/branch-feature-AMBARI-14714
Commit: 9e93c476ddd8d4397f550062fd1645ac5422ed2e
Parents: e4cadbb
Author: Andrew Onishuk <>
Authored: Fri Sep 22 14:06:17 2017 +0300
Committer: Andrew Onishuk <>
Committed: Fri Sep 22 14:06:17 2017 +0300

 .../src/main/resources/scripts/       | 219 +++++++++++----
 .../src/main/resources/scripts/       | 272 +------------------
 2 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
index b524461..8d4de1c 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -18,11 +18,19 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
+import optparse
+from optparse import OptionGroup
 import sys
 import urllib2
 import time
 import json
 import base64
+import xml
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import os
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('AmbariConfig')
@@ -106,14 +114,14 @@ def create_new_desired_config(cluster, config_type, properties, attributes, acce
     new_config[CLUSTERS][DESIRED_CONFIGS][ATTRIBUTES] = attributes
   request_body = json.dumps(new_config)
   new_file = 'doSet_{0}.json'.format(new_tag)
-  print '### PUTting json into: {0}'.format(new_file)
+'### PUTting json into: {0}'.format(new_file))
   accessor(CLUSTERS_URL.format(cluster), PUT_REQUEST_TYPE, request_body)
-  print '### NEW Site:{0}, Tag:{1}'.format(config_type, new_tag)
+'### NEW Site:{0}, Tag:{1}'.format(config_type, new_tag))
 def get_current_config(cluster, config_type, accessor):
   config_tag = get_config_tag(cluster, config_type, accessor)
-  print "### on (Site:{0}, Tag:{1})".format(config_type, config_tag)
+"### on (Site:{0}, Tag:{1})".format(config_type, config_tag))
   response = accessor(CONFIGURATION_URL.format(cluster, config_type, config_tag))
   config_by_tag = json.loads(response)
   current_config = config_by_tag[ITEMS][0]
@@ -130,6 +138,41 @@ def update_specific_property(config_name, config_value):
     return properties, attributes
   return update
+def update_from_xml(config_file):
+  def update(cluster, config_type, accessor):
+    return read_xml_data_to_map(config_file)
+  return update
+# Used DOM parser to read data into a map
+def read_xml_data_to_map(path):
+  configurations = {}
+  properties_attributes = {}
+  tree = ET.parse(path)
+  root = tree.getroot()
+  for properties in root.getiterator('property'):
+    name = properties.find('name')
+    value = properties.find('value')
+    final = properties.find('final')
+    if name != None:
+      name_text = name.text if name.text else ""
+    else:
+      logger.warn("No name is found for one of the properties in {0}, ignoring it".format(path))
+      continue
+    if value != None:
+      value_text = value.text if value.text else ""
+    else:
+      logger.warn("No value is found for \"{0}\" in {1}, using empty string for it".format(name_text, path))
+      value_text = ""
+    if final != None:
+      final_text = final.text if final.text else ""
+      properties_attributes[name_text] = final_text
+    configurations[name_text] = value_text
+  return configurations, {"final" : properties_attributes}
 def update_from_file(config_file):
   def update(cluster, config_type, accessor):
@@ -138,12 +181,12 @@ def update_from_file(config_file):
     except Exception as e:
       raise Exception('Cannot find file "{0}" to PUT'.format(config_file))
-      file_properties = json.loads('{' + file_content + '}')
+      file_properties = json.loads(file_content)
     except Exception as e:
       raise Exception('File "{0}" should be in the following JSON format ("properties_attributes" is optional):\n{1}'.format(config_file, FILE_FORMAT))
     new_properties = file_properties.get(PROPERTIES, {})
     new_attributes = file_properties.get(ATTRIBUTES, {})
-    print '### PUTting file: "{0}"'.format(config_file)
+'### PUTting file: "{0}"'.format(config_file))
     return new_properties, new_attributes
   return update
@@ -156,26 +199,14 @@ def delete_specific_property(config_name):
     return properties, attributes
   return update
-def format_json(dictionary, tab_level=0):
-  output = ''
-  tab = ' ' * 2 * tab_level
-  for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
-    output += ',\n{0}"{1}": '.format(tab, key)
-    if isinstance(value, dict):
-      output += '{\n' + format_json(value, tab_level + 1) + tab + '}'
-    else:
-      output += '"{0}"'.format(value)
-  output += '\n'
-  return output[2:]
 def output_to_file(filename):
   def output(config):
     with open(filename, 'w') as out_file:
-      out_file.write(format_json(config))
+      json.dump(config, out_file, indent=2)
   return output
 def output_to_console(config):
-  print format_json(config)
+  print json.dumps(config, indent=2)
 def get_config(cluster, config_type, accessor, output):
   properties, attributes = get_current_config(cluster, config_type, accessor)
@@ -185,70 +216,152 @@ def get_config(cluster, config_type, accessor, output):
 def set_properties(cluster, config_type, args, accessor):
-  print '### Performing "set" content:'
-  if len(args) == 0:
-    raise UsageException("Not enough arguments. Expected config key and value or filename.")
+'### Performing "set":')
   if len(args) == 1:
     config_file = args[0]
-    updater = update_from_file(config_file)
-    print '### from file "{0}"'.format(config_file)
+    root, ext = os.path.splitext(config_file)
+    if ext == ".xml":
+      updater = update_from_xml(config_file)
+    elif ext == ".json":
+      updater = update_from_file(config_file)
+    else:
+      logger.error("File extension {0} doesn't supported".format(ext))
+      return -1
+'### from file {0}'.format(config_file))
     config_name = args[0]
     config_value = args[1]
     updater = update_specific_property(config_name, config_value)
-    print '### new property - "{0}":"{1}"'.format(config_name, config_value)
+'### new property - "{0}":"{1}"'.format(config_name, config_value))
   update_config(cluster, config_type, updater, accessor)
+  return 0
 def delete_properties(cluster, config_type, args, accessor):
-  print '### Performing "delete":'
+'### Performing "delete":')
   if len(args) == 0:
-    raise UsageException("Not enough arguments. Expected config key.")
+    logger.error("Not enough arguments. Expected config key.")
+    return -1
   config_name = args[0]
-  print '### on property "{0}"'.format(config_name)
+'### on property "{0}"'.format(config_name))
   update_config(cluster, config_type, delete_specific_property(config_name), accessor)
+  return 0
 def get_properties(cluster, config_type, args, accessor):
-  print '### Performing "get" content:'
+"### Performing \"get\" content:")
   if len(args) > 0:
     filename = args[0]
     output = output_to_file(filename)
-    print '### to file "{0}"'.format(filename)
+'### to file "{0}"'.format(filename))
     output = output_to_console
   get_config(cluster, config_type, accessor, output)
+  return 0
 def main():
-  if len(sys.argv) < 9:
-    raise UsageException('Not enough arguments.')
-  args = sys.argv[1:]
-  user = args[0]
-  password = args[1]
-  port = args[2]
-  protocol = args[3]
-  action = args[4]
-  host = args[5]
-  cluster = args[6]
-  config_type = args[7]
-  action_args = args[8:]
+  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]")
+  login_options_group = OptionGroup(parser, "To specify credentials please use \"-e\" OR \"-u\" and \"-p'\"")
+  login_options_group.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", default="admin", help="Optional user ID to use for authentication. Default is 'admin'")
+  login_options_group.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", default="admin", help="Optional password to use for authentication. Default is 'admin'")
+  login_options_group.add_option("-e", "--credentials-file", dest="credentials_file", help="Optional file with user credentials separated by new line.")
+  parser.add_option_group(login_options_group)
+  parser.add_option("-t", "--port", dest="port", default="8080", help="Optional port number for Ambari server. Default is '8080'. Provide empty string to not use port.")
+  parser.add_option("-s", "--protocol", dest="protocol", default="http", help="Optional support of SSL. Default protocol is 'http'")
+  parser.add_option("-a", "--action", dest="action", help="Script action: <get>, <set>, <delete>")
+  parser.add_option("-l", "--host", dest="host", help="Server external host name")
+  parser.add_option("-n", "--cluster", dest="cluster", help="Name given to cluster. Ex: 'c1'")
+  parser.add_option("-c", "--config-type", dest="config_type", help="One of the various configuration types in Ambari. Ex: core-site, hdfs-site, mapred-queue-acls, etc.")
+  config_options_group = OptionGroup(parser, "To specify property(s) please use \"-f\" OR \"-k\" and \"-v'\"")
+  config_options_group.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", help="File where entire configurations are saved to, or read from. Supported extensions (.xml, .json>)")
+  config_options_group.add_option("-k", "--key", dest="key", help="Key that has to be set or deleted. Not necessary for 'get' action.")
+  config_options_group.add_option("-v", "--value", dest="value", help="Optional value to be set. Not necessary for 'get' or 'delete' actions.")
+  parser.add_option_group(config_options_group)
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+  formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
+  stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+  stdout_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+  stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+  logger.addHandler(stdout_handler)
+  # options with default value
+  if not options.credentials_file and (not options.user or not options.password):
+    parser.error("You should use option (-e) to set file with Ambari user credentials OR use (-u) username and (-p) password")
+  if options.credentials_file:
+    if os.path.isfile(options.credentials_file):
+      try:
+        with open(options.credentials_file) as credentials_file:
+          file_content =
+          login_lines = filter(None, file_content.splitlines())
+          if len(login_lines) == 2:
+            user = login_lines[0]
+            password = login_lines[1]
+          else:
+            logger.error("Incorrect content of {0} file. File should contain Ambari username and password separated by new line.".format(options.credentials_file))
+            return -1
+      except Exception as e:
+        logger.error("You don't have permissions to {0} file".format(options.credentials_file))
+        return -1
+    else:
+      logger.error("File {0} doesn't exist or you don't have permissions.".format(options.credentials_file))
+      return -1
+  else:
+    user = options.user
+    password = options.password
+  port = options.port
+  protocol = options.protocol
+  #options without default value
+  if None in [options.action,, options.cluster, options.config_type]:
+    parser.error("One of required options is not passed")
+  action = options.action
+  host =
+  cluster = options.cluster
+  config_type = options.config_type
   accessor = api_accessor(host, user, password, protocol, port)
   if action == SET_ACTION:
-    set_properties(cluster, config_type, action_args, accessor)
+    if not options.file and (not options.key or not options.value):
+      parser.error("You should use option (-f) to set file where entire configurations are saved OR (-k) key and (-v) value for one property")
+    if options.file:
+      action_args = [options.file]
+    else:
+      action_args = [options.key, options.value]
+    return set_properties(cluster, config_type, action_args, accessor)
   elif action == GET_ACTION:
-    get_properties(cluster, config_type, action_args, accessor)
+    if options.file:
+      action_args = [options.file]
+    else:
+      action_args = []
+    return get_properties(cluster, config_type, action_args, accessor)
   elif action == DELETE_ACTION:
-    delete_properties(cluster, config_type, action_args, accessor)
+    if not options.key:
+      parser.error("You should use option (-k) to set property name witch will be deleted")
+    else:
+      action_args = [options.key]
+    return delete_properties(cluster, config_type, action_args, accessor)
-    raise UsageException('Action "{0}" is not supported. Supported actions: "get", "set", "delete".'.format(action))
+    logger.error('Action "{0}" is not supported. Supported actions: "get", "set", "delete".'.format(action))
+    return -1
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
-  except UsageException as usage_exc:
-    print '[ERROR]   {0}'.format(usage_exc)
-    sys.exit(2)
-  except Exception as exc:
-    for line in str(exc).split('\n'):
-      print '[ERROR]   {0}'.format(line)
+    sys.exit(main())
+  except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+    print("\nAborting ... Keyboard Interrupt.")
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
index 7364d0e..4141fed 100755
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -18,273 +18,5 @@
 # under the License.
-usage () {
-  echo "";
-  echo "";
-  echo "Usage: [-u userId] [-p password] [-port port] [-s] <ACTION> <AMBARI_HOST> <CLUSTER_NAME> <CONFIG_TYPE> [CONFIG_FILENAME | CONFIG_KEY [CONFIG_VALUE]]";
-  echo "";
-  echo "       [-u userId]: Optional user ID to use for authentication. Default is 'admin'.";
-  echo "       [-p password]: Optional password to use for authentication. Default is 'admin'.";
-  echo "       [-port port]: Optional port number for Ambari server. Default is '8080'. Provide empty string to not use port.";
-  echo "       [-s]: Optional support of SSL. Default is 'false'. Provide empty string to not use SSL.";
-  echo "       <ACTION>: One of 'get', 'set', 'delete'. 'Set' adds/updates as necessary.";
-  echo "       <AMBARI_HOST>: Server external host name";
-  echo "       <CLUSTER_NAME>: Name given to cluster. Ex: 'c1'"
-  echo "       <CONFIG_TYPE>: One of the various configuration types in Ambari. Ex:global, core-site, hdfs-site, mapred-queue-acls, etc.";
-  echo "       [CONFIG_FILENAME]: File where entire configurations are saved to, or read from. Only applicable to 'get' and 'set' actions";
-  echo "       [CONFIG_KEY]: Key that has to be set or deleted. Not necessary for 'get' action.";
-  echo "       [CONFIG_VALUE]: Optional value to be set. Not necessary for 'get' or 'delete' actions.";
-  exit 1;
-if [ "$1" == "-u" ] ; then
-  USERID=$2;
-  shift 2;
-  echo "USERID=$USERID";
-if [ "$1" == "-p" ] ; then
-  PASSWD=$2;
-  shift 2;
-if [ "$1" == "-port" ] ; then
-  if [ -z $2 ]; then
-    PORT="";
-  else
-    PORT=":$2";
-  fi
-  shift 2;
-  echo "PORT=$PORT";
-if [ "$1" == "-s" ] ; then
-  shift;
-  echo "SSL is enabled";
-## currentSiteTag()
-currentSiteTag () {
-  currentSiteTag=''
-  found=''
-  #currentSite=`cat ds.json | grep -E "$SITE|tag"`; 
-  currentSite=`curl -k -s -u $USERID:$PASSWD "$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER?fields=Clusters/desired_configs" | grep -E "$SITE|tag"`;
-  for line in $currentSite; do
-    if [ $line != "{" -a $line != ":" -a $line != '"tag"' ] ; then
-      if [ -n "$found" -a -z "$currentSiteTag" ]; then
-        currentSiteTag=$line;
-      fi
-      if [ $line == "\"$SITE\"" ]; then
-        found=$SITE; 
-      fi
-    fi
-  done;
-  if [ -z $currentSiteTag ]; then
-    errOutput=`curl -k -s -u $USERID:$PASSWD "$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER?fields=Clusters/desired_configs"`;
-    echo "[ERROR] \"$SITE\" not found in server response.";
-    echo "[ERROR] Output of \`curl -k -s -u $USERID:$PASSWD \"$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER?fields=Clusters/desired_configs\"\` is:";
-    echo $errOutput | while read -r line; do
-      echo "[ERROR] $line";
-    done;
-    exit 1;
-  fi
-  currentSiteTag=`echo $currentSiteTag|cut -d \" -f 2`
-  SITETAG=$currentSiteTag;
-## doConfigUpdate() 
-##  @param MODE of update. Either 'set' or 'delete'
-doConfigUpdate () {
-  MODE=$1
-  currentSiteTag
-  echo "########## Performing '$MODE' $CONFIGKEY:$CONFIGVALUE on (Site:$SITE, Tag:$SITETAG)";
-  propertiesStarted=0
-  attributesStarted=0
-  currentLevel=0
-  curl -k -s -u $USERID:$PASSWD "$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/configurations?type=$SITE&tag=$SITETAG" | while read -r line; do
-    if [ "$propertiesStarted" -eq 0 -a "$attributesStarted" -eq 0 ]; then
-      if [ "$line" = "\"properties_attributes\" : {" ]; then
-        attributesStarted=$currentLevel
-      elif [ "$line" = "\"properties\" : {" ]; then
-        propertiesStarted=$currentLevel
-      fi
-    fi
-    if [ "$propertiesStarted" -gt 0 ]; then
-      if [ "`echo $line | grep -E "},?$"`" ]; then
-        ## Properties ended
-        ## Add property
-        propLen=${#newProperties}
-        lastChar=${newProperties:$propLen-1:1}
-        if [ "$MODE" == "delete" ]; then
-          # Remove the last ,
-          if [ "$lastChar" == "," ]; then
-            newProperties=${newProperties:0:$propLen-1}
-          fi
-        elif [ "$MODE" == "set" ]; then
-          # Add comma if required
-          if [ "$lastChar" != ","  -a "$lastChar" != "{" ]; then
-            newProperties="$newProperties,"
-          fi
-          newProperties="$newProperties \"$CONFIGKEY\" : \"$CONFIGVALUE\""
-        fi
-        newProperties=$newProperties$line
-        propertiesStarted=0
-      elif [ "`echo $line | grep "\\\"$CONFIGKEY\\\""`" ]; then
-        echo "########## Config found. Skipping origin value"
-      else
-        newProperties=$newProperties$line
-      fi
-    elif [ "$attributesStarted" -gt 0 ]; then
-      newProperties=$newProperties$line
-    fi
-    if [ "`echo $line | grep -E "{$"`" ]; then
-        currentLevel=$((currentLevel+1))
-    elif [ "`echo $line | grep -E "},?$"`" ]; then
-        currentLevel=$((currentLevel-1))
-        if [ "$currentLevel" == 1 ]; then
-          # if no properties in current config
-          if [ "$MODE" == "set" -a -z "$newProperties" ]; then
-            newProperties="\"properties\" : { \"$CONFIGKEY\" : \"$CONFIGVALUE\"}"
-          fi
-          newTag=`date "+%s%N"`
-          newTag="version${newTag}"
-          finalJson="{ \"Clusters\": { \"desired_config\": {\"type\": \"$SITE\", \"tag\":\"$newTag\", $newProperties}}}"
-          newFile="doSet_$newTag.json"
-          echo "########## PUTting json into: $newFile"
-          echo "$finalJson" > $newFile
-          curl -k -u $USERID:$PASSWD -X PUT -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" "$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER" --data @$newFile
-          currentSiteTag
-          echo "########## NEW Site:$SITE, Tag:$SITETAG";
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [ "$attributesStarted" -eq "$currentLevel" ]; then
-      attributesStarted=0
-    fi
-  done
-## doConfigFileUpdate() 
-##  @param File name to PUT on server
-doConfigFileUpdate () {
-  if [ -f $FILENAME ]; then
-    if [ "1" == "$(grep -En ^\"properties\" $FILENAME | cut -d : -f 1)" ]; then
-      newTag=`date "+%s%N"`
-      newTag="version${newTag}"
-      newProperties=`cat $FILENAME`;
-      finalJson="{ \"Clusters\": { \"desired_config\": {\"type\": \"$SITE\", \"tag\":\"$newTag\", $newProperties}}}"
-      newFile="doSet_$newTag.json"
-      echo "$finalJson" > $newFile
-      echo "########## PUTting file:\"$FILENAME\" into config(type:\"$SITE\", tag:$newTag) via $newFile"
-      curl -k -u $USERID:$PASSWD -X PUT -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" "$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER" --data @$newFile
-      currentSiteTag
-      echo "########## NEW Site:$SITE, Tag:$SITETAG";
-    else
-      echo "[ERROR] File \"$FILENAME\" should be in the following JSON format (\"properties_attributes\" is optional):";
-      echo "[ERROR]   \"properties\": {";
-      echo "[ERROR]     \"key1\": \"value1\",";
-      echo "[ERROR]     \"key2\": \"value2\",";
-      echo "[ERROR]   },";
-      echo "[ERROR]   \"properties_attributes\": {";
-      echo "[ERROR]     \"final\": {";
-      echo "[ERROR]       \"key1\": \"value1\",";
-      echo "[ERROR]       \"key2\": \"value2\",";
-      echo "[ERROR]     }";
-      echo "[ERROR]   }";
-      exit 1;
-    fi
-  else
-    echo "[ERROR] Cannot find file \"$1\"to PUT";
-    exit 1;
-  fi
-## doGet()
-##  @param Optional filename to save to
-doGet () {
-  if [ -n $FILENAME -a -f $FILENAME ]; then
-    rm -f $FILENAME
-  fi
-  currentSiteTag
-  echo "########## Performing 'GET' on (Site:$SITE, Tag:$SITETAG)";
-  propertiesStarted=0
-  curl -k -s -u $USERID:$PASSWD "$AMBARIURL/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/configurations?type=$SITE&tag=$SITETAG" | while read -r line; do
-    # echo ">>> $line";
-    if [ "$propertiesStarted" -eq 0 ]; then
-      if [ "`echo $line | grep "\"properties\""`" -o "`echo $line | grep "\"properties_attributes\""`" ]; then
-        propertiesStarted=$currentLevel
-      fi
-    fi
-    if [ "$propertiesStarted" -gt "0" ]; then
-      if [ -z $FILENAME ]; then
-        echo "$line"
-      else
-        echo "$line" >> $FILENAME
-      fi
-    fi
-    if [ "`echo $line | grep -E "{$"`" ]; then
-        currentLevel=$((currentLevel+1))
-    elif [ "`echo $line | grep -E "},?$"`" ]; then
-        currentLevel=$((currentLevel-1))
-    fi
-    if [ "$propertiesStarted" -eq "$currentLevel" ]; then
-      propertiesStarted=0
-    fi
-  done
-case "$1" in
-  set)
-    if (($# == 6)); then
-      doConfigUpdate "set" # Individual key
-    elif (($# == 5)); then
-      doConfigFileUpdate $5 # File based
-    else
-      usage
-    fi
-    ;;
-  get)
-    if (($# == 4)); then
-      doGet
-    elif (($# == 5)); then
-      doGet $5
-    else
-      usage
-    fi
-    ;;
-  delete)
-    if (($# != 5)); then
-      usage
-    fi
-    doConfigUpdate "delete"
-    ;;
-  *) 
-    usage
-    ;;
+exit 1
\ No newline at end of file