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[42/50] [abbrv] struts-examples git commit: WW-4513 Move mailreader app to struts2-examples
diff --git a/src/main/webapp/tour.html b/src/main/webapp/tour.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc29f0..0000000
--- a/src/main/webapp/tour.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2470 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-        "">
-<html xmlns="">
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"/>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/mailreader.css"/>
-    <title>A Walking Tour of the Struts 2 MailReader Application</title>
-<h2>A Walking Tour of the Struts 2 MailReader Application</h2>
-    <i>
-        This article is meant to introduce a new user to Apache Struts 2 by
-        "walking through" a simple, but functional, application.
-        The article includes code snippets, but for the best result, you might
-        want to install the MailReader application on your own development
-        workstation and follow along.
-        Of course, the full source code to the MailReader is included in the
-        distribution.
-    </i>
-    <i>
-        The tour assumes the reader has a basic understanding of the Java
-        language, JavaBeans, web applications, and JavaServer Pages. For
-        background on these technologies, see the
-        <a href="">
-            Key Technologies Primer</a>.
-    </i>
-    <li>
-        <a href="#Welcome">Welcome</a>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a href="#web.xml">web.xml and</a></li>
-            <li><a href=""></a></li>
-            <li><a href="">Welcome Action</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#global-results">Global Results</a></li>
-            <li><a href=""></a></li>
-            <li><a href="">Message Resources</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#Welcome.jsp">Welcome Page</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        <a href="#Login">Login</a>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a href="#Login.jsp">Login Page</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#Login-validation.xml">Login-validation.xml</a></li>
-            <li><a href=""></a></li>
-            <li><a href=""></a></li>
-            <li><a href="#Login.xml">Login Configuration</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        <a href="#MainMenu">MainMenu</a>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        <a href="#Registration.jsp">Registration page</a>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a href="#iterator">iterator</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        <a href="#Subscription">Subscription</a>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a href=""></a>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    The premise of the MailReader is that it is the first iteration of a
-    portal application.
-    This version allows users to register and maintain a set of
-    accounts with various mail servers.
-    If completed, the application would let users read mail from their
-    accounts.
-    The MailReader application demonstrates registering with an application,
-    logging into an application, maintaining a master record, and maintaining
-    child records.
-    This article overviews the constructs needed to do these things,
-    including the server pages, Java classes, and configuration elements.
-    For more about the MailReader, including alternate implementations and a
-    set of formal Use Cases,
-    please visit the <a href="">
-    Struts University MailReader site</a>.
-    <p><font class="hint">
-        <strong>JAAS</strong> -
-        Note that for compatibility and ease of deployment, the MailReader
-        uses "application-based" authorization.
-        However, use of the standard Java Authentication and Authorization
-        Service (JAAS) is recommended for most applications.
-        (See the <a
-            href="">
-        Key Technologies Primer</a> for more about
-        authentication technologies.)
-    </font></p>
-    The tour starts with how the initial welcome page is displayed, and
-    then steps through logging into the application and editing a subscription.
-    Please note that this not a quick peek at a "Hello World" application.
-    The tour is a rich trek into a realistic, best practices application.
-    You may need to adjust your chair and get a fresh cup of coffee.
-    Printed, the article is 29 pages long (US).
-<h3><a name="Welcome" id="Welcome">Welcome Page</a></h3>
-    A web application, like any other web site, can specify a list of welcome pages.
-    When you open a web application without specifying a particular page, a
-    default "welcome page" is served as the response.
-<h4><a name="web.xml" id="web.xml">web.xml</a></h4>
-    When a web application loads,
-    the container reads and parses the "Web Application Deployment
-    Descriptor", or "web.xml" file.
-    The framework plugs into a web application via a servlet filter.
-    Like any filter, the "struts2" filter is deployed via the "web.xml".
-<h5>web.xml - The Web Application Deployment Descriptor</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-&lt;!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
-  "">
-  &lt;display-name>Struts 2 MailReader&lt;/display-name>
-  <strong>&lt;filter>
-    &lt;filter-name>struts2&lt;/filter-name>
-    &lt;filter-class>
-      org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher
-    &lt;/filter-class>
-   &lt;/filter></strong>
-  &lt;filter-mapping>
-    &lt;filter-name><strong>struts2</strong>&lt;/filter-name>
-    &lt;url-pattern>/*&lt;/url-pattern>
-  &lt;/filter-mapping>
-  &lt;listener>
-    &lt;listener-class>
-      org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
-    &lt;/listener-class>
-  &lt;/listener>
-  &lt;!-- Application Listener for MailReader database -->
-  &lt;listener>
-    &lt;listener-class>
-      mailreader2.ApplicationListener
-    &lt;/listener-class>
-  &lt;/listener>
-  &lt;welcome-file-list>
-    &lt;welcome-file>index.html&lt;/welcome-file>
-  &lt;/welcome-file-list>
-  &lt;/web-app></code></pre>
-    You might note that the web.xml configuration does not specify which file extension
-    to use with actions.
-    The default extension for Struts 2 is ".action",
-    but the extension can be changed in the file.
-    For compatability with prior releases, the MailReader uses a .do extension for actions.
-<pre><code>struts.action.extension = <strong>do</strong></code></pre>
-    The web.xml does specify a "Welcome File List" for the application.
-    When a web address refers to a directory rather than an individual file,
-    the container consults the Welcome File List for the name of a page to
-    open by default.
-    However, most Struts applications do not refer to physical pages,
-    but to "virtual resources" called <i>actions</i>.
-    Actions specify code that we want to be run before a page
-    or other resource renders the response.
-    An accepted practice is to never link directly to server pages,
-    but only to logical action mappings.
-    By linking to actions, developers can often "rewire" an application
-    without editing the server pages.
-<h5>Best Practice:</h5>
-    <p><font class="hint">"Link actions not pages."</font></p>
-    The actions are listed in one or more XML configuration files,
-    the default configuration file being named "struts.xml".
-    When the application loads, the struts.xml, and any other files
-    it includes, are parsed, and the framework creates a set of
-    configuration objects.
-    Among other things, the configuration maps a request for a certain
-    page to a certain action mapping.
-    Sites can list zero or more "Welcome" pages in the web.xml.
-    <a href="">
-        Unless you are using Java 1.5,</a>
-    actions cannot be specified as a Welcome page.
-    So, in the case of a Welcome page,
-    how do we follow the best practice of navigating through actions
-    rather than pages?
-    One solution is to use a page to "bootstrap" one of our actions.
-    We can register the usual "index.html" as the Welcome page and have it
-    redirect to a "Welcome" action.
-<h5>MailReader's index.html</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-  &lt;META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;<strong></strong>">
-  &lt;/head>
-  &lt;body>
-    &lt;p>Loading ...&lt;/p>
-    As an alternative,
-    we could also have used a JSP page that issued the redirect with a Struts tag,
-    but a plain HTML solution works as well.
-<h4><a name="" id=""></a></h4>
-    When the client requests "", the request is passed to the "struts2"
-    FilterDispatcher (that we registered in the web.xml file).
-    The FilterDispatcher retrieves the appropriate action mapping from the
-    configuration.
-    If we just wanted to forward to the Welcome page, we could use a simple
-    configuration element.
-<h5>A simple "forward thru" action element</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;action name="<strong>Welcome</strong>">
-  &lt;result><strong>/pages/Welcome.jsp</strong>&lt;/result>
-    If a client asks for the Welcome action (""), the "/page/Welcome.jsp"
-    page would be returned in response.
-    The client does not know, or need to know, that the physical resource is located at
-    "/pages/Welcome.jsp".
-    All the client knows is that it requested the resource "".
-    But if we peek at the configuration file for the MailReader,
-    we find a slightly more complicated XML element for the Welcome action.
-<h5>The Welcome action element</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;action name="Welcome" <b>class="mailreader2.Welcome"</b>>
-    &lt;result>/pages/Welcome.jsp&lt;/result>
-    <strong>&lt;interceptor-ref name="guest"/></strong>
-    &lt;/action></code></pre>
-    Here, the <strong>Welcome</strong> Java class executes whenever
-    someone asks for the Welcome action.
-    As it completes, the Action class can select which "result" is displayed.
-    The default result name is "success".
-    Another available result, defined at a global scope, is "error".
-<h5>Key concept:</h5>
-    <p>
-        The Action class doesn't need to know what result type is needed
-        for "success" or "error".
-        The Action can just return the logical name for a result,
-        without knowing how the result is implemented.
-    </p>
-    The net effect is that all of the result details,
-    including the paths to server pages,
-    all can be declared <em>once</em> in the configuration.
-    Tightly coupled implementation details are not scattered all over
-    the application.
-<h5>Key concept:</h5>
-    <p>
-        The Struts configuration lets us separate concerns and "say it once".
-        The configuration helps us "normalize" an application,
-        in much the same way we normalize a database schema.
-    </p>
-    OK ... but why would a Welcome Action want to choose between "success" and
-    "error"?
-<h4><a name="" id="">Welcome Action</a></h4>
-    The MailReader application retains a list of users along with their email
-    accounts.
-    The application stores this information in a database.
-    If the application can't connect to the database, the application can't do
-    its job.
-    So before displaying the Welcome <strong>page</strong>, the Welcome
-    <strong>class</strong> checks to see if the database is available.
-    The MailReader is also an internationalized application.
-    So, the Welcome Action class checks to see if the message resources are
-    available too.
-    If both resources are available, the class passes back the "success" token.
-    Otherwise, the class passes back the "error" token,
-    so that the appropriate messages can be displayed.
-<h5>The Welcome Action class</h5>
-<pre><code>package mailreader2;
-public class Welcome extends MailreaderSupport {
-  public String execute() {
-    // Confirm message resources loaded
-    String message = getText(Constants.ERROR_DATABASE_MISSING);
-    if (Constants.ERROR_DATABASE_MISSING.equals(message)) {
-      <strong>addActionError(Constants.ERROR_MESSAGES_NOT_LOADED);</strong>
-    }
-    // Confirm database loaded
-    if (null==getDatabase()) {
-      <strong>addActionError(Constants.ERROR_DATABASE_NOT_LOADED);</strong>
-    }
-    if (hasErrors()) {
-      <strong>return ERROR;</strong>
-    }
-    else {
-      <strong>return SUCCESS;</strong>
-    }
-  }
-    Several common result names are predefined,
-    including ERROR, SUCCESS, LOGIN, NONE, and INPUT,
-    so that these tokens can be used consistently across Struts 2 applications.
-<h4><a name="global-results" id="global-results">Global Results</a></h4>
-    As mentioned, "error" is defined in a global scope.
-    Other actions may have trouble connecting to the database later,
-    or other unexpected errors may occur.
-    The MailReader defines the "error" result as a Global Result,
-    so that any action can use it.
-<h5>MailReader's global-result element</h5>
-<pre><code> &lt;global-results>
-  &lt;result name=<strong>"error"</strong>><strong>/pages/Error.jsp</strong>&lt;/result>
-  &lt;result name="invalid.token">/pages/Error.jsp&lt;/result>
-  &lt;result name="login" type="redirect-action">Login_input&lt;/result>
-    Of course, if an individual action mapping defines its own "error" result type,
-    the local result would be used instead.
-<h4><a name="" id=""></a>
-    The database is exposed as an object stored in application scope.
-    The database object is based on an interface.
-    Different implementations of the database could be loaded without changing
-    the rest of the application.
-    But how is the database object loaded in the first place?
-    The database is created by a custom Listener that we configured in the "web.xml".
-<pre><code> &lt;listener>
-  &lt;listener-class>
-    <strong>mailreader2.ApplicationListener</strong>
-  &lt;/listener-class>
-    By default, our ApplicationListener loads a <strong>MemoryDatabase</strong>
-    implementation of the UserDatabase.
-    MemoryDatabase stores the database content as a XML document,
-    which is parsed and loaded as a set of nested hashtables.
-    The outer table is the list of user objects, each of which has its own
-    inner hashtable of subscriptions.
-    When you register, a user object is stored in this hashtable.
-    When you login, the user object is stored within the session context.
-    The database comes seeded with a sample user.
-    If you check the "database.xml" file under "/src/main/resources",
-    you'll see the sample user described in XML.
-<h5>The "seed" user element from the MailReader database.xml</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;user username="<strong>user</strong>" fromAddress=""
-  fullName="<strong>John Q. User</strong>" password="<strong>pass</strong>">
-    &lt;subscription host="<strong>"</strong> autoConnect="false"
-      password="bar" type="pop3" username="user1234">
-    &lt;/subscription>
-    &lt;subscription host="<strong></strong>" autoConnect="false" password="foo"
-      type="imap" username="jquser">
-    &lt;/subscription>
-    The "seed" user element creates a registration record for "John Q. User",
-    with the subscription detail for his hotmail and yahoo accounts.
-<h4><a name="" id="">Message Resources</a>
-    As mentioned, MailReader is an internationalized application.
-    In Struts 2, message resources are associated with the Action class being processed.
-    If we check the source, we find a language resource bundle named
-    <em>MailreaderSupport.</em>
-    MailreaderSupport is our base class for all the MailReader Actions.
-    Since all of our Actions extend MailreaderSupport,
-    all of our Actions can use the same resource bundle.
-<h5>Message Resource entries used by the Welcome page</h5>
-<pre><code><strong>index.heading=</strong>MailReader Application Options
-<strong>index.login=</strong>Log on to the MailReader Application
-<strong>index.registration=</strong>Register with the MailReader Application
-<strong>index.title=</strong>MailReader Demonstration Application
-<strong>index.tour=</strong>A Walking Tour of the MailReader Demonstration Application</code></pre>
-    If you change a message in the resource, and then rebuild and reload the
-    application, the change will appear throughout the application.
-    If you provide message resources for additional locales, you can
-    localize your application.
-    The MailReader provides resources for English, Russian, and Japanese.
-<h4><a name="Welcome.jsp" id="Welcome.jsp">Welcome Page</a></h4>
-    After confirming that the necessary resources exist, the Welcome action
-    forwards to the Welcome page.
-<pre><code>&lt;%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
-<strong>&lt;%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="" %></strong>
-  &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-    "">
-  &lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-    &lt;head>
-      &lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
-      &lt;title><strong>&lt;s:text name="index.title"/></strong>&lt;/title>
-      &lt;link href="<strong>&lt;s:url value="/css/mailreader.css"/></strong>" rel="stylesheet"
-      type="text/css"/>
-    &lt;/head>
-    &lt;body>
-      &lt;h3>&lt;s:text name="index.heading"/>&lt;/h3>
-      &lt;ul>
-        &lt;li>&lt;a href="&lt;s:url action="Registration_input"/>">&lt;s:text
-          name="index.registration"/>&lt;/a>&lt;/li>
-        &lt;li>&lt;a href="&lt;s:url action="Login_input"/>">&lt;s:text
-          name="index.login"/>&lt;/a>&lt;/li>
-      &lt;/ul>
-      &lt;h3>Language Options&lt;/h3>
-      &lt;ul>
-          &lt;li>
-              &lt;s:url id="en" action="Welcome">
-                  &lt;s:param name="request_locale">en&lt;/s:param>
-              &lt;/s:url>
-               &lt;s:a href="%{en}">English&lt;/s:a>
-           &lt;/li>
-          &lt;li>
-              &lt;s:url id="ja" action="Welcome">
-                &lt;s:param name="request_locale">ja&lt;/s:param>
-              &lt;/s:url>
-              &lt;s:a href="%{ja}">Japanese&lt;/s:a>
-          &lt;/li>
-          &lt;li>
-              &lt;s:url id="ru" action="Welcome">
-              &lt;s:param name="request_locale">ru&lt;/s:param>
-              &lt;/s:url>
-              &lt;s:a href="%{ru}">Russian&lt;/s:a>
-          &lt;/li>
-      &lt;/ul>
-    &lt;hr />
-    &lt;p><strong>&lt;s:i18n name="alternate"></strong>
-    &lt;img src="&lt;s:text name="struts.logo.path"/>"
-      alt="&lt;s:text name="struts.logo.alt"/>"/>
-    <strong>&lt;/s:i18n></strong>&lt;/p>
-    &lt;p>&lt;a href="&lt;s:url action="Tour" />">&lt;s:text name="index.tour"/>&lt;/a>&lt;/p>
-  &lt;/body>
-    At the top of the Welcome page, there are several directives that load the
-    Struts 2 tag libraries.
-    These are just the usual red tape that goes with any JSP file.
-    The rest of the page utilizes three Struts JSP tags:
-    "text", "url", and "i18n".
-    (We use the tag prefix "s:" in the Struts 2 MailReader application,
-    but you can use whatever prefix you like in your applications.)
-    The <strong>text</strong> tag inserts a message from an
-    application's default resource bundle.
-    If the framework's locale setting is changed for a user,
-    the text tag will render messages from the new locale's resource
-    bundle instead.
-    The <strong>url</strong> tag can render a reference to an
-    action or any other web resource,
-    applying "URL encoding" to the hyperlinks as needed.
-    Java's URL encoding feature lets your application maintain client state
-    without requiring cookies.
-    <p><font class="hint">
-        <strong>Cookies</strong> -
-        If you turn cookies off in your browser, and then reload your browser
-        and this page,
-        you will see the links with the Java session id information attached.
-        (If you are using Internet Explorer and try this,
-        be sure you reset cookies for the appropriate security zone,
-        and that you disallow "per-session" cookies.)
-    </font></p>
-    The <strong>i18n</strong> tag provides access to multiple resource bundles.
-    The MailReader application uses a second set of message resources for
-    non-text elements.
-    When these are needed, we use the "i18n" tag to specify a different bundle.
-    The <strong>alternate</strong> bundle is stored in the {{/src/main/resources}} folder,
-    so that it ends up under "classes", which is on the application's class path.
-    In the span of a single request for the Welcome page, the framework has done
-    quite a bit already:
-    <li>
-        Confirmed that required resources were loaded during initialization.
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        Written all the page headings and labels from internationalized
-        message resources.
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        Automatically URL-encoded paths as needed.
-    </li>
-    When rendered, the Welcome page lists two menu options:
-    one to register with the application and one to log on (if you have
-    already registered).
-    Let's follow the Login link first.
-<h3><a name="Login" id="Login">Login</a></h3>
-    If you choose the Login link, and all goes well, the Login action forwards
-    control to the Login page.
-<h4><a name="Login.jsp" id="Login.jsp">Login Page</a></h4>
-    The Login page displays a form that accepts a username and password.
-    You can use the default username and password to login
-    (<strong>user</strong> and <strong>pass</strong>), if
-    you like. Try omitting or misspelling the username and password in
-    various combinations to see how the application reacts.
-    Note that both the username and password are case sensitive.
-<pre><code>&lt;%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
-  &lt;%@ taglib prefix="s" uri=""  %>
-  &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-    "">
-  &lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-  &lt;head>
-    &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="login.title"/>&lt;/title>
-      &lt;link href="&lt;s:url value="/css/mailreader.css"/>" rel="stylesheet"
-        type="text/css"/>
-  &lt;/head>
-  &lt;body onLoad="self.focus();document.Login.username.focus()">
-    <strong>&lt;s:actionerror/></strong>
-    <strong>&lt;s:form action="Login" validate="true"></strong>
-      <strong>&lt;s:textfield key="username"/></strong>
-      <strong>&lt;s:password key="password"/></strong>
-      <strong>&lt;s:submit key=""/></strong>
-      <strong>&lt;s:reset key="button.reset"/></strong>
-      &lt;s:submit <strong>action="Login_cancel" onclick="form.onsubmit=null"</strong>
-        key="button.cancel"/>
-    &lt;/s:form>
-    &lt;jsp:include page="Footer.jsp"/>
-  &lt;/body>
-    We already saw some of the tags used by the Login page on the Welcome page.
-    Let's focus on the new tags.
-    The first new tag on the Login page is <strong>actionerrors</strong>.
-    Most of the possible validation errors are related to a single field.
-    If you don't enter a username,
-    the framework can place an error message near the tag prompting you to
-    enter a username.
-    But some messages are not related to a single field.
-    For example, the database might be down.
-    If the action returns an "Action Error", as opposed to a "Field Error",
-    the messages are rendered in place of the "actionerror" tag.
-    The text for the validation errors, whether they are Action Errors or
-    Field Errors, can be specified in the resource bundle,
-    making the messages easy to manage and localize.
-    The second new tag is <strong>form</strong>.
-    This tag renders a HTML form tag.
-    The "validate=true" setting enables client-side validation,
-    so that the form can be validated with JavaScript before being sent
-    back to the server.
-    The framework will still validate the form again, just to be sure, but the
-    client-side validation can save a few round-trips to the server.
-    Within the form tag,
-    we see four more new tags: "textfield", "password", "submit",
-    and "reset". We also see a second usage of "submit" that utilizes an
-    "action" attribute.
-    When we place a control on a form, we usually need to code a set of
-    HTML tags to do everything we want to do.
-    Most often, we do not just want a plain "input type=text" tag.
-    We want the input field to have a label too, and maybe even
-    a tooltip. And, of course, a place to print a message
-    should invalid data be entered.
-    The Struts Tags support templates and themes so that a set of HTML tags can be
-    rendered from a single Struts Tag. For example, the single tag
-    &lt;s:<strong>textfield</strong> key="username"/>
-    generates a wad of HTML markup.
-  &lt;td class="tdLabel">
-    &lt;label for="Login_username" class="label">Username:&lt;/label>
-  &lt;/td>
-  &lt;td>
-    &lt;input type="text" name="username" value="" id="Login_username"/>
-  &lt;/td>
-    If for some reason you don't like the markup generated by a Struts Tag,
-    it's each to change.
-    Each tag is driven by a template that can be updated on a tag-by-tag basis.
-    For example,
-    here is the default template that generates the markup for the ActionErrors tag:
-<pre><code>&lt;#if (actionErrors?exists &amp;&amp; actionErrors?size > 0)>
-  &lt;ul>
-    &lt;#list actionErrors as error>
-      &lt;li>&lt;span class="errorMessage">${error}&lt;/span>&lt;/li>
-    &lt;/#list>
-  &lt;/ul>
-    If you wanted ActionErrors displayed in a table instead of a list,
-    you could edit a copy of this file, save it as a file named
-    "template/simple/actionerror.ftl",
-    and place this one file at the base of your application's classpath.
-<pre><code>&lt;#if (actionErrors?exists &amp;&amp; actionErrors?size > 0)>
-  <strong>&lt;table></strong>
-    &lt;#list actionErrors as error>
-      <strong>&lt;tr>&lt;td></strong>&lt;span class="errorMessage">${error}&lt;/span><strong>&lt;/td>&lt;/tr></strong>
-    &lt;/#list>
-  <strong>&lt;/table></strong>
-    Under the covers, the framework uses
-    <a href="">Freemarker</a>
-    for its standard templating language.
-    FreeMarker is similar to
-    <a href="">Velocity</a>,
-    but it offers better error reporting and some additional features.
-    If you prefer, Velocity and JSP templates can also be used to create your own tags.
-    The <strong>password</strong> tag renders a "input type=password"
-    tag, along with the usual template/theme markup.
-    By default, the password tag will not retain input if the submit fails.
-    If the username is wrong,
-    the client will have to enter the password again too.
-    (If you did want to retain the password when validation fails,
-    you can set the tag's "showPassword" property to true.)
-    Unsurprisingly, the <strong>submit</strong> and <strong>reset</strong> tags
-    render buttons of the corresponding types.
-    The second submit button is more interesting.
-<pre><code>  &lt;s:submit <strong>action="Login_cancel" onclick="form.onsubmit=null"</strong>
-    key="button.cancel"/>
-    Here we are creating the Cancel button for the form.
-    The button's attribute <em>action="Login<strong>_</strong>cancel"</em>
-    tells the framework to submit to the Login's "cancel" method
-    instead of the usual "execute" method.
-    The <em>onclick="form.onsubmit=null"</em> script defeats client-side validation.
-    On the server side, "cancel" is on a special list of methods that bypass validation,
-    so the request will go directly to the Action's <strong>cancel</strong> method.
-    Another entry on the special-case list is the "input" method.
-    <p><font class="hint">
-        The Struts Tags have options and capabilities beyond what we have shown here.
-        For more see, the <a href="">
-            Struts Tag documentation.</a>
-    </font></p>
-    OK, but how do the tags know that both of these fields are required?
-    How do they know what message to display when the fields are empty?
-    For the answers, we need to look at another flavor of configuration file:
-    the "validation" file.
-<h4><a name="Login-validation.xml" id="Login-validation.xml">Login-validation.xml</a>
-    While it is not hard to code data-entry validation into an Action class,
-    the framework provides an even easier way to validate input.
-    The validation framework is configured through another XML document, the <strong>
-    Login-validation.xml</strong>.
-<h5>Validation file for Login Action</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN"
-  "">
-  &lt;field name="<strong>username</strong>">
-    &lt;field-validator type="<strong>requiredstring</strong>">
-    &lt;message key="<strong>error.username.required</strong>"/>
-  &lt;/field-validator>
-  &lt;/field>
-  &lt;field name="<strong>password</strong>">
-    &lt;field-validator type="<strong>requiredstring</strong>">
-    &lt;message key="<strong>error.password.required</strong>"/>
-    &lt;/field-validator>
-  &lt;/field>
-   You may note that the DTD refers to "XWork".
-   <a href="">
-     Open Symphony XWork
-   </a> is a generic command-pattern framework that can be used outside of a
-   web environment. Essentially, Struts 2 is a web-based extension of the
-   XWork framework.
-    The field elements correspond to the ActionForm properties.
-    The <strong>username</strong> and <strong>password</strong> field elements
-    say that each field depends on the "requiredstring" validator.
-    If the username is blank or absent, validation will fail and an error
-    message is generated.
-    The messages would be based on the "error.username.required" or
-    "error.password.required" message templates from the resource bundle.
-    The <strong>password</strong> field (or property) is also required.
-    In addition, it must also pass the "maxlength" and "minlength"
-    validations.
-    Here, the minimum length is three characters and the maximum length is
-    sixteen.
-    If the length of the password doesn't meet these criteria, a corresponding
-    error message is generated.
-    Of course, the messages are generated from the MessageResource bundles and
-    are easy to localize.
-<h4><a name="" id="">Login Action</a></h4>
-    If validation passes, the framework invokes the "execute" method of the Login Action.
-    The actual Login Action is brief, since most of the functionality derives
-    from the base class, <strong>MailreaderSupport</strong>.
-<pre><code>package mailreader2;
-import org.apache.struts.apps.mailreader.dao.User;
-public final class <strong>Login</strong> extends MailreaderSupport {
-public String <strong>execute()</strong> throws ExpiredPasswordException {
-  User user = <strong>findUser(getUsername(), getPassword());</strong>
-  if (user != null) {
-    <strong>setUser(user);</strong>
-  }
-  if (<strong>hasErrors()</strong>) {
-    return INPUT;
-  }
-    return SUCCESS;
-  }
-    Login lays out what we do to authenticate a user.
-    We try to find the user using the credentials provided.
-    If the user is found, we cache a reference.
-    If the user is not found, we return "input" so the client can try again.
-    Otherwise, we return "success", so that the client can access the rest of the application.
-<h4><a name="" id=""></a></h4>
-    Let's look at the relevant properties and methods from MailreaderSupport
-    and another base class, <strong>ActionSupport</strong>, namely
-    "getUsername", "getPassword", "findUser", "setUser", and "hasErrors".
-    The framework lets you define
-    <a href="">JavaBean properties</a>
-    directly on the Action.
-    Any JavaBean property can be used, including rich objects.
-    When a request comes in,
-    any public properties on the Action class are matched with the request parameters.
-    When the names match, the request parameter value is set to the JavaBean property.
-    The framework will make its best effort to convert the data,
-    and, if necessary, it will report any conversion errors.
-    The <strong>Username</strong> and <strong>Password</strong> properties are nothing fancy,
-    just standard JavaBean properties.
-<h5>MailreaderSupport.getUsername() and getPassword()</h5>
-<pre><code>private String username = null;
-public String <strong>getUsername()</strong> {
-  return this.username;
-public void setUsername(String username) {
-  this.username = username;
-private String password = null;
-public String <strong>getPassword()</strong> {
-  return this.password;
-public void setPassword(String password) {
-  this.password = password;
-    We use these properties to capture the client's credentials,
-    and pass them to the more interesting <strong>findUser</strong> method.
-<pre><code>public User <strong>findUser</strong>(String username, String password)
-  throws <strong>ExpiredPasswordException</strong> {
-  User user = <strong>getDatabase().findUser(username)</strong>;
-  if ((user != null) &amp;&amp; !user.getPassword().equals(password)) {
-    user = null;
-  }
-  if (user == null) {
-    this.<strong>addFieldError</strong>("password", getText("error.password.mismatch"));
-  }
-  return user;
-    The "findUser" method dips into the MailReader Data Access Object layer,
-    which is represented by the <strong>Database</strong> property.
-    The code for the DAO layer is maintained as a separate component.
-    The MailReader application imports the DAO JAR,
-    but it is not responsible for maintaining any of the DAO source.
-    Keeping the data access layer at "arms-length" is a very good habit.
-    It encourages a style of development where the data access layer
-    can be tested and developed independently of a specific end-user application.
-    In fact, there are several renditions of the MailReader application,
-    all which share the same MailReader DAO JAR!
-<h5>Best Practice:</h5>
-    <p>
-        <font class="hint">"Strongly separate data access and business logic from the rest of
-            the application."</font>
-    </p>
-    When "findUser" returns,
-    the Login Action looks to see if a valid (non-null) User object is returned.
-    A valid User is passed to the <strong>User property</strong>.
-    Although it is still a JavaBean property,
-    the User property is not implemented in quite the same way as Username and Password.
-<pre><code>public User getUser() {
-  return (User) <strong>getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)</strong>;
-public void setUser(User user) {
-  getSession().put(Constants.USER_KEY, user);
-    Instead of using a field to store the property value,
-    "setUser" passes it to a <strong>Session</strong> property.
-<hr />
-<h5>MailreaderSupport.getSession() and setSession()</h5>
-<pre><code>private Map session;
-public Map <strong>getSession()</strong> {
-  return session;
-public void <strong>setSession(Map value)</strong> {
-  session = value;
-<hr />
-    To look at the MailreaderSupport class,
-    you would think the Session property is a plain-old Map.
-    In fact,
-    the Session property is an adapter that is backed by the servlet session object at runtime.
-    The MailreaderSupport class doesn't need to know that though.
-    It can treat Session like any other Map.
-    We can also test the MailreaderSupport class by passing it some other implementation of
-    Map, running the test,
-    and then looking to see what changes MailreaderSupport made to our "mock" Session object.
-    But, when MailreaderSupport is running inside a web application,
-    how does it acquire a reference to the servlet session?
-    Good question. If you were to look at just the MailreaderSupport class,
-    you would not see a single line of code that sets the session property.
-    But, yet, when we run the class, the session property is not null.
-    Hmmm.
-    The magic that provides the Session property a runtime value is called
-    "dependency injection".
-    The MailreaderSupport class implements a interface called <strong>SessionAware</strong>.
-    SessionAware is bundled with the framework,
-    and it defines a setter for the Session property.
-    <code>public void <strong>setSession</strong>(Map session);</code>
-    Also bundled with the framework is an object called the
-    <strong>ServletConfigInterceptor</strong>.
-    If the ServletConfigInterceptor sees that an Action implements the SessionAware interface,
-    it automatically set the session property.
-<pre><code>if (action instanceof <code>SessionAware</code>) {
-  ((SessionAware) action).<code>setSession</code>(context.getSession());
-    The framework uses these "Interceptor" classes to create a <strong>front controller</strong>
-    for each action an application defines.
-    Each Interceptor can peek at the request before an Action class is invoked,
-    and then again after the Action class is invoked.
-    (If you have worked with Servlet
-    <a href="">Filters</a>,
-    you will recognize this pattern.
-    But, unlike Filters, Interceptors are not tied to HTTP.
-    Interceptors can be tested and developed outside of a web application.)
-    You can use the same set of Interceptors for all your actions,
-    or define a special set of Interceptors for any given action,
-    or define different sets of Interceptors to use with different types of actions.
-    The framework comes with a default set of Interceptors,
-    that it will use when another set is not specified,
-    but you can designate your own default Interceptor set (or "stack")
-    in the Struts configuration.
-    Many Interceptors provide a utility or helper functions,
-    like setting the session property.
-    Others, like the <strong>ValidationInterceptor</strong>,
-    can change the workflow of an action.
-    Interceptors are key feature of the framework,
-    and we will see a few more on the tour.
-    If a valid User is not found, or the password doesn't match,
-    the "findUser" method invokes the <strong>addFieldError</strong> method to note the
-    problem.
-    When "findUser" returns, the Login Action checks for errors,
-    and then it returns either INPUT or SUCCESS.
-    The "addFieldError" method is provided by the ActionSupport class,
-    which is bundled with the framework.
-    The constants for INPUT and SUCCESS are also provided by ActionSupport.
-    While the ActionSupport class provides many useful utilities,
-    you are not required to use it as a base class.
-    Any Java class can be used as an Action, if you like.
-    It is a good practice to provide a base class with utilities
-    that can be shared by an application's Action classes.
-    The framework does this with ActionSupport,
-    and the MailReader application does the same with the MailreaderSupport class.
-<h5>Best Practice:</h5>
-  <p><font class="hint">"Use a base class to define common functionality."</font></p>
-    But, what happens if Login returns INPUT instead of SUCCESS.
-    How does the framework know what to do next?
-    To answer that question,
-    we need to turn back to the Struts configuration
-    and look at how Login is declared.
-<h4><a name="Login.xml" id="Login.xml">Login Configuration</a></h4>
-    The Login action element outlines how the Login workflow operates,
-    including what to do when the Action returns "input",
-    or the default result name "success".
-<h5>mailreader-support.xml Login</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;action name="<strong>Login_*</strong>" method="{1}" class="mailreader2.Login">
-  &lt;result name="<strong>input</strong>">/pages/Login.jsp&lt;/result>
-  &lt;result name="<strong>cancel</strong>" type="redirect-action">Welcome&lt;/result>
-  &lt;result type="redirect-action">MainMenu&lt;/result>
-  &lt;result name="<strong>expired</strong>" type="chain">ChangePassword&lt;/result>
-  &lt;<strong>exception-mapping</strong>
-    exception="org.apache.struts.apps.mailreader.dao.ExpiredPasswordException"
-  result="<strong>expired</strong>"/>
-  &lt;interceptor-ref name="<strong>guest</strong>"/>
-    You might notice that the name of the Login action element is not "Login"
-    but "Login<strong>_*</strong>".
-    The asterisk is a special "wildcard" notation that tells the framework to match any series
-    of character at this point.
-    In the method attribute,
-    the "{1}" notation indicates that framework should substitute whatever characters match
-    the asterisk at runtime.
-    When we cite actions like "Login_cancel" or "Login_input",
-    the framework matches "cancel" or "input" with the wildcard and fills in the blanks.
-    The "trailing bang" notation was hardwired into WebWork 2.
-    To provide backward compatibility,
-    the notation is supported by Struts 2.0.
-    If you prefer to use wildcards to emulate the same notation,
-    as the Mailreader does,
-    you should disable the old notation in the Struts properties file.
-<pre><code>struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation = false</code></pre>
-    Using wildcards with a exclamation point (or "bang") is not the only way we can use
-    wilcards to invoke methods.
-    If we wanted to use actions like "inputLogin",
-    we could move the asterisk and use an action name like "*Login".
-    Within the Login action element, the first result element is named "input".
-    If validation or authentification fail,
-    the Action class will return "input" and the framework will transfer control to the
-    "Login.jsp" page.
-    The second result element is named <strong>cancel</strong>.
-    If someone presses the cancel button on the Login page,
-    the Action class will return "cancel", this result will be selected,
-    and the framework will issue a redirect to the Welcome action.
-    The third result has no name,
-    so it will be called if the default <strong>success</strong> token is returned.
-    So, if the Login succeeds,
-    control will transfer to the MainMenu action.
-    The MailReader DAO exposes a "ExpiredPasswordException".
-    If the DAO throws this exception when the User logs in,
-    the framework will process the exception-mapping
-    and transfer control to the "ChangePassword" action.
-    Just in case any other Exceptions are thrown,
-    the MailReader application also defines a global handler.
-<h5>mailreader-default.xml exception-mapping</h5>
-  &lt;exception-mapping
-    result="error"
-    exception="java.lang.Exception"/>
-    If an unexpected Exception is thrown,
-    the exception-mapping will transfer control to the action's "error" result,
-    or to a global "error" result.
-    The MailReader defines a global "error" result
-    which transfers control to an "Error.jsp" page
-    that can display the error message.
-<pre><code>&lt;%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
-&lt;%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="" %>
-  &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-    "">
-  &lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-  &lt;head>
-    &lt;title>Unexpected Error&lt;/title>
-  &lt;/head>
-  &lt;body>
-    &lt;h2>An unexpected error has occured&lt;/h2>
-    &lt;p>
-      Please report this error to your system administrator
-      or appropriate technical support personnel.
-      Thank you for your cooperation.
-    &lt;/p>
-    &lt;hr />
-    &lt;h3>Error Message&lt;/h3>
-    <strong>&lt;s:actionerror /></strong>
-    &lt;p>
-      <strong>&lt;s:property value="%{exception.message}"/></strong>
-    &lt;/p>
-    &lt;hr />
-    &lt;h3>Technical Details&lt;/h3>
-    &lt;p>
-      <strong>&lt;s:property value="%{exceptionStack}"/></strong>
-    &lt;/p>
-    &lt;jsp:include page="Footer.jsp"/>
-  &lt;/body>
-    The Error page uses <strong>property</strong> tags to expose
-    the Exception message and the Exception stack.
-    Finally, the Login action specifies an <strong>InterceptorStack</strong>
-    named <strong>defaultStack.</strong>
-    If you've worked with Struts 2 or WebWork 2 before, that might seem strange,
-    since "defaultStack" is the factory default.
-    In the MailReader application, most of the actions are only available
-    to authenticated users.
-    The exceptions are the Welcome, Login, and Register actions
-    which are available to everyone.
-    To authenticate clients,
-    the MailReader uses a custom Interceptor and a custom Interceptor stack.
-<pre><code>package mailreader2;
-import com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.Interceptor;
-import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation;
-import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.struts.apps.mailreader.dao.User;
-public class <strong>AuthenticationInterceptor</strong> implements Interceptor {
-  public void destroy () {}
-  public void init() {}
-  public String <strong>intercept</strong>(ActionInvocation actionInvocation) throws Exception {
-    Map session = actionInvocation.getInvocationContext().getSession();
-    User user = (User) session.get(Constants.USER_KEY);
-    boolean isAuthenticated = (null!=user) &amp;&amp; (null!=user.getDatabase());
-    if (<strong>isAuthenticated</strong>) {
-      return actionInvocation.invoke();
-    }
-    else {
-      return Action.LOGIN;
-    }
-  }
-    The <strong>AuthenticationInterceptor</strong> looks to see if a User object
-    has been stored in the client's session state.
-    If so, it returns normally, and the next Interceptor in the set would be invoked.
-    If the User object is missing, the Interceptors returns "login".
-    The framework would match "login" to the global result,
-    and transfer control to the Login action.
-    The MailReader defines three custom Interceptor stacks: "user", "user-submit",
-    and "guest".
-<h5>mailreader-default.xml interceptors</h5>
-  &lt;interceptor name="<strong>authentication</strong>"
-               class="mailreader2.AuthenticationInterceptor"/>
-  &lt;interceptor-stack name="<strong>user</strong>" >
-      &lt;interceptor-ref name="authentication" />
-      &lt;interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
-  &lt;/interceptor-stack>
-  &lt;interceptor-stack name="<strong>user-submit</strong>" >
-      &lt;interceptor-ref name="tokenSession" />
-      &lt;interceptor-ref name="user"/>
-  &lt;/interceptor-stack>
-  &lt;interceptor-stack name="<strong>guest</strong>" >
-      &lt;interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
-  &lt;/interceptor-stack>
-&lt;<strong>default-interceptor-ref</strong> name="user"/></code></pre>
-    The <strong>user</strong> stacks require that the client be authenticated.
-    In other words, that a User object is present in the session.
-    The actions using a <strong>guest</strong> stack can be accessed by any client.
-    The <strong>-submit</strong> versions of each can be used with actions
-    with forms, to guard against double submits.
-<h5>Double Submits</h5>
-    A common problem with designing web applications is that users are impatient
-    and response times can vary.
-    Sometimes, people will press a submit button a second time.
-    When this happens, the browser submits the request again,
-    so that we now have two requests for the same thing.
-    In the case of registering a user, if someone does press the submit button
-    again, and their timing is bad,
-    it could result in the system reporting that the username has already been
-    used.
-    (The first time the button was pressed.)
-    In practice, this would probably never happen, but for a longer running
-    process, like checking out a shopping cart,
-    it's easier for a double submit to occur.
-    To forestall double submits, and "back button" resubmits,
-    the framework can generate a token that is embedded in the form
-    and also kept in the session.
-    If the value of the tokens do not compare,
-    then we know that there has been a problem,
-    and that a form has been submitted twice or out of sequence.
-    The Token Session Interceptor will also attempt to provide intelligent
-    fail-over in the event of multiple requests using the same session.
-    That is, it will block subsequent requests until the first request is complete,
-    and then instead of returning the "invalid.token" code,
-    it will attempt to display the same response that the
-    original, valid action invocation would have displayed
-    Because the default interceptor stack will now authenticate the client,
-    we need to specify the standard "defaultStack" for the three
-    "guest actions", Welcome, Login, and Register.
-    Requiring authentification by default is the better practice, since it
-    means that we won't forget to enable it when creating new actions.
-    Meanwhile, those pesky users will ensure that we don't forget to disable
-    authentification for "guest" services.
-<h3><a name="MainMenu" id="MainMenu">MainMenu</a></h3>
-    On a successful login, the Main Menu page displays.
-    If you logged in using the demo account,
-    the page title should be "Main Menu Options for John Q. User".
-    Below this legend should be two links:
-    <li>
-        Edit your user registration profile
-    </li>
-    <li>
-        Log off MailReader Demonstration Application
-    </li>
-    Let's review the source for the "MainMenu" action mapping,
-    and the "MainMenu.jsp".
-<h5>Action mapping element for MainMenu</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;action name="MainMenu" class="mailreader2.MailreaderSupport">
-    &lt;result>/pages/MainMenu.jsp&lt;/result>
-    &lt;/action></code></pre>
-<pre><code>&lt;%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
-&lt;%@ taglib prefix="s" uri=""  %>
-&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-  "">
-  &lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-  &lt;head>
-    &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="mainMenu.title"/>&lt;/title>
-      &lt;link href="&lt;s:url value="/css/mailreader.css"/>" rel="stylesheet"
-      type="text/css"/>
-  &lt;/head>
-  &lt;body>
-  &lt;h3>&lt;s:text name="mainMenu.heading"/> <strong>&lt;s:property
-    value="user.fullName"/></strong>&lt;/h3>
-  &lt;ul>
-    &lt;li>&lt;a href="&lt;s:url <strong>action="Registration_input"</strong> />">
-        &lt;s:text name="mainMenu.registration"/>
-      &lt;/a>
-    &lt;/li>
-    &lt;li>&lt;a href="&lt;s:url <strong>action="Logout"</strong> />">
-      &lt;s:text name="mainMenu.logout"/>
-      &lt;/a>
-    &lt;/ul>
-  &lt;/body>
-    The source for "MainMenu.jsp" also contains a new tag, <strong>
-    property</strong>, which we use to customize the page with the
-    "fullName" property of the authenticated user.
-    Displaying the user's full name is the reason the MainMenu action
-    references the MailreaderSupport class.
-    The MailreaderSupport class has a User property that the text tag
-    can access.
-    If we did not utilize MailreaderSupport,
-    the property tag would not be able to find the User object to print
-    the full name.
-    The customized MainMenu page offers two standard links.
-    One is to "Edit your user registration profile".
-    The other is to "Logout the MailReader Demonstration Application".
-<h3><a name="Registration.jsp" id="Registration.jsp">Registration page</a>
-    If you follow the "Edit your user registration profile" link from the Main
-    Menu page,
-    we will finally reach the heart of the MailReader application: the
-    Registration, or "Profile", page.
-    This page displays everything MailReader knows about you
-    (or at least your login),
-    while utilizing several interesting techniques.
-    To do double duty as the "Create" Registration page and the "Edit"
-    Registration page,
-    the "Registration.jsp" makes extensive use of the test tags,
-    to make it appears as though there are two distinct pages.
-<hr />
-<h5>Registration.jsp - head element</h5>
-  &lt;s:if test="<strong>task=='Create'</strong>">
-    &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="registration.title.create"/>&lt;/title>
-  &lt;/s:if>
-  &lt;s:if test="<strong>task=='Edit'</strong>">
-    &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="registration.title.edit"/>&lt;/title>
-  &lt;/s:if>
-  &lt;link href="&lt;s:url value="/css/mailreader.css"/>" rel="stylesheet"
-    type="text/css"/>
-<hr />
-    For example, if client is editing the form (task == 'Edit'),
-    the page inserts the username from the User object.
-    For a new Registration (task == 'Create'),
-    the page creates an empty data-entry field.
-    <p><font class="hint">
-        <strong>Presention Logic</strong> -
-        The "test" tag is a convenient way to express presentation
-        logic within your pages.
-        Customized pages help to prevent user error,
-        and dynamic customization reduces the number of server pages your
-        application needs to maintain, among other benefits.
-    </font></p>
-    The page also uses logic tags to display a list of subscriptions
-    for the given user.
-    If the RegistrationForm has task set to "Edit",
-    the lower part of the page that lists the subscriptions is exposed.
-<pre><code>&lt;s:if test=<strong>"task == 'Edit'"</strong>>
-  &lt;div align="center">
-    &lt;h3>&lt;s:text name="heading.subscriptions"/>&lt;/h3>
-  &lt;/div>
-    &lt;!-- ... -->
-  &lt;/s:if>
-&lt;jsp:include page="Footer.jsp"/>
-    Otherwise, the page contains just the top portion --
-    a data-entry form for managing the user's registration.
-<h4><a name="iterator" id="iterator">iterator</a></h4>
-    Besides "if" there are several other control tags that you can use
-    to sort, filter, or iterate over data.
-    The Registration page includes a good example of using the <strong>iterator</strong>
-    tag to display the User's Subscriptions.
-    The subscriptions are stored in a hashtable object, which is in turn
-    stored in the user object.
-    So to display each subscription, we have to reach into the user object,
-    and loop through the members of the subscription collection.
-    Using the iterator tag, you can code it the way it sounds.
- </p>
-<h5>Using iterator to list the Subscriptions</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;s:iterator value="<strong>user.subscriptions</strong>">
-  &lt;tr>
-    &lt;td align="left">
-      &lt;s:property value="<strong>host</strong>"/>
-    &lt;/td>
-    &lt;td align="left">
-       &lt;s:property value="<strong>username</strong>"/>
-   &lt;/td>
-  &lt;td align="center">
-      &lt;s:property value="<strong>type</strong>"/>
-  &lt;/td>
-  &lt;td align="center">
-     &lt;s:property value="<strong>autoConnect</strong>"/>
-  &lt;/td>
-  &lt;td align="center">
-    &lt;a href="&lt;s:url action="<strong>Subscription_delete</strong>">&lt;s:param name="<strong>host</strong>" value="host"/>&lt;/s:url>">
-      &lt;s:text name="registration.deleteSubscription"/>
-    &lt;/a>&nbsp;
-    &lt;a href="&lt;s:url action="<strong>Subscription_edit</strong>">&lt;s:param name="<strong>host</strong>" value="host"/>&lt;/s:url>">
-      &lt;s:text name="registration.editSubscription"/>
-     &lt;/a>
-   &lt;/td>
- &lt;/tr>
-    When the iterator renders, it generates a list of Subscriptions for the current User.
-<hr />
-    <div align="center">
-        <h3>Current Subscriptions</h3>
-    </div>
-    <table border="1" width="100%">
-        <tr>
-            <th align="center" width="30%">
-                Host Name
-            </th>
-            <th align="center" width="25%">
-                User Name
-            </th>
-            <th align="center" width="10%">
-                Server Type
-            </th>
-            <th align="center" width="10%">
-                Auto
-            </th>
-            <th align="center" width="15%">
-                Action
-            </th>
-        </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td align="left">
-                </td>
-                <td align="left">
-                    user1234
-                </td>
-                <td align="center">
-                    pop3
-                </td>
-                <td align="center">
-                    false
-                </td>
-                <td align="center">
-                    <a href="/struts2-mailreader/">
-                        Delete
-                    </a>
-                    &nbsp;
-                    <a href="/struts2-mailreader/">
-                        Edit
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td align="left">
-                </td>
-                <td align="left">
-                    jquser
-                </td>
-                <td align="center">
-                    imap
-                </td>
-                <td align="center">
-                    false
-                </td>
-                <td align="center">
-                    <a href="/struts2-mailreader/">
-                        Delete
-                    </a>
-                    &nbsp;
-                    <a href="/struts2-mailreader/">
-                        Edit
-                    </a>
-                </td>
-            </tr>
-    </table>
-    <a href="/struts2-mailreader/">Add</a>
-<hr />
-    <p>
-        Now look back at the code used to generate this block.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        Notice anything nifty?
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        How about that the markup between the iterator tag is
-        actually <em>simpler</em> than the markup that we would use to render one row of the
-        table?
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        Instead of using a qualified reference  like "value=user.subscription[0].host",
-        we use the simplest possible reference: "value=host".
-        We didn't have to define a local variable, and reference that local in the loop code.
-        The reference to each item in the list is automatically resolved, no fuss, no muss.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-        Nice trick!
-    </p>
-    The secret to this magic is the <strong>value stack</strong>.
-    Next to Interceptors, the value stack is probably the coolest thing there is about the
-    framework.
-    To explain the value stack, let's step back and start from the beginning.
-    Merging dynamic data into static web pages is a primary reason
-    we create web applications.
-    The Java API has a mechanism that allows you to
-    place objects in a servlet scope (page, request, session, or
-    application), and then retrieve them using a JSP scriplet.
-    If the object is placed directly in one of the scopes,
-    a JSP tag or scriptlet can find that object by searching page scope and
-    then request scope, and session scope, and finally application scope.
-    The value stack works much the same way, only better.
-    When you push an object on the value stack,
-    the public properties of that object become first-class properties of the stack.
-    The object's properties become the stack's properties.
-    If another object on the stack has properties of the same name,
-    the last object pushed onto the stack wins. (Last-In, First-Out.)
-    When the iterator tag loops through a collection,
-    it pushes each item in the collection onto the stack.
-    The item's properties become the stack's property.
-    In the case of the Subscriptions,
-    if the Subscription has a public Host property,
-    then during that iteration,
-    the stack can access the same property.
-    Of course, at the end of each iteration, the tag "pops" the item off the stack.
-    If we were to try and access the Host property later in the page,
-    it won't be there.
-    When an Action is invoked, the Action class is pushed onto the value stack.
-    Since the Action is on the value stack,
-    our tags can access any property of the Action
-    as if it were an implicit property of the page.
-    The tags don't access the Action directly.
-    If a textfield tag is told to render the "Username" property,
-    the tag asks the value stack for the value of "Username",
-    and the value stack returns the first property it finds by that name,
-    on any object on the stack.
-    The Validators also use the stack.
-    When validation fails on a field,
-    the value for the field is pushed onto the value stack.
-    As a result, if the client enters text into an Integer field,
-    the framework can still redisplay whatever was entered.
-    An invalid input value is not stored in the field (even if it could be).
-    The invalid input is pushed onto the stack for the scope of the request.
-    The Subscription list uses another new tag: the <strong>param</strong> tag.
-    As tags go, "param" takes very few parameters of its own: just "name" and "value",
-    and neither is required.
-    Although simple, "param" is one of the most powerful tags the framework provides.
-    Not so much because of what it does,
-    but because of what "param" allows the other tags to do.
-    Essentially, the "param" tag provides parameters to other tags.
-    A tag like "text" might be retrieving a message template with several replaceable
-    parameters.
-    No matter how many parameters are in the template, and no matter what they are named,
-    you can use the "param" tag to pass in whatever you need.
-<pre><code>pager.legend = Displaying {current} of {count} items matching {criteria}.
-&lt;s:text name="pager.legend">
-    &lt;s:<strong>param</strong> name="current" value="42" />
-    &lt;s:<strong>param</strong> name="count" value="314" />
-    &lt;s:<strong>param</strong> name="criteria" value="Life, the Universe, and Everything" />
-    In the case of an "url" tag,
-    we can use "param" to create the query string.
-    A statement like this:
-  &lt;s:url action="Subscription_edit">&lt;s:param name="<strong>host" value="host</strong>"/>&lt;/s:url>">
-  can render a hyperlink like this:
-  &lt;a href="/struts2-mailreader/<strong></strong>">Edit&lt;/a>
-    At the foot of the Register page is a link for adding a subscription.
-    Let's wind up the tour by following the Add link and then logging off.
-    Like the link for creating a Registration, Add points to an "Edit" action,
-    namely "EditSubscription".
-    If a hyperlink needs more parameters,
-    you can use "param" to add as many parameters as needed.
-    <a name="Subscription" id="Subscription">Subscription</a>
-    If we follow one of the "Edit" subscription links on the Registration page,
-    we come to the Subscriptions page,
-    which displays the details of our description in a data-entry form.
-    Let's have a look at the Subscription configuration
-    and follow the bouncing ball from page to action to page.
-<hr />
-<h5>mailreader-support.xml Subscription element</h5>
-<pre><code>&lt;action name="Subscription_*" method="{1}" class="mailreader2.Subscription">
-  &lt;result name="input">/pages/Subscription.jsp&lt;/result>
-  &lt;result type="redirect-action">Registration_input&lt;/result>
-<hr />
-    The Edit link specified the Subscription action,
-    but also includes the qualifier <strong>_edit</strong>.
-    The wildcard notation tells the framework to use any characters given after "Subscription_"
-    as the name of a method to invoke on the Action class,
-    instead of the default execute method.
-    The "alternate" execute methods are called <strong>alias</strong> methods.
-<hr />
-<h5>Subscription edit alias</h5>
-<pre><code>public String <strong>edit()</strong> {
-  <strong>setTask(Constants.EDIT);</strong>>
-  return find();
-public String find() {
-  org.apache.struts.apps.mailreader.dao.Subscription
-    sub = findSubscription();
-   if (sub == null) {
-       return ERROR;
-   }
-   <strong>setSubscription(sub);</strong>
-   return INPUT;
-<hr />
-    The "edit" alias has two responsibilities.
-    First, it must set the Task property to "Edit".
-    The Subscription page will render itself differently
-    depending on the value of the Task property.
-    Second, "edit" must locate the relevant Subscription
-    and set it to the Subscription property.
-    If all goes well, "edit" returns the INPUT token,
-    so that the "input" result will be invoked.
-    In the normal course, the Subscription should always be found,
-    since we selected the entry from a system-generated list.
-    If the Subscription is not found,
-    it would be because the database disappeared
-    or the request is being spoofed.
-    If the Subscription is not found,
-    edit returns the token for the global "error" result,
-    because this condition is unexpected.
-    The business logic for the "edit" alias is a simple wrapper
-    around the MailReader DAO classes.
-<hr />
-<h5>MailreaderSupport findSubscription()</h5>
-<pre><code>public Subscription <strong>findSubscription()</strong> {
-    return findSubscription(getHost());
-public Subscription findSubscription(String host) {
-    Subscription subscription;
-    subscription = <strong>getUser().findSubscription(host);</strong>
-    return subscription;
-<hr />
-    This code is very simple
-    and doesn't seem to provide much in the way of error handling.
-    But, that's OK.
-    Since the page is suppose to be entered from a link that we created,
-    we do expect everything to go right here.
-    But, if it doesn't, the global exception handler we defined in the
-    MailReader configuration will trap the exception for us.
-    Likewise, the AuthentificationInterceptor will ensure that only clients
-    with a valid User object can try to edit a Subscription.
-    If the session expired, or someone bookmarked the page,
-    the client will be redirected to the Login page automatically.
-    As a final layer of defense, we also configured a validator for Subscription,
-    to ensure that we are passed a Host parameter.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>&lt;!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
-  &lt;field name="<strong>host</strong>">
-    &lt;field-validator type="<strong>requiredstring</strong>">
-        &lt;message key=""/>
-    &lt;/field-validator>
-  &lt;/field>
-<hr />
-    By keeping routine safety precautions out of the Action class,
-    the all-important Action becomes smaller and easier to maintain.
-    After setting the relevent Subscription object to the Subscription property,
-    the framework transfers control to the (you guessed it) Subscription page.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>&lt;%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
-&lt;%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="" %>
-&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-&lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-  &lt;head>
-    &lt;s:if test="task=='Create'">
-        &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="subscription.title.create"/>&lt;/title>
-    &lt;/s:if>
-    &lt;s:if test="task=='Edit'">
-        &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="subscription.title.edit"/>&lt;/title>
-    &lt;/s:if>
-    &lt;s:if test="task=='Delete'">
-        &lt;title>&lt;s:text name="subscription.title.delete"/>&lt;/title>
-    &lt;/s:if>
-    &lt;link href="&lt;s:url value="/css/mailreader.css"/>" rel="stylesheet"
-          type="text/css"/>
-  &lt;/head>
-  &lt;body onLoad="self.focus();document.Subscription.username.focus()">
-    &lt;s:actionerror/>
-    &lt;s:form <strong>action="Subscription_save"</strong> validate="true">
-      <strong>&lt;s:token /></strong>
-      <strong>&lt;s:hidden name="task"/></strong>
-      <strong>&lt;s:label key="username" name="user.username"/></strong>
-      &lt;s:if test="task == 'Create'">
-        &lt;s:textfield key="mailHostname" name="host"/>
-      &lt;/s:if>
-      &lt;s:else>
-        &lt;s:label key="mailHostname" name="host"/>
-        &lt;s:hidden name="host"/>
-      &lt;/s:else>
-      &lt;s:if test="task == 'Delete'">
-        &lt;s:label key="subscription.username"/>
-        &lt;s:label key="subscription.password"/>
-        &lt;s:label key="subscription.type"/>
-        &lt;s:label key="subscription.autoConnect"/>
-        &lt;s:submit key="button.confirm"/>
-      &lt;/s:if>
-      &lt;s:else>
-        &lt;s:textfield key="subscription.username"/>
-        &lt;s:textfield key="subscription.password"/>
-        <strong>&lt;s:select key="subscription.type" list="types"/></strong>
-        <strong>&lt;s:checkbox key="subscription.autoConnect"/></strong>
-        &lt;s:submit key=""/>
-        &lt;s:reset key="button.reset"/>
-      &lt;/s:else>
-      &lt;s:submit action="Registration_input"
-                key="button.cancel"
-                onclick="form.onsubmit=null"/>
-  &lt;/s:form>
-  &lt;jsp:include page="Footer.jsp"/>
-  &lt;/body>
-<hr />
-    As before, we'll discuss the tags and attributes that are new to this page:
-    "token", "hidden", "label", "select", and "checkbox".
-    The <strong>token</strong> tag works with the Token Session Interceptor to foil double
-    submits.
-    The tag generates a key that is embedded in the form and cached in the session.
-    Without this tag, the Interceptor can't work it's magic.
-    The <strong>hidden</strong> tag embeds the Task property into the form.
-    When the form is submitted,
-    the Subscription_save action will use the Task property to decide
-    whether to insert or update the form.
-    The <strong>label</strong> renders a "read only" version of a property,
-    suitable for placement in the form.
-    In Edit or Delete mode, we want the Host property to be immutable,
-    since it is used as a key. (As unwise as that might sound.)
-    In Delete mode, all of the properties are immutable,
-    since we are simply confirming the delete operation.
-    Saving the best for last, the Subscription form utilizes two more interesting
-    tags, "select" and "checkbox".
-    Unsurprisingly, the <strong>select</strong> tag renders a select control,
-    but the tag does so without requiring a lot of markup or redtape.
-<pre><code>&lt;s:select key="subscription.type" <strong>list="types"</strong> />
-    The interesting attribute of the "select" tag is "list",
-    which, in our case, specifies a value of "types".
-    If we take another look at the Subscription action,
-    we can see that it implements an interface named Preparable
-    and populates a Types property in a method named "prepare".
-<hr />
-<pre><code>public class <strong>Subscription</strong> extends MailreaderSupport
-  <strong>implements Preparable</strong> {
-  private Map types = null;
-  public Map <strong>getTypes()</strong> {
-    return types;
-   }
-   public void <strong>prepare()</strong> {
-     Map m = new LinkedHashMap();
-       m.put("imap", "IMAP Protocol");
-       m.put("pop3", "POP3 Protocol");
-       types = m;
-       setHost(getSubscriptionHost());
-    }
-    // ... </code></pre>
-<hr />
-    The default Interceptor stack includes the <strong>PrepareInterceptor</strong>,
-    which observes the Preparable interface.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>public class <strong>PrepareInterceptor</strong> extends AroundInterceptor {
-  protected void after(ActionInvocation dispatcher, String result) throws Exception {
-  }
-  protected void before(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
-    Object action = invocation.getAction();
-     <strong>if (action instanceof Preparable) {
-        ((Preparable) action).prepare();</strong>
-    }
-  }
-    The PrepareInterceptor ensures that the "prepare" method will always be called
-    before "execute" or an alias method is invoked.
-    We use "prepare" to setup the list of items for the select list to display.
-    We also transfer the Host property from our Subscription object
-    to a local property, where it is easier to manage.
-    <a name="" id=""></a>
-    Like many applications, the MailReader uses mainly String properties.
-    One exception is the AutoConnect property of the Subscription object.
-    On the HTML form, the AutoConnect property is represented by a checkbox.
-    When writing web applications, the checkbox can be a tricky control.
-    The Subscription object has a boolean AutoConnect property,
-    and the checkbox simply has to represent its state.
-    The problem is, if you clear a checkbox, the browser client will not submit <em>anything</em>.
-    Nada. Zip.
-    It is as if the checkbox control never existed.
-    The HTTP protocol has no way to affirm "false".
-    If the control is missing, we need to figure out it's been unclicked.
-    In Struts 1,
-    we use the <code>reset</code> method to work around checkbox issues.
-    In Struts 2, checkbox state is handled automatically.
-    The framework can detect when a checkbox tag has not been sent  back,
-    and when that happens,
-    a default "false" value is used for the checkbox value.
-    No worries, mate.
-    If we press the SAVE button,
-    the form will be submitted to the Subscription_save action.
-    Since the save method needs some additional validation,
-    we can add a validation file.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>&lt;!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN"
-    "">
-  &lt;field name="<strong>host</strong>">
-    &lt;field-validator type="<strong>requiredstring</strong>">
-        &lt;message key=""/>
-    &lt;/field-validator>
-  &lt;/field>
-<hr />
-    The validators follow the same type of inheritance path as the classes.
-    SubscriptionSave extends Subscription,
-    so when Subscription_save is validated,
-    the Host property specified by "Subscription-validation.xml" will also be required.
-    If validation succeeds, the <code>save</code> method of Subscription will fire.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>public String <strong>save</strong>() throws Exception {
-  if (Constants.DELETE.equals(getTask())) {
-   <strong>removeSubscription</strong>();
-  }
-  if (Constants.CREATE.equals(getTask())) {
-    <strong>copySubscription(</strong>getHost());
-  }
-  saveUser();
-  return SUCCESS;
-<hr />
-    The <strong>save</strong> method uses the Task property to handle
-    the special cases of deleting and creating,
-    and then updates the state of the User object.
-    The <strong>removeSubscription</strong> method calls the DAO facade,
-    and then updates the application state.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>public void <strong>removeSubscription</strong>() throws Exception {
-  getUser().removeSubscription(getSubscription());
-  getSession().remove(Constants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY);
-<hr />
-    The <strong>copySubscription</strong> method is a bit more interesting.
-    The MailReader DAO layer API includes some immutable fields
-    that can't be set once the object is created.
-    Because key fields are immutable,
-    we can't just create a Subscription, let the framework populate all the fields,
-    and then save it when we are done -- because some fields can't be populated,
-    except at construction.
-    One workaround would be to declare properties on the Action
-    for all the properties we need to pass to the Subscription or User objects.
-    When we are ready to create the object,
-    we could pass the new object values from the Action properties.
-    Another workaround is to declare only the immutable properties on the Action,
-    and then use what we can from the domain object.
-    This implementation of the MailReader utilizes the second alternative.
-    We define User and Subscription objects on our base Action,
-    and add other properties only as needed.
-    To add a new Subscription or User,
-    we create a blank object to capture whatever fields we can.
-    When this "input" object returns, we create a new object,
-    setting the immutable fields to appropriate values,
-    and copy over the rest of the properties.
-<hr />
-<pre><code>public void <strong>copySubscription</strong>(String host) {
-  Subscription input = getSubscription();
-  Subscription sub = createSubscription(host);
-  if (null != sub) {
-    <strong>BeanUtils.setValues</strong>(sub, input, null);
-    setSubscription(sub);
-    setHost(sub.getHost());
-  }
-<hr />
-    Of course, this is not a preferred solution,
-    but merely a way to work around an issue in the MailReader DAO API
-    that would not be easy for us change.
-<h4>Subscription Submit</h4>
-    When we pressed the SAVE button, there was one step that we overlooked.
-    The Mailreader application uses a "double submit" guard to keep people
-    from clicking the SAVE button multiple times and submitting the form again.
-    To add the double-submit guard, we can change the actions default processing
-    stack to <code>user-submit</code>.
-    But, we don't want to just copy and paste the other action settings from
-    the main Subscription action.
-    What we can do is put the subscription actions in their own package,
-    so that they can share result types.
-<hr />
-<pre><code><!-- ... -->
-&lt;package name="subscription" namespace="/" extends="mailreader-support">
-    &lt;global-results>
-        &lt;result name="input">/Subscription.jsp&lt;/result>
-        &lt;result type="redirect-action">Registration_input&lt;/result>
-    &lt;/global-results>
-    &lt;action name="Subscription_save" method="save" class="mailreader2.Subscription">
-        &lt;interceptor-ref name="user-submit" />
-    &lt;/action>
-    &lt;action name="Subscription_*" method="{1}" class="mailreader2.Subscription" />
-&lt;package name="wildcard" namespace="/" extends="mailreader-support">
-    &lt;action name="*" class="mailreader2.MailreaderSupport">
-        &lt;result>/{1}.jsp&lt;/result>
-    &lt;/action>
-<hr />
-    Aftering a successful save,
-    the Subscription Action will return "success",
-    and the framework will redirect us back to Registration input.
-    At this point, we've booted the application, logged on,
-    reviewed a Registration record, and edited a Subscription.
-    Of course, there's more, but from here on, it is mostly more of the same.
-    The full source code for MailReader is
-    <a href="">
-        available online</a>
-    and in the distribution.
-    Enjoy!