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Posted to by Elitelco <> on 2016/10/15 09:40:45 UTC

Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

>we have installed trafodion on Ubuntu 16 distribution.
>After few modifications in scripts and librairies, trafodion DB seems to be up and running:
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ ./sqstart
>Checking orphan processes.
>Removing old mpijob* files from /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>Removing old monitor.port* files from /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>Executing sqipcrm (output to sqipcrm.out)
>Starting the SQ Environment (Executing /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/gomon.cold)
>Background SQ Startup job (pid: 24645)
># of SQ processes: 26 .........
>SQ Startup script (/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/gomon.cold) ran successfully. Performing further checks...
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ----
>DTM             2               2
>RMS             4               4
>DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1
>mxosrvr         8               0           8
>vendredi 14 octobre 2016, 16:36:28 (UTC+0200)
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ----
>DTM             2               2
>RMS             4               4
>DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1
>mxosrvr         8               0           8
>Starting the DCS environment now
>master 20503. Stop it first.
>ubuntu-1: server 20915. Stop it first.
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ----
>DTM             2               2
>RMS             4               4
>DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1
>mxosrvr         8               0           8
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ----
>DTM             2               2
>RMS             4               4
>DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1
>mxosrvr         8               0           8
>Starting the REST environment now
>starting rest, logging to /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/rest-2.0.1/bin/../logs/rest-trafodion-1-rest-ubuntu-1.out
>Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>Configured Primary DcsMaster: "trafodion"
>Active DcsMaster            : "localhost", pid 20503
>Process         Configured      Actual          Down
>---------       ----------      ------          ----
>DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1
>mxosrvr         8               0               8
>You can monitor the SQ shell log file : /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/logs/sqmon.log
>Startup time  0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 38 second(s)
>However, when we launch trafci for testing DB, we have an error:
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
>Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
>Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400
>User Name: trafodion
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: server handle not available
>Can you please help ?
>By the way, 23400 port is listenning:
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ netstat -a|grep 23400
>tcp6       0      0 [::]:23400              [::]:*                  LISTEN
>And if we try sqlci:
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ sqlci
>Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1
>Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
>*** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.001' for DEFAULTS attribute WORK_UNIT_ESP_DATA_COPY_COST is not valid.

Re: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

Posted by "samuel.lepetre" <>.

rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  10 20:06 master_exec_0_43312.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  10 20:44 master_exec_0_50370.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  10 20:51 master_exec_0_50510.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  10 20:55 master_exec_0_50597.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  10 20:56 master_exec_0_50633.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  11 11:22 master_exec_0_60985.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 134 oct.  12 11:49 master_exec_0_9887.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  12 15:49 master_exec_0_35261.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 134 oct.  12 18:12 master_exec_0_6097.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  12 18:50 master_exec_0_20002.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  14 16:36 master_exec_0_29229.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  14 16:54 master_exec_0_26786.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  15 12:32 master_exec_0_62694.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  17 12:44 master_exec_0_49819.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  18 10:13 master_exec_0_18432.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 trafodion trafodion 135 oct.  18 10:23 master_exec_0_13112.log
trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/logs$ cat 
2016-10-18 10:23:52,436, INFO, SQL.EXE, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN: 
13112, Process Name: $Z000APM,,, An executor process is launched.

And DCS:

2016-10-18 10:17:53,838, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.util.VersionInfo, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Dcs 2.0.1
2016-10-18 10:17:53,838, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.util.VersionInfo, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Revision Unknown
2016-10-18 10:17:53,838, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.util.VersionInfo, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Compiled by centos on Fri Jun 
24 17:42:18 UTC 2016
2016-10-18 10:17:55,127, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.master.DcsMaster, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Connected to ZooKeeper
2016-10-18 10:17:55,159, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.util.DcsNetworkConfiguration, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Found interface [enp0s25]
2016-10-18 10:17:55,159, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.util.DcsNetworkConfiguration, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Matched specified interface [enp0s25]
2016-10-18 10:17:55,166, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.util.DcsNetworkConfiguration, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Match Found interface [name:enp0s25 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,167, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.util.DcsNetworkConfiguration, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Match Found interface [name:enp0s25 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,167, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.util.DcsNetworkConfiguration, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Using interface 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,209, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.MasterLeaderElection, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,I'm the Leader 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,209, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.master.FloatingIp, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Floating IP is disabled
2016-10-18 10:17:55,214, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.master.DcsMaster, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Created znode 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,216, INFO, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ListenerService, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Connected to ZooKeeper
2016-10-18 10:17:55,487, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.master.DcsMaster, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Listening for clients on port 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,584, INFO, org.mortbay.log, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Logging to 
org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via 
2016-10-18 10:17:55,675, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.http.HttpServer, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Port returned by 
webServer.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort() before open() is -1. Opening 
the listener on 24400
2016-10-18 10:17:55,675, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.http.HttpServer, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,listener.getLocalPort() 
returned 24400 webServer.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort() returned 24400
2016-10-18 10:17:55,675, INFO, org.trafodion.dcs.http.HttpServer, Node 
Number: , CPU: , PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Jetty bound to port 24400
2016-10-18 10:17:55,675, INFO, org.mortbay.log, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,jetty-6.1.26
2016-10-18 10:17:56,829, INFO, org.mortbay.log, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,Started SelectChannelConnector@
2016-10-18 10:24:07,195, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,234, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,303, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,303, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,311, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,311, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,432, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,432, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,447, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,447, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,453, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,453, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,479, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0
2016-10-18 10:24:07,479, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers
2016-10-18 10:24:07,492, ERROR, 
org.trafodion.dcs.master.listener.ConnectReply, Node Number: , CPU: , 
PIN: , Process Name: , , ,/ No Available Servers - 
length is 0


Le 16/10/2016 � 00:50, Anuradha Hegde a �crit :
> Looking at sqcheck output that is displayed below it looks like mxosrvrs are
> all down. So there were no servers in available state for clients(trafci) to
> connect.  All the servers failed to start...
> Can you check the error logs($MY_SQROOT/logs/master* and
> $DCS_INSTALL_DIR/logs) for more information?
> Using sqlci, are you not able to run any SQL commands?
> Anu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elitelco []
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 2:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16
>> Hi
>> we have installed trafodion on Ubuntu 16 distribution.
>> After few modifications in scripts and librairies, trafodion DB seems to be
>> up and running:
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -------------
>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scrip
>> ts$ ./sqstart Checking orphan processes.
>> Removing old mpijob* files from
>> /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>> Removing old monitor.port* files from
>> /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>> Executing sqipcrm (output to sqipcrm.out) Starting the SQ Environment
>> (Executing
>> /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/go
>> mon.cold)
>> Background SQ Startup job (pid: 24645)
>> # of SQ processes: 26 .........
>> SQ Startup script
>> (/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/gomon.cold)
>> ran successfully. Performing further checks...
>> Checking if processes are up.
>> Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>> The SQ environment is up!
>> Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>> -------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>> 2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>> DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>> 8 vendredi 14 octobre 2016, 16:36:28 (UTC+0200) Checking if processes
>> are up.
>> Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>> The SQ environment is up!
>> Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>> -------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>> 2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>> DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>> 8 Starting the DCS environment now master 20503. Stop it first.
>> ubuntu-1: server 20915. Stop it first.
>> Checking if processes are up.
>> Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>> The SQ environment is up!
>> Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>> -------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>> 2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>> DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>> 8 Checking if processes are up.
>> Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>> The SQ environment is up!
>> Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>> -------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>> 2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>> DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>> 8 Starting the REST environment now starting rest, logging to
>> /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/rest-2.0.1/bin
>> /../logs/rest-trafodion-1-rest-ubuntu-1.out
>> Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>> DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>> Configured Primary DcsMaster: "trafodion"
>> Active DcsMaster            : "localhost", pid 20503 Process
>> Configured      Actual          Down
>> ---------       ----------      ------          ---- DcsMaster       1
>> 1 DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>> 8 You can monitor the SQ shell log file :
>> /home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/logs/sqmon.log
>> Startup time  0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 38 second(s)
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------- However, when we launch trafci for testing DB, we have an
>> error:
>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>> Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>> Apache Software Foundation Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400 User
>> Name: trafodion
>> *** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>> server handle not available
>> *** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>> server handle not available
>> *** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>> server handle not available Can you please help ?
>> By the way, 23400 port is listenning:
>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scrip
>> ts$ netstat -a|grep 23400
>> tcp6       0      0 [::]:23400              [::]:*
>> LISTEN And if we try sqlci:
>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ sqlci
>> Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1 Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>> Apache Software Foundation
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.001' for DEFAULTS attribute
>> regards
>> Samuel

Re: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

Posted by Amanda Moran <>.
Hi there-

You need to have HBase version of 1.0+.



Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 30, 2016, at 11:22 AM, samuel.lepetre <> wrote:
> Hi
> Now I'm facing problem while trying to 'initialize trafodion': NoSuchMethodError. Seems that I'm not using a right version of trafodion. Strange because I'm using
> - Ubuntu *16.04* (Linux ubuntu-1 4.4.0-45-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux)
> - Hadoop *2.7.1*
> - HBase *0.98.23*-hadoop2
> - Trafodion Release *2.0.1 *(Trafodion Connectivity Services : version 1.0.0)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Process         Configured      Actual      Down
> -------         ----------      ------      ----
> DTM             1               1
> RMS             2               2
> DcsMaster       1               1
> DcsServer       1               1
> mxosrvr         8               8
> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$
> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$
> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$
> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ sqlci
> Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1
> Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
> >>initialize trafodion;
> *** ERROR[8448] Unable to access Hbase interface. Call to ExpHbaseInterface::create() returned error HBASE_CREATE_ERROR(701). Cause:
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor.addCoprocessor(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/apache/hadoop/hbase/HTableDescriptor;
> org.trafodion.sql.CoprocessorUtils.addCoprocessor(
> org.trafodion.sql.HBaseClient.createk(
> .
> --- SQL operation failed with errors.
> >>
> Do you have an idea ?
> Regards
> samuel
>> Le 18/10/2016 à 23:16, Samuel LEPETRE a écrit :
>> That's ok if I set /etc/default/local to en_US then it starts:
>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ trafci
>> Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
>> Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
>> Host Name/IP Address: ubuntu-1:23400
>> User Name: trafodion
>> Connected to Trafodion
>> SQL>
>> Sam
>>> Le 18 octobre 2016 à 20:54, Samuel LEPETRE <> a écrit :
>>> Found something ;) sound like the DB does not like the french floating system => '0.5' means in french '0,5' :(
>>> Not sure how to handle this... may be /etc/default/locale. Any ideas ?
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '1.0' for DEFAULTS attribute HIST_JOIN_CARD_LOWBOUND is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '1.0' for DEFAULTS attribute HIST_JOIN_CARD_LOWBOUND is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value 'defs_->getFloat(REFERENCE_CPU_FREQUENCY,referenceFrequency)' for DEFAULTS attribute ../optimizer/opt.cpp is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: ODBC/MX Server.
>>>> Le 18 octobre 2016 à 20:29, Samuel LEPETRE <> a écrit :
>>>> Hi
>>>> Have done fews things, for example in and, now I can see all processes:
>>>> Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>>>> DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>>>> Configured Primary DcsMaster: "ubuntu-1"
>>>> Active DcsMaster : "localhost", pid ubuntu-1:
>>>> Process Configured Actual Down
>>>> --------- ---------- ------ ----
>>>> DcsMaster 1 1
>>>> DcsServer 1 1
>>>> mxosrvr 8 8
>>>> Now I have another error 29157:
>>>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ trafci
>>>> Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
>>>> Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
>>>> Host Name/IP Address: ubuntu-1:23400
>>>> User Name: trafodion
>>>> *** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
>>>> *** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
>>>> *** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
>>>> Regards
>>>> sam
>>>>> Le 16 octobre 2016 à 00:50, Anuradha Hegde <> a écrit :
>>>>> Looking at sqcheck output that is displayed below it looks like mxosrvrs are
>>>>> all down. So there were no servers in available state for clients(trafci) to
>>>>> connect. All the servers failed to start...
>>>>> Can you check the error logs($MY_SQROOT/logs/master* and
>>>>> $DCS_INSTALL_DIR/logs) for more information?
>>>>> Using sqlci, are you not able to run any SQL commands?
>>>>> Anu
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Elitelco []
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 2:41 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16
>>>>> >Hi
>>>>> >we have installed trafodion on Ubuntu 16 distribution.
>>>>> >After few modifications in scripts and librairies, trafodion DB seems to be
>>>>> >up and running:
>>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >-------------
>>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scrip
>>>>> >ts$ ./sqstart Checking orphan processes.
>>>>> >Removing old mpijob* files from
>>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>>>>> >Removing old monitor.port* files from
>>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>>>>> >Executing sqipcrm (output to sqipcrm.out) Starting the SQ Environment
>>>>> >(Executing
>>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/go
>>>>> >mon.cold)
>>>>> >Background SQ Startup job (pid: 24645)
>>>>> ># of SQ processes: 26 .........
>>>>> >SQ Startup script
>>>>> >(/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/gomon.cold)
>>>>> >ran successfully. Performing further checks...
>>>>> >Checking if processes are up.
>>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>>> >8 vendredi 14 octobre 2016, 16:36:28 (UTC+0200) Checking if processes
>>>>> >are up.
>>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>>> >8 Starting the DCS environment now master 20503. Stop it first.
>>>>> >ubuntu-1: server 20915. Stop it first.
>>>>> >Checking if processes are up.
>>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>>> >8 Checking if processes are up.
>>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>>> >8 Starting the REST environment now starting rest, logging to
>>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/rest-2.0.1/bin
>>>>> >/../logs/rest-trafodion-1-rest-ubuntu-1.out
>>>>> >Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>>>>> >DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>>>>> >Configured Primary DcsMaster: "trafodion"
>>>>> >Active DcsMaster : "localhost", pid 20503 Process
>>>>> >Configured Actual Down
>>>>> >--------- ---------- ------ ---- DcsMaster 1
>>>>> >1 DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>>> >8 You can monitor the SQ shell log file :
>>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/logs/sqmon.log
>>>>> >Startup time 0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 38 second(s)
>>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >------------- However, when we launch trafci for testing DB, we have an
>>>>> >error:
>>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>>>>> >Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>>>>> >Apache Software Foundation Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400 User
>>>>> >Name: trafodion
>>>>> >*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>>>>> >server handle not available
>>>>> >*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>>>>> >server handle not available
>>>>> >*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>>>>> >server handle not available Can you please help ?
>>>>> >By the way, 23400 port is listenning:
>>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scrip
>>>>> >ts$ netstat -a|grep 23400
>>>>> >tcp6 0 0 [::]:23400 [::]:*
>>>>> >LISTEN And if we try sqlci:
>>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ sqlci
>>>>> >Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1 Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>>>>> >Apache Software Foundation
>>>>> >*** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.001' for DEFAULTS attribute
>>>>> >WORK_UNIT_ESP_DATA_COPY_COST is not valid.
>>>>> >regards
>>>>> >Samuel

Re: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

Posted by "samuel.lepetre" <>.

Now I'm facing problem while trying to 'initialize trafodion': 
NoSuchMethodError. Seems that I'm not using a right version of 
trafodion. Strange because I'm using

- Ubuntu *16.04* (Linux ubuntu-1 4.4.0-45-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux)

- Hadoop *2.7.1*

- HBase *0.98.23*-hadoop2

- Trafodion Release *2.0.1 *(Trafodion Connectivity Services : version 


Process         Configured      Actual      Down
-------         ----------      ------      ----
DTM             1               1
RMS             2               2
DcsMaster       1               1
DcsServer       1               1
mxosrvr         8               8

Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
 >>initialize trafodion;

*** ERROR[8448] Unable to access Hbase interface. Call to 
ExpHbaseInterface::create() returned error HBASE_CREATE_ERROR(701). Cause:

--- SQL operation failed with errors.

Do you have an idea ?



Le 18/10/2016 � 23:16, Samuel LEPETRE a �crit :
> That's ok if I set /etc/default/local to en_US then it starts:
> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ 
> trafci
> Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
> Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
> Host Name/IP Address: ubuntu-1:23400
> User Name: trafodion
> Connected to Trafodion
> SQL>
> Sam
>> Le 18 octobre 2016 � 20:54, Samuel LEPETRE 
>> <> a �crit :
>> Found something ;) sound like the DB does not like the french 
>> floating system => '0.5' means in french '0,5' :(
>> Not sure how to handle this... may be /etc/default/locale. Any ideas ?
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute 
>> ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute 
>> ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute 
>> ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.5' for DEFAULTS attribute 
>> ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '1.0' for DEFAULTS attribute 
>> HIST_JOIN_CARD_LOWBOUND is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value '1.0' for DEFAULTS attribute 
>> HIST_JOIN_CARD_LOWBOUND is not valid. [2016-10-18 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>> Error Text: 4294965241.
>> *** ERROR[2055] The specified value 
>> 'defs_->getFloat(REFERENCE_CPU_FREQUENCY,referenceFrequency)' for 
>> DEFAULTS attribute ../optimizer/opt.cpp is not valid. [2016-10-18 
>> 20:47:14
>> 2016-10-18 20:47:14,691, ERROR, MXOSRVR, Node Number: 0, CPU: 0, 
>> PIN:26588, Process Name:$Z000LPN , , ,A SQL/MX query failed. SQLCODE: 
>> ODBC/MX Server.
>>> Le 18 octobre 2016 � 20:29, Samuel LEPETRE 
>>> <> a �crit :
>>> Hi
>>> Have done fews things, for example in and, now 
>>> I can see all processes:
>>> Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>>> DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>>> Configured Primary DcsMaster: "ubuntu-1"
>>> Active DcsMaster : "localhost", pid ubuntu-1:
>>> Process Configured Actual Down
>>> --------- ---------- ------ ----
>>> DcsMaster 1 1
>>> DcsServer 1 1
>>> mxosrvr 8 8
>>> Now I have another error 29157:
>>> trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts$ 
>>> trafci
>>> Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
>>> Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apache Software Foundation
>>> Host Name/IP Address: ubuntu-1:23400
>>> User Name: trafodion
>>> *** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
>>> *** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
>>> *** ERROR[29157] There was a problem reading from the server
>>> Regards
>>> sam
>>>> Le 16 octobre 2016 � 00:50, Anuradha Hegde 
>>>> <> a �crit :
>>>> Looking at sqcheck output that is displayed below it looks like 
>>>> mxosrvrs are
>>>> all down. So there were no servers in available state for 
>>>> clients(trafci) to
>>>> connect. All the servers failed to start...
>>>> Can you check the error logs($MY_SQROOT/logs/master* and
>>>> $DCS_INSTALL_DIR/logs) for more information?
>>>> Using sqlci, are you not able to run any SQL commands?
>>>> Anu
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Elitelco []
>>>> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 2:41 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16
>>>> >Hi
>>>> >we have installed trafodion on Ubuntu 16 distribution.
>>>> >After few modifications in scripts and librairies, trafodion DB 
>>>> seems to be
>>>> >up and running:
>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >-------------
>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scrip
>>>> >ts$ ./sqstart Checking orphan processes.
>>>> >Removing old mpijob* files from
>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>>>> >Removing old monitor.port* files from
>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/tmp
>>>> >Executing sqipcrm (output to sqipcrm.out) Starting the SQ Environment
>>>> >(Executing
>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/go
>>>> >mon.cold)
>>>> >Background SQ Startup job (pid: 24645)
>>>> ># of SQ processes: 26 .........
>>>> >SQ Startup script
>>>> >(/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/gomon.cold)
>>>> >ran successfully. Performing further checks...
>>>> >Checking if processes are up.
>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in 
>>>> seconds: 0.
>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>> >8 vendredi 14 octobre 2016, 16:36:28 (UTC+0200) Checking if processes
>>>> >are up.
>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in 
>>>> seconds: 0.
>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>> >8 Starting the DCS environment now master 20503. Stop it first.
>>>> >ubuntu-1: server 20915. Stop it first.
>>>> >Checking if processes are up.
>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in 
>>>> seconds: 0.
>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>> >8 Checking if processes are up.
>>>> >Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in 
>>>> seconds: 0.
>>>> >The SQ environment is up!
>>>> >Process Configured Actual Down
>>>> >------- ---------- ------ ---- DTM 2
>>>> >2 RMS 4 4 DcsMaster 1 1
>>>> >DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>> >8 Starting the REST environment now starting rest, logging to
>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/rest-2.0.1/bin
>>>> >/../logs/rest-trafodion-1-rest-ubuntu-1.out
>>>> >Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>>>> >DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>>>> >Configured Primary DcsMaster: "trafodion"
>>>> >Active DcsMaster : "localhost", pid 20503 Process
>>>> >Configured Actual Down
>>>> >--------- ---------- ------ ---- DcsMaster 1
>>>> >1 DcsServer 1 1 mxosrvr 8 0
>>>> >8 You can monitor the SQ shell log file :
>>>> >/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/logs/sqmon.log
>>>> >Startup time 0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 38 second(s)
>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >------------- However, when we launch trafci for testing DB, we 
>>>> have an
>>>> >error:
>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>>>> >Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>>>> >Apache Software Foundation Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400 User
>>>> >Name: trafodion
>>>> >*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>>>> >server handle not available
>>>> >*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>>>> >server handle not available
>>>> >*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>>>> >server handle not available Can you please help ?
>>>> >By the way, 23400 port is listenning:
>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scrip
>>>> >ts$ netstat -a|grep 23400
>>>> >tcp6 0 0 [::]:23400 [::]:*
>>>> >LISTEN And if we try sqlci:
>>>> >trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ sqlci
>>>> >Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1 Copyright (c) 
>>>> 2015-2016
>>>> >Apache Software Foundation
>>>> >*** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.001' for DEFAULTS attribute
>>>> >WORK_UNIT_ESP_DATA_COPY_COST is not valid.
>>>> >regards
>>>> >Samuel

RE: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

Posted by Anuradha Hegde <>.
Looking at sqcheck output that is displayed below it looks like mxosrvrs are
all down. So there were no servers in available state for clients(trafci) to
connect.  All the servers failed to start...
Can you check the error logs($MY_SQROOT/logs/master* and
$DCS_INSTALL_DIR/logs) for more information?
Using sqlci, are you not able to run any SQL commands?


-----Original Message-----
From: Elitelco []
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 2:41 AM
Subject: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

>we have installed trafodion on Ubuntu 16 distribution.
>After few modifications in scripts and librairies, trafodion DB seems to be
>up and running:
>ts$ ./sqstart Checking orphan processes.
>Removing old mpijob* files from
>Removing old monitor.port* files from
>Executing sqipcrm (output to sqipcrm.out) Starting the SQ Environment
>Background SQ Startup job (pid: 24645)
># of SQ processes: 26 .........
>SQ Startup script
>ran successfully. Performing further checks...
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>8 vendredi 14 octobre 2016, 16:36:28 (UTC+0200) Checking if processes
>are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>8 Starting the DCS environment now master 20503. Stop it first.
>ubuntu-1: server 20915. Stop it first.
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>8 Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>8 Starting the REST environment now starting rest, logging to
>Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>Configured Primary DcsMaster: "trafodion"
>Active DcsMaster            : "localhost", pid 20503 Process
>Configured      Actual          Down
>---------       ----------      ------          ---- DcsMaster       1
>1 DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0
>8 You can monitor the SQ shell log file :
>Startup time  0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 38 second(s)
>------------- However, when we launch trafci for testing DB, we have an
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>Apache Software Foundation Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400 User
>Name: trafodion
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters:
>server handle not available Can you please help ?
>By the way, 23400 port is listenning:
>ts$ netstat -a|grep 23400
>tcp6       0      0 [::]:23400              [::]:*
>LISTEN And if we try sqlci:
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ sqlci
>Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1 Copyright (c) 2015-2016
>Apache Software Foundation
>*** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.001' for DEFAULTS attribute

RE: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

Posted by 到 财神 <>.
Hi Samuel,

Regarding the error, sounds you are not configuring DCS Master host correctly, the Host Name displayed is "trafodion", but should be "ubuntu-1", you can edit $MY_SQROOT/trafci/bin/trafci and correct it to retry. 
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface Copyright (c) 2015-2016 
>Apache Software Foundation Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400 User 
>Name: trafodion
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: 
>server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: 
>server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: 
>server handle not available Can you please help ?

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Elitelco [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 5:41 PM
Subject: Running trafodion on Ubuntu 16

>we have installed trafodion on Ubuntu 16 distribution.
>After few modifications in scripts and librairies, trafodion DB seems to be up and running:
>ts$ ./sqstart Checking orphan processes.
>Removing old mpijob* files from 
>Removing old monitor.port* files from 
>Executing sqipcrm (output to sqipcrm.out) Starting the SQ Environment 
>Background SQ Startup job (pid: 24645)
># of SQ processes: 26 .........
>SQ Startup script (/home/trafodion/apache-trafodion_server-2.0.1-incubating/sql/scripts/gomon.cold) ran successfully. Performing further checks...
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2               
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1 
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0           
>8 vendredi 14 octobre 2016, 16:36:28 (UTC+0200) Checking if processes 
>are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2               
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1 
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0           
>8 Starting the DCS environment now master 20503. Stop it first.
>ubuntu-1: server 20915. Stop it first.
>Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 2. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2               
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1 
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0           
>8 Checking if processes are up.
>Checking attempt: 1; user specified max: 1. Execution time in seconds: 0.
>The SQ environment is up!
>Process         Configured      Actual      Down
>-------         ----------      ------      ---- DTM             2               
>2 RMS             4               4 DcsMaster       1               1 
>DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0           
>8 Starting the REST environment now starting rest, logging to 
>Zookeeper listen port: 2181
>DcsMaster listen port: 23400
>Configured Primary DcsMaster: "trafodion"
>Active DcsMaster            : "localhost", pid 20503 Process         
>Configured      Actual          Down
>---------       ----------      ------          ---- DcsMaster       1               
>1 DcsServer       1               1 mxosrvr         8               0               
>8 You can monitor the SQ shell log file : 
>Startup time  0 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 38 second(s)
>------------- However, when we launch trafci for testing DB, we have an 
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ trafci
>Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface Copyright (c) 2015-2016 
>Apache Software Foundation Host Name/IP Address: trafodion:23400 User 
>Name: trafodion
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: 
>server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: 
>server handle not available
>*** ERROR[1] The message id: as_connect_message_error With parameters: 
>server handle not available Can you please help ?
>By the way, 23400 port is listenning:
>ts$ netstat -a|grep 23400
>tcp6       0      0 [::]:23400              [::]:*                  
>LISTEN And if we try sqlci:
>trafodion@ubuntu-1:~$ sqlci
>Apache Trafodion Conversational Interface 2.0.1 Copyright (c) 2015-2016 
>Apache Software Foundation
>*** ERROR[2055] The specified value '0.001' for DEFAULTS attribute WORK_UNIT_ESP_DATA_COPY_COST is not valid.