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Posted to by Tony Chemit <> on 2013/11/06 14:42:58 UTC

[ANN] Mojo's Webstart Maven Plguin version 1.0-beta-4 Released


The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Webstart
Maven Plugin version 1.0-beta-4

The Webstart Maven Plugin generates application bundles that can be
deployed via Web Start. The plugin can be used to prepare standalone
Web Start applications or Web Start applications bundled in WAR files
(with or without Sun's Download Servlet). It handles the generation of
JNLP files and optional version.xml files, using Velocity templates. It
also handles the selection and preparation of the dependencies,
performing signing, unsigning and Pack200 compression when required.

Important changes in this new version:

The mojo POM configuration lay have changed, 
please read the following page about it: 

This new version permits you to generate some jnlp files acceptable with jdk >= 1.7u45, 
more detail here: 

You can also now use a keystore from any url, more details here: 

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's
plugin configuration:



Next release (1.0-beta-5) will appear soon, the issue MWEBSTART-221 has 
been fixed to make possible usage of versionned resources. 

I expect to do this new release in the folowwing weeks.

Some links:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Webstart Plugin - Version 1.0-beta-4

** Bug
    * [MWEBSTART-127] - unsignAlreadySignedJars sometimes removes manifest information
    * [MWEBSTART-132] - Unsigning already signed jars doesn't work when libPath used
    * [MWEBSTART-138] - The number of signed artifacts differ from the number of modified artifacts
    * [MWEBSTART-144] - Jar Unsigning Does Not Work
    * [MWEBSTART-152] - Jar unsign does not remove certificate : comparison is case sensitive against "DSA", "RSA" and "SF" file extensions
    * [MWEBSTART-186] - While parsing JNLPConf default value of templateDirectory is wrong
    * [MWEBSTART-196] - Jar signing fails if path contains parentheses
    * [MWEBSTART-198] - verify via jarsigner not working
    * [MWEBSTART-218] - Can't build project with jdk1.5
    * [MWEBSTART-219] - Transitive dependencies not included in generated jnlp files and version.xml

** Improvement
    * [MWEBSTART-39] - Allow keystore to be: a file, classpath resource or remote resource (not only a file)
    * [MWEBSTART-50] - AbstractJnlpMojo hardcode's webstart archive
    * [MWEBSTART-121] - The plugin should pick up jars from sister projects 
    * [MWEBSTART-145] - Dependencies (jar resources) from the webstart plugin are not resolved using the reactor, so "mvn clean package" will not work. Then, "mvn release:prepare" will not work either.
    * [MWEBSTART-200] - Allow to pass arbitrary properties into velocity template for JNLP file
    * [MWEBSTART-206] - Upgrade code to java 5
    * [MWEBSTART-207] - Source code formatting
    * [MWEBSTART-212] - support for --pass-file=<file_name> (of the pack200 command)
    * [MWEBSTART-213] - Enable Manipulation of the manifest from dependend jars
    * [MWEBSTART-220] - Allow to pass arbitrary properties into velocity template for jnlp-download-servlet mojo JNLP file

** Task
    * [MWEBSTART-20] - sort out potential licensing issue of the pack200 tasks
    * [MWEBSTART-217] - Use java 5 maven plugin annotations

Have Fun!
The Mojo team.

Tony Chemit
tél: +33 (0) 2 40 50 29 28

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