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Posted to by rohit13k <> on 2015/10/14 11:13:57 UTC

EdgeTriplet showing two versions of the same vertex


I have a scenario where in the graph I am doing graph.vertices.collect() and
getting the 5 vertex i added each of my vertex is an scala object as shown

class NodeExact(nodeId: Long, summ: Array[collection.mutable.Map[Long,
Long]]) extends Serializable {
  var node: Long = nodeId
  var currentsuperstep = 0
  var summary: Array[collection.mutable.Map[Long, Long]] = summ
  var ischanged = false
  def getsummary(window: Long): Int = {
    var i = 0
    var sum = summary.clone()
    sum=sum.filter({ p => p != null })
    sum.foreach(f => f.filter { case (value, time) => time > window })
    var temp: scala.collection.Set[Long] = null
    for (i <- 0 to sum.length - 1) {
      if (temp == null)
        temp = sum(i).keySet
        temp ++ sum(i).keySet
    return temp.size

there are multiple edges between nodes in the graph i.e both a -> b and b->a 
now when i do 

I am getting edgetriplets with source id as *a* but the src attr of* a* is
not same as the value of *a* in the vertexRDD for some edge triplets where
as for some edge triplets its same as vertexRDD. 

I am not able to understand how come src Attr for the same vertex for two
edgetripplets can have different values? It should always have the same attr
as in vertexRDD?

Please let me know if I am missing something.


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