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Posted to by Arno Haase <> on 2012/05/23 23:24:36 UTC

My dynamic tree component - feedback invited

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Hi all,

Tapestry has a tree component, but it focuses on one specific way of
using trees.

In the project I am currently working on, we would like to use trees
in a different way. So I got down and started creating a tree
component, open sourcing it:

It is far from finished, but since I am fairly new to both Tapestry,
JavaScript and web programming in general, I would much appreciate all
kinds of feedback.

So, here is a short overview of what the component library (currently)

* an explicit hierarchy of tree nodes as separate elements in the .tml
  * works with or without integration into a form
* native tri-state checkboxes at every level, higher levels being
automatically updated when lower levels are changed

* A recursively ("true") tree component that takes a slightly
different approach from the standard tree component, allowing client
code to specify which parts of the tree are transferred to the browser
"eagerly" and which parts are only transferred via AJAX when the
respective node is opened.

The components are stylable via CSS (did I strike a good balance here?
This is something I am particularly keen on getting feedback on!).
They are built on top of jQuery (with tapestry5-jquery).

There are plenty of rough edges. One especially rough edge I am aware
of is the verbose usage of JavaScript - I plan on cleaning that up.

So - does this approach look helpful to others? Are there any
suggestions for doing things differently? Efficiency concerns?

Thank you for taking the time to read this verbose mail, and if you
take the time to look at the code, thank you very very much!

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