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Posted to by on 2006/05/26 22:06:51 UTC

[DAISY] Updated: Cocoon and Maven2 (aka "Mavenization of Cocoon" aka "M10N")

A document has been updated:

Document ID: 756
Branch: main
Language: default
Name: Cocoon and Maven2 (aka "Mavenization of Cocoon" aka "M10N") (unchanged)
Document Type: Cocoon Document (unchanged)
Updated on: 5/26/06 8:06:40 PM
Updated by: Simone Gianni

A new version has been created, state: draft

This part has been updated.
Mime type: text/xml (unchanged)
File name:  (unchanged)
Size: 13495 bytes (previous version: 12903 bytes)
Content diff:
(300 equal lines skipped)
    <li>chmod -R 0775 jdbi , so others can make changes later as well.</li>
--- <p>After this, you can go ahead and add the dependency to your cocoon block</p>
+++ <p>After this, you can go ahead and add the dependency to your cocoon block
+++ (blocks POM files are in trunk/blocks/block-name/block-name-impl/ or
+++ block-name-samples).</p>
    <p><tt> &lt;dependency&gt;<br/>
    &lt;groupId&gt;jdbigroupId&gt; <br/>
(4 equal lines skipped)
    Now package your block again to verify that maven downloads the dependency
+++ <p>Is a good practice to also generate sha1 (and eventually md5) signatures for
+++ the files on the repository, so that maven can check they are the correct ones.
+++ To do this simply type :</p>
+++ <p>sha1 -q your-just-uploaded.jar &gt; your-just-uploaded.jar.sha1<br/>
+++ md5 -q your-just-uploaded.jar &gt; your-just-uploaded.jar.md5</p>
+++ <p>In the jars directory, and then repeat it in the poms directory :</p>
+++ <p>sha1 -q your-jar.pom &gt; your-jar.pom.sha1<br/>
+++ md5 -q your-jar.pom &gt; your-jar.pom.md5</p>
    <p>Once you find out that the library is listed on ibiblio, you can remove it
    from minotaur and adjust pom.xml to the new location.</p>
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