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[02/10] incubator-rya git commit: Added OPTIONAL support for Precomputed-Joins, including support for matching PCJs with OPTIONALs and evaluation of query plans containing PCJs with OPTIONALs.
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/test/java/mvm/rya/indexing/external/tupleSet/ b/extras/indexing/src/test/java/mvm/rya/indexing/external/tupleSet/
index ed5d37d..f7f249f 100644
--- a/extras/indexing/src/test/java/mvm/rya/indexing/external/tupleSet/
+++ b/extras/indexing/src/test/java/mvm/rya/indexing/external/tupleSet/
@@ -18,17 +18,34 @@
 package mvm.rya.indexing.external.tupleSet;
+import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
+import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
+import mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration;
+import mvm.rya.api.persist.RyaDAOException;
+import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaTypeResolverException;
+import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
+import mvm.rya.indexing.external.PcjIntegrationTestingUtil;
+import mvm.rya.indexing.pcj.matching.QueryVariableNormalizer;
+import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.RyaSailRepository;
+import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.inference.InferenceEngineException;
+import mvm.rya.sail.config.RyaSailFactory;
 import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
 import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
 import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
 import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException;
+import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner;
 import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations;
 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
@@ -43,11 +60,13 @@ import org.openrdf.model.impl.NumericLiteralImpl;
 import org.openrdf.model.impl.StatementImpl;
 import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
 import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
+import org.openrdf.query.Binding;
 import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
 import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
 import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
 import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Projection;
 import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryBindingSet;
+import org.openrdf.query.impl.BindingImpl;
 import org.openrdf.query.parser.ParsedQuery;
 import org.openrdf.query.parser.sparql.SPARQLParser;
 import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection;
@@ -58,639 +77,1823 @@ import;
-import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.api.persist.RyaDAOException;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaTypeResolverException;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.external.PcjIntegrationTestingUtil;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.external.QueryVariableNormalizer;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.RyaSailRepository;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.inference.InferenceEngineException;
-import mvm.rya.sail.config.RyaSailFactory;
 public class AccumuloIndexSetTest {
-	 protected static Connector accumuloConn = null;
-	 protected RyaSailRepository ryaRepo = null;
-	 protected RepositoryConnection ryaConn = null;
-	 protected Configuration conf = getConf();
-	 protected String prefix = "rya_";
+	protected static Connector accumuloConn = null;
+	protected RyaSailRepository ryaRepo = null;
+	protected RepositoryConnection ryaConn = null;
+	protected Configuration conf = getConf();
+	protected String prefix = "rya_";
-	public void init() throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, RyaDAOException, RepositoryException, TableNotFoundException, InferenceEngineException {
+	public void init() throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException,
+			RyaDAOException, RepositoryException, TableNotFoundException,
+			InferenceEngineException {
 		accumuloConn = ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf);
 		final TableOperations ops = accumuloConn.tableOperations();
-		if(ops.exists(prefix+"INDEX_"+ "testPcj")) {
-			ops.delete(prefix+"INDEX_"+ "testPcj");
+		if (ops.exists(prefix + "INDEX_" + "testPcj")) {
+			ops.delete(prefix + "INDEX_" + "testPcj");
+		}
+		if (ops.exists(prefix + "spo")) {
+			ops.delete(prefix + "spo");
+		}
+		if (ops.exists(prefix + "po")) {
+			ops.delete(prefix + "po");
+		}
+		if (ops.exists(prefix + "osp")) {
+			ops.delete(prefix + "osp");
 		ryaRepo = new RyaSailRepository(RyaSailFactory.getInstance(conf));
 		ryaConn = ryaRepo.getConnection();
-     * TODO doc
-     * @throws MutationsRejectedException
-     * @throws QueryEvaluationException
-     * @throws SailException
-     * @throws MalformedQueryException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithEmptyBindingSet() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(new QueryBindingSet());
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<BindingSet>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	fetchedResults.add(;
-        }
-        // Ensure the expected results match those that were stored.
-        final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
-        alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        final QueryBindingSet charlie = new QueryBindingSet();
-        charlie.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
-        charlie.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        final Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice, bob, charlie);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
-    }
+	 * TODO doc
+	 *
+	 * @throws MutationsRejectedException
+	 * @throws QueryEvaluationException
+	 * @throws SailException
+	 * @throws MalformedQueryException
+	 */
+	@Test
+	public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithEmptyBindingSet()
+			throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
+			RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException,
+			QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(new QueryBindingSet());
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<BindingSet>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			fetchedResults.add(;
+		}
+		// Ensure the expected results match those that were stored.
+		final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
+		alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		final QueryBindingSet charlie = new QueryBindingSet();
+		charlie.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
+		charlie.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		final Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(
+				alice, bob, charlie);
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
-     * TODO doc
-     * @throws MutationsRejectedException
-     * @throws QueryEvaluationException
-     * @throws SailException
-     * @throws MalformedQueryException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithBindingSet() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs.addBinding("name",new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        bs.addBinding("location",new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bs);
-        bs.addBinding("age",new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        Assert.assertEquals(bs,;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoBindingSets() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs.addBinding("name",new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs2.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs2.addBinding("name",new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs,bs2);
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets);
-        final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
-        alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        alice.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        bob.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18",new URIImpl("")));
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	final BindingSet next =;
-        	System.out.println(next);
-        	fetchedResults.add(next);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice,bob), fetchedResults);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithNoBindingSet() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(new HashSet<BindingSet>());
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, results.hasNext());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithDirectProductBindingSet() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs.addBinding("location",new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
-        alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        alice.addAll(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        bob.addAll(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet charlie = new QueryBindingSet();
-        charlie.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
-        charlie.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        charlie.addAll(bs);
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	fetchedResults.add(;
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(3,fetchedResults.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice,bob,charlie), fetchedResults);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoDirectProductBindingSet() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs.addBinding("location",new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
-        final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs2.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs2.addBinding("location",new URIImpl("http://Georgia"));
-        final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs,bs2);
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets);
-        final QueryBindingSet alice1 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        alice1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        alice1.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        alice1.addAll(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet bob1 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bob1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        bob1.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        bob1.addAll(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet charlie1 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        charlie1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
-        charlie1.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        charlie1.addAll(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet alice2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        alice2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        alice2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        alice2.addAll(bs2);
-        final QueryBindingSet bob2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bob2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        bob2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        bob2.addAll(bs2);
-        final QueryBindingSet charlie2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        charlie2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
-        charlie2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        charlie2.addAll(bs2);
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	final BindingSet next =;
-        	System.out.println(next);
-        	fetchedResults.add(next);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice1,bob1,charlie1,alice2,bob2,charlie2), fetchedResults);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoDirectProductBindingSetsWithMapping() throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
-    RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?age < 30) ." +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final String sparql2 =
-                "SELECT ?x ?y " +
-                "{" +
-                  "FILTER(?y < 30) ." +
-                  "?x <http://hasAge> ?y." +
-                  "?x <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
-        final SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
-        final ParsedQuery pq = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
-        final Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
-        map.put("x", "name");
-        map.put("y", "age");
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) pq.getTupleExpr());
-        ais.setTableVarMap(map);
-        ais.setSupportedVariableOrderMap(Lists.<String>newArrayList("x;y","y;x"));
-        final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs.addBinding("x",new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs2.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs2.addBinding("x",new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs,bs2);
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets);
-        final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
-        alice.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        alice.addBinding("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        alice.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bob.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
-        bob.addBinding("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
-        bob.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18",new URIImpl("")));
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	final BindingSet next =;
-        	System.out.println(next);
-        	fetchedResults.add(next);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(alice,bob), fetchedResults);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoDirectProductBindingSetsWithConstantMapping() throws Exception {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
+	 * TODO doc
+	 *
+	 * @throws MutationsRejectedException
+	 * @throws QueryEvaluationException
+	 * @throws SailException
+	 * @throws MalformedQueryException
+	 */
+	@Test
+	public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithBindingSet()
+			throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
+			RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException,
+			QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
-        final String sparql2 =
-                "SELECT ?x " +
-                "{" +
-                  "?x <http://hasAge> 16 ." +
-                  "?x <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
-        final SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
-        final ParsedQuery pq1 = p.parseQuery(sparql, null);
-        final ParsedQuery pq2 = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
-        ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) QueryVariableNormalizer.getNormalizedIndex(pq2.getTupleExpr(), pq1.getTupleExpr()).get(0));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		bs.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
-        final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs.addBinding("x",new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs2.addBinding("birthDate",new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18",new URIImpl("")));
-        bs2.addBinding("x",new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bs.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Assert.assertEquals(bs,;
-        final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs,bs2);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithTwoBindingSets()
+			throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
+			RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException,
+			QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs, bs2);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
+		alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		alice.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",
+				new URIImpl("")));
+		final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		bob.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			final BindingSet next =;
+			System.out.println(next);
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(alice, bob),
+				fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void accumuloIndexSetTestWithNoBindingSet()
+			throws RepositoryException, PcjException, TableNotFoundException,
+			RyaTypeResolverException, MalformedQueryException, SailException,
+			QueryEvaluationException, MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(new HashSet<BindingSet>());
+		Assert.assertEquals(false, results.hasNext());
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void multipleCommonVarBindingTest() throws RepositoryException,
+			PcjException, TableNotFoundException, RyaTypeResolverException,
+			MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException,
+			MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	final BindingSet next =;
-        	fetchedResults.add(next);
-        }
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs2), fetchedResults);
-    }
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
-    @Test
-    public void accumuloIndexSetTestAttemptJoinAccrossTypes() throws Exception {
-        // Load some Triples into Rya.
-        final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)) );
-        triples.add( new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")) );
+		final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
-        for(final Statement triple : triples) {
-            ryaConn.add(triple);
-        }
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bs);
-        // Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
-        final String sparql =
-                "SELECT ?name ?age " +
-                "{" +
-                  "?name <http://hasAge> ?age." +
-                  "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " +
-                "}";
+		final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
+		alice.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		alice.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		alice.addAll(bs);
-        final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix, "testPcj");
+		final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bob.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bob.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		bob.addAll(bs);
-        // Create and populate the PCJ table.
-        PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn, pcjTableName, sparql, new String[]{"name", "age"}, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory>absent());
-        final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,pcjTableName);
+		final QueryBindingSet charlie = new QueryBindingSet();
+		charlie.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
+		charlie.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		charlie.addAll(bs);
-        final QueryBindingSet bs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs1.addBinding("age",new LiteralImpl("16"));
-        final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
-        bs2.addBinding("age",new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			fetchedResults.add(;
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(3, fetchedResults.size());
+		Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(alice, bob, charlie),
+				fetchedResults);
+	}
-        final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs1,bs2);
+	@Test
+	public void manyCommonVarBindingTest() throws RepositoryException,
+			PcjException, TableNotFoundException, RyaTypeResolverException,
+			MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException,
+			MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
-        final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais.evaluate(bSets);
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs2.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Georgia"));
+		final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs, bs2);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		final QueryBindingSet alice1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		alice1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		alice1.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		alice1.addAll(bs);
+		final QueryBindingSet bob1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bob1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bob1.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		bob1.addAll(bs);
+		final QueryBindingSet charlie1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		charlie1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
+		charlie1.addBinding("age",
+				new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		charlie1.addAll(bs);
+		final QueryBindingSet alice2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		alice2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		alice2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		alice2.addAll(bs2);
+		final QueryBindingSet bob2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bob2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bob2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		bob2.addAll(bs2);
+		final QueryBindingSet charlie2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		charlie2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Charlie"));
+		charlie2.addBinding("age",
+				new NumericLiteralImpl(12, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		charlie2.addAll(bs2);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			final BindingSet next =;
+			System.out.println(next);
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
-        final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
-        while(results.hasNext()) {
-        	final BindingSet next =;
-        	fetchedResults.add(next);
-        }
+		Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(alice1, bob1,
+				charlie1, alice2, bob2, charlie2), fetchedResults);
+	}
-        bs2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet>newHashSet(bs2), fetchedResults);
-    }
+	@Test
+	public void variableNormalizationTest() throws RepositoryException,
+			PcjException, TableNotFoundException, RyaTypeResolverException,
+			MalformedQueryException, SailException, QueryEvaluationException,
+			MutationsRejectedException {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "FILTER(?age < 30) ." + "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x ?y " + "{" + "FILTER(?y < 30) ."
+				+ "?x <http://hasAge> ?y."
+				+ "?x <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
+		final ParsedQuery pq = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
+		final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
+		map.put("x", "name");
+		map.put("y", "age");
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) pq.getTupleExpr());
+		ais.setTableVarMap(map);
+		ais.setSupportedVariableOrderMap(Lists.<String> newArrayList("x;y",
+				"y;x"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs2.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs, bs2);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		final QueryBindingSet alice = new QueryBindingSet();
+		alice.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		alice.addBinding("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		alice.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17",
+				new URIImpl("")));
+		final QueryBindingSet bob = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bob.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bob.addBinding("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		bob.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			final BindingSet next =;
+			System.out.println(next);
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(alice, bob),
+				fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void variableInstantiationTest() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(12,
+						XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Charlie"),
+				new URIImpl("http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(43, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Eve"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x " + "{" + "?x <http://hasAge> 16 ."
+				+ "?x <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
+		final ParsedQuery pq1 = p.parseQuery(sparql, null);
+		final ParsedQuery pq2 = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) QueryVariableNormalizer
+				.getNormalizedIndex(pq2.getTupleExpr(), pq1.getTupleExpr())
+				.get(0));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-03-17", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("birthDate", new LiteralImpl("1983-04-18", new URIImpl(
+				"")));
+		bs2.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs, bs2);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			final BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs2), fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void accumuloIndexSetTestAttemptJoinAccrossTypes() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
+		final QueryBindingSet bs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs1.addBinding("age", new LiteralImpl("16"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		final Set<BindingSet> bSets = Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs1, bs2);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			final BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		bs2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		Assert.assertEquals(Sets.<BindingSet> newHashSet(bs2), fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void optionalBindingSetTest() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(32, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
+		final QueryBindingSet bs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		final QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bs2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		final List<BindingSet> bSets = Lists
+				.<BindingSet> newArrayList(bs1, bs2);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		Binding exBinding1 = new BindingImpl("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding2 = new BindingImpl("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		Binding exBinding5 = new BindingImpl("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding6 = new BindingImpl("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs1.addBinding(exBinding1);
+		pcjBs1.addBinding(exBinding2);
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding5);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding6);
+		Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		expectedResults.add(pcjBs1);
+		expectedResults.add(pcjBs2);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			final BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void variableCommonVarOrderLenWithCrossProductTest()
+			throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(32, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
+		QueryBindingSet bs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs1.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bs2.addBinding("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		QueryBindingSet bs3 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs3.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
+		final List<BindingSet> bSets = Lists.<BindingSet> newArrayList(bs1,
+				bs2, bs3);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		Binding exBinding1 = new BindingImpl("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding2 = new BindingImpl("name", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		Binding exBinding5 = new BindingImpl("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding6 = new BindingImpl("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		Binding exBinding3 = new BindingImpl("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(32, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding4 = new BindingImpl("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs1.addBinding(exBinding1);
+		pcjBs1.addBinding(exBinding2);
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding5);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding6);
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs3 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs3.addBinding(exBinding3);
+		pcjBs3.addBinding(exBinding4);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs1 = new QueryBindingSet(bs3);
+		exBs1.addAll(pcjBs1);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs2 = new QueryBindingSet(bs3);
+		exBs2.addAll(pcjBs2);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs3 = new QueryBindingSet(bs3);
+		exBs3.addAll(pcjBs3);
+		Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		expectedResults.add(exBs1);
+		expectedResults.add(exBs2);
+		expectedResults.add(exBs3);
+		expectedResults.add(pcjBs1);
+		expectedResults.add(pcjBs2);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void variableCommonVarOrderLenCrossProductTestWithConstantInstantiation()
+			throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		final Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(32, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		for (final Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		final String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(
+				prefix, "testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age" },
+				Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		final String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x " + "{" + "?x <http://hasAge> 16 ."
+				+ "?x <http://playsSport> \"Soccer\" " + "}";
+		final SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
+		final ParsedQuery pq1 = p.parseQuery(sparql, null);
+		final ParsedQuery pq2 = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
+		final AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName);
+		ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) QueryVariableNormalizer
+				.getNormalizedIndex(pq2.getTupleExpr(), pq1.getTupleExpr())
+				.get(0));
+		QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		QueryBindingSet bs3 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs3.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
+		final List<BindingSet> bSets = Lists.<BindingSet> newArrayList(bs2, bs3);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		Binding exBinding6 = new BindingImpl("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding6);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs4 = new QueryBindingSet(bs3);
+		exBs4.addAll(pcjBs2);
+		Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		expectedResults.add(exBs4);
+		expectedResults.add(pcjBs2);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void variableCommonVarOrderLenCrossProductTestWithConstantInstantiation2() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Baseball")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(185,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(125,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		for (Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age ?sport ?weight " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> ?sport . "
+				+ "?name <http://hasWeight> ?weight " + "}";
+		String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x ?y ?z " + "{" + "?x <http://hasAge> ?y."
+				+ "?x <http://playsSport> \"Baseball\" . "
+				+ "?x <http://hasWeight> ?z " + "}";
+		String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix,
+				"testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age", "sport",
+						"weight" }, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
+		ParsedQuery pq1 = p.parseQuery(sparql, null);
+		ParsedQuery pq2 = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
+		AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
+		ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) QueryVariableNormalizer
+				.getNormalizedIndex(pq2.getTupleExpr(), pq1.getTupleExpr())
+				.get(0));
+		QueryBindingSet bs1 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs1.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		QueryBindingSet bs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs2.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Alice"));
+		bs2.addBinding("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		QueryBindingSet bs3 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs3.addBinding("location", new URIImpl("http://Virginia"));
+		final List<BindingSet> bSets = Lists.<BindingSet> newArrayList(bs1, bs2, bs3);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		Binding exBinding5 = new BindingImpl("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding6 = new BindingImpl("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		Binding exBinding8 = new BindingImpl("z", new NumericLiteralImpl(185, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding5);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding6);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding8);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs4 = new QueryBindingSet(bs3);
+		exBs4.addAll(pcjBs2);
+		Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		expectedResults.add(exBs4);
+		expectedResults.add(pcjBs2);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
-    @After
-    public void close() throws RepositoryException {
-    	ryaConn.close();
-    	ryaRepo.shutDown();
-    }
-    private static Configuration getConf() {
-        final AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration();
-        conf.setBoolean(ConfigUtils.USE_MOCK_INSTANCE, true);
-        conf.set(RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration.CONF_TBL_PREFIX, "rya_");
-        conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_USER, "root");
-        conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_PASSWORD, "");
-        conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_INSTANCE, "instance");
-        conf.set(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_AUTHS, "");
-        return conf;
-    }
+	@Test
+	public void partiallySupportedVarOrderTest() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Baseball")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(185,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(125,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		for (Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age ?sport ?weight " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> ?sport . "
+				+ "?name <http://hasWeight> ?weight " + "}";
+		String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix,
+				"testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age", "sport",
+						"weight" }, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
+		QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		bs.addBinding("sport", new LiteralImpl("Baseball"));
+		final List<BindingSet> bSets = Lists.<BindingSet> newArrayList(bs);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		Binding exBinding5 = new BindingImpl("age", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding6 = new BindingImpl("name", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		Binding exBinding7 = new BindingImpl("sport", new LiteralImpl("Baseball"));
+		Binding exBinding8 = new BindingImpl("weight", new NumericLiteralImpl(185, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding5);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding6);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding7);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding8);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs3 = new QueryBindingSet(bs);
+		exBs3.addAll(pcjBs2);
+		Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		expectedResults.add(exBs3);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void partiallySupportedVarOrderTestWithConstants() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Baseball")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(185,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(125,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		for (Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age ?sport ?weight " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> ?sport . "
+				+ "?name <http://hasWeight> ?weight " + "}";
+		String sparql2 = "SELECT ?x ?y ?z " + "{" + "?x <http://hasAge> ?y."
+				+ "?x <http://playsSport> \"Baseball\" . "
+				+ "?x <http://hasWeight> ?z " + "}";
+		String pcjTableName = new PcjTableNameFactory().makeTableName(prefix,
+				"testPcj");
+		// Create and populate the PCJ table.
+		PcjIntegrationTestingUtil.createAndPopulatePcj(ryaConn, accumuloConn,
+				pcjTableName, sparql, new String[] { "name", "age", "sport",
+						"weight" }, Optional.<PcjVarOrderFactory> absent());
+		SPARQLParser p = new SPARQLParser();
+		ParsedQuery pq1 = p.parseQuery(sparql, null);
+		ParsedQuery pq2 = p.parseQuery(sparql2, null);
+		AccumuloIndexSet ais = new AccumuloIndexSet(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
+		ais.setProjectionExpr((Projection) QueryVariableNormalizer
+				.getNormalizedIndex(pq2.getTupleExpr(), pq1.getTupleExpr())
+				.get(0));
+		QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
+		bs.addBinding("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		final List<BindingSet> bSets = Lists.<BindingSet> newArrayList(bs);
+		final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> results = ais
+				.evaluate(bSets);
+		Binding exBinding5 = new BindingImpl("y", new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		Binding exBinding6 = new BindingImpl("x", new URIImpl("http://Bob"));
+		Binding exBinding8 = new BindingImpl("z", new NumericLiteralImpl(185, XMLSchema.INTEGER));
+		QueryBindingSet pcjBs2 = new QueryBindingSet();
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding5);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding6);
+		pcjBs2.addBinding(exBinding8);
+		QueryBindingSet exBs3 = new QueryBindingSet(bs);
+		exBs3.addAll(pcjBs2);
+		Set<BindingSet> expectedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		expectedResults.add(exBs3);
+		final Set<BindingSet> fetchedResults = new HashSet<>();
+		while (results.hasNext()) {
+			BindingSet next =;
+			fetchedResults.add(next);
+		}
+		Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults, fetchedResults);
+	}
+	@Test
+	public void partiallySupportedConstantOrderNoBindingSet() throws Exception {
+		// Load some Triples into Rya.
+		Set<Statement> triples = new HashSet<>();
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(14, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Soccer")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasAge"), new NumericLiteralImpl(16, XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://playsSport"), new LiteralImpl("Baseball")));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Bob"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(185,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		triples.add(new StatementImpl(new URIImpl("http://Alice"), new URIImpl(
+				"http://hasWeight"), new NumericLiteralImpl(125,
+				XMLSchema.INTEGER)));
+		for (Statement triple : triples) {
+			ryaConn.add(triple);
+		}
+		// Create a PCJ table will include those triples in its results.
+		String sparql = "SELECT ?name ?age ?sport ?weight " + "{"
+				+ "?name <http://hasAge> ?age."
+				+ "?name <http://playsSport> ?sport . "
+				+ "?name <http://hasWeight> ?weight " + "}";
+		String sparql2 = "SELECT ?y ?z " + "{"
+				+ "<http://Bob> <http://hasAge> ?y."
+				+ "<http://Bob> <http://playsSport> \"Baseball\" . "
+				+ "<http://Bob> <http://hasWeight> ?z