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Posted to by researcher cs <> on 2015/11/01 09:19:10 UTC


i'm facing problem after submitting topology

supervisor log file

2015-11-01 09:59:48 executor [INFO] Loading executor b-1:[3 3] 2015-11-01
09:59:50 executor [INFO] Loaded executor tasks b-1:[3 3][INFO] Launching
worker with assignment
"df-1-1446364738", :executors ([2 2] [35 35] [5 5] [38 38] [8 8] [41 41]
[11 11] [44 44] [14 14] [47 47] [17 17] [50 50] [20 20] [53 53] [23 23] [56
56] [26 26] [29 29] [32 32])} for this supervisor
fdd1e16a-650e-4d12-90f4-cb87336f29c3 on port 6702 with id
2015-11-01 09:59:02 supervisor [INFO] 0af4b32b-e14d-4f64-ba03-d61d79fa6405
still hasn't started 2015-11-01 09:59:03 supervisor [INFO]
0af4b32b-e14d-4f64-ba03-d61d79fa6405 still hasn't started

but worker has data like

2015-11-01 09:59:48 executor [INFO] Loading executor b-1:[3 3] 2015-11-01
09:59:50 executor [INFO] Loaded executor tasks b-1:[3 3]

then i executed the command which launch worker with supervisor to know
where is the error exactly  found this
in the worker log file
[ERROR] Async loop died! org.zeromq.ZMQException: Address already in
use(0x62) at org.zeromq.ZMQ$Socket.bind(Native Method) at$bind.invoke(mq.clj:69)
at backtype.storm.messaging.zmq.ZMQContext.bind(zmq.clj:57) at
at backtype.storm.util$async_loop$fn__465.invoke(util.clj:375) at at Source)
2015-11-01 10:03:19 util [INFO] Halting process

i'm on this error more than 3 weeks !! hope really  can find someone help