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[12/22] lucy git commit: Move tests to separate directory
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index be6d23f..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "charmony.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestUtils.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/TestUtils.h"
-#include "Lucy/Search/SortSpec.h"
-#include "Clownfish/CharBuf.h"
-#include "Clownfish/Num.h"
-#include "Lucy/Analysis/StandardTokenizer.h"
-#include "Lucy/Document/Doc.h"
-#include "Lucy/Document/HitDoc.h"
-#include "Lucy/Index/Indexer.h"
-#include "Lucy/Plan/FullTextType.h"
-#include "Lucy/Plan/NumericType.h"
-#include "Lucy/Plan/Schema.h"
-#include "Lucy/Plan/StringType.h"
-#include "Lucy/Search/Hits.h"
-#include "Lucy/Search/IndexSearcher.h"
-#include "Lucy/Search/SortRule.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/RAMFolder.h"
-static String *air_str;
-static String *airplane_str;
-static String *bike_str;
-static String *car_str;
-static String *carrot_str;
-static String *cat_str;
-static String *float32_str;
-static String *float64_str;
-static String *food_str;
-static String *home_str;
-static String *int32_str;
-static String *int64_str;
-static String *land_str;
-static String *name_str;
-static String *nope_str;
-static String *num_str;
-static String *random_str;
-static String *sloth_str;
-static String *speed_str;
-static String *unknown_str;
-static String *unused_str;
-static String *vehicle_str;
-static String *weight_str;
-static String *random_float32s_str;
-static String *random_float64s_str;
-static String *random_int32s_str;
-static String *random_int64s_str;
-TestSortSpec_new() {
-    return (TestSortSpec*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTSORTSPEC);
-static void
-S_init_strings() {
-    air_str      = Str_newf("air");
-    airplane_str = Str_newf("airplane");
-    bike_str     = Str_newf("bike");
-    car_str      = Str_newf("car");
-    carrot_str   = Str_newf("carrot");
-    cat_str      = Str_newf("cat");
-    float32_str  = Str_newf("float32");
-    float64_str  = Str_newf("float64");
-    food_str     = Str_newf("food");
-    home_str     = Str_newf("home");
-    int32_str    = Str_newf("int32");
-    int64_str    = Str_newf("int64");
-    land_str     = Str_newf("land");
-    name_str     = Str_newf("name");
-    nope_str     = Str_newf("nope");
-    num_str      = Str_newf("num");
-    random_str   = Str_newf("random");
-    sloth_str    = Str_newf("sloth");
-    speed_str    = Str_newf("speed");
-    unknown_str  = Str_newf("unknown");
-    unused_str   = Str_newf("unused");
-    vehicle_str  = Str_newf("vehicle");
-    weight_str   = Str_newf("weight");
-    random_float32s_str = Str_newf("random_float32s");
-    random_float64s_str = Str_newf("random_float64s");
-    random_int32s_str   = Str_newf("random_int32s");
-    random_int64s_str   = Str_newf("random_int64s");
-static void
-S_destroy_strings() {
-    DECREF(air_str);
-    DECREF(airplane_str);
-    DECREF(bike_str);
-    DECREF(car_str);
-    DECREF(carrot_str);
-    DECREF(cat_str);
-    DECREF(float32_str);
-    DECREF(float64_str);
-    DECREF(food_str);
-    DECREF(home_str);
-    DECREF(int32_str);
-    DECREF(int64_str);
-    DECREF(land_str);
-    DECREF(name_str);
-    DECREF(nope_str);
-    DECREF(num_str);
-    DECREF(random_str);
-    DECREF(sloth_str);
-    DECREF(speed_str);
-    DECREF(unknown_str);
-    DECREF(unused_str);
-    DECREF(vehicle_str);
-    DECREF(weight_str);
-    DECREF(random_float32s_str);
-    DECREF(random_float64s_str);
-    DECREF(random_int32s_str);
-    DECREF(random_int64s_str);
-TestReverseType_new() {
-    TestReverseType *self = (TestReverseType*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTREVERSETYPE);
-    return TestReverseType_init(self);
-TestReverseType_init(TestReverseType *self) {
-    return TestReverseType_init2(self, 1.0, false, true, true);
-TestReverseType_init2(TestReverseType *self, float boost, bool indexed,
-                      bool stored, bool sortable) {
-    Int32Type_init2((Int32Type*)self, boost, indexed, stored, sortable);
-    return self;
-TestReverseType_Compare_Values_IMP(TestReverseType *self, Obj *a, Obj *b) {
-    UNUSED_VAR(self);
-    return Obj_Compare_To(b, a);
-static Schema*
-S_create_schema() {
-    Schema *schema = Schema_new();
-    StandardTokenizer *tokenizer = StandardTokenizer_new();
-    FullTextType *unsortable = FullTextType_new((Analyzer*)tokenizer);
-    DECREF(tokenizer);
-    StringType *string_type = StringType_new();
-    StringType_Set_Sortable(string_type, true);
-    Int32Type *int32_type = Int32Type_new();
-    Int32Type_Set_Indexed(int32_type, false);
-    Int32Type_Set_Sortable(int32_type, true);
-    Int64Type *int64_type = Int64Type_new();
-    Int64Type_Set_Indexed(int64_type, false);
-    Int64Type_Set_Sortable(int64_type, true);
-    Float32Type *float32_type = Float32Type_new();
-    Float32Type_Set_Indexed(float32_type, false);
-    Float32Type_Set_Sortable(float32_type, true);
-    Float64Type *float64_type = Float64Type_new();
-    Float64Type_Set_Indexed(float64_type, false);
-    Float64Type_Set_Sortable(float64_type, true);
-    TestReverseType *reverse_type = TestReverseType_new();
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, name_str,    (FieldType*)string_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, speed_str,   (FieldType*)int32_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, sloth_str,   (FieldType*)reverse_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, weight_str,  (FieldType*)int32_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, int32_str,   (FieldType*)int32_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, int64_str,   (FieldType*)int64_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, float32_str, (FieldType*)float32_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, float64_str, (FieldType*)float64_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, home_str,    (FieldType*)string_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, cat_str,     (FieldType*)string_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, unused_str,  (FieldType*)string_type);
-    Schema_Spec_Field(schema, nope_str,    (FieldType*)unsortable);
-    DECREF(reverse_type);
-    DECREF(float64_type);
-    DECREF(float32_type);
-    DECREF(int64_type);
-    DECREF(int32_type);
-    DECREF(string_type);
-    DECREF(unsortable);
-    return schema;
-static void
-S_refresh_indexer(Indexer **indexer, Schema *schema, RAMFolder *folder) {
-    if (*indexer) {
-        Indexer_Commit(*indexer);
-        DECREF(*indexer);
-    }
-    *indexer = Indexer_new(schema, (Obj*)folder, NULL, 0);
-static void
-S_add_vehicle(Indexer *indexer, String *name, int32_t speed, int32_t sloth,
-              int32_t weight, String *home, String *cat) {
-    Doc       *doc   = Doc_new(NULL, 0);
-    Doc_Store(doc, name_str, (Obj*)name);
-    Doc_Store(doc, home_str, (Obj*)home);
-    Doc_Store(doc, cat_str,  (Obj*)cat);
-    Integer *speed_obj = Int_new(speed);
-    Doc_Store(doc, speed_str, (Obj*)speed_obj);
-    DECREF(speed_obj);
-    Integer *sloth_obj = Int_new(sloth);
-    Doc_Store(doc, sloth_str, (Obj*)sloth_obj);
-    DECREF(sloth_obj);
-    Integer *weight_obj = Int_new(weight);
-    Doc_Store(doc, weight_str, (Obj*)weight_obj);
-    DECREF(weight_obj);
-    Indexer_Add_Doc(indexer, doc, 1.0f);
-    DECREF(doc);
-static void
-S_add_doc(Indexer *indexer, Obj *value, String *cat, String *field_name) {
-    Doc *doc = Doc_new(NULL, 0);
-    String *name = Obj_To_String(value);
-    Doc_Store(doc, name_str, (Obj*)name);
-    Doc_Store(doc, cat_str,  (Obj*)cat);
-    if (field_name) {
-        Doc_Store(doc, field_name, value);
-    }
-    Indexer_Add_Doc(indexer, doc, 1.0f);
-    DECREF(name);
-    DECREF(doc);
-typedef Obj* (*random_generator_t)();
-static Obj*
-S_random_string() {
-    size_t length = 1 + rand() % 10;
-    CharBuf *buf = CB_new(length);
-    while (length--) {
-        int32_t code_point = 'a' + rand() % ('z' - 'a' + 1);
-        CB_Cat_Char(buf, code_point);
-    }
-    String *string = CB_Yield_String(buf);
-    DECREF(buf);
-    return (Obj*)string;
-static Obj*
-S_random_int32() {
-    uint64_t num = TestUtils_random_u64();
-    return (Obj*)Int_new(num & 0x7FFFFFFF);
-static Obj*
-S_random_int64() {
-    uint64_t num = TestUtils_random_u64();
-    return (Obj*)Int_new(num & INT64_C(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF));
-static Obj*
-S_random_float32() {
-    uint64_t num = TestUtils_random_u64();
-    double d = CHY_U64_TO_DOUBLE(num) * (10.0 / UINT64_MAX);
-    return (Obj*)Float_new((float)d);
-static Obj*
-S_random_float64() {
-    uint64_t num = TestUtils_random_u64();
-    return (Obj*)Float_new(CHY_U64_TO_DOUBLE(num) * (10.0 / UINT64_MAX));
-static Vector*
-S_add_random_objects(Indexer **indexer, Schema *schema, RAMFolder *folder,
-                     random_generator_t rng, String *field_name,
-                     String *cat) {
-    Vector *objects = Vec_new(100);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        Obj *object = rng();
-        S_add_doc(*indexer, object, cat, field_name);
-        Vec_Push(objects, object);
-        if (i % 10 == 0) {
-            S_refresh_indexer(indexer, schema, folder);
-        }
-    }
-    Vec_Sort(objects);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        Obj *obj = Vec_Fetch(objects, i);
-        String *string = Obj_To_String(obj);
-        Vec_Store(objects, i, (Obj*)string);
-    }
-    return objects;
-static Vector*
-S_test_sorted_search(IndexSearcher *searcher, String *query,
-                     uint32_t num_wanted, ...) {
-    Vector  *rules = Vec_new(2);
-    String *field;
-    va_list  args;
-    va_start(args, num_wanted);
-    while (NULL != (field = va_arg(args, String*))) {
-        int       reverse = va_arg(args, int);
-        SortRule *rule    = SortRule_new(SortRule_FIELD, field, !!reverse);
-        Vec_Push(rules, (Obj*)rule);
-    }
-    va_end(args);
-    SortRule *rule = SortRule_new(SortRule_DOC_ID, NULL, 0);
-    Vec_Push(rules, (Obj*)rule);
-    SortSpec *spec = SortSpec_new(rules);
-    Hits *hits = IxSearcher_Hits(searcher, (Obj*)query, 0, num_wanted, spec);
-    Vector *results = Vec_new(10);
-    HitDoc *hit_doc;
-    while (NULL != (hit_doc = Hits_Next(hits))) {
-        String *name = (String*)HitDoc_Extract(hit_doc, name_str);
-        Vec_Push(results, (Obj*)Str_Clone((String*)name));
-        DECREF(name);
-        DECREF(hit_doc);
-    }
-    DECREF(hits);
-    DECREF(spec);
-    DECREF(rules);
-    return results;
-typedef struct SortContext {
-    IndexSearcher *searcher;
-    String        *sort_field;
-} SortContext;
-static void
-S_attempt_sorted_search(void *context) {
-    SortContext *sort_ctx = (SortContext*)context;
-    Vector *results = S_test_sorted_search(sort_ctx->searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                           sort_ctx->sort_field, false, NULL);
-    DECREF(results);
-static void
-test_sort_spec(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    RAMFolder *folder  = RAMFolder_new(NULL);
-    Schema    *schema  = S_create_schema();
-    Indexer   *indexer = NULL;
-    Vector    *wanted  = Vec_new(10);
-    Vector    *results;
-    Vector    *results2;
-    // First, add vehicles.
-    S_refresh_indexer(&indexer, schema, folder);
-    S_add_vehicle(indexer, airplane_str, 200, 200, 8000, air_str,  vehicle_str);
-    S_add_vehicle(indexer, bike_str,      15,  15,   25, land_str, vehicle_str);
-    S_add_vehicle(indexer, car_str,       70,  70, 3000, land_str, vehicle_str);
-    // Add random objects.
-    Vector *random_strings =
-        S_add_random_objects(&indexer, schema, folder, S_random_string,
-                             NULL, random_str);
-    Vector *random_int32s =
-        S_add_random_objects(&indexer, schema, folder, S_random_int32,
-                             int32_str, random_int32s_str);
-    Vector *random_int64s =
-        S_add_random_objects(&indexer, schema, folder, S_random_int64,
-                             int64_str, random_int64s_str);
-    Vector *random_float32s =
-        S_add_random_objects(&indexer, schema, folder, S_random_float32,
-                             float32_str, random_float32s_str);
-    Vector *random_float64s =
-        S_add_random_objects(&indexer, schema, folder, S_random_float64,
-                             float64_str, random_float64s_str);
-    // Add numbers to verify consistent ordering.
-    int32_t *nums = (int32_t*)MALLOCATE(100 * sizeof(int32_t));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        nums[i] = i;
-    }
-    // Shuffle
-    for (int i = 99; i > 0; --i) {
-        int r = rand() % (i + 1);
-        if (r != i) {
-            // Swap
-            int32_t tmp = nums[i];
-            nums[i] = nums[r];
-            nums[r] = tmp;
-        }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        char name_buf[3];
-        sprintf(name_buf, "%02d", nums[i]);
-        String *name = SSTR_WRAP_UTF8(name_buf, 2);
-        S_add_doc(indexer, (Obj*)name, num_str, NULL);
-        if (i % 10 == 0) {
-            S_refresh_indexer(&indexer, schema, folder);
-        }
-    }
-    FREEMEM(nums);
-    Indexer_Commit(indexer);
-    DECREF(indexer);
-    // Start tests
-    IndexSearcher *searcher = IxSearcher_new((Obj*)folder);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   name_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted), "sort by one criteria");
-    DECREF(results);
-    SKIP(runner, 2, "known leaks");
-    Err *error;
-    SortContext sort_ctx;
-    sort_ctx.searcher = searcher;
-    sort_ctx.sort_field = nope_str;
-    error = Err_trap(S_attempt_sorted_search, &sort_ctx);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, error != NULL
-              && Err_is_a(error, ERR)
-              && Str_Contains_Utf8(Err_Get_Mess(error), "sortable", 8),
-              "sorting on a non-sortable field throws an error");
-    DECREF(error);
-    sort_ctx.sort_field = unknown_str;
-    error = Err_trap(S_attempt_sorted_search, &sort_ctx);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, error != NULL
-              && Err_is_a(error, ERR)
-              && Str_Contains_Utf8(Err_Get_Mess(error), "sortable", 8),
-              "sorting on an unknown field throws an error");
-    DECREF(error);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   weight_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted), "sort by one criteria");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   name_str, true, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted), "reverse sort");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   home_str, false, name_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted), "multiple criteria");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   home_str, false, name_str, true, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted),
-              "multiple criteria with reverse");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   speed_str, true, NULL);
-    results2 = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                    sloth_str, false, NULL);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)results2),
-              "FieldType_Compare_Values");
-    DECREF(results2);
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, random_str, 100,
-                                   name_str, false, NULL);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)random_strings),
-              "random strings");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, random_int32s_str, 100,
-                                   int32_str, false, NULL);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)random_int32s),
-              "int32");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, random_int64s_str, 100,
-                                   int64_str, false, NULL);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)random_int64s),
-              "int64");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, random_float32s_str, 100,
-                                   float32_str, false, NULL);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)random_float32s),
-              "float32");
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, random_float64s_str, 100,
-                                   float64_str, false, NULL);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)random_float64s),
-              "float64");
-    DECREF(results);
-    String *bbbcca_str = Str_newf("bike bike bike car car airplane");
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, bbbcca_str, 100,
-                                   unused_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted),
-              "sorting on field with no values sorts by doc id");
-    DECREF(results);
-    DECREF(bbbcca_str);
-    String *nn_str        = Str_newf("99");
-    String *nn_or_car_str = Str_newf("99 OR car");
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, nn_or_car_str, 10,
-                                   speed_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(nn_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted),
-              "doc with NULL value sorts last");
-    DECREF(results);
-    DECREF(nn_str);
-    DECREF(nn_or_car_str);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, num_str, 10,
-                                   name_str, false, NULL);
-    results2 = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, num_str, 30,
-                                    name_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Resize(results2, 10);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)results2),
-              "same order regardless of queue size");
-    DECREF(results2);
-    DECREF(results);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, num_str, 10,
-                                   name_str, true, NULL);
-    results2 = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, num_str, 30,
-                                    name_str, true, NULL);
-    Vec_Resize(results2, 10);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)results2),
-              "same order regardless of queue size (reverse sort)");
-    DECREF(results2);
-    DECREF(results);
-    DECREF(searcher);
-    // Add another seg to index.
-    indexer = Indexer_new(schema, (Obj*)folder, NULL, 0);
-    S_add_vehicle(indexer, carrot_str, 0, 0, 1, land_str, food_str);
-    Indexer_Commit(indexer);
-    DECREF(indexer);
-    searcher = IxSearcher_new((Obj*)folder);
-    results = S_test_sorted_search(searcher, vehicle_str, 100,
-                                   name_str, false, NULL);
-    Vec_Clear(wanted);
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(airplane_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(bike_str));
-    Vec_Push(wanted, INCREF(car_str));
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Vec_Equals(results, (Obj*)wanted), "Multi-segment sort");
-    DECREF(results);
-    DECREF(searcher);
-    DECREF(random_strings);
-    DECREF(random_int32s);
-    DECREF(random_int64s);
-    DECREF(random_float32s);
-    DECREF(random_float64s);
-    DECREF(wanted);
-    DECREF(schema);
-    DECREF(folder);
-TestSortSpec_Run_IMP(TestSortSpec *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 18);
-    S_init_strings();
-    test_sort_spec(runner);
-    S_destroy_strings();
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d559da..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSortSpec.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Search::TestSortSpec
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestSortSpec*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestSortSpec *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
-class Lucy::Test::Search::TestReverseType inherits Lucy::Plan::Int32Type {
-    public inert TestReverseType*
-    new();
-    public inert TestReverseType*
-    init(TestReverseType *self);
-    inert TestReverseType*
-    init2(TestReverseType *self, float boost = 1.0, bool indexed = true,
-          bool stored = true, bool sortable = false);
-    int32_t
-    Compare_Values(TestReverseType *self, Obj *a, Obj *b);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6743f22..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.h"
-#include "Lucy/Search/Span.h"
-TestSpan_new() {
-    return (TestSpan*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTSPAN);
-test_span_init_values(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Span* span = Span_new(2,3,7.0);
-    TEST_INT_EQ(runner, Span_Get_Offset(span), 2, "get_offset" );
-    TEST_INT_EQ(runner, Span_Get_Length(span), 3, "get_length" );
-    TEST_FLOAT_EQ(runner, Span_Get_Weight(span), 7.0, "get_weight" );
-    Span_Set_Offset(span, 10);
-    Span_Set_Length(span, 1);
-    Span_Set_Weight(span, 4.0);
-    TEST_INT_EQ(runner, Span_Get_Offset(span), 10, "set_offset" );
-    TEST_INT_EQ(runner, Span_Get_Length(span), 1, "set_length" );
-    TEST_FLOAT_EQ(runner, Span_Get_Weight(span), 4.0, "set_weight" );
-    DECREF(span);
-TestSpan_Run_IMP(TestSpan *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 6);
-    test_span_init_values(runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index d84c45f..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestSpan.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Search::TestSpan
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestSpan*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestSpan *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a330913..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/TestUtils.h"
-#include "Lucy/Search/TermQuery.h"
-TestTermQuery_new() {
-    return (TestTermQuery*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTTERMQUERY);
-static void
-test_Dump_Load_and_Equals(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TermQuery *query         = TestUtils_make_term_query("content", "foo");
-    TermQuery *field_differs = TestUtils_make_term_query("stuff", "foo");
-    TermQuery *term_differs  = TestUtils_make_term_query("content", "bar");
-    TermQuery *boost_differs = TestUtils_make_term_query("content", "foo");
-    Obj       *dump          = (Obj*)TermQuery_Dump(query);
-    TermQuery *clone         = (TermQuery*)TermQuery_Load(term_differs, dump);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, TermQuery_Equals(query, (Obj*)field_differs),
-               "Equals() false with different field");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, TermQuery_Equals(query, (Obj*)term_differs),
-               "Equals() false with different term");
-    TermQuery_Set_Boost(boost_differs, 0.5);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, TermQuery_Equals(query, (Obj*)boost_differs),
-               "Equals() false with different boost");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, TermQuery_Equals(query, (Obj*)clone),
-              "Dump => Load round trip");
-    DECREF(query);
-    DECREF(term_differs);
-    DECREF(field_differs);
-    DECREF(boost_differs);
-    DECREF(dump);
-    DECREF(clone);
-TestTermQuery_Run_IMP(TestTermQuery *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 4);
-    test_Dump_Load_and_Equals(runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index ac997aa..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Search/TestTermQuery.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Search::TestTermQuery
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestTermQuery*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestTermQuery *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 029eb5f..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FileWindow.h"
-MockFileHandle_new(String *path, int64_t length) {
-    MockFileHandle *self = (MockFileHandle*)Class_Make_Obj(MOCKFILEHANDLE);
-    return MockFileHandle_init(self, path, length);
-MockFileHandle_init(MockFileHandle *self, String *path,
-                    int64_t length) {
-    FH_do_open((FileHandle*)self, path, 0);
-    MockFileHandleIVARS *const ivars = MockFileHandle_IVARS(self);
-    ivars->len = length;
-    return self;
-MockFileHandle_Window_IMP(MockFileHandle *self, FileWindow *window,
-                          int64_t offset, int64_t len) {
-    UNUSED_VAR(self);
-    FileWindow_Set_Window(window, NULL, offset, len);
-    return true;
-MockFileHandle_Release_Window_IMP(MockFileHandle *self, FileWindow *window) {
-    UNUSED_VAR(self);
-    FileWindow_Set_Window(window, NULL, 0, 0);
-    return true;
-MockFileHandle_Length_IMP(MockFileHandle *self) {
-    return MockFileHandle_IVARS(self)->len;
-MockFileHandle_Close_IMP(MockFileHandle *self) {
-    UNUSED_VAR(self);
-    return true;
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index fe979f4..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/MockFileHandle.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-/** Mock-object FileHandle for testing InStream/OutStream.
- */
-class Lucy::Store::MockFileHandle inherits Lucy::Store::FileHandle {
-    int64_t len;
-    inert incremented MockFileHandle*
-    new(String *path = NULL, int64_t length);
-    inert MockFileHandle*
-    init(MockFileHandle *self, String *path = NULL, int64_t length);
-    bool
-    Window(MockFileHandle *self, FileWindow *window, int64_t offset, int64_t len);
-    bool
-    Release_Window(MockFileHandle *self, FileWindow *window);
-    int64_t
-    Length(MockFileHandle *self);
-    bool
-    Close(MockFileHandle *self);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f3cb6f3..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/CompoundFileReader.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/CompoundFileWriter.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/InStream.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/OutStream.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/RAMFolder.h"
-#include "Lucy/Util/Json.h"
-static String *cfmeta_file = NULL;
-static String *cfmeta_temp = NULL;
-static String *cf_file     = NULL;
-static String *foo         = NULL;
-static String *bar         = NULL;
-static String *baz         = NULL;
-static String *seg_1       = NULL;
-static String *stuff       = NULL;
-TestCFReader_new() {
-    return (TestCompoundFileReader*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTCOMPOUNDFILEREADER);
-static void
-S_init_strings(void) {
-    cfmeta_file = Str_newf("cfmeta.json");
-    cfmeta_temp = Str_newf("cfmeta.json.temp");
-    cf_file     = Str_newf("cf.dat");
-    foo         = Str_newf("foo");
-    bar         = Str_newf("bar");
-    baz         = Str_newf("baz");
-    seg_1       = Str_newf("seg_1");
-    stuff       = Str_newf("stuff");
-static void
-S_destroy_strings(void) {
-    DECREF(cfmeta_file);
-    DECREF(cfmeta_temp);
-    DECREF(cf_file);
-    DECREF(foo);
-    DECREF(bar);
-    DECREF(baz);
-    DECREF(seg_1);
-    DECREF(stuff);
-static Folder*
-S_folder_with_contents() {
-    RAMFolder *folder  = RAMFolder_new(seg_1);
-    OutStream *foo_out = RAMFolder_Open_Out(folder, foo);
-    OutStream *bar_out = RAMFolder_Open_Out(folder, bar);
-    OutStream_Write_Bytes(foo_out, "foo", 3);
-    OutStream_Write_Bytes(bar_out, "bar", 3);
-    OutStream_Close(foo_out);
-    OutStream_Close(bar_out);
-    DECREF(foo_out);
-    DECREF(bar_out);
-    String *empty = SSTR_BLANK();
-    RAMFolder_Consolidate(folder, empty);
-    return (Folder*)folder;
-static void
-test_open(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder;
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader;
-    Hash *metadata;
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    Folder_Delete(real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, cf_reader == NULL,
-              "Return NULL when cfmeta file missing");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Set global error when cfmeta file missing");
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    Folder_Delete(real_folder, cf_file);
-    cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, cf_reader == NULL,
-              "Return NULL when cf.dat file missing");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Set global error when cf.dat file missing");
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    metadata = (Hash*)Json_slurp_json(real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    Hash_Store_Utf8(metadata, "format", 6, (Obj*)Str_newf("%i32", -1));
-    Folder_Delete(real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    Json_spew_json((Obj*)metadata, real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, cf_reader == NULL,
-              "Return NULL when format is invalid");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Set global error when format is invalid");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    Hash_Store_Utf8(metadata, "format", 6, (Obj*)Str_newf("%i32", 1000));
-    Folder_Delete(real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    Json_spew_json((Obj*)metadata, real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, cf_reader == NULL,
-              "Return NULL when format is too recent");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Set global error when format too recent");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    DECREF(Hash_Delete_Utf8(metadata, "format", 6));
-    Folder_Delete(real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    Json_spew_json((Obj*)metadata, real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, cf_reader == NULL,
-              "Return NULL when format key is missing");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Set global error when format key is missing");
-    Hash_Store_Utf8(metadata, "format", 6,
-                    (Obj*)Str_newf("%i32", CFWriter_current_file_format));
-    DECREF(Hash_Delete_Utf8(metadata, "files", 5));
-    Folder_Delete(real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    Json_spew_json((Obj*)metadata, real_folder, cfmeta_file);
-    cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, cf_reader == NULL,
-              "Return NULL when files key is missing");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Set global error when files key is missing");
-    DECREF(metadata);
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-static void
-test_Local_MkDir_and_Find_Folder(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner,
-               CFReader_Local_Is_Directory(cf_reader, stuff),
-               "Local_Is_Directory returns false for non-existent entry");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, CFReader_MkDir(cf_reader, stuff),
-              "MkDir returns true");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              Folder_Find_Folder(real_folder, stuff) != NULL,
-              "Local_MkDir pass-through");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              Folder_Find_Folder(real_folder, stuff)
-              == CFReader_Find_Folder(cf_reader, stuff),
-              "Local_Find_Folder pass-through");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              CFReader_Local_Is_Directory(cf_reader, stuff),
-              "Local_Is_Directory pass through");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, CFReader_MkDir(cf_reader, stuff),
-               "MkDir returns false when dir already exists");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "MkDir sets global error when dir already exists");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, CFReader_MkDir(cf_reader, foo),
-               "MkDir returns false when virtual file exists");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "MkDir sets global error when virtual file exists");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              CFReader_Find_Folder(cf_reader, foo) == NULL,
-              "Virtual file not reported as directory");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, CFReader_Local_Is_Directory(cf_reader, foo),
-               "Local_Is_Directory returns false for virtual file");
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-    DECREF(cf_reader);
-static void
-test_Local_Delete_and_Exists(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    CFReader_MkDir(cf_reader, stuff);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, stuff),
-              "pass through for Local_Exists");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, foo),
-              "Local_Exists returns true for virtual file");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, cfmeta_file),
-              "cfmeta file exists");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, CFReader_Local_Delete(cf_reader, stuff),
-              "Local_Delete returns true when zapping real entity");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, stuff),
-               "Local_Exists returns false after real entity zapped");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, CFReader_Local_Delete(cf_reader, foo),
-              "Local_Delete returns true when zapping virtual file");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, foo),
-               "Local_Exists returns false after virtual file zapped");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, CFReader_Local_Delete(cf_reader, bar),
-              "Local_Delete returns true when zapping last virtual file");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner,
-               CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, cfmeta_file),
-               "cfmeta file deleted when last virtual file deleted");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner,
-               CFReader_Local_Exists(cf_reader, cf_file),
-               "compound data file deleted when last virtual file deleted");
-    DECREF(cf_reader);
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-static void
-test_Local_Open_Dir(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    bool saw_foo       = false;
-    bool saw_stuff     = false;
-    bool stuff_was_dir = false;
-    CFReader_MkDir(cf_reader, stuff);
-    DirHandle *dh = CFReader_Local_Open_Dir(cf_reader);
-    while (DH_Next(dh)) {
-        String *entry = DH_Get_Entry(dh);
-        if (Str_Equals(entry, (Obj*)foo)) {
-            saw_foo = true;
-        }
-        else if (Str_Equals(entry, (Obj*)stuff)) {
-            saw_stuff = true;
-            stuff_was_dir = DH_Entry_Is_Dir(dh);
-        }
-        DECREF(entry);
-    }
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, saw_foo, "DirHandle iterated over virtual file");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, saw_stuff, "DirHandle iterated over real directory");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, stuff_was_dir,
-              "DirHandle knew that real entry was dir");
-    DECREF(dh);
-    DECREF(cf_reader);
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-static void
-test_Local_Open_FileHandle(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    FileHandle *fh;
-    OutStream *outstream = CFReader_Open_Out(cf_reader, baz);
-    OutStream_Write_Bytes(outstream, "baz", 3);
-    OutStream_Close(outstream);
-    DECREF(outstream);
-    fh = CFReader_Local_Open_FileHandle(cf_reader, baz,
-                                        FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh != NULL,
-              "Local_Open_FileHandle pass-through for real file");
-    DECREF(fh);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = CFReader_Local_Open_FileHandle(cf_reader, stuff,
-                                        FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh == NULL,
-              "Local_Open_FileHandle for non-existent file returns NULL");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Local_Open_FileHandle for non-existent file sets global error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = CFReader_Local_Open_FileHandle(cf_reader, foo,
-                                        FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh == NULL,
-              "Local_Open_FileHandle for virtual file returns NULL");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Local_Open_FileHandle for virtual file sets global error");
-    DECREF(cf_reader);
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-static void
-test_Local_Open_In(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    InStream *instream;
-    instream = CFReader_Local_Open_In(cf_reader, foo);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, instream != NULL,
-              "Local_Open_In for virtual file");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              Str_Starts_With(InStream_Get_Filename(instream), CFReader_Get_Path(cf_reader)),
-              "InStream's path includes directory");
-    DECREF(instream);
-    OutStream *outstream = CFReader_Open_Out(cf_reader, baz);
-    OutStream_Write_Bytes(outstream, "baz", 3);
-    OutStream_Close(outstream);
-    DECREF(outstream);
-    instream = CFReader_Local_Open_In(cf_reader, baz);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, instream != NULL,
-              "Local_Open_In pass-through for real file");
-    DECREF(instream);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    instream = CFReader_Local_Open_In(cf_reader, stuff);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, instream == NULL,
-              "Local_Open_In for non-existent file returns NULL");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Local_Open_In for non-existent file sets global error");
-    DECREF(cf_reader);
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-static void
-test_Close(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *real_folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileReader *cf_reader = CFReader_open(real_folder);
-    CFReader_Close(cf_reader);
-    PASS(runner, "Close completes without incident");
-    CFReader_Close(cf_reader);
-    PASS(runner, "Calling Close() multiple times is ok");
-    DECREF(cf_reader);
-    DECREF(real_folder);
-TestCFReader_Run_IMP(TestCompoundFileReader *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 48);
-    S_init_strings();
-    test_open(runner);
-    test_Local_MkDir_and_Find_Folder(runner);
-    test_Local_Delete_and_Exists(runner);
-    test_Local_Open_Dir(runner);
-    test_Local_Open_FileHandle(runner);
-    test_Local_Open_In(runner);
-    test_Close(runner);
-    S_destroy_strings();
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index 69af74d..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileReader.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Store::TestCompoundFileReader nickname TestCFReader
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestCompoundFileReader*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestCompoundFileReader *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a27cb..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "charmony.h"
-#include "Clownfish/HashIterator.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/CompoundFileWriter.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/OutStream.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/RAMFolder.h"
-#include "Lucy/Util/Json.h"
-static String *cfmeta_file = NULL;
-static String *cfmeta_temp = NULL;
-static String *cf_file     = NULL;
-static String *foo         = NULL;
-static String *bar         = NULL;
-static String *seg_1       = NULL;
-TestCFWriter_new() {
-    return (TestCompoundFileWriter*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTCOMPOUNDFILEWRITER);
-static void
-S_init_strings(void) {
-    cfmeta_file = Str_newf("cfmeta.json");
-    cfmeta_temp = Str_newf("cfmeta.json.temp");
-    cf_file     = Str_newf("cf.dat");
-    foo         = Str_newf("foo");
-    bar         = Str_newf("bar");
-    seg_1       = Str_newf("seg_1");
-static void
-S_destroy_strings(void) {
-    DECREF(cfmeta_file);
-    DECREF(cfmeta_temp);
-    DECREF(cf_file);
-    DECREF(foo);
-    DECREF(bar);
-    DECREF(seg_1);
-static Folder*
-S_folder_with_contents() {
-    RAMFolder *folder  = RAMFolder_new(seg_1);
-    OutStream *foo_out = RAMFolder_Open_Out(folder, foo);
-    OutStream *bar_out = RAMFolder_Open_Out(folder, bar);
-    OutStream_Write_Bytes(foo_out, "foo", 3);
-    OutStream_Write_Bytes(bar_out, "bar", 3);
-    OutStream_Close(foo_out);
-    OutStream_Close(bar_out);
-    DECREF(foo_out);
-    DECREF(bar_out);
-    return (Folder*)folder;
-static void
-test_Consolidate(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    FileHandle *fh;
-    // Fake up detritus from failed consolidation.
-    fh = Folder_Open_FileHandle(folder, cf_file,
-                                FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    DECREF(fh);
-    fh = Folder_Open_FileHandle(folder, cfmeta_temp,
-                                FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    DECREF(fh);
-    CompoundFileWriter *cf_writer = CFWriter_new(folder);
-    CFWriter_Consolidate(cf_writer);
-    PASS(runner, "Consolidate completes despite leftover files");
-    DECREF(cf_writer);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Folder_Exists(folder, cf_file),
-              "cf.dat file written");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Folder_Exists(folder, cfmeta_file),
-              "cfmeta.json file written");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, Folder_Exists(folder, foo),
-               "original file zapped");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, Folder_Exists(folder, cfmeta_temp),
-               "detritus from failed consolidation zapped");
-    DECREF(folder);
-static void
-test_offsets(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    Folder *folder = S_folder_with_contents();
-    CompoundFileWriter *cf_writer = CFWriter_new(folder);
-    Hash    *cf_metadata;
-    Hash    *files;
-    CFWriter_Consolidate(cf_writer);
-    cf_metadata = (Hash*)CERTIFY(
-                      Json_slurp_json(folder, cfmeta_file), HASH);
-    files = (Hash*)CERTIFY(
-                Hash_Fetch_Utf8(cf_metadata, "files", 5), HASH);
-    bool     offsets_ok = true;
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Hash_Get_Size(files) > 0, "Multiple files");
-    HashIterator *iter = HashIter_new(files);
-    while (HashIter_Next(iter)) {
-        String *file   = HashIter_Get_Key(iter);
-        Hash   *stats  = (Hash*)CERTIFY(HashIter_Get_Value(iter), HASH);
-        Obj    *offset = CERTIFY(Hash_Fetch_Utf8(stats, "offset", 6), OBJ);
-        int64_t offs   = Json_obj_to_i64(offset);
-        if (offs % 8 != 0) {
-            offsets_ok = false;
-            char *str = Str_To_Utf8(file);
-            FAIL(runner, "Offset %" PRId64 " for %s not a multiple of 8",
-                 offset, str);
-            free(str);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    DECREF(iter);
-    if (offsets_ok) {
-        PASS(runner, "All offsets are multiples of 8");
-    }
-    DECREF(cf_metadata);
-    DECREF(cf_writer);
-    DECREF(folder);
-TestCFWriter_Run_IMP(TestCompoundFileWriter *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 7);
-    S_init_strings();
-    test_Consolidate(runner);
-    test_offsets(runner);
-    S_destroy_strings();
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index 051ad65..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestCompoundFileWriter.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Store::TestCompoundFileWriter nickname TestCFWriter
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestCompoundFileWriter*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestCompoundFileWriter *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4be2b84..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "charmony.h"
-// rmdir
-  #include <direct.h>
-// rmdir
-  #include <unistd.h>
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FSDirHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FSFolder.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/OutStream.h"
-TestFSDH_new() {
-    return (TestFSDirHandle*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTFSDIRHANDLE);
-static void
-test_all(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    String   *foo           = SSTR_WRAP_C("foo");
-    String   *boffo         = SSTR_WRAP_C("boffo");
-    String   *foo_boffo     = SSTR_WRAP_C("foo/boffo");
-    String   *test_dir      = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fsdir_test");
-    FSFolder *folder        = FSFolder_new(test_dir);
-    bool      saw_foo       = false;
-    bool      saw_boffo     = false;
-    bool      foo_was_dir   = false;
-    bool      boffo_was_dir = false;
-    int       count         = 0;
-    // Clean up after previous failed runs.
-    FSFolder_Delete(folder, foo_boffo);
-    FSFolder_Delete(folder, foo);
-    FSFolder_Delete(folder, boffo);
-    rmdir("_fsdir_test");
-    FSFolder_Initialize(folder);
-    FSFolder_MkDir(folder, foo);
-    OutStream *outstream = FSFolder_Open_Out(folder, boffo);
-    DECREF(outstream);
-    outstream = FSFolder_Open_Out(folder, foo_boffo);
-    DECREF(outstream);
-    FSDirHandle *dh = FSDH_open(test_dir);
-    while (FSDH_Next(dh)) {
-        count++;
-        String *entry = FSDH_Get_Entry(dh);
-        if (Str_Equals(entry, (Obj*)foo)) {
-            saw_foo = true;
-            foo_was_dir = FSDH_Entry_Is_Dir(dh);
-        }
-        else if (Str_Equals(entry, (Obj*)boffo)) {
-            saw_boffo = true;
-            boffo_was_dir = FSDH_Entry_Is_Dir(dh);
-        }
-        DECREF(entry);
-    }
-    TEST_INT_EQ(runner, 2, count, "correct number of entries");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, saw_foo, "Directory was iterated over");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, foo_was_dir,
-              "Dir correctly identified by Entry_Is_Dir");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, saw_boffo, "File was iterated over");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, boffo_was_dir,
-               "File correctly identified by Entry_Is_Dir");
-    DECREF(dh);
-    FSFolder_Delete(folder, foo_boffo);
-    FSFolder_Delete(folder, foo);
-    FSFolder_Delete(folder, boffo);
-    DECREF(folder);
-    rmdir("_fsdir_test");
-TestFSDH_Run_IMP(TestFSDirHandle *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 5);
-    test_all(runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b10d79..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSDirHandle.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Store::TestFSDirHandle nickname TestFSDH
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestFSDirHandle*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestFSDirHandle *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9f2f1..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdio.h> // for remove()
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-  #include <unistd.h> // close
-#elif defined(CHY_HAS_IO_H)
-  #include <io.h> // close
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FSFileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FileWindow.h"
-static void
-S_remove(String *path) {
-    char *str = Str_To_Utf8(path);
-    remove(str);
-    free(str);
-TestFSFH_new() {
-    return (TestFSFileHandle*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTFSFILEHANDLE);
-static void
-test_open(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    FSFileHandle *fh;
-    String *test_filename = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest");
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh == NULL,
-              "open() with FH_READ_ONLY on non-existent file returns NULL");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "open() with FH_READ_ONLY on non-existent file sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_WRITE_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh == NULL,
-              "open() without FH_CREATE returns NULL");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "open() without FH_CREATE sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_CREATE);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh == NULL,
-              "open() without FH_WRITE_ONLY returns NULL");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "open() without FH_WRITE_ONLY sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh && FSFH_is_a(fh, FSFILEHANDLE), "open() succeeds");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() == NULL, "open() no errors");
-    FSFH_Write(fh, "foo", 3);
-    if (!FSFH_Close(fh)) { RETHROW(INCREF(Err_get_error())); }
-    DECREF(fh);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh == NULL, "FH_EXCLUSIVE blocks open()");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "FH_EXCLUSIVE blocks open(), sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh && FSFH_is_a(fh, FSFILEHANDLE),
-              "open() for append");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() == NULL,
-              "open() for append -- no errors");
-    FSFH_Write(fh, "bar", 3);
-    if (!FSFH_Close(fh)) { RETHROW(INCREF(Err_get_error())); }
-    DECREF(fh);
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, fh && FSFH_is_a(fh, FSFILEHANDLE), "open() read only");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() == NULL,
-              "open() read only -- no errors");
-    DECREF(fh);
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-static void
-test_Read_Write(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    FSFileHandle *fh;
-    const char *foo = "foo";
-    const char *bar = "bar";
-    char buffer[12];
-    char *buf = buffer;
-    String *test_filename = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest");
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename,
-                   FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Length(fh) == INT64_C(0), "Length initially 0");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Write(fh, foo, 3), "Write returns success");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Length(fh) == INT64_C(3), "Length after Write");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Write(fh, bar, 3), "Write returns success");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Length(fh) == INT64_C(6), "Length after 2 Writes");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFH_Read(fh, buf, 0, 2),
-               "Reading from a write-only handle returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Reading from a write-only handle sets error");
-    if (!FSFH_Close(fh)) { RETHROW(INCREF(Err_get_error())); }
-    DECREF(fh);
-    // Reopen for reading.
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Length(fh) == INT64_C(6), "Length on Read");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Read(fh, buf, 0, 6), "Read returns success");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, strncmp(buf, "foobar", 6) == 0, "Read/Write");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Read(fh, buf, 2, 3), "Read returns success");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, strncmp(buf, "oba", 3) == 0, "Read with offset");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFH_Read(fh, buf, -1, 4),
-               "Read() with a negative offset returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Read() with a negative offset sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFH_Read(fh, buf, 6, 1),
-               "Read() past EOF returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Read() past EOF sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFH_Write(fh, foo, 3),
-               "Writing to a read-only handle returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Writing to a read-only handle sets error");
-    DECREF(fh);
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-static void
-test_Close(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    String *test_filename = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest");
-    FSFileHandle *fh;
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename,
-                   FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Close(fh), "Close returns true for write-only");
-    DECREF(fh);
-    // Simulate an OS error when closing the file descriptor.  This
-    // approximates what would happen if, say, we run out of disk space.
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename,
-                   FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-    SKIP(runner, 2, "LUCY-155");
-    int saved_fd = FSFH_IVARS(fh)->fd;
-    FSFH_IVARS(fh)->fd = -1;
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    bool result = FSFH_Close(fh);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, result, "Failed Close() returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Failed Close() sets global error");
-    FSFH_IVARS(fh)->fd = saved_fd;
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-    DECREF(fh);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_READ_ONLY);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Close(fh), "Close returns true for read-only");
-    DECREF(fh);
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-static void
-test_Window(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    String *test_filename = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest");
-    FSFileHandle *fh;
-    FileWindow *window = FileWindow_new();
-    FileWindowIVARS *const window_ivars = FileWindow_IVARS(window);
-    uint32_t i;
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename,
-                   FH_CREATE | FH_WRITE_ONLY | FH_EXCLUSIVE);
-    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
-        FSFH_Write(fh, "foo ", 4);
-    }
-    if (!FSFH_Close(fh)) { RETHROW(INCREF(Err_get_error())); }
-    // Reopen for reading.
-    DECREF(fh);
-    fh = FSFH_open(test_filename, FH_READ_ONLY);
-    if (!fh) { RETHROW(INCREF(Err_get_error())); }
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFH_Window(fh, window, -1, 4),
-               "Window() with a negative offset returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Window() with a negative offset sets error");
-    Err_set_error(NULL);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFH_Window(fh, window, 4000, 1000),
-               "Window() past EOF returns false");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Err_get_error() != NULL,
-              "Window() past EOF sets error");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Window(fh, window, 1021, 2),
-              "Window() returns true");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner,
-              strncmp(window_ivars->buf - window_ivars->offset + 1021, "oo", 2) == 0,
-              "Window()");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFH_Release_Window(fh, window),
-              "Release_Window() returns true");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, window_ivars->buf == NULL, "Release_Window() resets buf");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, window_ivars->offset == 0, "Release_Window() resets offset");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, window_ivars->len == 0, "Release_Window() resets len");
-    DECREF(window);
-    DECREF(fh);
-    S_remove(test_filename);
-TestFSFH_Run_IMP(TestFSFileHandle *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 46);
-    test_open(runner);
-    test_Read_Write(runner);
-    test_Close(runner);
-    test_Window(runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index b9825b8..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFileHandle.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Store::TestFSFileHandle nickname TestFSFH
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestFSFileHandle*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestFSFileHandle *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 03eef57..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "charmony.h"
-// mkdir, rmdir
-  #include <direct.h>
-// rmdir
-  #include <unistd.h>
-// mkdir, stat
-  #include <sys/stat.h>
-  #include "errno.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestFolderCommon.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FSFolder.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/OutStream.h"
-/* The tests involving symlinks have to be run with administrator privileges
- * under Windows, so disable by default.
- */
-// Create the symlinks needed by test_protect_symlinks().
-static bool
-#endif /* CHY_HAS_WINDOWS_H */
-TestFSFolder_new() {
-    return (TestFSFolder*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTFSFOLDER);
-static Folder*
-S_set_up() {
-    rmdir("_fstest");
-    String   *test_dir = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest");
-    FSFolder *folder   = FSFolder_new(test_dir);
-    FSFolder_Initialize(folder);
-    if (!FSFolder_Check(folder)) {
-        RETHROW(INCREF(Err_get_error()));
-    }
-    return (Folder*)folder;
-static void
-S_tear_down() {
-    struct stat stat_buf;
-    int result = rmdir("_fstest");
-    if (result < 0) {
-        /* FIXME: This can fail on Windows with ENOTEMPTY. */
-        THROW(ERR, "Can't clean up directory _fstest: %s", strerror(errno));
-    }
-    /* FIXME: This can also fail on Windows even if rmdir was successful. */
-    if (stat("_fstest", &stat_buf) != -1) {
-        THROW(ERR, "Can't clean up directory _fstest");
-    }
-static void
-test_Initialize_and_Check(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    rmdir("_fstest");
-    String   *test_dir = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest");
-    FSFolder *folder   = FSFolder_new(test_dir);
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFolder_Check(folder),
-               "Check() returns false when folder dir doesn't exist");
-    FSFolder_Initialize(folder);
-    PASS(runner, "Initialize() concludes without incident");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFolder_Check(folder),
-              "Initialize() created dir, and now Check() succeeds");
-    DECREF(folder);
-    S_tear_down();
-static void
-test_protect_symlinks(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    FSFolder *folder    = (FSFolder*)S_set_up();
-    String   *foo       = SSTR_WRAP_C("foo");
-    String   *bar       = SSTR_WRAP_C("bar");
-    String   *foo_boffo = SSTR_WRAP_C("foo/boffo");
-    FSFolder_MkDir(folder, foo);
-    FSFolder_MkDir(folder, bar);
-    OutStream *outstream = FSFolder_Open_Out(folder, foo_boffo);
-    DECREF(outstream);
-    if (!S_create_test_symlinks()) {
-        FAIL(runner, "symlink creation failed");
-        FAIL(runner, "symlink creation failed");
-        FAIL(runner, "symlink creation failed");
-        FAIL(runner, "symlink creation failed");
-        FAIL(runner, "symlink creation failed");
-        // Try to clean up anyway.
-        FSFolder_Delete_Tree(folder, foo);
-        FSFolder_Delete_Tree(folder, bar);
-    }
-    else {
-        Vector *list = FSFolder_List_R(folder, NULL);
-        bool saw_bazooka_boffo = false;
-        for (size_t i = 0, max = Vec_Get_Size(list); i < max; i++) {
-            String *entry = (String*)Vec_Fetch(list, i);
-            if (Str_Ends_With_Utf8(entry, "bazooka/boffo", 13)) {
-                saw_bazooka_boffo = true;
-            }
-        }
-        TEST_FALSE(runner, saw_bazooka_boffo,
-                   "List_R() shouldn't follow symlinks");
-        DECREF(list);
-        TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFolder_Delete_Tree(folder, bar),
-                  "Delete_Tree() returns true");
-        TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFolder_Exists(folder, bar),
-                   "Tree is really gone");
-        TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFolder_Exists(folder, foo),
-                  "Original folder sill there");
-        TEST_TRUE(runner, FSFolder_Exists(folder, foo_boffo),
-                  "Delete_Tree() did not follow directory symlink");
-        FSFolder_Delete_Tree(folder, foo);
-    }
-    DECREF(folder);
-    S_tear_down();
-    SKIP(runner, 5, "Tests requiring symlink() disabled");
-test_disallow_updir(TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    FSFolder *outer_folder = (FSFolder*)S_set_up();
-    String *foo = SSTR_WRAP_C("foo");
-    String *bar = SSTR_WRAP_C("bar");
-    FSFolder_MkDir(outer_folder, foo);
-    FSFolder_MkDir(outer_folder, bar);
-    String *inner_path = SSTR_WRAP_C("_fstest/foo");
-    FSFolder *foo_folder = FSFolder_new(inner_path);
-    String *up_bar = SSTR_WRAP_C("../bar");
-    TEST_FALSE(runner, FSFolder_Exists(foo_folder, up_bar),
-               "up-dirs are inaccessible.");
-    DECREF(foo_folder);
-    FSFolder_Delete(outer_folder, foo);
-    FSFolder_Delete(outer_folder, bar);
-    DECREF(outer_folder);
-    S_tear_down();
-TestFSFolder_Run_IMP(TestFSFolder *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self,
-                          TestFolderCommon_num_tests() + 9);
-    test_Initialize_and_Check(runner);
-    TestFolderCommon_run_tests(runner, S_set_up, S_tear_down);
-    test_protect_symlinks(runner);
-    test_disallow_updir(runner);
-#include "windows.h"
-#elif defined(CHY_HAS_UNISTD_H)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#error "Don't have either windows.h or unistd.h"
-static bool
-S_create_test_symlinks(void) {
-    if (!CreateSymbolicLink("_fstest\\bar\\banana", "_fstest\\foo\\boffo", 0)
-        || !CreateSymbolicLink("_fstest\\bar\\bazooka", "_fstest\\foo", 1)
-       ) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (symlink("_fstest/foo/boffo", "_fstest/bar/banana")
-        || symlink("_fstest/foo", "_fstest/bar/bazooka")
-       ) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index bbdae58..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFSFolder.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Store::TestFSFolder
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestFSFolder*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestFSFolder *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.c b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e9850f..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "Lucy/Util/ToolSet.h"
-#include "Clownfish/TestHarness/TestBatchRunner.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test.h"
-#include "Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FileHandle.h"
-#include "Lucy/Store/FileWindow.h"
-TestFH_new() {
-    return (TestFileHandle*)Class_Make_Obj(TESTFILEHANDLE);
-static void
-S_no_op_method(const void *vself) {
-    UNUSED_VAR(vself);
-static FileHandle*
-S_new_filehandle() {
-    String *class_name = SSTR_WRAP_C("TestFileHandle");
-    FileHandle *fh;
-    Class *klass = Class_fetch_class(class_name);
-    if (!klass) {
-        klass = Class_singleton(class_name, FILEHANDLE);
-    }
-    Class_Override(klass, S_no_op_method, LUCY_FH_Close_OFFSET);
-    fh = (FileHandle*)Class_Make_Obj(klass);
-    return FH_do_open(fh, NULL, 0);
-TestFH_Run_IMP(TestFileHandle *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) {
-    TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 2);
-    FileHandle *fh  = S_new_filehandle();
-    String     *foo = SSTR_WRAP_C("foo");
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Str_Equals_Utf8(FH_Get_Path(fh), "", 0), "Get_Path");
-    FH_Set_Path(fh, foo);
-    TEST_TRUE(runner, Str_Equals(FH_Get_Path(fh), (Obj*)foo), "Set_Path");
-    DECREF(fh);
diff --git a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.cfh b/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.cfh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c97c5f..0000000
--- a/core/Lucy/Test/Store/TestFileHandle.cfh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-parcel TestLucy;
-class Lucy::Test::Store::TestFileHandle nickname TestFH
-    inherits Clownfish::TestHarness::TestBatch {
-    inert incremented TestFileHandle*
-    new();
-    void
-    Run(TestFileHandle *self, TestBatchRunner *runner);