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Posted to by on 2003/04/14 09:23:03 UTC

Why Access Control function can not work with apache2.0.44 and t omcat4.1.18 using mod_jk-2.0.43.dll

	When one jsp request arrive,  apache2.0.44 can  not do access
control even if I configure it at httpd.conf file.
But one html file request can work, and jsp request is ok with apache 1.3
and tomcat4.1.18 using mod_jk-1.3.dll.
here is configuration:
	at httpd.conf
	<Directory "d:/test/website/report/">
	    AllowOverride All

	at mod_jk.conf
	LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll
	<IfModule mod_jk.c>
		JkWorkersFile D:/app/tomcat4.1/conf/
		JkLogFile  logs/jk.log
		JkLogLevel info
		JKLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"
	NameVirtualHost test
	<VirtualHost test>
         		DocumentRoot D:/test/website
		ErrorLog logs/test_log
		TransferLog logs/test_log
		JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
		JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
I wish your help. thank you.