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[30/55] [partial] qpid-proton-j git commit: PROTON-1385: retain proton-j content only, the rest remains in the other repo at:
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2c589..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-Package electron lets you write concurrent AMQP 1.0 messaging clients and servers.
-Start by creating a Container with NewContainer. An AMQP Container represents a
-single AMQP "application" and can contain client and server connections.
-You can enable AMQP over any connection that implements the standard net.Conn
-interface. Typically you can connect with net.Dial() or listen for server
-connections with net.Listen.  Enable AMQP by passing the net.Conn to
-AMQP allows bi-direction peer-to-peer message exchange as well as
-client-to-broker. Messages are sent over "links". Each link is one-way and has a
-Sender and Receiver end. Connection.Sender() and Connection.Receiver() open
-links to Send() and Receive() messages. Connection.Incoming() lets you accept
-incoming links opened by the remote peer. You can open and accept multiple links
-in both directions on a single Connection.
-Some of the documentation examples show client and server side by side in a
-single program, in separate goroutines. This is only for example purposes, real
-AMQP applications would run in separate processes on the network.
-More realistic examples:
-Some of the documentation examples show client and server side by side in a
-single program, in separate goroutines. This is only for example purposes, real
-AMQP applications would run in separate processes on the network.
-More realistic examples:
-package electron
-//#cgo LDFLAGS: -lqpid-proton
-import "C"
-// Just for package comment
-There is a single proton.Engine per connection, each driving it's own event-loop goroutine,
-and each with a 'handler'. Most state for a connection is maintained on the handler, and
-only accessed in the event-loop goroutine, so no locks are required there.
-The handler sets up channels as needed to get or send data from user goroutines
-using electron types like Sender or Receiver.
-Engine.Inject injects actions into the event loop from user goroutines. It is
-important to check at the start of an injected function that required objects
-are still valid, for example a link may be remotely closed between the time a
-Sender function calls Inject and the time the injected function is execute by
-the handler goroutine.
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 294e952..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net"
-	"path"
-	""
-	"reflect"
-	"runtime"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-func fatalIf(t *testing.T, err error) {
-	if err != nil {
-		_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1) // annotate with location of caller.
-		if ok {
-			_, file = path.Split(file)
-		}
-		t.Fatalf("(from %s:%d) %v", file, line, err)
-	}
-func errorIf(t *testing.T, err error) {
-	if err != nil {
-		_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1) // annotate with location of caller.
-		if ok {
-			_, file = path.Split(file)
-		}
-		t.Errorf("(from %s:%d) %v", file, line, err)
-	}
-func checkEqual(want interface{}, got interface{}) error {
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
-		return fmt.Errorf("%#v != %#v", want, got)
-	}
-	return nil
-// Start a server, return listening addr and channel for incoming Connections.
-func newServer(t *testing.T, cont Container, opts ...ConnectionOption) (net.Addr, <-chan Connection) {
-	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
-	fatalIf(t, err)
-	addr := listener.Addr()
-	ch := make(chan Connection)
-	go func() {
-		conn, err := listener.Accept()
-		c, err := cont.Connection(conn, append([]ConnectionOption{Server()}, opts...)...)
-		fatalIf(t, err)
-		ch <- c
-	}()
-	return addr, ch
-// Open a client connection and session, return the session.
-func newClient(t *testing.T, cont Container, addr net.Addr, opts ...ConnectionOption) Session {
-	conn, err := net.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String())
-	fatalIf(t, err)
-	c, err := cont.Connection(conn, opts...)
-	fatalIf(t, err)
-	sn, err := c.Session()
-	fatalIf(t, err)
-	return sn
-// Return client and server ends of the same connection.
-func newClientServerOpts(t *testing.T, copts []ConnectionOption, sopts []ConnectionOption) (client Session, server Connection) {
-	addr, ch := newServer(t, NewContainer("test-server"), sopts...)
-	client = newClient(t, NewContainer("test-client"), addr, copts...)
-	return client, <-ch
-// Return client and server ends of the same connection.
-func newClientServer(t *testing.T) (client Session, server Connection) {
-	return newClientServerOpts(t, nil, nil)
-// Close client and server
-func closeClientServer(client Session, server Connection) {
-	client.Connection().Close(nil)
-	server.Close(nil)
-// Send a message one way with a client sender and server receiver, verify ack.
-func TestClientSendServerReceive(t *testing.T) {
-	nLinks := 3
-	nMessages := 3
-	rchan := make(chan Receiver, nLinks)
-	client, server := newClientServer(t)
-	go func() {
-		for in := range server.Incoming() {
-			switch in := in.(type) {
-			case *IncomingReceiver:
-				in.SetCapacity(1)
-				in.SetPrefetch(false)
-				rchan <- in.Accept().(Receiver)
-			default:
-				in.Accept()
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	defer func() { closeClientServer(client, server) }()
-	s := make([]Sender, nLinks)
-	for i := 0; i < nLinks; i++ {
-		var err error
-		s[i], err = client.Sender(Target(fmt.Sprintf("foo%d", i)))
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-	r := make([]Receiver, nLinks)
-	for i := 0; i < nLinks; i++ {
-		r[i] = <-rchan
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < nLinks; i++ {
-		for j := 0; j < nMessages; j++ {
-			// Client send
-			ack := make(chan Outcome, 1)
-			sendDone := make(chan struct{})
-			go func() {
-				defer close(sendDone)
-				m := amqp.NewMessageWith(fmt.Sprintf("foobar%v-%v", i, j))
-				var err error
-				s[i].SendAsync(m, ack, "testing")
-				if err != nil {
-					t.Fatal(err)
-				}
-			}()
-			// Server recieve
-			rm, err := r[i].Receive()
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Fatal(err)
-			}
-			if want, got := interface{}(fmt.Sprintf("foobar%v-%v", i, j)), rm.Message.Body(); want != got {
-				t.Errorf("%#v != %#v", want, got)
-			}
-			// Should not be acknowledged on client yet
-			<-sendDone
-			select {
-			case <-ack:
-				t.Errorf("unexpected ack")
-			default:
-			}
-			// Server send ack
-			if err := rm.Reject(); err != nil {
-				t.Error(err)
-			}
-			// Client get ack.
-			if a := <-ack; a.Value != "testing" || a.Error != nil || a.Status != Rejected {
-				t.Error("unexpected ack: ", a.Status, a.Error, a.Value)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func TestClientReceiver(t *testing.T) {
-	nMessages := 3
-	client, server := newClientServer(t)
-	go func() {
-		for in := range server.Incoming() {
-			switch in := in.(type) {
-			case *IncomingSender:
-				s := in.Accept().(Sender)
-				go func() {
-					for i := int32(0); i < int32(nMessages); i++ {
-						out := s.SendSync(amqp.NewMessageWith(i))
-						if out.Error != nil {
-							t.Error(out.Error)
-							return
-						}
-					}
-					s.Close(nil)
-				}()
-			default:
-				in.Accept()
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	r, err := client.Receiver(Source("foo"))
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	for i := int32(0); i < int32(nMessages); i++ {
-		rm, err := r.Receive()
-		if err != nil {
-			if err != Closed {
-				t.Error(err)
-			}
-			break
-		}
-		if err := rm.Accept(); err != nil {
-			t.Error(err)
-		}
-		if b, ok := rm.Message.Body().(int32); !ok || b != i {
-			t.Errorf("want %v, true got %v, %v", i, b, ok)
-		}
-	}
-	server.Close(nil)
-	client.Connection().Close(nil)
-// Test timeout versions of waiting functions.
-func TestTimeouts(t *testing.T) {
-	var err error
-	rchan := make(chan Receiver, 1)
-	client, server := newClientServer(t)
-	go func() {
-		for i := range server.Incoming() {
-			switch i := i.(type) {
-			case *IncomingReceiver:
-				i.SetCapacity(1)
-				i.SetPrefetch(false)
-				rchan <- i.Accept().(Receiver) // Issue credit only on receive
-			default:
-				i.Accept()
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	defer func() { closeClientServer(client, server) }()
-	// Open client sender
-	snd, err := client.Sender(Target("test"))
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	rcv := <-rchan
-	// Test send with timeout
-	short := time.Millisecond
-	long := time.Second
-	m := amqp.NewMessage()
-	if err := snd.SendSyncTimeout(m, 0).Error; err != Timeout { // No credit, expect timeout.
-		t.Error("want Timeout got", err)
-	}
-	if err := snd.SendSyncTimeout(m, short).Error; err != Timeout { // No credit, expect timeout.
-		t.Error("want Timeout got", err)
-	}
-	// Test receive with timeout
-	if _, err = rcv.ReceiveTimeout(0); err != Timeout { // No credit, expect timeout.
-		t.Error("want Timeout got", err)
-	}
-	// Test receive with timeout
-	if _, err = rcv.ReceiveTimeout(short); err != Timeout { // No credit, expect timeout.
-		t.Error("want Timeout got", err)
-	}
-	// There is now a credit on the link due to receive
-	ack := make(chan Outcome)
-	snd.SendAsyncTimeout(m, ack, nil, short)
-	// Disposition should timeout
-	select {
-	case <-ack:
-		t.Errorf("want Timeout got %#v", ack)
-	case <-time.After(short):
-	}
-	// Receive and accept
-	rm, err := rcv.ReceiveTimeout(long)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	if err := rm.Accept(); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	// Sender get ack
-	if a := <-ack; a.Status != Accepted || a.Error != nil {
-		t.Errorf("want (accepted, nil) got %#v", a)
-	}
-// A server that returns the opposite end of each client link via channels.
-type pairs struct {
-	t        *testing.T
-	client   Session
-	server   Connection
-	rchan    chan Receiver
-	schan    chan Sender
-	capacity int
-	prefetch bool
-func newPairs(t *testing.T, capacity int, prefetch bool) *pairs {
-	p := &pairs{t: t, rchan: make(chan Receiver, 1), schan: make(chan Sender, 1)}
-	p.client, p.server = newClientServer(t)
-	go func() {
-		for i := range p.server.Incoming() {
-			switch i := i.(type) {
-			case *IncomingReceiver:
-				i.SetCapacity(capacity)
-				i.SetPrefetch(prefetch)
-				p.rchan <- i.Accept().(Receiver)
-			case *IncomingSender:
-				p.schan <- i.Accept().(Sender)
-			default:
-				i.Accept()
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	return p
-func (p *pairs) close() {
-	closeClientServer(p.client, p.server)
-// Return a client sender and server receiver
-func (p *pairs) senderReceiver() (Sender, Receiver) {
-	snd, err := p.client.Sender()
-	fatalIf(p.t, err)
-	rcv := <-p.rchan
-	return snd, rcv
-// Return a client receiver and server sender
-func (p *pairs) receiverSender() (Receiver, Sender) {
-	rcv, err := p.client.Receiver()
-	fatalIf(p.t, err)
-	snd := <-p.schan
-	return rcv, snd
-type result struct {
-	label string
-	err   error
-	value interface{}
-func (r result) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", r.err, r.label) }
-func doSend(snd Sender, results chan result) {
-	err := snd.SendSync(amqp.NewMessage()).Error
-	results <- result{"send", err, nil}
-func doReceive(rcv Receiver, results chan result) {
-	msg, err := rcv.Receive()
-	results <- result{"receive", err, msg}
-func doDisposition(ack <-chan Outcome, results chan result) {
-	results <- result{"disposition", (<-ack).Error, nil}
-// Senders get credit immediately if receivers have prefetch set
-func TestSendReceivePrefetch(t *testing.T) {
-	pairs := newPairs(t, 1, true)
-	s, r := pairs.senderReceiver()
-	s.SendAsyncTimeout(amqp.NewMessage(), nil, nil, time.Second) // Should not block for credit.
-	if _, err := r.Receive(); err != nil {
-		t.Error(err)
-	}
-// Senders do not get credit till Receive() if receivers don't have prefetch
-func TestSendReceiveNoPrefetch(t *testing.T) {
-	pairs := newPairs(t, 1, false)
-	s, r := pairs.senderReceiver()
-	done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
-	go func() {
-		s.SendAsyncTimeout(amqp.NewMessage(), nil, nil, time.Second) // Should block for credit.
-		close(done)
-	}()
-	select {
-	case <-done:
-		t.Errorf("send should be blocked on credit")
-	default:
-		if _, err := r.Receive(); err != nil {
-			t.Error(err)
-		} else {
-			<-done
-		} // Should be unblocked now
-	}
-// Test that closing Links interrupts blocked link functions.
-func TestLinkCloseInterrupt(t *testing.T) {
-	want := amqp.Error{Name: "x", Description: "all bad"}
-	pairs := newPairs(t, 1, false)
-	results := make(chan result) // Collect expected errors
-	// Note closing the link does not interrupt Send() calls, the AMQP spec says
-	// that deliveries can be settled after the link is closed.
-	// Receiver.Close() interrupts Receive()
-	snd, rcv := pairs.senderReceiver()
-	go doReceive(rcv, results)
-	rcv.Close(want)
-	if r := <-results; want != r.err {
-		t.Errorf("want %#v got %#v", want, r)
-	}
-	// Remote Sender.Close() interrupts Receive()
-	snd, rcv = pairs.senderReceiver()
-	go doReceive(rcv, results)
-	snd.Close(want)
-	if r := <-results; want != r.err {
-		t.Errorf("want %#v got %#v", want, r)
-	}
-// Test closing the server end of a connection.
-func TestConnectionCloseInterrupt1(t *testing.T) {
-	want := amqp.Error{Name: "x", Description: "bad"}
-	pairs := newPairs(t, 1, true)
-	results := make(chan result) // Collect expected errors
-	// Connection.Close() interrupts Send, Receive, Disposition.
-	snd, rcv := pairs.senderReceiver()
-	go doSend(snd, results)
-	if _, err := rcv.Receive(); err != nil {
-		t.Error("receive", err)
-	}
-	rcv, snd = pairs.receiverSender()
-	go doReceive(rcv, results)
-	snd, rcv = pairs.senderReceiver()
-	ack := snd.SendWaitable(amqp.NewMessage())
-	if _, err := rcv.Receive(); err != nil {
-		t.Error("receive", err)
-	}
-	go doDisposition(ack, results)
-	pairs.server.Close(want)
-	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
-		if r := <-results; want != r.err {
-			t.Errorf("want %v got %v", want, r)
-		}
-	}
-// Test closing the client end of the connection.
-func TestConnectionCloseInterrupt2(t *testing.T) {
-	want := amqp.Error{Name: "x", Description: "bad"}
-	pairs := newPairs(t, 1, true)
-	results := make(chan result) // Collect expected errors
-	// Connection.Close() interrupts Send, Receive, Disposition.
-	snd, rcv := pairs.senderReceiver()
-	go doSend(snd, results)
-	if _, err := rcv.Receive(); err != nil {
-		t.Error("receive", err)
-	}
-	rcv, snd = pairs.receiverSender()
-	go doReceive(rcv, results)
-	snd, rcv = pairs.senderReceiver()
-	ack := snd.SendWaitable(amqp.NewMessage())
-	go doDisposition(ack, results)
-	pairs.client.Connection().Close(want)
-	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
-		if r := <-results; want != r.err {
-			t.Errorf("want %v got %v", want, r.err)
-		}
-	}
-func heartbeat(c Connection) time.Duration {
-	return c.(*connection).engine.Transport().RemoteIdleTimeout()
-func TestHeartbeat(t *testing.T) {
-	client, server := newClientServerOpts(t,
-		[]ConnectionOption{Heartbeat(102 * time.Millisecond)},
-		nil)
-	defer closeClientServer(client, server)
-	var serverHeartbeat time.Duration
-	go func() {
-		for in := range server.Incoming() {
-			switch in := in.(type) {
-			case *IncomingConnection:
-				serverHeartbeat = in.Heartbeat()
-				in.AcceptConnection(Heartbeat(101 * time.Millisecond))
-			default:
-				in.Accept()
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	// Freeze the server to stop it sending heartbeats.
-	unfreeze := make(chan bool)
-	defer close(unfreeze)
-	freeze := func() error { return server.(*connection).engine.Inject(func() { <-unfreeze }) }
-	fatalIf(t, client.Sync())
-	errorIf(t, checkEqual(101*time.Millisecond, heartbeat(client.Connection())))
-	errorIf(t, checkEqual(102*time.Millisecond, serverHeartbeat))
-	errorIf(t, client.Connection().Error())
-	// Freeze the server for less than a heartbeat
-	fatalIf(t, freeze())
-	time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
-	unfreeze <- true
-	// Make sure server is still responding.
-	s, err := client.Sender()
-	errorIf(t, err)
-	errorIf(t, s.Sync())
-	// Freeze the server till the client times out the connection
-	fatalIf(t, freeze())
-	select {
-	case <-client.Done():
-		if amqp.ResourceLimitExceeded != client.Error().(amqp.Error).Name {
-			t.Error("bad timeout error:", client.Error())
-		}
-	case <-time.After(400 * time.Millisecond):
-		t.Error("connection failed to time out")
-	}
-	unfreeze <- true // Unfreeze the server
-	<-server.Done()
-	if amqp.ResourceLimitExceeded != server.Error().(amqp.Error).Name {
-		t.Error("bad timeout error:", server.Error())
-	}
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca93e5b..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	""
-// Closed is an alias for io.EOF. It is returned as an error when an endpoint
-// was closed cleanly.
-var Closed = io.EOF
-// Endpoint is the local end of a communications channel to the remote peer
-// process.  The following interface implement Endpoint: Connection, Session,
-// Sender and Receiver.
-// You can create an endpoint with functions on Container, Connection and
-// Session. You can accept incoming endpoints from the remote peer using
-// Connection.Incoming()
-type Endpoint interface {
-	// Close an endpoint and signal an error to the remote end if error != nil.
-	Close(error)
-	// String is a human readable identifier, useful for debugging and logging.
-	String() string
-	// Error returns nil if the endpoint is open, otherwise returns an error.
-	// Error() == Closed means the endpoint was closed without error.
-	Error() error
-	// Connection is the connection associated with this endpoint.
-	Connection() Connection
-	// Done returns a channel that will close when the endpoint closes.
-	// After Done() has closed, Error() will return the reason for closing.
-	Done() <-chan struct{}
-	// Sync() waits for the remote peer to confirm the endpoint is active or
-	// reject it with an error. You can call it immediately on new endpoints
-	// for more predictable error handling.
-	//
-	// AMQP is an asynchronous protocol. It is legal to create an endpoint and
-	// start using it without waiting for confirmation. This avoids a needless
-	// delay in the non-error case and throughput by "assuming the best".
-	//
-	// However if there *is* an error, these "optimistic" actions will fail. The
-	// endpoint and its children will be closed with an error. The error will only
-	// be detected when you try to use one of these endpoints or call Sync()
-	Sync() error
-	// Called in handler goroutine when endpoint is remotely closed.
-	closed(err error) error
-	wakeSync()
-// Base implementation for Endpoint
-type endpoint struct {
-	err    proton.ErrorHolder
-	str    string // String() return value.
-	done   chan struct{}
-	active chan struct{}
-func (e *endpoint) init(s string) {
-	e.str = s
-	e.done = make(chan struct{})
- = make(chan struct{})
-// Called in proton goroutine on remote open.
-func (e *endpoint) wakeSync() {
-	select { // Close active channel if not already closed.
-	case <
-	default:
-		close(
-	}
-// Called in proton goroutine (from handler) on a Closed or Disconnected event.
-// Set err if there is not already an error on the endpoint.
-// Return Error()
-func (e *endpoint) closed(err error) error {
-	select {
-	case <-e.done:
-		// Already closed
-	default:
-		e.err.Set(err)
-		e.err.Set(Closed)
-		e.wakeSync() // Make sure we wake up Sync()
-		close(e.done)
-	}
-	return e.Error()
-func (e *endpoint) String() string { return e.str }
-func (e *endpoint) Error() error { return e.err.Get() }
-func (e *endpoint) Done() <-chan struct{} { return e.done }
-func (e *endpoint) Sync() error {
-	<
-	return e.Error()
-// Call in proton goroutine to initiate closing an endpoint locally
-// handler will complete the close when remote end closes.
-func localClose(ep proton.Endpoint, err error) {
-	if ep.State().LocalActive() {
-		proton.CloseError(ep, err)
-	}
-// Incoming is the interface for incoming endpoints, see Connection.Incoming()
-// Call Incoming.Accept() to open the endpoint or Incoming.Reject() to close it
-// with optional error
-// Implementing types are *IncomingConnection, *IncomingSession, *IncomingSender
-// and *IncomingReceiver. Each type provides methods to examine the incoming
-// endpoint request and set configuration options for the local endpoint
-// before calling Accept() or Reject()
-type Incoming interface {
-	// Accept and open the endpoint.
-	Accept() Endpoint
-	// Reject the endpoint with an error
-	Reject(error)
-	// wait for and call the accept function, call in proton goroutine.
-	wait() error
-	pEndpoint() proton.Endpoint
-type incoming struct {
-	pep      proton.Endpoint
-	acceptCh chan func() error
-func makeIncoming(e proton.Endpoint) incoming {
-	return incoming{pep: e, acceptCh: make(chan func() error)}
-func (in *incoming) String() string   { return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", in.pep.Type(), in.pep) }
-func (in *incoming) Reject(err error) { in.acceptCh <- func() error { return err } }
-// Call in proton goroutine, wait for and call the accept function.
-func (in *incoming) wait() error { return (<-in.acceptCh)() }
-func (in *incoming) pEndpoint() proton.Endpoint { return in.pep }
-// Called in app goroutine to send an accept function to proton and return the resulting endpoint.
-func (in *incoming) accept(f func() Endpoint) Endpoint {
-	done := make(chan Endpoint)
-	in.acceptCh <- func() error {
-		ep := f()
-		done <- ep
-		return nil
-	}
-	return <-done
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4dcfd94..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	"fmt"
-// assert panics if condition is false with optional formatted message
-func assert(condition bool, format ...interface{}) {
-	if !condition {
-		if len(format) > 0 {
-			panic(fmt.Errorf(format[0].(string), format[1:]...))
-		} else {
-			panic(fmt.Errorf("assertion failed"))
-		}
-	}
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package electron_test
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net"
-	""
-	""
-//  Print errors
-func check(msg string, err error) bool {
-	if err != nil {
-		fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", msg, err)
-	}
-	return err == nil
-func runServer(cont electron.Container, l net.Listener) {
-	for c, err := cont.Accept(l); check("accept connection", err); c, err = cont.Accept(l) {
-		go func() { // Process connections concurrently, accepting AMQP endpoints
-			for in := range c.Incoming() {
-				ep := in.Accept() // Accept all endpoints
-				go func() {       // Process endpoints concurrently
-					switch ep := ep.(type) {
-					case electron.Sender:
-						m := amqp.NewMessageWith("hello yourself")
-						fmt.Printf("server %q sending %q\n", ep.Source(), m.Body())
-						ep.SendForget(m) // One-way send, client does not need to Accept.
-					case electron.Receiver:
-						if rm, err := ep.Receive(); check("server receive", err) {
-							fmt.Printf("server %q received %q\n", ep.Target(), rm.Message.Body())
-							err := rm.Accept() // Client is waiting for Accept.
-							check("accept message", err)
-						}
-					}
-				}()
-			}
-		}()
-	}
-func startServer() (addr net.Addr) {
-	cont := electron.NewContainer("server")
-	if l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ""); check("listen", err) {
-		addr = l.Addr()
-		go runServer(cont, l)
-	}
-	return addr
-// Connect to addr and send/receive a message.
-func client(addr net.Addr) {
-	if c, err := electron.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String()); check("dial", err) {
-		defer c.Close(nil)
-		if s, err := c.Sender(electron.Target("target")); check("sender", err) {
-			fmt.Printf("client sending\n")
-			s.SendSync(amqp.NewMessageWith("hello")) // Send and wait for server to Accept()
-		}
-		if r, err := c.Receiver(electron.Source("source")); check("receiver", err) {
-			if rm, err := r.Receive(); err == nil {
-				fmt.Printf("client received %q\n", rm.Message.Body())
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Example client and server communicating via AMQP over a TCP/IP connection.
-// Normally client and server would be separate processes.
-// For more realistic examples:
-func Example_clientServer() {
-	addr := startServer()
-	client(addr)
-	// Output:
-	// client sending
-	// server "target" received "hello"
-	// server "source" sending "hello yourself"
-	// client received "hello yourself"
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deleted file mode 100644
index af1efd6..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	""
-	""
-// NOTE: methods in this file are called only in the proton goroutine unless otherwise indicated.
-type handler struct {
-	delegator    *proton.MessagingAdapter
-	connection   *connection
-	links        map[proton.Link]Endpoint
-	sentMessages map[proton.Delivery]sentMessage
-	sessions     map[proton.Session]*session
-func newHandler(c *connection) *handler {
-	h := &handler{
-		connection:   c,
-		links:        make(map[proton.Link]Endpoint),
-		sentMessages: make(map[proton.Delivery]sentMessage),
-		sessions:     make(map[proton.Session]*session),
-	}
-	h.delegator = proton.NewMessagingAdapter(h)
-	// Disable auto features of MessagingAdapter, we do these ourselves.
-	h.delegator.Prefetch = 0
-	h.delegator.AutoAccept = false
-	h.delegator.AutoSettle = false
-	h.delegator.AutoOpen = false
-	return h
-func (h *handler) linkError(l proton.Link, msg string) {
-	proton.CloseError(l, amqp.Errorf(amqp.InternalError, "%s for %s %s", msg, l.Type(), l))
-func (h *handler) HandleMessagingEvent(t proton.MessagingEvent, e proton.Event) {
-	switch t {
-	case proton.MMessage:
-		if r, ok := h.links[e.Link()].(*receiver); ok {
-			r.message(e.Delivery())
-		} else {
-			h.linkError(e.Link(), "no receiver")
-		}
-	case proton.MSettled:
-		if sm, ok := h.sentMessages[e.Delivery()]; ok {
-			d := e.Delivery().Remote()
-			sm.ack <- Outcome{sentStatus(d.Type()), d.Condition().Error(), sm.value}
-			delete(h.sentMessages, e.Delivery())
-		}
-	case proton.MSendable:
-		if s, ok := h.links[e.Link()].(*sender); ok {
-			s.sendable()
-		} else {
-			h.linkError(e.Link(), "no sender")
-		}
-	case proton.MConnectionOpening:
-		h.connection.heartbeat = e.Transport().RemoteIdleTimeout()
-		if e.Connection().State().LocalUninit() { // Remotely opened
-			h.incoming(newIncomingConnection(h.connection))
-		}
-		h.connection.wakeSync()
-	case proton.MSessionOpening:
-		if e.Session().State().LocalUninit() { // Remotely opened
-			h.incoming(newIncomingSession(h, e.Session()))
-		}
-		h.sessions[e.Session()].wakeSync()
-	case proton.MSessionClosed:
-		h.sessionClosed(e.Session(), proton.EndpointError(e.Session()))
-	case proton.MLinkOpening:
-		l := e.Link()
-		if ss := h.sessions[l.Session()]; ss != nil {
-			if l.State().LocalUninit() { // Remotely opened.
-				if l.IsReceiver() {
-					h.incoming(newIncomingReceiver(ss, l))
-				} else {
-					h.incoming(newIncomingSender(ss, l))
-				}
-			}
-			if ep, ok := h.links[l]; ok {
-				ep.wakeSync()
-			} else {
-				h.linkError(l, "no link")
-			}
-		} else {
-			h.linkError(l, "no session")
-		}
-	case proton.MLinkClosing:
-		e.Link().Close()
-	case proton.MLinkClosed:
-		h.linkClosed(e.Link(), proton.EndpointError(e.Link()))
-	case proton.MConnectionClosing:
-		h.connection.err.Set(e.Connection().RemoteCondition().Error())
-	case proton.MConnectionClosed:
-		h.shutdown(proton.EndpointError(e.Connection()))
-	case proton.MDisconnected:
-		err := e.Transport().Condition().Error()
-		if err == nil {
-			err = amqp.Errorf(amqp.IllegalState, "unexpected disconnect on %s", h.connection)
-		}
-		h.shutdown(err)
-	}
-func (h *handler) incoming(in Incoming) {
-	var err error
-	if h.connection.incoming != nil {
-		h.connection.incoming <- in
-		// Must block until accept/reject, subsequent events may use the incoming endpoint.
-		err = in.wait()
-	} else {
-		err = amqp.Errorf(amqp.NotAllowed, "rejected incoming %s %s",
-			in.pEndpoint().Type(), in.pEndpoint().String())
-	}
-	if err == nil {
-		in.pEndpoint().Open()
-	} else {
-		proton.CloseError(in.pEndpoint(), err)
-	}
-func (h *handler) addLink(pl proton.Link, el Endpoint) {
-	h.links[pl] = el
-func (h *handler) linkClosed(l proton.Link, err error) {
-	if link, ok := h.links[l]; ok {
-		_ = link.closed(err)
-		delete(h.links, l)
-		l.Free()
-	}
-func (h *handler) sessionClosed(ps proton.Session, err error) {
-	if s, ok := h.sessions[ps]; ok {
-		delete(h.sessions, ps)
-		err = s.closed(err)
-		for l, _ := range h.links {
-			if l.Session() == ps {
-				h.linkClosed(l, err)
-			}
-		}
-		ps.Free()
-	}
-func (h *handler) shutdown(err error) {
-	err = h.connection.closed(err)
-	for _, sm := range h.sentMessages {
-		// Don't block but ensure outcome is sent eventually.
-		if sm.ack != nil {
-			o := Outcome{Unacknowledged, err, sm.value}
-			select {
-			case sm.ack <- o:
-			default:
-				go func(ack chan<- Outcome) { ack <- o }(sm.ack) // Deliver it eventually
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	h.sentMessages = nil
-	for _, l := range h.links {
-		_ = l.closed(err)
-	}
-	h.links = nil
-	for _, s := range h.sessions {
-		_ = s.closed(err)
-	}
-	h.sessions = nil
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d17894..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	""
-// Settings associated with a link
-type LinkSettings interface {
-	// Source address that messages are coming from.
-	Source() string
-	// Target address that messages are going to.
-	Target() string
-	// Name is a unique name for the link among links between the same
-	// containers in the same direction. By default generated automatically.
-	LinkName() string
-	// IsSender is true if this is the sending end of the link.
-	IsSender() bool
-	// IsReceiver is true if this is the receiving end of the link.
-	IsReceiver() bool
-	// SndSettle defines when the sending end of the link settles message delivery.
-	SndSettle() SndSettleMode
-	// RcvSettle defines when the sending end of the link settles message delivery.
-	RcvSettle() RcvSettleMode
-	// Session containing the Link
-	Session() Session
-// LinkOption can be passed when creating a sender or receiver link to set optional configuration.
-type LinkOption func(*linkSettings)
-// Source returns a LinkOption that sets address that messages are coming from.
-func Source(s string) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { l.source = s } }
-// Target returns a LinkOption that sets address that messages are going to.
-func Target(s string) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { = s } }
-// LinkName returns a LinkOption that sets the link name.
-func LinkName(s string) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { = s } }
-// SndSettle returns a LinkOption that sets the send settle mode
-func SndSettle(m SndSettleMode) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { l.sndSettle = m } }
-// RcvSettle returns a LinkOption that sets the send settle mode
-func RcvSettle(m RcvSettleMode) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { l.rcvSettle = m } }
-// SndSettleMode returns a LinkOption that defines when the sending end of the
-// link settles message delivery.
-type SndSettleMode proton.SndSettleMode
-// Capacity returns a LinkOption that sets the link capacity
-func Capacity(n int) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { l.capacity = n } }
-// Prefetch returns a LinkOption that sets a receivers pre-fetch flag. Not relevant for a sender.
-func Prefetch(p bool) LinkOption { return func(l *linkSettings) { l.prefetch = p } }
-// AtMostOnce returns a LinkOption that sets "fire and forget" mode, messages
-// are sent but no acknowledgment is received, messages can be lost if there is
-// a network failure. Sets SndSettleMode=SendSettled and RcvSettleMode=RcvFirst
-func AtMostOnce() LinkOption {
-	return func(l *linkSettings) {
-		SndSettle(SndSettled)(l)
-		RcvSettle(RcvFirst)(l)
-	}
-// AtLeastOnce returns a LinkOption that requests acknowledgment for every
-// message, acknowledgment indicates the message was definitely received. In the
-// event of a failure, unacknowledged messages can be re-sent but there is a
-// chance that the message will be received twice in this case.  Sets
-// SndSettleMode=SndUnsettled and RcvSettleMode=RcvFirst
-func AtLeastOnce() LinkOption {
-	return func(l *linkSettings) {
-		SndSettle(SndUnsettled)(l)
-		RcvSettle(RcvFirst)(l)
-	}
-const (
-	// Messages are sent unsettled
-	SndUnsettled = SndSettleMode(proton.SndUnsettled)
-	// Messages are sent already settled
-	SndSettled = SndSettleMode(proton.SndSettled)
-	// Sender can send either unsettled or settled messages.
-	SendMixed = SndSettleMode(proton.SndMixed)
-// RcvSettleMode defines when the receiving end of the link settles message delivery.
-type RcvSettleMode proton.RcvSettleMode
-const (
-	// Receiver settles first.
-	RcvFirst = RcvSettleMode(proton.RcvFirst)
-	// Receiver waits for sender to settle before settling.
-	RcvSecond = RcvSettleMode(proton.RcvSecond)
-type linkSettings struct {
-	source    string
-	target    string
-	linkName  string
-	isSender  bool
-	sndSettle SndSettleMode
-	rcvSettle RcvSettleMode
-	capacity  int
-	prefetch  bool
-	session   *session
-	pLink     proton.Link
-type link struct {
-	endpoint
-	linkSettings
-func (l *linkSettings) Source() string           { return l.source }
-func (l *linkSettings) Target() string           { return }
-func (l *linkSettings) LinkName() string         { return l.linkName }
-func (l *linkSettings) IsSender() bool           { return l.isSender }
-func (l *linkSettings) IsReceiver() bool         { return !l.isSender }
-func (l *linkSettings) SndSettle() SndSettleMode { return l.sndSettle }
-func (l *linkSettings) RcvSettle() RcvSettleMode { return l.rcvSettle }
-func (l *link) Session() Session       { return l.session }
-func (l *link) Connection() Connection { return l.session.Connection() }
-func (l *link) engine() *proton.Engine { return l.session.connection.engine }
-func (l *link) handler() *handler      { return l.session.connection.handler }
-// Open a link and return the linkSettings.
-func makeLocalLink(sn *session, isSender bool, setting ...LinkOption) (linkSettings, error) {
-	l := linkSettings{
-		isSender: isSender,
-		capacity: 1,
-		prefetch: false,
-		session:  sn,
-	}
-	for _, set := range setting {
-		set(&l)
-	}
-	if l.linkName == "" {
-		l.linkName = l.session.connection.container.nextLinkName()
-	}
-	if l.IsSender() {
-		l.pLink = l.session.pSession.Sender(l.linkName)
-	} else {
-		l.pLink = l.session.pSession.Receiver(l.linkName)
-	}
-	if l.pLink.IsNil() {
-		return l, fmt.Errorf("cannot create link %s", l.pLink)
-	}
-	l.pLink.Source().SetAddress(l.source)
-	l.pLink.Target().SetAddress(
-	l.pLink.SetSndSettleMode(proton.SndSettleMode(l.sndSettle))
-	l.pLink.SetRcvSettleMode(proton.RcvSettleMode(l.rcvSettle))
-	l.pLink.Open()
-	return l, nil
-func makeIncomingLinkSettings(pLink proton.Link, sn *session) linkSettings {
-	return linkSettings{
-		isSender:  pLink.IsSender(),
-		source:    pLink.RemoteSource().Address(),
-		target:    pLink.RemoteTarget().Address(),
-		linkName:  pLink.Name(),
-		sndSettle: SndSettleMode(pLink.RemoteSndSettleMode()),
-		rcvSettle: RcvSettleMode(pLink.RemoteRcvSettleMode()),
-		capacity:  1,
-		prefetch:  false,
-		pLink:     pLink,
-		session:   sn,
-	}
-// Not part of Link interface but use by Sender and Receiver.
-func (l *link) Credit() (credit int, err error) {
-	err = l.engine().InjectWait(func() error {
-		if l.Error() != nil {
-			return l.Error()
-		}
-		credit = l.pLink.Credit()
-		return nil
-	})
-	return
-// Not part of Link interface but use by Sender and Receiver.
-func (l *link) Capacity() int { return l.capacity }
-func (l *link) Close(err error) {
-	_ = l.engine().Inject(func() {
-		if l.Error() == nil {
-			localClose(l.pLink, err)
-		}
-	})
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 781fd7c..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	""
-	""
-	"time"
-// Receiver is a Link that receives messages.
-type Receiver interface {
-	Endpoint
-	LinkSettings
-	// Receive blocks until a message is available or until the Receiver is closed
-	// and has no more buffered messages.
-	Receive() (ReceivedMessage, error)
-	// ReceiveTimeout is like Receive but gives up after timeout, see Timeout.
-	//
-	// Note that that if Prefetch is false, after a Timeout the credit issued by
-	// Receive remains on the link. It will be used by the next call to Receive.
-	ReceiveTimeout(timeout time.Duration) (ReceivedMessage, error)
-	// Prefetch==true means the Receiver will automatically issue credit to the
-	// remote sender to keep its buffer as full as possible, i.e. it will
-	// "pre-fetch" messages independently of the application calling
-	// Receive(). This gives good throughput for applications that handle a
-	// continuous stream of messages. Larger capacity may improve throughput, the
-	// optimal value depends on the characteristics of your application.
-	//
-	// Prefetch==false means the Receiver will issue only issue credit when you
-	// call Receive(), and will only issue enough credit to satisfy the calls
-	// actually made. This gives lower throughput but will not fetch any messages
-	// in advance. It is good for synchronous applications that need to evaluate
-	// each message before deciding whether to receive another. The
-	// request-response pattern is a typical example.  If you make concurrent
-	// calls to Receive with pre-fetch disabled, you can improve performance by
-	// setting the capacity close to the expected number of concurrent calls.
-	//
-	Prefetch() bool
-	// Capacity is the size (number of messages) of the local message buffer
-	// These are messages received but not yet returned to the application by a call to Receive()
-	Capacity() int
-// Receiver implementation
-type receiver struct {
-	link
-	buffer  chan ReceivedMessage
-	callers int
-func (r *receiver) Capacity() int  { return cap(r.buffer) }
-func (r *receiver) Prefetch() bool { return r.prefetch }
-// Call in proton goroutine
-func newReceiver(ls linkSettings) *receiver {
-	r := &receiver{link: link{linkSettings: ls}}
-	r.endpoint.init(
-	if r.capacity < 1 {
-		r.capacity = 1
-	}
-	r.buffer = make(chan ReceivedMessage, r.capacity)
-	r.handler().addLink(r.pLink, r)
-	if r.prefetch {
-		r.flow(r.maxFlow())
-	}
-	return r
-// Call in proton gorotine. Max additional credit we can request.
-func (r *receiver) maxFlow() int { return cap(r.buffer) - len(r.buffer) - r.pLink.Credit() }
-func (r *receiver) flow(credit int) {
-	if credit > 0 {
-		r.pLink.Flow(credit)
-	}
-// Inject flow check per-caller call when prefetch is off.
-// Called with inc=1 at start of call, inc = -1 at end
-func (r *receiver) caller(inc int) {
-	_ = r.engine().Inject(func() {
-		r.callers += inc
-		need := r.callers - (len(r.buffer) + r.pLink.Credit())
-		max := r.maxFlow()
-		if need > max {
-			need = max
-		}
-		r.flow(need)
-	})
-// Inject flow top-up if prefetch is enabled
-func (r *receiver) flowTopUp() {
-	if r.prefetch {
-		_ = r.engine().Inject(func() { r.flow(r.maxFlow()) })
-	}
-func (r *receiver) Receive() (rm ReceivedMessage, err error) {
-	return r.ReceiveTimeout(Forever)
-func (r *receiver) ReceiveTimeout(timeout time.Duration) (rm ReceivedMessage, err error) {
-	assert(r.buffer != nil, "Receiver is not open: %s", r)
-	if !r.prefetch { // Per-caller flow control
-		select { // Check for immediate availability, avoid caller() inject
-		case rm2, ok := <-r.buffer:
-			if ok {
-				rm = rm2
-			} else {
-				err = r.Error()
-			}
-			return
-		default: // Not immediately available, inject caller() counts
-			r.caller(+1)
-			defer r.caller(-1)
-		}
-	}
-	rmi, err := timedReceive(r.buffer, timeout)
-	switch err {
-	case nil:
-		r.flowTopUp()
-		rm = rmi.(ReceivedMessage)
-	case Closed:
-		err = r.Error()
-	}
-	return
-// Called in proton goroutine on MMessage event.
-func (r *receiver) message(delivery proton.Delivery) {
-	if r.pLink.State().RemoteClosed() {
-		localClose(r.pLink, r.pLink.RemoteCondition().Error())
-		return
-	}
-	if delivery.HasMessage() {
-		m, err := delivery.Message()
-		if err != nil {
-			localClose(r.pLink, err)
-			return
-		}
-		assert(m != nil)
-		r.pLink.Advance()
-		if r.pLink.Credit() < 0 {
-			localClose(r.pLink, fmt.Errorf("received message in excess of credit limit"))
-		} else {
-			// We never issue more credit than cap(buffer) so this will not block.
-			r.buffer <- ReceivedMessage{m, delivery, r}
-		}
-	}
-func (r *receiver) closed(err error) error {
-	e :=
-	if r.buffer != nil {
-		close(r.buffer)
-	}
-	return e
-// ReceivedMessage contains an amqp.Message and allows the message to be acknowledged.
-type ReceivedMessage struct {
-	// Message is the received message.
-	Message amqp.Message
-	pDelivery proton.Delivery
-	receiver  Receiver
-// Acknowledge a ReceivedMessage with the given delivery status.
-func (rm *ReceivedMessage) acknowledge(status uint64) error {
-	return rm.receiver.(*receiver).engine().Inject(func() {
-		// Deliveries are valid as long as the connection is, unless settled.
-		rm.pDelivery.SettleAs(uint64(status))
-	})
-// Accept tells the sender that we take responsibility for processing the message.
-func (rm *ReceivedMessage) Accept() error { return rm.acknowledge(proton.Accepted) }
-// Reject tells the sender we consider the message invalid and unusable.
-func (rm *ReceivedMessage) Reject() error { return rm.acknowledge(proton.Rejected) }
-// Release tells the sender we will not process the message but some other
-// receiver might.
-func (rm *ReceivedMessage) Release() error { return rm.acknowledge(proton.Released) }
-// IncomingReceiver is sent on the Connection.Incoming() channel when there is
-// an incoming request to open a receiver link.
-type IncomingReceiver struct {
-	incoming
-	linkSettings
-func newIncomingReceiver(sn *session, pLink proton.Link) *IncomingReceiver {
-	return &IncomingReceiver{
-		incoming:     makeIncoming(pLink),
-		linkSettings: makeIncomingLinkSettings(pLink, sn),
-	}
-// SetCapacity sets the capacity of the incoming receiver, call before Accept()
-func (in *IncomingReceiver) SetCapacity(capacity int) { in.capacity = capacity }
-// SetPrefetch sets the pre-fetch mode of the incoming receiver, call before Accept()
-func (in *IncomingReceiver) SetPrefetch(prefetch bool) { in.prefetch = prefetch }
-// Accept accepts an incoming receiver endpoint
-func (in *IncomingReceiver) Accept() Endpoint {
-	return in.accept(func() Endpoint { return newReceiver(in.linkSettings) })
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deleted file mode 100644
index f46fdc4..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-// #include <proton/disposition.h>
-import "C"
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	""
-	""
-	"time"
-// Sender is a Link that sends messages.
-// The result of sending a message is provided by an Outcome value.
-// A sender can buffer messages up to the credit limit provided by the remote receiver.
-// All the Send* methods will block if the buffer is full until there is space.
-// Send*Timeout methods will give up after the timeout and set Timeout as Outcome.Error.
-type Sender interface {
-	Endpoint
-	LinkSettings
-	// SendSync sends a message and blocks until the message is acknowledged by the remote receiver.
-	// Returns an Outcome, which may contain an error if the message could not be sent.
-	SendSync(m amqp.Message) Outcome
-	// SendWaitable puts a message in the send buffer and returns a channel that
-	// you can use to wait for the Outcome of just that message. The channel is
-	// buffered so you can receive from it whenever you want without blocking.
-	//
-	// Note: can block if there is no space to buffer the message.
-	SendWaitable(m amqp.Message) <-chan Outcome
-	// SendForget buffers a message for sending and returns, with no notification of the outcome.
-	//
-	// Note: can block if there is no space to buffer the message.
-	SendForget(m amqp.Message)
-	// SendAsync puts a message in the send buffer and returns immediately.  An
-	// Outcome with Value = value will be sent to the ack channel when the remote
-	// receiver has acknowledged the message or if there is an error.
-	//
-	// You can use the same ack channel for many calls to SendAsync(), possibly on
-	// many Senders. The channel will receive the outcomes in the order they
-	// become available. The channel should be buffered and/or served by dedicated
-	// goroutines to avoid blocking the connection.
-	//
-	// If ack == nil no Outcome is sent.
-	//
-	// Note: can block if there is no space to buffer the message.
-	SendAsync(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, value interface{})
-	SendAsyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, value interface{}, timeout time.Duration)
-	SendWaitableTimeout(m amqp.Message, timeout time.Duration) <-chan Outcome
-	SendForgetTimeout(m amqp.Message, timeout time.Duration)
-	SendSyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, timeout time.Duration) Outcome
-// Outcome provides information about the outcome of sending a message.
-type Outcome struct {
-	// Status of the message: was it sent, how was it acknowledged.
-	Status SentStatus
-	// Error is a local error if Status is Unsent or Unacknowledged, a remote error otherwise.
-	Error error
-	// Value provided by the application in SendAsync()
-	Value interface{}
-func (o Outcome) send(ack chan<- Outcome) {
-	if ack != nil {
-		ack <- o
-	}
-// SentStatus indicates the status of a sent message.
-type SentStatus int
-const (
-	// Message was never sent
-	Unsent SentStatus = iota
-	// Message was sent but never acknowledged. It may or may not have been received.
-	Unacknowledged
-	// Message was accepted by the receiver (or was sent pre-settled, accept is assumed)
-	Accepted
-	// Message was rejected as invalid by the receiver
-	Rejected
-	// Message was not processed by the receiver but may be valid for a different receiver
-	Released
-	// Receiver responded with an unrecognized status.
-	Unknown
-// String human readable name for SentStatus.
-func (s SentStatus) String() string {
-	switch s {
-	case Unsent:
-		return "unsent"
-	case Unacknowledged:
-		return "unacknowledged"
-	case Accepted:
-		return "accepted"
-	case Rejected:
-		return "rejected"
-	case Released:
-		return "released"
-	case Unknown:
-		return "unknown"
-	default:
-		return fmt.Sprintf("invalid(%d)", s)
-	}
-// Convert proton delivery state code to SentStatus value
-func sentStatus(d uint64) SentStatus {
-	switch d {
-	case proton.Accepted:
-		return Accepted
-	case proton.Rejected:
-		return Rejected
-	case proton.Released, proton.Modified:
-		return Released
-	default:
-		return Unknown
-	}
-// Sender implementation, held by handler.
-type sender struct {
-	link
-	credit chan struct{} // Signal available credit.
-func (s *sender) SendAsyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, v interface{}, t time.Duration) {
-	// wait for credit
-	if _, err := timedReceive(, t); err != nil {
-		if err == Closed && s.Error() != nil {
-			err = s.Error()
-		}
-		Outcome{Unsent, err, v}.send(ack)
-		return
-	}
-	// Send a message in handler goroutine
-	err := s.engine().Inject(func() {
-		if s.Error() != nil {
-			Outcome{Unsent, s.Error(), v}.send(ack)
-			return
-		}
-		delivery, err2 := s.pLink.Send(m)
-		switch {
-		case err2 != nil:
-			Outcome{Unsent, err2, v}.send(ack)
-		case ack == nil || s.SndSettle() == SndSettled: // Pre-settled
-			if s.SndSettle() != SndUnsettled { // Not forced to send unsettled by link policy
-				delivery.Settle()
-			}
-			Outcome{Accepted, nil, v}.send(ack) // Assume accepted
-		default:
-			s.handler().sentMessages[delivery] = sentMessage{ack, v} // Register with handler
-		}
-		if s.pLink.Credit() > 0 { // Signal there is still credit
-			s.sendable()
-		}
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		Outcome{Unsent, err, v}.send(ack)
-	}
-// Set credit flag if not already set. Non-blocking, any goroutine
-func (s *sender) sendable() {
-	select { // Non-blocking
-	case <- struct{}{}:
-	default:
-	}
-func (s *sender) SendWaitableTimeout(m amqp.Message, t time.Duration) <-chan Outcome {
-	out := make(chan Outcome, 1)
-	s.SendAsyncTimeout(m, out, nil, t)
-	return out
-func (s *sender) SendForgetTimeout(m amqp.Message, t time.Duration) {
-	s.SendAsyncTimeout(m, nil, nil, t)
-func (s *sender) SendSyncTimeout(m amqp.Message, t time.Duration) Outcome {
-	deadline := time.Now().Add(t)
-	ack := s.SendWaitableTimeout(m, t)
-	t = deadline.Sub(time.Now()) // Adjust for time already spent.
-	if t < 0 {
-		t = 0
-	}
-	if out, err := timedReceive(ack, t); err == nil {
-		return out.(Outcome)
-	} else {
-		if err == Closed && s.Error() != nil {
-			err = s.Error()
-		}
-		return Outcome{Unacknowledged, err, nil}
-	}
-func (s *sender) SendAsync(m amqp.Message, ack chan<- Outcome, v interface{}) {
-	s.SendAsyncTimeout(m, ack, v, Forever)
-func (s *sender) SendWaitable(m amqp.Message) <-chan Outcome {
-	return s.SendWaitableTimeout(m, Forever)
-func (s *sender) SendForget(m amqp.Message) {
-	s.SendForgetTimeout(m, Forever)
-func (s *sender) SendSync(m amqp.Message) Outcome {
-	return <-s.SendWaitable(m)
-// handler goroutine
-func (s *sender) closed(err error) error {
-	close(
-	return
-func newSender(ls linkSettings) *sender {
-	s := &sender{link: link{linkSettings: ls}, credit: make(chan struct{}, 1)}
-	s.endpoint.init(
-	s.handler().addLink(s.pLink, s)
-	return s
-// sentMessage records a sent message on the handler.
-type sentMessage struct {
-	ack   chan<- Outcome
-	value interface{}
-// IncomingSender is sent on the Connection.Incoming() channel when there is
-// an incoming request to open a sender link.
-type IncomingSender struct {
-	incoming
-	linkSettings
-func newIncomingSender(sn *session, pLink proton.Link) *IncomingSender {
-	return &IncomingSender{
-		incoming:     makeIncoming(pLink),
-		linkSettings: makeIncomingLinkSettings(pLink, sn),
-	}
-// Accept accepts an incoming sender endpoint
-func (in *IncomingSender) Accept() Endpoint {
-	return in.accept(func() Endpoint { return newSender(in.linkSettings) })
-// Call in injected functions to check if the sender is valid.
-func (s *sender) valid() bool {
-	s2, ok := s.handler().links[s.pLink].(*sender)
-	return ok && s2 == s
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dae354..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	""
-// Session is an AMQP session, it contains Senders and Receivers.
-type Session interface {
-	Endpoint
-	// Sender opens a new sender.
-	Sender(...LinkOption) (Sender, error)
-	// Receiver opens a new Receiver.
-	Receiver(...LinkOption) (Receiver, error)
-type session struct {
-	endpoint
-	pSession                         proton.Session
-	connection                       *connection
-	incomingCapacity, outgoingWindow uint
-// SessionOption can be passed when creating a Session
-type SessionOption func(*session)
-// IncomingCapacity returns a Session Option that sets the size (in bytes) of
-// the session's incoming data buffer.
-func IncomingCapacity(bytes uint) SessionOption {
-	return func(s *session) { s.incomingCapacity = bytes }
-// OutgoingWindow returns a Session Option that sets the outgoing window size (in frames).
-func OutgoingWindow(frames uint) SessionOption {
-	return func(s *session) { s.outgoingWindow = frames }
-// in proton goroutine
-func newSession(c *connection, es proton.Session, setting ...SessionOption) *session {
-	s := &session{
-		connection: c,
-		pSession:   es,
-	}
-	s.endpoint.init(es.String())
-	for _, set := range setting {
-		set(s)
-	}
-	c.handler.sessions[s.pSession] = s
-	s.pSession.SetIncomingCapacity(s.incomingCapacity)
-	s.pSession.SetOutgoingWindow(s.outgoingWindow)
-	s.pSession.Open()
-	return s
-func (s *session) Connection() Connection     { return s.connection }
-func (s *session) pEndpoint() proton.Endpoint { return s.pSession }
-func (s *session) engine() *proton.Engine     { return s.connection.engine }
-func (s *session) Close(err error) {
-	_ = s.engine().Inject(func() {
-		if s.Error() == nil {
-			localClose(s.pSession, err)
-		}
-	})
-func (s *session) Sender(setting ...LinkOption) (snd Sender, err error) {
-	err = s.engine().InjectWait(func() error {
-		if s.Error() != nil {
-			return s.Error()
-		}
-		l, err := makeLocalLink(s, true, setting...)
-		if err == nil {
-			snd = newSender(l)
-		}
-		return err
-	})
-	return
-func (s *session) Receiver(setting ...LinkOption) (rcv Receiver, err error) {
-	err = s.engine().InjectWait(func() error {
-		if s.Error() != nil {
-			return s.Error()
-		}
-		l, err := makeLocalLink(s, false, setting...)
-		if err == nil {
-			rcv = newReceiver(l)
-		}
-		return err
-	})
-	return
-// IncomingSender is sent on the Connection.Incoming() channel when there is an
-// incoming request to open a session.
-type IncomingSession struct {
-	incoming
-	h                                *handler
-	pSession                         proton.Session
-	incomingCapacity, outgoingWindow uint
-func newIncomingSession(h *handler, ps proton.Session) *IncomingSession {
-	return &IncomingSession{incoming: makeIncoming(ps), h: h, pSession: ps}
-// SetIncomingCapacity sets the session buffer capacity of an incoming session in bytes.
-func (in *IncomingSession) SetIncomingCapacity(bytes uint) { in.incomingCapacity = bytes }
-// SetOutgoingWindow sets the session outgoing window of an incoming session in frames.
-func (in *IncomingSession) SetOutgoingWindow(frames uint) { in.outgoingWindow = frames }
-// Accept an incoming session endpoint.
-func (in *IncomingSession) Accept() Endpoint {
-	return in.accept(func() Endpoint {
-		return newSession(in.h.connection, in.pSession, IncomingCapacity(in.incomingCapacity), OutgoingWindow(in.outgoingWindow))
-	})
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deleted file mode 100644
index 51bfbc5..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package electron
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"math"
-	"reflect"
-	"time"
-// Timeout is the error returned if an operation does not complete on time.
-// Methods named *Timeout in this package take time.Duration timeout parameter.
-// If timeout > 0 and there is no result available before the timeout, they
-// return a zero or nil value and Timeout as an error.
-// If timeout == 0 they will return a result if one is immediatley available or
-// nil/zero and Timeout as an error if not.
-// If timeout == Forever the function will return only when there is a result or
-// some non-timeout error occurs.
-var Timeout = fmt.Errorf("timeout")
-// Forever can be used as a timeout parameter to indicate wait forever.
-const Forever time.Duration = math.MaxInt64
-// timedReceive receives on channel (which can be a chan of any type), waiting
-// up to timeout.
-// timeout==0 means do a non-blocking receive attempt. timeout < 0 means block
-// forever. Other values mean block up to the timeout.
-// Returns error Timeout on timeout, Closed on channel close.
-func timedReceive(channel interface{}, timeout time.Duration) (interface{}, error) {
-	cases := []reflect.SelectCase{
-		reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(channel)},
-	}
-	if timeout == 0 { // Non-blocking
-		cases = append(cases, reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectDefault})
-	} else { // Block up to timeout
-		cases = append(cases,
-			reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(After(timeout))})
-	}
-	chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
-	switch {
-	case chosen == 0 && ok:
-		return value.Interface(), nil
-	case chosen == 0 && !ok:
-		return nil, Closed
-	default:
-		return nil, Timeout
-	}
-// After is like time.After but returns a nil channel if timeout == Forever
-// since selecting on a nil channel will never return.
-func After(timeout time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
-	if timeout == Forever {
-		return nil
-	} else {
-		return time.After(timeout)
-	}
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 083f701..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-Package proton wraps Proton-C, an event-driven, concurrent-unsafe AMQP 1.0
-C library (package 'electron' is more "Go-like" and concurrent-safe)
-Consult the C API documentation at for more
-information about the types here. There is a 1-1 correspondence between C type
-pn_foo_t and Go type proton.Foo, and between C function
-    pn_foo_do_something(pn_foo_t*, ...)
-and Go method
-    func (proton.Foo) DoSomething(...)
-The proton.Engine type pumps data between a Go net.Conn and a proton event loop
-goroutine that feeds events to a proton.MessagingHandler, which you must implement.
-See the Engine documentation for more.
-MessagingHandler defines an event handling interface that you can implement to
-react to AMQP protocol events. There is also a lower-level EventHandler, but
-MessagingHandler provides a simpler set of events and automates common tasks for you,
-for most applications it will be more convenient.
-NOTE: Methods on most types defined in this package (Sessions, Links etc.)  can
-*only* be called in the event handler goroutine of the relevant
-Connection/Engine, either by the HandleEvent method of a handler type or in a
-function injected into the goroutine via Inject() or InjectWait() Handlers and
-injected functions can set up channels to communicate with other goroutines.
-Note the Injecter associated with a handler available as part of the Event value
-passed to HandleEvent.
-Separate Engine instances are independent, and can run concurrently.
-The 'electron' package is built on the proton package but instead offers a
-concurrent-safe API that can use simple procedural loops rather than event
-handlers to express application logic. It is easier to use for most
-package proton
-// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lqpid-proton
-import "C"
-// This file is just for the package comment.
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f0093..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-package proton
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net"
-	"os"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"unsafe"
-#include <proton/connection.h>
-#include <proton/event.h>
-#include <proton/error.h>
-#include <proton/handlers.h>
-#include <proton/session.h>
-#include <proton/transport.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-import "C"
-// Injecter allows functions to be "injected" into the event-processing loop, to
-// be called in the same goroutine as event handlers.
-type Injecter interface {
-	// Inject a function into the engine goroutine.
-	//
-	// f() will be called in the same goroutine as event handlers, so it can safely
-	// use values belonging to event handlers without synchronization. f() should
-	// not block, no further events or injected functions can be processed until
-	// f() returns.
-	//
-	// Returns a non-nil error if the function could not be injected and will
-	// never be called. Otherwise the function will eventually be called.
-	//
-	// Note that proton values (Link, Session, Connection etc.) that existed when
-	// Inject(f) was called may have become invalid by the time f() is executed.
-	// Handlers should handle keep track of Closed events to ensure proton values
-	// are not used after they become invalid. One technique is to have map from
-	// proton values to application values. Check that the map has the correct
-	// proton/application value pair at the start of the injected function and
-	// delete the value from the map when handling a Closed event.
-	Inject(f func()) error
-	// InjectWait is like Inject but does not return till f() has completed.
-	// If f() cannot be injected it returns the error from Inject(), otherwise
-	// it returns the error from f()
-	InjectWait(f func() error) error
-// Engine reads from a net.Conn, decodes AMQP events and calls the appropriate
-// Handler functions sequentially in a single goroutine. Actions taken by
-// Handler functions (such as sending messages) are encoded and written to the
-// net.Conn. You can create multiple Engines to handle multiple connections
-// concurrently.
-// You implement the EventHandler and/or MessagingHandler interfaces and provide
-// those values to NewEngine(). Their HandleEvent method will be called in the
-// event-handling goroutine.
-// Handlers can pass values from an event (Connections, Links, Deliveries etc.) to
-// other goroutines, store them, or use them as map indexes. Effectively they are
-// just pointers.  Other goroutines cannot call their methods directly but they can
-// can create a function closure to call such methods and pass it to Engine.Inject()
-// to have it evaluated in the engine goroutine.
-// You are responsible for ensuring you don't use an event value after it is
-// invalid. The handler methods will tell you when a value is no longer valid. For
-// example after a LinkClosed event, that link is no longer valid. If you do
-// Link.Close() yourself (in a handler or injected function) the link remains valid
-// until the corresponing LinkClosed event is received by the handler.
-// Engine.Close() will take care of cleaning up any remaining values when you are
-// done with the Engine. All values associated with a engine become invalid when you
-// call Engine.Close()
-// The package will do all this for you, so it
-// may be a better choice for some applications.
-type Engine struct {
-	// Error is set on exit from Run() if there was an error.
-	err    ErrorHolder
-	inject chan func()
-	conn       net.Conn
-	connection Connection
-	transport  Transport
-	collector  *C.pn_collector_t
-	handlers   []EventHandler // Handlers for proton events.
-	running    chan struct{}  // This channel will be closed when the goroutines are done.
-	closeOnce  sync.Once
-	timer      *time.Timer
-	traceEvent bool
-const bufferSize = 4096
-func envBool(name string) bool {
-	v := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv(name))
-	return v == "true" || v == "1" || v == "yes" || v == "on"
-// Create a new Engine and call Initialize() with conn and handlers
-func NewEngine(conn net.Conn, handlers ...EventHandler) (*Engine, error) {
-	eng := &Engine{}
-	return eng, eng.Initialize(conn, handlers...)
-// Initialize an Engine with a connection and handlers. Start it with Run()
-func (eng *Engine) Initialize(conn net.Conn, handlers ...EventHandler) error {
-	eng.inject = make(chan func())
-	eng.conn = conn
-	eng.connection = Connection{C.pn_connection()}
-	eng.transport = Transport{C.pn_transport()}
-	eng.collector = C.pn_collector()
-	eng.handlers = handlers
-	eng.running = make(chan struct{})
-	eng.timer = time.NewTimer(0)
-	eng.traceEvent = envBool("PN_TRACE_EVT")
-	if eng.transport.IsNil() || eng.connection.IsNil() || eng.collector == nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("proton.NewEngine cannot allocate")
-	}
-	C.pn_connection_collect(, eng.collector)
-	return nil
-// Create a byte slice backed by C memory.
-// Empty or error (size <= 0) returns a nil byte slice.
-func cByteSlice(start unsafe.Pointer, size int) []byte {
-	if start == nil || size <= 0 {
-		return nil
-	} else {
-		// Slice from very large imaginary array in C memory
-		return (*[1 << 30]byte)(start)[:size:size]
-	}
-func (eng *Engine) Connection() Connection {
-	return eng.connection
-func (eng *Engine) Transport() Transport {
-	return eng.transport
-func (eng *Engine) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s-%s", eng.Id(), eng.conn.LocalAddr(), eng.conn.RemoteAddr())
-func (eng *Engine) Id() string {
-	// Use transport address to match default PN_TRACE_FRM=1 output.
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%p", eng.Transport().CPtr())
-func (eng *Engine) Error() error {
-	return eng.err.Get()
-// Inject a function into the Engine's event loop.
-// f() will be called in the same event-processing goroutine that calls Handler
-// methods. f() can safely call methods on values that belong to this engine
-// (Sessions, Links etc)
-// The injected function has no parameters or return values. It is normally a
-// closure and can use channels to communicate with the injecting goroutine if
-// necessary.
-// Returns a non-nil error if the engine is closed before the function could be
-// injected.
-func (eng *Engine) Inject(f func()) error {
-	select {
-	case eng.inject <- f:
-		return nil
-	case <-eng.running:
-		return eng.Error()
-	}
-// InjectWait is like Inject but does not return till f() has completed or the
-// engine is closed, and returns an error value from f()
-func (eng *Engine) InjectWait(f func() error) error {
-	done := make(chan error)
-	defer close(done)
-	err := eng.Inject(func() { done <- f() })
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	select {
-	case <-eng.running:
-		return eng.Error()
-	case err := <-done:
-		return err
-	}
-// Server puts the Engine in server mode, meaning it will auto-detect security settings on
-// the incoming connnection such as use of SASL and SSL.
-// Must be called before Run()
-func (eng *Engine) Server() { eng.Transport().SetServer() }
-func (eng *Engine) disconnect(err error) {
-	cond := eng.Transport().Condition()
-	cond.SetError(err)              // Set the provided error.
-	cond.SetError(eng.conn.Close()) // Use connection error if cond is not already set.
-	eng.transport.CloseTail()
-	eng.transport.CloseHead()
-// Close the engine's connection.
-// If err != nil pass it to the remote end as the close condition.
-// Returns when the remote end closes or disconnects.
-func (eng *Engine) Close(err error) {
-	_ = eng.Inject(func() { CloseError(eng.Connection(), err) })
-	<-eng.running
-// CloseTimeout like Close but disconnect if the remote end doesn't close within timeout.
-func (eng *Engine) CloseTimeout(err error, timeout time.Duration) {
-	_ = eng.Inject(func() { CloseError(eng.Connection(), err) })
-	select {
-	case <-eng.running:
-	case <-time.After(timeout):
-		eng.Disconnect(err)
-	}
-// Disconnect the engine's connection immediately without an AMQP close.
-// Process any termination events before returning.
-func (eng *Engine) Disconnect(err error) {
-	_ = eng.Inject(func() { eng.disconnect(err) })
-	<-eng.running
-// Let proton run timed activity and set up the next tick
-func (eng *Engine) tick() {
-	now := time.Now()
-	next := eng.Transport().Tick(now)
-	if !next.IsZero() {
-		eng.timer.Reset(next.Sub(now))
-	}
-func (eng *Engine) dispatch() bool {
-	for ce := C.pn_collector_peek(eng.collector); ce != nil; ce = C.pn_collector_peek(eng.collector) {
-		e := makeEvent(ce, eng)
-		if eng.traceEvent {
-			eng.transport.Log(e.String())
-		}
-		for _, h := range eng.handlers {
-			h.HandleEvent(e)
-		}
-		if e.Type() == EConnectionRemoteOpen {
-			eng.tick() // Update the tick if changed by remote.
-		}
-		C.pn_collector_pop(eng.collector)
-	}
-	return !eng.transport.Closed() || C.pn_collector_peek(eng.collector) != nil
-func (eng *Engine) writeBuffer() []byte {
-	size := eng.Transport().Pending() // Evaluate before Head(), may change buffer.
-	start := eng.Transport().Head()
-	return cByteSlice(start, size)
-func (eng *Engine) readBuffer() []byte {
-	size := eng.Transport().Capacity()
-	start := eng.Transport().Tail()
-	return cByteSlice(start, size)
-func (eng *Engine) free() {
-	if !eng.transport.IsNil() {
-		eng.transport.Unbind()
-		eng.transport.Free()
-		eng.transport = Transport{}
-	}
-	if !eng.connection.IsNil() {
-		eng.connection.Free()
-		eng.connection = Connection{}
-	}
-	if eng.collector != nil {
-		C.pn_collector_release(eng.collector)
-		C.pn_collector_free(eng.collector)
-		eng.collector = nil
-	}
-// Run the engine. Engine.Run() will exit when the engine is closed or
-// disconnected.  You can check for errors after exit with Engine.Error().
-func (eng *Engine) Run() error {
-	defer
-	eng.transport.Bind(eng.connection)
-	eng.tick() // Start ticking if needed
-	// Channels for read and write buffers going in and out of the read/write goroutines.
-	// The channels are unbuffered: we want to exchange buffers in seuquence.
-	readsIn, writesIn := make(chan []byte), make(chan []byte)
-	readsOut, writesOut := make(chan []byte), make(chan []byte)
-	wait := sync.WaitGroup{}
-	wait.Add(2) // Read and write goroutines
-	go func() { // Read goroutine
-		defer wait.Done()
-		for {
-			rbuf, ok := <-readsIn
-			if !ok {
-				return
-			}
-			n, err := eng.conn.Read(rbuf)
-			if n > 0 {
-				readsOut <- rbuf[:n]
-			} else if err != nil {
-				_ = eng.Inject(func() {
-					eng.Transport().Condition().SetError(err)
-					eng.Transport().CloseTail()
-				})
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	go func() { // Write goroutine
-		defer wait.Done()
-		for {
-			wbuf, ok := <-writesIn
-			if !ok {
-				return
-			}
-			n, err := eng.conn.Write(wbuf)
-			if n > 0 {
-				writesOut <- wbuf[:n]
-			} else if err != nil {
-				_ = eng.Inject(func() {
-					eng.Transport().Condition().SetError(err)
-					eng.Transport().CloseHead()
-				})
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	for eng.dispatch() {
-		readBuf := eng.readBuffer()
-		writeBuf := eng.writeBuffer()
-		// Note that getting the buffers can generate events (eg. SASL events) that
-		// might close the transport. Check if we are already finished before
-		// blocking for IO.
-		if !eng.dispatch() {
-			break
-		}
-		// sendReads/sendWrites are nil (not sendable in select) unless we have a
-		// buffer to read/write
-		var sendReads, sendWrites chan []byte
-		if readBuf != nil {
-			sendReads = readsIn
-		}
-		if writeBuf != nil {
-			sendWrites = writesIn
-		}
-		// Send buffers to the read/write goroutines if we have them.
-		// Get buffers from the read/write goroutines and process them
-		// Check for injected functions
-		select {
-		case sendReads <- readBuf:
-		case sendWrites <- writeBuf:
-		case buf := <-readsOut:
-			eng.transport.Process(uint(len(buf)))
-		case buf := <-writesOut:
-			eng.transport.Pop(uint(len(buf)))
-		case f, ok := <-eng.inject: // Function injected from another goroutine
-			if ok {
-				f()
-			}
-		case <-eng.timer.C:
-			eng.tick()
-		}
-	}
-	eng.err.Set(EndpointError(eng.Connection()))
-	eng.err.Set(eng.Transport().Condition().Error())
-	close(readsIn)
-	close(writesIn)
-	close(eng.running)   // Signal goroutines have exited and Error is set, disable Inject()
-	_ = eng.conn.Close() // Close conn, force read/write goroutines to exit (they will Inject)
-	wait.Wait()          // Wait for goroutines
-	return eng.err.Get()
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d9680..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-// Internal implementation details - ignore.
-package proton
-// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lqpid-proton
-// #include <proton/error.h>
-// #include <proton/codec.h>
-import "C"
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"sync"
-	"sync/atomic"
-type PnErrorCode int
-func (e PnErrorCode) String() string {
-	switch e {
-	case C.PN_EOS:
-		return "end-of-data"
-	case C.PN_ERR:
-		return "error"
-		return "overflow"
-		return "underflow"
-	case C.PN_STATE_ERR:
-		return "bad-state"
-	case C.PN_ARG_ERR:
-		return "invalid-argument"
-	case C.PN_TIMEOUT:
-		return "timeout"
-	case C.PN_INTR:
-		return "interrupted"
-		return "in-progress"
-	default:
-		return fmt.Sprintf("unknown-error(%d)", e)
-	}
-func PnError(e *C.pn_error_t) error {
-	if e == nil || C.pn_error_code(e) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", PnErrorCode(C.pn_error_code(e)), C.GoString(C.pn_error_text(e)))
-// ErrorHolder is a goroutine-safe error holder that keeps the first error that is set.
-type ErrorHolder struct {
-	once  sync.Once
-	value atomic.Value
-// Set the error if not already set, return the error in the Holder.
-func (e *ErrorHolder) Set(err error) {
-	if err != nil {
-		e.once.Do(func() { e.value.Store(err) })
-	}
-// Get the error.
-func (e *ErrorHolder) Get() (err error) {
-	err, _ = e.value.Load().(error)
-	return
-// assert panics if condition is false with optional formatted message
-func assert(condition bool, format ...interface{}) {
-	if !condition {
-		if len(format) > 0 {
-			panic(fmt.Errorf(format[0].(string), format[1:]...))
-		} else {
-			panic(fmt.Errorf("assertion failed"))
-		}
-	}

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