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[10/44] Remove src/couch
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_emsort.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_emsort.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a25a23..0000000
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_emsort.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% This is an implementation of an external N-way merge sort. It's primary
-% purpose is to be used during database compaction as an optimization for
-% managing the docid btree.
-% Trunk currently writes the docid btree as its compacting the database but
-% this is quite inneficient as its written out of order in the general case
-% as writes are ordered by update_seq.
-% The general design of this module is a very standard merge sort with one
-% caveat due to append only files. This is described in more detail in the
-% sorting phase.
-% The basic algorithm is in two halves. The first half stores KV pairs to disk
-% which is then followed by the actual sorting phase that streams KV's back
-% to the client using a fold-like function. After some basic definitions we'll
-% describe both phases.
-% Key/Value apairs (aka, KV pairs, or KVs) are simply lists of two-tuples with
-% a key as the first element and an arbitrary value as the second. The key of
-% this pair is what used to determine the sort order based on native Erlang
-% term comparison.
-% Internally, KVs are stored as lists with a max size defined by
-% #ems.chain_chunk. These lists are then chained together on disk using disk
-% offsets as a poor man's linked list. The basic format of a list looks like
-% {KVs, DiskOffset} where DiskOffset is either the atom nil which means "end
-% of the list" or an integer that is a file position offset that is the
-% location of another {KVs, DiskOffset} term. The head of each list is
-% referred to with a single DiskOffset. The set of terms that extend from
-% this initial DiskOffset to the last {KVs, nil} term is referred to in the
-% code as a chain. Two important facts are that one call to couch_emsort:add/2
-% creates a single chain, and that a chain is always sorted on disk (though its
-% possible to be sorted in descending order which will be discussed later).
-% The second major internal structure is the back bone. This is a list of
-% chains that has a quite similar structure to chains but contains different
-% data types and has no guarantee on ordering. The back bone is merely the
-% list of all head DiskOffsets. The structure has the similar structure of
-% {DiskOffsets, DiskOffset} that we use for chains, except that DiskOffsets is
-% a list of integers that refer to the heads of chains. The maximum size of
-% DiskOffsets is defined by #ems.bb_chunk. It is important to note that the
-% backbone has no defined ordering. The other thing of note is that the RAM
-% bounds are loosely defined as:
-%     #ems.bb_chunk * #ems.chain_chunk * avg_size(KV).
-% Build Phase
-% -----------
-% As mentioned, each call to couch_emsort:add/2 creates a chain from the
-% list of KVs that are passed in. This list is first sorted and then the
-% chain is created by foldr-ing (note: r) across the list to build the
-% chain on disk. It is important to note that the final chain is then
-% sorted in ascending order on disk.
-% Sort Phase
-% ----------
-% The sort phase is where the merge sort kicks in. This is generally your
-% average merge sort with a caveat for append only storage. First the
-% general outline.
-% The general outline for this sort is that it iteratively merges chains
-% in the backbone until less than #ems.bb_chunk chains exist. At this
-% point it switches to the last merge sort phase where it just streams
-% the sorted KVs back to the client using a fold function.
-% The general chain merging is a pretty standard merge sort. You load up
-% the initial KVs from each phase, pick the next one in sort order and
-% then when you run out of KVs you're left with a single DiskOffset for
-% the head of a single chain that represents the merge. These new
-% DiskOffsets are used to build the new back bone.
-% The one caveat here is that we're using append only storage. This is
-% important because once we make a pass we've effectively reversed the
-% sort order of each chain. Ie, the first merge results in chains that
-% are ordered in descending order. Since, one pass reverses the list
-% the trick is that each phase does two passes. The first phase picks
-% the smallest KV to write next and the second phase picks the largest.
-% In this manner each time we do a back bone merge we end up with chains
-% that are always sorted in an ascending order.
-% The one downfall is that in the interest of simplicity the sorting is
-% restricted to Erlang's native term sorting. A possible extension would
-% be to allow two comparison functions to be used, but this module is
-% currently only used for docid sorting which is hardcoded to be raw
-% Erlang ordering.
-% Diagram
-% -------
-% If it helps, this is a general diagram of the internal structures. A
-% couple points to note since this is ASCII art. The BB pointers across
-% the top are lists of chains going down. Each BBN item is one of the
-% {DiskOffsets, DiskOffset} structures discussed earlier. Going down,
-% the CMN nodes are actually representing #ems.bb_chunk chains in parallel
-% going off the back bone. It is important and not represented in this
-% diagram that within these groups the chains don't have to be the same
-% length. That's just a limitiationg of my ASCII artistic abilities.
-% The BBN* node is marked with a * to denote that it is the only state
-% that we store when writing headeres to disk as it has pointers that
-% lead us to all data in the tree.
-%     BB1 <- BB2 <- BB3 <- BBN*
-%      |      |      |      |
-%      v      v      v      v
-%     CA1    CB1    CC1    CD1
-%      |             |      |
-%      v             v      v
-%     CA2           CC2    CD2
-%      |                    |
-%      v                    v
-%     CA3                  CD3
--export([open/1, open/2, get_fd/1, get_state/1]).
--export([add/2, merge/1, sort/1, iter/1, next/1]).
--record(ems, {
-    fd,
-    root,
-    bb_chunk = 10,
-    chain_chunk = 100
-open(Fd) ->
-    {ok, #ems{fd=Fd}}.
-open(Fd, Options) ->
-    {ok, set_options(#ems{fd=Fd}, Options)}.
-set_options(Ems, []) ->
-    Ems;
-set_options(Ems, [{root, Root} | Rest]) ->
-    set_options(Ems#ems{root=Root}, Rest);
-set_options(Ems, [{chain_chunk, Count} | Rest]) when is_integer(Count) ->
-    set_options(Ems#ems{chain_chunk=Count}, Rest);
-set_options(Ems, [{back_bone_chunk, Count} | Rest]) when is_integer(Count) ->
-    set_options(Ems#ems{bb_chunk=Count}, Rest).
-get_fd(#ems{fd=Fd}) ->
-    Fd.
-get_state(#ems{root=Root}) ->
-    Root.
-add(Ems, []) ->
-    {ok, Ems};
-add(Ems, KVs) ->
-    Pos = write_kvs(Ems, KVs),
-    {ok, add_bb_pos(Ems, Pos)}.
-sort(#ems{}=Ems) ->
-    {ok, Ems1} = merge(Ems),
-    iter(Ems1).
-merge(#ems{root=undefined}=Ems) ->
-    {ok, Ems};
-merge(#ems{}=Ems) ->
-    {ok, decimate(Ems)}.
-iter(#ems{root=undefined}=Ems) ->
-    {ok, {Ems, []}};
-iter(#ems{root={BB, nil}}=Ems) ->
-    Chains = init_chains(Ems, small, BB),
-    {ok, {Ems, Chains}};
-iter(#ems{root={_, _}}) ->
-    {error, not_merged}.
-next({_Ems, []}) ->
-    finished;
-next({Ems, Chains}) ->
-    {KV, RestChains} = choose_kv(small, Ems, Chains),
-    {ok, KV, {Ems, RestChains}}.
-add_bb_pos(#ems{root=undefined}=Ems, Pos) ->
-    Ems#ems{root={[Pos], nil}};
-add_bb_pos(#ems{root={BB, Prev}}=Ems, Pos) ->
-    {NewBB, NewPrev} = append_item(Ems, {BB, Prev}, Pos, Ems#ems.bb_chunk),
-    Ems#ems{root={NewBB, NewPrev}}.
-write_kvs(Ems, KVs) ->
-    % Write the list of KV's to disk in sorted order in chunks
-    % of 100. Also make sure that the order is so that they
-    % can be streamed in asscending order.
-    {LastKVs, LastPos} =
-    lists:foldr(fun(KV, Acc) ->
-        append_item(Ems, Acc, KV, Ems#ems.chain_chunk)
-    end, {[], nil}, lists:sort(KVs)),
-    {ok, Final, _} = couch_file:append_term(Ems#ems.fd, {LastKVs, LastPos}),
-    Final.
-decimate(#ems{root={_BB, nil}}=Ems) ->
-    % We have less than bb_chunk backbone pointers so we're
-    % good to start streaming KV's back to the client.
-    Ems;
-decimate(#ems{root={BB, NextBB}}=Ems) ->
-    % To make sure we have a bounded amount of data in RAM
-    % at any given point we first need to decimate the data
-    % by performing the first couple iterations of a merge
-    % sort writing the intermediate results back to disk.
-    % The first pass gives us a sort with pointers linked from
-    % largest to smallest.
-    {RevBB, RevNextBB} = merge_back_bone(Ems, small, BB, NextBB),
-    % We have to run a second pass so that links are pointed
-    % back from smallest to largest.
-    {FwdBB, FwdNextBB} = merge_back_bone(Ems, big, RevBB, RevNextBB),
-    % Continue deicmating until we have an acceptable bound on
-    % the number of keys to use.
-    decimate(Ems#ems{root={FwdBB, FwdNextBB}}).
-merge_back_bone(Ems, Choose, BB, NextBB) ->
-    BBPos = merge_chains(Ems, Choose, BB),
-    merge_rest_back_bone(Ems, Choose, NextBB, {[BBPos], nil}).
-merge_rest_back_bone(_Ems, _Choose, nil, Acc) ->
-    Acc;
-merge_rest_back_bone(Ems, Choose, BBPos, Acc) ->
-    {ok, {BB, NextBB}} = couch_file:pread_term(Ems#ems.fd, BBPos),
-    NewPos = merge_chains(Ems, Choose, BB),
-    {NewBB, NewPrev} = append_item(Ems, Acc, NewPos, Ems#ems.bb_chunk),
-    merge_rest_back_bone(Ems, Choose, NextBB, {NewBB, NewPrev}).
-merge_chains(Ems, Choose, BB) ->
-    Chains = init_chains(Ems, Choose, BB),
-    merge_chains(Ems, Choose, Chains, {[], nil}).
-merge_chains(Ems, _Choose, [], ChainAcc) ->
-    {ok, CPos, _} = couch_file:append_term(Ems#ems.fd, ChainAcc),
-    CPos;
-merge_chains(#ems{chain_chunk=CC}=Ems, Choose, Chains, Acc) ->
-    {KV, RestChains} = choose_kv(Choose, Ems, Chains),
-    {NewKVs, NewPrev} = append_item(Ems, Acc, KV, CC),
-    merge_chains(Ems, Choose, RestChains, {NewKVs, NewPrev}).
-init_chains(Ems, Choose, BB) ->
-    Chains = lists:map(fun(CPos) ->
-        {ok, {KVs, NextKVs}} = couch_file:pread_term(Ems#ems.fd, CPos),
-        {KVs, NextKVs}
-    end, BB),
-    order_chains(Choose, Chains).
-order_chains(small, Chains) -> lists:sort(Chains);
-order_chains(big, Chains) -> lists:reverse(lists:sort(Chains)).
-choose_kv(_Choose, _Ems, [{[KV], nil} | Rest]) ->
-    {KV, Rest};
-choose_kv(Choose, Ems, [{[KV], Pos} | RestChains]) ->
-    {ok, Chain} = couch_file:pread_term(Ems#ems.fd, Pos),
-    case Choose of
-        small -> {KV, ins_small_chain(RestChains, Chain, [])};
-        big -> {KV, ins_big_chain(RestChains, Chain, [])}
-    end;
-choose_kv(Choose, _Ems, [{[KV | RestKVs], Prev} | RestChains]) ->
-    case Choose of
-        small -> {KV, ins_small_chain(RestChains, {RestKVs, Prev}, [])};
-        big -> {KV, ins_big_chain(RestChains, {RestKVs, Prev}, [])}
-    end.
-ins_small_chain([{[{K1,_}|_],_}=C1|Rest], {[{K2,_}|_],_}=C2, Acc) when K1<K2 ->
-    ins_small_chain(Rest, C2, [C1 | Acc]);
-ins_small_chain(Rest, Chain, Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc, [Chain | Rest]).
-ins_big_chain([{[{K1,_}|_],_}=C1|Rest], {[{K2,_}|_],_}=C2, Acc) when K1>K2 ->
-    ins_big_chain(Rest, C2, [C1 | Acc]);
-ins_big_chain(Rest, Chain, Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc, [Chain | Rest]).
-append_item(Ems, {List, Prev}, Pos, Size) when length(List) >= Size ->
-    {ok, PrevList, _} = couch_file:append_term(Ems#ems.fd, {List, Prev}),
-    {[Pos], PrevList};
-append_item(_Ems, {List, Prev}, Pos, _Size) ->
-    {[Pos | List], Prev}.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_event_sup.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_event_sup.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e7214..0000000
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_event_sup.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-%% The purpose of this module is to allow event handlers to particpate in Erlang
-%% supervisor trees. It provide a monitorable process that crashes if the event
-%% handler fails. The process, when shutdown, deregisters the event handler.
--export([start_link/3,start_link/4, stop/1]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,code_change/3]).
-% Instead calling the
-% ok = gen_event:add_sup_handler(error_logger, my_log, Args)
-% do this:
-% {ok, LinkedPid} = couch_event_sup:start_link(error_logger, my_log, Args)
-% The benefit is the event is now part of the process tree, and can be
-% started, restarted and shutdown consistently like the rest of the server
-% components.
-% And now if the "event" crashes, the supervisor is notified and can restart
-% the event handler.
-% Use this form to named process:
-% {ok, LinkedPid} = couch_event_sup:start_link({local, my_log}, error_logger, my_log, Args)
-start_link(EventMgr, EventHandler, Args) ->
-    gen_server:start_link(couch_event_sup, {EventMgr, EventHandler, Args}, []).
-start_link(ServerName, EventMgr, EventHandler, Args) ->
-    gen_server:start_link(ServerName, couch_event_sup, {EventMgr, EventHandler, Args}, []).
-stop(Pid) ->
-    gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).
-init({EventMgr, EventHandler, Args}) ->
-    case gen_event:add_sup_handler(EventMgr, EventHandler, Args) of
-    ok ->
-        {ok, {EventMgr, EventHandler}};
-    {stop, Error} ->
-        {stop, Error}
-    end.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
-    ok.
-handle_call(_Whatever, _From, State) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-handle_cast(stop, State) ->
-    {stop, normal, State}.
-handle_info({gen_event_EXIT, _Handler, Reason}, State) ->
-    {stop, Reason, State}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_external_manager.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_external_manager.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a8cad63..0000000
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_external_manager.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start_link/0, execute/2]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
-% config_listener api
-start_link() ->
-    gen_server:start_link({local, couch_external_manager},
-        couch_external_manager, [], []).
-execute(UrlName, JsonReq) ->
-    Pid = gen_server:call(couch_external_manager, {get, UrlName}),
-    case Pid of
-    {error, Reason} ->
-        Reason;
-    _ ->
-        couch_external_server:execute(Pid, JsonReq)
-    end.
-handle_config_change("external", UrlName, _, _, _) ->
-    {ok, gen_server:call(couch_external_manager, {config, UrlName})};
-handle_config_change(_, _, _, _, _) ->
-    {ok, nil}.
-% gen_server API
-init([]) ->
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    Handlers = ets:new(couch_external_manager_handlers, [set, private]),
-    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
-    {ok, Handlers}.
-terminate(_Reason, Handlers) ->
-    ets:foldl(fun({_UrlName, Pid}, nil) ->
-        couch_external_server:stop(Pid),
-        nil
-    end, nil, Handlers),
-    ok.
-handle_call({get, UrlName}, _From, Handlers) ->
-    case ets:lookup(Handlers, UrlName) of
-    [] ->
-        case config:get("external", UrlName, nil) of
-        nil ->
-            Msg = lists:flatten(
-                io_lib:format("No server configured for ~p.", [UrlName])),
-            {reply, {error, {unknown_external_server, ?l2b(Msg)}}, Handlers};
-        Command ->
-            {ok, NewPid} = couch_external_server:start_link(UrlName, Command),
-            true = ets:insert(Handlers, {UrlName, NewPid}),
-            {reply, NewPid, Handlers}
-        end;
-    [{UrlName, Pid}] ->
-        {reply, Pid, Handlers}
-    end;
-handle_call({config, UrlName}, _From, Handlers) ->
-    % A newly added handler and a handler that had it's command
-    % changed are treated exactly the same.
-    % Shutdown the old handler.
-    case ets:lookup(Handlers, UrlName) of
-    [{UrlName, Pid}] ->
-        couch_external_server:stop(Pid);
-    [] ->
-        ok
-    end,
-    % Wait for next request to boot the handler.
-    {reply, ok, Handlers}.
-handle_cast(_Whatever, State) ->
-    {noreply, State}.
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, Handlers) ->
-    ?LOG_INFO("EXTERNAL: Server ~p terminated normally", [Pid]),
-    % The process terminated normally without us asking - Remove Pid from the
-    % handlers table so we don't attempt to reuse it
-    ets:match_delete(Handlers, {'_', Pid}),
-    {noreply, Handlers};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, Handlers) ->
-    ?LOG_INFO("EXTERNAL: Server ~p died. (reason: ~p)", [Pid, Reason]),
-    % Remove Pid from the handlers table so we don't try closing
-    % it a second time in terminate/2.
-    ets:match_delete(Handlers, {'_', Pid}),
-    {stop, normal, Handlers};
-handle_info({gen_event_EXIT, {config_listener, ?MODULE}, _Reason}, State) ->
-    erlang:send_after(5000, self(), restart_config_listener),
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
-    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
-    {noreply, State}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_external_server.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_external_server.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 56406bb..0000000
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_external_server.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start_link/2, stop/1, execute/2]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, code_change/3]).
-% config_listener api
-% External API
-start_link(Name, Command) ->
-    gen_server:start_link(couch_external_server, [Name, Command], []).
-stop(Pid) ->
-    gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).
-execute(Pid, JsonReq) ->
-    {json, Json} = gen_server:call(Pid, {execute, JsonReq}, infinity),
-    ?JSON_DECODE(Json).
-% Gen Server Handlers
-init([Name, Command]) ->
-    ?LOG_INFO("EXTERNAL: Starting process for: ~s", [Name]),
-    ?LOG_INFO("COMMAND: ~s", [Command]),
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    Timeout = list_to_integer(config:get("couchdb", "os_process_timeout",
-        "5000")),
-    {ok, Pid} = couch_os_process:start_link(Command, [{timeout, Timeout}]),
-    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, {Name, Command, Pid}, Pid),
-    {ok, {Name, Command, Pid}}.
-terminate(_Reason, {_Name, _Command, Pid}) ->
-    couch_os_process:stop(Pid),
-    ok.
-handle_call({execute, JsonReq}, _From, {Name, Command, Pid}) ->
-    {reply, couch_os_process:prompt(Pid, JsonReq), {Name, Command, Pid}}.
-handle_info({gen_event_EXIT, {config_listener, ?MODULE}, _Reason}, State) ->
-    erlang:send_after(5000, self(), restart_config_listener),
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
-    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, State),
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, normal}, State) ->
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, {Name, Command, Pid}) ->
-    ?LOG_INFO("EXTERNAL: Process for ~s exiting. (reason: ~w)", [Name, Reason]),
-    {stop, Reason, {Name, Command, Pid}}.
-handle_cast(stop, {Name, Command, Pid}) ->
-    ?LOG_INFO("EXTERNAL: Shutting down ~s", [Name]),
-    exit(Pid, normal),
-    {stop, normal, {Name, Command, Pid}};
-handle_cast(_Whatever, State) ->
-    {noreply, State}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-handle_config_change("couchdb", "os_process_timeout", NewTimeout, _, Pid) ->
-    couch_os_process:set_timeout(Pid, list_to_integer(NewTimeout)),
-    {ok, Pid};
-handle_config_change(_, _, _, _, Pid) ->
-    {ok, Pid}.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_file.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_file.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7528091..0000000
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_file.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(INITIAL_WAIT, 60000).
--define(MONITOR_CHECK, 10000).
--define(SIZE_BLOCK, 16#1000). % 4 KiB
--record(file, {
-    fd,
-    is_sys,
-    eof = 0,
-    db_pid
-% public API
--export([open/1, open/2, close/1, bytes/1, sync/1, truncate/2, set_db_pid/2]).
--export([pread_term/2, pread_iolist/2, pread_binary/2]).
--export([append_binary/2, append_binary_md5/2]).
--export([append_raw_chunk/2, assemble_file_chunk/1, assemble_file_chunk/2]).
--export([append_term/2, append_term/3, append_term_md5/2, append_term_md5/3]).
--export([write_header/2, read_header/1]).
--export([delete/2, delete/3, nuke_dir/2, init_delete_dir/1]).
-% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
-%% Args:   Valid Options are [create] and [create,overwrite].
-%%  Files are opened in read/write mode.
-%% Returns: On success, {ok, Fd}
-%%  or {error, Reason} if the file could not be opened.
-open(Filepath) ->
-    open(Filepath, []).
-open(Filepath, Options) ->
-    case gen_server:start_link(couch_file,
-            {Filepath, Options, self(), Ref = make_ref()}, []) of
-    {ok, Fd} ->
-        {ok, Fd};
-    ignore ->
-        % get the error
-        receive
-        {Ref, Pid, {error, Reason} = Error} ->
-            case process_info(self(), trap_exit) of
-            {trap_exit, true} -> receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> ok end;
-            {trap_exit, false} -> ok
-            end,
-            case {lists:member(nologifmissing, Options), Reason} of
-            {true, enoent} -> ok;
-            _ ->
-            ?LOG_ERROR("Could not open file ~s: ~s",
-                [Filepath, file:format_error(Reason)])
-            end,
-            Error
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        % We can't say much here, because it could be any kind of error.
-        % Just let it bubble and an encapsulating subcomponent can perhaps
-        % be more informative. It will likely appear in the SASL log, anyway.
-        Error
-    end.
-set_db_pid(Fd, Pid) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, {set_db_pid, Pid}).
-%% Purpose: To append an Erlang term to the end of the file.
-%% Args:    Erlang term to serialize and append to the file.
-%% Returns: {ok, Pos, NumBytesWritten} where Pos is the file offset to
-%%  the beginning the serialized  term. Use pread_term to read the term
-%%  back.
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-append_term(Fd, Term) ->
-    append_term(Fd, Term, []).
-append_term(Fd, Term, Options) ->
-    Comp = couch_util:get_value(compression, Options, ?DEFAULT_COMPRESSION),
-    append_binary(Fd, couch_compress:compress(Term, Comp)).
-append_term_md5(Fd, Term) ->
-    append_term_md5(Fd, Term, []).
-append_term_md5(Fd, Term, Options) ->
-    Comp = couch_util:get_value(compression, Options, ?DEFAULT_COMPRESSION),
-    append_binary_md5(Fd, couch_compress:compress(Term, Comp)).
-%% Purpose: To append an Erlang binary to the end of the file.
-%% Args:    Erlang term to serialize and append to the file.
-%% Returns: {ok, Pos, NumBytesWritten} where Pos is the file offset to the
-%%  beginning the serialized term. Use pread_term to read the term back.
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-append_binary(Fd, Bin) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, {append_bin, assemble_file_chunk(Bin)}, infinity).
-append_binary_md5(Fd, Bin) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd,
-        {append_bin, assemble_file_chunk(Bin, couch_util:md5(Bin))}, infinity).
-append_raw_chunk(Fd, Chunk) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, {append_bin, Chunk}, infinity).
-assemble_file_chunk(Bin) ->
-    [<<0:1/integer, (iolist_size(Bin)):31/integer>>, Bin].
-assemble_file_chunk(Bin, Md5) ->
-    [<<1:1/integer, (iolist_size(Bin)):31/integer>>, Md5, Bin].
-%% Purpose: Reads a term from a file that was written with append_term
-%% Args:    Pos, the offset into the file where the term is serialized.
-%% Returns: {ok, Term}
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-pread_term(Fd, Pos) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = pread_binary(Fd, Pos),
-    {ok, couch_compress:decompress(Bin)}.
-%% Purpose: Reads a binrary from a file that was written with append_binary
-%% Args:    Pos, the offset into the file where the term is serialized.
-%% Returns: {ok, Term}
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-pread_binary(Fd, Pos) ->
-    {ok, L} = pread_iolist(Fd, Pos),
-    {ok, iolist_to_binary(L)}.
-pread_iolist(Fd, Pos) ->
-    case gen_server:call(Fd, {pread_iolist, Pos}, infinity) of
-    {ok, IoList, <<>>} ->
-        {ok, IoList};
-    {ok, IoList, Md5} ->
-        case couch_util:md5(IoList) of
-        Md5 ->
-            {ok, IoList};
-        _ ->
-            twig:log(emerg, "File corruption in ~p at position ~B",
-                     [Fd, Pos]),
-            exit({file_corruption, <<"file corruption">>})
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        Error
-    end.
-%% Purpose: The length of a file, in bytes.
-%% Returns: {ok, Bytes}
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-% length in bytes
-bytes(Fd) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, bytes, infinity).
-%% Purpose: Truncate a file to the number of bytes.
-%% Returns: ok
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-truncate(Fd, Pos) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, {truncate, Pos}, infinity).
-%% Purpose: Ensure all bytes written to the file are flushed to disk.
-%% Returns: ok
-%%  or {error, Reason}.
-sync(Filepath) when is_list(Filepath) ->
-    {ok, Fd} = file:open(Filepath, [append, raw]),
-    try ok = file:sync(Fd) after ok = file:close(Fd) end;
-sync(Fd) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, sync, infinity).
-%% Purpose: Close the file.
-%% Returns: ok
-close(Fd) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, close, infinity).
-delete(RootDir, Filepath) ->
-    delete(RootDir, Filepath, true).
-delete(RootDir, Filepath, Async) ->
-    DelFile = filename:join([RootDir,".delete", ?b2l(couch_uuids:random())]),
-    case file:rename(Filepath, DelFile) of
-    ok ->
-        if (Async) ->
-            spawn(file, delete, [DelFile]),
-            ok;
-        true ->
-            file:delete(DelFile)
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        Error
-    end.
-nuke_dir(RootDelDir, Dir) ->
-    FoldFun = fun(File) ->
-        Path = Dir ++ "/" ++ File,
-        case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
-            true ->
-                ok = nuke_dir(RootDelDir, Path),
-                file:del_dir(Path);
-            false ->
-                delete(RootDelDir, Path, false)
-        end
-    end,
-    case file:list_dir(Dir) of
-        {ok, Files} ->
-            lists:foreach(FoldFun, Files),
-            ok = file:del_dir(Dir);
-        {error, enoent} ->
-            ok
-    end.
-init_delete_dir(RootDir) ->
-    Dir = filename:join(RootDir,".delete"),
-    % note: ensure_dir requires an actual filename companent, which is the
-    % reason for "foo".
-    filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(Dir,"foo")),
-    filelib:fold_files(Dir, ".*", true,
-        fun(Filename, _) ->
-            ok = file:delete(Filename)
-        end, ok).
-read_header(Fd) ->
-    case gen_server:call(Fd, find_header, infinity) of
-    {ok, Bin} ->
-        {ok, binary_to_term(Bin)};
-    Else ->
-        Else
-    end.
-write_header(Fd, Data) ->
-    Bin = term_to_binary(Data),
-    Md5 = couch_util:md5(Bin),
-    % now we assemble the final header binary and write to disk
-    FinalBin = <<Md5/binary, Bin/binary>>,
-    gen_server:call(Fd, {write_header, FinalBin}, infinity).
-init_status_error(ReturnPid, Ref, Error) ->
-    ReturnPid ! {Ref, self(), Error},
-    ignore.
-% server functions
-init({Filepath, Options, ReturnPid, Ref}) ->
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    OpenOptions = file_open_options(Options),
-    case lists:member(create, Options) of
-    true ->
-        filelib:ensure_dir(Filepath),
-        case file:open(Filepath, OpenOptions) of
-        {ok, Fd} ->
-            {ok, Length} = file:position(Fd, eof),
-            case Length > 0 of
-            true ->
-                % this means the file already exists and has data.
-                % FYI: We don't differentiate between empty files and non-existant
-                % files here.
-                case lists:member(overwrite, Options) of
-                true ->
-                    {ok, 0} = file:position(Fd, 0),
-                    ok = file:truncate(Fd),
-                    ok = file:sync(Fd),
-                    maybe_track_open_os_files(Options),
-                    erlang:send_after(?INITIAL_WAIT, self(), maybe_close),
-                    {ok, #file{fd=Fd, is_sys=lists:member(sys_db, Options)}};
-                false ->
-                    ok = file:close(Fd),
-                    init_status_error(ReturnPid, Ref, {error, eexist})
-                end;
-            false ->
-                maybe_track_open_os_files(Options),
-                erlang:send_after(?INITIAL_WAIT, self(), maybe_close),
-                {ok, #file{fd=Fd, is_sys=lists:member(sys_db, Options)}}
-            end;
-        Error ->
-            init_status_error(ReturnPid, Ref, Error)
-        end;
-    false ->
-        % open in read mode first, so we don't create the file if it doesn't exist.
-        case file:open(Filepath, [read, raw]) of
-        {ok, Fd_Read} ->
-            {ok, Fd} = file:open(Filepath, OpenOptions),
-            ok = file:close(Fd_Read),
-            maybe_track_open_os_files(Options),
-            {ok, Eof} = file:position(Fd, eof),
-            erlang:send_after(?INITIAL_WAIT, self(), maybe_close),
-            {ok, #file{fd=Fd, eof=Eof, is_sys=lists:member(sys_db, Options)}};
-        Error ->
-            init_status_error(ReturnPid, Ref, Error)
-        end
-    end.
-file_open_options(Options) ->
-    [read, raw, binary] ++ case lists:member(read_only, Options) of
-    true ->
-        [];
-    false ->
-        [append]
-    end.
-maybe_track_open_os_files(Options) ->
-    case not lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
-        true ->
-            couch_stats_collector:track_process_count({couchdb, open_os_files});
-        false ->
-            ok
-    end.
-terminate(_Reason, #file{fd = nil}) ->
-    ok;
-terminate(_Reason, #file{fd = Fd}) ->
-    ok = file:close(Fd).
-handle_call(close, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
-    {stop, normal, file:close(Fd), File#file{fd = nil}};
-handle_call({pread_iolist, Pos}, _From, File) ->
-    {RawData, NextPos} = try
-        % up to 8Kbs of read ahead
-        read_raw_iolist_int(File, Pos, 2 * ?SIZE_BLOCK - (Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK))
-    catch
-    _:_ ->
-        read_raw_iolist_int(File, Pos, 4)
-    end,
-    <<Prefix:1/integer, Len:31/integer, RestRawData/binary>> =
-        iolist_to_binary(RawData),
-    case Prefix of
-    1 ->
-        {Md5, IoList} = extract_md5(
-            maybe_read_more_iolist(RestRawData, 16 + Len, NextPos, File)),
-        {reply, {ok, IoList, Md5}, File};
-    0 ->
-        IoList = maybe_read_more_iolist(RestRawData, Len, NextPos, File),
-        {reply, {ok, IoList, <<>>}, File}
-    end;
-handle_call(bytes, _From, #file{fd = Fd} = File) ->
-    {reply, file:position(Fd, eof), File};
-handle_call({set_db_pid, Pid}, _From, #file{db_pid=OldPid}=File) ->
-    case is_pid(OldPid) of
-        true -> unlink(OldPid);
-        false -> ok
-    end,
-    link(Pid),
-    {reply, ok, File#file{db_pid=Pid}};
-handle_call(sync, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
-    {reply, file:sync(Fd), File};
-handle_call({truncate, Pos}, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
-    {ok, Pos} = file:position(Fd, Pos),
-    case file:truncate(Fd) of
-    ok ->
-        {reply, ok, File#file{eof = Pos}};
-    Error ->
-        {reply, Error, File}
-    end;
-handle_call({append_bin, Bin}, _From, #file{fd = Fd, eof = Pos} = File) ->
-    Blocks = make_blocks(Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK, Bin),
-    Size = iolist_size(Blocks),
-    case file:write(Fd, Blocks) of
-    ok ->
-        {reply, {ok, Pos, Size}, File#file{eof = Pos + Size}};
-    Error ->
-        {reply, Error, File}
-    end;
-handle_call({write_header, Bin}, _From, #file{fd = Fd, eof = Pos} = File) ->
-    BinSize = byte_size(Bin),
-    case Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK of
-    0 ->
-        Padding = <<>>;
-    BlockOffset ->
-        Padding = <<0:(8*(?SIZE_BLOCK-BlockOffset))>>
-    end,
-    FinalBin = [Padding, <<1, BinSize:32/integer>> | make_blocks(5, [Bin])],
-    case file:write(Fd, FinalBin) of
-    ok ->
-        {reply, ok, File#file{eof = Pos + iolist_size(FinalBin)}};
-    Error ->
-        {reply, Error, File}
-    end;
-handle_call(find_header, _From, #file{fd = Fd, eof = Pos} = File) ->
-    {reply, find_header(Fd, Pos div ?SIZE_BLOCK), File}.
-handle_cast(close, Fd) ->
-    {stop,normal,Fd}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-handle_info(maybe_close, File) ->
-    case is_idle(File) of
-        true ->
-            {stop, normal, File};
-        false ->
-            erlang:send_after(?MONITOR_CHECK, self(), maybe_close),
-            {noreply, File}
-    end;
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _}, #file{db_pid=Pid}=File) ->
-    case is_idle(File) of
-        true -> {stop, normal, File};
-        false -> {noreply, File}
-    end;
-handle_info({'EXIT', _, normal}, Fd) ->
-    {noreply, Fd};
-handle_info({'EXIT', _, Reason}, Fd) ->
-    {stop, Reason, Fd}.
-find_header(_Fd, -1) ->
-    no_valid_header;
-find_header(Fd, Block) ->
-    case (catch load_header(Fd, Block)) of
-    {ok, Bin} ->
-        {ok, Bin};
-    _Error ->
-        find_header(Fd, Block -1)
-    end.
-load_header(Fd, Block) ->
-    {ok, <<1, HeaderLen:32/integer, RestBlock/binary>>} =
-        file:pread(Fd, Block * ?SIZE_BLOCK, ?SIZE_BLOCK),
-    TotalBytes = calculate_total_read_len(5, HeaderLen),
-    case TotalBytes > byte_size(RestBlock) of
-    false ->
-        <<RawBin:TotalBytes/binary, _/binary>> = RestBlock;
-    true ->
-        {ok, Missing} = file:pread(
-            Fd, (Block * ?SIZE_BLOCK) + 5 + byte_size(RestBlock),
-            TotalBytes - byte_size(RestBlock)),
-        RawBin = <<RestBlock/binary, Missing/binary>>
-    end,
-    <<Md5Sig:16/binary, HeaderBin/binary>> =
-        iolist_to_binary(remove_block_prefixes(5, RawBin)),
-    Md5Sig = couch_util:md5(HeaderBin),
-    {ok, HeaderBin}.
-maybe_read_more_iolist(Buffer, DataSize, _, _)
-    when DataSize =< byte_size(Buffer) ->
-    <<Data:DataSize/binary, _/binary>> = Buffer,
-    [Data];
-maybe_read_more_iolist(Buffer, DataSize, NextPos, File) ->
-    {Missing, _} =
-        read_raw_iolist_int(File, NextPos, DataSize - byte_size(Buffer)),
-    [Buffer, Missing].
--spec read_raw_iolist_int(#file{}, Pos::non_neg_integer(), Len::non_neg_integer()) ->
-    {Data::iolist(), CurPos::non_neg_integer()}.
-read_raw_iolist_int(Fd, {Pos, _Size}, Len) -> % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
-    read_raw_iolist_int(Fd, Pos, Len);
-read_raw_iolist_int(#file{fd = Fd}, Pos, Len) ->
-    BlockOffset = Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK,
-    TotalBytes = calculate_total_read_len(BlockOffset, Len),
-    {ok, <<RawBin:TotalBytes/binary>>} = file:pread(Fd, Pos, TotalBytes),
-    {remove_block_prefixes(BlockOffset, RawBin), Pos + TotalBytes}.
--spec extract_md5(iolist()) -> {binary(), iolist()}.
-extract_md5(FullIoList) ->
-    {Md5List, IoList} = split_iolist(FullIoList, 16, []),
-    {iolist_to_binary(Md5List), IoList}.
-calculate_total_read_len(0, FinalLen) ->
-    calculate_total_read_len(1, FinalLen) + 1;
-calculate_total_read_len(BlockOffset, FinalLen) ->
-    case ?SIZE_BLOCK - BlockOffset of
-    BlockLeft when BlockLeft >= FinalLen ->
-        FinalLen;
-    BlockLeft ->
-        FinalLen + ((FinalLen - BlockLeft) div (?SIZE_BLOCK -1)) +
-            if ((FinalLen - BlockLeft) rem (?SIZE_BLOCK -1)) =:= 0 -> 0;
-                true -> 1 end
-    end.
-remove_block_prefixes(_BlockOffset, <<>>) ->
-    [];
-remove_block_prefixes(0, <<_BlockPrefix,Rest/binary>>) ->
-    remove_block_prefixes(1, Rest);
-remove_block_prefixes(BlockOffset, Bin) ->
-    BlockBytesAvailable = ?SIZE_BLOCK - BlockOffset,
-    case size(Bin) of
-    Size when Size > BlockBytesAvailable ->
-        <<DataBlock:BlockBytesAvailable/binary,Rest/binary>> = Bin,
-        [DataBlock | remove_block_prefixes(0, Rest)];
-    _Size ->
-        [Bin]
-    end.
-make_blocks(_BlockOffset, []) ->
-    [];
-make_blocks(0, IoList) ->
-    [<<0>> | make_blocks(1, IoList)];
-make_blocks(BlockOffset, IoList) ->
-    case split_iolist(IoList, (?SIZE_BLOCK - BlockOffset), []) of
-    {Begin, End} ->
-        [Begin | make_blocks(0, End)];
-    _SplitRemaining ->
-        IoList
-    end.
-%% @doc Returns a tuple where the first element contains the leading SplitAt
-%% bytes of the original iolist, and the 2nd element is the tail. If SplitAt
-%% is larger than byte_size(IoList), return the difference.
--spec split_iolist(IoList::iolist(), SplitAt::non_neg_integer(), Acc::list()) ->
-    {iolist(), iolist()} | non_neg_integer().
-split_iolist(List, 0, BeginAcc) ->
-    {lists:reverse(BeginAcc), List};
-split_iolist([], SplitAt, _BeginAcc) ->
-    SplitAt;
-split_iolist([<<Bin/binary>> | Rest], SplitAt, BeginAcc) when SplitAt > byte_size(Bin) ->
-    split_iolist(Rest, SplitAt - byte_size(Bin), [Bin | BeginAcc]);
-split_iolist([<<Bin/binary>> | Rest], SplitAt, BeginAcc) ->
-    <<Begin:SplitAt/binary,End/binary>> = Bin,
-    split_iolist([End | Rest], 0, [Begin | BeginAcc]);
-split_iolist([Sublist| Rest], SplitAt, BeginAcc) when is_list(Sublist) ->
-    case split_iolist(Sublist, SplitAt, BeginAcc) of
-    {Begin, End} ->
-        {Begin, [End | Rest]};
-    SplitRemaining ->
-        split_iolist(Rest, SplitAt - (SplitAt - SplitRemaining), [Sublist | BeginAcc])
-    end;
-split_iolist([Byte | Rest], SplitAt, BeginAcc) when is_integer(Byte) ->
-    split_iolist(Rest, SplitAt - 1, [Byte | BeginAcc]).
-% System dbs aren't monitored by couch_stats_collector
-is_idle(#file{is_sys=true}) ->
-    case process_info(self(), monitored_by) of
-        {monitored_by, []} -> true;
-        _ -> false
-    end;
-is_idle(#file{is_sys=false}) ->
-    case process_info(self(), monitored_by) of
-        {monitored_by, []} -> true;
-        {monitored_by, [_]} -> true;
-        _ -> false
-    end.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_httpd.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_httpd.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index db90129..0000000
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_httpd.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1082 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start_link/0, start_link/1, stop/0, handle_request/5]).
--export([make_arity_1_fun/1, make_arity_2_fun/1, make_arity_3_fun/1]).
--export([doc_etag/1, make_etag/1, etag_match/2, etag_respond/3, etag_maybe/2]).
--export([primary_header_value/2,partition/1,serve_file/3,serve_file/4, server_header/0]).
--export([start_response_length/4, start_response/3, send/2]).
--export([start_json_response/2, start_json_response/3, end_json_response/1]).
--export([send_response/4,send_method_not_allowed/2,send_error/4, send_redirect/2,send_chunked_error/2]).
-start_link() ->
-    start_link(http).
-start_link(http) ->
-    Port = config:get("httpd", "port", "5984"),
-    start_link(?MODULE, [{port, Port}]);
-start_link(https) ->
-    Port = config:get("ssl", "port", "6984"),
-    CertFile = config:get("ssl", "cert_file", nil),
-    KeyFile = config:get("ssl", "key_file", nil),
-    Options = case CertFile /= nil andalso KeyFile /= nil of
-        true ->
-            SslOpts = [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile}],
-            %% set password if one is needed for the cert
-            SslOpts1 = case config:get("ssl", "password", nil) of
-                nil -> SslOpts;
-                Password ->
-                    SslOpts ++ [{password, Password}]
-            end,
-            % do we verify certificates ?
-            FinalSslOpts = case config:get("ssl",
-                    "verify_ssl_certificates", "false") of
-                "false" -> SslOpts1;
-                "true" ->
-                    case config:get("ssl",
-                            "cacert_file", nil) of
-                        nil ->
-                            io:format("Verify SSL certificate "
-                                ++"enabled but file containing "
-                                ++"PEM encoded CA certificates is "
-                                ++"missing", []),
-                            throw({error, missing_cacerts});
-                        CaCertFile ->
-                            Depth = list_to_integer(config:get("ssl",
-                                    "ssl_certificate_max_depth",
-                                    "1")),
-                            FinalOpts = [
-                                {cacertfile, CaCertFile},
-                                {depth, Depth},
-                                {verify, verify_peer}],
-                            % allows custom verify fun.
-                            case config:get("ssl",
-                                    "verify_fun", nil) of
-                                nil -> FinalOpts;
-                                SpecStr ->
-                                    FinalOpts
-                                    ++ [{verify_fun, make_arity_3_fun(SpecStr)}]
-                            end
-                    end
-            end,
-            [{port, Port},
-                {ssl, true},
-                {ssl_opts, FinalSslOpts}];
-        false ->
-            io:format("SSL enabled but PEM certificates are missing.", []),
-            throw({error, missing_certs})
-    end,
-    start_link(https, Options).
-start_link(Name, Options) ->
-    BindAddress = config:get("httpd", "bind_address", any),
-    validate_bind_address(BindAddress),
-    DefaultSpec = "{couch_httpd_db, handle_request}",
-    DefaultFun = make_arity_1_fun(
-        config:get("httpd", "default_handler", DefaultSpec)
-    ),
-    UrlHandlersList = lists:map(
-        fun({UrlKey, SpecStr}) ->
-            {?l2b(UrlKey), make_arity_1_fun(SpecStr)}
-        end, config:get("httpd_global_handlers")),
-    DbUrlHandlersList = lists:map(
-        fun({UrlKey, SpecStr}) ->
-            {?l2b(UrlKey), make_arity_2_fun(SpecStr)}
-        end, config:get("httpd_db_handlers")),
-    DesignUrlHandlersList = lists:map(
-        fun({UrlKey, SpecStr}) ->
-            {?l2b(UrlKey), make_arity_3_fun(SpecStr)}
-        end, config:get("httpd_design_handlers")),
-    UrlHandlers = dict:from_list(UrlHandlersList),
-    DbUrlHandlers = dict:from_list(DbUrlHandlersList),
-    DesignUrlHandlers = dict:from_list(DesignUrlHandlersList),
-    {ok, ServerOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(
-        config:get("httpd", "server_options", "[]")),
-    {ok, SocketOptions} = couch_util:parse_term(
-        config:get("httpd", "socket_options", "[]")),
-    set_auth_handlers(),
-    % ensure uuid is set so that concurrent replications
-    % get the same value.
-    couch_server:get_uuid(),
-    Loop = fun(Req)->
-        case SocketOptions of
-        [] ->
-            ok;
-        _ ->
-            ok = mochiweb_socket:setopts(Req:get(socket), SocketOptions)
-        end,
-        apply(?MODULE, handle_request, [
-            Req, DefaultFun, UrlHandlers, DbUrlHandlers, DesignUrlHandlers
-        ])
-    end,
-    % set mochiweb options
-    FinalOptions = lists:append([Options, ServerOptions, [
-            {loop, Loop},
-            {name, Name},
-            {ip, BindAddress}]]),
-    % launch mochiweb
-    case mochiweb_http:start(FinalOptions) of
-        {ok, MochiPid} ->
-            {ok, MochiPid};
-        {error, Reason} ->
-            io:format("Failure to start Mochiweb: ~s~n",[Reason]),
-            throw({error, Reason})
-    end.
-stop() ->
-    mochiweb_http:stop(couch_httpd),
-    mochiweb_http:stop(https).
-set_auth_handlers() ->
-    AuthenticationSrcs = make_fun_spec_strs(
-        config:get("httpd", "authentication_handlers", "")),
-    AuthHandlers = lists:map(
-        fun(A) -> {make_arity_1_fun(A), ?l2b(A)} end, AuthenticationSrcs),
-    ok = application:set_env(couch, auth_handlers, AuthHandlers).
-% SpecStr is a string like "{my_module, my_fun}"
-%  or "{my_module, my_fun, <<"my_arg">>}"
-make_arity_1_fun(SpecStr) ->
-    case couch_util:parse_term(SpecStr) of
-    {ok, {Mod, Fun, SpecArg}} ->
-        fun(Arg) -> Mod:Fun(Arg, SpecArg) end;
-    {ok, {Mod, Fun}} ->
-        fun(Arg) -> Mod:Fun(Arg) end
-    end.
-make_arity_2_fun(SpecStr) ->
-    case couch_util:parse_term(SpecStr) of
-    {ok, {Mod, Fun, SpecArg}} ->
-        fun(Arg1, Arg2) -> Mod:Fun(Arg1, Arg2, SpecArg) end;
-    {ok, {Mod, Fun}} ->
-        fun(Arg1, Arg2) -> Mod:Fun(Arg1, Arg2) end
-    end.
-make_arity_3_fun(SpecStr) ->
-    case couch_util:parse_term(SpecStr) of
-    {ok, {Mod, Fun, SpecArg}} ->
-        fun(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) -> Mod:Fun(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, SpecArg) end;
-    {ok, {Mod, Fun}} ->
-        fun(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) -> Mod:Fun(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) end
-    end.
-% SpecStr is "{my_module, my_fun}, {my_module2, my_fun2}"
-make_fun_spec_strs(SpecStr) ->
-    re:split(SpecStr, "(?<=})\\s*,\\s*(?={)", [{return, list}]).
-handle_request(MochiReq, DefaultFun, UrlHandlers, DbUrlHandlers,
-    DesignUrlHandlers) ->
-    MochiReq1 = couch_httpd_vhost:dispatch_host(MochiReq),
-    handle_request_int(MochiReq1, DefaultFun,
-                UrlHandlers, DbUrlHandlers, DesignUrlHandlers).
-handle_request_int(MochiReq, DefaultFun,
-            UrlHandlers, DbUrlHandlers, DesignUrlHandlers) ->
-    Begin = now(),
-    % for the path, use the raw path with the query string and fragment
-    % removed, but URL quoting left intact
-    RawUri = MochiReq:get(raw_path),
-    {"/" ++ Path, _, _} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(RawUri),
-    Headers = MochiReq:get(headers),
-    % get requested path
-    RequestedPath = case MochiReq:get_header_value("x-couchdb-vhost-path") of
-        undefined ->
-            case MochiReq:get_header_value("x-couchdb-requested-path") of
-                undefined -> RawUri;
-                R -> R
-            end;
-        P -> P
-    end,
-    HandlerKey =
-    case mochiweb_util:partition(Path, "/") of
-    {"", "", ""} ->
-        <<"/">>; % Special case the root url handler
-    {FirstPart, _, _} ->
-        list_to_binary(FirstPart)
-    end,
-    ?LOG_DEBUG("~p ~s ~p from ~p~nHeaders: ~p", [
-        MochiReq:get(method),
-        RawUri,
-        MochiReq:get(version),
-        MochiReq:get(peer),
-        mochiweb_headers:to_list(MochiReq:get(headers))
-    ]),
-    Method1 =
-    case MochiReq:get(method) of
-        % already an atom
-        Meth when is_atom(Meth) -> Meth;
-        % Non standard HTTP verbs aren't atoms (COPY, MOVE etc) so convert when
-        % possible (if any module references the atom, then it's existing).
-        Meth -> couch_util:to_existing_atom(Meth)
-    end,
-    increment_method_stats(Method1),
-    % allow broken HTTP clients to fake a full method vocabulary with an X-HTTP-METHOD-OVERRIDE header
-    MethodOverride = MochiReq:get_primary_header_value("X-HTTP-Method-Override"),
-    Method2 = case lists:member(MethodOverride, ["GET", "HEAD", "POST",
-                                                 "PUT", "DELETE",
-                                                 "TRACE", "CONNECT",
-                                                 "COPY"]) of
-    true ->
-        ?LOG_INFO("MethodOverride: ~s (real method was ~s)", [MethodOverride, Method1]),
-        case Method1 of
-        'POST' -> couch_util:to_existing_atom(MethodOverride);
-        _ ->
-            % Ignore X-HTTP-Method-Override when the original verb isn't POST.
-            % I'd like to send a 406 error to the client, but that'd require a nasty refactor.
-            % throw({not_acceptable, <<"X-HTTP-Method-Override may only be used with POST requests.">>})
-            Method1
-        end;
-    _ -> Method1
-    end,
-    % alias HEAD to GET as mochiweb takes care of stripping the body
-    Method = case Method2 of
-        'HEAD' -> 'GET';
-        Other -> Other
-    end,
-    HttpReq = #httpd{
-        mochi_req = MochiReq,
-        peer = MochiReq:get(peer),
-        method = Method,
-        requested_path_parts =
-            [?l2b(unquote(Part)) || Part <- string:tokens(RequestedPath, "/")],
-        path_parts = [?l2b(unquote(Part)) || Part <- string:tokens(Path, "/")],
-        db_url_handlers = DbUrlHandlers,
-        design_url_handlers = DesignUrlHandlers,
-        default_fun = DefaultFun,
-        url_handlers = UrlHandlers,
-        user_ctx = erlang:erase(pre_rewrite_user_ctx)
-    },
-    HandlerFun = couch_util:dict_find(HandlerKey, UrlHandlers, DefaultFun),
-    {ok, AuthHandlers} = application:get_env(couch, auth_handlers),
-    {ok, Resp} =
-    try
-        case couch_httpd_cors:is_preflight_request(HttpReq) of
-        #httpd{} ->
-            case authenticate_request(HttpReq, AuthHandlers) of
-            #httpd{} = Req ->
-                HandlerFun(Req);
-            Response ->
-                Response
-            end;
-        Response ->
-            Response
-        end
-    catch
-        throw:{http_head_abort, Resp0} ->
-            {ok, Resp0};
-        throw:{invalid_json, S} ->
-            ?LOG_ERROR("attempted upload of invalid JSON (set log_level to debug to log it)", []),
-            ?LOG_DEBUG("Invalid JSON: ~p",[S]),
-            send_error(HttpReq, {bad_request, invalid_json});
-        throw:unacceptable_encoding ->
-            ?LOG_ERROR("unsupported encoding method for the response", []),
-            send_error(HttpReq, {not_acceptable, "unsupported encoding"});
-        throw:bad_accept_encoding_value ->
-            ?LOG_ERROR("received invalid Accept-Encoding header", []),
-            send_error(HttpReq, bad_request);
-        exit:normal ->
-            exit(normal);
-        exit:snappy_nif_not_loaded ->
-            ErrorReason = "To access the database or view index, Apache CouchDB"
-                " must be built with Erlang OTP R13B04 or higher.",
-            ?LOG_ERROR("~s", [ErrorReason]),
-            send_error(HttpReq, {bad_otp_release, ErrorReason});
-        exit:{body_too_large, _} ->
-            send_error(HttpReq, request_entity_too_large);
-        throw:Error ->
-            Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
-            ?LOG_DEBUG("Minor error in HTTP request: ~p",[Error]),
-            ?LOG_DEBUG("Stacktrace: ~p",[Stack]),
-            send_error(HttpReq, Error);
-        error:badarg ->
-            Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
-            ?LOG_ERROR("Badarg error in HTTP request",[]),
-            ?LOG_INFO("Stacktrace: ~p",[Stack]),
-            send_error(HttpReq, badarg);
-        error:function_clause ->
-            Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
-            ?LOG_ERROR("function_clause error in HTTP request",[]),
-            ?LOG_INFO("Stacktrace: ~p",[Stack]),
-            send_error(HttpReq, function_clause);
-        Tag:Error ->
-            Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
-            ?LOG_ERROR("Uncaught error in HTTP request: ~p",[{Tag, Error}]),
-            ?LOG_INFO("Stacktrace: ~p",[Stack]),
-            send_error(HttpReq, Error)
-    end,
-    RequestTime = round(timer:now_diff(now(), Begin)/1000),
-    couch_stats_collector:record({couchdb, request_time}, RequestTime),
-    couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd, requests}),
-    {ok, Resp}.
-% Try authentication handlers in order until one sets a user_ctx
-% the auth funs also have the option of returning a response
-% move this to couch_httpd_auth?
-authenticate_request(#httpd{user_ctx=#user_ctx{}} = Req, _AuthHandlers) ->
-    Req;
-authenticate_request(#httpd{} = Req, []) ->
-    case config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "require_valid_user", "false") of
-    "true" ->
-        throw({unauthorized, <<"Authentication required.">>});
-    "false" ->
-        Req#httpd{user_ctx=#user_ctx{}}
-    end;
-authenticate_request(#httpd{} = Req, [{AuthFun, AuthSrc} | RestAuthHandlers]) ->
-    R = case AuthFun(Req) of
-        #httpd{user_ctx=#user_ctx{}=UserCtx}=Req2 ->
-            Req2#httpd{user_ctx=UserCtx#user_ctx{handler=AuthSrc}};
-        Else -> Else
-    end,
-    authenticate_request(R, RestAuthHandlers);
-authenticate_request(Response, _AuthSrcs) ->
-    Response.
-increment_method_stats(Method) ->
-    couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd_request_methods, Method}).
-validate_referer(Req) ->
-    Host = host_for_request(Req),
-    Referer = header_value(Req, "Referer", fail),
-    case Referer of
-    fail ->
-        throw({bad_request, <<"Referer header required.">>});
-    Referer ->
-        {_,RefererHost,_,_,_} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit(Referer),
-        if
-            RefererHost =:= Host -> ok;
-            true -> throw({bad_request, <<"Referer header must match host.">>})
-        end
-    end.
-validate_ctype(Req, Ctype) ->
-    case header_value(Req, "Content-Type") of
-    undefined ->
-        throw({bad_ctype, "Content-Type must be "++Ctype});
-    ReqCtype ->
-        case string:tokens(ReqCtype, ";") of
-        [Ctype] -> ok;
-        [Ctype, _Rest] -> ok;
-        _Else ->
-            throw({bad_ctype, "Content-Type must be "++Ctype})
-        end
-    end.
-% Utilities
-partition(Path) ->
-    mochiweb_util:partition(Path, "/").
-header_value(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}, Key) ->
-    MochiReq:get_header_value(Key).
-header_value(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}, Key, Default) ->
-    case MochiReq:get_header_value(Key) of
-    undefined -> Default;
-    Value -> Value
-    end.
-primary_header_value(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}, Key) ->
-    MochiReq:get_primary_header_value(Key).
-accepted_encodings(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    case MochiReq:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"]) of
-    bad_accept_encoding_value ->
-        throw(bad_accept_encoding_value);
-    [] ->
-        throw(unacceptable_encoding);
-    EncList ->
-        EncList
-    end.
-serve_file(Req, RelativePath, DocumentRoot) ->
-    serve_file(Req, RelativePath, DocumentRoot, []).
-serve_file(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, RelativePath, DocumentRoot,
-           ExtraHeaders) ->
-    log_request(Req, 200),
-    ResponseHeaders = server_header()
-        ++ couch_httpd_auth:cookie_auth_header(Req, [])
-        ++ ExtraHeaders,
-    {ok, MochiReq:serve_file(RelativePath, DocumentRoot,
-            couch_httpd_cors:cors_headers(Req, ResponseHeaders))}.
-qs_value(Req, Key) ->
-    qs_value(Req, Key, undefined).
-qs_value(Req, Key, Default) ->
-    couch_util:get_value(Key, qs(Req), Default).
-qs_json_value(Req, Key, Default) ->
-    case qs_value(Req, Key, Default) of
-    Default ->
-        Default;
-    Result ->
-        ?JSON_DECODE(Result)
-    end.
-qs(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    MochiReq:parse_qs().
-path(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    MochiReq:get(path).
-host_for_request(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    XHost = config:get("httpd", "x_forwarded_host", "X-Forwarded-Host"),
-    case MochiReq:get_header_value(XHost) of
-        undefined ->
-            case MochiReq:get_header_value("Host") of
-                undefined ->
-                    {ok, {Address, Port}} = case MochiReq:get(socket) of
-                        {ssl, SslSocket} -> ssl:sockname(SslSocket);
-                        Socket -> inet:sockname(Socket)
-                    end,
-                    inet_parse:ntoa(Address) ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port);
-                Value1 ->
-                    Value1
-            end;
-        Value -> Value
-    end.
-absolute_uri(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Path) ->
-    Host = host_for_request(Req),
-    XSsl = config:get("httpd", "x_forwarded_ssl", "X-Forwarded-Ssl"),
-    Scheme = case MochiReq:get_header_value(XSsl) of
-                 "on" -> "https";
-                 _ ->
-                     XProto = config:get("httpd", "x_forwarded_proto", "X-Forwarded-Proto"),
-                     case MochiReq:get_header_value(XProto) of
-                         %% Restrict to "https" and "http" schemes only
-                         "https" -> "https";
-                         _ -> case MochiReq:get(scheme) of
-                                  https -> "https";
-                                  http -> "http"
-                              end
-                     end
-             end,
-    Scheme ++ "://" ++ Host ++ Path.
-unquote(UrlEncodedString) ->
-    mochiweb_util:unquote(UrlEncodedString).
-quote(UrlDecodedString) ->
-    mochiweb_util:quote_plus(UrlDecodedString).
-parse_form(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    mochiweb_multipart:parse_form(MochiReq).
-recv(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}, Len) ->
-    MochiReq:recv(Len).
-recv_chunked(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}, MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, InitState) ->
-    % Fun is called once with each chunk
-    % Fun({Length, Binary}, State)
-    % called with Length == 0 on the last time.
-    MochiReq:stream_body(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, InitState).
-body_length(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    MochiReq:get(body_length).
-body(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq, req_body=undefined}) ->
-    MaxSize = list_to_integer(
-        config:get("couchdb", "max_document_size", "4294967296")),
-    MochiReq:recv_body(MaxSize);
-body(#httpd{req_body=ReqBody}) ->
-    ReqBody.
-json_body(Httpd) ->
-    ?JSON_DECODE(body(Httpd)).
-json_body_obj(Httpd) ->
-    case json_body(Httpd) of
-        {Props} -> {Props};
-        _Else ->
-            throw({bad_request, "Request body must be a JSON object"})
-    end.
-doc_etag(#doc{revs={Start, [DiskRev|_]}}) ->
-    "\"" ++ ?b2l(couch_doc:rev_to_str({Start, DiskRev})) ++ "\"".
-make_etag(Term) ->
-    <<SigInt:128/integer>> = couch_util:md5(term_to_binary(Term)),
-    iolist_to_binary([$", io_lib:format("~.36B", [SigInt]), $"]).
-etag_match(Req, CurrentEtag) when is_binary(CurrentEtag) ->
-    etag_match(Req, binary_to_list(CurrentEtag));
-etag_match(Req, CurrentEtag) ->
-    EtagsToMatch = string:tokens(
-        header_value(Req, "If-None-Match", ""), ", "),
-    lists:member(CurrentEtag, EtagsToMatch).
-etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, RespFun) ->
-    case etag_match(Req, CurrentEtag) of
-    true ->
-        % the client has this in their cache.
-        send_response(Req, 304, [{"ETag", CurrentEtag}], <<>>);
-    false ->
-        % Run the function.
-        RespFun()
-    end.
-etag_maybe(Req, RespFun) ->
-    try
-        RespFun()
-    catch
-        throw:{etag_match, ETag} ->
-            send_response(Req, 304, [{"ETag", ETag}], <<>>)
-    end.
-verify_is_server_admin(#httpd{user_ctx=UserCtx}) ->
-    verify_is_server_admin(UserCtx);
-verify_is_server_admin(#user_ctx{roles=Roles}) ->
-    case lists:member(<<"_admin">>, Roles) of
-    true -> ok;
-    false -> throw({unauthorized, <<"You are not a server admin.">>})
-    end.
-log_request(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq,peer=Peer}, Code) ->
-    ?LOG_INFO("~s - - ~s ~s ~B", [
-        Peer,
-        MochiReq:get(method),
-        MochiReq:get(raw_path),
-        Code
-    ]).
-start_response_length(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Code, Headers, Length) ->
-    log_request(Req, Code),
-    couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd_status_codes, Code}),
-    Headers1 = Headers ++ server_header() ++
-               couch_httpd_auth:cookie_auth_header(Req, Headers),
-    Headers2 = couch_httpd_cors:cors_headers(Req, Headers1),
-    Resp = MochiReq:start_response_length({Code, Headers2, Length}),
-    case MochiReq:get(method) of
-    'HEAD' -> throw({http_head_abort, Resp});
-    _ -> ok
-    end,
-    {ok, Resp}.
-start_response(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Code, Headers) ->
-    log_request(Req, Code),
-    couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd_status_codes, Code}),
-    CookieHeader = couch_httpd_auth:cookie_auth_header(Req, Headers),
-    Headers1 = Headers ++ server_header() ++ CookieHeader,
-    Headers2 = couch_httpd_cors:cors_headers(Req, Headers1),
-    Resp = MochiReq:start_response({Code, Headers2}),
-    case MochiReq:get(method) of
-        'HEAD' -> throw({http_head_abort, Resp});
-        _ -> ok
-    end,
-    {ok, Resp}.
-send(Resp, Data) ->
-    Resp:send(Data),
-    {ok, Resp}.
-no_resp_conn_header([]) ->
-    true;
-no_resp_conn_header([{Hdr, _}|Rest]) ->
-    case string:to_lower(Hdr) of
-        "connection" -> false;
-        _ -> no_resp_conn_header(Rest)
-    end.
-http_1_0_keep_alive(Req, Headers) ->
-    KeepOpen = Req:should_close() == false,
-    IsHttp10 = Req:get(version) == {1, 0},
-    NoRespHeader = no_resp_conn_header(Headers),
-    case KeepOpen andalso IsHttp10 andalso NoRespHeader of
-        true -> [{"Connection", "Keep-Alive"} | Headers];
-        false -> Headers
-    end.
-start_chunked_response(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Code, Headers) ->
-    log_request(Req, Code),
-    couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd_status_codes, Code}),
-    Headers1 = http_1_0_keep_alive(MochiReq, Headers),
-    Headers2 = Headers1 ++ server_header() ++
-               couch_httpd_auth:cookie_auth_header(Req, Headers1),
-    Headers3 = couch_httpd_cors:cors_headers(Req, Headers2),
-    Resp = MochiReq:respond({Code, Headers3, chunked}),
-    case MochiReq:get(method) of
-    'HEAD' -> throw({http_head_abort, Resp});
-    _ -> ok
-    end,
-    {ok, Resp}.
-send_chunk(Resp, Data) ->
-    case iolist_size(Data) of
-    0 -> ok; % do nothing
-    _ -> Resp:write_chunk(Data)
-    end,
-    {ok, Resp}.
-last_chunk(Resp) ->
-    Resp:write_chunk([]),
-    {ok, Resp}.
-send_response(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Code, Headers, Body) ->
-    log_request(Req, Code),
-    couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd_status_codes, Code}),
-    Headers1 = http_1_0_keep_alive(MochiReq, Headers),
-    if Code >= 500 ->
-        ?LOG_ERROR("httpd ~p error response:~n ~s", [Code, Body]);
-    Code >= 400 ->
-        ?LOG_DEBUG("httpd ~p error response:~n ~s", [Code, Body]);
-    true -> ok
-    end,
-    Headers2 = Headers1 ++ server_header() ++
-               couch_httpd_auth:cookie_auth_header(Req, Headers1),
-    Headers3 = couch_httpd_cors:cors_headers(Req, Headers2),
-    {ok, MochiReq:respond({Code, Headers3, Body})}.
-send_method_not_allowed(Req, Methods) ->
-    send_error(Req, 405, [{"Allow", Methods}], <<"method_not_allowed">>, ?l2b("Only " ++ Methods ++ " allowed")).
-send_json(Req, Value) ->
-    send_json(Req, 200, Value).
-send_json(Req, Code, Value) ->
-    send_json(Req, Code, [], Value).
-send_json(Req, Code, Headers, Value) ->
-    initialize_jsonp(Req),
-    DefaultHeaders = [
-        {"Content-Type", negotiate_content_type(Req)},
-        {"Cache-Control", "must-revalidate"}
-    ],
-    Body = [start_jsonp(), ?JSON_ENCODE(Value), end_jsonp(), $\n],
-    send_response(Req, Code, DefaultHeaders ++ Headers, Body).
-start_json_response(Req, Code) ->
-    start_json_response(Req, Code, []).
-start_json_response(Req, Code, Headers) ->
-    initialize_jsonp(Req),
-    DefaultHeaders = [
-        {"Content-Type", negotiate_content_type(Req)},
-        {"Cache-Control", "must-revalidate"}
-    ],
-    {ok, Resp} = start_chunked_response(Req, Code, DefaultHeaders ++ Headers),
-    case start_jsonp() of
-        [] -> ok;
-        Start -> send_chunk(Resp, Start)
-    end,
-    {ok, Resp}.
-end_json_response(Resp) ->
-    send_chunk(Resp, end_jsonp() ++ [$\n]),
-    last_chunk(Resp).
-initialize_jsonp(Req) ->
-    case get(jsonp) of
-        undefined -> put(jsonp, qs_value(Req, "callback", no_jsonp));
-        _ -> ok
-    end,
-    case get(jsonp) of
-        no_jsonp -> [];
-        [] -> [];
-        CallBack ->
-            try
-                % make sure jsonp is configured on (default off)
-                case config:get("httpd", "allow_jsonp", "false") of
-                "true" ->
-                    validate_callback(CallBack);
-                _Else ->
-                    put(jsonp, no_jsonp)
-                end
-            catch
-                Error ->
-                    put(jsonp, no_jsonp),
-                    throw(Error)
-            end
-    end.
-start_jsonp() ->
-    case get(jsonp) of
-        no_jsonp -> [];
-        [] -> [];
-        CallBack -> ["/* CouchDB */", CallBack, "("]
-    end.
-end_jsonp() ->
-    case erlang:erase(jsonp) of
-        no_jsonp -> [];
-        [] -> [];
-        _ -> ");"
-    end.
-validate_callback(CallBack) when is_binary(CallBack) ->
-    validate_callback(binary_to_list(CallBack));
-validate_callback([]) ->
-    ok;
-validate_callback([Char | Rest]) ->
-    case Char of
-        _ when Char >= $a andalso Char =< $z -> ok;
-        _ when Char >= $A andalso Char =< $Z -> ok;
-        _ when Char >= $0 andalso Char =< $9 -> ok;
-        _ when Char == $. -> ok;
-        _ when Char == $_ -> ok;
-        _ when Char == $[ -> ok;
-        _ when Char == $] -> ok;
-        _ ->
-            throw({bad_request, invalid_callback})
-    end,
-    validate_callback(Rest).
-error_info({Error, Reason}) when is_list(Reason) ->
-    error_info({Error, ?l2b(Reason)});
-error_info(bad_request) ->
-    {400, <<"bad_request">>, <<>>};
-error_info({bad_request, Reason}) ->
-    {400, <<"bad_request">>, Reason};
-error_info({query_parse_error, Reason}) ->
-    {400, <<"query_parse_error">>, Reason};
-% Prior art for md5 mismatch resulting in a 400 is from AWS S3
-error_info(md5_mismatch) ->
-    {400, <<"content_md5_mismatch">>, <<"Possible message corruption.">>};
-error_info(not_found) ->
-    {404, <<"not_found">>, <<"missing">>};
-error_info({not_found, Reason}) ->
-    {404, <<"not_found">>, Reason};
-error_info({not_acceptable, Reason}) ->
-    {406, <<"not_acceptable">>, Reason};
-error_info(conflict) ->
-    {409, <<"conflict">>, <<"Document update conflict.">>};
-error_info({forbidden, Msg}) ->
-    {403, <<"forbidden">>, Msg};
-error_info({unauthorized, Msg}) ->
-    {401, <<"unauthorized">>, Msg};
-error_info(file_exists) ->
-    {412, <<"file_exists">>, <<"The database could not be "
-        "created, the file already exists.">>};
-error_info(request_entity_too_large) ->
-    {413, <<"too_large">>, <<"the request entity is too large">>};
-error_info({bad_ctype, Reason}) ->
-    {415, <<"bad_content_type">>, Reason};
-error_info(requested_range_not_satisfiable) ->
-    {416, <<"requested_range_not_satisfiable">>, <<"Requested range not satisfiable">>};
-error_info({error, illegal_database_name, Name}) ->
-    Message = "Name: '" ++ Name ++ "'. Only lowercase characters (a-z), "
-        ++ "digits (0-9), and any of the characters _, $, (, ), +, -, and / "
-        ++ "are allowed. Must begin with a letter.",
-    {400, <<"illegal_database_name">>, couch_util:to_binary(Message)};
-error_info({missing_stub, Reason}) ->
-    {412, <<"missing_stub">>, Reason};
-error_info({Error, Reason}) ->
-    {500, couch_util:to_binary(Error), couch_util:to_binary(Reason)};
-error_info(Error) ->
-    {500, <<"unknown_error">>, couch_util:to_binary(Error)}.
-error_headers(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}=Req, Code, ErrorStr, ReasonStr) ->
-    if Code == 401 ->
-        % this is where the basic auth popup is triggered
-        case MochiReq:get_header_value("X-CouchDB-WWW-Authenticate") of
-        undefined ->
-            case config:get("httpd", "WWW-Authenticate", nil) of
-            nil ->
-                % If the client is a browser and the basic auth popup isn't turned on
-                % redirect to the session page.
-                case ErrorStr of
-                <<"unauthorized">> ->
-                    case config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "authentication_redirect", nil) of
-                    nil -> {Code, []};
-                    AuthRedirect ->
-                        case config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "require_valid_user", "false") of
-                        "true" ->
-                            % send the browser popup header no matter what if we are require_valid_user
-                            {Code, [{"WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"server\""}]};
-                        _False ->
-                            case MochiReq:accepts_content_type("application/json") of
-                            true ->
-                                {Code, []};
-                            false ->
-                                case MochiReq:accepts_content_type("text/html") of
-                                true ->
-                                    % Redirect to the path the user requested, not
-                                    % the one that is used internally.
-                                    UrlReturnRaw = case MochiReq:get_header_value("x-couchdb-vhost-path") of
-                                    undefined ->
-                                        MochiReq:get(path);
-                                    VHostPath ->
-                                        VHostPath
-                                    end,
-                                    RedirectLocation = lists:flatten([
-                                        AuthRedirect,
-                                        "?return=", couch_util:url_encode(UrlReturnRaw),
-                                        "&reason=", couch_util:url_encode(ReasonStr)
-                                    ]),
-                                    {302, [{"Location", absolute_uri(Req, RedirectLocation)}]};
-                                false ->
-                                    {Code, []}
-                                end
-                            end
-                        end
-                    end;
-                _Else ->
-                    {Code, []}
-                end;
-            Type ->
-                {Code, [{"WWW-Authenticate", Type}]}
-            end;
-        Type ->
-           {Code, [{"WWW-Authenticate", Type}]}
-        end;
-    true ->
-        {Code, []}
-    end.
-send_error(_Req, {already_sent, Resp, _Error}) ->
-    {ok, Resp};
-send_error(Req, Error) ->
-    {Code, ErrorStr, ReasonStr} = error_info(Error),
-    {Code1, Headers} = error_headers(Req, Code, ErrorStr, ReasonStr),
-    send_error(Req, Code1, Headers, ErrorStr, ReasonStr).
-send_error(Req, Code, ErrorStr, ReasonStr) ->
-    send_error(Req, Code, [], ErrorStr, ReasonStr).
-send_error(Req, Code, Headers, ErrorStr, ReasonStr) ->
-    send_json(Req, Code, Headers,
-        {[{<<"error">>,  ErrorStr},
-         {<<"reason">>, ReasonStr}]}).
-% give the option for list functions to output html or other raw errors
-send_chunked_error(Resp, {_Error, {[{<<"body">>, Reason}]}}) ->
-    send_chunk(Resp, Reason),
-    last_chunk(Resp);
-send_chunked_error(Resp, Error) ->
-    {Code, ErrorStr, ReasonStr} = error_info(Error),
-    JsonError = {[{<<"code">>, Code},
-        {<<"error">>,  ErrorStr},
-        {<<"reason">>, ReasonStr}]},
-    send_chunk(Resp, ?l2b([$\n,?JSON_ENCODE(JsonError),$\n])),
-    last_chunk(Resp).
-send_redirect(Req, Path) ->
-     send_response(Req, 301, [{"Location", absolute_uri(Req, Path)}], <<>>).
-negotiate_content_type(Req) ->
-    case get(jsonp) of
-        no_jsonp -> negotiate_content_type1(Req);
-        [] -> negotiate_content_type1(Req);
-        _Callback -> "text/javascript"
-    end.
-negotiate_content_type1(#httpd{mochi_req=MochiReq}) ->
-    %% Determine the appropriate Content-Type header for a JSON response
-    %% depending on the Accept header in the request. A request that explicitly
-    %% lists the correct JSON MIME type will get that type, otherwise the
-    %% response will have the generic MIME type "text/plain"
-    AcceptedTypes = case MochiReq:get_header_value("Accept") of
-        undefined       -> [];
-        AcceptHeader    -> string:tokens(AcceptHeader, ", ")
-    end,
-    case lists:member("application/json", AcceptedTypes) of
-        true  -> "application/json";
-        false -> "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
-    end.
-server_header() ->
-    [{"Server", "CouchDB/" ++ couch_server:get_version() ++
-                " (Erlang OTP/" ++ erlang:system_info(otp_release) ++ ")"}].
--record(mp, {boundary, buffer, data_fun, callback}).
-parse_multipart_request(ContentType, DataFun, Callback) ->
-    Boundary0 = iolist_to_binary(get_boundary(ContentType)),
-    Boundary = <<"\r\n--", Boundary0/binary>>,
-    Mp = #mp{boundary= Boundary,
-            buffer= <<>>,
-            data_fun=DataFun,
-            callback=Callback},
-    {Mp2, _NilCallback} = read_until(Mp, <<"--", Boundary0/binary>>,
-        fun nil_callback/1),
-    #mp{buffer=Buffer, data_fun=DataFun2, callback=Callback2} =
-            parse_part_header(Mp2),
-    {Buffer, DataFun2, Callback2}.
-    fun nil_callback/1.
-get_boundary({"multipart/" ++ _, Opts}) ->
-    case couch_util:get_value("boundary", Opts) of
-        S when is_list(S) ->
-            S
-    end;
-get_boundary(ContentType) ->
-    {"multipart/" ++ _ , Opts} = mochiweb_util:parse_header(ContentType),
-    get_boundary({"multipart/", Opts}).
-split_header(<<>>) ->
-    [];
-split_header(Line) ->
-    {Name, [$: | Value]} = lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> C =/= $: end,
-                                           binary_to_list(Line)),
-    [{string:to_lower(string:strip(Name)),
-     mochiweb_util:parse_header(Value)}].
-read_until(#mp{data_fun=DataFun, buffer=Buffer}=Mp, Pattern, Callback) ->
-    case find_in_binary(Pattern, Buffer) of
-    not_found ->
-        Callback2 = Callback(Buffer),
-        {Buffer2, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
-        Buffer3 = iolist_to_binary(Buffer2),
-        read_until(Mp#mp{data_fun=DataFun2,buffer=Buffer3}, Pattern, Callback2);
-    {partial, 0} ->
-        {NewData, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
-        read_until(Mp#mp{data_fun=DataFun2,
-                buffer= iolist_to_binary([Buffer,NewData])},
-                Pattern, Callback);
-    {partial, Skip} ->
-        <<DataChunk:Skip/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
-        Callback2 = Callback(DataChunk),
-        {NewData, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
-        read_until(Mp#mp{data_fun=DataFun2,
-                buffer= iolist_to_binary([Rest | NewData])},
-                Pattern, Callback2);
-    {exact, 0} ->
-        PatternLen = size(Pattern),
-        <<_:PatternLen/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
-        {Mp#mp{buffer= Rest}, Callback};
-    {exact, Skip} ->
-        PatternLen = size(Pattern),
-        <<DataChunk:Skip/binary, _:PatternLen/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
-        Callback2 = Callback(DataChunk),
-        {Mp#mp{buffer= Rest}, Callback2}
-    end.
-parse_part_header(#mp{callback=UserCallBack}=Mp) ->
-    {Mp2, AccCallback} = read_until(Mp, <<"\r\n\r\n">>,
-            fun(Next) -> acc_callback(Next, []) end),
-    HeaderData = AccCallback(get_data),
-    Headers =
-    lists:foldl(fun(Line, Acc) ->
-            split_header(Line) ++ Acc
-        end, [], re:split(HeaderData,<<"\r\n">>, [])),
-    NextCallback = UserCallBack({headers, Headers}),
-    parse_part_body(Mp2#mp{callback=NextCallback}).
-parse_part_body(#mp{boundary=Prefix, callback=Callback}=Mp) ->
-    {Mp2, WrappedCallback} = read_until(Mp, Prefix,
-            fun(Data) -> body_callback_wrapper(Data, Callback) end),
-    Callback2 = WrappedCallback(get_callback),
-    Callback3 = Callback2(body_end),
-    case check_for_last(Mp2#mp{callback=Callback3}) of
-    {last, #mp{callback=Callback3}=Mp3} ->
-        Mp3#mp{callback=Callback3(eof)};
-    {more, Mp3} ->
-        parse_part_header(Mp3)
-    end.
-acc_callback(get_data, Acc)->
-    iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc));
-acc_callback(Data, Acc)->
-    fun(Next) -> acc_callback(Next, [Data | Acc]) end.
-body_callback_wrapper(get_callback, Callback) ->
-    Callback;
-body_callback_wrapper(Data, Callback) ->
-    Callback2 = Callback({body, Data}),
-    fun(Next) -> body_callback_wrapper(Next, Callback2) end.
-check_for_last(#mp{buffer=Buffer, data_fun=DataFun}=Mp) ->
-    case Buffer of
-    <<"--",_/binary>> -> {last, Mp};
-    <<_, _, _/binary>> -> {more, Mp};
-    _ -> % not long enough
-        {Data, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
-        check_for_last(Mp#mp{buffer= <<Buffer/binary, Data/binary>>,
-                data_fun = DataFun2})
-    end.
-find_in_binary(_B, <<>>) ->
-    not_found;
-find_in_binary(B, Data) ->
-    case binary:match(Data, [B], []) of
-    nomatch ->
-        partial_find(binary:part(B, {0, byte_size(B) - 1}),
-                     binary:part(Data, {byte_size(Data), -byte_size(Data) + 1}), 1);
-    {Pos, _Len} ->
-        {exact, Pos}
-    end.
-partial_find(<<>>, _Data, _Pos) ->
-    not_found;
-partial_find(B, Data, N) when byte_size(Data) > 0 ->
-    case binary:match(Data, [B], []) of
-    nomatch ->
-        partial_find(binary:part(B, {0, byte_size(B) - 1}),
-                     binary:part(Data, {byte_size(Data), -byte_size(Data) + 1}), N + 1);
-    {Pos, _Len} ->
-        {partial, N + Pos}
-    end;
-partial_find(_B, _Data, _N) ->
-    not_found.
-validate_bind_address(Address) ->
-    case inet_parse:address(Address) of
-        {ok, _} -> ok;
-        _ -> throw({error, invalid_bind_address})
-    end.