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[1/3] drill git commit: DRILL-3151: Fix many ResultSetMetaData method return values.

Repository: drill
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 9932246ce -> 808350824
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba5435f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.drill.jdbc;
+import static;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
+import org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver;
+import org.apache.drill.jdbc.test.JdbcAssert;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.Date;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.sql.Time;
+import java.sql.Timestamp;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Types;
+ * Test class for Drill's java.sql.ResultSetMetaData implementation.
+ * <p>
+ *   Based on JDBC 4.1 (Java 7).
+ * </p>
+ */
+public class ResultSetMetaDataTest extends JdbcTestBase {
+  private static final String VIEW_SCHEMA = "dfs_test.tmp";
+  private static final String VIEW_NAME =
+      ResultSetMetaDataTest.class.getSimpleName() + "_View";
+  /** The one shared JDBC connection to Drill. */
+  private static Connection connection;
+  // Result set with test columns of various types.  Is positioned at first row
+  // for, and must not be modified by, test methods.
+  private static ResultSet viewRow;
+  // Metadata for result set.
+  private static ResultSetMetaData rowMetadata;
+  //////////
+  // For columns in temporary test view (types accessible via casting):
+  // (Dynamic to make it simpler to add or remove columns.)
+  private static int columnCount;
+  private static int ordOptBOOLEAN;
+  private static int ordReqBOOLEAN;
+  private static int ordReqSMALLINT;
+  private static int ordReqINTEGER;
+  private static int ordReqBIGINT;
+  private static int ordReqREAL;
+  private static int ordReqFLOAT;
+  private static int ordReqDOUBLE;
+  private static int ordReqDECIMAL_5_3;
+  // No NUMERIC while Drill just maps it to DECIMAL.
+  private static int ordReqVARCHAR_10;
+  private static int ordOptVARCHAR;
+  private static int ordReqCHAR_5;
+  // No NCHAR, etc., in Drill (?).
+  private static int ordOptVARBINARY_16;
+  private static int ordOptBINARY_1048576;
+  private static int ordReqDATE;
+  private static int ordReqTIME_2;
+  private static int ordOptTIME_7;
+  private static int ordReqTIMESTAMP_4;
+  // No "... WITH TIME ZONE" in Drill.
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_Y;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3Y_Mo;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_Mo;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_D;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_4D_H;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_2D_S5;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_H;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3H_S1;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_Mi;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_5Mi_S;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_S;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3S;
+  private static int ordReqINTERVAL_3S1;
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setUpConnectionAndMetadataToCheck() throws Exception {
+    // Get JDBC connection to Drill:
+    // (Note: Can't use JdbcTest's connect(...) because JdbcTest closes
+    // Connection--and other JDBC objects--on test method failure, but this test
+    // class uses some objects across methods.)
+    connection = new Driver().connect( "jdbc:drill:zk=local",
+                                       JdbcAssert.getDefaultProperties() );
+    final Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
+    ResultSet util;
+    // Create temporary test-columns view:
+    util = stmt.executeQuery( "USE `" + VIEW_SCHEMA + "`" );
+    assertTrue( );
+    assertTrue( "Error setting schema for test: " + util.getString( 2 ),
+                util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
+    columnCount = 0;
+    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
+    buf.append( "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `" + VIEW_NAME + "` AS SELECT " );
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL    AS BOOLEAN      ) AS mdrOptBOOLEAN, " );
+    ordOptBOOLEAN = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n TRUE                            AS mdrReqBOOLEAN, " );
+    ordReqBOOLEAN = ++columnCount;
+    //buf.append( "\n CAST(   15    AS SMALLINT     ) AS mdrOptSMALLINT, " );
+    //ordOptSMALLINT = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST(    2    AS INTEGER      ) AS mdrOptINTEGER, " );
+    ordReqINTEGER = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( 15      AS BIGINT       ) AS mdrReqBIGINT, " );
+    ordReqBIGINT = ++columnCount;
+    // TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented:
+    //buf.append( "\n CAST(  3.1    AS REAL         ) AS mdrReqREAL, " );
+    //ordReqREAL = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST(  3.2    AS FLOAT        ) AS mdrReqFLOAT, " );
+    ordReqFLOAT = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST(  3.3    AS DOUBLE       ) AS mdrReqDOUBLE, " );
+    ordReqDOUBLE = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST(  4.4    AS DECIMAL(5,3) ) AS mdrReqDECIMAL_5_3, " );
+    ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( 'Hi'    AS VARCHAR(10)  ) AS mdrReqVARCHAR_10, " );
+    ordReqVARCHAR_10 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL    AS VARCHAR      ) AS mdrOptVARCHAR, " );
+    ordOptVARCHAR = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( '55'    AS CHAR(5)      ) AS mdrReqCHAR_5, " );
+    ordReqCHAR_5 = ++columnCount;
+    // TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough:
+    //buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL    AS VARBINARY(16)      ) AS mdrOptVARBINARY_16," );
+    //ordOptVARBINARY_16 = ++columnCount;
+    // TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough:
+    //buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL    AS BINARY(1048576)    ) AS mdrOptBINARY_1048576, " );
+    //ordOptBINARY_1048576 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n       DATE '2015-01-01'            AS mdrReqDATE, " );
+    ordReqDATE = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( TIME '23:59:59.123' AS TIME(2) ) AS mdrReqTIME_2, " );
+    ordReqTIME_2 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( NULL                AS TIME(7) ) AS mdrOptTIME_7, " );
+    ordOptTIME_7 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n CAST( TIMESTAMP '2015-01-01 23:59:59.12345'"
+                +                  " AS TIMESTAMP(4) ) AS mdrReqTIMESTAMP_4, " );
+    ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '1'     YEAR              AS mdrReqINTERVAL_Y, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_Y = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '1-2'   YEAR(3) TO MONTH  AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3Y_Mo, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_3Y_Mo = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '1-2'   YEAR(10) TO MONTH AS mdrReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '-2'    MONTH             AS mdrReqINTERVAL_Mo, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_Mo = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3'     DAY               AS mdrReqINTERVAL_D, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_D = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3 4'   DAY(4) TO HOUR    AS mdrReqINTERVAL_4D_H, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_4D_H = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3 4:5' DAY(3) TO MINUTE  AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '3 4:5:6' DAY(2) TO SECOND(5) AS mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_2D_S5 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '4'     HOUR              AS mdrReqINTERVAL_H, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_H = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '4:5'   HOUR(1) TO MINUTE AS mdrReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '4:5:6' HOUR(3) TO SECOND(1) AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_3H_S1 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '5'     MINUTE            AS mdrReqINTERVAL_Mi, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_Mi = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '5:6'   MINUTE(5) TO SECOND AS mdrReqINTERVAL_5Mi_S, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_5Mi_S = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '6'     SECOND          AS mdrReqINTERVAL_S, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_S = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '6'     SECOND(3)       AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3S, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_3S = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n INTERVAL '6'     SECOND(3, 1)    AS mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1, " );
+    ordReqINTERVAL_3S1 = ++columnCount;
+    buf.append( "\n ''" );
+    ++columnCount;
+    final String query = buf.toString();
+    util = stmt.executeQuery( query );
+    assertTrue( );
+    assertTrue( "Error creating temporary test-columns view " + VIEW_NAME + ": "
+                + util.getString( 2 ), util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
+    viewRow = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + VIEW_NAME + " LIMIT 1 " );
+    rowMetadata = viewRow.getMetaData();
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void tearDownConnection() throws SQLException {
+    final ResultSet util =
+        connection.createStatement().executeQuery( "DROP VIEW " + VIEW_NAME + "" );
+    assertTrue( );
+    assertTrue( "Error dropping temporary test-columns view " + VIEW_NAME + ": "
+                + util.getString( 2 ), util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
+    connection.close();
+  }
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Tests:
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnCount(...):
+  // JDBC: "Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object."
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnCount() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( "column count",
+                rowMetadata.getColumnCount(), equalTo( columnCount ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isAutoIncrement(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column is automatically numbered."
+  @Test
+  public void test_isAutoIncrement_returnsFalse() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isAutoIncrement( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isCaseSensitive(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether a column's case matters."
+  // (Presumably that refers to the column's name, not values.)
+  // Matters for what (for which operations)?
+  @Test
+  public void test_isCaseSensitive_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isCaseSensitive( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isSearchable(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column can be used in a where
+  //   clause."
+  // (Is there any reason a column couldn't be used in a WHERE clause?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSearchable_returnsTrue() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSearchable( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( true ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isCurrency(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column is a cash value."
+  @Test
+  public void test_isCurrency_returnsFalse() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isCurrency( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isNullable(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates the nullability of values in the designated column."
+  @Test
+  public void test_isNullable_forNullable() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isNullable( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isNullable_forRequired() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isNullable( ordReqINTEGER ),
+                equalTo( ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isSigned(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers."
+  // (Does "signed numbers" include intervals (which are signed)?
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( true ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqDOUBLE ), equalTo( true ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( true ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
+  public void test_isSigned_forBINARY_1048576() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forDate() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqDATE ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forTIME_2() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqTIME_2 ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forTIMESTAMP_4() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_isSigned_forINTERVAL_Y() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isSigned( ordReqINTERVAL_Y ), equalTo( true ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnDisplaySize(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates the designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
+  //   ... the normal maximum number of characters allowed as the width of the
+  //       designated column"
+  // (What exactly is the "normal maximum" number of characters?)
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3355): unignore when getColumnDisplaySize(...) implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnDisplaySize_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnDisplaySize( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( 5 ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3355):  Do more types when metadata is available.
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnLabel(...):
+  // JDBC: "Gets the designated column's suggested title for use in printouts
+  //   and displays. The suggested title is usually specified by the SQL
+  //   AS clause.  If a SQL AS is not specified, the value returned from
+  //   getColumnLabel will be the same as the value returned by the
+  //   getColumnName method."
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnLabel_getsName() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnLabel( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( "mdrOptBOOLEAN" ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnName(...):
+  // JDBC: "Get the designated column's name."
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnName_getsName() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( "mdrOptBOOLEAN" ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getSchemaName(...):
+  // JDBC: "Get the designated column's table's schema. ... schema name
+  //   or "" if not applicable"
+  // Note: Schema _name_, not schema, of course.
+  // (Are result-set tables in a schema?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_getSchemaName_forViewGetsName() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getSchemaName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                anyOf( equalTo( VIEW_SCHEMA ),
+                       equalTo( "" ) ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getPrecision(...):
+  // JDBC: "Get the designated column's specified column size.
+  //   For numeric data, this is the maximum precision.
+  //   For character data, this is the length in characters.
+  //   For datetime datatypes, this is the length in characters of the String
+  //     representation (assuming the maximum allowed precision of the
+  //     fractional seconds component).
+  //   For binary data, this is the length in bytes.
+  //   For the ROWID datatype, this is the length in bytes.
+  //   0 is returned for data types where the column size is not applicable."
+  // TODO(DRILL-3355):  Resolve:
+  // - Confirm:  This seems to be the same as getColumns's COLUMN_SIZE.
+  // - Is numeric "maximum precision" in bits, in digits, or per some radix
+  //   specified somewhere?
+  // - For which unmentioned types is column size applicable or not applicable?
+  //   E.g., what about interval types?
+  @Test
+  public void test_getPrecision_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( 0 ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3355): unignore when getPrecision(...) implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getPrecision_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
+    // Is it actual bits?:
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 32 ) );
+    // Is it number of possible decimal digits?
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 10 ) );
+    // Is it minimum guaranteed decimal digits?
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 9 ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3355): unignore when getPrecision(...) implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getPrecision_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
+    // Is it actual bits?:
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDOUBLE ), equalTo( 53 ) );
+    // Is it number of possible decimal digits?
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 7 ) );
+    // Is it minimum guaranteed decimal digits?
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDOUBLE ), equalTo( 6 ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getPrecision_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getPrecision( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( 5 ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3355):  Do more types when metadata is available.
+  // - Copy in tests for DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(...)'s COLUMN_SIZE (since
+  //   ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision(...) seems to be defined the same.
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getScale(...):
+  // JDBC: "Gets the designated column's number of digits to right of the
+  //   decimal point.  0 is returned for data types where the scale is not
+  //   applicable."
+  // (When exactly is scale not applicable?  What about for TIME or INTERVAL?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_getScale_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( 0 ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getScale_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordReqINTEGER ), equalTo( 0 ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getScale_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getScale( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ), equalTo( 3 ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3355):  Do more types when metadata is available.
+  // - especially TIME and INTERVAL cases.
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getTableName(...):
+  // JDBC: "Gets the designated column's table name. ... table name or "" if
+  //   not applicable"
+  // (When exactly is this applicable or not applicable?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_getTableName_forViewGetsName() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getTableName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                anyOf( equalTo( VIEW_NAME ),
+                       equalTo( "" ) ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getCatalogName(...):
+  // JDBC: "Gets the designated column's table's catalog name.  ... the name of
+  //   the catalog for the table in which the given column appears or "" if not
+  //    applicable"
+  // (What if the result set is not directly from a base table?  Since Drill has
+  // has only one catalog ("DRILL") should this return "DRILL" for everything,
+  // or only for base tables?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_getCatalogName_getsCatalogName() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getCatalogName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                anyOf( equalTo( "DRILL" ), equalTo( "" ) ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnType(...):
+  // JDBC: "Retrieves the designated column's SQL type.  ... SQL type from
+  //   java.sql.Types"
+  // NOTE:  JDBC representation of data type or data type family.
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( Types.BOOLEAN ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqSMALLINT ),
+                equalTo( Types.SMALLINT ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqINTEGER ),
+                equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forBIGINT() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqBIGINT ),
+                equalTo( Types.BIGINT ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forREAL() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqREAL ),
+                equalTo( Types.REAL ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forFLOAT() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqFLOAT ),
+                equalTo( Types.FLOAT ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqDOUBLE ),
+                equalTo( Types.DOUBLE ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ),
+                equalTo( Types.DECIMAL ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forVARCHAR_10() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ),
+                equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptVARCHAR ),
+                equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3369): unignore when CHAR is no longer VARCHAR" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forCHAR_5() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqCHAR_5 ),
+                equalTo( Types.CHAR ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forVARBINARY_16() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptVARBINARY_16 ),
+                equalTo( Types.VARBINARY ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forBINARY_1048576CHECK() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ),
+                equalTo( Types.VARBINARY ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forDATE() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqDATE ),
+                equalTo( Types.DATE ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forTIME_2() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqTIME_2 ),
+                equalTo( Types.TIME ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forTIME_7() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordOptTIME_7 ),
+                equalTo( Types.TIME ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forTIMESTAMP_4() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ),
+                equalTo( Types.TIMESTAMP ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forINTERVAL_Y() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqINTERVAL_Y ),
+                equalTo( Types.OTHER ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnType_forINTERVAL_H_S3() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnType( ordReqINTERVAL_3H_S1 ),
+                equalTo( Types.OTHER ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnTypeName(...):
+  // JDBC: "Retrieves the designated column's database-specific type name.
+  //   ... type name used by the database.  If the column type is a user-defined
+  //   type, then a fully-qualified type name is returned."
+  // (Is this expected to match INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TYPE_NAME?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( "BOOLEAN" ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
+                equalTo( "SMALLINT" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forINTEGER() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqINTEGER ),
+                equalTo( "INTEGER" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBIGINT() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqBIGINT ),
+                equalTo( "BIGINT" ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forREAL() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqREAL ),
+                equalTo( "REAL" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forFLOAT() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqFLOAT ),
+                equalTo( "FLOAT" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forDOUBLE() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqDOUBLE ),
+                equalTo( "DOUBLE" ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ),
+                equalTo( "DECIMAL" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptVARCHAR ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3369): unignore when CHAR is no longer VARCHAR" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forCHAR() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqCHAR_5 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER" ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when VARBINARY is implemented enough" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forVARBINARY() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptVARBINARY_16 ),
+                equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forBINARY() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordOptBINARY_1048576 ),
+                equalTo( "BINARY" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forDATE() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqDATE ),
+                equalTo( "DATE" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forTIME_2() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqTIME_2 ),
+                equalTo( "TIME" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forTIMESTAMP_4() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ),
+                equalTo( "TIMESTAMP" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forINTERVAL_Y() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqINTERVAL_Y ),
+                equalTo( "INTERVAL" ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnTypeName_forINTERVAL_D() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnTypeName( ordReqINTERVAL_4D_H ),
+                equalTo( "INTERVAL" ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isReadOnly(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable."
+  // (Writable in what context?  By current user in current connection? Some
+  // other context?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_isReadOnly_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isReadOnly( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( true ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isWritable(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether it is possible for a write on the designated
+  //   column to succeed."
+  // (Possible in what context?  By current user in current connection?  Some
+  // other context?
+  @Test
+  public void test_isWritable_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isWritable( ordOptBOOLEAN ), equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // isDefinitelyWritable(...):
+  // JDBC: "Indicates whether a write on the designated column will definitely
+  //   succeed."
+  // (Will succeed in what context?  By current user in current connection?
+  // Some other context?)
+  @Test
+  public void test_isDefinitelyWritable_nameThisNonSpecific() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.isDefinitelyWritable( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( false ) );
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // getColumnClassName(...):
+  // JDBC: "Returns the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances
+  //   are manufactured if the method ResultSet.getObject is called to retrieve
+  //   a value from the column.  ResultSet.getObject may return a subclass of
+  //   the class returned by this method. ... the fully-qualified name of the
+  //   class in the Java programming language that would be used by the method"
+  // BOOLEAN:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forBOOLEAN_isBoolean() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordOptBOOLEAN ),
+                equalTo( Boolean.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forBOOLEAN_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqBOOLEAN ),
+        // (equalTo because Boolean is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqBOOLEAN ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forSMALLINT_isShort() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
+                equalTo( Short.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forSMALLINT_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqSMALLINT ),
+        // (equalTo because Short is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqSMALLINT ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  // INTEGER:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTEGER_isInteger() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTEGER ),
+                equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTEGER_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTEGER ),
+        // (equalTo because Integer is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqINTEGER ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  // BIGINT:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forBIGINT_isLong() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqBIGINT ),
+                equalTo( Long.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forBIGINT_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqBIGINT ),
+        // (equalTo because Long is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqBIGINT ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  // REAL:
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forREAL_isFloat() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqREAL ),
+                equalTo( Float.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forREAL_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqREAL ),
+        // (equalTo because Float is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqREAL ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  // FLOAT:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forFLOAT_isFloat() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqFLOAT ),
+                anyOf( equalTo( Float.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( Double.class.getName() ) ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forFLOAT_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqFLOAT ),
+        // (equalTo because Float is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqFLOAT ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  // DOUBLE:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forDOUBLE_isDouble() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDOUBLE ),
+                equalTo( Double.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forDOUBLE_matches() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat(
+        rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDOUBLE ),
+        // (equalTo because Double is final)
+        equalTo( viewRow.getObject( ordReqDOUBLE ).getClass().getName() ) );
+  }
+  // DECIMAL_5_3:
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forDECIMAL_5_3_isBigDecimal() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ),
+                equalTo( BigDecimal.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forDECIMAL_5_3_matches()
+      throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
+    final Class<?> requiredClass =
+        Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ) );
+    final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqDECIMAL_5_3 ).getClass();
+    assertTrue( "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+                + " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
+                requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
+  }
+  // VARCHAR_10:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forVARCHAR_10_isString() throws SQLException {
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ),
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forVARCHAR_10_matches()
+      throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
+    final Class<?> requiredClass =
+        Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ) );
+    final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqVARCHAR_10 ).getClass();
+    assertTrue( "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+                + " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
+                requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3369):  Add test when CHAR is no longer VARCHAR:
+  // CHAR_5:
+  // TODO(DRILL-3368):  Add test when VARBINARY is implemented enough:
+  // VARBINARY_16
+  // TODO(DRILL-3368):  Add test when BINARY is implemented enough:
+  // BINARY_1048576:
+  // DATE:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forDATE_isDate() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDATE ),
+                equalTo( Date.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forDATE_matches()
+      throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
+    final Class<?> requiredClass =
+        Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqDATE ) );
+     final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqDATE ).getClass();
+     assertTrue(
+        "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+        + " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
+        requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
+  }
+  // TIME:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIME_2_isTime() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIME_2 ),
+                equalTo( Time.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIME_2_matches()
+      throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
+    final Class<?> requiredClass =
+        Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIME_2 ) );
+    final Class<?> actualClass = viewRow.getObject( ordReqTIME_2 ).getClass();
+    assertTrue(
+        "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+        + " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
+        requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
+  }
+  // TIME_7:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIMESTAMP_4_isDate() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ),
+                equalTo( Timestamp.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forTIMESTAMP_4_matches()
+      throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
+    final Class<?> requiredClass =
+        Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ) );
+    final Class<?> actualClass =
+        viewRow.getObject( ordReqTIMESTAMP_4 ).getClass();
+    assertTrue(
+        "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+        + " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
+        requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
+  }
+  // No "... WITH TIME ZONE" in Drill.
+  // INTERVAL_3Y_Mo:
+  // INTERVAL_10Y_Mo:
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTERVAL_10Y_Mo_isJodaPeriod() throws SQLException {
+    assertThat( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo ),
+                equalTo( org.joda.time.Period.class.getName() ) );
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void test_getColumnClassName_forINTERVAL_10Y_Mo_matches()
+      throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
+    final Class<?> requiredClass =
+        Class.forName( rowMetadata.getColumnClassName( ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo ) );
+    final Class<?> actualClass =
+        viewRow.getObject( ordReqINTERVAL_10Y_Mo ).getClass();
+    assertTrue( "actual class " + actualClass.getName()
+                + " is not assignable to required class " + requiredClass,
+                requiredClass.isAssignableFrom( actualClass ) );
+  }
+  // TODO(DRILL-3253):  Do more types when we have all-types test storage plugin.
+} // class DatabaseMetaGetColumnsDataTest
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
index a595ed4..3a4b83e 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ public class TypeConvertingSqlAccessorTest {
+    public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+      throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected use of getObjectClass(...)" );
+    }
+    @Override
     public MajorType getType() {
       return type;
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/test/ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/test/
index 8fb521e..4e076b7 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/test/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/test/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import static java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
 import java.sql.Types;
-// NOTE: TempInformationSchemaColumnsTest and DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest
+// NOTE: TestInformationSchemaColumns and DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest
 // have identical sections.  (Cross-maintain them for now; factor out later.)
 // TODO:  Review nullability (NULLABLE and IS_NULLABLE columns):
@@ -208,7 +208,9 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertTrue( );
     assertTrue( "Error setting schema for test: " + util.getString( 2 ), util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
-    // TODO(DRILL-2470): re-enable TINYINT, SMALLINT, and REAL.
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Adjust when TINYINT is implemented:
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Adjust when SMALLINT is implemented:
+    // TODO(DRILL-2683): Adjust when REAL is implemented:
     util = stmt.executeQuery(
@@ -265,13 +267,14 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     mdrOptBOOLEAN        = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptBOOLEAN" );
-    // TODO(DRILL-2470): re-enable TINYINT, SMALLINT, and REAL.
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Uncomment when TINYINT is implemented:
     //mdrReqTINYINT        = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrReqTINYINT" );
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Uncomment when SMALLINT is implemented:
     //mdrOptSMALLINT       = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptSMALLINT" );
     mdrReqINTEGER        = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrReqINTEGER" );
     mdrOptBIGINT         = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptBIGINT" );
-    // TODO(DRILL-2470): re-enable TINYINT, SMALLINT, and REAL.
+    // TODO(DRILL-2683): Uncomment when REAL is implemented:
     //mdrOptREAL           = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptREAL" );
     mdrOptFLOAT          = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptFLOAT" );
     mdrReqDOUBLE         = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrReqDOUBLE" );
@@ -437,7 +440,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TABLE_CATALOG_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 1 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 1 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -472,7 +476,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   // Not bothering with other _local_view_ test columns for TABLE_SCHEM.
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_TABLE_SCHEMA_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "TABLE_SCHEMA" ), equalTo( "hive_test.default" ) );
@@ -486,7 +490,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TABLE_SCHEMA_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 2 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 2 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -527,7 +532,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TABLE_NAME_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 3 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 3 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -562,7 +568,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   // Not bothering with other _local_view_ test columns for TABLE_SCHEM.
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_NAME_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "COLUMN_NAME" ), equalTo( "listtype" ) );
@@ -576,7 +582,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_COLUMN_NAME_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 4 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 4 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -608,13 +615,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getInt( "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqTINYINT.getInt( "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptSMALLINT.getInt( "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 3 ) );
@@ -630,7 +637,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBIGINT.getInt( "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 5 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptREAL.getInt( "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
@@ -647,7 +654,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getInt( "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 14 ) );
@@ -693,7 +700,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   // Not bothering with other _local_view_ test columns for COLUMN_DEFAULT.
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_DEFAULT_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "COLUMN_DEFAULT" ), nullValue() );
@@ -707,7 +714,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_COLUMN_DEFAULT_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 6 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 6 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -741,14 +749,14 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
                 mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 mdrReqTINYINT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "NO" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
@@ -767,7 +775,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
                 mdrOptBIGINT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
@@ -859,20 +867,20 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 mdrReqARRAY.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "NO" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 mdrReqMAP.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "NO" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkSTRUCT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
@@ -880,7 +888,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrUnkSTRUCT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "NO" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
@@ -897,7 +905,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 7 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 7 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -929,13 +938,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "BOOLEAN" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqTINYINT.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "TINYINT" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptSMALLINT.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "SMALLINT" ) );
@@ -951,7 +960,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBIGINT.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "BIGINT" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptREAL.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "REAL" ) );
@@ -992,7 +1001,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptVARBINARY_16.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until BINARY is actually BINARY and not VARBINARY (DRILL-xxxx)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3368): unignore when BINARY is implemented enough" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptBINARY_1048576() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptBINARY_1048576.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) ); // ?? current
@@ -1032,25 +1041,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "ARRAY" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqMAP.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "MAP" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkSTRUCT.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "STRUCT" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkUnion.getString( "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( "OTHER" ) );
     fail( "Expected value is not resolved yet." );
@@ -1063,7 +1072,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 8 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 8 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -1095,13 +1105,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1117,7 +1127,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1194,25 +1204,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"), nullValue() );
@@ -1255,19 +1265,19 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptBIGINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1278,7 +1288,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTEGER, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1361,25 +1371,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH"), nullValue() );
@@ -1422,13 +1432,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 8 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 16 ) );
@@ -1444,7 +1454,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 64 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 24 ) );
@@ -1521,25 +1531,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "NUMERIC_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1582,13 +1592,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
@@ -1604,7 +1614,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
@@ -1681,25 +1691,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1742,13 +1752,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
@@ -1764,7 +1774,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1841,25 +1851,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUMERIC_SCALE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "NUMERIC_SCALE" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1902,13 +1912,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1924,7 +1934,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1983,14 +1993,14 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTIME, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until datetime precision is implemented" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3225): unignore when datetime precision is implemented" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptTIME_7() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptTIME_7, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 7 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until datetime precision is implemented" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3225): unignore when datetime precision is implemented" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptTIMESTAMP() throws SQLException {
     // 6 is default datetime precision for TIMESTAMP.
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptTIMESTAMP, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
@@ -2038,7 +2048,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets wrong value (DRILL-3244)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 5 ) );
@@ -2068,7 +2078,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets start unit prec. (DRILL-3244) " )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_H_S3() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
@@ -2107,7 +2117,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3S, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets start unit prec. (DRILL-3244) " )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
@@ -2120,25 +2130,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATETIME_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "DATETIME_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2181,13 +2191,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqTINYINT.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptSMALLINT.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2203,7 +2213,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBIGINT.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptREAL.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2352,25 +2362,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqMAP.getString( "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "INTERVAL_TYPE" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2382,7 +2392,8 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_INTERVAL_TYPE_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 15 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 15 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2413,13 +2424,13 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2435,7 +2446,7 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2582,25 +2593,25 @@ public class TestInformationSchemaColumns extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_INTERVAL_PRECISION_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "INTERVAL_PRECISION" ), nullValue() );

[3/3] drill git commit: DRILL-3151: Fix many ResultSetMetaData method return values.

Posted by
DRILL-3151: Fix many ResultSetMetaData method return values.

Added ~unit test for ResultSetMetaData implementation.

Made getObject return classes available to implementation of getColumnClassName:
- Added SqlAccessor.getObjectClass() (to put that metadata right next to code
  to which it corresponds rather than in far-away parallel code).
- Added similar AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor.getObjectClass().
- Changed DrillAccessorList.accessors from Accessor[] to
  AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor[] for better access to JDBC getObject return class.
- Extracted return classes from accessors to pass to updateColumnMetaData.

Reworked some data type mapping and utilities:
- Added Added Types.getSqlTypeName(...).
- Renamed Types.getJdbcType(...) to getJdbcTypeCode(...)
- Replaced Types.isUnSigned with isJdbcSignedType.
- Fixed various bogus RPC-type XXX -> java.sql.Types.SMALLINT mappings.
- Removed DrillColumnMetaDataList.getJdbcTypeName.
- Moved getAvaticaType up (for bottom-up order).
- Revised DrillColumnMetaDataList.getAvaticaType(...).

- Updated updateColumnMetaData(...) to change many calculations of metadata
  input to ColumnMetaData construction.  [DrillColumnMetaDataList]

Updated other metadata tests per changes.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 80835082414d274fda8bf0c66fd01386180fdde5
Parents: 9932246
Author: dbarclay <>
Authored: Fri Jun 19 19:05:39 2015 -0700
Committer: Mehant Baid <>
Committed: Thu Jul 30 18:46:02 2015 -0700

 .../org/apache/drill/common/types/    |  163 ++-
 .../main/codegen/templates/    |   29 +
 .../vector/accessor/  |    5 +
 .../exec/vector/accessor/   |    6 +
 .../drill/exec/vector/accessor/ |    8 +
 .../jdbc/impl/      |    7 +
 .../drill/jdbc/impl/      |    8 +-
 .../jdbc/impl/      |  185 ++-
 .../org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ |   38 +-
 .../jdbc/impl/    |    5 +
 .../jdbc/    |  323 +++--
 .../drill/jdbc/ |   20 +-
 .../jdbc/ |   71 +-
 .../drill/jdbc/       | 1107 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../impl/     |    5 +
 .../jdbc/test/ |  203 ++--
 16 files changed, 1745 insertions(+), 438 deletions(-)
diff --git a/common/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/common/types/ b/common/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/common/types/
index df484b7..69b1b4c 100644
--- a/common/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/common/types/
+++ b/common/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/common/types/
@@ -82,9 +82,85 @@ public class Types {
+   * Gets SQL data type name for given Drill RPC-/protobuf-level data type.
+   * @return
+   *   canonical keyword sequence for SQL data type (leading keywords in
+   *   corresponding {@code <data type>}; what
+   *   {@code INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TYPE_NAME} would list)
+   */
+  public static String getSqlTypeName(final MajorType type) {
+    if (type.getMode() == DataMode.REPEATED) {
+      return "ARRAY";
+    }
+    switch (type.getMinorType()) {
+      // Standard SQL atomic data types:
+      case BIT:             return "BOOLEAN";
+      case SMALLINT:        return "SMALLINT";
+      case INT:             return "INTEGER";
+      case BIGINT:          return "BIGINT";
+      case FLOAT4:          return "FLOAT";
+      case FLOAT8:          return "DOUBLE";
+      case DECIMAL9:
+      case DECIMAL18:
+      case DECIMAL28DENSE:
+      case DECIMAL28SPARSE:
+      case DECIMAL38DENSE:
+      case DECIMAL38SPARSE: return "DECIMAL";
+      case VARCHAR:         return "CHARACTER VARYING";
+      case FIXEDCHAR:       return "CHARACTER";
+      case VAR16CHAR:       return "NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING";
+      case FIXED16CHAR:     return "NATIONAL CHARACTER";
+      case VARBINARY:       return "BINARY VARYING";
+      case FIXEDBINARY:     return "BINARY";
+      case DATE:            return "DATE";
+      case TIME:            return "TIME";
+      case TIMETZ:          return "TIME WITH TIME ZONE";
+      case TIMESTAMP:       return "TIMESTAMP";
+      case INTERVALYEAR:
+      case INTERVALDAY:     return "INTERVAL";
+      // Non-standard SQL atomic data types:
+      case INTERVAL:        return "INTERVAL";
+      case MONEY:           return "DECIMAL";
+      case TINYINT:         return "TINYINT";
+      // Composite types and other types that are not atomic types (SQL standard
+      // or not) except ARRAY types (handled above):
+      case MAP:             return "MAP";
+      case LATE:            return "ANY";
+      case NULL:            return "NULL";
+      // Internal types not actually used at level of SQL types(?):
+      case UINT1:          return "TINYINT";
+      case UINT2:          return "SMALLINT";
+      case UINT4:          return "INTEGER";
+      case UINT8:          return "BIGINT";
+      default:
+        throw new AssertionError(
+            "Unexpected/unhandled MinorType value " + type.getMinorType() );
+    }
+  }
+  /***
    * Gets JDBC type code for given Drill RPC-/protobuf-level type.
-  public static int getJdbcType(final MajorType type) {
+  public static int getJdbcTypeCode(final MajorType type) {
     if (type.getMode() == DataMode.REPEATED) {
       return java.sql.Types.ARRAY;
@@ -120,10 +196,13 @@ public class Types {
     case MONEY:
       return java.sql.Types.DECIMAL;
     case NULL:
+      return java.sql.Types.NULL;
     case INTERVAL:
     case INTERVALDAY:
+      return java.sql.Types.OTHER;  // JDBC (4.1) has nothing for INTERVAL
     case LATE:
+      return java.sql.Types.OTHER;
     case SMALLINT:
       return java.sql.Types.SMALLINT;
     case TIME:
@@ -132,7 +211,7 @@ public class Types {
     case TIMESTAMP:
       return java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP;
     case TIMETZ:
-      return java.sql.Types.DATE;
+      return java.sql.Types.TIME;
     case TINYINT:
       return java.sql.Types.TINYINT;
     case UINT1:
@@ -154,22 +233,80 @@ public class Types {
       //   is an unexpected, code-out-of-sync-with-itself case, so use an
       //   exception intended for that.
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
-          "Unexpected/unhandled " + type.getMinorType() + " value " + type.getMinorType() );
+          "Unexpected/unhandled MinorType value " + type.getMinorType() );
-  public static boolean isUnSigned(final MajorType type) {
-    switch(type.getMinorType()) {
-    case UINT1:
-    case UINT2:
-    case UINT4:
-    case UINT8:
-      return true;
-    default:
-      return false;
+  /**
+   * Reports whether given RPC-level type is a signed type (per semantics of
+   * {@link ResultSetMetaData#isSigned(int)}).
+   */
+  public static boolean isJdbcSignedType( final MajorType type ) {
+    final boolean isSigned;
+    switch ( type.getMode() ) {
+      case REPEATED:
+        isSigned = false;   // SQL ARRAY
+        break;
+      case REQUIRED:
+      case OPTIONAL:
+        switch ( type.getMinorType() ) {
+          // Verified signed types:
+          case SMALLINT:
+          case INT:             // SQL INTEGER
+          case BIGINT:
+          case FLOAT4:          // SQL REAL / FLOAT(N)
+          case FLOAT8:          // SQL DOUBLE PRECISION / FLOAT(N)
+          case INTERVALYEAR:    // SQL INTERVAL w/YEAR and/or MONTH
+          case INTERVALDAY:     // SQL INTERVAL w/DAY, HOUR, MINUTE and/or SECOND
+          // Not-yet seen/verified signed types:
+          case DECIMAL9:        // SQL DECIMAL (if used)
+          case DECIMAL18:       // SQL DECIMAL (if used)
+          case DECIMAL28SPARSE: // SQL DECIMAL (if used)
+          case DECIMAL38SPARSE: // SQL DECIMAL (if used)
+          case DECIMAL28DENSE:  // SQL DECIMAL (if used)
+          case DECIMAL38DENSE:  // SQL DECIMAL (if used)
+          case TINYINT:         // (not standard SQL)
+          case MONEY:           // (not standard SQL)
+          case INTERVAL:        // unknown (given INTERVALYEAR and INTERVALDAY)
+            isSigned = true;
+            break;
+          // Verified unsigned types:
+          case BIT:            // SQL BOOLEAN
+          case VARCHAR:
+          case FIXEDCHAR:      // SQL CHARACTER
+          case VARBINARY:
+          case FIXEDBINARY:    // SQL BINARY
+          case DATE:
+          case TIME:           // SQL TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE
+          // Not-yet seen/verified unsigned types:
+          case UINT1:
+          case UINT2:
+          case UINT4:
+          case UINT8:
+          case FIXED16CHAR:
+          case VAR16CHAR:
+          case GENERIC_OBJECT:
+          case LATE:
+          case LIST:
+          case MAP:
+          case NULL:
+          case TIMETZ:      // SQL TIME WITH TIME ZONE
+            isSigned = false;
+            break;
+          default:
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+                "Unexpected/unhandled MinorType value " + type.getMinorType() );
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
+            "Unexpected/unhandled DataMode value " + type.getMode() );
+    return isSigned;
   public static boolean usesHolderForGet(final MajorType type) {
     if (type.getMode() == REPEATED) {
       return true;
diff --git a/exec/java-exec/src/main/codegen/templates/ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/codegen/templates/
index c50a3e2..3257499 100644
--- a/exec/java-exec/src/main/codegen/templates/
+++ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/codegen/templates/
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ import java.lang.Override;
 <#list ["", "Nullable"] as mode>
 <#assign name = mode + minor.class?cap_first />
 <#assign javaType = (minor.javaType!type.javaType) />
+<#assign friendlyType = (minor.friendlyType!minor.boxedType!type.boxedType) />
+<#-- Class returned by ResultSet.getObject(...): -->
+<#assign jdbcObjectClass = minor.jdbcObjectClass ! friendlyType />
 <@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/${name}" />
 <#include "/@includes/license.ftl" />
@@ -60,6 +64,11 @@ public class ${name}Accessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
  <#if minor.class != "TimeStamp" && minor.class != "Time" && minor.class != "Date">
+  @Override
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return ${jdbcObjectClass}.class;
+  }
   public Object getObject(int index) {
    <#if mode == "Nullable">
     if (ac.isNull(index)) {
@@ -161,6 +170,11 @@ public class ${name}Accessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
   <#if minor.class == "TimeStampTZ">
+  @Override
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return Timestamp.class;
+  }
   public Object getObject(int index) {
     return getTimestamp(index);
@@ -200,6 +214,11 @@ public class ${name}Accessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
   <#elseif minor.class == "Date">
+  @Override
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return Date.class;
+  }
   public Object getObject(int index) {
    <#if mode == "Nullable">
     if (ac.isNull(index)) {
@@ -223,6 +242,11 @@ public class ${name}Accessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
   <#elseif minor.class == "TimeStamp">
+  @Override
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return Timestamp.class;
+  }
   public Object getObject(int index) {
    <#if mode == "Nullable">
     if (ac.isNull(index)) {
@@ -246,6 +270,11 @@ public class ${name}Accessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
   <#elseif minor.class == "Time">
+  @Override
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return Time.class;
+  }
   public Object getObject(int index) {
     return getTime(index);
diff --git a/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
index 3d3683e..bfef947 100644
--- a/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
+++ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ public class BoundCheckingAccessor implements SqlAccessor {
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return delegate.getObjectClass();
+  }
+  @Override
   public boolean isNull(int rowOffset) {
     return delegate.isNull(rowOffset);
diff --git a/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
index 65c34ad..d8f2995 100644
--- a/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
+++ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor;
 import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos;
 import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector;
 public class GenericAccessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
   private ValueVector v;
@@ -29,6 +30,11 @@ public class GenericAccessor extends AbstractSqlAccessor {
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return Object.class;
+  }
+  @Override
   public boolean isNull(int index) {
     return v.getAccessor().isNull(index);
diff --git a/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
index 19e6fcf..636456d 100644
--- a/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
+++ b/exec/java-exec/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/exec/vector/accessor/
@@ -63,6 +63,14 @@ public interface SqlAccessor {
   MajorType getType();
+   * Reports the class returned by getObject() of this accessor.
+   * <p>
+   *  (Is for {@link ResultSetMetaData#getColumnClassName(...)}.)
+   * </p>
+   */
+  Class<?> getObjectClass();
+  /**
    * Reports whether the logical value is a SQL NULL.
   boolean isNull(int rowOffset);
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
index 64f5b87..7e53a07 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
@@ -78,6 +78,13 @@ class AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor implements Accessor {
+  /**
+   * @see SQLAccesstor#getObjectClass()
+   */
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return underlyingAccessor.getObjectClass();
+  }
   public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException {
     return underlyingAccessor.isNull(getCurrentRecordNumber());
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
index 25ca1ba..9284875 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ import org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.SqlAccessor;
 class DrillAccessorList extends BasicList<Accessor>{
   static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(DrillAccessorList.class);
-  private Accessor[] accessors = new Accessor[0];
+  private AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor[] accessors = new AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor[0];
   // TODO  Rename to lastColumnAccessed and/or document.
   // TODO  Why 1, rather than, say, -1?
   private int lastColumn = 1;
-  void generateAccessors(DrillCursor cursor, RecordBatchLoader currentBatch){
+  void generateAccessors(DrillCursor cursor, RecordBatchLoader currentBatch) {
     int cnt = currentBatch.getSchema().getFieldCount();
-    accessors = new Accessor[cnt];
+    accessors = new AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor[cnt];
     for(int i =0; i < cnt; i++){
       final ValueVector vector = currentBatch.getValueAccessorById(null, i).getValueVector();
       final SqlAccessor acc =
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class DrillAccessorList extends BasicList<Accessor>{
-  public Accessor get(int index) {
+  public AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor get(int index) {
     lastColumn = index;
     return accessors[index];
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
index d43755e..1813cc7 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class DrillColumnMetaDataList extends BasicList<ColumnMetaData>{
   public int size() {
-    return (columns.size());
+    return columns.size();
@@ -49,121 +49,80 @@ public class DrillColumnMetaDataList extends BasicList<ColumnMetaData>{
     return columns.get(index);
-  public void updateColumnMetaData(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, BatchSchema schema){
-    columns = new ArrayList<ColumnMetaData>(schema.getFieldCount());
-    for(int i = 0; i < schema.getFieldCount(); i++){
-      MaterializedField f = schema.getColumn(i);
-      MajorType t = f.getType();
-      ColumnMetaData col = new ColumnMetaData( //
-          i, // ordinal
-          false, // autoIncrement
-          true, // caseSensitive
-          false, // searchable
-          false, // currency
-          f.getDataMode() == DataMode.OPTIONAL ? ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable : ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls, //nullability
-          !Types.isUnSigned(t), // signed
-          10, // display size.
-          f.getAsSchemaPath().getRootSegment().getPath(), // label
-          f.getAsSchemaPath().getRootSegment().getPath(), // columnname
-          schemaName, // schemaname
-          t.hasPrecision() ? t.getPrecision() : 0, // precision
-          t.hasScale() ? t.getScale() : 0, // scale
-          null, // tablename is null so sqlline doesn't try to retrieve primary keys.
-          catalogName, // catalogname
-          getAvaticaType(t),  // sql type
-          true, // readonly
-          false, // writable
-          false, // definitely writable
-          "none" // column class name
-         );
-      columns.add(col);
-    }
+  /**
+   * Gets AvaticaType carrying both JDBC {@code java.sql.Type.*} type code
+   * and SQL type name for given RPC-level type (from batch schema).
+   */
+  private static AvaticaType getAvaticaType( MajorType rpcDateType ) {
+    final String sqlTypeName = Types.getSqlTypeName( rpcDateType );
+    final int jdbcTypeId = Types.getJdbcTypeCode( rpcDateType );
+    return ColumnMetaData.scalar( jdbcTypeId, sqlTypeName,
+                                  Rep.BOOLEAN /* dummy value, unused */ );
-  private static AvaticaType getAvaticaType(MajorType t){
-    final int jdbcTypeId = Types.getJdbcType(t);
-    return ColumnMetaData.scalar(jdbcTypeId, getJdbcTypeName(jdbcTypeId), Rep.BOOLEAN /* dummy value, unused */);
-  }
-  private static String getJdbcTypeName(int type) {
-    switch (type) {
-    case java.sql.Types.BIT:
-        return "BIT";
-    case java.sql.Types.TINYINT:
-        return "TINYINT";
-    case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT:
-        return "SMALLINT";
-    case java.sql.Types.INTEGER:
-        return "INTEGER";
-    case java.sql.Types.BIGINT:
-        return "BIGINT";
-    case java.sql.Types.FLOAT:
-        return "FLOAT";
-    case java.sql.Types.REAL:
-        return "REAL";
-    case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE:
-        return "DOUBLE";
-    case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC:
-        return "NUMERIC";
-    case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL:
-        return "DECIMAL";
-    case java.sql.Types.CHAR:
-        return "CHAR";
-    case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR:
-        return "VARCHAR";
-    case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR:
-        return "LONGVARCHAR";
-    case java.sql.Types.DATE:
-        return "DATE";
-    case java.sql.Types.TIME:
-        return "TIME";
-    case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP:
-        return "TIMESTAMP";
-    case java.sql.Types.BINARY:
-        return "BINARY";
-    case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY:
-        return "VARBINARY";
-    case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY:
-        return "LONGVARBINARY";
-    case java.sql.Types.NULL:
-        return "NULL";
-    case java.sql.Types.OTHER:
-        return "OTHER";
-    case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT:
-        return "JAVA_OBJECT";
-    case java.sql.Types.DISTINCT:
-        return "DISTINCT";
-    case java.sql.Types.STRUCT:
-        return "STRUCT";
-    case java.sql.Types.ARRAY:
-        return "ARRAY";
-    case java.sql.Types.BLOB:
-        return "BLOB";
-    case java.sql.Types.CLOB:
-        return "CLOB";
-    case java.sql.Types.REF:
-        return "REF";
-    case java.sql.Types.DATALINK:
-        return "DATALINK";
-    case java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN:
-        return "BOOLEAN";
-    case java.sql.Types.ROWID:
-        return "ROWID";
-    case java.sql.Types.NCHAR:
-        return "NCHAR";
-    case java.sql.Types.NVARCHAR:
-        return "NVARCHAR";
-    case java.sql.Types.LONGNVARCHAR:
-        return "LONGNVARCHAR";
-    case java.sql.Types.NCLOB:
-        return "NCLOB";
-    case java.sql.Types.SQLXML:
-        return "SQLXML";
-    default:
-        logger.error( "Unexpected java.sql.Types value {}", type );
-        return "unknown java.sql.Types value " + type;
+  public void updateColumnMetaData(String catalogName, String schemaName,
+                                   String tableName, BatchSchema schema,
+                                   List<Class<?>> getObjectClasses ) {
+    final List<ColumnMetaData> newColumns =
+        new ArrayList<ColumnMetaData>(schema.getFieldCount());
+    for (int colOffset = 0; colOffset < schema.getFieldCount(); colOffset++) {
+      final MaterializedField field = schema.getColumn(colOffset);
+      Class<?> objectClass = getObjectClasses.get( colOffset );
+      final String columnName = field.getPath().getRootSegment().getPath();
+      final MajorType rpcDataType = field.getType();
+      final AvaticaType bundledSqlDataType = getAvaticaType(rpcDataType);
+      final String columnClassName = objectClass.getName();
+      final int nullability;
+      switch ( field.getDataMode() ) {
+        case OPTIONAL: nullability = ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable; break;
+        case REQUIRED: nullability = ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls;  break;
+        // Should REPEATED still map to columnNoNulls? or to columnNullable?
+        case REPEATED: nullability = ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls;  break;
+        default:
+          throw new AssertionError( "Unexpected new DataMode value '"
+                                    + field.getDataMode().name() + "'" );
+      }
+      final boolean isSigned = Types.isJdbcSignedType( rpcDataType );
+      // TODO(DRILL-3355):  TODO(DRILL-3356):  When string lengths, precisions,
+      // interval kinds, etc., are available from RPC-level data, implement:
+      // - precision for ResultSetMetadata.getPrecision(...) (like
+      //   getColumns()'s COLUMN_SIZE)
+      // - scale for getScale(...), and
+      // - and displaySize for getColumnDisplaySize(...).
+      final int precision =
+          rpcDataType.hasPrecision() ? rpcDataType.getPrecision() : 0;
+      final int scale = rpcDataType.hasScale() ? rpcDataType.getScale() : 0;
+      final int displaySize = 10;
+      ColumnMetaData col = new ColumnMetaData(
+          colOffset,    // (zero-based ordinal (for Java arrays/lists).)
+          false,        /* autoIncrement */
+          false,        /* caseSensitive */
+          true,         /* searchable */
+          false,        /* currency */
+          nullability,
+          isSigned,
+          displaySize,
+          columnName,   /* label */
+          columnName,   /* columnName */
+          schemaName,
+          precision,
+          scale,
+          tableName,
+          catalogName,
+          bundledSqlDataType,
+          true,         /* readOnly */
+          false,        /* writable */
+          false,        /* definitelyWritable */
+          columnClassName
+         );
+      newColumns.add(col);
+    columns = newColumns;
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
index 5ae7509..07d7066 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 package org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.List;
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import org.apache.drill.exec.exception.SchemaChangeException;
 import org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema;
 import org.apache.drill.exec.record.RecordBatchLoader;
 import org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.QueryDataBatch;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
@@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
 class DrillCursor implements Cursor {
   private static final Logger logger = getLogger( DrillCursor.class );
-  private static final String UNKNOWN = "--UNKNOWN--";
+  /** JDBC-specified string for unknown catalog, schema, and table names. */
+  private static final String UNKNOWN_NAME_STRING = "";
   /** The associated {@link java.sql.ResultSet} implementation. */
   private final DrillResultSetImpl resultSet;
@@ -104,6 +107,10 @@ class DrillCursor implements Cursor {
     return currentRecordNumber;
+  // (Overly restrictive Avatica uses List<Accessor> instead of List<? extends
+  // Accessor>, so accessors/DrillAccessorList can't be of type
+  // List<AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor>, and we have to cast from Accessor to
+  // AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor in updateColumns().)
   public List<Accessor> createAccessors(List<ColumnMetaData> types,
                                         Calendar localCalendar, Factory factory) {
@@ -111,9 +118,31 @@ class DrillCursor implements Cursor {
     return accessors;
+  /**
+   * Updates column accessors and metadata from current record batch.
+   */
   private void updateColumns() {
+    // First update accessors and schema from batch:
     accessors.generateAccessors(this, currentBatchHolder);
-    columnMetaDataList.updateColumnMetaData(UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, schema);
+    // Extract Java types from accessors for metadata's getColumnClassName:
+    final List<Class<?>> getObjectClasses = new ArrayList<>();
+    // (Can't use modern for loop because, for some incompletely clear reason,
+    // DrillAccessorList blocks iterator() (throwing exception).)
+    for ( int ax = 0; ax < accessors.size(); ax++ ) {
+      final AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor accessor =
+          (AvaticaDrillSqlAccessor) accessors.get( ax );
+      getObjectClasses.add( accessor.getObjectClass() );
+    }
+    // Update metadata for result set.
+    columnMetaDataList.updateColumnMetaData(
+        InfoSchemaConstants.IS_CATALOG_NAME,
+        UNKNOWN_NAME_STRING,  // schema name
+        UNKNOWN_NAME_STRING,  // table name
+        schema,
+        getObjectClasses );
     if (getResultSet().changeListener != null) {
@@ -180,8 +209,9 @@ class DrillCursor implements Cursor {
           afterLastRow = true;
           return false;
         } else {
-          // Got next (or first) batch--reset record offset to beginning,
-          // assimilate schema if changed, ... ???
+          // Got next (or first) batch--reset record offset to beginning;
+          // assimilate schema if changed; set up return value for first call
+          // to next().
           currentRecordNumber = 0;
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
index b542f94..2e17e33 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/main/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/impl/
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ class TypeConvertingSqlAccessor implements SqlAccessor {
+  public Class<?> getObjectClass() {
+    return innerAccessor.getObjectClass();
+  }
+  @Override
   public boolean isNull( int rowOffset ) {
     return innerAccessor.isNull( rowOffset );

[2/3] drill git commit: DRILL-3151: Fix many ResultSetMetaData method return values.

Posted by
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
index 15c9d5c..5676dea 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import static java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.columnNullableUnknown;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
 import java.sql.Types;
-// NOTE: TempInformationSchemaColumnsTest and DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest
+// NOTE: TestInformationSchemaColumns and DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest
 // have identical sections.  (Cross-maintain them for now; factor out later.)
 // TODO:  MOVE notes to implementation (have this not (just) in test).
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   /** Overall (connection-level) metadata. */
   private static DatabaseMetaData dbMetadata;
   /** getColumns result metadata.  For checking columns themselves (not cell
    *  values or row order). */
   private static ResultSetMetaData rowsMetadata;
@@ -229,7 +228,9 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertTrue( );
     assertTrue( "Error setting schema for test: " + util.getString( 2 ),
                 util.getBoolean( 1 ) );
-    // TODO(DRILL-2470): re-enable TINYINT, SMALLINT, and REAL.
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Adjust when TINYINT is implemented:
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Adjust when SMALLINT is implemented:
+    // TODO(DRILL-2683): Adjust when REAL is implemented:
     util = stmt.executeQuery(
@@ -286,13 +287,14 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     mdrOptBOOLEAN        = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptBOOLEAN" );
-    // TODO(DRILL-2470): re-enable TINYINT, SMALLINT, and REAL.
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Uncomment when TINYINT is implemented:
     //mdrReqTINYINT        = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrReqTINYINT" );
+    // TODO(DRILL-2470): Uncomment when SMALLINT is implemented:
     //mdrOptSMALLINT       = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptSMALLINT" );
     mdrReqINTEGER        = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrReqINTEGER" );
     mdrOptBIGINT         = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptBIGINT" );
-    // TODO(DRILL-2470): re-enable TINYINT, SMALLINT, and REAL.
+    // TODO(DRILL-2683): Uncomment when REAL is implemented:
     //mdrOptREAL           = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptREAL" );
     mdrOptFLOAT          = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrOptFLOAT" );
     mdrReqDOUBLE         = setUpRow( VIEW_SCHEMA, VIEW_NAME, "mdrReqDOUBLE" );
@@ -399,7 +401,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TABLE_CAT_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 1 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 1 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -407,12 +410,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 1 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_TABLE_CAT_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 1 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
   @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
@@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   // Not bothering with other _local_view_ test columns for TABLE_SCHEM.
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_TABLE_SCHEM_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "TABLE_SCHEM" ),
                 equalTo( "hive_test.default" ) );
@@ -457,7 +460,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TABLE_SCHEM_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 2 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 2 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -465,18 +469,17 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 2 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_TABLE_SCHEM_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 2 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
   @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
   public void test_TABLE_SCHEM_hasRightNullability() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullable, when seemingly known nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 rowsMetadata.isNullable( 2 ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -507,7 +510,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TABLE_NAME_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 3 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 3 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -515,19 +519,17 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 3 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_TABLE_NAME_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 3 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
   @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
   public void test_TABLE_NAME_hasRightNullability() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullable, when seemingly known nullable?
-    // (Why not like TABLE_CAT, which does have columnNoNulls?)
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 rowsMetadata.isNullable( 3 ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -552,7 +554,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   // Not bothering with other _local_view_ test columns for TABLE_SCHEM.
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_NAME_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "COLUMN_NAME" ), equalTo( "listtype" ) );
@@ -566,7 +568,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_COLUMN_NAME_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 4 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 4 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -574,19 +577,17 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 4 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_COLUMN_NAME_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 4 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
   @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
   public void test_COLUMN_NAME_hasRightNullability() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullable, when seemingly known nullable?
-    // (Why not like TABLE_CAT, which does have columnNoNulls?)
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 rowsMetadata.isNullable( 4 ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -608,13 +609,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.BOOLEAN ) );
-  @Ignore( "until tinyint is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.TINYINT ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.SMALLINT ) );
@@ -630,7 +631,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.BIGINT ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.REAL ) );
@@ -707,13 +708,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.ARRAY ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "java.sql.Types.* type code",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.OTHER ) );
@@ -723,13 +724,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.STRUCT ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "java.sql.Types.* type code",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "DATA_TYPE" ), equalTo( Types.OTHER ) );
@@ -753,10 +754,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 5 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_DATA_TYPE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 5 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -785,13 +784,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "BOOLEAN" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqTINYINT.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "TINYINT" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptSMALLINT.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "SMALLINT" ) );
@@ -807,7 +806,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBIGINT.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "BIGINT" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptREAL.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "REAL" ) );
@@ -830,12 +829,14 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrReqVARCHAR_10() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( mdrReqVARCHAR_10.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
+    assertThat( mdrReqVARCHAR_10.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrOptVARCHAR() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( mdrOptVARCHAR.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
+    assertThat( mdrOptVARCHAR.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -845,12 +846,14 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrOptVARBINARY_16() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( mdrOptVARBINARY_16.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
+    assertThat( mdrOptVARBINARY_16.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ),
+                equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_mdrOptBINARY_1048576CHECK() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( mdrOptBINARY_1048576.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
+    assertThat( mdrOptBINARY_1048576.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ),
+                equalTo( "BINARY VARYING" ) );
@@ -886,25 +889,25 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "ARRAY" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqMAP.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "MAP" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkSTRUCT.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "STRUCT" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkUnion.getString( "TYPE_NAME" ), equalTo( "OTHER" ) );
     fail( "Expected value is not resolved yet." );
@@ -917,7 +920,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 6 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 6 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -925,18 +929,17 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 6 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 6 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
   @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
   public void test_TYPE_NAME_hasRightNullability() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullable, when seemingly known nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 rowsMetadata.isNullable( 6 ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -968,14 +971,14 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     // 8 bits
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), equalTo( 8 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     // 16 bits
@@ -994,7 +997,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), equalTo( 64 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     // 24 bits of precision
@@ -1054,7 +1057,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 equalTo( 8  /* HH:MM:SS */  ) );
-  @Ignore( "until datetime precision is implemented" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3225): unignore when datetime precision is implemented" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrOptTIME_7() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptTIME_7, "COLUMN_SIZE" ),
@@ -1110,8 +1113,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 equalTo( 12 ) );  // "P123DT12H12M"
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets start unit prec. (DRILL-3244) " )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5, "COLUMN_SIZE" ),
@@ -1136,7 +1138,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 equalTo( 7 ) );  // "PT1H12M"
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets wrong value (DRILL-3244)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1, "COLUMN_SIZE" ),
@@ -1174,7 +1176,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 equalTo( 13 ) );  // "PT123.123456S"
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets wrong value (DRILL-3244)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1, "COLUMN_SIZE" ),
@@ -1189,25 +1191,25 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "COLUMN_SIZE" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1227,10 +1229,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 7 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_COLUMN_SIZE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 7 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -1281,13 +1281,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 7 ) );
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTIME, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until datetime precision is implemented" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3225): unignore when datetime precision is implemented" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrOptTIME_7() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptTIME_7, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 7 ) );
@@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 getIntOrNull( mdrOptTIME_7, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 0 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until datetime precision is implemented" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3225): unignore when datetime precision is implemented" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrOptTIMESTAMP() throws SQLException {
     // 6 is default datetime precision for TIMESTAMP.
@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3D_Mi, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets wrong value (DRILL-3244)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_2D_S5, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 5 ) );
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_1H_Mi, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets wrong value (DRILL-3244)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3H_S1, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3S, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed:  fractional secs. prec. gets wrong value (DRILL-3244)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3244): unignore when fractional secs. prec. is right" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTERVAL_3S1() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTERVAL_3S, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
@@ -1508,25 +1508,25 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "DECIMAL_DIGITS" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1546,10 +1546,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 9 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_DECIMAL_DIGITS_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 9 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -1581,13 +1579,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
@@ -1603,7 +1601,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
@@ -1680,25 +1678,25 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "NUM_PREC_RADIX" ), nullValue() );
@@ -1718,10 +1716,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 10 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_NUM_PREC_RADIX_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 10 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -1754,15 +1750,14 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known non-nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
@@ -1775,7 +1770,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
                 getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNullable ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
@@ -1784,7 +1779,6 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptFLOAT() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrOptFLOAT, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNullable ) );
@@ -1797,21 +1791,18 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqINTEGER() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known non-nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTEGER, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqDECIMAL_5_3() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known non-nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqDECIMAL_5_3, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqVARCHAR_10() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known non-nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqVARCHAR_10, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -1824,7 +1815,6 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqCHAR_5() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known non-nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqCHAR_5, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -1843,7 +1833,6 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqDATE() throws SQLException {
-    // To-do:  CHECK:  Why columnNullableUnknown, when seemingly known non-nullable?
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrReqDATE, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
@@ -1879,7 +1868,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -1889,7 +1878,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNoNulls ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -1898,8 +1887,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNullableUnknown ) );
-  @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNullable ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -1908,8 +1897,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNullableUnknown ) );
-  @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( "ResultSetMetaData.column...Null... nullability code:",
                 getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "NULLABLE" ), equalTo( columnNullable ) );
@@ -1936,10 +1925,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 11 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_NULLABLE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 11 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -1974,7 +1961,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_REMARKS_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 12 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 12 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -1982,12 +1970,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 12 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_REMARKS_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 12 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
@@ -2022,7 +2010,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_COLUMN_DEF_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 13 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 13 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2030,12 +2019,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 13 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_COLUMN_DEF_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 13 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
@@ -2046,7 +2035,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  // #14: SQL_DATA_??TYPE:
+  // #14: SQL_DATA_TYPE:
   // - JDBC:  "14. ... int => unused"
   // - Drill:
   // - (Meta): INTEGER(?);
@@ -2075,10 +2064,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 14 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_SQL_DATA_TYPE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 14 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -2114,10 +2101,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 15 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_SQL_DATETIME_SUB_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 15 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -2141,13 +2126,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2158,7 +2143,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqINTEGER, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_mdrOptBIGINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2241,25 +2226,25 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqMAP, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkSTRUCT, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrUnkUnion, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH" ), nullValue() );
@@ -2279,10 +2264,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 16 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 16 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -2310,13 +2293,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBOOLEAN, "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqTINYINT, "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptSMALLINT, "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 3 ) );
@@ -2332,7 +2315,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptBIGINT, "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 5 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrOptREAL, "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 6 ) );
@@ -2349,7 +2332,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+    @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( getIntOrNull( mdrReqARRAY, "ORDINAL_POSITION" ), equalTo( 14 ) );
@@ -2369,10 +2352,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 17 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_ORDINAL_POSITION_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 17 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -2403,13 +2384,13 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrReqTINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqTINYINT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "NO" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until SMALLINT is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptSMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptSMALLINT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
@@ -2425,7 +2406,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( mdrOptBIGINT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented. (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_mdrOptREAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrOptREAL.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
@@ -2502,7 +2483,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tdbARRAY() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqARRAY.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -2512,7 +2493,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdMAP() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrReqMAP.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -2522,7 +2503,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdSTRUCT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkSTRUCT.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -2532,7 +2513,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until we have test plugin supporting all needed types (DRILL-3253)." )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3253): unignore when we have all-types test storage plugin" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightValue_tbdUnion() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( mdrUnkUnion.getString( "IS_NULLABLE" ), equalTo( "YES" ) );
     // To-do:  Determine which.
@@ -2548,7 +2529,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 18 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 18 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2556,12 +2538,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 18 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_IS_NULLABLE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 18 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
   @Ignore( "until resolved:  any requirement on nullability (DRILL-2420?)" )
@@ -2597,7 +2579,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_SCOPE_CATALOG_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 19 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 19 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2605,12 +2588,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 19 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_SCOPE_CATALOG_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 19 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
@@ -2645,7 +2628,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_SCOPE_SCHEMA_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 20 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 20 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2653,12 +2637,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 20 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_SCOPE_SCHEMA_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 20 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
@@ -2693,7 +2677,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_SCOPE_TABLE_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 21 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 21 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2701,12 +2686,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 21 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_SCOPE_TABLE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 21 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
@@ -2753,10 +2738,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 22 ), equalTo( Types.INTEGER ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_SOURCE_DATA_TYPE_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.Integer" is correct:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 22 ),
                 equalTo( Integer.class.getName() ) );
@@ -2784,7 +2767,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_IS_AUTOINCREMENT_hasRightValue_mdrOptBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Can is be 'NO' (not auto-increment) rather than '' (unknown)?
+    // TODO:  Can it be 'NO' (not auto-increment) rather than '' (unknown)?
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "IS_AUTOINCREMENT" ), equalTo( "" ) );
@@ -2797,7 +2780,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_IS_AUTOINCREMENT_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 23 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 23 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2805,12 +2789,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 23 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_IS_AUTOINCREMENT_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 23 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
@@ -2836,7 +2820,7 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN_hasRightValue_mdrOptBOOLEAN() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Can is be 'NO' (not auto-increment) rather than '' (unknown)?
+    // TODO:  Can it be 'NO' (not auto-increment) rather than '' (unknown)?
     assertThat( mdrOptBOOLEAN.getString( "IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN" ), equalTo( "" ) );
@@ -2849,7 +2833,8 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN_hasRightTypeString() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 24 ), equalTo( "VARCHAR" ) );
+    assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnTypeName( 24 ),
+                equalTo( "CHARACTER VARYING" ) );
@@ -2857,12 +2842,12 @@ public class DatabaseMetaDataGetColumnsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnType( 24 ), equalTo( Types.VARCHAR ) );
-  @Ignore( "until fixed (\"none\" -> right class name) (DRILL-2137)" )
   public void test_IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN_hasRightClass() throws SQLException {
-    // TODO:  Confirm that this "java.lang.String" is correct:
+    // TODO(DRILL-3347):  Resolve which type(s) to test for:
     assertThat( rowsMetadata.getColumnClassName( 24 ),
-                equalTo( String.class.getName() ) );
+                anyOf( equalTo( String.class.getName() ),
+                       equalTo( ) ) );
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
index a4571c7..9e332a5 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.apache.drill.jdbc;
 import net.hydromatic.avatica.ColumnMetaData;
 import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
+import org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.DataMode;
 import org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema;
 import org.apache.drill.exec.record.MaterializedField;
 import org.apache.drill.jdbc.impl.DrillColumnMetaDataList;
@@ -30,7 +31,9 @@ import org.mockito.Mockito;
 import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
 import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
 import static org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MajorType;
 import static org.apache.drill.common.types.TypeProtos.MinorType;
@@ -67,13 +70,15 @@ public class DrillColumnMetaDataListTest {
     // Create mock columns
     final MaterializedField exampleIntField = mock(MaterializedField.class);
     MajorType exampleIntType = MajorType.newBuilder().setMinorType(MinorType.INT).build();
-    when(exampleIntField.getAsSchemaPath()).thenReturn(SchemaPath.getSimplePath("/path/to/testInt"));
+    when(exampleIntField.getPath()).thenReturn(SchemaPath.getSimplePath("/path/to/testInt"));
+    when(exampleIntField.getDataMode()).thenReturn(DataMode.OPTIONAL);
     final MaterializedField exampleStringField = mock(MaterializedField.class);
     MajorType exampleStringType = MajorType.newBuilder().setMinorType(MinorType.VARCHAR).build();
-    when(exampleStringField.getAsSchemaPath()).thenReturn(SchemaPath.getSimplePath("/path/to/testString"));
+    when(exampleStringField.getPath()).thenReturn(SchemaPath.getSimplePath("/path/to/testString"));
+    when(exampleStringField.getDataMode()).thenReturn(DataMode.REQUIRED);
     oneElementList = new DrillColumnMetaDataList();
     BatchSchema oneElementSchema = mock(BatchSchema.class);
@@ -91,7 +96,10 @@ public class DrillColumnMetaDataListTest {
-    oneElementList.updateColumnMetaData("testCatalog", "testSchema", "testTable", oneElementSchema);
+    List<Class<?>> oneClassList = new ArrayList<>();
+    oneClassList.add(Integer.class);
+    oneElementList.updateColumnMetaData("testCatalog", "testSchema", "testTable",
+                                        oneElementSchema, oneClassList);
     twoElementList = new DrillColumnMetaDataList();
     BatchSchema twoElementSchema = mock(BatchSchema.class);
@@ -111,7 +119,11 @@ public class DrillColumnMetaDataListTest {
-    twoElementList.updateColumnMetaData("testCatalog", "testSchema", "testTable", twoElementSchema);
+    List<Class<?>> twoClassList = new ArrayList<>();
+    twoClassList.add(Integer.class);
+    twoClassList.add(String.class);
+    twoElementList.updateColumnMetaData("testCatalog", "testSchema", "testTable",
+                                        twoElementSchema, twoClassList);
diff --git a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
index 1c528f9..0451c35 100644
--- a/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
+++ b/exec/jdbc/src/test/java/org/apache/drill/jdbc/
@@ -78,12 +78,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
         +   "SELECT  "
         + "\n"
         + "\n  TRUE                             AS  C_BOOLEAN_TRUE, "
-        // Disabled until TINYINT/SMALLINT are implemented (DRILL-2470):
+        // TODO(DRILL-2470): Uncomment when TINYINT is implemented:
         //+ "\n  CAST(  1 AS TINYINT            ) AS  C_TINYINT_1, "
+        // TODO(DRILL-2470): Uncomment when SMALLINT is implemented:
         //+ "\n  CAST(  2 AS SMALLINT           ) AS  C_SMALLINT_2, "
         + "\n  CAST(  3 AS INTEGER            ) AS  C_INTEGER_3, "
         + "\n  CAST(  4 AS BIGINT             ) AS  C_BIGINT_4, "
-        // Disabled until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683):
+        // TODO(DRILL-2683): Uncomment when REAL is implemented:
         //+ "\n  CAST(  5.5 AS REAL             ) AS `C_REAL_5.5`, "
         + "\n  CAST(  6.6 AS DOUBLE PRECISION ) AS `C_DOUBLE_PREC._6.6`, "
         + "\n  CAST(  7.7 AS FLOAT            ) AS `C_FLOAT_7.7`, "
@@ -114,13 +115,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   //   - ROWID;
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getByte_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getByte( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( (byte) 1 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getByte_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getByte( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( (byte) 2 ) );
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getByte( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( (byte) 4 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getByte_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getByte( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (byte) 5 ) );
@@ -165,13 +166,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getShort_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getShort( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( (short) 1 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getShort_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getShort( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( (short) 2 ) );
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getShort( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( (short) 4 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getShort_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getShort( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (short) 5 ) );
@@ -217,13 +218,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getInt_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getInt( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( 1 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getInt_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getInt( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( 2 ) );
@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getInt( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( 4 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getInt_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getInt( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( 5 ) );
@@ -268,13 +269,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getLong_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getLong( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( 1L ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getLong_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getLong( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( 2L ) );
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getLong( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( 4L ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getLong_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getLong( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( 5L ) );
@@ -319,13 +320,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getFloat_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( 1f ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getFloat_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( 2f ) );
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( 4f ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getFloat_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( 5.5f ) );
@@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_getFloat_handles_DECIMAL() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ), equalTo( 10.10f ) ); //?????
+    assertThat( testDataRow.getFloat( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ), equalTo( 10.10f ) );
@@ -369,13 +370,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getDouble_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( 1D ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getDouble_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( 2D ) );
@@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( 4D ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getDouble_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (double) 5.5f ) );
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   public void test_getDouble_handles_DECIMAL() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ), equalTo( 10.10d ) ); //???
+    assertThat( testDataRow.getDouble( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ), equalTo( 10.10d ) );
@@ -419,13 +420,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getBigDecimal_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( 1 ) ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getBigDecimal_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( 2 ) ) );
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( 4 ) ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getBigDecimal_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( 5.5f ) ) );
@@ -462,10 +463,10 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_DECIMAL_10.5" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( "10.5") ) );
-  @Ignore( "until DECIMAL is supported (no longer maps to double) (DRILL-????)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
   public void test_getBigDecimal_handles_DECIMAL_2() throws SQLException {
-    assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( "10.10") ) );  //??????resolve
+    assertThat( testDataRow.getBigDecimal( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ), equalTo( new BigDecimal( "10.10") ) );
@@ -487,13 +488,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   //   - DATALINK;
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getString_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getString( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( "1" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getString_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getString( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( "2" ) );
@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getString( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( "4" ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getString_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getString( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( "5.5????" ) );
@@ -646,13 +647,13 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
   //   - JAVA_OBJECT;
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when TINYINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getObject_handles_TINYINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_TINYINT_1" ), equalTo( (Object) 1 ) );
-  @Ignore( "until TINYINT/SMALLINT implemented (DRILL-2470)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2470): unignore when SMALLINT is implemented" )
   public void test_getObject_handles_SMALLINT() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_SMALLINT_2" ), equalTo( (Object) 2 ) );
@@ -668,7 +669,7 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_BIGINT_4" ), equalTo( (Object) 4L ) );
-  @Ignore( "until REAL is implemented (DRILL-2683)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-2683): unignore when REAL is implemented" )
   public void test_getObject_handles_REAL() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_REAL_5.5" ), equalTo( (Object) 5.5f ) );
@@ -684,14 +685,14 @@ public class ResultSetGetMethodConversionsTest extends JdbcTestBase {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_FLOAT_7.7" ), equalTo( (Object) 7.7f ) );
-  @Ignore( "until DECIMAL is supported (no longer maps to double) (DRILL-????)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
   public void test_getObject_handles_DECIMAL_1() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_DECIMAL_10.5" ),
                 equalTo( (Object) new BigDecimal( "10.5" ) ) );
-  @Ignore( "until DECIMAL is supported (no longer maps to double) (DRILL-????)" )
+  @Ignore( "TODO(DRILL-3367): unignore when DECIMAL is no longer DOUBLE" )
   public void test_getObject_handles_DECIMAL_2() throws SQLException {
     assertThat( testDataRow.getObject( "C_DECIMAL_10.10" ),