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Posted to by Danushka Menikkumbura <> on 2008/05/12 16:19:32 UTC

Partychat #qpiddocumentation chat log - 12/05/2008

[] i'd like to start out by asking (1) how long 
should this meeting be, and (2) any changes to the

[] for (1) - should we go until 10 if there 
continues to be business and put off anything else until

next week?
[] any opinions?
["Martin"] time boxing is good
["Martin"] If it is important to discuss then we should fight for it to 
be at the top of the agenda
[] any objections to setting a limit of 1 hour 
on this meeting?
[] i agree with that

i agree too

[] ok, any objections?
[] +1


["Suran"] agreed.
[] Decision: go 1 hour, then end
[] Changes to the agenda? waits about 30 seconds

I dont think so

[] ok, no changes to the agenda
[] Let's go to action item review
[] A-001-1. Martin & Senaka to rough out a plan 
for java broker docs
[] anything happen on this front?
["Martin"] Senaka and I haven't yet discussed the issue.
["Martin"] I've had to much to do locally

And Senaka is not in

[] A-001-2. Jonathan to push on donating Red Hat 
[] i've got people working on this, it's not 
closed yet (to my knowledge)
[] basically the red hat folks and the apache 
folks need to discuss this and make sure there are no

[] so both action items remain open
[] A-001-3. Danushka & Jonathan & Senaka to 
review existing tutorial documentation
[] i got feedback from danushka, i'm working it 
in. until we donate, i'm the only person who can

check in.
[] A-001-4. Aidan & Rajith & Danushka to scope 
out Forrest conversion and do a prototype of a few

[] Aidan - anything happening on this front?
["aidan"] Danushka's had a look at it, but that's about it AFAIK
["aidan"] I've been totally swamped this week

yeah thats all

[] ok, me too, actually
[] A-001-5. Senaka & Jonathan & Suran to write 
Readme for doc generation

i could generate site using forrest

[] that's moot until we are doing doc generation
[] danushka - you can do that working from 
docbook instances, i assume

but we need a work plan
like start from where

[] well, some of the docs are yet to be donated

Aidan has done a decent amount of work

[] red hat is considering donating the install 
guides and management guides along with the tutorial,

hasn't happened yet
[] so i think we start with what we already have
[] and the action item is to do a few pages, 
including html and docbook xml, i'd guess
[] letting us know what the issues are

jonathan: you had a look at what we have already?

["aidan"] I think the first step is to get a sample site up somewhere, 
then work on the look and feel so we can happily

convert it
["aidan"] s/convert/convert to/
"aidan" meant I think the first step is to get a sample site up 
somewhere, then work on the look and feel so we can happily

convert to it agrees with aidan
["aidan"] i haven't had the to put it up on, I can't 
ssh from work and my non-office Qpid time is extremely

limited at the moment
[] aidan - what needs to happen to get a sample 
site up? how much content do you need for that?
["aidan"] very little actually needs doing, forrest site && scp -r 
should do it
["aidan"] the content is mostly taken from a confluence export from a 
while ago, along with a sitemap.xml that describes the

[] k - what's a realistic time frame for this?
["aidan"] it would be good to re-export confluence and update the navigation

and we are not going to bother about graphics for the time being?

["aidan"] I can probably get some time to do it on Wednesday or 
Thursday, I have to get M2.1 released tonight and I have an

essay due for class that I need to work on.
[] aidan - ok, is next monday a reasonable ETA?
[] this is for the first prototype
["aidan"] danushka: we need to get the look up to an acceptable 
standard, i have the artistic abilities of a comatose mouse

though, so somebody else needs to do that ;)
["aidan"] jonathan: that should be fine
[] aidan - are you sure comatose mice aren't 

we need something running by the next meeting

[] ok, let's get time frames for the rest of the 
action items
[] A-001-1. Martin & Senaka to rough out a plan 
for java broker docs
[] martin - is this reasonable for next monday? 
just the plan, not the finished docs?
[] A-001-2. Jonathan to push on donating Red Hat 
["Martin"] Jonathan: I'm sure I can send a suggetion or two out for 
co-ordination with Senaka.
[] i will push for monday, this does depend on 
both red hat and apache, so it's hard to be sure. i'm

pushing also for other docs to be donated
[] thanks, martin
[] A-001-3. Danushka & Jonathan & Danushka to 
review existing tutorial documentation
[] this is sort of done, but i'm rewriting 
everything so we will need another review
[] i'm going to leave it open and ask for a new 
review when the new docs are ready. they should be

ready monday (but i don't have an action item for the new docs ;-> )
[] i can do that.
[] A-001-5. Senaka & Jonathan & Suran to write 
Readme for doc generation
[] i think this has to be done after we know how 
to do the doc generation
[] yes.
[] So i think i have time frames i can put on 
the action items for the minutes and the next agenda
[] move on to status report?
[] 2. Status Report

jonathan: one second

[] 2.1 Java Broker Docs: Martin & Senaka
2.2 Tutorial: Jonathan & Danushka & Suran
2.3 Forrest Conversion: Aidan & Rajith & Danushka
2.4 Readmes: Senaka & Jonathan & Suran holds one second

we have not set time frames for doc generation

[] danushka - no, only for the first prototype
[] i would expect to set times for doc 
generation after the first prototype, when we have a little

more experience


[] and also perhaps after the remaining docs are 
available in docbook format
[] anything else before moving on to 2. Status?

no good to go

[] k, back to status
[] 2. Status Report

2.1 Java Broker Docs: Martin & Senaka
2.2 Tutorial: Jonathan & Danushka & Suran
2.3 Forrest Conversion: Aidan & Rajith & Danushka
2.4 Readmes: Senaka & Jonathan & Suran
[] anythng new on the java broker? i think 
martin implied no
["Martin"] Will make sure we get something done for next week
[] great - thanks!
[] on the tutorial: i'm rewriting for 0-10, i 
rewrote all the python examples, mick is helping with

new "running the examples" sections
[] ETA this week, hoping to be able to donate 
them monday if The Powers That Be cooperate
[] we/ve done 2.3. Forrest Conversion already
[] 2.4 Readmes - i would like to discuss with 
Senaka and Suran before giving times on this, i expect

we will start next week for the new examples when they are stable
[] Anything else to report/discuss on status?
[] going once ....

jonathan: in 2.2

partychat: listens to danushka

i can help you with any C++ related stuff
samples, etc

[] great! for this coming week i'd like to stick 
with documenting the existing examples, should we

add an action item for brainstorming new examples?

yeah that would be better

[] there are two things i'd like to maintain in 
any examples:
[] 1. using the same framework for each example 
within a given language so it's easy to compare
[] 2. implementing all examples interoperably 
across all langauges
[] so any time we do a new example in c++, that 
implies someone needs to do it for python and java.

that someone might be me ;->
[] who else works in python/java?
[] (who has time to work on examples)
[] ok, i'm not hearing any offers right away
[] Anything else we need to discuss on status?

and we need to decide on what other sample that we are gonna have

[] yup

other than what we have at the moment

[] i suggest we put that on the agenda for 
future meetings, and discuss in email

or else we can have a wiki

["Suran"] I can put in some work on the java samples.
[] thanks, suran
[] danushka - i'd suggest we stick with docbook 
+ email + writing the examples, and not try to do a

wiki too

nope i mean just as a scratch pad
until we are done with examples

[] Danushka - let's take that to email (it's not 
on the agenda, we can put it on a future agenda)


[] last item that is on the agenda is martin's email
 > For future sessions I think these are areas where we are a little weak
 > just now, in no particular order.
 > . Configuration Documentation (SSL, broker config, client system 
 > . User Guides (Message Store, Management Console)
 > . Interoperability Documentation (Qpid | RabbitMQ | OpenMQ)
 > . Functional Documentation. (ACLs, Plug-ins, Authentication)
 > . JIRA Process Guide
[] here are some ways we can deal with this

Mostly documentation

[] yes, this is only about documentation, i think

except for the last one?
we are going to have a doc for that as well?

[] i suspect he means documenting how to enter 
JIRAs for the project
[] is that right, martin?
[] JIRA process we need to discuss on the list
[] when to raise, when to progress through states
[] what constitutes resolving vs. closing
[] how things get scoped for releases
[] all of this needs to be agreed and then documented
[] rob - i agree, we can write a document that 
reflects any such decisions, but the list needs to

make these decisions.
[] agreeing needs to happen first, however :-)
[] quite
[] documenting is the easy part ;->
[] if i understand correctly, martin, the 
following may be addressed by red hat contributions
[] . Configuration Documentation (SSL, broker 
config, client system properties)
. User Guides (Message Store, Management Console)
[] though the message store .... hmmm, is that 
part of qpid per se now? i thought the storage options

were based on modules not in qpid
[] at red hat, for instance, we have a bdb store 
that is not in qpid, and i think licensing issues

were part of that?
[] For the Java Broker there is an Apache 
licensed message store also
[] rob, martin, am i getting that right?
Martin catches up after boss was asking questions
[] and there is no reason why someone might not 
provide an Apache licensed store for the C++ broker
[] in fact I rather hope they will some day
[] but until they do, we don't have anything to 
document, do we?
[] For the Java we do
[] ah! i didn't know that. then there is 
something to be done there.
[] martin & senaka are doing the java broker 
docs. can this be folded into that?
[] I also think that we should probably talk to 
those people who maintain the java Broker BDB store

and tell them to write some documents too ;-)
["Martin"] Jonathan: the user guide for the Message Store is for the 
message store tool for the java broker. It is

independent of any store implementation
[] Martin - there's documentation like that for 
the c++ broker too, it says how to invoke a store

[] rob - who maintains the java broker bdb store?
["Martin"] The java message store tool allows you to use to use the java 
broker configuration and inspect the configured

message store
["Martin"] Currently we do :) looks at martin expectantly
["Martin"] I haven't seen anyone outside of qpid-dev committing to the 
JBoss repository. joined the chat
[] hi senaka is now known as senaka
["Martin"] the mstool is a separate app that no-one really knows about 
as I haven't documented it.
["senaka"] hi jonathan
["Martin"] It is of course most useful with a persistent store as the in 
memory store will always be empty on start up.
[] martin - ok, so that's something you can do? 
document it?
["Martin"] yes and yes.. unfortunately.
[] ok, i have no idea what this means
[] . Interoperability Documentation (Qpid | 
RabbitMQ | OpenMQ)
["Martin"] jonathan: yes I can do it, yes document it. unfortunately , 
as that means I'll get an action item to do it.
[] martin: yup, you got an action item ;->
["Martin"] Ah .. thought you didn't follow that one but it is the next 
line you don't follow

when it comes to C++ docs under "Loading extra modules" i can see

["Martin"] I think we should have documentation about our own 
interoperability such as SASL


nothing else on BDB

["Martin"] Danushka: the BDB is for java and has docs here :
["senaka"] martin: there is a bdb for C++ as well?
["Martin"] no
["senaka"] is not Java for sure
["senaka"] or is it?
["Martin"] No. I don't recall a BDB store for C++ but I could be wrong. 
looks to c++ peeps
["Martin"] The java is 100% java
[] martin - red hat has a bdb store for c++
[] it's not part of qpid
["senaka"] danushka: here we go
[] here we go?
["Martin"] Cool .. thought the persistent store was a RH store not bdb 
or is there two ?
[] we use berkeley db in our persistent store
["senaka"] jonathan: explained the situation to danushka
["senaka"] :)
[] martin - i lost partychat briefly, did you 
respoind on the interop docs?
["Martin"] I think we should have documentation about our own 
interoperability such as SASL

["Martin"] But also we should be nice and try and docuement how to use 
qpid with other AMQP products .. much like RabbitMQ

have a page on interop with Qpid.
["senaka"] martin: +1
[] martin - is this something you would sign up for?
["Martin"] Potentially, but I have quite a lot on just now.


[] is there anyone who has time to do this?

but this is a must have

["Martin"] I have place olders on confluence just now but can flesh them 
out for peeps to pop in the the testing results etc.
[] danushka - did i just hear you volunteer?
["senaka"] martin: btw, the Java broker docs are more or less similar to 
the qpidd docs... I've just started working on

["Martin"] Excellent.

jonathan: +1

[] i'll put danushka down for the interop docs
[] ok, it's 10
[] so we're done
["senaka"] I can give a hand on that too until i start on other areas
[] anything else that MUST be discussed? i'm 
assuming we meet next week at the same time
[] senaka - you got it!

jonathan:btw we are supposed to have a FAQ?

["senaka"] jonathan: did we start 1/2 earlier than the planned time?

it was there in the initial plan i guess

[] danushka - i'll add the question to the 
agenda for next week
["senaka"] 1/2 hr I mean
[] senaka - no, but sri lanka's time zones are 
30 minutes off of EST
[] senaka - it is now 10.03 a.m.
[] (EST, i mean)
["senaka"] so you mean you started one hour ago?
[] senaka - yes

senaka: yeah

["senaka"] oh!
["Martin"] Can we work in UTC?
["senaka"] +1

senaka: i told you

["senaka"] danushka: I was thinking that folks turn up early rather
["senaka"] UTC is a lot better
[] DECISION: jonathan to use UTC for time 
[] OK, we're done? waits 30 seconds for objections pounds the gavel and declares that court is no 
longer in session
[] thanks, y'all, same time next week. well, the 
UTC equivalent of the same time ...
["senaka"] yes please
["Suran"] Have a nice day all.
["senaka"] I was assuming that we are starting now :(
["senaka"] 1 hr later than the time

senaka : ;)

[] y'all should move to north carolina, it would 
simplify this time zone issue

senaka : i will send you the history

["senaka"] great
[] can someone post the chat log to qpid-dev?
["senaka"] that's better
[] senaka - we gave you all the action items

jonathan: will do

["senaka"] do I have any?
["senaka"] ok I will read it
[] just the ones you had